How does a helicopter fly? What allows helicopters to fly? Main rotor

By acquiring more and more fans, today they are becoming not only easier, but also safer. In our top we will consider smallest helicopters in the world.
1 GEN H-4 helicopter (Japan)

Today it is the smallest helicopter in the world, which is even certified by the Guinness Book of Records. GEN H-4, created by the Japanese company of the same name, has blades 4 meters long and weighs only 70 kg. This helicopter does not have a tail. it is equipped with coaxial screws, and this has significantly reduced its size. The carrying capacity of this "baby" is impressive - it is able to fly with a weight of 210 kg (that is, exactly three times its own weight). The helicopter will be sold in disassembled form, as a designer, and, according to the manufacturers' plan, it will be assembled by the owner in 30 hours. The offer is more than interesting, and as for the cost, it will presumably start from 200 thousand US dollars.

2 Helicopter

We put this helicopter in second place. The name already speaks for itself - "Mosquito"! Its development was carried out for almost 10 years, and "Mosquito" combines high reliability and ease of operation with small size and very good maneuverability. Helicopter engine with a capacity of 60 hp. and 5-meter blades easily lift the car and pilot into the air with a total weight of up to 300 kg. At the same time, the machine itself weighs only 115 kg. The cost of this machine and its modifications starts from 40 thousand dollars.

3 Helicopter

For the first time this helicopter took off in 2004, and was originally conceived for extreme fun. But today he is also a patrol, border, postal, and also training, because, as it turned out, he has good flight characteristics and very reliable to use. The weight of the AirScooter II is only 136 kg, the engine capacity is 65 hp, the speed is 90 km/h, the ceiling is 3,000 meters. To date, this device has "scattered" (in every sense) in 23 countries at a price of 50 thousand dollars per unit.

4 Helicopter

This light two-seat helicopter first took to the air in 2004. It is also small and most convenient in operation, has high flight characteristics. Engine 130 hp accelerates the car to 160 km / h to a height of 3.6 km. The screw diameter is 7 meters, the load capacity is 230 kg. Supplied unassembled, assembly takes approximately 250 hours. The cost of the helicopter is 95 thousand euros.

5 Helicopter

The Italians are also trying to keep up in small aircraft. They have already manufactured and sold more than 400 of their CH-7 ultralight helicopters. He began to gain popularity almost immediately from the moment of its production in 1996. The propeller diameter is 5.8 m, weight is 200 kg, maximum speed is 192 km/h. In some modifications, the cost of the device reaches 85-90 thousand euros.

6 Helicopter

A light helicopter of this brand can be safely called the "grandfather" of modern ultralight helicopters. Created back in 1975, it exists in more than 3 thousand copies, operated in 60 countries around the world. The bulk of modern helicopters uses solutions found in R22 in their designs. Today this helicopter costs 258 thousand dollars.

7 Helicopter DF Helicopters DF334 (Italy)

Double ultralight helicopter, also developed quite a long time ago - in the 1980s, during which time it has only confirmed its reliability (that's for sure, "only old people go into battle" ...). Weight - only 290 kg, screw - 6.8 m, speed - 148 km / h, cost - from 120 thousand euros.

8 Helicopter Skyline SL-222 (Ukraine)

Light multi-purpose helicopter, which has been produced since 2011. Just like its "brothers", it can be transported on a conventional trailer, simple and reliable in operation. The weight is 377 kg, the cost is 149 thousand dollars.

9 Helicopter

Since 2003, this particular car has become one of the most popular in its class. With a weight of only 445 kg and a speed of 185 km / h, EXEC rises to 3048 m. The cost is from 280 thousand dollars.

10 Helicopter Berkut-VL (Russia)

Today, the development of this helicopter is in the final testing stage, but has good prospects development. Engine 140 hp lifts 477 kg (helicopter weight) to a height of 4 km and develops a speed of 185 km/h. We are expecting a worthy representative of Russia in the light aviation market soon!
Light aviation can make every person's dream of flying come true. And we see that today there are already helicopters worth the price of a good car. Therefore, it is very likely that more affordable devices will appear soon, and maybe even smaller ones!

MI-1. The first serial helicopter in the USSR.

Is it really interesting? How this amazing (without exaggeration) aircraft not only stays in the air, but also flies beautifully. How beautiful! I have repeatedly witnessed the aerobatics of a serial combat helicopter MI-24 over the airfield of the city of Brzeg in Poland. The helicopter is already a well-deserved veteran, but a formidable combat vehicle, which has proven itself in Afghanistan, flies in such a way that it captures the spirit, and it is impossible to take your eyes off this action.

