GOST 1173 trademark copper sheets. copper sheet

Copper sheet to buy at the price of the manufacturer's factory wholesale and retail.

Alloy grades used in production:

Complies with GOST 1173-2006, TS 13-224-2011.
Manufacturing method:

  • hot rolled (hot rolled)
  • cold rolled (cold rolled)

The size of copper sheets - a standard size of 600/1500 mm is used. By special order, it is possible to manufacture any size, check with the site consultant.
Thickness from 0.4 to 25.0 mm.
Material condition:

  • solid
  • soft,
  • semi-solid

To increase the hardness, additional heat treatment (hardening) is possible.
If the required brand is in stock released at retail, order for the production of copper sheet from 500 kg.

Properties of copper sheets.

The physical and mechanical properties of the copper sheet depend on the grade of copper, oxygen content, alloying additives and impurities, but the main characteristics can be noted:

  • corrosion resistance
  • resistance to aggressive media and atmospheric factors
  • pliability to all types of mechanical treatments
  • weldability
  • solderability
  • excellent thermal and electrical conductivity
  • presentable appearance
  • tolerance of sudden changes in critical temperatures without deformation

The copper sheets are 99% base material, in order to match the chemical and physical characteristics of the sheet blank, they are subjected to fire refining, which removes excess constituents and oxygen.

Application of copper sheet.

Due to its unique properties, copper sheet is actively used:

  • in electrical engineering
  • mechanical engineering
  • instrument making
  • shipbuilding
  • aircraft industry
  • construction
  • finishing
  • Food Industry
  • medicine

Good machinability makes it possible to create complex structural solutions from a copper sheet, to produce parts for electrical appliances and radio equipment by stamping. Copper sheets have proven themselves as a roofing material, roofs made of copper sheets do not require additional coating, anti-corrosion properties increase the service life of such a roof up to 100 years.

In interior and exterior decoration, copper sheets are used to create both flat and voluminous, curvilinear interior solutions. After polishing, the copper sheet will shine with gold and will please the eye for many decades.

Group of enterprises Soyuz copper sheet manufacturer M1, M2, M3 according to GOST 1173-2006. Over the course of decades of production, we have brought the technological process to perfection, the alloys used strictly comply with Russian and foreign standards, and the qualified personnel of the plant reduces waste losses to almost zero. The presence of its own raw material base significantly reduces the cost of production, allowing even retail buy copper sheet at a low factory price.
To make a purchase or order for production, contact the website consultant, you can also send an online request or call the office, the manager will provide up-to-date information on the cost and availability of the required size and brand. copper sheet price does not depend on the application method, only on the quantity of the delivery lot.







Official edition



The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are established by GOST 1.0-92 “Interstate standardization system. Basic Provisions” and GOST 1.2-97 “Interstate Standardization System. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. The order of development, adoption, application, updating and cancellation "

About the standard

1 DEVELOPED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TK106 "Tsvetmetprokat", Research, Design and Design Institute of Alloys and Non-Ferrous Metal Processing "Institute Tsvetmetobrabotka" Open Joint Stock Company (JSC "Institute Tsvetmetobrabotka")

2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Secretariat of the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification

3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Minutes No. 29 dated June 24, 2006)

Short name of the country according to MK (ISO 3166) 004-97

Code of the country

according to MK (ISO 3166) 004-97

Abbreviated name of the national standards body




State Standard of the Republic of Belarus


State Standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan




the Russian Federation

Federal Agency for Technical Regulation

and metrology





4 By order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated December 27, 2006 No. 496-st, the interstate standard GOST 1173-2006 was put into effect as the national standard of the Russian Federation from January 1, 2008.

5 INSTEAD OF GOST 1173-93 and GOST 495-92

Information on the entry into force (termination) of this standard is published in the index "National Standards".

Information about changes to this standard is published in the index "National standards", and the text of the changes - in the information indexes "National standards". In case of revision or cancellation of this standard, the relevant information will be published in the information index "National Standards"

In the Russian Federation, this standard cannot be fully or partially reproduced, replicated and distributed as an official publication without the permission of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology

© STANDARTINFORM, 2007 © STANDARTINFORM, 2008 Reissue (as of March 2008)

1 area of ​​use............................................... ....one

3 Terms and definitions .......................................................... ...3

4 Assortment .................................................. ......... 3

5 Specifications .................................................................. .nine

6 Rules for acceptance ............................................... .....12

7 Methods of control and testing...............................................14

8 Marking, packaging, transport and storage...............................................15

Annex A (informative) Theoretical mass of 1 m 2 of copper foil, tapes and sheets .......... 18

Appendix B (reference) Correspondence of designations of copper grades in accordance with GOST 1173-2006

and EN 1652:1998 ............................................... . 19

Annex B (informative) Hardness values ​​..................................................20

Amendment to GOST 1173-2006 Copper foil, mites, sheets and plates. Specifications

(IUS No. 6 2008)



Copper foil, ribbons, sheets and plates. Specifications

Introduction date - 2008-01-01

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to copper cold rolled foils and strips, cold rolled and hot rolled sheets and plates for general purposes.

This standard does not apply to copper tapes intended for radiators.

