Dynamic utm tags for google adwords. Google Adwords Tracking Template (2018)

This tool allows you to easily add campaign parameters to URLs so you can track Custom Campaigns in Google Analytics.

Enter the website URL and campaign information

Fill out the required fields (marked with *) in the form below, and once complete the full campaign URL will be generated for you. Note: the generated URL is automatically updated as you make changes.

More information and examples for each parameter

The following table gives a detailed explanation and example of each of the campaign parameters. To learn more, check out the links in the section below.

Campaign Source


Use utm_source to identify a search engine, newsletter name, or other source.

Example: google

Campaign Medium


Use utm_medium to identify a medium such as email or cost-per-click.

Example: cpc

Campaign Name


Used for keyword analysis. Use utm_campaign to identify a specific product promotion or strategic campaign.

Example: utm_campaign=spring_sale

Campaign Term

Used for paid search. Use utm_term to note the keywords for this ad.

Example: running+shoes

Campaign content

Used for A/B testing and content-targeted ads. Use utm_content to differentiate ads or links that point to the same URL.

Examples: logo link or text link

Utm tags is a tool that helps to transfer additional parameters about the traffic source to the analytics system.

We already talked about utm tags in the article utm tags for direct , now we will talk about utm tags for google adwords and .

Table of dynamic parameters for Google AdWords

Parameter Description Meaning
(network) Site type: search or context g(google search), s(search partners) or d(KMS)
(placement) Playground, only for KMS Venue address
(adposition) Ad position 1t2(page 1, top, space 2), 1s3(page 1, right, location 3) or none(KMS)
(creative) Unique ad ID 16541940833 (to see the identifier in AdWords, add the corresponding column in the tab)
(matchtype) Keyword match type e(exact match), p(phrasal) or b(wide)
(keyword) Keyword Keyword
(device) Device type m (mobile phone), t(tablet PC) or c(computer, laptop)
(device model) Make and model of device Apple+iPhone
(copy:additional link) Text of additional links or product information. Instead of a word after the colon, you can write any value that you want to display if the condition is met. Additional link
(ifmobile:mobile) Show on mobile device. Instead of a word after the colon, you can write any value that you want to display if the condition is met. For example, typing (ifmobile:1111) will display 1111 in the link. mobile
(ifnotmobile:notmobile) Display is not on a mobile device. Instead of a word after the colon, you can write any value that you want to display if the condition is met. For example, typing (ifnotmobile:2222) will display 2222 in the link. notmobile if the click came from a contextual ad
(random) Random ad number (64-bit number no more than 18446744073709551615) 18446744073709551611
(target) Placement category (for placement targeting only) Placement category (for example, cooking)
(aceid) Identifier of the control or experimental group 1S587
(param1) First configurable parameter The value of the first parameter for the passphrase
(ifsearch:search) Display on search search
(ifcontent:content) Display in the GMS content
(adwords_producttargetid) Target product unique ID (only for product-targeted campaigns) 1bf2351c6473
(adtype) Ad unit type (product-targeted campaigns only) pla(sales ad), pe(extension "additional product information")

Login page by Google ad AdWords will look like this:

http://www.site/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=kampaniya-gruppa&utm_content=soderzanie&network=g&placement=none&position=1t2&adid=16541940833&match=b&keyword= keyword
http://www.site/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=kampaniya-gruppa&utm_content=soderzanie &network=(network)&placement=(placement)&position=(adposition)&adid=(creative)&match=(matchtype)&keyword=(keyword)

Using utm_nooverride

Sometimes there are tasks where it is necessary to ignore the last source of the user's transition to the site.

For example, initially the user entered the site through a search engine, but at one of the stages of placing an order, it is required to confirm the mail. After confirmation, the user is redirected back to the site, where he successfully completes the order.

In this scenario, Google Analytics will count the conversion behind the last source, i.e. the “email” channel, even though search traffic led to the conversion.

To fix such errors, you can use the utm-tag "utm_nooverride", which allows you to ignore the transition initiated by a link with this parameter.

Thus, if the user initially came from the search results, and after confirming the mail, he followed a link that looked like this:


and made a conversion, then the conversion would be credited to the previous source, i.e. the last transition source would be ignored.

Creating tags in market and google merchant uploads for online stores

Don't forget to add utm tags when creating files xml uploads for these services. This will allow you not to lose this information in analytics systems.


  • utm_source - price aggregator
  • utm_campaign - campaign name
  • utm_medium - traffic source (cpc (cost per click) - pay per click)
  • utm_term - keyword

    Using these tags, we send information to Google Analytics about the traffic source (utm_source, utm_medium), product category (utm_campaign), product name (utm_term).

