". Caesarean section - "What to do if you were sent to three letters - to the PCS." What to answer if sent to three letters

You were sent to three letters.

If you were sent to three letters, then this does not mean at all that you were sent to GOA. This means... But don't be offended.

14 degrees south latitude; 71 degrees west longitudeare the geographic coordinates of the place where dailysend each other millions of Russians. More specifically, the city of Nahui.

If you were sent to... then maybethe interlocutor simply invites you to visit South America. After all, it isthere, in the Republic of Peru, there is a village with a beautiful nameNahui. And if every tenth sent there went, then this placewould, without a doubt, become a tourist Mecca and the largestpopulation of a city in the world. For now, it's just a small Peruvianvillage. These are such cheerful people, these Peruvians!

In fact, if you carefully study the world map, you can find morea lot of strange geographical names. These are cities likeSuka (in Nigeria), Zhopu (in Pakistan), Ebaty (in France), Mudaka (inCongo). Maybe it's time to stop being offended and start traveling?

And if someone does not like to travel, then look for yourself below.

You have been sent to...

ARIES. Aries goes away, like a true Aries - silently and evilly, with a firm step and with decisively squared shoulders.

TAURUS. Taurus will ask in horror - “that is, how the fuck is it?”. And he will go to complain to everyone that he was sent. Yes, nah. Imagine, huh? But in the end, he still leaves, shaking his head sadly and whispering insulting words under his breath.

TWINS. The twins don't go away. Well, they don't go away. They remain and look at the sender with reproach in their eyes. In the end, the sender leaves nah-th himself.

CRAYFISH. Cancer will get upset and try to find out if he was sent precisely nah-th? Are you sure? Or maybe even...? Ah, yes, I understand. Maybe not? But like Taurus, he eventually leaves, but proudly.

A LION. The lion is leaving. Was he sent? Sent. So, it is necessary to carry out a responsible task. When it comes - be sure to send a report on the execution.

VIRGO. The maiden will cry. Then she will cry more. Then she will cry. Then she hesitantly moves in the indicated direction, stopping along the way to cry. It won't come soon, but definitely.

SCALES. The scales will send a fuck who sent and stare at him with interest. If the sender himself does not leave, Libra will try to persuade him to go together, because it is more fun together.

SCORPION. Scorpio won't even notice that he was sent fuck. He has completely different vital interests and your petty disassembly does not concern him at all.

In if you were sent to three letters

Original taken from kadievrasul in if you were sent to three letters

If you were sent to three letters, that is, to court, then you had a chance to see how jurisprudence is closely connected with the economy.

An increase in the salaries of judges has become a reliable barrier to their independence, as they are afraid of losing this wages and are ready for any loyalty for it.

Opers, investigators and prosecutors also raised their salaries, moreover, higher than the judges. It is clear that they are also not ready to lose their positions and salaries due to the fact that some judge there did not believe the testimony that was beaten out and acquitted the person. Therefore, in Russian Federation operational support of criminal cases in court is in full swing (that is, hitting judges), supported by a growing wave scientific works about the value of such operational support. As a result, the parties agreed and came to a peace, according to which some are caught, others are imprisoned, and there will be nothing for anyone except salaries, bonuses and statuses.

Strange as it may seem, the lowest strata turned out to be extreme, that is, those who shoot and those who directly catch them. In Dagestan, the highest ranks of the police established an enhanced regime for the lower ranks, as a result, disgruntled traffic police on twenty bobiks (about 100 people) gathered in Makhachkala for a rally. They don't get paid enough to endure such an enhanced regime and level of danger.

You don't have to go for three letters, but just read our legislation to understand that the market laws here work as they should and who needs it. For example, Article 6.11 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation provides for a fine for prostitution in the amount of 1.5 to 2 thousand rubles. Anyone who "accidentally" stumbled upon this type of service on the Internet, or also "accidentally" asked friends about this type of service, or "by an absurd coincidence" was a user of this service knows that this is no more than 1/3 of the fee of the priestess of love per night. When the punishment does not discourage people from engaging in prohibited activities, but sets a meager fine from the profits from this prohibited activity, then this is already a permitted activity. That is, the legislator, apparently "quite by accident" often uses the services of prostitutes, for which he legalized this activity by setting a symbolic fee for prostitution.