This standard uses normative references to the following interstate standards:

GOST 166-89 (IS0 3599-76) Calipers. Specifications GOST 427-75 Measuring metal rulers. Specifications GOST 859-2001 Copper. Stamps

GOST 1497-84 (ISO 6892-84) Metals. Tensile test methods GOST 2991-85 Non-separable plank boxes for loads weighing up to 500 kg. General specifications

GOST 3282-74 General purpose low-carbon steel wire. Specifications

GOST 3560-73 Steel packing tape. Specifications GOST 4381-87 Lever micrometers. General specifications GOST 6507-90 Micrometers. Specifications

GOST 7229-76 Cables, wires and cords. Method for determining the electrical resistance of conductive cores and conductors

GOST 7376-89 Corrugated cardboard. General specifications GOST 7502-98 Measuring metal tapes. Specifications GOST 7933-89 Cardboard for consumer packaging. General specifications GOST 8273-75 Wrapping paper. Specifications GOST 9078-84 Flat pallets. General specifications

GOST 9557-87 Flat wooden pallet 800x1200 mm in size. Specifications GOST 9696-82 Multi-turn indicators with a division value of 0.001 and 0.002 mm. Specifications

GOST 9717.1-82 Copper. Spectral analysis method for metal standard samples with photoelectric recording of the spectrum

GOST 9717.2-82 Copper. Spectral analysis method for metal standard samples with photographic recording of the spectrum

GOST 9717.3-82 Copper. Spectral Analysis Method Based on Oxide Standards

Official edition

GOST 10198-91 Wooden boxes for goods weighing St. 200 to 20000 kg. General specifications

GOST 10510-80 (ISO 8490-86) Metals. Eriksen Extrusion Test Method for Sheets and Tapes

GOST 11701-84 Metals. Tensile test methods for thin sheets and strips

GOST 13938.1-78 Copper. Methods for determining copper

GOST 13938.2-78 Copper. Methods for the determination of sulfur

GOST 13938.3-78 Copper. Phosphorus determination method

GOST 13938.4-78 Copper. Methods for the determination of iron

GOST 13938.5-78 Copper. Methods for the determination of zinc

GOST 13938.6-78 Copper. Nickel determination methods

GOST 13938.7-78 Copper. Lead determination methods

GOST 13938.8-78 Copper. Methods for the determination of tin

GOST 13938.9-78 Copper. Methods for the determination of silver

GOST 13938.10-78 Copper. Methods for the determination of antimony

GOST 13938.11-78 Copper. Arsenic determination method

GOST 13938.12-78 Copper. Bismuth determination methods

GOST 13938.13-93 Copper. Methods for determining oxygen

GOST 13938.15-88 Copper. Methods for the determination of chromium and cadmium

GOST 14019-2003 (ISO 7438:1985) Metallic materials. Bend test method GOST 14192-96 Cargo marking

GOST 15102-75 Universal metal container, closed with a nominal gross weight of 5.0 tons. Specifications

GOST 15467-79 Product quality management. Basic concepts. Terms and definitions GOST 15846-2002 Products shipped to the Far North and equivalent areas. Packaging, marking, transportation and storage

GOST 18242-72* Statistical acceptance control on an alternative attribute. Control Plans

GOST 18321-73 Statistical quality control. Methods for random selection of samples of piece products

GOST 18477-79 Universal containers. Types, main parameters and dimensions GOST 20435-75 Universal metal container closed with a nominal gross weight of 3.0 tons. Specifications

GOST 21073.1-75 Non-ferrous metals. Determination of the grain size by comparison with the scale of microstructures

GOST 21140-88 Packaging. Size system

GOST 21650-76 Means of fastening packaged cargoes in overpacks. General requirements

GOST 22225-76 Universal containers with a gross weight of 0.625 and 1.25 tons. Specifications GOST 22322-77 Liners for packing products in wooden containers. General specifications

GOST 24047-80 Semi-finished products from non-ferrous metals and their alloys. Sampling for Tensile Testing

GOST 24231-80 Non-ferrous metals and alloys. General requirements for sampling and sample preparation for chemical analysis

GOST 26663-85 Transport packages. Formation using packaging tools. General technical requirements

GOST 26877-91 Steel products. Methods for measuring shape deviations

Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of the reference standards according to the index "National Standards", compiled as of January 1 of the current year, and according to the corresponding information indexes published in the current year. If the reference document is replaced (modified), then when using this standard, you should be guided by the replaced (modified) document. If the referenced document is canceled without replacement, the provision in which the link to it is given applies to the extent that this link is not affected.

* GOST R 50779.71-99 (ISO 2859-1-89) is valid on the territory of the Russian Federation** Statistical methods. Procedures for selective control on an alternative basis. Part 1. Sampling Plans for Sequential Lots Based on AOL Acceptable Quality Level.

** See note of FSUE "STANDARTINFORM" (p. 22).

3 Terms and definitions

In this standard, the following terms are used with their respective definitions.

3.1 foil flat rolled product of rectangular cross section of uniform thickness from 0.05 to 0.10 mm, supplied in a roll.

3.2 tape: A flat rolled product of rectangular cross section of uniform thickness from 0.10 to 6.00 mm inclusive, supplied in a roll or cut into lengths (strips) with a cut edge.

3.3 sheet: Flat rolled product of rectangular cross-section of uniform thickness: cold-rolled - from 0.20 to 12.00 mm inclusive, supplied in segments with a cut or rolled edge; hot-rolled - from 3.00 to 25.00 mm inclusive, supplied in pieces.