UTM tags in final URLs, customizing the tracking template

Probably the most convenient difference between Yandex direct and google adwords is that in the latter you can prescribe a template for utm tags immediately for your account.

To do this, adwords uses tracking template.

What is a tracking template?

The tracking template is used to insert the necessary data into the dynamic parameters of advertising campaigns.

landing page url: http://mysite-example.com/avto?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=(keyword)

http://mysite-example.com/avto(example) - landing page

utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=(keyword) – tracking parameter

To get the tracking template add { lpurl}

Accordingly, we get a tracking template that looks like this:


(lpurl) this is the parameter that the target page is substituted for.

To do this, go to Shared Libraries -> URL Variants

Adding to a levelcampaigns, this is also the top level

We click on the campaign, go to the Settings tab and at the very bottom "Campaign URL options (advanced)" we can add our parameter

Similarly, we set up at the level of ad groups and keywords.

How to customize UTM and set tracking template in google adwords using editor?

I will describe the simplest method and the one that I myself use all the time - using the AdWords Editor program.

We select the finished file with the points for the Republic of Kazakhstan that we want to download from the exel file. In my case, these are ads for adwords. Notice the column Tracking templates This is our ad-level tracking template.

Thus, it should be noted that UTM tags should be put down in all advertising sources.

Here is an example:(lpurl)?utm_source=google_(ifsearch:search)(ifcontent:context)&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=cid_(campaignid)&utm_target=(target)&utm_group=gid_(adgroupid)&utm_content=aid_(creative)&placement=(placement)&utm_term=( keyword)

For example, at the account level, you need to tag all campaigns the same, but one or two need to be highlighted differently or some other tracking parameter added.

It is also convenient to set up a special parameter through the Adwords Editor at the campaign, ad group, ad itself, and keyword levels.

Let's take the example of setting custom options at the keyword level.
In editor Google Adwords Editor go to the tab keywords - URL variants and enter your special parameters.

You may have your own parameters that you want to add to the special tracking parameters.

How to correctly set UTM tags in the CCM?

For KMS, we do not indicate utm_term and insert a label instead placement=(placement) at the end of the label , since there are no keywords there, but you can make your own parameter and put placement=(placement)

What is the point?

In the GCM, if we place our advertisement (banner) on partner sites, then there are no keywords there, because the advertisement is simply placed on some pages. Therefore we insert (placement) to know where these pages are located.

UTM tags are arbitrary parameters

I would like to remind you once again that the values ​​of these labels can be absolutely anything. It all depends on what is important for you, what you want to analyze. The main thing to understand is that there are only 5 types of them, but you can put any information you need in them.

Hello friends! Evgeny Tridchikov is in touch, and in this video we will talk about the tracking template in Google AdWords, how to apply it, and why it is needed at all.
Too lazy to read? at the end of the article!

Purpose of a tracking template

The tracking template in Google AdWords is used for the following task. As a rule, we have a link to a site (for example, example.com) and we want to land the user on a specific page on the site, but at the same time pass a certain set of parameters along with the link.

Often (in most cases) this is a specific set of UTM tags, but it can also be some special variables that you want to forward along with the link in order to solve some analytical and business problems.

So, unlike Yandex.Direct, where we have to manually set up UTM tags at the key phrase level (that is, at the level of key phrases, each phrase), Google AdWords has a tool called a tracking template.

Thanks to it, we can set a certain formula at different levels in one place, a certain set of rules that allows us to forward a set of necessary parameters along with a link in the declaration.

They can contain both dynamic variables, which the system automatically substitutes depending on the traffic source, and custom ones. They are called custom options. In these special parameters, you can set default values, that is, custom, initially set, which will also be forwarded along with the ad link.

How does the tracking template work?

In short, what does it actually look like? We have an ad link - here it is at the top, and at the bottom we have the same link, but it has some kind of tail. This tail is a set of UTM tags, or a set of these parameters that you want to forward. And in the tracking template using the ValueTrack parameter, we can set this whole thing using one elementary formula.

Macro (lpurl) in tracking template

We write a macro (lpurl), which translates as landing page URL, that is, the "landing" page URL. The landing page URL is where the user lands. In general, what is substituted here in curly brackets is the final URL from the ad.

Thus, we can simply write this formula to the right after (lpurl), place the “tail” that we want to forward, and thus, the tracking template helps us solve this problem in one step.

And what's most interesting, friends - we can do this both at a low level (for example, at the ad level), and at the ad group level, and at the campaign level, and most interestingly, at the account level.

