Labor rationing: accounting for the working time of the main production workers. Classification of labor costs of the performer and use of equipment Classification of labor costs and equipment

Classification of the costs of working time can be carried out in relation to three elements production process: subject of labor, workers and equipment. The basis of these classifications is the allocation of two components; the time of the production process (or the functioning of this element of production) and the time of breaks. Classification in relation to the object of labor is also a classification in relation to the production process, because in this case we are talking about the expenditure of time necessary for the transformation of objects of labor into a product of labor. Based on this classification, the composition of the time spent, included in the norms, is established.

Work time

The time of the technological process - the main (technological time)

Time of breaks during the technological process

Machine (hardware)



Time of scheduled breaks

Time of unscheduled breaks

Auxiliary time

Working time service time

Rest time and personal needs

Time of breaks for organizational and technical reasons

Preparatory and final time

Scheme for classifying the cost of working time in relation to the subject of labor

When calculating labor standards, the time spent is set: preparatory and final, operational, maintenance of the workplace, rest and personal needs, and regulated (normalized) breaks.

Preparatory and final - this is the time spent on preparing for the implementation of this task and the actions associated with its completion: obtaining a tool, fixtures, technological and planning documentation; familiarization with the work, drawings; briefing on the procedure for performing work; installation of devices and tools; adjustment of equipment, removal of fixtures and tools after work; delivery of fixtures, tools, documentation. Its peculiarity is that it is spent once for work (a batch of objects of labor) and does not depend on the amount of work performed on this task.

Operational- this is the time spent on changing the shape, size, properties of objects of labor, as well as on the implementation of auxiliary actions necessary to implement these changes. Operating time costs are repeated with each unit of production or a certain amount of work. It is divided into main and auxiliary.

Main(technological) time is spent on a purposeful change in the object of labor.

During auxiliary time raw materials are loaded, we eat finished products equipment management, changing its operation modes, monitoring the progress of the technological process and product quality.

Workplace service time - this is the time spent by the worker to care for the equipment and maintain the workplace in good condition. It is divided into technical and organizational. Time Maintenance of the workplace is spent on caring for the equipment during the performance of this particular job. For example, the time for replacing worn tools, adjusting equipment, cleaning chips, etc. Organizational maintenance time is spent on caring for the workplace associated with the performance of work throughout the entire shift. This category includes the time spent on laying out at the beginning and cleaning at the end of the working shift of tools, cleaning and lubricating equipment.

Rest time and personal needs installed to maintain normal performance and for personal hygiene. The duration of such breaks depends on the working conditions. The time of regulated (normalized) breaks for organizational and technical reasons is objectively determined by the nature of the interaction between workers and equipment. Eliminating these interruptions is practically impossible or not economically feasible. For example, if one worker serves several machines, then in many cases it is impossible to completely synchronize the time of the worker's action with the machine time. The consequence of this is breaks, which should be included in the time limit.

Time of unscheduled breaks - this is downtime of equipment and workers caused by violations of the established technology and organization of production. These breaks are not included in the time allowance:

When analyzing the time spent by employees, first of all, the time of their employment and the time of breaks are singled out. The worker's busy time includes the time the production task is completed and the time he is busy with other work. The latter includes the time of random work outside the established schedule and the time of unproductive work (correction of defects, search for materials, tools, fixtures, etc.).

The busy time can also be divided into the time of direct work, transitions (for example, in multi-machine work) and active monitoring of the progress of the technological process, which is necessary in order to ensure its normal course. If a worker is busy with active observation, then he should not perform other functions. In addition to active, passive observation is also possible, a cohort is one of the types of breaks in a worker's employment for organizational and technical reasons.

When analyzing the cost of working time, unscheduled breaks are allocated for organizational and technical reasons and through the fault of the employee. The time of unscheduled breaks for organizational and technical reasons includes downtime of equipment and workers due to waiting for workpieces, documentation, tools, etc., as well as excessive break times associated with the non-synchronization of the production process. Break time due to violation labor discipline due to late start and premature completion of work, excess rest time, etc.

For the calculation of labor standards, the division of time costs into overlapped and non-overlapped is essential. Overlapped usually refers to the execution time of those elements labor process which are carried out during the period of automatic operation of the equipment. Non-overlapping - this is the time for performing labor methods (setting the workpiece, quality control, etc.) with the equipment stopped (idle) and the time for machine-manual methods.

