The work of an assistant surveyor at a construction site. Surveyor's assistant job at a construction site Surveyor's assistant required

“Assistant surveyor required” - such announcements can be found in the media of large cities almost daily. What is this profession and why is it so in demand? Will each person be able or his assistant?

What does a surveyor's assistant do?

Vacancies (Moscow and others “suffer” especially from this) usually do not explain what exactly the duties of an assistant surveyor are. Because this specialty requires compulsory education, and regardless of the specifics of the organization, workers perform approximately the same activity. A surveyor, as the dictionary explains, is a person who determines the coordinates of points located on the surface of the earth. Such a vague definition is probably outdated. Surveyor and assistant surveyor today are most often involved in topographic support construction works. They make all the necessary measurements, draw up tables and graphs, make geodetic surveys and other procedures that determine the correct location of buildings on the ground, compliance with their parameters and compliance with building requirements legalized by the widest range of regulatory publications (GOSTs, instructions, SNiPs).

The assistant surveyor must be able to:

  • Create a layout basis for subsequent construction.
  • Carry out demolition work during the construction process.
  • Conduct geodetic monitoring of facilities under construction, the correctness of their binding to the terrain.
  • Perform facade surveys of buildings.
  • Perform some other types of geodetic work.

Job Requirements

Naturally, the assistant surveyor will not be able to fulfill these duties if he does not have at least a secondary technical education and if he does not know everyone normative documents. It must be remembered that the profession is in demand not only in construction. Therefore, the specialty "assistant geodesist" can be mastered not only in the construction school (technical school). Cartographic, meteorological, polytechnical institutions also produce such workers. A surveyor's assistant may be engaged in mapping for the navigator, mapping newly discovered deposits, monitoring and drawing maps of geographically hazardous objects, such as landslides. In any case, he must know:

  • All special devices and rules for their operation.
  • Geodetic works required for a specific project.
  • Rules for the production of all necessary work.

In addition to highly specialized knowledge, the assistant surveyor must know the basic provisions of labor legislation, and when carrying out work. He must comply with fire regulations, make correct calculations. Depending on the type of production in which this specialist is employed, he may need knowledge related to the construction of pits or the construction of monolithic structures, rules for working in mountainous conditions, etc.

What else?

The assistant surveyor must be able to communicate with people, be able to explain to them where the mistake was made, be able to insist on its correction. And he simply must have very good health: he has to work time spend outdoors. Work on a construction site, in the field or in mountainous areas requires physical endurance and the same preparation.

Hi friends, colleagues in the shop!

Today I will tell you who the assistant surveyor is and what he does. What are his main responsibilities? Assistant Surveyor, Veschenik or Technician Surveyor - necessary, but very rare profession not requiring special skills. In my opinion, the most valuable thing in an assistant is a good eye and intelligence.

Yes, sometimes you need to think with your head. There are different situations and the assistant must understand what and why he is doing, i.e. understand technological process. The easiest way to learn the profession of a surveyor at a construction site is to get a job as an assistant. But this is not so easy to do. This is a rather rare position and it happens only at large construction sites.

When I was hired as a surveyor at the beginning of my career, I was 28 years old. It was 2008. We had a lead surveyor on staff, two general surveyors and one assistant. We were then building an eight-section 23-storey house on Selezneva Street on the shore of the Karasun reservoir in Krasnodar. We did then 1-2 markings a day. Two teams of monolithic workers worked. It was a Petersburg company. But it was a bloated state, since the work was originally set up there. From my own experience, I can say that now I could lead this entire facility alone. And there would still be time to go to work. And all why? Because it was convenient for our leading surveyor to work this way. He was not from Krasnodar, on weekends he always rested at home and did not particularly strain himself, going out to the markings only when it was necessary to mark out two sections of the house at once. Weekends were spent mainly by myself and the assistant. Veshechnik was generally one for two, or rather for three. But still I am very grateful to him, because he taught me how to work on an electronic total station. Thank you Igor Germanovich Volkov, if suddenly you are reading this article.

Although who knows how my fate would have developed if I had not got a job then?? Who knows. But this profession attracted me with its mystery for quite a long time. Back in 2002, after university, I worked as a foreman at one of the sites. There I also saw how a surveyor with a theodolite was doing his work. Then I did not understand anything at all how he took out the axis of the building. And even now I don't know how he did it. Perhaps he drove the move and took out the intersections of the axes in terms of angle and distance ?? And then he took out the callouts. I do not know, because then I did not understand this topic at all. Or maybe he had a total station?? But like a theodolite as far as I remember. In general, then it was not clear to me, but it was very interesting how he did it. And so when I saw an ad that required a surveyor's assistant, I thought, I'll go to work, and then maybe I'll become a surveyor. But fate was kind to me and I was immediately hired as a surveyor. Here is such a story.

The main duties of the assistant: to carry the instrument or tripod. Since we also hammered dowels, we had to carry a bag with them and a hammer. Well main duty correctly hold and move the geodetic pole.

A good assistant surveyor has a full eye. It distinguishes 5 mm from a centimeter and can move the pole by eye with an accuracy of 5 mm or 1 cm, depending on the distance. I also sometimes performed this function and I even liked it. I tried to move the milestone as accurately as possible and I was very pleased when I accurately moved the desired distance. I treated it like a game. Of course, marking the outline of the slab at the edge of the formwork is a dubious pleasure. In addition, sometimes you have to dodge so as not to close the milestone lens. And if the milestone is also large, then you can’t sit down here, but you need to stand at full height. And the chance of falling increases. Luckily we only used the mini milestone.

Now I work alone. Clever Uzbeks act as an assistant for a while. As a rule, I work with the same person. And there are no problems with it. The only problem is its absence, and then you have to conduct a brief briefing and restrain your nerves when, due to a bad eye, you have to endure one point in 5-10 minutes. It also annoys me when I say move 1 cm, and the assistant moves 2. Then I tell him 1 back and he again moves 2 and we drive back and forth. Sometimes I go up to the especially gifted and move it myself, and he only holds the milestone as an exhibit. Very often, Uzbeks do not distinguish 2 from 20. They are similar in sound and begin with “two”, “two” tsat. And they often do not understand, and two move to a team of twenty. The same is true with eleven. Move one. For them, it is one and the same one and eleven.

Of course, I would not refuse an assistant surveyor. The device is quite heavy. All ammunition weighs about 10 kg. And you have to carry it all. And also climb the floors. With an assistant, productivity and quality of work will increase. But who will pay for it?? We do not have such a position in the state. So you have to work with concrete workers.

Since I sometimes advertise my services to attract new clients, they sometimes call me and ask: do you need an assistant? Perhaps if there were a lot of objects, then in principle it would be possible to take an assistant for yourself, but again, not work in pairs, but use it to replace yourself. But now there are no such volumes, unfortunately. And at our site there is a tendency to reduce volumes, not to increase. Therefore, you should not even promise about an assistant, but you don’t want to pay for his work from your salary.

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