So what allows her to do this? After all, it seems to be an awkward aircraft compared to an airplane. At the risk of repeating myself once again, I will say that in fact the principle of helicopter flight is quite simple. And we already know something to explain it.

Have you heard the common expression "rotorcraft"? It is correct enough. The aircraft keeps the wing in the air, while in the helicopter these functions are performed by a large-diameter propeller. It is called the main screw. Each rotor blade is, in fact, a wing that has an aerodynamic profile and moves with the rotation of the propeller in the air stream. Here, perhaps, in principle, and all :-). What happens to the wing in this case, we have already figured out and. There is an aerodynamic force applied to each blade and, as their sum, the total force applied to the propeller and through it to the entire helicopter. This force is always perpendicular to the plane of rotation of the screw.

Forces acting on the helicopter.

If it is directed upwards and is greater than the weight of the helicopter, then it rises vertically, if it is equal to the weight, then it hangs in the air. Simple, isn't it? But now you have the right to ask, how does the helicopter move forward? After all, it doesn’t have any horizontal propeller, like, for example, a propeller-driven aircraft, and jet engine too. What creates attraction for him?

As always, everything is elementary :-). This role is played by the same main rotor. If the plane of rotation of the screw is tilted, then the total aerodynamic force will also tilt along with it. And now it can be decomposed into two components: a vertical one, which lifts the helicopter up and keeps it in the air, and a horizontal one, which makes it move forward. Although it is more correct to say not forward, but where it is directed. You can go sideways or backwards, which the helicopter successfully does, by the way.

That, in fact, is all. When asked about it, we answered. Of course, the theory and practice of this issue is much more complicated, but general principle flight is like that.

I will say that in fact the main rotor, together with the massive axle and heavy accompanying mechanisms, does not deviate anywhere. This, to put it mildly, is difficult to implement and technically impractical. Nevertheless, the plane of rotation of the screw tilts. Speaking in helicopter language, a “propeller skew” is created. It is achieved by changing the position of the blades, which are suspended from the axis on special hinges, and this process is controlled by a special device called "". That's it, the helicopter flew ... And exactly where we need to go.

KA-52 Alligator. There is no tail rotor.

We will touch upon all these abstruse concepts in our further conversations in a very popular (and unwise :-)) way, and now I will finally mention one necessary thing. You have probably all seen a small tail rotor on helicopters and asked yourself the question: “What is it for?”. I answer. I think everyone, even ardent non-lovers of physics, have heard about Newton's three laws. And if you haven’t heard, then take my word for it, I know what I’m saying :-). So the third law, in its popular form, is: "For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction." It is according to this expression that the so-called reactive moment arises. That is, if the main rotor of the helicopter rotates, for example, to the right, this moment will tend to turn the body of the helicopter to the left (or vice versa). To eliminate this completely unnecessary trend, there is a tail rotor. It works like a regular puller and, creating a thrust that is inverse to the reactive moment, simply balances it. And if the helicopter needs to turn, then the thrust of this propeller changes by turning its blades.

There are enough helicopters without a tail rotor. These are, for example, the well-known KA-50 and KA-52. But they have, as it were, two rotors on the same axis. And they rotate in different directions, thereby balancing the harmful reactive moment.

All. More than enough has been said already. Now if you are asked, you can easily answer this question. And I advise you to take a closer look at modern types of this aircraft. They have now developed into a certain type, which, in a certain sense, stands apart from traditional aviation and sometimes simply fascinates with its appearance and its capabilities ... Although, however, to be continued ...

P.S. Finally, a small video with the participation of MI-24. Not Russian, unfortunately. This is how people care about technology, especially such a well-deserved one. The second video is Mi-24 aerobatics.

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Reader Recipes 21.06.2017

A few decades ago, it was hard to imagine helicopters or quadcopters flying around the room. Modern models have a built-in gyroscope that does not allow them to roll over. The equipment is able to "fight" with the wind, the blades are made of durable materials, and additional spare parts can be found in the product kit.

Helicopters on the remote control - a miracle of modern technology

For children, radio-controlled helicopters and airplanes are presented in the form of bright, colorful and original models, analogues of which fly all over the world. On the shelves of toy stores you can find designs of different sizes, from tiny to large. With two or four blades on the main rotor.

Flying products are classified according to the following technical parameters:

  • size;
  • engine type;
  • management method;
  • type of screws.