Implementation in Google Adwords

So let's go to your AdWords account. Let me show you how it works with a real example. We go to the campaign, in the settings, deploy additional settings and go to the "Campaign URL Parameters" tab. Please note that here I already have this formula that I told you about.

The simplest option: (lpurl), that is, a parameter that substitutes a link from the ad here, then a question mark is just a link between the ad link and this dynamic part (a set of UTM tags). Well, and then the set of UTM tags itself. There can be any variables here that you want to pass along with the click on the ad.

Setting up a tracking template at the campaign level

Pay attention to the "Check" button. Always use it to make sure the final URL doesn't end up changing, and indeed the landing page exists, otherwise the ads might not pass moderation. If they pass, then it will be even worse, because the user will click, and in the end not get anywhere. In short, here is such a tool for checking whether everything is working properly for you.

As you can see, the tracking template glues the link from the ad with the set of variables that we are forwarding. This is the campaign level. Let's take a look and make sure URL parameters exist at the ad group level as well. Here it is.

At the ad level, you need to go into the editing tools (advanced editing tools), and here below we have exactly the same thing.

At the keyword level, you'll need to add relevant columns. Go to the "Change Columns" tool, then to "Attributes". We add the final URL, for example, and the tracking template. If you use custom parameters, add it as well.

Click "Apply", and here you will have a tracking template that you can set at the keyword level. For example, right here.

Tracking template verification tool

And the most interesting option, friends, is at the account level, that is, maximum automation, let's say so. To do this, you need to go to "All Campaigns" if I'm not mistaken, and then to "Settings". This is the "Account Settings" tab. As you can see, there is also an account-level tracking template tool here.

Custom options in a tracking template

Reasonable question: what are special parameters? What is this little thing, what is this field? Three specific fields that are under the tracking template. Well, friends, according to the help, special parameters are an extended version of ValueTrack parameters (dynamic parameters that can be passed). But unlike ValueTrack, they assume a default value set by the user. Here.

Although in fact we can immediately write and place some dynamic parameter there. Thus, the answer of the support team to this question (Google Analytics technical specialist) is on your screens. I'll put it in the description of the video, you can then throw it into the translator, see what's here, although, in my opinion, it's already clear here how they differ, how they do not differ.

In the help, let me remind you once again that this moment - the difference between special parameters and ValueTrack - is a little blurry. To give you an idea of ​​what I'm talking about, I mean this box that you see on your screens below the tracking template. Here are the user options.

On the example of Yagly

Well, and one more interesting moment in the end, friends. Special parameters are used when working with third-party systems via API.

Special parameters in Google Adwords on the example of integration with Yagla

For example, if you are working with Yagla, then to see how it works, add those attributes that we talked about (namely, the special tracking template parameters that are added here), and note that each keyword has a special parameter, and it is set explicitly, it has a unique value and looks like this.

Thus, Yagla can forward, associate a specific key phrase with a specific substitution, for example, of a title on a page. That's how it works - dynamic substitution. As you can see, in this case, special parameters are used to work with Yagla via the API.


Well, friends, that's all for me. If you liked the video, put your thumbs up, it will be very nice. And besides, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with the "" on Yandex.Direct and Google AdWords.

With the help of these step-by-step videos, you will set up your first advertising campaigns and will never waste your advertising budget. That's all for me, bye bye!

Utm-tag is a part of the URL, which is designed to pass additional information about the traffic source to the analytics system. The tool helps to analyze an advertising campaign by segmenting users by traffic source, keywords, ads, and other parameters.

Let's take a look at how to use this tool, how to properly tag Google Adwords and integrate them between different systems analytics.

What is a utm tag made of?

Labels are made up of variables and _utm values. The value sorts the information passed, and the variable is displayed in the analytics system. Utm, or as they are also called, utm / utm tags, are required and optional. The first type is always used, and the second only when necessary. In the browser line, yutm tags look like this:


Where "example.ru" is the domain name, and the "tail" of the link after the question mark is the utm tag. The label parameters are delimited by the "&" character.

Why put utm tags in Google Adwords

If you don't put utm tags, Google AdWords will use dynamic parameters that are substituted automatically. The disadvantage of auto-tagging is that they only work in Google Analytics. They cannot be fixed using Yandex.Metrica. The situation is similar with Yandex.Direct. If you do not put labels there, Metrica will be able to understand transitions from Direct, but will not be able to from Adwords. Therefore, they need to be placed in both Google Adwords and Yandex.Direct.

utm tag parameters

UTM tags have five parameters. They allow you to fix the source of the transition, keyword, title advertising campaign and the ad that interested the user.

