Creating an application in 1s. Document "Application for payment"

Many trade organizations work on order. That is, the organization first receives several orders from customers. Then he finds suppliers and buys from them necessary goods. As soon as the goods arrive at the warehouse from the supplier, they are immediately shipped to the buyers.

In such a situation, purchasing managers should have convenient mechanisms for generating orders to suppliers and tracking delivery dates.

In the program "1C: Trade Management, ed. 10.3" the purchasing manager can do the following:

  • Look full list goods to be provided to customers.
  • Automatically create an order to the supplier for all goods required by buyers. In this case, the order to the supplier will clearly indicate for which customer orders the order was made to the supplier. And at the time of receipt at the warehouse, the goods will be automatically reserved for the client.
  • Specify the date of receipt of goods for all orders to suppliers.
  • Check the deadlines for the receipt of goods, if the deadlines are not met, cancel the order to the supplier.

Let's take a closer look at each of these possibilities.

You can use the Customer Order Analysis report to analyze the items that need to be purchased for customers.

Menu: Reports - Sales - Order Analysis - Customer Order Analysis

A report can be generated for orders that have not yet been shipped. To do this, set the flag "Status of shipment by order" and mark the values ​​"Not shipped" and "Shipped partially". Thus, we will receive a report on orders that have not yet been fully shipped:

The report shows all unshipped orders. For each order, we see the necessary goods, in the column "It remains to be provided" the required quantity is indicated. If this column is not empty, then the product is out of stock and has not been reserved - it must be ordered from the supplier.

Create an order to a supplier

From the "Analysis of customer orders" report, we found out that for our customers it is necessary to place an order with the supplier. But we do not have to remember who and what product is missing. Directly from the report, you can create an order to the supplier for all the missing goods!

Click on the button "Order to the supplier - Generate one order to the supplier":

Created new document"Order to the supplier", which automatically included all the goods necessary for the order:

For each product in the column "Order" there is a buyer's order, under which the product is ordered from the supplier. Thanks to this information, at the moment the goods arrive at the warehouse, they will be automatically reserved for the buyer.

In the order, you need to select a supplier, contract, fill in the purchase prices. We agreed with the Mobil counterparty on the delivery of this product on 12/28/2011. Specify the estimated date of receipt of the goods in the "Receipt" field:

By clicking the "OK" button, we will execute and close the order to the supplier.

After placing an order to the supplier, we will again generate the report “Analysis of customer orders”. Now the column "To be provided" is empty, because we have ordered all the necessary goods from the supplier. Information that the goods are ordered to the supplier is displayed in the "Placed in orders" column:

Delivery time control

To control the delivery time, we will use the report "Analysis of orders to suppliers".

Menu: Reports - Purchasing - Analysis of orders - Analysis of orders to suppliers

Let's make a setting to see orders for which the delivery time is violated. Press the "Settings" button.

In the settings form that opens, at the bottom of the table, add a new selection "Order. The date of receipt is less than or equal to the current date." To do this, click the "Add" button, in the field selection window that opens, find the "Order" field, expand it along the plus and select the "Date of receipt" field inside:

In the main form of the report, we will also set the “Receipt status” flag and mark the values ​​“Not received” and “Partially received”.

Click "Generate" and as a result we will see all the orders that should have been fully received before the current date, but this did not happen:

In the column "It remains to purchase" the quantity of goods that did not arrive on time will be indicated.

Based on the results of the analysis, the manager may decide to cancel the order to the supplier. For this, the document “Closing the order to the supplier” is drawn up. You can create a document based on an order to a supplier or manually.

Menu: Documents - Purchasing - Closing orders to suppliers

We will close the order based on. To do this, you can find the required order to the supplier in the list of orders:

Menu: Documents - Purchasing - Orders to suppliers

Or open an order to a supplier directly from the report.