As well as the number of control channels. This is a complex mechanism that is designed for children after 8 years. After all, it is necessary to properly launch the structure in order to avoid its premature failure and upset the child.

Main characteristics of the product

Helicopters on the control panel are divided into several types - room mechanisms, which are small in size and easy to control, will suit even beginners. Mechanisms in a collision do not harm walls and furniture. In calm weather, you can launch helicopters outside.

To get the first skills in managing street structures, you can use computer simulators so as not to break the toy in a few minutes. Depending on the maneuverability of the helicopter, there are several control channels:

  • three channels - rise / descent, forward / backward and turn clockwise / counterclockwise;
  • four channels - additional direction right / left;
  • five channels - for large structures, blade pitch control;
  • six channels - adjust the sensitivity of the gyroscope.

There are also several communication channels. Infrared has a short range, the radio interface is characterized by a significant distance at which the mechanism is able to function.

If we talk about control using gadgets, then Wi-Fi technology is used, which eliminates the risk of interference. Such models are expensive and suitable for children after 12 years.

Additional features

Some models are equipped with additional options. For example, the Silverit design has a built-in camera, more used for taking snapshots rather than piloting for fun.

Children's models may have water tanks or plastic rockets for group combat. More complex designs are completed with virtual simulators for a high-quality launch of the product.

Strobs learn how to control a flying mechanism, you need to master the technique of takeoff and landing, only after that you can proceed to straight flight or other more complex maneuvers.

Child development with remote control toys

RC helicopters and airplanes are not only fun toys. Such models will help the baby when communicating with peers, because such games are designed for collective battles.

Such a thing trains reaction, coordination of movement, muscle skills and speed of thinking. It can become one of the long-lasting fun for children. With proper management, the design can serve for years.

Models on the remote control make the guys think logically, fantasize, think through their actions a few steps ahead. Using the mechanism for launching the technique, the child trains fine motor skills, which is useful for blood circulation and the development of the speech apparatus.

Such toys are beneficial for vision, prevent myopia, control the sharpness and direction of the gaze. Helicopters and planes on the control panel make the children fantasize, imagine themselves as real conquerors of the air.

Buying an aircraft

You can buy a radio-controlled quadrocopter in the online store, where a wide selection of such products is presented. What criteria should be taken into account so that the purchase will meet all the wildest expectations?

  1. The weight of the structure - the smaller, the more difficult it is to control the mechanism on the street, especially in windy weather.
  2. Case material - determines the durability of the device.
  3. The number of control channels is the functionality of the mechanism.
  4. Engine power - the speed of the unit.
  5. Battery capacity - flight duration.
  6. The diameter of the capture zone of the radio-controlled mechanism - determines how far and above the helicopter can fly.

In order for the child to like the purchase, it is important to pay attention to the design of the structure. Most models are made of durable plastic that can survive any fall. It is important not to save on a toy, so as not to upset the baby with a quick breakdown of the product.

It should be borne in mind that the standard flight time is about 10 minutes, and therefore it is necessary to stock up on additional batteries in order to avoid force majeure. For a child, it is best to choose a coaxial control scheme so that the toy does not drift to the side.

Such a gift for a baby will be an indescribable joy that will allow the whole family to spend time outdoors. For teenagers, there is an opportunity to choose more advanced models in order to conquer the expanses of heaven. A radio-controlled helicopter is a kind of simulator that allows you to get acquainted with the control mechanisms from an early age.

Attention! Fans of quadrocopters - an aircraft with four screws on the control panel, will have the opportunity not only to pilot complex structures, but also to create their own unit (Lego construction kits), with improved internal content.

Make your dream come true and make your leisure time not only exciting, but also healthy! Happy shopping!

A helicopter flies because a large main rotor is spinning on top of it. The propeller has blades. They are shaped like airplane wings. And when the blades are spinning fast on the screw, there is a force that lifts this machine into the air.

Different helicopters on the main rotor - otherwise it is called a rotor - can have a different number of blades.

A medium-sized helicopter usually has three blades.

The largest helicopters, which have four blades on the main rotor, can carry many people or large loads at the same time.
They can fly to different directions.
The pilot, controlling the helicopter, can tilt the main rotor to the left. And then his air machine will begin to move towards the left side. And it is worth tilting the main rotor to the right, and the car will move towards the right side.
If you tilt the rotor forward or backward, then the helicopter will move forward or backward - this is such an obedient machine.
Helicopters can even hover in the air. This property is very useful for various things. And it is not available to other winged vehicles.