3.4 slab: A flat rolled product of rectangular cross section of uniform thickness over 25.00 mm, supplied in lengths.

3.5 crescent: Deviation from straightness, in which the surface of the side edge of the foil, tape or sheet in the horizontal plane has the shape of an arc.

3.6 deflection (non-flatness): A particular type of deviation from flatness in the longitudinal or transverse direction, in which the surface of the tape, sheet or plate has the shape of an arc.

3.7 oblique cut: Non-observance of the shape, in which the plane of the cut forms an angle of less than or more than 90 ° with the longitudinal planes of the sheet or plate.

4 Assortment

4.1 The thickness of foil, strips, cold-rolled sheets and limit deviations in thickness, depending on the width, must correspond to those indicated in table 1.

Table 1

In millimeters

Nominal thickness

from 10 to 300 incl.

St. 300 to 600 incl.

St. 600 to 800 incl.

St. 800 to 1000 incl.

norms. tons.

increase tons.

norms. tons.


0.05 to 0.10

From 0.10 to 0.14 incl.

St. 0.14 to 0.22 incl.

St. 0.22 to 0.35 incl.

St. 0.35 to 0.50 incl.

St. 0.50 to 0.70 incl.

St. 0.70 to 0.90 incl.

St. 0.90 to 1.10 incl.

St. 1.10 to 1.50 incl.

St. 1.50 to 1.80 incl.

St. 1.80 to 2.00 incl.

End of table 1

In millimeters

Nominal thickness

Maximum deviation in thickness at width

from 10 to 300 incl.

St. 300 to 600 incl.

St. 600 to 800 incl.

St. 800 to 1000 incl.

norms. tons.

increase tons.

norms. TONS.


St. 2.00 to 2.20 incl.

St. 2.20 to 3.00 incl.

St. 3.00 to 3.50 incl.

St. 3.50 to 4.00 incl.

St. 4.00 to 4.50 incl.

St. 4.50 to 6.50 incl.

St. 6.50 to 7.00 incl.

St. 7.00 to 8.00 inclusive

St. 8.00 to 9.00 inclusive

St. 9.00 to 10.00 inclusive

St. 10.00 to 11.00 inclusive

St. 11.00 to 12.00 inclusive

NOTE The theoretical weight of 1 m2 of foils, tapes and sheets for the thicknesses currently in use is given in Annex A.

4.2 By agreement between the consumer and the manufacturer, strips and cold-rolled sheets are manufactured with symmetrical limit deviations in thickness indicated in table 2.

table 2

In millimeters

End of table 2

In millimeters

Nominal thickness

Maximum deviation in thickness at width

up to 350 incl.

St. 350 to 700 incl.

St. 700 to 1000 incl.

St. 2.50 to 3.20 incl.

St. 3.20 to 4.00 incl.

St. 4.00 to 5.00 incl.

St. 5.00 to 6.00 inclusive

St. 6.00 to 7.00 inclusive

St. 7.00 to 8.00 inclusive

St. 8.00 to 9.00 inclusive

St. 9.00 to 10.00 inclusive

4.3 The width of the foil and tapes and the maximum deviations in width, depending on the thickness, must correspond to those indicated in table 3.

Table 3

In millimeters

Nominal thickness

Maximum deviation in width at width

up to 100 inclusive

St. 100 to 170 incl.

St. 170 to 300 incl.

St. 300 to 600 incl.

St. 600 to 800 incl.

up to 1000 incl.

0.05 to 0.10

0.10 to 1.00 incl.

St. 1.00 to 2.00 incl.

St. 2.00 to 3.00 incl.

St. 3.00 to 6.00 incl.

Note - Tapes with a width of more than 600 mm are made with a thickness of 0.50 mm or more.

4.4 By agreement between the consumer and the manufacturer, the tapes are manufactured with plus maximum deviations in width indicated in table 4.

Table 4

In millimeters

End of table 4

In millimeters

4.5 The width of cold-rolled sheets and the maximum deviations in width depending on the thickness must correspond to those indicated in table 5.

Table 5

In millimeters

4.6 By agreement between the consumer and the manufacturer, cold-rolled sheets are manufactured with plus maximum deviations in width indicated in table 6.

Table 6

In millimeters

4.7 The length of the foil and tape should be as specified in Table 7.

Table 7

4.8 Strips cut into lengths and cold-rolled sheets are made from 500 to 2000 mm long with maximum length deviations:

Thickness up to 3.00 mm incl. - minus 10.0 mm;

The thickness of St. 3.00 mm - minus 20.0 mm.

4.9 By agreement between the consumer and the manufacturer, strips cut into lengths and cold-rolled sheets are produced with plus maximum deviations along the length:

Thickness up to 3.00 mm incl. - plus 10.0 mm;

The thickness of St. 3.00 mm - plus 15.0 mm.

4.10 The thickness of hot-rolled sheets and limit deviations in thickness depending on the width must correspond to those indicated in table 8.

Table 8

In millimeters

Nominal thickness

Maximum deviation in thickness at width

up to 1200 incl.

St. 1200 to 1500 incl.

St. 1500 to 1800 incl.

St. 1800 to 2500 incl.

St. 2500 to 3000 incl.

From 3.00 to 3.50 incl.

St. 3.50 to 6.00 incl.

St. 6.00 to 7.00 incl.

