Lunar day for the sale of an apartment. Shopping lunar calendar: choosing favorable days for shopping

The day is good for planned purchases. It is extremely dangerous during this period to buy something at the behest of a whim, an instant flash of desire.
Time to buy gifts or gold jewelry.

If, despite all the warnings, you are still drawn to purchases, then you better do it. It can be both beneficial and teach you the lesson you need. Your intuition should come first, and then the advice of our lunar calendar. After all, there may be all sorts of exceptions, such as a personal star map or the grace of God ...

24 lunar day, Shopping

The 24th lunar day is very good for those who have planned to take action to make their dreams come true, i.e. it is better to buy something for which you have been saving money for a long time. It should be a long-awaited event, a prize, the result of your efforts. Then, the purchased product will bring you the expected joy.
It is extremely dangerous during this period to buy something at the behest of a whim, an instant flash of desire. A thing bought with such emotions will only bring you grief.
Don't settle for a cheaper price. Today, the phrase "the miser pays twice" works more than ever.

Moon in Leo

The Moon in Leo is the best time to buy gifts. You can also choose some home decoration or items that you will rarely use. It is favorable to buy items made of gold or precious metals.
It should also be remembered that this period inclines us to unnecessary waste, while the purchased things do not bring us the proper benefit and satisfaction, or simply become unusable in a short time.
The worst period for buying shoes is quickly worn out or become unusable.

Tuesday, Shopping

On Tuesday, men's shopping is good. These can be cars, men's clothing, tools, sporting goods, etc. In addition, making purchases on Tuesday, you will buy all the essentials and modest, in a short time. Because Mars should have everything clear and fast.

If you plan to sell real estate or other high-value property in 2019-2020, study the lunar calendar with good and bad days.

When it comes to the sale of real estate, a car, expensive household appliances, furniture and other things, it is important to find a solvent buyer who is interested in purchasing.

  • The demand for residential property depends on many different factors. They need to be considered if you want to sell real estate or other high-value property. This includes seasonality, legal preparation, renovations, and more.
  • The lunar calendar also plays an important role. Astrologers have long noticed the influence of the moon on people's lives. Moreover, it is not the white planet itself that affects, but its phases in which it is located.
  • Thanks to the lunar calendar, you can choose a good day for making a deal. You do not need to independently calculate the days according to the favorable and unfavorable phases of the moon, we have already done everything for you.
  • Open the lunar chart, look for good days and plan the time of the deal.

When is it better to trade and sell real estate, an apartment, a house, a car, household appliances, things, shoes, clothes, furniture, a telephone according to the lunar calendar in 2019-2020?

Apartment to be sold by the moon

In each of its phases, the Moon has a special effect on a person. We all know about the Full Moon, New Moon, Waning and Waning phases of this planet. But few people think that sales should be carried out only at favorable times on the moon. When is it better to trade and sell real estate, an apartment, a house, a car, household appliances, things, shoes, clothes, furniture, a telephone according to the lunar calendar in 2019-2020? Here are some tips:

  • Selling should be on the waning moon... At this time, the energy of the white planet is aimed at increasing money.
  • Despite the fact that we are accustomed to the fact that it is the growing moon that helps in financial transactions, you need to sell when the planet is decreasing... This will help to quickly part with the object of sale and get a good profit.
  • Avoid any agreements and transactions on 9, 15, 19, 26, 29 and 30 lunar days... These days are considered unfavorable for sales.
  • For trading and any transactions with money unfavorable period will occur during the passage of the Moon of the zodiacal constellation Scorpion.
  • Also, you should not plan sales and you should not even advertise in the media about the implementation of the New Moon and Full Moon and the days of the Lunar (01.21. (06.01.2019, 02.07.2019, 26.12.2019, 21.06.2020, 14.12.2020). These days, the energy is weakening, the likelihood of mistakes increases, and this can lead to a bad deal.
  • All the good and bad days we celebrated in the table by months 2019-2020... Bookmark this article to keep it close at hand.

Lunar calendar of sales and trade for January 2020: table

Sale of furniture on the moon

Regardless of whether you are selling an apartment, making an exchange or renting it out, on your own or using the services of a realtor, set the date for the transaction on an auspicious day on the Moon. This will help increase your finances and make the transaction safe for you in terms of paperwork. Indeed, at this moment it is important that the notary does everything correctly and foresees all possible nuances.

