Lathe from 5.

Designed for a variety of high precision turning works performed in centers, collet, chuck and faceplate, as well as for cutting metric, inch and modular threads.

It is used at the enterprises of instrument-making, radio engineering, instrumental industry and precision engineering.
Climatic modification - U.4.1.
V automatic line not built in.
Accuracy class P.
Developer - Odessa Special Design Bureau of Special Machine Tools.


1 - lathe (group number according to ENIMS classification)
6 - subgroup number (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) according to ENIMS classification (6 - screw-cutting lathe)
B - machine generation (A, B, C, D, K, L, M)
0 - center height above the bed 135 mm

Letters at the end of the model designation:
Г - machine with a groove in the bed
K - machine with an oper
P - machine accuracy - (n, p, v, a, s) according to GOST 8-82 (P - increased accuracy)
F1 - a machine with a digital display device DRO and a preset of coordinates
F2 - machine with positional numerical control system CNC
F3 - machine with a contour (continuous) CNC system

Kinematic diagram

The kinematic diagram of the machine allows the following operations:

the main movement is the rotation of the spindle;

feed movement - cutter movement;

rotation of the lubrication pump.

The electric motor 1, through the toothed clutch 2, rotates the drive pulley 3 of the variator with a wide V-belt. The belt transfers rotation to the driven pulley 4 of the variator. The change in the speed of rotation of the driven shaft of the variator is carried out by axial movement of the movable disk of the driven pulley. Further, through one of two pairs of gears - 5 and 6 or 7 and 8, rotation is transmitted to the V-belt pulley 9. Switching here is carried out by axial movement of the wheel 5, which engages with the wheel 6 or, as a toothed half-coupling, enters the inner rim of the wheel 7.

From the pulley 9, the V-belts transmit the rotation to the pulley 14 sitting on the sleeve IV. From here, the rotation is imparted to the VI spindle directly, when turned on gear clutch 19, or through a bust, consisting of gears 15, 16, 17 and 18 with a total gear ratio of 1: 8.

The feed movement is carried out directly from the spindle VI or from the sleeve IV. Accordingly, the gear 21 sliding along the shaft VII meshes with either the gear 20 or 15. The last engagement is used for coarse threading when the cycle is on and gives an eightfold increase in the thread pitch.

From shaft VII, rotation is transmitted through the gears of the bit 22, 23, 24 and the gears of the guitar a, b, c, d to the shafts of the feed box. Feed box mechanisms - row displacement mechanism (gear wheels 25, 26, 27, 28), mechanism of the main row of threads and feeds (gear wheels 28, 29, 26, 30, 33, 34, 31, 32), multiplying mechanism (gear wheels 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41) - allow, with the same tuning of the guitar, to get 28 steps of feed (4 steps are repeated) or a number of standard thread steps.

The axial movement of the half-coupling gear 42 turns on the rotation of the travel roller XVI (through the gears 43,44,45 and the coupling 47) or the lead screw 71. The half-coupling, rigidly connected to the sliding block 39-41, is used to directly connect the lead screw with the guitar. This allows you to shorten the kinematic chain when cutting threads and increase the accuracy of the threads being cut. In this case, tuning to the steps of the threads to be cut is made by selecting the wheels of the guitar.

When the mother nut 72 is turned on, the rotation of the lead screw 71 is converted into longitudinal movement of the caliper used for threading.
When turning, the rotation of the travel roller XVI by the floating clutch 48 is transferred to the worm gear 49, 50 and further to the planetary gear 54, 52, 53, 51 and gear 56.
The sun wheel 51 is kept from rotating by a safety clutch 55.

The toothed block 57, 58 is used to switch the longitudinal and transverse feed. In the first case, the gear 58 meshes with the wheel 59, on the same shaft with which the gear 60 sits, rolling on the rack 61; in the second case, the gear 57 is engaged with the wheel 62, which drives the cross feed screw 73 in rotation.

Gears 64 and 65 rotate the reference dial for the longitudinal movement of the caliper.

Gears 10, 11, 12, 13 form a planetary gear through which, when controlling the variator, the spindle speed reference dial is driven into rotation.

Gears 67 and 68 transmit rotation from 1 variator shaft to the vane pump of the lubrication unit.