St. 7.00 to 8.00 incl.

St. 8.00 to 9.00 incl.

St. 9.00 to 10.00 inclusive

St. 10.00 to 11.00 inclusive

St. 11.00 to 12.00 inclusive

St. 12.00 to 13.00 incl.

St. 13.00 to 14.00 incl.

St. 14.00 to 15.00 incl.

St. 15.00 to 16.00 incl.

St. 16.00 to 17.00 incl.

St. 17.00 to 19.00 incl.

St. 19.00 to 22.00 incl.

St. 22.00 to 25.00 incl.

4.11 The thickness of the plates and the maximum deviations in thickness, depending on the width, must correspond to those indicated in table 9.

Table 9

In millimeters

4.12 By agreement between the consumer and the manufacturer, plates and hot-rolled sheets are manufactured with symmetrical limit deviations in thickness indicated in table 10.

Table 10

In millimeters

4.13 Hot-rolled sheets are produced with a width of 100 to 3000 mm. Limit deviations in width:

For widths from 100 to 600 mm incl. - minus 10 mm;

With the width of St. 600 mm - minus 20 mm.

4.14 Hot-rolled sheets are produced from 1000 to 6000 mm long. Maximum deviations in length - minus 30 mm.

By agreement between the consumer and the manufacturer, hot-rolled sheets can be made in lengths that differ from those given.

4.15 Plates are made with a width of 150 to 2500 mm and a length of 600 to 4000 mm.

Limit deviations in width and length should not exceed plus 40.0 mm.

Symbols for foil, tapes, sheets and plates are affixed according to the scheme:

Foil, tape, sheet, X PR X X ... XX ...... GOST 1173-2006

The following abbreviations are used:

preparation method:

section shape: workmanship precision:


special conditions:

cold rolled - D,

hot-rolled - G;

rectangular - PR;

normal in thickness and width - H,

normal in thickness and increased in width - K,

increased in thickness and normal in width - And,

increased in thickness and width - P;

soft - M,

semi-solid - P,

solid - T;

random - ND;

increased length - UD,

for power capacitors and transformer windings - KO, with a normalized extrusion depth - GV, with maximum deviations: in thickness "+" and in width "+" - EH, in thickness "+" and in width "-" - EG.

Missing data is replaced by "X", except for the designation of length.

Examples of conditional hobovalues:

Cold-rolled strip, rectangular, of increased manufacturing accuracy in thickness and width, semi-solid, 0.70 mm thick, 35 mm wide, random length, made of M1 grade copper:

Tape DPRPP 0.70 x 35NDM1 GOST 1173-2006

Cold-rolled strip, rectangular, of normal manufacturing accuracy in thickness and width, soft, 0.25 mm thick, 100 mm wide, random length, made of M1 grade copper, with a normalized extrusion depth:

Tape DPRNM 0.25 x 100 ND M1 GV GOST 1173-2006

Tape, cut into lengths, cold-rolled, rectangular, of increased precision in thickness and width, hard, 1.20 mm thick, 80 mm wide, 2000 mm long, made of M2 grade copper:

Tape DPRPT 1.20 x 80 x 2000 M2 GOST 1173-2006

Cold-rolled strip, rectangular, hard, 2.0 mm thick, 500 mm wide, random length, made of M1 grade copper, with maximum deviations in thickness “+” and width “+”:

Tape DPRHT2.0 x 500 ND M1 EN GOST 1173-2006

Cold-rolled sheet, rectangular, of increased accuracy in thickness and normal accuracy in width, solid, 1.00 mm thick, 200 mm wide, 2000 mm long, made of M2 grade copper:

SheetDPRIT 1.00 x 200 x 2000 M2 GOST 1173-2006

Hot-rolled sheet, rectangular, 7.0 mm thick, 1500 mm wide, 3000 mm long, made of M2 grade copper:

Sheet GPRHKh7,0x 1500x3000 M2 GOST 1173-2006

5 Technical requirements

5.1 Foil, tapes, sheets and plates are made in accordance with the requirements of this standard from copper grades M1, M1r, M1f, M2, M2r, M3, M3r according to GOST 859 with the chemical composition indicated in table 11.

It is allowed to use copper obtained by fire refining for the production of copper grades M1r, M2r, MZr.

At the request of the consumer, tapes intended for power capacitors and transformer windings can be made of M1E copper with a specific volumetric electrical resistance of not more than 17.48 10 -9 Ohm m (0.01748 Ohm mm 2 / m).

Table 11

In percents

Mass fraction of the element


Copper + + silver, not less

Impurities, no more

Remelting cathodes

Remelting of cathodes and copper scrap with phosphorus deoxidation

Fire refining and remelting of copper waste and scrap


1 The designation of copper grades M1 and M1 p, intended for the electrical industry and subject to electrical conductivity tests, additionally includes the letter E.

2 Correspondence of copper grade designations according to this standard and EN 1652 is given in Appendix B.

5.2 Foil and strips are made cold-rolled, sheets and plates - cold-rolled and hot-rolled. Strips, cold-rolled sheets and plates are produced in soft, semi-hard and hard states.

Foil is produced in a solid state.

Cold-rolled sheets with a thickness of 0.20 mm and 0.30 mm are produced in a solid state.