Lunar calendar of sales and trade for January 2020 - table:

Lunar calendar of sales and trade for February 2020: table

Every person who needs to sell an apartment, house or other expensive object wants to get as much money as possible from the deal. Therefore, it is important to set a time for paperwork or even advertise a sale on an auspicious day on the moon.

Lunar calendar of sales and trade for February 2020 - table:

Lunar calendar of sales and trade for March 2020: table

Sale of a car on the moon

In winter, people are in no hurry to buy real estate. At this time, there is a decrease in the demand for housing, but the demand for cars is increasing. Especially young families are preparing for the spring-summer season and are trying to get a car at the end of winter. If you need to sell an apartment, car, furniture, or even clothes, seek help from the lunar calendar. It will help determine a good day for such manipulations.

Lunar calendar of sales and trade for March 2020 - table:

Lunar calendar of sales and trade for april 2020: table

According to astrologers, if you adhere to the advice of the lunar table, and make deals on good days, then you will come across the "right" people on your way, namely interested buyers, responsible realtors. Therefore, the risks in terms of losing money will be minimal.

Lunar calendar of sales and trade for April 2020 - table:

Lunar calendar of sales and trade for May 2020: table

Sale of furniture on the moon

On good days on the moon, you can not only sell, exchange or lease profitably, but also get a great offer. The only thing is, beware of strangers and unverified people. Before entering into a deal, check the information many times.

Lunar calendar of sales and trade for May 2020 - table:

Lunar calendar of sales and trade for June 2020: table

Auspicious days are suitable for both residential and office real estate transactions. In these, you can safely carry out any large monetary transactions. But do not lose your common sense and be sure to think through everything to the smallest detail before signing the contract.

Lunar calendar of sales and trade for June 2020 - table:

Lunar calendar of sales and trade for July 2020: table

Sale of household appliances on the moon

If for some reason you have been postponing the sale of real estate for a long time, then this is a great time to start this process. Midsummer - vacations will end soon and people will have time to do big shopping. Post sales advertisements in the media on favorable lunar days.

Lunar calendar of sales and trade for July 2020 - table:

Sales and trade lunar calendar for August 2020: table

Demand for real estate increases in August-September. Residents of the cities had a good rest in the summer during the vacation season, they are in a hurry to buy new housing in order to have time to make repairs and equip it before winter. At this time, parents buy apartments for their children, who have moved to study in another city.

Lunar calendar of sales and trade for August 2020 - table:

Lunar calendar of sales and trade for September 2020: table

Clothing sales should also be done on good days on the moon.

It is in September that the number of those wishing to purchase housing is several times higher than the number of proposals on the real estate market. This leads to an increase in the demand for proposals. Take advantage of this period to profitably sell real estate and other high-value properties.

Lunar calendar of sales and trade for September 2020 - table:

Lunar calendar of sales and trade for October 2019: table

A legally prepared offer looks more interesting for the buyer. Therefore, take care of the documents in advance, write out all the tenants from the apartment that you want to sell, and get a technical passport. Then, when the buyer is identified, choose good days on the moon and go to the notary.

Lunar calendar of sales and trade for October 2019 - table:

Lunar calendar of sales and trade for October 2020: table

Lunar calendar of sales and trade for October 2020 - table:

Lunar calendar of sales and trade for November 2019: table

Sales of things on good days on the moon increase several times

To make the apartment more attractive to the buyer, there are some tricks:

  • If you have a good view from your apartment window, show it during the day. If the view is unpresentable, then in the evening, when it is dark.
  • If the location of the house is inconvenient and the buyer has to walk by yards, then meet him at the bus stop.
  • Remove the smell of pets, dampness and musty in the apartment. There are many ways to do this: spray a modern air freshener, leave the can of coffee open, and so on.
  • Show the apartment with furniture. So it will look more advantageous.

Consider all this, and also follow the advice of the lunar table for a successful deal.

Lunar calendar of sales and trade for November 2019 - table:

Lunar calendar of sales and trade for November 2020: table

Lunar calendar of sales and trade for November 2020 - table:

Lunar calendar of sales and trade for December 2019: table

In December, the percentage of buyers who need to buy real estate drops to almost zero. Preparations for the New Year are underway this month, and all major deals are postponed to January and February. But, if you are lucky and you have found a buyer, then study the lunar table and feel free to go to make a deal.