Bearing arrangement


The machine bed is a rigid casting with transverse U-shaped ribs in the middle part, which are separated by windows for pouring chips. On top of the bed there are two pairs of guides: the extreme (two prisms) - for the support and the middle (prism and plane) - for the tailstock. Under the shelf of the front guide rail 1 of the longitudinal movement of the caliper is fixed.

On the left, on the upper plane of the bed, the headstock is installed, on the right - the tailstock.
On the front wall of the bed, on the left, there is a feed box on the right - block 4 with supports for lead screw 3 and lead roller 2.
There is a window under the headstock in the bed for drive belts from the variator. In the rear wall of the bed there is a window for mounting the oil pipe of the headstock.
The bed is attached to the cabinet with six screws.


The curbstone frame is made of angular steel and sheathed with a thin sheet. The upper part of the pedestal is made in the form of a trough 6. To the left and to the right of it there are machined platforms for installing the bed.

In the left side of the cabinet, at the bottom, there is a variator 1. Next to the variator there are a lubricating unit 2 and a cooling tank 4. The coolant is drained from trough 6 into a cooling tank through a funnel.5, covered with a removable mesh. In the right section of the cabinet there is a cabinet with electrical equipment 3 • The electrical cabinet lead-in and the grounding screw are located on the back of the cabinet, at the bottom.
The openings for access to the units located in the cabinet are closed with quick-release covers with spring latches.

Variable speed drive

The variator consists of the variator itself and a two-stage gearbox (range switching box).

The first (drive) shaft 2 of the variator is driven by a flanged electric motor through a toothed coupling half. The second half of the clutch is made integral with the shaft 2, on which a stationary (in the axial direction) disc 4 and a spring-loaded sliding disc 3 are installed, forming the drive pulley of the variator. From this pulley, rotation is transmitted by a wide V-belt to the shaft 7 through the driven variator pulley, consisting of a stationary disk 5 and a controlled sliding disk 6.

In addition to the driven pulley, on the shaft 7 there are gearwheels 8 and 9. The gearwheel 9 is equipped with an outer and an inner gear rim with a half-coupling. The gear S, moving along the splines along the shaft 7, switches the speed ranges of the output shaft of the variator. On this shaft, the drive pulley of the V-belt transmission is mounted, which connects the variator with the headstock. To tension the transmission, the casing 11 of the gearbox of the variator can be rotated on the glass 10, fixed on the casing 1 of the variator. The rotation of the body 11 is carried out with the help of the coupling nut 21, after which the body is fixed with screws on the glass 10.

The variator and gearbox control mechanism is located on top of the variator housing. The handwheel 12 controls the movement of the sliding disc 6, the handle 16 is used to shift gears in the gearbox. The planetary gear 20-19-18-17 connects the handwheel 12 with the disk 13, on which the ring 14 with the dial 15 is installed. Two scales of the spindle rotation speed are applied on the dial, one - for direct switching on of the spindle, the second - for switching on the spindle through busting.

To count the readings of the scales, there are two pairs of indicator lines, marked on a transparent shield located above the limb. When changing the speeds of the variator, the flap moves together with the handle 16. For counting, use the pair of indicator lines that is currently in the upper position.

Front headstock

The headstock housing contains a spindle, a bust, a drive for threads and feeds with a bit and a control mechanism.
The take-up pulley 8 of the headstock is mounted on the bushing 11, coaxial with the spindle 4. To the left of the pulley there is a clutch 10 for direct spindle engagement, on the right are the gears of the busting 2, 6, 7, 11.
The machine spindle rotates in precision rolling bearings.
A double-row roller bearing and two angular contact ball bearings are installed in the front support of the spindle, and a deep groove ball bearing in the rear.
The rear spindle spindle and the left support of the bushing 11 of the pulley 8 are located in the glass 9. When replacing the drive belts, this glass must be removed.

The lubrication of the headstock mechanisms is centralized, from the lubrication unit.