5.3 The surface of foils, strips, sheets and plates shall be free from contaminants impairing inspection.

Tempering colors, local darkening, traces of technological lubricants, as well as local defects that do not remove foil, tapes and cold-rolled sheets during control cleaning for limit deviations in thickness are allowed on the surface.

On the surface of plates and hot-rolled sheets, roughness and impressions from rolls in the form of a fine mesh are allowed. Traces of scale are not a rejection sign.

Plates and hot-rolled sheets are produced without surface etching. By agreement between the consumer and the manufacturer, it is allowed to manufacture plates and hot-rolled sheets with a pickled surface and plates with mechanical surface treatment (milled).

On the surface of plates and hot-rolled sheets, individual defects are allowed that do not remove plates and hot-rolled sheets during control cleaning for limit deviations in thickness.

It is allowed to control the quality of the surface according to samples agreed between the manufacturer and the consumer.

5.4 Foil, tapes and sheets up to 6.00 mm thick must be evenly cut and must not have significant burrs in accordance with GOST 15467. Crumpled and torn edges are not allowed. Slight waviness is allowed, disappearing at the control bend.

Tapes up to 2.00 mm thick, intended for power capacitors and transformer windings, must not have burrs.

It is allowed to produce tapes and sheets without trimming the edges.

5.5 Slabs must be cut to length and width. It is allowed, in agreement with the consumer, to manufacture plates without trimming, marked according to nominal dimensions.

5.6 Permissible skewness of the cut should not lead sheets, strips cut into lengths, and plates beyond the maximum deviations in width and length.

5.7 The crescent of the tapes should not exceed 3 mm per 1 m of length.

The crescent shape of sheets and tapes cut into lengths up to 4.0 mm thick should not exceed 5 mm per 1 m of length, and over 4.0 mm thick - 8 mm per 1 m of length.

5.8 Deflection of tapes n should not exceed 1 mm for tapes with a width of 10 to 100 mm. For tapes with a width of more than 100 mm, the deflection P, mm, is calculated by the formula

where p - deflection for tapes up to 100 mm wide, mm; b - tape width, mm.

The deflection of cold-rolled sheets and strips cut into lengths shall not exceed 1 mm for every 100 mm of width and 20 mm per 1 m of length of the sheet or strip cut into lengths.

For hot-rolled sheets and plates, the deflection is determined by agreement between the consumer and the manufacturer.

5.9 At the request of the consumer, cold-rolled soft sheets, strips cut into lengths, and hot-rolled sheets with a thickness of up to 12.0 mm must withstand a cold bending test around a mandrel with a diameter equal to the thickness of the sheet or strip cut into lengths, without the appearance of cracks and delaminations .

The bending test of strips cut into lengths and sheets up to 5 mm thick inclusive should be carried out until the sides touch; with a thickness of more than 5 mm - until the sides are parallel.

Semi-rigid strips cut into lengths and sheets with a thickness of 1.00 to 10.00 mm inclusive must withstand a 90° cold bend test without the appearance of tears and cracks around the mandrel with a radius of curvature equal to the thickness of the sheet or strip cut into length.

At the request of the consumer, deoxidized copper sheets must withstand a bending test after annealing in a hydrogen environment.

5.10 The mechanical properties of tapes and sheets must comply with those specified in table 12.

Table 12


1 The upper limit of tensile strength can be higher, but not more than 20 MPa (2 kgf / mm 2) while maintaining the relative elongation given in the table.

2 The tensile strength is determined for tapes and sheets with a thickness of 0.3 mm or more, relative elongation - for tapes and sheets with a thickness of 0.5 mm or more.

3 Hardness values ​​are given in Annex B.

Mechanical properties for hot-rolled sheets with a thickness of more than 12 mm are determined at the request of the consumer.

The relative elongation is determined on long (5 10) or short (Sg) samples. If the consumer does not indicate which elongation is to be determined, then the choice is up to the manufacturer.

5.11 The mechanical properties of the plates are determined in agreement with the consumer, while agreeing on the place and procedure for sampling and the norms of mechanical properties.

5.12 At the request of the consumer, the extrusion depth is determined for soft tapes with a thickness of 0.10 to 1.50 mm inclusive. The drawing depth of the spherical hole must correspond to that specified in table 13, while the tensile strength and relative elongation are not determined.

Table 13

In millimeters

5.13 By agreement between the consumer and the manufacturer, soft tapes are produced with a regulated grain size.

6 Acceptance rules

6.1 Foil, tapes, sheets and plates are accepted in batches. The batch must consist of foils, strips, sheets or plates of the same grade of copper, the same size, the same material condition, the same precision and method of manufacture and is issued with one quality document containing:

Legal address of the manufacturer and (or) seller;

Symbol for foil, strips, sheets or plates;

Test results (at the request of the consumer);

Batch number;

The net weight of the batch.

The mass of the party is not limited.

It is allowed to draw up one quality document for several batches of foil, strips, sheets or plates of the same grade of copper, the same size, the same material condition, the same accuracy and manufacturing method, shipped to one consumer, indicating the batch numbers.

6.2 To control the dimensions, appearance, crescent and deflection of foil, tapes, sheets, plates; The cut edges of sheets, strips cut into lengths, and plates use a single-stage normal sampling plan for alternative attributes in accordance with GOST 18242 with an acceptance level of defects AQL = 4%.