As is known, labor is any mental and physical effort made by people in the process of economic activity. The time during which the worker creates material wealth is called working time.

Labor Code Russian Federation(Chapter 15, Article 91) defines the concept of working time as follows:

Work time - the time during which the employee, in accordance with the internal labor regulations and conditions employment contract must perform labor duties, as well as other periods of time that, in accordance with this Code, other federal laws and other regulatory legal acts Russian Federation refer to working time.

The content of working time is distinguished by a wide variety of its constituent elements. For their disclosure is the classification of the cost of working time, which can be carried out in relation to the three elements of the production process: the object of labor, workers and equipment. The basis of these classifications is the allocation of two components of the time of the production process (time of work) and the time of breaks.

Classification of the costs of the contractor's working time shown in Figure 1. Here working time means the period during which the employee prepares for work, its direct implementation and completion. It, in turn, consists of the time of work to fulfill the production task and the time of work not provided for by the production task.

The time spent on the execution of a production task is the time spent on preparing and directly executing the task. It consists of preparatory-final time, operational time and time for servicing the workplace.

Preparatory and closing time - this is the time spent by the employee on preparing for the performance of work and its completion (receiving a task for work and familiarizing with its content, obtaining materials, documentation, tools, handing over finished products, tools, etc.).

The value of the preparatory-final time does not depend on the amount of work to complete the production task, therefore, the larger the volume of the task, the smaller the share of the preparatory-final time falls on the unit of work on this task.

operational time - this is the time during which an employee or a group of employees directly performs a production task. It is divided into main and auxiliary.

The main time is called the time during which the object of labor undergoes quantitative and qualitative changes, as well as a change in position in space. For example, the processing of a part in a machine tool in metal and woodworking, the stitching of product parts in the clothing industry, the time of active monitoring of the hardware process in chemical production, driving a car when transporting goods in road transport.

Auxiliary time is spent by the performer on actions that ensure the performance of the main work (installation in the machine and removal of objects of labor from it in machine tools, taking measurements of the manufactured part, loading devices with raw materials and materials into Food Industry, changing the operating modes of equipment, etc.).

Workplace service time This is the time to take care of the workplace and maintain the equipment in working order. It is subdivided into the time of technical and organizational maintenance.

Maintenance time is related to the maintenance of equipment when performing a specific task on this equipment (replacement of worn parts, adjustment and lubrication of equipment, replacement of cartridges in office equipment, etc.).

Organizational maintenance time is the time to maintain the workplace in working condition (cleaning of industrial waste, moving containers with blanks and finished goods, car washing and cleaning, etc.).

Depending on the nature of the participation of the performer in the performance of production operations, the preparatory and final time is divided into time handmade, the time of machine-manual work and the time of monitoring the operation of the equipment.

Handmade time called work without the use of machines and mechanisms, when only manual non-mechanized tools are used.

Time of machine-manual work (including manual mechanized) is the time during which work is performed by a machine with the direct participation of an employee or by an employee using a manual mechanized tool (electric drill, pneumatic hammer, chainsaw).

Under mechanized and automated production takes up a significant portion of the working time equipment monitoring time . It can be active and passive.

The time of active monitoring of the operation of the equipment is that the employee does not directly perform physical work, but his presence is mandatory at the workplace to monitor the progress of the technological process.

The passive monitoring time is the time during which there is no need for constant monitoring of the operation of the equipment or the technological process, monitoring is carried out periodically. This time can be used to perform other work, allowing periodic monitoring of independent work equipment.

Working hours can be overlapped and non-overlapped. Overlapped time - the time for performing any work during the period of automatic operation of the equipment. For example, the time of an employee's ancillary work and the time of automatic operation of the equipment that the worker is monitoring are performed simultaneously, that is, they overlap.

Non-overlapping time is the time for performing auxiliary work when the equipment is stopped (for example, when loading raw materials into discontinuous devices).

Out-of-job time is time spent doing odd or unproductive work.

odd jobs - these are works caused by production necessity, but not provided for by the production task (for example, correcting defects).

unproductive work is considered to be one that does not increase the volume of products or improve its quality (for example, excessive mileage of a car with a load due to an incorrectly compiled route).