Lunar calendar of sales and trade for December 2019 - table:

Astrology, although not considered a full-fledged science, but no one would argue with the fact that the behavior of the moon affects our daily life. If you plan to enter into transactions this year regarding real estate, coordinate them with the lunar calendar so that you do not regret what you have done later.

How to spend money so that it multiplies?

On the one hand, it sounds pointless, but astrologers argue that nothing is impossible if you spend money on buying things on certain days of the lunar cycle. The wrong day is fraught with unpleasant consequences:

  • you will not be able to get money for the sold real estate, you will have to sue them or completely forget about the profit;
  • the bought house or apartment will not please their owners, they will require maximum investment of funds.

Other troubles may happen, which it is better not to think about. It is quite natural that the legal purity of documents plays a leading role in the transaction. But you do not need to neglect the advice of professional astrologers.

Buying real estate according to the lunar calendar

Each lunar month has 28, less often 29 days. Among them, only a few are favorable for buying real estate - these are the second, eighth, twentieth, twenty-fifth lunar days. It is during these periods of time that transactions are most successful, since the stars themselves favor this.

It is categorically contraindicated for real estate transactions on the first, third to fifth, ninth to twelfth, fifteenth, eighteenth, nineteenth, twenty-second days, as well as on the rare twenty-ninth lunar day. Regardless of the current phase of the moon, it is not recommended to buy and sell a house or apartment on the days of lunar eclipses. In 2018, there are as many as two eclipses - one will occur on January 31, the other will occur on July 27.

The rest of the days of the lunar cycle are neutral. It is worth noting that the lunar day does not begin and end at exactly 12 o'clock, as usual. You should pay attention to this when choosing a suitable day and agreeing on the time of appointment with specialists.

In January, do not buy anything on the 31st - this is the day of the lunar eclipse. And the most successful is the first decade of the month. You can also conclude deals at the end of the month - January 29, 25 and 23. Good days are January 11-12.

The beginning of February is a good time to buy and sell. In the 1st decade, all days are favorable, except for the 2nd, 3rd and 8th numbers. In the middle of the month it is only February 13 and 16, the third decade - 22, 24 and 28.

In March, it is also best to buy housing at the beginning of the month. There are also six more days in the month - this is the very end of the 30th, 26th and 24th, as well as March 11, 12 and 18.

It is better not to plan deals in mid-April, only on the 11th and 14th they will be successful. But in the first decade, there are more favorable numbers - these are April 2, 7 and 10. You can also buy a home on April 22, 24 or 28.

In May, pay attention to the first decade, as all days are favorable here. In the middle of the month, there are only two suitable days - these are May 13 and 16. Buy a home in the third decade of May 22, 24, 28 or 31.

In June, plan to buy at the end of the month, here the 20th, 22nd, 26th and 29th are successful. On June 1st, 5th, 8-9th, you can also make transactions with real estate. Two more successful days are 12 and 14.

In July, the main thing is not to forget about the eclipse on the 27th, since on this day it is not worth buying anything at all. But the beginning of the month is very successful, there are only a few unfavorable days - these are July 1, 5, 6, 9 and 10. In the second decade - 11 and 14, July 20, in the third - these are 22, 26 and 29.

The most successful days for buying a home are in August. Take advantage of this to think in advance about potential real estate upheavals. September 2018 is the most successful beginning and end of the month. In October, pay attention to the second decade, here the 10th, 16th and 18th numbers are successful.

November 2018 is the best time to make deals in the first decade. Also favorable on November 14th and 16th. December 2018 - the dates are similar to November, only the last day of the month and year is added - December 31.

Thanks to the knowledge of the best days of the lunar cycle, you will be able to plan the conclusion of contracts, a trip to the notary and other important events exclusively for these periods of time. If this does not succeed in any way, perhaps the stars give you a sign, and the purchase (sale) should be postponed until better times. Otherwise, the purchased housing will not bring you happiness, and you will regret the sold one.

You probably noticed that sometimes a purchased item does not cost you as much as it could, it serves for a long time, pleases you with excellent quality, and sometimes it even becomes your lucky talisman for good luck!

But it also happens that the money spent on a thing, one might say, is simply thrown into the wind - the thing quickly deteriorates, frustrates, does not fit into your lifestyle, or even attracts negativity.