Rear headstock

The tailstock consists of a base 4 and a body 7, in which the tailstock mechanisms are mounted
The headstock body in the transverse direction can be displaced along the protrusion of the base using adjusting screws 11 and a nut 10. The headstock is fastened to the bed guides with a handle 13 using eccentric clamps 1, 2, 5.
In the bore of the headstock body there is a quill 6 for installing a stop center or other tools
The quill moves when the screw 12 is rotated with a handwheel 9. The amount of movement of the quill 6 is counted on the scale marked on the quill and along the dial 8. The position of the eccentric clamp handle 13 is adjusted on the headstock removed from the guides by turning the nut 3 by one face (until alignment planes of the nut with the groove of the strip 2).


The guitar connects the headstock to the feed box.
The bumper 3 is installed on the output shaft of the headstock. The intermediate axle 2 is fixed in the slope groove. On the output shaft of the headstock, on the intermediate axle and on the receiving shaft of the feed box, replaceable gears from the kit attached to the machine are installed.


The machine feed box in combination with the guitar allows you to set the required gear ratios for cutting threads with different pitches and getting different longitudinal and transverse feeds.
The feed box contains the following mechanisms: main row (gears 3, 4, 1, 2, 5, 8, 6, 7); multiplier (gears 9, 10, 19, 15, 16, 17, 18); row displacement (gears 21, 22, 3, 4); switching the transmission of motion to the travel roller or to the lead screw (half-coupling 14);
direct connection of the lead screw (half couplings 12,14,18,20)] switching (not shown in the figure).
The mechanism of the main row makes it possible to obtain four gear ratios proportional to four pitches of metric or modular threads.
By multiplying these ratios by the multiplier gear ratios (1/4, 1/2, 1, 2) and by the row offset gear ratios (1.1 1/4), you can cut metric and modular threads with constant guitar tuning.
The switching mechanisms are located on the plate under the cover of the feed box. The shift levers are located on the front cover.


In the apron mechanism, the movement from the travel roller is transmitted through the worm gear 21, 20, the planetary gear 19, 18, 17 and a row of gears to the rack gear 15 (with longitudinal feed) or the screw for the transverse movement of the caliper (with transverse feed).
Switching from longitudinal to transverse feed is carried out by axial movement of the block of gear wheels 16. In the middle position of this block, the feed is turned off.
When threading, the feed to the caliper is communicated from the lead screw through the 6-7 uterine nut. The lock built into the apron mechanism excludes the possibility of simultaneous activation of the nut 6 and 7 and the movement of both longitudinal and transverse feed.
To avoid jamming the nut on the lead screw, the approach of nuts 6 and 7 is limited by an adjustable stop 8.
To protect the apron mechanisms from breakage during overload, the lever 2 is used, the roller of which, under the action of the spring-loaded latch 4, keeps the toothed disk 5 from rotation, and with it the sun wheel 19 of the planetary gear.

Manual movement of the support is carried out by rotating the handwheel 11 with the middle position of the block 16 and the extended button 12. The movement is counted along the dial 10.
With mechanical feed, push button 12 should be pushed forward to prevent handwheel 11 from rotating.
Lubrication of the apron mechanisms is carried out using two auxiliary gears 22 immersed in the oil bath of the apron body 1.


Machine support - cross type. The lower slide 1 of the support moves in the longitudinal direction along the bed. Above, on the guides of the lower slide, the cross slide 3 of the support is installed. They are equipped with a rotary slide 9. Along the guides of the rotary slide, the upper carriage 10, which carries the tool holder 6, moves (manually).

The tool holder is four-position, with fixation in four positions.
The rotary slide 9 is installed at the required angle according to the scale marked on the cross slide, the movement of which can be mechanical (from the apron) or manual (from the handle).
During transverse processing, the lower longitudinal slide of the support can be locked with the screw 2. On the screws 5 and 7 of the movement of the upper carriage and the cross slide, there are dials 4 and 8 of the exact reading of the magnitude of the displacements.

Electrical diagram

The voltage is supplied to the machine by turning on the input switch B1.

