GOST 16338 1985 which is Russian. LDPE Specifications

GOST 16338-85







Decree of the USSR State Committee for Standards dated December 20, 1985 No. 4272 established the introduction date


The validity period was removed according to protocol No. 2-93 of the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (IUS 2-93)

This standard applies to low pressure polyethylene (high density) obtained by suspension and gas-phase methods of polymerization of ethylene at low pressure on complex organometallic catalysts in suspension, and in the gas phase on complex organometallic catalysts on a carrier, and establishes requirements for polyethylene manufactured for the needs of the people. farms and for export.

The technical level indicators established by this standard are provided for the highest and first quality categories.

This standard does not apply to polyethylene compositions for the cable industry.


1.1. Polyethylene obtained by the suspension method (suspension polyethylene) is produced without additives (base grades) and in the form of compositions based on them with stabilizers, dyes and other additives. Polyethylene obtained by the gas-phase method (gas-phase polyethylene) is produced in the form of compositions with stabilizers.

1.2. Depending on the properties and purpose, the grades of polyethylene specified in.

1.4. The base grade of polyethylene is chosen in accordance with the required quality indicators, and.

The grade of the polyethylene composition is chosen in accordance with the required quality indicators and and .

Designation examplethe base grade of polyethylene of the serial number grade 10, averaged by cold mixing, with a density of 0.948-0.959 g / cm 3 and an average melt flow rate of 7.5 g / 10 min:

Polyethylene 21008-075 GOST 16338-85.

The designation of a composition that does not contain a dye additive consists of the name of the material "polyethylene", the first three digits of the base brand designation, the number of the additive formulation in accordance with , written through a dash, and the symbols of this standard.

Designation examplecompositions of polyethylene of base grade 21008-075 with additives in accordance with formula 04:

Polyethylene 210-04 GOST 16338-85.

Designation examplecompositions of polyethylene grade 271 with additives in accordance with formula 70:

Polyethylene 271-70 GOST 16338-85.

The designation of the composition with the dye additive consists of the name of the material "polyethylene", the first three digits of the base brand, written with a dash of the number of the additive formulation according to (if any), the color name written separated by a comma, a three-digit number indicating the coloring formulation according to , and the designation of this standard

Designation examplesthe base grade of polyethylene 21008-075 and composition 210-04 based on it, colored red according to recipe 101:

Polyethylene 210, red rec. 101 GOST 16338-85,

Polyethylene 210-04, red rec. 101 GOST 16338-85.

When ordering polyethylene, the grade is indicated after the brand designation. For polyethylene intended for the manufacture of electrical products and products in contact with food, drinking water, cosmetics and drugs, toys that come into contact and not in contact with the oral cavity, as well as for polyethylene subject to long-term storage, the corresponding purpose is additionally indicated.


2.1 . Polyethylene must be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard according to the technological regulations approved in the prescribed manner.

2.2 . The base grades of suspension polyethylene are produced in the form of a powder, the compositions of suspension and gas-phase polyethylene are produced in the form of granules. Basic grades and compositions of polyethylene are produced in the highest, first and second grades.

For the composition of polyethylene grade 203-20, the norm for tensile yield strength should be at least 22.7 MPa, elongation at break - at least 400%.


1. Indicator 10 for brand 273-71 is not determined.

2. For polyethylene compositions with additives of formulas 70, 71, 75, 79, 80, 81, 83, 84, 85, 95, after the warranty period of storage, a change in the melt flow rate by 30% is allowed, and for compositions 273-79, 273- 80 also indicators of relative elongation by 30% and tensile yield strength by 10% of the established norms.

Low pressure polyethylene. Specifications This standard applies to low-pressure (high-density) polyethylene obtained by slurry and gas-phase methods and the polymerization of ethylene at low pressure on complex organometallic catalysts on a carrier, and establishes requirements for polyethylene manufactured for the needs of the national economy and for export. The technical level indicators established by this standard are provided for the highest and first quality categories.

This standard does not apply to polyethylene compositions for the cable industry.

Name of indicator Norm for the brand
273-79 273-83 276-73 277-73
Top grade First grade Top grade First grade Top grade First grade Top grade
1. Density, g/cm3 0,957-0,964 0,955-0,960 0,958-0,963 0,958-0,964
2. Melt flow index, g/10 min 0,30-0,50 0,30-0,55 0,30-0,55 2,6-3,2 17,0-25,0
3. Spread of melt flow rates within the batch, %, no more ±10 ±18 ±10 ±18 ±10 ±18 ±10
4. Number of inclusions, pcs., no more Do not ration Do not ration 5 20 5
5. Mass fraction of ash, %, no more 0,04 0,06 0,04 0,06 0,03 0,045 0,03
6. Mass fraction of volatile substances,%, no more 0,09 0,1 0,09 0,1 0,09 0,1 0,09
7. Tensile yield strength, MPa (kgf/cm2), not less than 21,6 21,6 22,6 22,6 25,5 25,5 Do not ration
(220) (220) (230) (230) (260) (260) »
8. Tensile strength, MPa (kgf/cm2), not less than 24,5 20,6 24,5 20,6 27,4 23,5 »
(250) (210) (250) (210) (280) (240) »
9. Elongation at break, %, not less than 700 550 700 550 700 700 »
10. The ratio of MFR21.6 / MFR5 20-45 20-45 Do not ration Do not ration »