Break times - this is the period during which the employee, while at work, does not work. It forms part of working time and should be distinguished from lunch breaks, which work time does not turn on. The time of breaks in work is divided into the time of regulated breaks and unscheduled breaks.

Time of scheduled breaks involves the time of irremovable breaks established by the technology and organization of the production process, and time for rest and personal needs (for example, industrial gymnastics).

Figure 2 - Scheme of the cost of working time in relation to the subject of labor (production process)

The time of unrecoverable interruptions established by the technology and organization of the production process is determined by the specific conditions for the flow of specific technological processes (for example, for a heated part to cool to a certain temperature).

Breaks for rest and personal needs are provided to employees to restore working capacity during the work shift, for industrial gymnastics, for personal hygiene and their own needs.

Time of unscheduled (removable) breaks It is caused by violations of the normal production process and violations of labor discipline.

The time of breaks caused by violations of labor discipline is the result of being late for work, unauthorized absences from the workplace, premature termination of work, downtime of employees who cannot perform their duties due to the absence of other employees violating labor discipline.

The time of interruptions caused by violations of the normal production process occurs for organizational and technical reasons. This is due to poor organization of labor and production (for example, late filing for workplace raw materials, materials, electricity, untimely maintenance of equipment).

Classification in relation to the subject of labor , which is also a classification in relation to the production process (after all, we are talking about the costs necessary to turn the object of labor into a product of labor) is shown in Figure 2.

It should be noted that the costs of working time are divided into standardized and non-standardized.

TO standardized working hours includes the costs required to complete a given task. They include:
- preparatory and final time;
- operational time;
- time of service of the workplace;
- the time of breaks provided by the technology and organization of the production process;
- time for rest and personal needs.
All these costs are included in the time limit.

TO non-standardized costs of working time include loss of time due to organizational and technical reasons (for example, emergency shutdowns of equipment, eliminateable shortcomings in the organization of work).

In the practice of technical regulation of labor, the time during which a given work is performed is divided into separate elements. For this purpose, a unified classification of working time is used, which serves as the basis for studying and analyzing its structure, determining the duration of the elements of the labor process, identifying reserves for increasing labor productivity, and setting standards. The classification of working time costs is shown in Figure 13. Working time is understood as a part of the calendar time during which the employee, in accordance with the internal regulations of the enterprise, is obliged to be at the workplace and perform labor duties in a quality manner. Its duration rate is a regulated amount of working time that a worker (employee) needs to work out within a certain calendar time (working day, shift, week).

Work time It is subdivided into the time of work - the period during which the employee performs useful labor movements and actions, and the time of breaks when the labor process is not performed. The time of work includes the time spent both on the fulfillment of the production task (its preparation and direct execution), and on work not provided for by the task - the time of random and unproductive work, the implementation of which does not give an increase in production or improve its quality, as in the main technological process, as well as random jobs. The time of work to fulfill the production task, in turn, is divided into preparatory and final, operational and time for servicing the workplace.

Preparatory and closing time is spent by the performer on preparing for the performance of a given work and on actions related to its completion. This, for example, is the time for cleaning and cleaning, control and inspection, fastening, refueling, lubricating and other operations, testing equipment at idle. It is installed, as a rule, for the entire work shift. It does not depend on the amount of work performed on this side.

Operational- this is the time directly spent by the performer to perform the operations for which the workplace is intended. It is divided into the main, spent on quality and quantitative changes the object of labor - its size, properties, composition, quantity, shape or position in space, and auxiliary - to create conditions for the performance of the main work.

Workplace service time- the time for the contractor to maintain the workplace in a state that ensures productive work - includes maintenance time spent, for example, on tool sharpening and its replacement, readjustment, repair, equipment lubrication in the process of work, and organizational maintenance time - to maintain the workplace in cleanliness and order, for the supply of objects of labor and cleaning of finished products during the work shift.

Figure 13 - Classification of working hours

Breaks for rest and personal needs, as well as due to technology and organization of the production process, form the time of regulated breaks, and those caused by a violation of the normal course of the production process and labor discipline - the time of unregulated breaks.