The start of the electric motor M1 is carried out using the buttons (to the right) and Kn2 (to the left). Using the КНЗ button at points 9-11, the coil of the RZ starter is turned on, which, having triggered, switches to the power supply at points 9-11, and at points 23 25 prepares the triggering circuit of the P5 starter. Using the Kn2 button in

at points 15-19, the P4 starter coil is turned on, which, having triggered, switches to self-supply at points 15-19, and at points 23-25 ​​prepares the P5 starter triggering circuit. Thus, when the rotation of the electric motor M1 is turned on in any direction and the switch B2 is turned on, the starter P5 is activated, switches to self-supply and turns on the electric motor M2 of the cooling pump.
When the Kn1 button is pressed, its closing contact at points 5-7 turns off the RZ and P4 starters, and the Kn1 button's opening contact at points 1-29 turns on the P6 braking starter. The inclusion of the latter is possible only when the starters РЗ and Р4 are turned off, which is controlled by the opening contacts of these starters at points 29-31-33. The switched on starter P6 short-circuits one of the windings of the electric motor M1, while a voltage of 220 V (phase-zero) is supplied to the other two through the Vp rectifier. Induction-dynamic braking of the electric motor M1 of the main movement is carried out.
After stopping the spindle, the Kn1 button should be released, and the electrical circuit returns to its original state.

Protection of electric motors of the main movement and electrococa cooling from short-circuit currents is carried out by an automatic switch.
Protection of control and lighting circuits from short circuits is carried out by fuses
Protection of electric motors from prolonged overloads is carried out by a thermal relay.
The values ​​of the rated currents of circuit breakers, fuses and thermal relays are given in the legend to the circuit diagram.
During installation, the machine must be reliably grounded and connected to a common grounding system. For this purpose, grounding bolts are installed in the control cabinet and on the machine cabinet.

The domestic lathe 16K20 belongs to the category of screw-cutting lathe devices. Its production was launched at the Krasny Proletary plant in 1973. Some of the parts were supplied by the Gomel plant of machine-tool units. The modern analogue of the machine under consideration is the GS526U unit. The main field of application of the device is industrial production, in a private household, it is irrelevant due to the high cost and rather impressive dimensions.

Characteristics of the lathe 16K20

The equipment under consideration is used for thread cutting (metric, modular, pitch, inch configuration) and for carrying out some other turning works. This unit was widely used in the industry of the post-Soviet countries. The model was discontinued in 1989, but on modern market an identical Chinese copy with the same nameplate can be found.

The main parameters of the lathe 16K20:

  • Accuracy class - N.
  • The maximum diameter of the workpiece to be processed is 50 mm.
  • The same turning indicator is 220 mm.
  • The maximum length of the serviced product is 2 meters.
  • Transverse / longitudinal feed limits - 1.4 / 2.8 mm / rev.
  • The power indicator of the main electric motor is 11 kW.
  • Length / width / height of the machine - 2.5 (3.79) / 1.19 / 1.5 m. The length depends on the modification.
  • The weight of the fully equipped equipment is 3.6 tons.

Management and equipment

Lathe 16K20 refers to expensive equipment and requires appropriate maintenance. First, let's take a look at its management. Handwheels and switches are controlled in manual mode... The unit is additionally equipped with a centering tool holder, with which mechanical and manual feed holes are machined. In this case, the tailstock is not used.

By moving the variable carriage slide, the interaction of the axes of the cutting tool and the spindle is carried out. Before starting the processing, it is necessary to push the sighting device into the bracket until it stops. The cross slide handle is used to adjust the position of the torch axis.

Lathes for metal 16K20 are equipped with a hard stop of the micrometric type, which is responsible for longitudinal movement. A top slide and mechanical travel attachment is available on request. In addition, a device for multi-pass threading and finishing of multifaceted parts is provided. This assembly includes a hydrocopier slide, tapered ruler and tool holder.

The monolithic base of the equipment has a box-shaped configuration with hardened grinding rails. The box additionally serves for collecting chips, and is also a container responsible for cooling the working fluid.


In some cases, it may be necessary to repair or replace individual parts of the 16K20 lathe. Most often, repair work is carried out in terms of grinding the bed, replacing bearings or gearboxes. In a similar gear control unit, gears and bearings are most often changed.