GOST 16338-85 was introduced in 1987, replacing the outdated GOST 16338-77 and establishes technical requirements and key parameters for low-density polyethylene. The standard applies to HDPE synthesized by the slurry or gas-phase method in the presence of Ziegler-Natta catalysts. At the same time, the standard does not regulate the parameters of polyethylene compositions used to insulate electrical products.

Basic information contained in GOST 16338-85

  • The standard allows both the production of base grades without any additives, and the production of high-density polyethylene in compositions with stabilizing additives.
  • 10 base grades for suspension polyethylene are determined, as well as 20 base grades for gas-phase polyethylene. These grades are also the basis for the manufacture of HDPE compositions with improved technological properties.
  • Standard methods for labeling HDPE have been formulated. Namely, in the base grades, the first digit is always indicated by "2" (which indicates the polymerization of ethylene in the presence of a Ziegler-Natta catalyst). This is followed by two digits indicating the serial number of the base brand on the basis of which the composition is made. The fourth digit is always set to "0", which indicates the method of homogenization - cold mixing averaging. The fifth digit characterizes the density (from 6 to 9, where 9 is the densest, from 960 to 970 kg / m3). Three digits characterizing the fluidity of the melt are indicated through an em dash. If we are talking about modified brands, the number “2” is indicated first, followed by the serial number of the base brand, and the number of the additive is indicated through a dash.
  • A list of permissible additives with their classification has been formed, separately for gas-phase and suspension polyethylene. The types of additives and the properties of the compositions that are acquired by introducing these additives into the formulation are determined.
  • Specified technical requirements for all brands. At the same time, the characteristics are set separately for the first and second grades of HDPE.
  • Safety requirements are formulated, as well as material testing methods.

From a practical point of view, GOST is primarily of interest to buyers by indicating technical requirements for brands, as well as decoding brand names.

UNITRADE LLC supplies HDPE in accordance with GOST 16338-85

The company offers supplies of basic and modified grades according to GOST 16338-85 from leading Russian manufacturers. You can read the full text of the standard on this page or contact our experts for advice.

Cooperation with UNITRADE LLC means:

Fulfillment of all contractual
obligations, even if
market conditions

Full control
logistics schemes

products to GOSTs and TU
manufacturing plants

natural under paint


Price with VAT

from 100 rub/kg


Production of disposable tableware, food containers (containers), geogrids, consumer goods, polypropylene threads, bags

Goods issue

Bags from 25 kg

Shipment method

Manually and mechanized with a forklift. Container sack 25 kg, big bags 500 kg and big bags 850 kg. Pallet (pallet on it neatly folded bags and wrapped with stretch film) from 1 t and 1.25 t

Polyethylene is an indispensable material for many applications due to its excellent dielectric properties and minimal absorbency. In addition, it is chemically neutral, has excellent strength, and has no smell. Polyethylene is characterized by low gas and vapor permeability. It does not react with alkalis, saline solutions, concentrated hydrochloric and hydrofluoric acids, it is resistant to gasolines, alcohols, oils, and does not interact with water.
Polyethylene does not dissolve in organic solvents, partially swelling during prolonged contact. The destructive effect can occur when interacting with 50% nitric acid and gas halogens of fluorine and chlorine.
There are two main types of polyethylene - LDPE (low density high pressure polyethylene) and HDPE (high density low pressure polyethylene). HDPE low-pressure polyethylene is produced by slurry or gas-phase methods. Regardless of the production method, the resulting material is characterized by strong bonds at the molecular level, which gives it a much greater strength than HDPE. To date, it is not so easy to buy low-pressure polyethylene with the required characteristics, given the fact that different manufacturers carry out different markings, the release is made according to TU and GOST. It is not difficult to get confused even by an experienced customer. It is best to purchase HDPE manufactured in accordance with GOST 16338-85 or GOST 16337-77.

Advantages of low density polyethylene

Let us dwell on the main characteristics and advantages of HDPE low-pressure polyethylene.