Reading a crime chronicle, you understand that this is economic news.

For example, in Makhachkala, at the Zagorodny market, there was a shootout between the security of the market and entrepreneurs who did not want to pay for entering the market. A place in the sun Dagestan market very hot and despite the entry into the WTO, the owners of the Zagorodny market do not want to lose their income.

In the evening, once again, traffic police officers were fired at in Khasavyurt, as a result, both were killed. Khasavyurt and the market are synonyms and we have an example of a war for market control.

It is clear that if the security forces block the entrance to the market for everyone, then the threat of multimillion-dollar losses will push the residents-traders and major owners Khasavyurt market to deal with banditry in a week. But either the security forces did not teach economics, or they have other economic interests.

In a word, no matter where you are sent in three letters to the court, to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, to the illegal armed formations, you always end up in economic relations because a person cannot live outside the economy.

In fact, I will soon have a second caesarean. And I decided to write down my impressions of the first operation - as a keepsake, and in general it will suddenly come in handy for someone. I really hope that my review will calm someone and set them on the right wave)

Long before...

I knew from childhood that I would ever have a caesarean - "thank you" to vision problems. In addition, I myself was born precisely thanks to the operation, so, one might say, this is our "dynastic" way of giving birth to children. True, my mother had an ugly vertical scar. But this circumstance had to be taken for granted.

Perhaps because of all these circumstances, I was very calm about the CS. I sometimes read reviews or forums on "mother's" sites, there is almost every post about caesarean with the words "I found out that there will be a COP, I roar," etc. I didn't have that. Well, caesarean, well, yes ...)

Shortly before..

I had a C-grade pregnancy - and I had to lie in the hospital and go to the doctors in the district center (there was no sense, but I bought myself a beautiful dress there, gyyyy). Throughout my pregnancy, I had a quirk - what if I don’t reach the date and start giving birth myself? I've read everything about it. how to take birth in myself, every training contraction I thought that I was giving birth, but theoretical knowledge helped me to remain cool. Although I admit that theory and practice are two different things)

Of course, I read about caesarean. I was pleased with the thought that I would be conscious - I always prefer to see what is being done to me. The only thing that scared me in the upcoming operation was an enema) Well, it seemed like a terrible dream to me, I dreamed of avoiding this and was afraid of this manipulation, like hell incense.

Right before...

I had PCS done in a neighboring city - in the city of Gubkin, Belgorod Region, in the local one and only maternity hospital. This is such a back in the USSR) But there, through an acquaintance, I found a good doctor who was recommended to me. I went to counseling a couple of times. They didn’t put me in the hospital before the operation - they just set a date and told me to come early in the morning with my things. Eating was forbidden the day before. By the way, I remember that I wanted to destroy the entire refrigerator) There was no excitement, before the operation I had enough sleep and went to meet the child. Even though I was waiting for this terrible, terrible enema)))


I arrived at the hospital at 6:45 am. I was forced to change into a hospital gown of size 56, with my 42m it looked very possible - oversize, that's all). They even made me take off my underpants, put them in a bag along with my things and give them to my husband. That's it, at this moment you disappear as a person) Ahead is a week in the maternity hospital, when you belong to the maternity hospital, wear maternity hospital clothes and in general are not your own boss.

But it was a lyrical digression. Before the Constitutional Court they registered me, filled out the documents and ... tadam! They took me for an enema) It seemed to me that it was so humiliating, disgusting and disgusting, and in general ... But in principle it turned out that it was only a few minutes and it was quite possible to endure. Realizing that the worst stage for me was behind me, I relaxed and began to enjoy annoying the staff with questions.

I was given spinal anesthesia. The injection is not painful, you just need to sit for a while without moving. It feels, of course, like something enters the back, but if, for example, you did a tattoo, like me, then for you this is the very “mosquito bite”. Then the lower part of the body gradually becomes numb, they put you on the operating table, everyone around slowly prepares, walks in white coats, talks to you. In short, a pleasant atmosphere.