To open an order to the supplier from the report, you need to double-click on it and select the item "Open order to the supplier" in the list of actions that opens:

In the order to the supplier, use the enter button on the basis and select the item "Closing orders to suppliers":

In the opened document “Closing orders to suppliers”, the order to be closed, the counterparty, the order amount will already be indicated:

You can also specify the reason for closing the order and then analyze the reasons for closing orders in the report:

Menu: Reports - Purchasing - Analysis of orders - Analysis of the reasons for closing orders

Click the OK button and close the document.

After the order is closed to the supplier, the program will no longer expect any receipts or payments on it. The order to the supplier will no longer be shown in reports:

In addition, if we generate the “Analysis of customer orders” report again, we will see that the product has reappeared in the “To be provided” column:

Now the purchasing manager should form a new order to the supplier for the missing goods and expect the delivery of this product on time.

In case of unsatisfactory quality or other reasons, the buyer can use the service of exchanging the goods that did not fit the seller. The client initiates an exchange for another product or a refund. He can transfer information for preparing a return by phone or at a meeting in person, depending on the desire of the seller to cooperate. To issue a return of goods in 1C 8.3 Trade Management, programmers created a functionality to reflect data on such business transactions.

Creating a request for the return of goods

The rights of buyers to exchange or return goods are regulated in two laws Russian Federation: Article No. 25 "On the Protection of Consumer Rights" and Article No. 502 in Civil Code. But not everyone understands that these documents are aimed not at a return, but at an exchange of a product that they did not like. If at the time of circulation of a similar product for which the buyer would agree to exchange the purchased item, then by agreement with the management of the company, he can wait until it appears.

If a marriage or other damage is detected, the client also has the right to apply for a replacement or refund from the seller. The only exception is the situation in which he was aware of the existence of a marriage. Basically, there is a special discount for such products. In any case, in order to make a claim, an application is written addressed to the head of the company for a refund or exchange, indicating the buyer's passport data and providing a check.

The return of goods occurs constantly, so it is worth studying the issue of carrying out this operation in the 1C program. To create a file for the return of a product, you must go to the "Sales" section and find the "Return Documents" item in the "Returns and Adjustments" section.

Depending on the purpose, you can create one of the following documents:

  • Returns from customers, if this file is selected, the amounts for returned goods can be included in mutual settlements with the buyer, as payment for his other purchases;
  • Returns from commissioners, this document can be issued on any date. It does not matter when the return occurs before the commission agent provides data on the sold products or after the fact of the sale has been registered;
  • Returns from retail buyers, it is used in cases where the client returned the purchased product, which was sold at retail, after the cash book was closed.

Details of this document will vary when choosing one of the proposed options.

Important! When choosing the last type of document “Returns from retail buyers”, the seller must have a receipt provided by the client as a basis for the return.

In addition, you can use the "Requests for the return of goods from customers." In order to create such an application, you need to go to "Sales" - "Refunds and Adjustments" in the same way as in the first case and select the first item.

Exchange requests can be made in two ways: based on information about sold products or manually typed according to the data provided by the buyer.

In the file that opens, you can see several commands with which you can quickly select applications:

  • The current state in which the item being returned is located;
  • Deadline;
  • Priority;
  • The manager responsible for the implementation of the return.

The application, in turn, can be divided into three types, depending on whom the refund is issued:

  • Customer;
  • commission agent;
  • Retail Buyer.

When creating an application, the 1C program offers to choose one of the types of statuses. In the document, you can change this item with the actual change in the situation. Setting this or that status will determine which actions the client will be able to use, and which will become unavailable.

To carry out the return of goods, in the status field you need to set the value "To be returned" or "To be completed". If the application is found "Under approval", it will be impossible to issue a return on it.