Apron repair consists in replacing the mother nut, bearings, grinding the guide rails. When troubleshooting the caliper, change the screws, nuts, wedges, followed by grinding of the guide elements. If it is necessary to restore the working capacity of the tailstock, the quill is usually replaced, the working holes are bored, and the guide parts are scraped. The overhaul also implies the replacement of the electrical filling, a control check of the accuracy and geometry of the unit, and the installation of a cooling system.

Repair of lathes 16K20

The preparatory process includes checking the equipment at idle speed. This makes it possible to detect noise and vibration moments at different spindle positions. At this stage, the prototype can be processed to determine the condition of the supports. Such manipulation is mandatory, as it allows you to detect defects that are practically invisible during operation.

Grinding is the cleaning of all protruding edges and gouges on the surface of the machine frame. The bed is installed on the table, fixing at the inner corners. At this stage, it is necessary to accurately align the parallel position of the assembly in relation to the surface of the workbench. This can be done using a building level. The bed is fixed by means of pads and screws with a deflection of 0.05 mm.

Restoration of guides

Some factories carry out test hardening of the machine by rolling with a roller. In some cases, hardening is additionally used, which increases the resistance of component elements to wear. The repair method is selected based on the degree of hardness of the guide parts and the available repair base.

The most popular ways to repair guides are as follows:

  • Planing.
  • Scraping.
  • Grinding.

Scraping is one of the most time-consuming repairs, even with minimal wear. In most cases, this manipulation is carried out mechanically, which gives a certain economic effect.

Grinding ensures a high level of cleanliness and a precise finish. This method is optimal when working with hardened surfaces. Grinding makes it possible to increase productivity several times compared to the scraping operation. When machining hardened guide elements, additional finishing will be required.

Lathe from 5 is designed for metal processing and is characterized by increased accuracy. This device was developed at a machine-tool plant in Odessa. The design of the mechanisms allows you to work with workpieces of large diameters (up to 25 cm above the bed). Most often, this machine is used in small repair shops, which is dictated by its lightweight design and relatively small dimensions.


The principle of operation of the installation is based on the transfer of energy from an electric motor through a V-belt system and a gear-type clutch to the input shaft of the converter, which changes the number of revolutions due to the movement of the pulley disk. Only passing this unit, the rotation is transmitted to the working units of the machine.

In addition to standard structural elements, the basic structure of the device includes additional devices. On the bed, it is possible to install a special stop for more convenient work with large-sized workpieces and a special clamp for bars. In addition, the machine includes a chuck with three locks for better control over rotating bodies.

Technical indicators

This machine has a relatively small size:

  • height - 1.36 m;
  • length - 1, 51 m;
  • width - 0.72 m;
  • weight - 765 kg.

The design of the mechanisms allows you to create 3 types of threads: metric, inch and modular. The number of feeds on the machine is 28. The spindle is made with a hole of 2.6 cm, and the number of its revolutions is in the range of 30 - 3000 rpm. The design also provides for spindle braking.

The maximum diameter of the workpiece to be processed above the bed is up to 25 cm, and above the slide - 14.5 cm.The gap between the centers is 50 cm.The maximum diameter of the bar is 2.5 cm, and the maximum length of the part being worked on should not exceed half a meter ...

Due to all the technical capabilities listed above, this device is classified as a machine with increased accuracy. The dimensions of the machine and the features of its operation are best suited for small repair and mobile workshops.

Design features and control system

  1. Stanina.
  2. Pedestal support.
  3. Front headstock.
  4. Guitar.
  5. Transmission.
  6. Converting device.
  7. Switch.
  8. Frame.
  9. Lubricating unit.
  10. Apron.
  11. Caliper.
  12. Rear headstock.
  13. Cooling system.
  14. Fencing.
  15. Electrical equipment.

The electrical equipment of the machine is designed for power supply from a general network with a voltage of 220 V or 380 V. To illuminate the working area, a 12-volt voltage is required. The design of the device foresees the presence of two electric motors of the asynchronous type. The electrical unit of the machine is one of its most vulnerable spots.

To avoid the failure of the entire mechanism, or its individual parts, it is necessary to regularly and thoroughly check the condition of the electrical equipment, and to replace faulty parts in time.

Video: lathe OT 5.

Machine controls

1 - Bust lever.

2 - Protective panel.

3 - Knob for changing the thread pitch.

4 - Handle for reverse movement of the drive.