The time of breaks established by the technology and organization of production processes depends on the specific conditions for their implementation, for example, periodic downtime of a car driver during loading and unloading. The time of unregulated (removable) breaks includes breaks caused by a violation of the normal course of the production process and a violation of labor discipline. The former include interruptions in work for organizational and technical reasons, which are the result of poor organization of labor, for example, due to untimely submission of materials to the workplace, due to malfunctions of machinery and equipment, etc.; to the second - breaks due to violation of the rules of the labor process by the workers, being late for work, unauthorized absences from the workplace and premature departure from work, etc.

All types of working hours are divided into standardized and non-standardized. The technical norm includes only the normalized costs of working time and in the amount that allows the most productive performance this work. Regulated breaks are included in the norm in strictly necessary sizes, unregulated - are completely excluded and must be eliminated proper organization labor and strengthening labor discipline.

When analyzing the cost of working time, it is customary to determine the utilization rate of working time - the ratio of shift operating time (actual or standard) to the duration of the work shift (actual or standard). An indicator of the use of working time is also a coefficient determined by the ratio of useful time spent - the amount of preparatory and final, operational, maintenance of the workplace and time for breaks for rest and personal needs - to the normal length of the working day (shift).

The classification of working time costs allows you to spend it system analysis, identify losses and outline measures to improve its use by eliminating organizational and technical problems, improving technological processes and strengthening labor discipline. With the help of indicators (coefficients) of the use of working time, its structure is assessed, and internal reserves for increasing labor productivity are quantitatively disclosed.

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On the discipline "Rationing of the organization of labor"

on the topic "Classification of the cost of working time"


The study of the cost of working time is of great importance, because. Based on the information obtained as a result of it, most of the tasks related to the organization of labor and its regulation are solved. Research is carried out in order to determine the structure of operations, the cost of working time, rationalize methods and methods of work, identify the reasons for non-fulfillment of norms, irrational costs and loss of working time, obtain data on factors affecting the time of performing elements of operations, develop regulatory materials, assess the quality of norms and regulations, as well as for other tasks.

The study of the labor process involves the analysis of all its characteristics that affect labor costs and the efficiency of the use of production resources. The technological parameters of the equipment, its compliance with ergonomic requirements, working conditions, applied technology, organization and maintenance of the workplace, as well as professional qualification, psychophysiological, social characteristics workers and other factors. Methods for obtaining and processing information are selected based on the objectives of the study.

Optimal is the minimum of total costs associated with obtaining the necessary information with its subsequent use. Of greatest importance is the solution of two problems related to the study of labor processes.

The first is related to the determination of the actual time spent on the execution of elements of operations. The second - with the establishment of the structure of time spent during the work shift or part of it. Determination of the duration of the elements of the operation is necessary for the development of time standards, the choice of the most rational methods of work, the analysis of norms and standards.

The structure of working time costs is used in the development of standards for preparatory and final time, workplace maintenance time, assessment of the efficiency of using working time, analysis existing organization labor.

1. Working hours

Working time is the time during which the labor process takes place. Working time can be considered in the context of various calendar periods: a year, a production week, a working day (shift).

The composition of working time in terms of content, duration and order of alternation of elements is different when performing various operations.

For the scientific study of working time, the systematization and classification of its costs are used.

On the industrial enterprises adopted a unified classification of the cost of working time, which meets the goals and objectives of its organization and regulation. The classification of working time elements allows:

* study the use of working time for its intended purpose;

* establish the causes of loss of working time;

* determine the degree of necessity and expediency certain types working hours;

* differentiate the elements of working time that are part of the norms of time.

In the production process, the labor of workers is combined with the operation of equipment, therefore, in the practice of rationing, the costs of working time are classified:

* according to the costs of the contractor's working time (working);

* by time of use of the equipment.

According to the classification according to the costs of the contractor's working time, the worker's working time is the sum of the work time and the break time (Fig. 11).

Hours of work - the period during which the worker performs certain production operations.

It is determined by the time to complete the production task and the time not associated with the execution of the production task.

