How to correctly measure the temperature with an electronic thermometer. How to use electronic thermometers correctly

I, like many people, once wanted to make life easier for myself and my loved ones by reducing the time for measuring temperature and bought an electronic thermometer. I bought this one just because it was on sale in our pharmacy. In general, since then he has been serving us for the third year.

The appearance of the thermometer is quite nice, laconic, convenient. There is a nice protective case for it, where it is convenient to store it. The quality is also good, since it has never broken down in all the time, although there are two small children at home who are often ill.

During the operation of the thermometer, I noticed that it shows high temperatures accurately (compared with mercury), but low temperatures lie as it wants. I searched the entire Internet in search of information and found a very useful information how to get more accuracy from him. In general, the fact is that in spite of the fact that the thermometer is electronic, it cannot quickly measure the correct temperature, since it simply cannot heat up to the required temperature in such a short time. The way out is this, even two:

1) First hold the thermometer under the arm for 5 minutes not turned on. During this time, it will heat up. Then turn it on and it will show the exact temperature with the maximum error.

2) Hold it under your arm for 5-7 minutes, not paying attention to its squeak.

Thus, the main charm electronic thermometer how the speed of measurement comes to naught and it becomes no better than mercury. For me, the beauty of it is that it is less likely to be broken and less likely to be poisoned with mercury (and our family has already had the experience of breaking a mercury thermometer, I don’t want to repeat it).

Therefore, you can buy such a thermometer only in terms of its safety, and not the accuracy and speed of measurement.

Temperature is one of the main indicators of the body's work. If the temperature drops or rises above the designated norm, this always has a reason. A high temperature indicates that the body is fighting against microbes, viruses and bacteria that have entered it. As Hippocrates said, "Give me a fever, and I can cure a patient!" It meant that high temperature is a sign of the body's ability to withstand external factors. That is why thermometer readings are so important in diagnosis and treatment. And in order for these indicators to be true, the temperature must be measured correctly.

Mercury thermometer

Despite modern gadgets and fast ways of measuring temperature, the mercury thermometer remains the most reliable measuring instrument. This is its main plus. In addition, a mercury thermometer is inexpensive, unlike its electronic counterparts. A significant disadvantage of a mercury thermometer is its fragility. The thermometer may break if dropped or shaken. Not only is the device itself damaged, a toxic substance - mercury - flows out. In this case, you need to remove its remnants, following special rules. Another disadvantage of a mercury thermometer is the lengthy measurement process. This is especially true when the temperature needs to be measured by the child. Little fidgets are spinning all the time and it is difficult for them to remain motionless for 10 minutes.

How to measure temperature axillary (in the armpit)

This is a simple process, but the reliability of the indicators depends on its correct implementation.

  1. Shake the thermometer so that the mercury column drops below 35 degrees.
  2. Place the thermometer in your armpit so that the tip is completely covered with skin. If you are measuring the temperature of a child, put the thermometer in the armpit and hold the baby's hand until the measurement is complete.
  3. The temperature should be measured within 5-10 minutes. An approximate result will be ready within 5 minutes, a more accurate one will take 10 minutes. Do not worry if you hold the thermometer for a long time, the column will not rise above your body temperature.
  4. After measuring, wipe the thermometer with alcohol so that it does not remain infectious. Especially if the house has one thermometer for all family members.
  5. Normal temperature readings for the armpit are 36.3-37.3 degrees.
  6. If the temperature is normal, but you still feel bad, then the problem is in your immune system - it simply does not protect the body. In this case, you need to see a doctor.

Measuring temperature axillary is considered the safest method. However, in some countries, temperature that was measured orally or rectally is considered more reliable.

How to measure temperature rectally

This is a fairly accurate way to measure temperature, since the colon is a closed system that is not affected by external temperature readings. This method is often used if the thermometer needs to be supplied to an infant or a seriously ill person (when soft tissue do not fit the device snugly enough). Lay the person sideways on the bed. Press the patient's legs to the chest and lubricate the anus with petroleum jelly. Also, cream or petroleum jelly should be applied to the tip of the thermometer. Gently, using a rolling motion, insert the thermometer into the large intestine and hold the device there for about five minutes. Usually this time is sufficient for accurate measurement. The normal temperature in the rectum is 37.3-37.7 degrees. After each measurement, the thermometer must be disinfected.

