To be on earth a man essay. Finished essay: Being a Human on Earth

What is the function of man on earth? Why was he born, why does he live? This question is asked by philosophers who reflect on the role of human life in the universe, poets have thought about this question in all ages, but ordinary people who care about their place in life are also interested in the answer to this question.

Man is an unusual, unique creature, possessing tremendous inner strength, which is much higher than physical strength. And this force can be directed in different directions: both for creation and destruction, for bringing good to people or sowing evil. Each person chooses his own path, often this choice is influenced by circumstances, but the choice still remains with the person.

When choosing in the direction of evil and destruction, a person goes against his nature. Initially, it did not include negative qualities, a person comes into this world as an innocent child who cannot harm anyone. Where do people come from who are literally saturated with hatred, envy, thirst for strife? At first, everything depends on the upbringing and the environment in which the child grows up, but then, when he becomes an adult, he has the right to decide for himself which side to take: to be kind and happy or evil and sow evil around him, giving rise to hatred.

The struggle with oneself is the most difficult struggle, but everyone can do it, because a person has a unique ability to develop and improve himself. As the proverb says: the whole world will be subject to the one who conquers himself.

Only the person himself can change himself for the better, for this you just need to want to change, and then life itself will suggest steps to improvement. It is only necessary to remember the life law - a person's life is in his hands, he can command it, good and happy people bring good to the world, which means that there are more and more such people.

Updated: 2012-06-17

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We are all people of the Earth. Each of us is capable of thinking and feeling, loving and hating, believing and lying. If God created Man by giving him life, then man became the creator of his life. And how many people, so many different lives, destinies. And a person's life is so short that you need to live it as best as possible, brighter, more interesting. If you shut yourself up in your feelings, and the worst thing is that you live only for yourself, renouncing worldly fuss, not hearing people, forgetting about love and kindness, then you are an unfortunate person who lived and did not know life. You never need to give in to peace. Man is not born for this. Life is a game of passions and contradictions. And the one who manages to lead the game will always achieve the goal. Man is born to "burn". Yes, to burn in the fire of ideas, calling others to real life. Unfortunate is the man who hates life. And the one who is free and gives this freedom to people is beautiful. “To live for people” is not a slogan, it is a goal that should become, if not for everyone, but for the majority, the meaning of life. "Do not feel sorry for yourself - this is the proudest, most beautiful wisdom on earth." (M. Gorky) I admire the life of great people. The names of the classics of world literature, artists, actors, singers not only went down in history, but also left their “mark” on the Earth, like a falling star, which, leaving behind a luminous trail, gives admiration and a riddle to people. V. G. Belinsky wrote: “The spectacle of the life of a great man is always a beautiful sight: it elevates the soul ... excites activity.” I and my generation are still ahead. Quite a bit, and we will enter a new, unfamiliar life. Of course, everyone will go their own way, but we must not forget that the Earth is one, common, but taking care of it is the concern of all mankind. Everyone must start with themselves. What did he do for people? What "footprints" did he leave on earth? For a real person, the ability to subordinate the will to reason is important. Only such people will go through all the trials, and only they will save the Earth. According to P. S. Makarenko, “great will is not only the ability to wish for something and achieve, but the ability to force oneself and give up something when necessary”, one must strive to live beautifully and violently. To love people, to be kind and sympathetic, courageous and noble, to love mother and Motherland. These truths are enduring at all times. We are all taught this, but not everyone becomes a real person. You have to be able to appreciate life. Everyone lives on Earth once, and for that life will be long, who will rise above all prejudices, understand its meaning, and his deeds will not be forgotten by people. It is impossible not to recall the words of A.P. Chekhov: “Life is given once, and you want to live it cheerfully, meaningfully, beautifully. I want to play a prominent, independent, noble role, I want to make history ... "Everyone would like to live like that, but it depends on the person himself.