Rice. 1 Classification of working time costs

1. Time to complete the production task

The lead time for a production order includes:

* preparatory-final time - the time that an employee spends preparing himself and the means of production for the performance of a given job. It does not depend on the amount of work (the size of a batch of products) and is spent on obtaining a production assignment, familiarization with the drawings, preparing devices for performing work, etc.;

* operational time - the time of the production operation, repeated with each unit or a certain volume of production. It is divided into main and auxiliary. The main (technological) time is spent on directly changing the object of labor, performing technological operations and moving the object of labor; auxiliary - for the implementation by the employee of auxiliary methods of labor necessary for the performance of the main work and repeated in the manufacture of each unit of production or a certain number of them;

* workplace maintenance time - the time spent by an employee on caring for the workplace, equipment and maintaining the workplace in a condition that ensures productive work during a shift or other working period. It includes maintenance time and organizational maintenance time. Maintenance time is allotted for caring for the workplace, equipment and tools necessary to perform a specific task (time spent on sharpening and replacing worn tools, adjusting and adjusting equipment during operation, cleaning production waste, cleaning, lubricating equipment, etc.). Organizational maintenance time is spent on maintaining the workplace in working condition during the shift and does not depend on the characteristics of a particular operation (receiving and handing over a shift, laying out and cleaning tools and documentation, moving containers with blanks or finished products within the workplace, etc.).

The busy time can also be divided into the time of direct work, transitions (for example, in multi-machine work) and active monitoring of the progress of the technological process, which is necessary in order to ensure its normal course. If the worker is busy active surveillance, it should not perform other functions. In addition to active observation, passive observation is also possible, which is one of the types of interruptions in the employment of a worker for organizational and technical reasons. Passive watch time may occur during maintenance automatic lines, devices, during multi-machine work. The economic feasibility of passive surveillance is established as a result of calculations of optimal service and population standards. Whenever possible, passive observation time should be used to perform simple functions (tool laying, workplace cleaning, etc.), the performance of which is stopped if the worker needs to intervene in the production process.

For the calculation of labor standards, the division of time costs into overlapped and non-overlapped is essential. Overlapping usually includes the time the worker performs those elements of the labor process that are carried out during the period of automatic operation of the equipment. Non-overlapping is the time for performing labor methods (setting the workpiece, quality control, etc.) with the equipment stopped (idle) and the time for machine-manual methods. In a broader sense, overlapped (combined) should include the time spent on all work that is performed simultaneously (in parallel) with those elements of the operation that determine its duration. It is especially important to consider the overlapped time costs when an operation is performed by several workers.

2. Time to complete a non-production task.

Break times.

The time of work not provided for by the production task is spent on performing random and unproductive work (correcting defects, searching for materials, tools, fixtures, etc.).

Break time - the time during which the employee does not take part in work. It is divided into scheduled breaks and non-scheduled breaks.

The time of regulated breaks in work includes the time of breaks in work due to the technology and organization of the production process, as well as time for rest and personal needs (provided for by the norms in force at the enterprise and the daily routine).

The time of unscheduled breaks is the time of breaks in work caused by a violation of the normal course of the production process (downtime of equipment and workers due to waiting for workpieces, documentation, tools, etc., as well as excess time for breaks due to non-synchronization of the production process), and breaks in work related to violation of labor discipline (late start and premature end of work, excess rest time, etc.).

Main and essential element working time is operational time. By organizing the labor process at each workplace, it is necessary to ensure an increase in the share of operational time in total working time by reducing other elements of time and breaks.

The degree of use of working time during the shift characterizes the coefficient of use of working time, which is defined as the ratio of operational time to the duration of the shift:

where Top - operational time, min;

Tcm - shift duration, min.

The coefficient of use of working time is always less than one, since with the most rational organization of labor, some time is required for preparatory and final work, maintenance of the workplace and regulated (minimum) breaks. The coefficient of use of working time characterizes the time spent on the manufacture of products (performing a production operation), but does not reflect the time of the actual work of the worker.

In addition to this factor, the worker load factor should be calculated:

break labor costs

where Tr is the working time of the worker during the shift, min; Tper - time of breaks during the shift, min.

The worker load factor measures how much of a shift a worker uses to work. If the worker's load factor significantly exceeds the working time utilization rate, this indicates shortcomings in the organization of work.

The main purpose of the classification of working time is the ability to compare and analyze the results of observations of the use of working time in order to identify reserves for growth in labor productivity, determine necessary costs working time on the elements of the labor process and the establishment of labor standards.