In addition, there is also a vaginal temperature measurement method. It is used to determine the period of ovulation. The temperature in the vagina can vary from 36.7-37.5 degrees depending on the day of the menstrual cycle.

Do not eat food that is too cold or too hot before taking the temperature in your mouth. Children do not measure the temperature in their mouths, as they can gnaw a dangerous object. Also, it is impossible to measure the temperature in the mouth for those who have diseases of the oral cavity. It is impossible to measure the temperature in the mouth if the nose is stuffy. Usually the thermometer is placed on the cheek or under the tongue. In the mouth, the temperature is slightly higher, as an indicator of the norm, you can take the mark of 37.3 degrees. Temperature may also be unreliable in smokers.

Physiological fluctuations in temperature

Body temperature can change not only depending on a person's illness. It decreases in the early morning hours and rises slightly in the afternoon. The temperature is higher if the person is moving and lower if the person is sitting or just lying down. The lowest body temperature during sleep. The average body temperature of men is slightly lower than that of women.

Causes of low and high body temperature

A low temperature is less common, but it also indicates some malfunctions in the body. This can often be the result of nervous strain, stress. The temperature drops below normal at the very beginning of pregnancy and may be its first sign. Low fever occurs on some days of the menstrual cycle. But most often, a low body temperature indicates a deterioration in the functioning of the body's immune system, overwork, and an exacerbation of chronic diseases. Serious causes of low temperature include AIDS, adrenal gland disorders, and anorexia. For the sake of justice, I would like to note that for some people, a low temperature is an individual norm.

High body temperature can indicate various infectious, viral and bacteriological diseases. It is very important to monitor the temperature and the level of its rise. For example, with acute viral diseases the temperature often rises sharply and remains high. Often rises again a few hours after taking antipyretics. But hidden inflammatory processes give a slight increase in temperature, but for a long time. This can be with iron deficiency anemia, when there is internal bleeding. This can be confirmed by an analysis for hemoglobin - with anemia, it is reduced. High temperature persists in autoimmune diseases, malignant tumors, tuberculosis, otitis media, sinusitis and a host of other diseases. It is important to pay attention to the accompanying symptoms here.

The lowest body temperature of a living person was recorded in a two-year-old girl who spent 6 hours in the cold. Its indicator was equal to 14.2 degrees. And the highest temperature belongs to a US resident who was exposed to heatstroke. His body temperature was 46.5 degrees. Both of these people survived such record temperature limits. Body temperature is a very important indicator that can signal a malfunction in the body in time. Measure the temperature correctly!

Video: how to measure the temperature correctly

Toddler is a rather difficult occupation. It makes many parents worry - not only newbies who don't know how to do it right, but even experienced dads and moms. In fact, there are no particular difficulties in this. You just need to understand how to handle the baby and the thermometer. In this article we will try to figure out how to measure the temperature of babies.

Normal temperature. What does it depend on?

The body of adults is very different from the body of babies. In adults, everything is already "set up" correctly, and the crumbs are just beginning to master the processes of thermoregulation. At first, they had not yet learned how to track changes in the temperature of their small bodies. A toddler can overheat very quickly if a caring mother puts too many clothes on him. But just as quickly, he is supercooled. All mothers who are too worried about an increase (or an apparent increase) in the baby's temperature should remember: when their baby is actively awake, his body temperature can be higher than during his sleep.

Constant control

For a baby that has just been born, an indicator in the range of 36.3-37.7 o C. is considered normal. And how to understand what a high temperature is? A temperature above normal is an indicator that the baby's body is producing special antibodies that are capable of destroying pathogenic bacteria and viruses.

In order for the baby's health to be under the tireless control of the parents, it is necessary to measure his body temperature daily. Only in this case it will be possible to find out in time when at least a minimal deviation from the norm has occurred. If the temperature has risen slightly, and the baby is completely calm, he has a good appetite, the parents do not need to worry.

When should the temperature be measured?