5 - Protective panel.

6 - Handle for switching feeds and threads.

7 - Handle for switching feeds and threads.

8 - Lever for activating the lead screw and roller.

9 - Knob for switching feeds and threads.

10 - Knob for switching feeds and threads.

11 - CVT speed shift knob.

12 - Rear headstock.

13 - Flywheel of spindle speed indicators.

14 - Spindle speed control knob.

21 - Activator of the cooling system.

22 - Introductory machine.

25 - Activator of the fuse on the apron.

26 - Flywheel for setting the value of traction gain.

28 - Uterine nut activation handle.

29 - Knob for moving the support feed (longitudinal and transverse).

31 - Handle for moving the back quill grandmother.

32 - Rear clamping handle grandmother.

33 - Handle for moving the carriage.

34 - Rear quill clamping handle grandmother.

36 - Switch for lighting the working area.

37 - Handle for fixing the tool holder.

38 - Handle for manual movement (transverse).

39 - Handwheel for manual movement (longitudinal).

40 - Button for activating the handwheel longitudinal feed.

Show phone


1. Milling engraving machine CNC WoodTec H 1325L

Price 7,900 USD (505,000 rubles)

2. Woodtec H-2030L

Price $ 9990 (RUB 638900)

3. Woodtec H-2040L

Price $ 10,990 (702,800 rubles)


In the Moscow region




Processing size: 1300x2500x170 mm
Electric spindle power (forced air cooling): 3.2 kW (5.5 kW option is possible)
Movement of the spindle along the Z axis, 170 mm (300 mm option is possible)
Tool change system Manual (collet, nut lock)
Desktop type Mechanical with "T" - fastening slots
Spindle speed, rpm 0 - 24,000
Overall dimensions of the machine in the package 2950x2050x1650 mm
Weight 1100 kg

The set includes a 3kW chip suction !!!

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Information about the manufacturer of the screw-cutting lathe OT-5

The manufacturers of the OT-5 screw-cutting lathe were Odessa machine-tool plant and Kirovakan plant of precision machine tools, Kirovokan - Vanadzor.

Currently, the production of machine tools has been discontinued.

OT-5 lathe, lightweight, high precision. Purpose, scope

Lightweight lathe OT-5 is designed based on lathe 16B05P and can be used in mobile repair shops.

The lathe OT-5 is designed to perform various high-precision turning operations performed in centers, collet, chuck and faceplate, as well as for cutting metric, inch and modular threads.

The machine provides the quality of the processed surface and the accuracy of work (dimensional accuracy, geometric shapes) of a high class.

The machine is intended for use in climatic conditions - U.4.1. according to GOST 15150-69

Main design features

  • Installation of the variator on a special plate that does not have contact with the pedestal, as well as the independent suspension of the apron of the machine, reduce the level of vibration during processing and increase the quality of the processed surface.
  • The feed box provides the ability to cut a large number of metric, modular threads and obtain a wide range of longitudinal and transverse feeds without changing the guitar gears. The spindle is installed in original radial and thrust hydrostatic bearings, which, in combination with the rigid structure of the machine, allows for turning operations with a unique accuracy.

It is not built into the automatic line.

Accuracy class P in accordance with GOST 8-82E.

Developer - Odessa Special Design Bureau of Special Machine Tools.

List of components of the screw-cutting lathe OT-5

  1. Bed - 16B05P.111.000
  2. Curbstone - OT-5.121.000
  3. Front headstock - OT-5.221.000
  4. Guitar - 16B05P.311.000
  5. Feed box - 16B05P.321.000
  6. CVT - 16B05P.211.000
  7. Switch - OT-5.821.000
  8. Frame - OT-5.131.000
  9. Lubricating unit - 16B04P.411.000
  10. Apron - 16B04P.331.000
  11. Caliper - 16B05P.341.000
  12. Rear tailstock - OT-5.231.000
  13. Cooling - OT-5.511.000
  14. Fencing - OT-5.611.000
  15. Electrical equipment - OT-5.811.000