When classifying the cost of working time by the time of using the equipment, work time and break time are also distinguished.

This classification allows you to analyze the nature of the use of equipment and identify the degree of its extensive loading (Fig. 12).

Rice. 2 Classification of working hours by time of equipment use

When establishing labor standards and analyzing the costs of working time, the latter are divided into standardized and non-standardized.

Normalized costs of working time are included in the labor rate - this is the preparatory and final time, the time of operational work; workplace maintenance time, scheduled breaks. Irregular labor costs of working time are direct losses of working time and are not included in the norm of time. The total value of standardized costs per unit of output is called piece-calculation time.


At any enterprise, regardless of the form of ownership, the efficiency of the production process is of great importance, i.e. its implementation with the least expenditure of working time and equipment. The main condition for the rationalization of the production process is the systematic study of the costs of working time and the use of observational materials. On their basis, conclusions are drawn about the presence of "bottlenecks" in the enterprise, about the causes and extent of the loss of working time, and they plan measures to improve labor and production.

Improving the labor process involves a rational combination in time of all elements of labor, as well as establishing the relationship of participants in production.

List of used literature

1. Gandina N.M. Economics and labor rationing: Tutorial. I.: Izd-vo IGEA, 1994.

2. Genkin B.M., Petrochenko P.F., Bukhalkov M.I. etc. Under. Ed. B.M. Genkin. Regulation of labor. - M.: Economics, 1985.

3. Nazarov A.Sh. Regulation of labor. - T .: Ukituvchi, 1987.

4. Cold G.N. Regulation of labor in industry. - M.: Economics, 1978.

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1.3 Classification of the costs of working time and time
equipment use

The structure of the cost of working time. Worker Cost Classification
performer time

The content of working time is distinguished by a wide variety of its constituent elements. For their disclosure, the classification of the costs of the contractor's working time and the classification of the costs of working hours of using equipment are used.
The classification of time costs can be carried out in relation to three elements of the production process: the object of labor, workers and equipment.
Figure 34 shows the classification of working time in relation to the object of labor.

Fig.34. Scheme for classifying the cost of working hours in relation to
to the object of labor

In any type of labor, the working time of the performer is divided into work time and break time.
Working hours- this is the period during which the employee prepares for work, its direct implementation and completion. It consists of the time of work to fulfill the production task and the time of work not provided for by the production task.
Working hours for the production task- this is the time spent on the preparation and direct execution of the task, it consists of preparatory and final time, operational time and time for servicing the workplace.
Preparatory and closing time- is the time spent by the employee to prepare for the performance of work and to complete it.
operational time- this is the time during which an employee or a group of employees directly performs a production task. It is divided into main and auxiliary.
Main called the time during which the object of labor undergoes quantitative and qualitative changes, as well as changes in position in space.
Auxiliary time is spent by the performer on activities that ensure the performance of the main work.
Workplace service time- this is the time to care for the workplace and maintain the equipment in working order. It is subdivided into maintenance time and organizational maintenance time.
Depending on the nature of the employee's participation in the performance of production operations, the work time is divided into manual work time, machine-manual work time, and equipment operation time.
Handmade time called work without the use of machines or mechanisms, when only manual non-mechanized tools are used.
Time of machine-manual work- this is the time during which the work is performed by the machine with the direct participation of the worker or by the worker using a hand-held mechanized tool.
Break time- this is the period during which the employee, while at work, does not work. It is divided into scheduled and non-scheduled breaks.
The time of regulated breaks includes time for rest, personal needs, industrial gymnastics, time for breaks established by technology and organization of the production process.
Breaks for rest and personal needs are provided to employees to restore working capacity during the work shift, to conduct industrial gymnastics, as well as for personal hygiene and natural needs.

Classification of the cost of working time using equipment

The use time of the equipment is divided into work time and break time.
Equipment operating time consists of the time of equipment operation for the fulfillment of the production task and the time of equipment operation not provided for by the fulfillment of the production task.
Operating time of the equipment to fulfill the production task called operational time and is divided into main and auxiliary.
The main time is divided into machine-manual time and machine time.
Machine-manual call the time during which the equipment works with the direct participation of the worker.
machine called the time of automatic operation of the equipment, when the functions of the worker are limited only to observation and adjustment.
Auxiliary time is the time not covered by machine time when the equipment is stopped to perform essential work, such as the time to install or remove a part from the machine.
Equipment break time divided into scheduled and non-scheduled breaks.
Time of scheduled breaks subdivided into the time of breaks associated with the preparation of equipment for work and with its organizational and technical maintenance; during breaks provided by the technology and organization of the production process; during breaks for rest and personal needs of the worker.
Time of unscheduled breaks may arise due to a violation of the production process, as well as due to a violation of labor discipline by a worker.