  1. High strength. Due to this feature, this polymer has received the widest distribution in various fields of application. Excellent tensile and compressive strength makes it possible to use HDPE for the production of household appliances and accessories, various products for industrial enterprises and commercial facilities.
  2. High water resistance. The use of finished HDPE products in conditions of high humidity for a long time does not affect the properties and characteristics of the polymer. Due to this, HDPE has become widespread in the improvement of swimming pools, bathrooms, baths, saunas, as well as in industrial enterprises in rooms with high humidity. In many cases, low-pressure polyethylene is simply indispensable when working in these extreme conditions.
  3. Lack of interaction with various chemical reagents. HDPE does not react with various acids, alkalis, salts, and other active substances. Due to this feature, it is widely used in the chemical industry. Containers made of HDPE are used for storage and transportation of toxic and chemically active substances.
  4. Resistant to extreme temperatures. HDPE does not change its properties during operation in sub-zero and high temperatures. It can be used equally well in the conditions of the far north and in the hottest parts of our country.
  5. Ease of production. Taking into account this feature, it is possible to establish the production of finished products from HDPE without large financial costs for equipment.

Today you can buy low-pressure polyethylene produced in accordance with GOST 16338-85 and GOST 16337-77. Let us dwell on the main physical and mechanical properties of HDPE.

Brittleness temperature according to the melt flow characteristic index (g/10 min.):

  • 0.2-0.3 at not more than -120 °C;
  • 0.6-1.0 at not more than -110 °С;
  • 1.5-2.2 at not more than -100 °C;
  • 3.5 at not more than -80 °С;
  • 5.5 at not more than -70 °С;
  • 7-8 at not more than -60 °С;
  • 12 at not more than -55 °С;
  • 20 at no more than -45 °С.

The secant modulus of elasticity is:

  • polyethylene 0.917-0.921 g / cm 2 - (882.3-1274.5) x105 Pa; 900-1300 kgf / cm 2;
  • polyethylene 0.922-0.926 g / cm 2 - (1372-1764.7) x105 Pa; 1400-1800 kgf / cm 2;
  • polyethylene 0.928 g / cm 2 - 2107.8 x105 Pa; 2150 kgf / cm 2.

The price of low-density polyethylene

The main advantage of HDPE is its low cost. Due to the fact that the price of low pressure polyethylene is significantly lower than for materials used in similar applications, HDPE is gaining new market segments.

To date, a significant part of the packaging material is made from this polymer. Almost all food film, packaging bags, disposable tableware are made of low-density polyethylene. Taking into account the ease of production and the low cost of raw materials, manufacturers set the price for low-density polyethylene at an acceptable level for most consumers.

Characteristics of HDPE according to GOST 16338-85

No. p / p Name of indicator unit of measurement Norm for the brand
1 Density g/cm 3 0,931-0,970
2 Vicat softening point in air °C 120-125
3 Melting temperature °C 125-132
4 Powder bulk density g/cm 3 0,20-0,25
5 Bulk density of granules g/cm 3 0,5-0,6
6 Breaking stress in bending MPa 19-35
7 Ball indentation hardness at a given load MPa 48-54
8 Shear strength MPa 19-35
9 Ohm 1014
10 ohm cm 1016-1017
11 Water absorption in 30 days % 0,03-0,04
12 The tangent of the angle diel. losses (f=1010 Hz) 0,0002-0,0005
13 Diel. permeability (f=1010 Hz) 2,32-2,36
14 Heat capacity at 20-25 °С J/kg °C 1780±100
15 Thermal conductivity V/(m °C) (41.8-44)x10-2
16 Linear coefficient of thermal expansion °C (1.7-2.0)x10-41

Characteristics of HDPE according to GOST 16337-77:

No. p / p Name of indicator unit of measurement Norm for the brand
1 Density g/cm 3 0,9-0,939
2 Melting temperature °C 103-110
3 Bulk density g/cm 3 0,5-0,6
4 Ball indentation hardness at a given load (1.66-2.25) x105 Pa kgf / cm 2 1,7-2,3
5 Water absorption in 30 days % 0,02
6 Molding shrinkage % 1,0-3,5
7 bending stress kgf / cm 2 120-200
8 Tensile strength kgf / cm 2 140-170
9 Specific volume electrical resistance ohm cm 1016-1017
10 Specific surface electrical resistance Ohm 1015
11 Dielectric loss tangent (f=1010 Hz), within 0,0002-0,0005
12 Dielectric constant (f=1010 Hz), within 2,25-2,31



Low pressure polyethylene.

GOST 16338-85 Instead of GOST 16338-77

OKP 22 1112
22 4391

Decree of the USSR State Committee for Standards dated December 20, 1985 No. 4272 established the introduction date 01.01.87
The validity period was removed according to protocol No. 2-92 of the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (IUS 2-93)

This standard applies to low pressure polyethylene (high density) obtained by suspension and gas-phase methods of polymerization of ethylene at low pressure on complex organometallic catalysts in suspension, and in the gas phase on complex organometallic catalysts on a carrier, and establishes requirements for polyethylene manufactured for the needs of the people. farms and for export.

The technical level indicators established by this standard are provided for the highest and first quality categories.

This standard does not apply to polyethylene compositions for the cable industry.