It is interesting:
At the very top of the helicopter is a large propeller - a rotor. If the rotor is tilted from a horizontal position in one direction or another, which can be done by the pilot using the control levers, then the helicopter will begin to move precisely in the direction of the rotor tilt. Because to lifting force rotating blades, the force of their translational horizontal movement is also added. Each helicopter has an additional small propeller on its tail. It is located vertically and is needed so that the helicopter does not spin during operation of the main rotor.

The control knob determines the cyclic pitch of the main rotor. With its help, the pilot controls the helicopter in roll and pitch. Working with the control stick while hovering is like balancing on the point of a needle. Almost every action requires appropriate correction by other controls. For example, to increase speed, the pilot gives the stick away from him, tilting the car forward. In this case, the vertical component in the propeller thrust vector decreases, and it is necessary to increase the overall pitch (raise the pitch-gas lever) so as not to lose altitude.

1. Control knob. 2. Pitch-gas lever. 3.Pedals. 4. Communication management. 5. Compass.

Step-gas. By raising the pitch-throttle lever, the pilot increases the total pitch (angle of attack of the blades) of the main rotor, thereby increasing thrust. In the event of a sharp increase in pitch, the reactive moment of the propeller changes, and the helicopter tends to change course. To stay on the chosen trajectory, the pilot simultaneously works the step-throttle lever and the pedals.

The pedals determine the pitch of the stabilizing ("tail") propeller. With their help, the pilot controls the course of the machine. The sharp work of the pedals affects the reactive moment of the stabilizing screw and, despite its small mass, has some effect on the pitch. “Experienced coaches sometimes show the cadets a trick by fixing the control stick and “step-gas” and controlling the altitude and speed of flight, only slightly waving their tail,” says Sergey Druy, “this is how rumors about “radio-controlled helicopters” and other magic appear.”

6.Variometer (vertical speed indicator). 7.Aviahorizont. 8. Airspeed indicator. 9. Tachometer (left - engine speed indicator, right - screws). 10.Altimeter. 11. Intake manifold pressure indicator (gives an idea of ​​the engine power reserve at a given load and weather conditions). 12. Signal lamps. 13. Air temperature in the intake tract. 14. Clock. 15. Engine instruments (oil pressure and temperature, fuel level, on-board network voltage). 16. Lighting control. 17. Clutch power switch (transmits torque to the screw after the engine warms up). 18. Main switch. 19. Ignition switch. 20. Cabin heating. 21. Cabin ventilation. 22. Intercom mixer. 23. Radio station.

Distribution of attention

The most important skill in flying a helicopter is right choice direction of view. Cadets are taught to take off and land, looking at the ground at a distance of 5-15 m in front of them. This is simple geometry. If you look further, up to the horizon line, you may not notice significant fluctuations in altitude. Athletes-helicopter pilots look directly "under the edge of the cockpit" and notice millimeter changes in height. If the cadet chooses the same direction of gaze, he will see small fluctuations, but he will not be able to correct them - there will not be enough skills and fine motor skills that come with experience. Therefore, when training, the coach suggests the cadet to start with a look at 15 m, and then gradually reduce this distance.

The “valve” on the central tunnel controls the friction of the control stick. With it, the pilot can increase the resistance on the handle until it is completely fixed. This feature helps in long cross-country flights.

The basic direction of view in flight along the route is “hood-horizon”. If the position of the horizon relative to the hood does not change, then the helicopter is flying at a given height with constant speed. A “dive” would most likely mean an increase in speed and a loss of height, a tilt of the horizon line would mean a change in course. “In good weather, you can fly with a taped dashboard,” says Sergey Druy, “but you won’t fly far with taped cockpit windows.”

Step or gas?

Most modern helicopters have an automatic system that regulates the fuel supply to the engine to keep the main rotor RPM within a narrow operating range. By turning the throttle lever handle, the pilot can independently control the fuel supply. In flight, the pilot can feel how the handle itself turns slightly in the hand - this is the operation of the machine. It happens that beginners in tension squeeze the handle, preventing the machine from working, and a sound signal is heard warning of a drop in speed.


The autorotation mode, in which the propeller with a small angle of attack rotates using the energy of the oncoming air flow, allows, if necessary, to select a landing site and sit down with the engine turned off. To maintain the mode, the pilot looks at the tachometer. If the propeller revolutions fall below the operating range, the overall pitch of the propeller should be gradually reduced. If the RPMs increase, the collective pitch needs to be increased. At the same time, the helicopter remains fully controllable in terms of course, roll and pitch.