First you need to find out what is the normal and constant temperature of the little baby. To do this, you need to measure it daily for a week, then calculate the average (a regular table with numbers will help).

When and how to measure temperature for babies? This should only be done when mothers suspect that not everything is in order. The baby can become restless, sleep poorly, the skin will turn red, and the baby will have no appetite. At the same time, the mother can feel with her hand that the temperature is higher than usual.

It is also necessary to monitor the state in which the baby will be when the mother approaches him with a thermometer. It is best if the baby is half asleep. Adults should make sure that the baby is not irritated or aroused by anything while the temperature is being taken.

If the baby is crying, screaming, or is awake very actively, it is better not even to try to measure his temperature. It will only harm the baby. It is more correct when this process is carried out by people close to the baby, because he may be frightened of other people's uncles and aunts and nothing will work out.

We measure the temperature of the baby correctly

Not all mothers know how to measure the temperature of a baby correctly. For young parents, this is an especially difficult process, because they have not yet figured out what to do and why. Consider possible ways this, in general, a simple process.

The first way. You can measure the temperature in the ear, in the mouth, under the arm and rectally. The classic way of measuring temperature is a thermometer in the armpit of the little one. To begin with, you should comfortably sit the baby on your lap. After that, place a thermometer under your arm. While the necessary time lasts, you can sing a song to the baby, tell a fairy tale, talk to him. After a beep or seven minutes later, the procedure is considered complete. If the baby is very small and does not know how to sit yet, before starting the temperature measurement, he must be laid on the back.

What does the little one dislike?

And here is another way to measure the temperature of babies. This method is quite effective, but it is not very pleasant for the baby. Temperature is measured in the rectum. It is believed that this is the most truthful option to find out the exact temperature. The toddler should be put on the back and gently bend his legs at the knees. At the end of the thermometer, any baby or emollient cream is applied in advance. This thermometer must be very carefully inserted into the baby's rectum by about two centimeters. After the end of such a procedure, it is imperative to disinfect the thermometer.

Agde to measure the temperature of the baby yet? As an option - the ear canal of the toddler. The main reminder for parents: the measurement can only be taken when the baby is calm. By the way, during feeding, the baby's temperature may be increased.

And now about the normal temperature of the baby. Under the arm, it is 36.3-37.3 degrees Celsius; in the rectum - 37.6-38 degrees, and in the mouth - 37.1.

Mercury thermometer helps

Using an ordinary classic thermometer, you can find out the temperature of the baby in several ways. Let's try to understand how to measure the temperature of a baby with a mercury thermometer.

As a rule, mothers are used to the standard method, so they place the thermometer in the baby's armpit. In order to get information about the baby's temperature in this way, the baby must be laid on a flat surface - on a table, bed or changing table. After the thermometer is firmly settled in the armpit of the child, its handle must be gently held so that the thermometer does not move to another place or fall out from under the handle.

Another option is to place the thermometer in the groin so that the thigh can press it down. True, in this case, the baby will have to be put in a position that is not very convenient for him.

Not all moms and dads are sympathetic to rectal temperature measurements. But this method of obtaining the necessary information is the most accurate than all the others.

We use an electronic thermometer

With the help of an electronic thermometer, you can measure the baby's temperature in the same places in which they measure with a mercury thermometer. How to correctly measure the temperature with an electronic thermometer for a baby? It really won't be difficult.

By the way, some types of electronic thermometers can be attached to the baby's forehead (if he doesn't like it when the thermometer is under his arm) or carefully inserted into the ear. This type of measuring device will determine for itself how long it takes. After the end of the procedure, he will emit a sound signal.

Measuring the temperature of the little one will almost always be hassle-free and uncomplicated if the mother correctly selects both the thermometer and the method for carrying out the necessary procedure. Plus, everything must be done correctly, paying close attention to the child's condition.

One of the most convenient to use is a thermometer made in the form of a nipple. It is very simple to work with it: gently insert it into the baby's mouth, he will suck him for five minutes, and the temperature will be displayed on the display. But what if the baby is not familiar with nipples? Then you shouldn't even start using such a modern thermometer.

Accurate or not?