In the first tab “Basic”, the document number will be assigned automatically when the document is saved, and the date will be set to today. But they can be changed manually to the required ones. Below is the data on the client, counterparty, about reached agreement and payment procedure. On the other part of the table, information is written about the company to which the product will be returned, the warehouse and the mandatory field - “Method of compensation”. There are two such ways:

  • “Replacement of goods”, instead of the product that the client refused, he is provided with a different product. It may be completely different from the previous one. When choosing this method, it will be necessary to fill in the tabs "Returned goods" and "Replacement goods";
  • "Return cash"- this is an easier way, which involves the return of money to the client by means of filling out an account cash order or by non-cash debiting of funds from the organization's current account. It is convenient for both the seller and the buyer. But with this method, the organization loses part of the money it earns, so the first option with a replacement is preferable. In some cases, the replacement product is more expensive than the one previously provided. And then the buyer has to pay the difference between the prices for his purchase.

Going to the second tab, you need to fill in the nomenclature of the returned goods. In it, you should carefully consider the extreme field "Sale Document". It has the ability to select goods according to sales documents that were created during shipment. To manually populate a product range, two commands can be used. The first is "Fill in sales documents and prices", which provides information about sales documents and the prices indicated in these documents.

The pick is set up according to the LIFO principles, which assume that the shipped goods are presented in recent documents.

You can also upload information using the "Add Items from Sales Documents" command. In this case, you must select one of the sales documents and find the necessary goods in it.

Going to the next tab "Replacement goods" you need to specify which product will be replaced by the returned one, as well as the price at which this compensation is provided.

The last tab is "Advanced", the following lines are filled in it:

  • Operation - from the drop-down list, select from whom the return is issued;
  • Deal;
  • Subdivision;
  • The manager involved in the transaction;
  • Currency;
  • When working with VAT, a checkmark is placed next to the currency field;
  • Taxation.

In addition, applications for the return of goods can be made based on the sales document. By going to the sales log, you can select required document and create an application based on it. In this case, you do not have to fill out each item in the document, the 1C program will do everything automatically. After that, it remains only to correct the "Returned goods" tab if the sale included several types of goods, and only one needs to be returned. You just need to remove unnecessary lines.

Registration of a return invoice in the program 1C Trade Management (UT 11) 11.2

The application has been created and it is worth starting to process the return itself. You need to go to the "Returns of goods from customers" section and switch to the "Clearance orders" tab, there is an assistant for creating returns based on orders.
It will already contain the previously created application. Select it and click on the "Proceed to Return Goods" button.

The program automatically filled in all the basic information necessary for the formation of the document, using the already available data. The basis will indicate the number and date of the application on the basis of which it was created.

By clicking on the "Products" tab, you can see the product that is subject to return, as well as all the necessary information about the quantity and price of the selected air conditioner.

The "Additional" tab is filled with data about the manager conducting the deal, on which the return operation is being carried out. In addition, information about the division, currency, return transactions from the client and everything about taxation is indicated.

After checking the completed lines, this document must be held and closed.

The main actions are completed and you need to return to the order log to return the goods to the client. Since the customer has already returned the unsuitable air conditioner, it is necessary to replace it with new product specified in the terms of the exchange. To do this, in the "Replacement goods" tab, click on the "Provision" button and select "Fill in the provision", after which a window will appear in which the "For shipment" checkbox is checked. After that, the document can be posted and, based on it, an invoice can be created.

In addition, after all the actions in the "Return of goods" document, it is possible to generate such reports as:

  • Customer debt. After the transaction, the debt will be changed only if the prices for the goods to be exchanged differed;
  • Card of settlements with clients;
  • Container payment card;
  • Places of use;
  • Related documents.

If you know exactly which document was used for the sale, you can create an application from the "Sales Documents" magazine. It is necessary to find the desired file, select it and create an "Application for the return of goods" based on it.

Important! If the program generates an error and does not allow you to generate a document, you need to open the implementation and change the status from "For prepayment" to "Implemented". In this case, all the main data will already be indicated and it remains only to edit them a little.

To create an invoice, you need to go to the "Sales" - "Sales documents" section. Among the clearance orders, you need to find the request that was created earlier to return the product from the customer. It must be identified and an implementation formed based on it. After that, check the correctness of the filled data and post the invoice.