The selection of rolls of foil and tapes, sheets, tapes, cut into lengths, and plates in the sample is carried out "blindly" (by the method of the greatest objectivity) according to GOST 18321.

If the batch size does not exceed three rolls of foil, strips or three sheets, strips cut into lengths and boards, each roll of foil, tape or each sheet, strip cut into lengths, board shall be checked.

6.3 To control the dimensions, appearance, crescent, cut oblique and deflection, foil rolls, tapes or sheets, tapes cut into lengths, plates are selected from the batch in accordance with table 14.

Table 14

6.4 To measure the thickness of the foil or tape on each selected roll, the number of control points is determined depending on the length of the foil or tape in the roll in accordance with Table 15.

Table 15

The length of the foil or tape in the roll to select the number of control points in the roll is determined by formula (2) given in 7.4.

6.5 To measure the thickness on each selected tape cut into lengths, or a slab, or a selected sheet, the number of control points is determined depending on the total number of sections 100 mm long along the perimeter of the tape cut into lengths, sheet or plate in accordance with table 16. When perimeter not a multiple of 100 mm, the end section less than 100 mm long is taken as one section.

Table 16

6.6 When controlling the thickness, a controlled roll of foil, tape or tape cut into lengths, a sheet, a plate are considered suitable if the number of measurement results that do not meet the requirements of tables 1.9 is less than the rejection number indicated in tables 15 or 16.

When checking the width, length, appearance, cut obliqueness, crescent and deflection, the batch is considered valid if the number of rolls of foil, tapes or tapes cut into lengths, sheets or plates that do not meet the requirements 4.9,4.10,4.14,4.15,5.2 ,5.4,5.5,5.6, tables 3,5,7, less than the rejection number indicated in table 14.

If unsatisfactory results are obtained on at least one of the controlled rolls of foil, tape or sheet, tape cut into lengths, a plate, a complete control of the entire batch is carried out.

It is allowed for the manufacturer to control the thickness, width, length and quality of the surface during the production process.

6.7 To check the chemical composition, two rolls of foil, tapes, two tapes cut into lengths, two sheets or two plates taken from the lot are selected.

6.8 For tensile testing (tapes and sheets), bending (tapes cut into lengths and sheets), drawing of a spherical hole (tapes) and determination of grain size (tapes), three rolls of tape, three tapes cut into lengths, three sheets from each complete or incomplete 1000 kg of a batch of strips, cold-rolled sheets and strips cut into lengths, and from 5000 kg of a batch of hot-rolled sheets.

In the production of enlarged rolls of tapes by welding, it is allowed for the manufacturer to test for tension, drawing a spherical hole and determine the size of the grain from the batch, select three rolls from each full and incomplete 3000 kg of the batch.

6.9 If unsatisfactory test results are obtained for at least one of the indicators specified in 6.7,6.8, it is retested on a double sample taken from the same lot. The results of the repeated test shall be applied to the entire batch.

7 Methods of control and testing

7.1 The control of dimensions, appearance, crescent, deflection and obliqueness of the cut is carried out with a given probability of 96% (acceptance defect level AQL = 4%).

7.2 The appearance of foil, strips, sheets and plates is checked by inspection without the use of magnifying devices.

7.3 The thickness of foil, tapes, sheets and plates is measured with a multi-turn indicator according to GOST 9696, a micrometer according to GOST 6507 or a lever micrometer according to GOST 4381.

7.4 Measuring the thickness of the foil and tape is carried out at a distance of at least 10 mm from the edge and at least 100 mm from the end of the foil or tape roll. For tapes with a width of 20 mm or less, the measurement is taken in the middle of the width of the tape.

The thickness of the foil or tape is measured on each selected roll at points spaced uniformly at random along the length of the roll.

The length of the roll L, m, is calculated by the formula

L = 7.85 10 -4 --- a

where D and d are, respectively, the outer and inner diameters of the roll, measured with a ruler according to GOST 427, mm;

a is the thickness of the foil or tape, mm.

7.5 Measurement of the thickness of strips cut into lengths, sheets and plates is carried out at a distance of at least 100 mm from the top of the corner and at least 15 mm from the edge.

The thickness of strips cut into lengths, sheets and plates is measured on each selected sheet or each selected strip cut into lengths or slab at points evenly randomly located along the perimeter of the strip cut into lengths, sheet or plate.

The number of strips cut into lengths, sheets or plates in a batch M, pcs., is calculated by the formula

A4 = 10 6 --- , (3)

where P is the mass of the batch, kg;

Y is the density of the material, g/cm 3 ;

H is the thickness of the tape, cut into lengths, or sheet, mm; b - width of the tape, cut into lengths, sheet or plate, mm;

/ - the length of the tape, cut into lengths, sheet or plate, mm.

The number of controlled sections on the tape, cut into lengths, sheet or plate N, pcs., is calculated by the formula

where / is the length of the tape, cut into lengths, sheet or plate, mm; b - width of the strip, cut into lengths, sheet or plate, mm.

7.6 The width and length of foil, tapes, tape cut into lengths, sheets and plates are measured with a ruler in accordance with GOST 427, a caliper in accordance with GOST 166 or a metal tape measure in accordance with GOST 7502.

Width measurement is carried out in a water spot at a distance of at least 100 mm from the end of the foil, tape or from the edge of the tape, cut into lengths, or sheet.