How to measure the temperature of a baby with an electronic thermometer? It couldn't be easier. You just need to attach such a magic device to the child's ear, put it in the armpit, or measure the temperature rectally (this has already been mentioned above). Nowhere can you find data on the indication of the exact time of measurement: such a thermometer will emit a signal when all the readings become known to it. As a rule, this lasts about three minutes.

But when using this modern device, you can notice only one significant drawback: an error occurs within one degree. And in the case of a serious illness of the baby, such an error can be critical for him. This is why many doctors do not recommend the use of such a thermometer.

Each parent has to choose how to measure the temperature of babies. Which thermometer he chooses - a classic mercury thermometer or a more modern, electronic one, it is up to him to decide. The main thing is that the baby is sick as rarely as possible.

In this article, we will consider how to use an electronic thermometer.

Anyone is familiar with and has experience in using a measuring device such as a thermometer. It is used to control the temperature level. For example, in case of illness, as well as when tracking the day of ovulation in women. In this regard, there is a thermometer in almost every home. V Lately mercury thermometers are being replaced by electronic ones. However, before purchasing of this equipment it is recommended to study all its negative and positive characteristics, features of the process of measuring temperature orally, rectally and axillary.

How to use an electronic thermometer will be described below.

Features of the device

A distinctive feature of modern electronic thermometers is the presence of a special sensor located on its narrow part. Then the result is shown in numbers on the display. That is why such a thermometer is often called digital.

How to use an electronic thermometer correctly should be described in detail in the annotation.

When choosing a measuring device, you should pay attention to its weak and strengths.

Positive characteristics

Among positive characteristics such thermometers:

  1. Safety. There is no mercury in the electronic thermometer, so there can be no harm to health from it. The device is perfect for use by adults and children.
  2. Versatility. Electronic thermometer can be used to measure temperature different ways... For example, in the groin, rectally, in the elbow, in the armpit, orally.
  3. Speed. The device measures the temperature quickly enough. As a rule, it takes no more than a minute to get a reliable result.
  4. Comfort. The end of the measurement process is accompanied by a sound signal emitted by the device.
  5. Simplicity. The measurement results are shown on a special display. A person just needs to look at the readings.
  6. Profitability. A few minutes after use, the device switches itself off. This saves battery power.

Additional functions

Currently, the market offers patients a variety of medical thermometers, some of which are equipped with additional functions. The most demanded of them are:

  1. Tip change.
  2. Display backlight. Allows you to measure the temperature at night without getting out of bed to turn on the light.
  3. Switching the measuring scale from Fahrenheit and Celsius.
  4. Waterproof case. This function allows young parents to use a thermometer to measure not only the body temperature, but also the water used to bathe the child.
  5. Built-in memory. Such a device is capable of automatically saving the last measurement readings. This allows a person to analyze changes in their condition. On some models, the memory capacity allows you to store up to 30 results.

To make it easier to measure temperature in babies, manufacturers offer special baby thermometers. They resemble toys in shape and are brightly colored. For newborns, there are nipple-shaped thermometers. Such devices make temperature measurement much easier.

Negative sides

In addition to positive characteristics, electronic thermometers also have negative sides:

  1. Many models cannot be wetted - they are afraid of moisture.
  2. As a rule, an electronic thermometer has to be kept for several minutes after it has emitted a sound signal. This forces the person to additionally time the time and brings inconvenience.
  3. An electronic device is much more expensive than a mercury one.

It is also worth noting that baby thermometers for newborns can only be used until the baby's teeth erupt.

To obtain the most correct and accurate data, it is important to follow all the recommendations reflected in the instructions for the device, where it is described how to use an electronic thermometer correctly.

Using the appliance

Correct measurements can only be obtained with the correct use of an electronic device. Therefore, it is important to follow the basic rules:

  1. The sensor located on the thermometer must be in close contact with the body.
  2. The measuring device gives the most accurate results when measured by the oral and rectal methods.
  3. It is possible to evaluate the obtained measurements only after the sound signal. For axillary temperature measurements, it is recommended to hold the device for an additional several minutes after the signal.
  4. Do not eat or drink before taking an oral temperature.
  5. It is not recommended to measure the temperature axially after taking a shower, bath, or other water procedures.