Methods for studying the cost of working time

The main methods for studying the costs of working time are: photography of working time (individual and group, self-photography, method of momentary observations), photography of the time of using equipment, photography of the production process, timing and photo-timing.
An individual photo of working time (FW) is a type of observation in which all, without exception, the cost of the performer's time for a certain time of work is measured. There are two methods of conducting the PDF: direct measurements of time and instantaneous observations. In the first case, the duration of the observed elements of time costs is recorded, in the second, the state of jobs is recorded, and the structure of time costs is established by the number of moments when the corresponding states were noted.
The main stages of working time photography are: preparation, implementation, processing of observation results, their analysis and development of measures to improve the use of working time.
In preparation for the observation, it is necessary to study technological process, the organization of the workplace, the procedure for its maintenance, the distribution and cooperation of labor between groups of workers.
A photograph for the purpose of studying the loss of working time is performed to study the organization of labor for which the standards are calculated.
When processing observational data in watchlist their index is placed against the record of time costs, and by subtracting the previous time from the next, the value of these costs is determined. Based on these data, a summary of the time spent by workers is compiled.
Next, the results of the observations are analyzed. At the same time, irrational costs and loss of working time are determined. Their cause is established. In the process of analysis, the actual costs of preparatory and final time, organizational and maintenance time are compared with the normative ones, which are determined on the basis of designing the most efficient system for servicing workplaces. The necessary time for rest and personal needs are established on the basis of industry standards for these working conditions and the design of a rational mode of work and rest.
After that, the actual and projected balances of the costs of working time are drawn up. On their basis, the shares of operational time, time for maintenance, time of losses for various reasons, etc., in the shift fund of time can be established.
For example, the share of operational time is found by the formula (4):

Cop = Top / Tnable * 100, (4)

where Top is the operational time for the observation period Tobl.
When comparing the standard balance, all losses and waste of working time are excluded by increasing the operating time.
Comparison of the actual and standard time balances allows you to determine the possible increase in labor productivity for each proposal aimed at eliminating losses and unproductive costs of working time (5):

P \u003d ((Topn-Topf) / Topf) * 100, (5)

where Topn, Topf - projected (normative) and actual operational time, min.
Based on formula (5), the values ​​of P can be calculated for each event aimed at reducing the time spent.
Based on a comparison of the actual and projected organization of labor, an action plan is developed to improve the use of working time, indicating the timing of their implementation, the expected effect, the necessary costs, sources of funding and those responsible for implementation.
Group (team) photography of working time is carried out for simultaneous observation of a group of workers.
An example of a team photograph of working time is shown in Table 10.

Table 10

Observation sheet of brigade photo of working time





being late
to work

Mold cleaning


toy soldiers


Conversations with team members


Departure from the workplace for the rods







Waiting for flasks


Lunch break



late start


Leaving the workplace




Leaving the workplace



Leaving work early

A mass photograph of the working time of a large number of workers is carried out by the method of momentary observations. The method consists in the fact that when observing, it is not the time spent that is recorded, but the number of repetitions related to each category of working time costs.
The number of moments to be fixed is determined by formula (6):

M \u003d (a2 * (1-K)) / (K * P2) * 1002, (6)

where K is the share of the studied category of working time costs in the sum of all costs during the observation time; a is a coefficient depending on a given probability; P is the allowable value of the relative error of observations
(3-10 %).
The number of moments (measurements) depending on the coefficient of average workload of workers (equipment) is determined by the formula (7):

M \u003d (2 * (1- K) * 1002) / K * O2, (7)

where K is the workload factor of workers; O - the value of the relative error of the results of observations.
For batch and small batch production (8):

M \u003d (3 * (1- K) * 1002) / K * O2, (8)

Self-photography of the working day is carried out by the workers themselves (Table 4).