Payment of the buyer's debt in cash

After the operation to return and provide the buyer with new, more expensive equipment, a debt will be formed in favor of the seller. Therefore, the customer must pay the resulting difference. This also needs to be reflected in the program 1C: Trade Management.

In most cases, surcharges are made in cash, so consider this option. To do this, go to the menu "Treasury" and select the item "Incoming cash orders". In the presented journal, you need to switch to the "For admission" tab.

In the line "Base of payment", select the item "Settlements with customers". The list presented will include the previously created application for the return of the product.

The amount of additional payment that the buyer is obliged to pay to the seller is calculated from the difference in goods: returned to the organization and provided to the client for compensation as a replacement.

After selecting the necessary application, you need to use the "File for receipt" button, this will open a window with the creation of a cash receipt order. In the document, the 1C program will already fill in all the necessary credentials, such as a cash desk and a payer.

By going to the “Payment breakdown” tab, you can see that the lines have already been filled in: the basis document, the cash flow article. In the "Print" tab, you can check the information on printing a cash receipt order. The document is then posted and closed.

Important! In the opposite case, if the replaced product turns out to be cheaper than the original one, an expense cash warrant is issued in the same way.

It is located in the Treasury menu. After that, you need to go to the tab "Expenditure cash orders" and go to "For payment". Its basis will also be the previously created application for the return of goods and click the "Pay" button.

(Continued. See the beginning in No. 34-44)

Work with providers

The program features allow you to register price lists and delivery terms not only for existing, but also potential suppliers, as well as competitors. Using registered data selling prices on the goods of suppliers and the terms of their delivery, you can perform comprehensive assessment existing and potential suppliers, as well as to choose among them the most suitable for the purchase of goods and services.

Application solution "1C: Trade Management 8" ed. 11 offers two different schemes for working with suppliers when purchasing goods. One of them involves the supply of goods in the event of a need for them on a preliminary order to the supplier. Another scheme does not provide for the execution of an agreement and a preliminary order to the supplier. Delivery according to this scheme is carried out at arbitrary prices.

The program allows you to automate various aspects of interaction commercial enterprise with suppliers. This applies to the execution of a trade agreement, the registration of prices and terms of delivery, and the execution of a purchase order. Upon receipt of the goods, the delivery is recorded in the system. If necessary, the return of goods to the supplier is performed and recorded.

Making an agreement with a supplier

Trade agreements are used in the program to register conditions for the purchase of goods from suppliers. Within one agreement, you can enter one or more supplier price lists into the system, as well as specify conditions, such as supply volumes, under which one or another price list will be applied.

Trade Agreement can be used with different purposes. So, with its help, you can register the prices and terms of delivery of a potential supplier. This information will be used in the future when comparing the conditions of different suppliers and choosing the optimal delivery conditions.

You can also use the agreement to register the prices and delivery terms of the merchant's competitors. In the future, this information will be available to the manager, for example, during negotiations with customers and will help convince them that the prices and terms of delivery of goods offered by the trading company are better than those of competitors.

After agreeing with the supplier on the main delivery parameters, the trade agreement is transferred to the "Valid" status and can be used to place orders to the supplier, register the receipt of goods and services, and for other purposes. Note that if the checkbox "Control purchase prices" is set in the agreement, then the program generally will not allow you to register a delivery document, the prices in which differ from the prices set under the agreement. Only a user with the rights to deviate from the terms of the purchase will be able to register such a document.

Work with orders to suppliers

To register a preliminary agreement between a trade enterprise and suppliers on the purchase of goods, the program uses orders to suppliers, in which prices for goods and terms of payment are fixed.

It should be noted that orders to suppliers can be generated automatically, using the "Inventory management" workplace based on the analysis of the need for goods, as well as manually. Next, consider the formation of orders manually.

An order to a supplier can be created both on the basis of a trade agreement and without using it. Creating an order without a preformed trade agreement is possible, for example, for one-time deliveries.
When placing an order with a supplier, you can compare its current prices with the prices of other suppliers, as well as competitors.