Required parameters:

Optional parameters:

  • utm_content- identifier of the banner or ad that was clicked;
  • utm_term- keyword.

In Adwords, you can add your own parameters to the URL using the ValueTrack function. Each parameter is enclosed in curly braces: (campaignid), (adgroupid), (targetid), (network), (placement) other. When the transition occurs advertisement, a special value is substituted for the parenthesized word. For example, for the parameter (matchtype) character can be substituted e(exact keyword match), p(phrase match) or b(broad match). If the parameter has no value, it is not added to the link.

How to add a UTM tag to Google Adwords

To add utm tags to Google Adwords for all ads in a specific advertising campaign, open the section "General Library" and follow the path "Settings > Edit > URL Options". Here you can set a value for the tracking template, add custom parameters, and change URL options.

The settings can be configured manually or you can specify the following template:


If you want to use utm tags only to transfer statistics to Google Analytics from Adwords, you can use more in a simple way. It is enough to link these two systems in the Google Adwords settings in the Linked Accounts section. The advantages of this integration are the automatic transfer of cost data from Google AdWords and convenient conversion calculation right in the Google Analytics interface.

When using link parameters for advertising on Google partner sites in the GCM, you must use the "placement" tag (determining which site the transition came from) instead of "utm_term", since the last parameter indicates the keyword.

Integration of various analytical systems and automation of contextual advertising

Utm-tags are an effective, but not a self-sufficient tool for monitoring ads. To see the full picture, you need to use analytical systems. The Alytics platform integrates with the CRM system, call tracking, advertising platforms, Google Analytics counter and summarizes statistics on two dozen indicators: sales, goals, traffic, calls, engagement, and others. Information is presented in a convenient form and in one place. The user does not need to monitor statistics on different sites. The data is downloaded and synchronized automatically.

Utm tags in Alytics

In order for Alytics to correctly track statistics for Google AdWords on calls from and it is necessary that all ads, including sitelinks, have utm tags. The service provides two-way integration with Google AdWords and Yandex.Direct. This means that expenses, goals, advertising campaigns are synchronized automatically. If necessary, the service puts down URL parameters on its own every 30 minutes. There is an opportunity to use service and custom labels at the same time.

The system can be tried in test mode. Alytics provides 7 days for call tracking and 14 days for a system of end-to-end analytics and contextual advertising automation for free.

Doing contextual advertising without UTM tags is tantamount to searching in a dark room. Even if you have a lot of requests from advertising, you still need to know in more detail how exactly you were found in order to optimize your work and get even more requests. If advertising does not work well, then it is absolutely necessary to have detailed knowledge. In this article, we'll show you how to tag traffic from Google contextual advertising.

We have already talked about and. In the case of Google AdWords, this process looks a little more complicated, but of course, nothing is unrealistic.

First, let's decide which tags in Google AdWords should be used in general.

  1. utm_source- advertising source; for advertising from Google it is enough to register simply google;
  2. utm_medium- type of advertising, different options are possible: cpc, cpm, banner, email, but we contextual advertising interesting cpc;
  3. utm_campaign– advertising campaign number or its name;
  4. utm_content– this label informs about which advertisement was followed by the transition (you can insert the number of the advertisement here);
  5. utm_term– the key request on which the transition was made.

Adding tags to Google AdWords at the campaign level can be done by going to settings ( Settings - Edit - URL Options).

In the label settings there are dynamic parameters, which will be inserted into the tag automatically, depending on which keyword or campaign the transition was from. Dynamic parameters are displayed in curly braces, and in order for the necessary data to be substituted in them, you need to use tracking template.

It is necessary to enter a value in the corresponding field with all the labels that we need. Given the list of tags we provided above, the tracking template might look like this:


When filling out the tracking template in this way, the keywords, ad, and campaign will be filled in automatically. However, you can write them manually. For example, for RK you can write after " utm_campaign=" name of the campaign in Latin.

If you are working through , then upload the campaign to a csv file and paste the tracking template in the column Tracking templates.

Issuing UTM tags for display networks

For advertising on Google partner sites, it makes no sense to use the tag utm_term, since it denotes a keyword, and when switching from the CCM, they have no meaning. It will be much more useful to determine from which site the transition was made. Therefore, instead of utm_term=(keyword) it makes sense to put a label like this:


Thanks to it, you can find out on which pages ads are placed.

UTM tag generators for Google AdWords

Of course, in addition to manual labeling, there is also an automatic one. Services that create tags include:

  • ppc-help.ru/utm_generator.php
  • tools.yaroshenko.by/utm.php
  • gaurl.ru

However, the use of such services is more suitable only for small campaigns.

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