Often people say to a master who has done a good job: "Yes, you just have golden hands! Thank you very much." They probably don't mean that his hands are made of gold. But then why? Every person has an interest and talent in something. By developing it, he can do something better than others, but to achieve true mastery, you need to make a lot of effort. Then people will know that if they need help, they can turn to him for it, and the master will do it best of all. So they value it like gold... A person who has at least a mountain of this precious metal, but who knows nothing, cannot be useful to others, since he lives only for his own benefit. They say you can look at 3 things forever. One of them is how the master works. And it really is! After all, watching him, you cannot tear yourself away from the deft movements of your hands, in which the outlines of his work appear. It deserves to be called "golden hands"

On the lesson literary reading after studying the story of Sukhomlinsky V.A. "Ordinary Man" in the 4th grade, children are invited to write an essay - reasoning "What does it mean to be a man?"

Let's bring sample texts of short essays which can also be used as essay on what it means to be human

What does it mean to be human? We often hear:

"Man - that sounds proud"

"A man with a capital letter".

And what does it mean? For me, the word "man" is manifested in his actions. After all, a real person should always come to the rescue, those who need it, without thinking about themselves, their lives. And there are a lot of such people in our country.

These are ordinary passers-by who did not lose their heads and saved a drowning man and Heroes who save the lives of people every day, children who carry their brothers and sisters out of the fire. I really want there to be more such people, so that each person has responsibility not only for himself, but also for other people.

Be kind to each other. And you will rightly be called "a man with a capital letter!"

A real person is a person who is ready to sacrifice his life for the sake of another. This is a man who has a heart and a soul. Even if someone makes mistakes in life, a real person will definitely understand and correct them. Being human means being ready to help anyone.

To be human means to be kind, sympathetic, to help people. Be calm and not greedy, considerate and honest.

For example, a real person will never pass by a grandmother whose bag was torn and food spilled out of it. Everyone should be ready to help even a stranger, because each of us wants only kind people to be around.

To be human means to do human things. Think not only about yourself, but also about the world that surrounds you. Even if you are in trouble, do not think that everyone should run to your aid, only egoists do this. And an egoist is not a person. People, be kind to the world around you, think not only about yourself, help others, and then they will definitely help you too!

In the concept of "being a man" everyone puts his own meaning. This is what influences actions and deeds.

In my understanding, "to be a man" is, first of all, to be a person with your own opinion, your own interests, your own meaning of life. A person becomes in the process of training, education, in the process of communicating with other people. It is not enough for a person to be smart and educated, he must be hardworking, honest, compassionate, ready to help. He should treat all living things with respect. A person should love his country and take care of it.

Only everyone can decide for himself to be a man or to be a creature similar to him.

A person is not a position or a profession. To be human is worthy to exist in this world. Do good to people and never deceive them. Be polite and kind. A real person is a friend who can come to the rescue, free from trouble and not envy. Good man be an example for children. A person should help not only his family, but also take care of other people.

To be human means to be educated, responsible, decent. Each person has their own rules, principles and norms of behavior. But, a real person knows how to keep his promise, which means he is responsible. Being educated means knowing how to behave in society, knowing how to do it and how not to do it. That is to be decent. Many consider themselves responsible, well-mannered and decent, but in reality this is not so. A person must have knowledge of these qualities, which means that he must also be smart.

The concept of "man" has a deep meaning. To be human is not only to eat, sleep, walk, lie down. I think a real person is good friend who is always able to help.

A real person should be good not only to himself, but also to other people. I really like the statement of the famous teacher V. Sukhomlinsky: "You were born a man, but you must become a man." Becoming a real man is not easy, because we live in a difficult world where money and concern for one's well-being make people cruel and indifferent.

I think. that to be a man is to fight evil, to be hardworking, to be responsible for everything, to be able to love and forgive.

Essay "What does it mean to be human"

A man belongs to the order of mammals, but unlike animals, he has a conscience, a man is smart, kind, sympathetic, respects his ancestors.

To be a human means to be sad, to rejoice, to study and work, to be kind, sympathetic, to get tired, and then to rest, walk and run, raise and take care of children, build houses, plant trees, so that life would be better.