For an order, the supplier, in agreement with him, can register several stages of payment - "Advance payment (before confirmation)", "Prepayment (before receipt)" or "Credit (after receipt)". The stage "Advance payment (before confirmation)", for example, means that the supplier confirms the delivery of the goods only after receiving the advance payment. For each stage, the percentage and date of payment are indicated. Payment amounts for each stage will be calculated automatically.

Information about the dates and amounts of payment will be used later in the formation of the payment calendar, when processing applications for spending funds, as well as payment documents.

In the order to the supplier, the purchasing manager can indicate the date on which he wants to receive the goods from the supplier. At the same time, if the order is placed under an agreement with the supplier, the delivery date is automatically calculated based on the date of the order and the delivery time specified in the agreement. At the same time, the calculated delivery date can be further specified when interacting with the supplier.

In the process of working with an order, it can be in different states - "Waiting for approval", "Waiting for advance payment (before confirmation)", "Waiting for confirmation", etc., up to "Ready for closing". The application solution allows you to control the status of orders to suppliers, including the fulfillment of all conditions by the enterprise for payment and the supplier for the supply of goods.

If necessary, the purchasing manager can completely or partially cancel the order to the supplier. Partial cancellation of the order is performed only for those items of the nomenclature that were not delivered. After the completion of work on the order, the status "Closed" is set for it.

Registration of receipt of goods

The application solution allows you to register the receipt of goods both on the basis of an order to the supplier, and without an order. When registering the delivery of imported goods, you can specify the CCD numbers and the country of their origin.

Upon receipt of goods, an order scheme for the delivery of goods can be used, in which the processes of the actual receipt of goods at the warehouse and the issuance of financial documents are separated. In the case of using the order scheme, the actual receipt of goods at the warehouse is documented using a receipt order for goods.

Cash management

The application solution allows you to plan cash flow. To plan the expenditure of funds in the program, requests for payment are used. The application system also provides information on the needs of the company's divisions in cash and the prevention of unauthorized payments.

Using requests for payment allows you to plan almost all operations for the expenditure of funds - payment to the supplier, issue to an accountable person, return of funds to the buyer, transfer to pay taxes, as well as other expenses of funds.

It is assumed that requests for payment can be created by employees of any departments of the enterprise. When making an application, the planned type of payment is indicated - in cash, non-cash funds or a payment card. In the application, you can justify the need for payment, as well as attach files to it that contain the necessary information - scanned invoices, tables with calculations, etc. The created request has the status "Not approved" and is submitted for approval to a responsible employee, for example, a financial manager or financial director. In the process of further work with the application for payment, it can receive the status "Agreed", "Rejected" or "Approved".

Approval, as well as rejection of applications is carried out by the director or another responsible person on the basis of a special list in which all applications for which payment is required are presented. When working with the list, you can view the files that are attached to it without opening the application.

After the application is approved, you can create a payment document based on it. Depending on the type of payment set for the application, this can be an expense cash warrant, a document for debiting non-cash funds or an acquiring operation. To create payment documents in cash and non-cash funds, as well as to pay with a payment card, special workspaces are provided in the application solution.

For operational financial planning the payment calendar is used as the main workplace in the application solution. Using the payment calendar Financial Manager can plan the payment of funds, taking into account the balances of funds on current accounts and cash desks, as well as planned receipts. In addition, the payment calendar will allow you to control the timeliness of the execution of approved applications for payment, as well as help identify cash gaps and take measures to eliminate them.

The application provides accounting for cash and non-cash funds. Along with taking into account the actual movement of funds on the current account, which is registered on the basis of a bank statement, the program also implements accounting for outgoing and received copies of incoming payment orders. Note that the state of funds on the current account changes only as a result of registering a bank statement. Registration of payment orders allows you to increase the efficiency of accounting, for example, mutual settlements, without affecting the accuracy of accounting on current accounts, as well as control the funds that are in the process of crediting, debiting or moving.