7.7 Scallop and deflection of foil, tapes and sheets are measured according to GOST 26877 in one place in any area.

7.8 The oblique cut of strips cut into lengths, sheets and plates is determined according to GOST 26877.

7.9 For tensile testing, one sample is cut from each selected roll of tapes or sheet, or from each selected slab. Sampling is carried out according to GOST 24047.

The tensile test is carried out in accordance with GOST 11701 on samples of type I or II for tapes and sheets with a thickness of less than 0.50 mm c/ 0 = 4 b 0 and b 0 = 12.5 mm; thickness from 0.50 to 3.00 mm with / 0 = 11.3 or / 0 = 5.65 and b 0 = 20 mm.

The tensile test of tapes with a width of less than 20 mm is carried out on samples with a width equal to the width of the tape, while the edges of the samples can be machined.

The tensile test of tapes and sheets with a thickness of 3.0 mm or more is carried out according to GOST 1497 on samples of type I or II with a thickness of 3.00 to 8.00 s / 0 = 11.3 or / 0 = 5.65 ^ / F ^ and b 0 = 20 mm; thick

8.00 mm or more with / 0 = 11.3 ^ / Fq "or / 0 = 5.65 ^ / Fq" and b 0 = 30 mm.

Tensile testing of sheets and plates with a thickness of more than 12 mm is allowed to be carried out on cylindrical samples in accordance with GOST 1497.

7.10 To test the drawing of a spherical hole, one sample is cut from each selected roll. The test is carried out according to GOST 10510.

Tapes with a width of up to 30 mm inclusive and a thickness of up to 0.55 mm inclusive are tested with a punch with a radius of 1.5 mm; with a width of more than 30 to 90 mm inclusive and a thickness of up to 0.55 mm inclusive - a punch with a radius of 4.0 mm; with a width of more than 90 mm and a thickness of more than 0.10 mm up to 1.50 mm inclusive - with a punch with a radius of 10 mm.

It is allowed to test the drawing of a spherical hole before cutting the tapes into widths.

The test for drawing a spherical hole of tapes with a thickness of 0.10 to 0.45 mm can be carried out on machines in manual mode.

7.11 To determine the grain size, one sample is cut from each selected roll. Determination of grain size is carried out according to GOST21073.1

7.12 The bend test is carried out in accordance with GOST 14019.

The specimens for bending testing are cut along the rolling.

Bending test specimens made of deoxidized copper shall be annealed in a hydrogen atmosphere at a temperature from 800 °C to 850 °C for 30 minutes.

7.13 For analysis of the chemical composition, one sample is cut from each selected roll of tapes, sheet or tape cut into lengths. Sampling for analysis of the chemical composition is carried out according to GOST 24231.

The analysis of the chemical composition is carried out according to GOST 13938.1 - GOST 13938.13, GOST 13938.15, GOST 9717.1 - GOST 9717.3.

It is allowed at the manufacturing plant to carry out sampling from molten metal.

It is allowed to carry out chemical analysis by other methods that are not inferior in accuracy to those indicated. The manufacturer is allowed to control the content of impurities of bismuth, antimony, arsenic, sulfur and oxygen periodically - once every three months, provided that their content is guaranteed in accordance with the requirements of GOST 859.

In case of disagreement in the assessment of the chemical composition, the analysis is carried out according to GOST 13938.1 - GOST 13938.13, GOST 13938.15.

7.14 The waviness of the edge is checked by wrapping around a foil, tape, or sheet up to 2.00 mm thick inclusive around a mandrel with a diameter of 100 to 120 mm. If the waviness does not disappear, the foil roll, tape or sheet is rejected.

7.15 The manufacturer is allowed to use other control methods and measuring instruments that provide the necessary accuracy.

In case of disagreement in the determination of indicators, control is carried out by the methods specified in this standard.

7.16 Determination of the specific volumetric electrical resistance is carried out according to GOST 7229.

Other methods and means of measurement are allowed, providing an accuracy not lower than that established by GOST 7229.

In case of disagreement, the measurement is carried out in accordance with GOST 7229.

7.17 For the purpose of determining compliance with the limits specified in this International Standard, the measured or calculated value obtained from the test shall be rounded off in one step to the number of digits used to express the specified limits in this International Standard.

The following rounding rules should be used:

a) if the digit remaining immediately after the last digit is less than 5, then the remaining last digit shall remain unchanged;

b) if the digit remaining immediately after the last digit is equal to or greater than 5, then the remaining last digit must be increased by one.

8 Marking, packaging, transport and storage

8.1 Foil and ribbons must be rolled up. There should not be more than three segments in one roll.

The inner diameter of the roll must be 40, 80, 100, 200, 250, 300, 400, 500 mm. The winding must prevent the roll from changing its shape due to gravity. By agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, other inner diameters of the rolls are allowed.

8.2 Rolls of foil and tape up to and including 0.50 mm thick must be wrapped in paper, packed in wooden boxes and lined with cardboard.

Tape rolls with a thickness of more than 0.5 mm must be tied with a tape measuring at least 0.2 x 20 mm and wrapped in a synthetic or non-woven material that ensures the preservation of product quality.

