Delivery of electronic reporting without installing programs. What is the best software for electronic reporting and how to choose it? Templates of the main documents of the EDMS PFR

Electronic form reporting is very popular today. Many business structures are switching to this type of workflow in order to communicate with regulatory organizations. Online reporting in many cases is the only possible option. There are types of taxes, reports on which it is allowed to submit them to the tax office only in in electronic format(with rare exceptions). For example, declarations VAT online surrendered by the vast majority of taxpayers.

Formation, surrender electronic reporting- Demanded services. But not every contractor can provide the customer with a guarantee of the quality of the work performed.

One-time online reporting

Tax reporting includes a wide variety of . It is not always possible for a taxpayer to independently prepare and submit it in a timely manner. Due to various reasons, the preparation of reports is postponed to the last days of the period regulated by current legislation. In such cases, it is relevant to involve a specialized third-party contractor.

One-time reporting in Moscow by "Consulting Premium" is offered on favorable conditions. We work under a standard power of attorney from the customer. Generated tax reports are sent on behalf of your organization. The service allows you to quickly, at no extra cost, with a guarantee of results, solve the problem of submitting documents.

Declaration in electronic form sent through the use of special software, permitted services. The receipt of the document by the tax inspectorate is confirmed by a corresponding notification. The latter is transferred to the customer of the service.

Electronic reporting outsourcing

Is it planned to submit reports via the Internet on an ongoing basis? We recommend ordering a service. In this case, all documents prepared for sending to the controlling structures are endorsed with an electronic digital signature of the customer organization. If you do not have one, our specialists will help you get it.

Reporting outsourcing provides for the transfer of documents through a certified operator electronic document management. We guarantee the protection of confidential information, compliance with the deadlines for submitting reports to all structures (IFTS, Rosstat, Pension Fund, FSS), timely provision of notifications of receipt of documents to the customer.

Terms of cooperation

"Consulting Premium" operates within the legal framework. We do not generate dubious reports for VAT refunds, declarations that include high turnover and minimum, etc. One-time such reporting documents can be sent only if there is an electronic digital signature customer company.

"Consulting Premium" offers solutions that are optimal in terms of content and price. Reporting via the Internet is offered to, legal entities of all organizational and legal forms.

The outsourcing company is responsible for the quality of the reports prepared. We use licensed, up-to-date (latest version) software to generate reporting documents. The same applies to reporting through telecommunication channels.

Choose a system for delivery
electronic reporting online through
the Internet

Applications made:

Attention! A Qualified Electronic Signature (QES) is issued.


Any questions about reporting - on our forum

Forum on Bukhsoft Online and Astral Report programs

The forum is one of the most effective ways technical support and advice. Judge for yourself:

  1. Of all the technical support options, the forum is the public communication tool. That is, the quality of consultations is evaluated not only by the client who asks the question, but by all visitors. A poor-quality answer will certainly cause an angry disapproval of an experienced audience, which means that the motivation for a quality answer is noticeably higher than, for example, a telephone conversation.
  2. The forum is not only a question and answer, it is a social environment in which specialists who are not indifferent to the issues under discussion take part. The willingness of people to help each other allows you to quickly find the most objective ways solutions to certain problems.
  3. The forum is a knowledge base. Most of the questions are typical, which means that in order to receive an answer, it is not necessary to formulate a question and wait for an answer, it is enough to enter keywords in line Search.

The forum has other advantages as well. In section Electronic reporting via the Internet our specialists are constantly increasing the number of answers to the "frequently asked questions" of the clients of the "Astral-Report" programs and the reporting module of the "Bukhsoft Online" service. We are happy to answer any questions related to electronic reporting via the Internet. On the most complex issues on our forum, experts directly from the development companies (Kaluga-Astral and Bukhsoft) advise.

The forum does not require registration. Ask your question >>

... as well as under the Sprinter (Taxcom), Kontur Extern, VLSI ++ (Tensor) programs

At our forum, in addition to consultations on Astral Report programs and the reporting module of the Bukhsoft Online service, our specialists will be happy to discuss with you the advantages and disadvantages of other programs that provide electronic reporting via the Internet, their price-quality ratio.

Share your experience of working with software complexes and TCS reporting developers, such as Sprinter (Takskom), Kontur-Extern, Kontur Extern Light, Accounting, Kontur (SKB Kontur), VLIS++ (Tensor), Courier (Rus-Telecom) and other developers. Your experience will help others.

The electronic reporting market is very dynamic, and the forum allows you to keep track of the most interesting news related to the provision of this type of service. We do not mind posting on our forum in the section Electronic reporting via the Internet official press releases of companies that provide electronic reporting via the Internet.

We are grateful to the users of Bukhsoft programs for their wishes about integration with other systems for connecting to electronic reporting.

How to send reports to tax office, PFR and FSS with BukhSoft

Which system to choose for reporting online? This issue is the most important for those who have decided to switch to a "paperless" relationship with the inspection. To answer it, the accountant needs to know how the existing systems are fundamentally different. And for accountants who already submit declarations in electronic form, the description of the systems given in our article will help to quickly find a way out of difficult situations. Such, for example, as a computer breakdown or Internet outage at the time of preparing reports for sending.