The operation itself lasted about 40 minutes. The daughter was taken out at the 15th minute, they immediately showed me this wrinkled, displeasedly yelling madam) by the way, before that, the CTG showed that she was sleeping, so we woke her up. If I were in her place, I would yell too)

It feels like it's not painful during the operation. You just feel like you are being rocked and pulled in different directions and poked around in you. Neutral feeling. The only moment was when the child was taken out - it wildly squeezed the chest, as if our 100-kilogram anesthesiologist uncle sat on it. And then the pressure dropped. But then they picked it up. Further - the mother is "darned", the child is washed, weighed, taken away. Mom is also going to the ward with a parade escort of nurses.

Right after...

In the ward, I immediately began to call my husband, mother, my coach, took a selfie on Instagram - in short, I was cheerful and cheerful. But after half an hour, I began to shake violently. It was no longer possible to hold the phone, talk and generally control myself. It turned out that the pressure dropped a lot. I was put on drips, overlaid with heating pads, and I fell asleep. Sometimes I woke up, they brought the baby, I again fell into a dream.

In general, I planned to get up as early as possible, for the sake of a quick recovery. But my body was against it - the anesthesia did not want to go away) My legs began to work only late at night, when the nurse picked me up and sent me to the toilet. The pain, of course, was hellish. It’s scary to get up, my stomach hurts as if you’re about to die right here. In general, those who believe that a cesarean is easy way and "lafa", let him go through this procedure himself.

In fact, a caesarean doesn't hurt at first, but it hurts like hell later on. I forced myself to walk, plus on the second day they brought my daughter at my disposal, so I had to forget about self-pity. I have worked out a few tricks for myself to relieve the pain. I will share them with those who have read this far:

  • Bandage! Postpartum bandage is a very useful thing. I pulled it tighter, it fixed the seam and the pain was slightly dulled. And if without a bandage I once walked down the corridor and fainted from pain, such embarrassment did not happen with a bandage. Yes, it hurts, but you can live.
  • Try to straighten up. Paradox, but it also hurts less. At first, I walked leaning forward a lot. It's hard, especially when you're carrying a baby in your arms. Then I tried to straighten up and was surprised to find that it was possible. In the process of straightening, it hurts, it hurts, but the more vertical you are, the easier it is for you.
  • Get out of bed through a sitting position. Personally, at first I lowered my legs, grabbed the bedside table with my hand and, holding the weight on my hand, slowly straightened up.
  • The fourth way is psychological. You need some kind of anchor of calm in this world where everything has changed for you. For me, it was self-care. I washed my face, wiped my face with tonic, applied cream, combed my hair, plucked my eyebrows in rare moments of freedom - and strength appeared again.

After release...

Of course, days in the hospital can hardly be called a resort. This is a hell of a pain to overcome. This is a constant cycle of feedings, pumping, kneading the breasts and other things ... There is no time to sleep there. By my calculations, I slept for 40 minutes a day. Plus, it was impossible to wash my hair, go to the shower and the toilet doors did not close) In short, I barely endured until the 6th day and simply begged my doctor to let me go, promised her anything, if only I was discharged. And she gave up. At my discharge, my husband, at my request, brought high-heeled shoes and I decided that from that moment on I didn’t pay attention to the seam. And so it happened) Outside the maternity hospital, chores swept over, so I simply stopped paying attention to the pain.

My conclusions:

So, conclusions. Of course, a cesarean is a matter of testimony, not personal sympathy. But I urge those who have to go through this not to be afraid, but to try to carry out everything with the least losses. Do not lose courage, know that the pain will be less and less every day, the seam will heal, the scar will be less and less noticeable, the stomach will also go away. But then your child will be with you. You, too, suffered your child.

Of course, after a cesarean, it is difficult and long to recover. And the figure comes into shape worse, and the back hurts, and the seam can become a scar, the skin around the seam feels like someone else's. But you can live with all this) It's not as scary as it might seem.

I wish you successful pregnancies, successful childbirth and easy recovery! Take care of your health so that your children have the most healthy, beautiful, happy and full of strength mom!