The list of controls for the screw-cutting lathe OT-5

  • 1. Knob for enumerating speeds
  • 2. Handle of the link of increasing the pitch of the thread
  • 3. Handle for reverse feed drive
  • 6. Lever for switching feeds and threads
  • 7. Lever for switching feeds and threads
  • 8. Lever for turning on the lead screw or lead roller
  • 9. Lever for switching feeds and threads
  • 10. Knob for switching feeds and threads
  • 11. CVT speed shift knob
  • 13. Handwheel for changing the spindle speed
  • 14. Spindle rotation control handle
  • 21. Cooling switch
  • 23. Introductory machine
  • 25. Knob for switching on the apron safety device
  • 26. Handwheel for setting the amount of tractive effort
  • 28. The handle of inclusion of the uterine nut
  • 29. Button for switching the longitudinal and transverse feed of the caliper
  • 31. Handwheel for moving the tailstock quill
  • 32. Tailstock clamping handle
  • 33. Upper carriage movement handle
  • 34. Tailstock quill clamping handle
  • 36. Light switch
  • 37. Tool holder clamping handle
  • 38. Handle for manual transverse movement
  • 39. Handwheel for manual longitudinal movement
  • 40. Button for turning on the handwheel and the longitudinal feed limb

OT-5 Kinematic diagram of the screw-cutting lathe

The kinematic diagram of the machine allows the following operations:

  • main movement - spindle rotation
  • feed movement - cutter movement
  • rotation of the lubrication pump

CVT (stepless gearbox)

The variator consists of the variator itself and a two-stage gearbox (range switching box).

The first (drive) shaft 2 of the variator is driven by a flanged electric motor through a toothed coupling half. The second half of the clutch is made integral with the shaft 2, on which a stationary (in the axial direction) disc 4 and a spring-loaded sliding disc 3 are installed, forming the drive pulley of the variator. From this pulley, rotation is transmitted by a wide V-belt to the shaft 7 through the driven variator pulley, consisting of a stationary disk 5 and a controlled sliding disk 6.

In addition to the driven pulley, on the shaft 7 there are gearwheels 8 and 9. The gearwheel 9 is equipped with an outer and an inner gear rim with a half-coupling. The gear wheel 8, moving along the splines along the shaft 7, switches the speed ranges of the output shaft of the variator. On this shaft, the drive pulley of the V-belt transmission is mounted, which connects the variator with the headstock. To tension the transmission, the casing 11 of the gearbox of the variator can be rotated on the glass 10, fixed on the casing 1 of the variator. The rotation of the body 11 is carried out with the help of the coupling nut 21, after which the body is fixed with screws on the glass 10.

The variator and gearbox control mechanism is located on top of the variator housing. The handwheel 12 controls the movement of the sliding disc 6, the handle 16 is used to shift gears in the gearbox. The planetary gear 20-19-18-17 connects the handwheel 12 with the disk 13, on which the ring 14 with the dial 15 is installed. Two scales of the spindle rotation speed are applied on the dial, one for direct switching on the spindle, the second for switching on the spindle through overstepping.

To count the readings of the scales, there are two pairs of indicator lines, marked on a transparent shield located above the limb. When changing the speeds of the variator, the flap moves together with the handle 16. For counting, use the pair of indicator lines that is currently in the upper position.

OT-5 Headstock of a screw-cutting lathe

The headstock housing contains:

  • spindle
  • brute force
  • drive of threads and feeds with a bit
  • control mechanism

The take-up pulley 8 of the headstock is mounted on the bushing 11, coaxial with the spindle 4. To the left of the pulley there is a clutch 10 for direct engagement of the spindle, to the right - the gears of the busting 2, 6, 7,11.

Machine spindle rotates in precision rolling bearings.

A double-row roller bearing and two angular contact ball bearings are installed in the front support of the spindle, and a deep groove ball bearing in the rear.

The back support of the spindle and the left support of the sleeve 11 of the pulley 8 are located in the glass 9. When replacing the drive belts, this glass must be removed.

Busting gear ratio the headstock is equal to 1/8. The overrun 6, 7 and the direct engagement clutch 10 are controlled by one handle. Next to the busting gear 11 on the spindle 4 there is a gear wheel 3 for driving threads and feeds. The gearwheel 1, located on the first shaft 12 of the drive of threads and feeds, can be connected either with the busting gearwheel 11, or with the gearwheel 3 sitting on the spindle. This makes it possible, when the search is on, to obtain an increase in the pitch of the threads.