Table 11

Self photograph of a working day

Worker: Ivanov I. I. Assembly site

Assembly fitter Work experience: 1 year Worker category: III

Reasons for loss of working time

Loss of working time, min.

No parts to assemble

Crane waiting due to malfunction

Expectation control master to submit work

Total losses

The photograph of the time of use of the equipment is carried out by the same methods as the photograph of the working day of workers.
Timing is a type of observation of cyclically repeating elements of operational work, as well as individual elements of preparatory and final work and maintenance of the workplace.
Its main purpose is to determine the duration of repetitive elements of production operations to develop labor standards and standards, identify and study rational methods and methods of work, verify established standards, and identify the reasons for non-compliance with standards by individual workers.
Preparation for timing usually includes the selection of objects of observation, the division of the operation into elements, the establishment of fixing points, the determination of the number of observations, and the completion of documentation.
The choice of objects of observation is determined by the purpose of timing. If the purpose of timekeeping is to establish or clarify the norm of time, then workers or teams are usually recommended as objects of observation, the results of whose activities are at a level between average performance achieved by all workers and the productivity of advanced workers. It is important to bear in mind that with the usual method of timing, the actually established pace of work in a given area is recorded, which may not correspond to the normal intensity of work for these conditions.
When conducting timing for the development of standards, the objects of observation should be typical performers of this work, who have the necessary psychophysiological characteristics, qualifications and perform operations at the required pace.
Having determined the object of observation, they make up detailed description operations that are entered into a special document-chronomap. On the front side of the chronocard, all data about the operation, equipment, tool, material, worker are recorded, the status of the organization and maintenance of the workplace is indicated.
In preparation for timing, the operation under study is divided into elements: complexes of techniques, techniques, actions, movements. The degree of division of the operation depends mainly on the type of production. The greatest detailing of the elements of the labor process is carried out with the mass production of products.
After dividing the operation into elements, their boundaries are determined, determined by the fixing points.
Fixing points- these are sharply expressed moments of the beginning and end of the elements of the operation. For example, fixing points can be: a hand touching a tool or a workpiece, a characteristic sound at the beginning of the metal cutting process, etc.
With selective timing, for each element of the operation, the initial and final fixing points are set. If timing is carried out according to the current time, then for the first element of the operation, the start and end fix points are set. For the rest of the elements, only end fixing points are defined, they will also be the initial ones for the elements following them.
In preparation for timing, the required number of observations is established. In this case, we are talking about a preliminary assessment. This is due to the fact that the duration of the operation element is a random variable.
The simplest estimate is the stability coefficient (Ku), determined by the ratio of the maximum duration of the observed element of the operation tmax to the minimum tmin (9):

Ku = tmax / tmin, (9)

Approximate values ​​of the standard stability coefficients are recommended by the Research Institute of Labor.
To increase the validity of the timing results, it is advisable to use more accurate statistical estimates (dispersion, mean linear deviation, etc.).
When measuring the duration of the elements of operations, the observer must determine the fixing points and the corresponding points in time, record in the observation list all deviations from the normal mode of operation. The technique for performing chronometric observations essentially depends on the technical means used.
After receiving the required number of measurements, the observation data are processed. For each element of the operation, a series of values ​​of its duration is obtained, that is, a time series. The first stage of its processing is the exclusion of defective measurements, which are identified primarily on the basis of entries in the observation sheet about deviations from the normal mode of operation.
Then the time series is analyzed. Usually, the actual stability coefficients calculated by formula (9) are used for this. Their values ​​are compared with the normative ones.
If the actual stability coefficient is not greater than the normative one, then the time series is considered stable, otherwise it is recommended to exclude the maximum value of the duration of the operation elements, and then recalculate this coefficient.
After eliminating defective measurements, the average duration of each element of the operation is found. Usually this value is defined as the arithmetic average of the values ​​of the time series corresponding to normal operating conditions.
The last stage of timing is the analysis of the results, which includes identifying unnecessary movements and actions, assessing the possibility of their combination and reducing the duration.
According to the results of the analysis, the required time for the operation is finally determined.

Photochronometry is a method of observation in which not only the duration of the execution of individual elements of operational time is studied, but also the preparatory and final time, maintenance of the workplace, breaks in work.