How to use an electronic body thermometer is important to know in advance.

In addition, the correctness of the measurements depends on the batteries. As a rule, one set is enough for 2-5 years of use. When the batteries start to run out, the thermometer starts to distort the data. Therefore, it is recommended to regularly replace the batteries.

Techniques for measuring temperature using an electronic thermometer

There are several known methods for measuring temperatures with an electronic device:

  1. In the armpit.
  2. Rectally.
  3. Orally.

Using an electronic device is not only more convenient, but also much safer. When in the armpit or orally, the algorithm of use is almost identical to that of a mercury thermometer. However, there are specific features. Among them, first of all, is the time after which accurate data can be obtained. It depends on the type of thermometer, its manufacturer. As a rule, this time is indicated in the instructions for each device. For many models, this interval is 0.2-1 minute. But practice shows that this is not the case. When measuring the temperature in the armpit, it is required to hold the thermometer for several minutes after the beep. You can evaluate the result only after this time.

If the measurement is carried out orally, then the measurements will be reflected on the display immediately after the sound signal appears.

So, let's find out how to use an electronic thermometer for children and adults.

Obtaining objective results

The most objective and correct results can be obtained by measuring the temperature in the rectum. It is there that the temperature is as close as possible to the temperature of the internal organs. This method of measurement is recommended for use with pathologies of the rectum, disorders of the digestive system. In addition, this measurement technique is used by women when planning pregnancy in order to determine the day of ovulation. The most accurate readings can be obtained by following some simple rules:

  1. Before inserting the tip of the thermometer into the rectum, it should be lubricated with oil or petroleum jelly.
  2. An adult should take a position lying on its side, a small child - lying on its stomach.
  3. Turn on the thermometer, wait for the start of measurement.
  4. Insert the thermometer rectally, no more than 3 cm, holding it in this position with your fingers.
  5. Squeeze the gluteal muscles tightly until the result is obtained. This will prevent cold air from entering.
  6. As a rule, the measurement procedure takes 1-2 minutes.

When taking a rectal temperature, a person should maintain an accepted position, avoiding movement. In addition, abrupt insertion of the device into the rectum is prohibited.

After the end of the measurement, the thermometer is removed, the result is evaluated, and treated with a disinfectant solution.

How to use an electronic infrared thermometer?

Using an infrared device

One of the varieties of electronic thermometers is an infrared thermometer. To obtain the correct result when using such a device, it is important to adhere to several rules:

  1. It is important to eliminate extraneous air flows - heater, fan, air conditioner.
  2. The patient's forehead should be clean - no creams, cosmetics.
  3. If there is sweat on the forehead, it should be wiped off with a tissue.
  4. Wipe the infrared sensor on the device before use.
  5. The patient should sit upright during the measurement, avoiding conversations and movements.

To measure the temperature with such a device, it is necessary to turn it on, press the measurement button, bring it to the patient's forehead at a distance of up to 6 cm, wait for the sound signal.

Many people are interested in how to use an electronic medical thermometer.

Most popular electronic thermometers

Some of the more popular thermometer models are:

How to use the electronic B-Well thermometer? Press ON / OFF button to turn on. A beep will sound and all segments will be shown on the display for two seconds. Then the thermometer will show a test temperature of 36.5˚C. When ˚C appears on the display, the thermometer is ready for use. Then you need to install the thermometer under your armpit, in your mouth or in the anus and wait for a sound signal. Measurement usually takes 1-3 minutes, but may take longer depending on the method used.

How to use the Omron electronic thermometer is also frequently asked by patients. It is operated in the same way as the previous device.

We've covered how to use an electronic thermometer.

