Scott Kelby digital photography 1. Digital photography

If your photos are not clear, then nothing else matters.

Getting sharp and focused photos is so important to professional photographers that they have even coined a term for accurately focused photographs - "tack sharp", which can be translated as "catch the focus". When I first encountered this term, I thought it was derived from the old expression “sharp as a tack”. But starting to write the book " Digital photography ”, I decided to conduct a scientific study, and the results shocked me.

Simple tips to make your photos look like professional photographers.

Scott Kelby, author of the superbest-selling Digital Photo Processing Handbook in Photoshop, which changed the world of digital photography, in his new book decided to talk about the most important thing: how to get pictures professional quality using the techniques of the best masters of our time (it's easier than you think).

Here is how Scott Kelby himself describes the idea of ​​the book:

Imagine that we went to shoot with you and you ask: - Scott, how to photograph a flower so that it turns out to be clear in the photo and the background is blurred? In response, I will not give you a long lecture on the theory of photography, but I will just give you a hint: - Use a zoom lens, choose an aperture value of f / 2.8, focus on the flower and take a picture. This is my approach. We take pictures with you, I answer questions, give advice and share the secrets I know, as if I were communicating with a friend - without complicated explanations and technical terms.

This is not a photography theory book full of terms and technical jargon. It explains in a simple manner which buttons to press, which settings to use, and when to shoot. With nearly 200 professional secrets, you will learn how to capture more dramatic, crisp and expressive photos that will boggle the viewer's imagination.

Each page describes some method that will help improve the quality of your photos.

Leafing through the book " Digital photography», You will learn about new equipment, new settings required for shooting, or new techniques known to professionals. If you are tired of taking mediocre photos and you are looking at illustrations in glossy magazines, asking yourself: "Why can't my pictures come out like this?" - you have found the book you are looking for.

About the author of the book "Digital Photography".

Scott Kelby - Chief Editor and publisher of Photoshop User and Laers magazines (dedicated to working with software products by Adobe), as well as one of the hosts of the popular weekly video channel Adobe Photoshop TV.

Scott is president of the National Association of Photoshop Professional (NAPP) and the Media Group, a literature publishing and software training company.

Scott Kelby is a photographer, award-winning designer, author of over fifty books, including Digital Photography Volumes 2, 3 and 4, Adobe Photoshop CS4: A Guide to Digital Photography, Scott Kelby. The Magnificent Seven System for Adobe Photoshop CS3. "," Working with Channels in Photoshop "and" Classic Effects in Photoshop. "

Scott has won awards for five consecutive years as the author of the world's most successful and best-selling books on computers and technology. Scott Kelby's books have been translated into dozens of languages, including Russian, Chinese, Spanish, Korean, Polish, French and many more.

Other books by Scott Kelby:

In every profession or field of activity there are names that everyone knows, they are real gurus in their field. Scott Kelby, this is a kind of common name for people who work in the Adobe Photoshop environment or take photographs.

Scott Kelby Florida native, born 1960. Today Kelby Is a renowned American photographer, author and publisher of many books and manuals on working with Macintosh and PC, as well as books for professional designers, photographers and artists. Scott Kelby is the editor and publisher of Photoshop, president and co-founder of the National Association of Photoshop Professionals (NAPP), and he is also the president of the Kelby Media Group. However, being such a sought-after and valuable specialist in this field, and the author of more than 40 books translated into different languages ​​of the world, he remains a very pleasant companion and patient Teacher. That's right, a Teacher with a capital letter.

Any novice photographer or just a amateur photographer knows what it means to be criticized by more experienced and sophisticated brothers in photography. He knows what it means to be out of place when everyone around is so smart and experienced, but no one is in a hurry to share secrets, or at least explain simple things in an accessible language. So, Scott Kelby not one of those. And this is great news indeed! Filling the heading Photographer's Library I want to start with the books of this particular wonderful person.

The first book by Scott Kelby that I want to introduce you to is - Digital photography. Volume 1.

To be honest, this is not a book, but just a treasure or treasure. Firstly, everything is more than comprehensible, and secondly, such topics are touched upon that concern many who have a camera. There is a note on the cover that the book is also suitable for beginner photographers. I can add that a photographer of any level will find for himself in this book Scott Kelby anything useful or interesting.

There are many chapters and sections in the edition, I will list only a few:

  • Professional flower photography
  • Professional wedding photography
  • Professional landscape photography
  • Sports photography
  • Professional photo printing

As you can see, these chapters alone are more than enough to get you started. The book contains a lot practical advice, and not abstract phrases, as is often the case. And it is read in one breath, not like a boring textbook, but quite the opposite.

Of course, the electronic version is convenient, but the book is good, so you can pamper yourself with a full-fledged edition. I recommend the Ozone store. The price-to-delivery ratio is excellent.

ISBN: 978-5-8459-1648-8, 978-5-8459-1465-1, 978-5-8459-1627-3
Format: PDF, Scanned pages
Scott Kelby
Year of issue: 2011
Genre: Tutorial
Publisher: Williams
Language: Russian
Number of books: 3

Description: Here is how Scott Kelby himself describes the idea of ​​the book:
“Imagine that we went to shoot with you and you ask:“ Scott, how to photograph a flower so that it is clear in the photo and the background is blurred? ”In response, I will not give you a long lecture on the theory of photography, but simply I’ll tell you: “Use a zoom lens, choose an aperture of f / 2.8, focus on the flower and take a picture.” This is my approach. with a friend - without complicated explanations and technical terms. "

This is not a photography theory book full of terms and technical jargon. It explains in a simple manner which buttons to press, which settings to use, and when to shoot. With nearly 200 professional secrets, you will learn how to capture more dramatic, crisp and expressive photos that will boggle the viewer's imagination.
Each page describes some method that will help improve the quality of your photos.
As you flip through the book, you will learn about new equipment, new settings required for shooting, or new techniques known to professionals. If you are tired of taking mediocre photos and you are looking at illustrations in glossy magazines, asking yourself: "Why can't my pictures come out like this?" - you have found the book you are looking for.

Scott Kelby is the publisher of Photoshop User magazine, editor-in-chief of Layers magazine (dedicated to working with Adobe software), and also one of the hosts of the popular weekly video channel Photoshop User TV. Scott is also president of the National Association of Photoshop Professional (NAPP) and the Kelbi Media Group, which publishes books and educational discs.
More than 40 books have come out from under his pen, including such bestsellers as Adobe Photoshop CS3: A Guide to Processing Digital Photos, Working with Channels in Adobe Photoshop, Classic Effects in Adobe Photoshop and Digital Photography (all published by Williams Publishing House) ... For three consecutive years, Scott has been recognized as the author of the most successful and best-selling books on computer technology. His books have been translated into dozens of languages, including Russian, Chinese, French, German, Korean, Spanish, Polish, Czech, Greek, Dutch, Japanese, Italian, Swedish, Turkish, Portuguese and more.
Scott regularly participates in the Adobe Photoshop Seminar Tour and PhotoshopWorld Conference & Expo. His recommendations are featured on the Adobe Photoshop Tutorial Series as he has been helping users learn Photoshop since 1993.
More information about Scott Kelby is available at

Volume 1