Have you noticed this? And they probably wondered - why is this happening? Why can some things be called happy in every way and others not? The answer lies in the favorable or unfavorable days of purchase for shopping certain things. This notorious "characteristic" is determined by several factors, such as:

  • favorable day of the week for shopping
  • auspicious lunar day

Let's take a closer look at everything - it will make it easier to successfully plan your next happy and profitable purchase!

What "happy" things are better to buy by day of the week


Monday is ruled by the moon. According to the horoscope, on this day it is recommended to buy things for the home and interior, as well as food. True, it is better not to buy things with a long service life on this day, because the moon is very changeable. So you may soon get bored with them. Shopping on Monday will be useful for people who are emotional and are exposed to frequent stress. Shopping can help relieve stress and restore interest in life. Also, Luna will certainly help you if you are going on a date or a party. An outfit bought today will look very good on you, and may even attract a bride or groom.


Tuesday is patronized by Mars. On this day of the week, we advise you to buy things with a masculine energy: cars, household appliances, sporting goods, goods for tourism. The best gifts for men can be chosen on this particular day. Tuesday is good for those who do not like to shop and choose for a long time. The advantage of shopping on this day is fast and easy shopping. You can quickly find what you need.


Wednesday is ruled by the planet Mercury. This planet promotes the shopping of various trinkets, little things, gifts, toys, flowers, bright clothes, watches, TVs and books. Mercury also helps in gaining new knowledge, so you will really like the book you bought on Wednesday. You shouldn't buy complicated household electrical appliances, shoes and everything that can break on this day. They will be short-lived. You should not buy expensive things today, as Mercury will not stop you from buying unnecessary items, but, on the contrary, will help you waste money. If you want to cheer yourself up or rejuvenate your body, buy yourself an inexpensive trinket on Wednesday, put it in a prominent place at home. Let her be your talisman, raising your spirits in difficult times. Also, a mascot bought on Wednesday will help you find a common language with children and youth.


Jupiter rules this day. According to the horoscope, Thursday is the most favorable day for buying any things. Large-scale purchases will be successful on this day of the week. This planet will help you choose a new look or change the interior of your apartment.


The patron saint of Friday is Venus. On this day, it is recommended to buy art, books, cosmetics, perfume. Shopping on this day will be especially successful for women. Shopping for lingerie, jewelry, in general, all female and feminine will be successful. Gifts for girls and women bought today will be especially successful.


Saturday is ruled by Saturn. According to the shopping horoscope, this day is good for purchasing practical and necessary things. Shopping on Saturday will be especially beneficial for people who are experiencing difficulties in life. Shopping will cheer them up and bring their joy back to life. The planet Saturn will help you find the practical items that you need in your daily life: furniture, household appliances, dishes, simple clothes, etc. Successful on this day real estate transactions. But luxury items, jewelry, things for the interior on this day, it is better not to buy. Even if you choose a good thing, you will spend a lot of time and energy looking for it. Saturn will help you choose a gift for your parents, grandparents, and all those who are higher than you in rank and position, for example, for a boss.


This day of the week is ruled by the Sun. The day is good for shopping for materials for creativity, as well as for luxury goods and jewelry. The sun will help you choose the right thing. The sun feeds our creativity, so if you could not find a gift for someone, then on Sunday you will be enlightened, you will buy a successful and original thing.

What purchases are favorable on lunar days

good days in order to acquire any utilities that make life more comfortable and contribute to your realization in society are considered 2, 5, 6, 10, 13, 20, 21, 22 lunar days... And 6 lunar day is considered the best for purchasing goods for children - stationery and clothing "for growth", and 10th- for any family purchases up to a car and real estate.

V 7, 12, 22, 25 lunar days, which are distinguished by a special spiritual orientation, the Moon recommends acquiring books (spiritual, psychological, religious), statues of deities, rosary, talismans, incense.

In order to fulfill your old dream of buying something, great are 14 and 24 lunar day... A spontaneous desire to acquire something that seems to be unnecessary should be satisfied in 28 lunar day... But in 30 lunar day it is better not to buy anything for yourself - this is the time to buy gifts for relatives and friends.

Choosing a favorable time for shopping, you will always be sure that any purchase on that day will bring you joy and good mood.

Buying any real estate, be it a house or an apartment, is a very responsible and important event for any of us due to the considerable cost of housing.