Control handles headstock mechanisms are located on the front wall of the headstock. In front of the headstock body 5, a cast casing is attached, in which the control buttons for the main electric motor are installed.

Mechanism lubrication the headstock is centralized, from the lubrication unit.

The machine feed box (fig. 12) in combination with a guitar allows you to set the required gear ratios for cutting threads with different pitches and getting different longitudinal and transverse feeds.

The feed box contains the following mechanisms:

  • Main row mechanism (gears 3, 4, 1, 2, 5, 8, 6, 7)
  • Multiplier mechanism (gear wheels 9, 10, 19, 15, 16, 17, 18)
  • Row offset mechanism (gears 21, 22, 3, 4)
  • Mechanism for switching the transmission of motion to the drive shaft or to the lead screw (half-coupling 14)
  • Mechanism for direct engagement of the lead screw (half couplings 12, 14, 18, 20)
  • Switching mechanism (not shown in the figure)

The mechanism of the main row makes it possible to obtain four gear ratios proportional to four pitches of metric or modular threads.

By multiplying these ratios by the multiplier gear ratios (1/4, 1/2, 1, 2) and by the row offset gear ratios (1.1 1/4), you can cut metric and modular threads with constant guitar tuning.

The switching mechanisms are located on the plate under the cover of the feed box. The shift levers are located on the front cover.

Main technical characteristics of the machine OT-5

Parameter name 16B05P 16B04P OT-5
The main parameters of the machine
Accuracy class P P P
The largest diameter of the workpiece over the bed, mm 250 200 250
The largest diameter of the workpiece over the slide, mm 145 115 145
The greatest length of the workpiece in the centers (RMTs), mm 500 350 500
Center height above flat bed guides, mm 135 108 135
The greatest distance from the center axis to the edge of the tool holder, mm 135 110 135
Height of the cutter installed in the tool holder, mm 16 12 16
The greatest height of the tool holder, mm 20 17 20
Spindle bore, mm 26,5 24 26
The largest diameter of the bar passing through the hole in the spindle, mm 25 23,5 25
The largest diameter of the bar passing through the hole in the collet, mm 16 16
Spindle center according to GOST 13214-67 Morse 4 Morse 4 Morse 4
Spindle end in accordance with GOST 12593-72 4K 4K 4K
Number of steps of frequencies of direct rotation of a spindle b / s regulation b / s regulation b / s regulation
Frequency of direct rotation of a spindle, rpm 35..3500, 30..3000 35..3500, 30..3000 30..3000
Spindle braking there is there is there is
Locking handles
Caliper. Feed
The greatest transverse movement of the support, mm 160 135
Caliper movement transverse by one division of the limb, mm 0,02 0,02 0,02
Number of longitudinal support feeds 28 28 28
Number of cross-section support feeds 28 28 28
Limits of feed of the support longitudinal, mm / rev 0,02..0,35 0,02..0,35 0,02..0,35
Limits of cross-section support feed, mm / rev 0,01..0,175 0,01..0,175 0,01..0,175
Steps of the cut metric carvings, mm 0,2..28 0,2..28
Steps of cut modular threads, mod 0,1..14 0,1..14
The steps of the cut inch threads, threads per inch 5..96 5..96
The greatest movement of the upper (incisal) slide, mm 110 80 110
Movement of the incisor slide by one division of the limb, mm 0,02 0,02 0,02
The greatest angle of rotation of the incisor slide, degrees ± 45 ° ± 45 ° ± 45 °
Tailstock Morse taper Morse 3 Morse 3 Morse 3
The greatest movement of the quill, mm 85 70 85
Quill movement by one division of the limb, mm 0,02 0,02 0,02
Electrical equipment
Main drive electric motor, kW 1,5 1,1 1,5
Coolant pump electric motor, kW 0,12 0,12 0,12
Dimensions and weight of the machine
Machine dimensions (length width height), mm 1510 x 725 x 1360 1310 x 690 x 1360 1510 x 725 x 1360
Machine weight, kg 705 660 720