Currently, there are more than 10 licensed systems for generating and sending reports. However, most of them do not have fundamental differences from each other - only the set of services and the brand of the manufacturer are different in them. As for the principle of operation, all systems are divided into only two categories. These are offline systems (also called "thick client") and online systems ("thin client").

Offline system

When using an offline system, the program is installed on the taxpayer's computer. Accordingly, the reporting takes place on the hard drive of the computer. When the reporting is generated, the accountant signs it with a private key. It then encrypts the resulting file with public key EDS "own" inspection, and sends a report. It only needs to connect to the Internet at this moment - just before sending.

The report (encrypted file) is sent via e-mail to the server of the special communications operator. Having received the report, the special operator sends a confirmation to the taxpayer by e-mail - a file signed by the special operator's EDS. And the special operator sends the report to the inspection server. That is, the report goes through two segments of the path. The first is from the taxpayer's computer to the special operator's server. The second is from the special operator server to the inspection server.

Similarly, from the inspection server through the special operator's server to the taxpayer's computer, the documents that the inspection sends to the taxpayer move. This is a receipt that confirms that the reporting has reached the inspection server, and about the acceptance of the declaration, which indicates whether the report was accepted or not, and reports the reasons for the refusal.

In total, there are more than 10 offline systems on the market. The most popular (the number of subscribers is in the hundreds of thousands) are Taxcom-Sprinter, SBS++, Astral Report, Kontur-Extern Light.


1. When using dial-up connections ("weak" access channel) for Internet access, offline systems are more convenient than online systems.


1. Self-installation of updates. In offline systems, taxpayers must independently set new tax return formats. If the accountant does not install the updates, the reporting will not be accepted by the inspection. At the same time, the installation of updates often results in abnormal situations that make it impossible to send reports. For example, some systems have such a drawback: if the Internet is disconnected during the download of an update, it will be impossible to send reports.

The old declaration format will be removed from the computer and the new one will not be installed. In addition, if operating system(say, Windows) of the taxpayer has some flaws (for example, an unlicensed system is installed or some program is missing in the package), then installation of updates may not be possible. Finally, problems can arise when too many accountants at the same time (for example, during the last hours of reporting) try to download updates from the server.

2. The need to store the archive on separate media. In offline systems, the archive of submitted reports is stored on the taxpayer's computer. Accordingly, a serious breakdown of the computer will lead to loss of reporting. Therefore, sent declarations and calculations after sending must be copied to other media.

3. Binding to the computer where the system is installed to send. If the reporting is sent on the last day and during its preparation either the computer breaks down or the electricity (Internet) is turned off, then the accountant will most likely have to urgently run to the post office and send declarations on paper. The reason is that the sending program is installed on the specific computer. Accordingly, if it breaks down, it will be impossible to send “electronic” reporting. And in the event of a power outage or the Internet, the accountant will need an “alternate airfield”. That is, an office or apartment where at the moment there is electricity, Internet access and the consent of the computer owners to install several programs on it. Moreover, if when the Internet is turned off, the program for sending can be copied and transported on a flash drive, then in the event of power outages, the system unit will have to be transported to the alternate office (after all, copying the program will not work).

4. Less certainty with fixing the time of sending the report. The date of dispatch is fixed upon confirmation of the special communications operator. Suppose a taxpayer submits reports through an offline system "on the flag" (say, a few hours before the deadline). When he sends the report by mail, he will have to wait for some time until the mail delivers the report to the server of the special operator and until the confirmation goes back. If the post office delays the report for any reason, it may happen that the taxpayer will receive a confirmation dated later than required in the afternoon after midnight. And he won't have time to fix the situation.

Online system

Such a system, unlike an offline system, involves working in a browser (for example, Internet explorer). This means that you do not need to install special reporting programs on your computer. Using the certificate of his EDS, the taxpayer enters the server of the special operator, receives the relevant formats from there and proceeds to generate reports. In the most common online system "", data can be entered manually, or you can attach a finished file generated in the accounting program.

In this case, the formation, signing and encryption of the report is carried out at the workplace of the taxpayer. The difference from the offline system is that all these processes do not take place on the hard drive, but with the help of so-called temporary Internet files. (It is this feature of online technology that relieves the taxpayer of the need to keep track of updates and download them to the hard drive of his computer). It should be clarified that working in the browser (with temporary files) is not equivalent to working on the special operator's server. Roughly speaking, the cable that provides an Internet connection (and, accordingly, a connection to the server of a special operator) can be pulled out of the computer during the formation, signing and encryption, and this will not affect the work with reporting.

You will need to connect to the server after signing and encrypting the report. It is required to send it. When the connection to the server is established and the accountant presses the "Send report" button, the data is not sent by mail, but is immediately stored on the special operator's server. At the same time, the report signed by the taxpayer gets to the server of the special operator (and then stored there) only in encrypted form.