It goes without saying that none of us would like to be deceived when buying an apartment or pay more for it, but these situations are often encountered, leaving only annoyance and bitter disappointment after the transaction. And the problem of an unsuccessful purchase can occur not only because of the carelessness of the buyer himself, but also from objective reasons beyond his control.

Astrologers are aware of the factors that affect the quality of the deal. Some of them can be cited as an example:

  1. It is highly undesirable to make the purchase / sale of real estate in, as well as 7 - 10 days before and after them;
  2. You can not draw up documents and pay for housing during periods;
  3. Any agreements and transactions at 9, 15, 18, 19, 23 and 29 should be avoided;
  4. It is advisable not to conclude any transactions (to give deposits, to draw up documents) during the periods.
  5. It is preferable to buy real estate on, and sell - on a decreasing one.

Based on these and many other rules, favorable days for the purchase and sale of real estate in 2019 - 2020 were calculated.

Lunar calendar for real estate purchases

2019 year

February - there are no favorable days;

April - 18;

May - 15, 24;

June - 6, 20;

August - 5, 12, 22, 26;

September - 10, 19;

October - 8;

November - 29;

December - 13;

2020 year

January - there are no favorable days;

February - 6;

March - 27, 28;

April - 13, 24, 28;

May - there are no favorable days;

July - 15;

August - 31;

September - 8, 12;

November - 5, 18, 20;

Auspicious days for real estate sales

Note: When it comes to selling real estate, everyone understands that the main task of the seller is to find a solvent and interested buyer. Therefore, from an astrological point of view, it is the moment of submitting an advertisement for a sale to a newspaper, to a bulletin board on the Internet, contacting a real estate office or simply posting advertisements on the streets that is important. In other words, it is best to start a campaign to sell both residential and non-residential real estate on favorable days. However, the days listed below are also well suited for executing the transaction itself (with the exception of weekends).

2019 year

January - there are no favorable days;

February - 6, 16;

April - 2, 16, 29;

June - 6, 24;

July - there are no favorable days;

August - 3, 5, 22, 26;

September - 19, 23;

October - 10, 25;

November - 21, 29;

December - 9, 13, 18;

2020 year

January - there are no favorable days;

February - 13;

March - 27, 28;

April - 13, 18, 24, 28;

June - there are no favorable days;

July - 15, 23, 24;

August - 6, 15, 20, 22;

September - 8, 12, 16, 18, 29;

October - there are no favorable days;

November - 5, 10;

December - 25, 26 (the first half of the day is favorable).

Bad days for buying and selling real estate

2019 year

Note: the most unfavorable periods for buying real estate are the periods (from 5 to 28 March, from 7 July to 1 August and from 31 October to 20 November 2019), days (6 and 21 January, 2 and 16 July, 26 December 2019), and also 7 days before and after them.

January - 1, 2, 4 - 9, 14, 18 - 24, 28, 29;

February - 4, 5, 8, 12, 13, 21, 25;

March - 5 - 28;

April - 1, 4, 5, 15, 17, 24, 26;

May - 1 - 3, 8, 10, 13, 17, 23, 28 - 30;

June - 3, 11 - 14, 17, 25 - 27;

July - 1 - 31;

August - 1, 2, 6 - 9, 13, 19, 20, 23, 30;

September - 3, 4, 7, 11, 12, 16 - 18, 24, 26, 30;

October - 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 14, 17, 28, 29, 31;

November - 1 - 20, 25, 26, 30;

December - 4 - 6, 10, 12, 19, 23 - 31;

2020 year

January - 1 - 21, 23 - 25, 29 - 31;

February - 1, 12, 14 - 29;

March - 1 - 10, 12 - 14, 20, 21, 23 - 26, 31;

April - 1, 2, 4, 9, 10, 15, 20 - 23, 25, 30;

May - 1, 4, 6 - 8, 11, 13 - 30;

June - 1 - 30;

July - 1 - 13, 18, 20, 22, 27 - 29, 31;

August - 7, 8, 12, 18, 19, 21, 24, 25, 27, 28;

September - 1, 4 - 7, 11, 19 - 21, 25, 26, 28;

October - 1 - 3, 6, 8, 14 - 31;

November - 1 - 4, 7, 14, 17, 23 - 26, 30;

December - 1 - 24, 29.