The first sign of a malfunction in our body is often an increased body temperature. It is the temperature that the therapist is interested in, to whom you periodically come to the appointment. And it is precisely its indicators and their dynamics that can push the doctor to a diagnosis. Healthy body despite varying temperature fluctuations external environment, different physical activity during the day, maintains our body temperature with high precision. To take measurements, you will need a thermometer (you can, of course, touch your forehead with your lips, but this method is too subjective and cannot serve as a basis for making a decision about treating a person). The thermometer can be mercury (inexpensive, but easily breakable and requires long-term contact with the body) or (more expensive, but fast and safe). There are also infrared thermometers that take only 3-5 seconds to measure, but they are too expensive. There are several places on the human body where it is customary to measure temperature (in the armpit, under the tongue, at the elbow, in the rectum, in the vagina). Accordingly, the rate of temperature indicators for each place is different. The easiest, safest, most common and familiar way for everyone is to insert an armpit thermometer. Each of us has measured the temperature in the armpit hundreds of times, but some did not even think about the fact that there are special rules that must be followed when taking measurements. Otherwise, the result will be incorrect. The following tips will help you correctly carry out this seemingly simple, but so important procedure.

You will need:

  • Thermometer
  • A chair or bed where you can sit comfortably during the measurement
  • Dry towel
  • Disinfectant solution

Step by step solution:

  1. The temperature in the room where the measurement takes place should be within 18-25 degrees. If the room is cooler, then before you put the thermometer in your armpit, you must first hold it in your hands for about 30-40 seconds, warming it with your palms.
  2. Before installing the thermometer, you must wipe the skin of the armpit with a napkin or dry towel. This will significantly reduce the risk of the thermometer cooling due to sweat evaporation.
  3. Remember to shake the thermometer if using the mercury option, or turn on the electronic one.
  4. When installing a thermometer, be sure to make sure that the mercury column (or a metal tip in an electronic thermometer) hits the deepest point of the armpit, while it must touch the body from all sides. The thermometer should not rest against clothing.
  5. Air should not enter the armpit. Therefore, press your shoulder and elbow to the body, then the armpit will be closed. The tightness to the skin must be ensured throughout the entire measurement time.
  6. Do not measure the temperature immediately after coming from the street, exercising, taking a bath or warm shower. Usually, if a person (and especially a child) cried or was very nervous, then the temperature will be too high. An increased result will be obtained immediately after a hearty dinner rich in protein foods, as well as after a hot tea party. In all these cases, you need to wait at least 10-15 minutes, which should be spent at rest, and only then start measuring the temperature.
  7. During the measurement, you need to be motionless, not talking, singing, eating, drinking.
  8. The measurement time for a mercury thermometer is at least 6 minutes, maximum 10, and the electronic one must be kept under the arm for another 2-3 minutes after the beep.
  9. Take out the thermometer in a smooth motion. If you suddenly pull out the electronic thermometer, then due to friction with the skin, it will add a few tenths of a degree.
  10. When you are sick, measure the temperature at least twice a day - in the morning (in the range of 7-9 hours) and in the evening (between 19 and 21 hours). In this case, it is advisable to put the thermometer at the same time, this is how you can trace the dynamics of temperature changes. In case of a serious illness accompanied by high temperature, it should be measured before taking antipyretics, and also after (30-40 minutes after taking the medicine).
  11. If the thermometer is used by more than one person, remember to wipe it down with a disinfectant solution and wipe it dry after each use.


  • By the way, the most the usual way(a thermometer under the arm) scientists recognize as the most inaccurate. In addition, the difference between the armpits can be from 0.1 to 0.3 ° C. Therefore, if you need to obtain a high measurement accuracy in order to clearly trace the dynamics, then measurements in the armpit are not suitable.
  • In a healthy person, a normal temperature is considered to be from 36.3 to 36.9 degrees. In children, the body temperature can be a few tenths of a degree higher, and in older people it is lower. In the morning the temperature is usually two to three tenths of a degree lower than in the evening.
  • Even at normal body temperature, a person can be sick. For example, people with low body reactivity get sick with the flu at normal temperatures, but at short intervals and with complications.
  • Nipple thermometers have been created for babies. This is very convenient for those kids who are too active: even if they manage to insert the thermometer under their arm, the child immediately pulls it out. When the baby sucks on the nipple, the mother can control his body temperature without any problems. Naturally, you should not take measurements immediately after eating or drinking warm drinks. Pediatricians note that this type of electronic thermometer gives incorrect values ​​during teething, and this, as you know, is a very lengthy and protracted process.
  • It is advisable to shake the mercury thermometer immediately after measurement. If you store a thermometer with readings, especially if they were high, then over time the thermometer starts to junk.