In a few seconds, in the browser window, the accountant sees the confirmation of the special operator generated by the server, according to which the time of sending the report is fixed. The server then sends a report to the inspection. That is, the report goes through one segment of the path - from the special operator's server to the inspection server. There is no segment from the computer to the server of the special operator when using the online system.

Further inspection sends to the taxpayer documents on acceptance of the reporting. They come in encrypted form to the special operator's server and are stored there. Using the certificate of his EDS, the accountant enters the server and reads receipts and protocols.

The online system has many advantages, and it is very simple and convenient to use it. But to create and maintain such a system is much more difficult. Therefore, only one online system for generating and sending reports - "" has received wide distribution (about 1 million subscribers).


1. When using a dial-up connection to access the Internet ("weak" access channel), working with the online system may be uncomfortable.


1. No need to install updates. Fresh formats of declarations and calculations are laid out by the specialists of the system manufacturer. Accordingly, the problems described above associated with the installation of updates do not occur. Whatever the level of "computer" literacy of an accountant, he can be sure that he will always be able to send a declaration in an up-to-date format.

2. No need to store sent reports. All previously sent reports are stored in encrypted form on the special operator's server. Using the certificate of his EDS, an accountant can access them from any computer. Please note that in order to access declarations sent earlier, you must store those keys that have already expired. Statements sent, say, in 2006 can only be read using the private key that was in effect at that time. At the same time, nothing prevents the accountant from copying either encrypted or decrypted reports and storing them on any media.

3. The accountant is not "tied" to a specific computer. If the computer breaks down on the last day of reporting, the electricity or Internet access is turned off, the reporting can be sent from another computer. To do this, the accountant will only need a ru-token (similar to a flash drive) or a floppy disk where key certificates are stored. You also need a program for encryption "Crypto Pro". Having a carrier with the listed data, installing the Crypto Pro program and registering a certificate, you can send reports.

4. Instant fixation of the reporting date. When the accountant presses the "send report" button, he does not send it by mail, but saves it on the special operator's server. Therefore, the confirmation, which fixes the date of dispatch, is generated instantly. Therefore, in the case of sending the declaration “on the flag”, the accountant can be sure within a few seconds after sending that he submitted the statements on time.

5. "Two in one." Buying the online system "", the accountant receives the offline system "Kontur-Extern Light".

For more than 5 years, there has been an opportunity through the electronic reporting service. This allows you to generate a document and send it at a convenient time, without going to the Pension Fund and huge queues there. Of course, no one is going to cancel paper formats of documents completely. However, in 2019, several requirements for mandatory submission in electronic form appeared for reporting to federal control bodies. In particular, for organizations with more than 25 employees, the transition to online reporting is already mandatory.

Also, electronic document management has some additional useful features:

  • it is possible to pre-check the summary with a special program, which is provided free of charge by the department itself pension fund;
  • sending time is fixed, which helps to avoid fines;
  • It is not necessary to print documents, they are all saved in the program.

New electronic report to the FIU

Quarterly reporting on insurance premiums must be submitted according to a single new form calculation that replaces the previous calculations of 4-FSS and RSV-1, and approved by Order No. MMV-7-11 / dated 10.10.16. It must be applied starting from the 1st quarter of 2017. Deadline - until the 30th day of the month following the reporting period.

Forms for reporting to the FIU

    monthly accounting form - SZV-M (approved by resolution No. 83p of 01.02.16).

The penalty for late submission of the form or incorrect filling is 500 rubles for each employee. And if instead of a mandatory electronic document, a paper one is handed over, then the fine will be 1000 rubles.

    new reporting - a summary form of data on the length of service of employees of the organization.

The procedure for submitting reports to the Pension Fund has changed. Most of the old forms have been simplified, and now only two reports should be submitted: SZV-M (monthly) and personalized (for the year).

Form of information about the insured persons (SZV-M)

Form of information on the insured, transferred to the FIU for maintaining individual (personalized) records (ODV-1)

Electronic submission of reports to the FIU - in what time frame?

It is necessary to report on insurance premiums in 2019 both to the IFTS and to the FIU. Mandatory deadlines:

  • for the SZV-M report - before the 15th day of each month;
  • for the seniority report (personalized information) for 2017 - until March 1, 2019 (Law No. 27-FZ stat. 11 p. 2)

The period from which the new rules came into force is the 1st quarter of 2017.

Transfer of reporting to the FIU in electronic form - how to do it?

An organization can use the service in the following ways:

  • download free programs of the Pension Fund;
  • fill out the form online directly on the foundation's website;
  • request promo access to online services;
  • use professional accounting programs;
  • apply online services on an ongoing basis

Let's analyze the most popular methods:

  • You can send a report to the FIU via the Internet for free by downloading the program on the fund's website. For the formation report SZV-M a number of programs are suitable (a list of them is given in the section of free programs). To create Personal Area, you must register using an EDS or contact the Pension Fund in person.
  • You can also fill out a report online through various online services with promo access. Often access is given for three months, or a small fee of up to 1000 rubles is required. Let's give an example of some of them: Contour; Sky; Buchsoft Online; My business.

    The most famous professional program for accounting - 1C-Accounting. It allows you to keep records and send reports to the FIU via the Internet.