8.3 Strips cut into lengths and cold-rolled sheets up to 2.00 mm thick must be packed in wooden boxes.

It is allowed to pack strips cut into lengths and cold-rolled sheets up to 2.00 mm thick inclusive in bundles. The packs must be wrapped in paper and protected from above and below by boards or wooden shields, the dimensions of which correspond to the width and length of the pack, and tied at least in two places or crosswise with a tape measuring at least 0.3 x 20 mm or wire with a thickness of at least 2 mm . Fastening the ends: wire - twisting at least three turns, tape - in the lock.

Cut-to-length strips, cold-rolled sheets over 2.00 mm thick and hot-rolled sheets must be packed in bundles with one-sided protection by shields according to the dimensions of the bundle, as indicated above.

Sheets with a length of 4 m or more must be bent until the edges touch.

8.4 Slabs are delivered on wooden crates. The board is covered with cardboard on top. The plate is tied up in at least two places in the transverse and longitudinal directions with a tape measuring at least 0.8 x 20 mm.

8.5 As packaging means and materials and means of fastening, the following should be used:

Paper according to GOST 8273;

Corrugated cardboard according to GOST 7376;

Cardboard according to GOST 7933;

Wooden boxes of types I, II, III according to GOST 2991 and GOST 10198.

Box sizes - according to GOST21140 or technical documents;

Boards and shields according to technical documents;

Synthetic and non-woven materials according to technical documents;

Tape according to GOST 3560;

Wire according to GOST 3282.

It is allowed to use other types of packaging and packaging materials that are not inferior in strength to those listed above and ensure the safety of product quality.

8.6 Each roll or pack or board shall be labeled with the following:

Trademark or name and trademark of the manufacturer;

Name of the country of origin;

Conventional designation of foil, tapes, sheets and plates;

Batch numbers;

Technical control stamp.

8.7 Without packing in boxes, paper, synthetic and non-woven materials, it is allowed to transport rolls and packs in containers in accordance with GOST 15102, GOST 22225, GOST 20435 and GOST 18477 to one address without reloading on the way. In this case, corrugated cardboard must be laid between the rows of rolls and packs in accordance with GOST 7376.

When transported in containers, rolls and packs must be stacked and strengthened in such a way as to exclude the possibility of their movement in the container. In addition, rolls and packs must be protected from corrosion, dirt and mechanical damage.

8.8 Each box or container must be enclosed with a packing list containing:

Trademark or name and trademark of the manufacturer;

Name of the country of origin;

Symbol for foil, tapes, sheets and plates;

Batch number;

Net weight;

Gross weight;

Packer number.

8.9 Transport marking - in accordance with GOST 14192 with the application of the handling sign "Keep away from moisture."

8.10 Enlargement of packages in overpacks is carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST 26663. Fastening means in overpacks - in accordance with GOST 21650.

Packing is carried out on pallets according to GOST 9557 or GOST 9078 or without pallets using bars with a height of at least 50 mm with strapping in the longitudinal and transverse directions with a wire with a diameter of at least 2 mm according to GOST 3282 or a tape with dimensions of at least 0.3 x 20 mm according to GOST 3560. Fastening ends: wire - twisting at least five turns, tape - in the lock.

The weight of the package must not exceed 2000 kg. The mass of a package in covered wagons must not exceed 1250 kg.

8.11 Packaging of foil, tapes, sheets and plates shipped to the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas - according to GOST 15846 for the group "Metals and metal products".

8.12 Foil, tapes, sheets and plates are transported by all means of transport in covered vehicles in accordance with the rules for the carriage of goods in force for this type of transport.

8.13 Foil, tapes, sheets and plates should be stored indoors. During storage and transportation, foil, tapes, sheets and plates must be protected from mechanical damage, moisture and active chemicals.

At the consumer, foil, tapes, sheets and plates must be kept in the warehouse in the manufacturer's packaging for at least two days to equalize the temperature of the foil, tapes, sheets and plates with the room temperature. After the expiration of the specified period, foil, tapes, sheets and plates must be unpacked.

Under the specified storage conditions, the consumer properties of copper foil, tapes, sheets and plates do not change during storage.

Theoretical mass of 1 m 2 copper foil, tapes and sheets

Table A.1

Thickness, mm

Weight 1 m 2, kg

Thickness, mm

Weight 1 m 2, kg

NOTE The theoretical mass is calculated with a nominal copper thickness and density of 8.9 g/cm 3 .

Correspondence of designations of copper grades in accordance with GOST 1173-2006 and EN 1652:1998

Table B.1

UDC 669.3 "24-418: 006.354 MKS 77.150.30 V54 OKP 18 4510

Key words: copper foil, copper tapes, copper sheets, copper plates, assortment, technical requirements, control

GOST R 50779.71-99 (ISO 2859-1-89) replaced by GOST R ISO 2859-1-2007) Statistical methods. Procedures for selective control on an alternative basis. Part 1: Sampling plans for successive lots based on an acceptable level of quality (valid only in the territory of the Russian Federation)

Editor R.G. Goverdovskaya Technical editor V.N. Prusakova Proofreader V.I. Barentseva Computer layout A.N. Zolotareva

Signed for publication on 23.04.2008. Format 60x84^. Offset paper. Arial headset. Offset printing. Uel. oven l. 3.26. Uch.-ed. l. 2.10. Circulation 179 copies. Zach. 402.

FSUE "STANDARTINFORM", 123995 Moscow, Granatny per., 4.


Printed in the branch of FSUE "STANDARTINFORM" - type. "Moscow printer", 105062 Moscow, Lyalin per., 6.

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