1c: The document "Buyer's Application" ("Application for Supply") is drawn up. The next day, the document "Receipt of goods and materials (purchase and sale)" is drawn up ...

Question on 1C Trade and Warehouse 7.7:

The document "Application of the buyer" ("Application for supply") is drawn up. The next day, the document "Receipt of goods and materials (purchase and sale)" is issued (without placing an order to the supplier). Incoming goods are not reserved for this application. Why?

Answer 1s:

The distribution of buyers' requests for delivery and the reservation of goods for them is carried out only if an "Order to the supplier" is placed and the receipt is made on the basis of the order. This allows you to organize trade schemes "by orders", that is, in this case, an analysis is made of upcoming deliveries for orders already made to suppliers, based on the date of expected shipment indicated in the document, so that, starting from this date, goods and materials for this application are reserved.
The separately executed document "Receipt of goods and materials (purchase and sale)" does not reserve anything. However, if the receipt of goods and materials is issued not on the basis of a specific Order to the supplier, but simply within the framework of one contract, then it is automatically linked to the Order and reservation is made on the basis of this.
Making such applications allows you to increase the amount of free warehouse balance due to upcoming receipts on orders from suppliers.

More questions and answers on 1C Trade and Warehouse 7.7:

Comments to "The document "Buyer's Application" ("Application for supply") is being issued. The next day, the document "Receipt of goods and materials (purchase and sale)" ...":

23.08.2017 at 12:58 Andrey wrote:

1C 7.7 Trade + warehouse. An order is made from the buyer "request for delivery" on August 10. But the buyer wants to pick it up on August 22nd. How not to forget about this application these days? There are a lot of applications. How to make a reminder if possible

Adding a comment:

Starting with release 3.0.35 in 1C 8.3, it became possible to draw up the document "Application for the import of goods" in order to account for VAT charged on the import of imported goods. In this article, I want to consider step by step how this mechanism works.

In order to start taking into account imported goods, you need to go to the "Main" menu, then follow the "Functionality" link to go to the settings. We are interested in the "Stocks" tab, go to it and check the "Imported Goods" box:

Please note that once you start using this functionality, it will no longer be possible to disable it.

Receipt of imported goods

Suppose we have a receipt of goods from Belarus. In order to correctly issue a receipt operation, you must correctly create a counterparty card:

As you can see, in the counterparty card in 1C 8.3 there is the requisite "Country of registration". If you fill it out with a country other than Russia, then instead of the fields "KPP" and "OGRN" there will be fields for filling in "Tax number" and "Registration number in the country of registration". These details will be needed to fill out the "Application for the Import of Goods".

In addition, please note that the item now has the TN VED attribute, which also needs to be filled in:

After creating a foreign counterparty, we proceed to filling in the incoming invoice. It is filled out like a regular receipt document:

Reflection in the accounting of imported goods

To be reflected in the accounting of goods imported from countries Customs Union, create the document "Declaration on the import of goods". The link to the list of these documents in 1C Accounting is in the "Purchases" menu. In the list box, click the "Create" button. In the form for creating a new document, click the "Fill" button and select the previously created receipt document. All the necessary information will be transferred automatically, except for the "Mode of transport" column. It must be filled in, as it is a mandatory requisite:

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After posting the document, the following posting will be generated:

The amount of 24,388.87 is the amount payable to the budget.

If you are connected to the 1C Reporting service, you can immediately upload the document to the tax service.

The new document "Declaration for the import of goods" is also a form of a regulated report (go to the menu "Reports" - "Regulated reporting"):

If we receive confirmation from tax service about registration of the application and payment of VAT, it is necessary to execute the operation "Confirmation of payment of VAT to the budget".

Operation "Confirmation of VAT payment to the budget"

For clarity, first create a document "". I will not describe its creation, since in real conditions it will be created by itself by uploading a bank statement:

In the form of a new document, click the "Fill" button. The document will be filled in automatically on the basis of the "Declaration for the import of goods":

Formation of purchase book entries