Temerbolatova B. M.

KSU "Karatal basic school

Shal akyn district


In our difficult time, when everything is developing so rapidly that it is sometimes difficult to keep track of the changes taking place in the life of society, one often asks questions: what should a person be like, has his outlook on life changed, should he adapt to the frantic pace of life?

Yes, our time is not easy, stormy, the time of new technologies, but each person needs to find his calling, because to establish himself in it is a source of happiness. What is the highest pleasure in life? In my opinion, in creative work, something approaching art. If a person is in love with his work, he strives to have something beautiful both in the process of work and in its results. As proof, one can cite the words of K. Stanislavsky, who said this: “... what is happiness on earth? In knowledge. You get to know nature, the life of the world, the meaning of life, you get to know the soul-talent! There is no greater happiness than this!”

And no matter what the times are, no matter how life changes, nevertheless, the main qualities for a person have always been and remain love for life, kindness to people, a sense of justice, camaraderie and honesty. These are the fundamental qualities with which a person goes through life. For me, L.N. Tolstoy has always been an example, who loved not only people, but also his literary heroes, lived a book life with them. One day he left his office in tears. When asked what happened, he answered with a wave of his hand: "Prince Bolkonsky has just died."

Not all people become famous, geniuses. But I think that just being a person, creating a strong family, raising children is also not easy, this is also a feat.

A person in the world is just a small grain of sand, but if he was born, if he lives on Earth, then the Earth needs him. A person must live and create in such a way as to be aware of every moment, to appreciate every minute allotted to him. And it depends on the person himself what kind of memory he will leave about himself - if not nationwide, then among relatives.

And how can one not recall the statement of N. Ostrovsky that “Life is given to a person only once, and it must be lived in such a way that it is not excruciatingly painful for the aimlessly lived years ...”.

The introductory part begins with questions that the author tries to answer in the main part of his work.

In the main part, the compositional integrity is traced, the parts of the statement are logically connected, the thought develops sequentially. The author expressed his individual position, arguing with an example from the life of L.N. Tolstoy and the statement of N. Ostrovsky.

The future belongs to professionals

Kovaleva O.S.

Shal akyn district

A man should do his job in such a way,

as if he had nowhere to look for help.

Halifax D.

And who is a professional? Probably, this is the person who knows his business perfectly and at the same time is sure that he knows absolutely nothing about it. I think that a professional should not only be well versed in his field, but also understand the importance of the work being done. After all, if there are many smart, qualified specialists in our society, then humanity will only move forward, it will progress ...

Of course, every country wants to see its population smart, promising, purposeful, versed in all spheres of life. For example, we can see the desire for this in the example of free education provided by our state. And I think that this is right, because the future of the whole world lies on the shoulders of smart and educated people who can be called professionals in their field. After all, if you only imagine the opposite picture: a doctor who is poorly or not at all versed in his field, an incompetent teacher, a narrow-minded engineer or an unprofessional police officer - the actions of these people can cause enormous harm to society, to a person ... Personally, one conclusion suggests itself to me: it is impossible to do without knowledge and without the pursuit of knowledge.

But what does a person need to do to be a professional? I firmly believe that it is necessary to have a clearly defined goal and achieve it, no matter how difficult it may be. Of course, you need to read a lot (no matter how trite it may sound), communicate with intelligent people, visit cultural events: exhibitions, museums, theater, cinema. After all, all this contributes to the expansion of horizons, intellectual development, and the acquisition of communication skills.

So, in order for a person to call himself a professional in the future, he must set himself specific purpose and achieve it by any means. Work every day and fight laziness, develop the best human qualities in yourself. Then we don't have to worry about our future...


The essay was written by a student of the 11th grade on the topic "The future belongs to professionals." The student coped with the volume. However, the topic is covered superficially, there are not enough arguments to prove the theses put forward. There is not enough logical connection in the work, there is not enough originality and imagery. However, the work is written correctly in terms of literacy: there are no spelling and punctuation errors.