Goose is a migratory bird. Overview of species and habitats of wild geese

Geese belong to the category waterfowl, which are part of the duck class (along with swans and ducks). Many people know about geese as poultry, but there are also wild geese and there are quite a few varieties of them. In this article, we will consider in detail the types of wild geese, the features of their nesting, and also talk about the habits of geese and their habitats.

As mentioned earlier, wild geese represent the duck class, however, they differ significantly from swans and ducks. For example, unlike swans, these birds are not too large, in addition, their neck is much shorter than the swan, and the bridle is feathered. In comparison with ducks, their beak is located higher and more compressed from the sides, and the color of plumage in individuals of males and females is the same.

These birds have webbed feet, with the help of which they can swim well and quickly, as well as dive under water.

Wild geese boast beautiful plumage in black, white, gray and brown colors. Despite the fact that these birds are waterfowl, they spend a lot of time on land, unlike their counterparts - ducks and swans. They practically do not eat fish - it is enough for them to eat ordinary terrestrial grass.

Those wild geese that live in the Northern Hemisphere, including in Russia, fly away to winter in places with tropical and subtropical climates. The construction in this case depends on the variety. It is also worth saying that at the age of two or three years they choose a mate for themselves, and from that moment the goose and the goose become inseparable.


How many species of wild geese are there and what are they? In fact, there are quite a few varieties of these duck, but in this section we will tell you about the most famous.

The most recognizable at the moment is the gray goose. It is this species that is considered the distant ancestor of modern domestic geese. The feathers of this species are gray (even slightly brown), and the breast and abdomen are white. This is a rather large wild goose - it weighs from 2 to 7 kg and can reach a length of up to 80 cm. You can meet this bird almost throughout Russia, but it is also found in Spain and Iran.

The bean goose is similar to its predecessor, however, it also has its own peculiarities. Its plumage is also gray, but the beak is significantly different. First, it is also painted gray. Secondly, the sling in the middle of the beak is a bright orange color. Maximum weight this bird can reach 5 kg. The bean goose lives in the taiga or tundra, and is one of the first to return from warm regions - already in mid-March.

Next, consider the polar goose - a species that is characterized by a rather large size (up to 5 kg in weight and up to 80 cm in length). These birds have beautiful snow-white plumage and have black stripes on the tips of their wings. They can be found on the Arctic coast, and in our country they are a very rare visitor.

The species, which is distinguished by an unusually long beak, is the sucker. Its feathers are brown, the lower part of the body is slightly lighter, and there are brown stripes on the sides. The front of the neck and part of the cheeks are lighter in color. Sukhonos is a species common in Mongolia and China, but can also be found on Sakhalin and Transbaikalia.

Mountain goose is a bird that can take off to a height of 10 thousand meters and at the same time weighs only 3 kg. As the name suggests, it settles in mountainous areas near rivers or lakes. You can find this bird in Altai or in the Pamirs. Its feathers are gray, but the head and neck are white. On the back of his head there are two black stripes, the beak and paws, like most duck, are orange.

Bird with unusual name- chicken - one of the largest geese (up to 8 kg), painted gray (with brown spots). The chicken's head is completely different from that of a goose, since it is much smaller, and the beak is small and neat. The neck is also much longer than that of most geese, and the legs are long, reddish in color with black toes. These birds live in South Australia.

A very beautiful little goose - Andean. His weight reaches only 3.5 kg, and his entire body is painted white, only on the back and wings are black stripes. In addition, the bird's tail is absolutely black. They live, as the name implies, in the Andes.

In Alaska, you can find a very beautiful white-necked goose, whose body is painted in a bluish-gray color, but the back of the head and neck is absolutely snow-white. The beak is of a rather interesting color - gray with a pink base. In addition to Alaska, these birds can be found in Chukotka, Kamchatka or on the Commander Islands.

There is also such a variety of geese as geese. They are distinguished from other species by their dark color of feathers and short black legs. In addition, they emit a specific abrupt cackle, unlike the scream of a bird.

The most famous goose is the Canadian goose, whose plumage depends on the region in which it lives. They mainly have gray-brown plumage, white breasts, black neck and head. On their cheeks you can see a white spot, and on the tail - a snow-white strip.

Red-breasted geese are owners of a red, almost red chest with white outlines, white spots near the beak, black back and abdomen. They have a rather thick neck, and there is also a tuft on their head. You can find these geese in the Black Sea region.

The goose is a black goose that looks more like a duck. They have very small short legs and a long body. Their feathers are black and only on the back and wings can you see white blotches. A transverse white stripe can also be seen on their neck.

Features of nutrition and nesting

Wild geese are absolutely herbivorous birds, there is no fish in their diet, although they could well catch it if they wanted. In the spring, you can find them near water bodies, where they feed on shoots of aquatic plants. While the goose is on land, it usually feeds in the fields of winter seedlings or simply plucking young grass in the meadows.

During nesting periods, their diet consists almost entirely of aquatic food, birds are especially eager to eat pond (the most tender parts of it). But this period is a small part of their life, they mainly prefer terrestrial vegetation and a variety of seeds of wild and cultivated plants.

For the first time, geese nest only in the third or fourth year of life. They choose the place where they will nest immediately after arrival, but they take on the construction itself only after the ice and snow have completely melted. The nesting female builds the trays herself, and both aquatic plants and various wood materials (branches, twigs), which are found on the ground, can serve as materials for the frame. The inside of the nest is laid out with soft and dry grasses so that the chicks are as comfortable as possible.

How many eggs do these birds usually lay? In a clutch, you can find up to 10 small eggs of various shades (depending on the variety of nesting geese), most often there are 4–5 of them. Females lay eggs mainly in the spring, but in some cases this process can be delayed until the first summer weeks. While the eggs are hatching, the goose will never leave the nest, and will stay there as long as necessary. Even during feeding, she stays with her future offspring, moving away to a minimum distance, not forgetting to cover the clutch from prying eyes with fluff or grass. The whole process lasts about a month, and then beautiful little goslings are born.


Where do these birds winter and live? As a rule, they live near water: swampy areas, wet meadows, floodplains of rivers or lakes.

The gray wild goose, for example, chose the Black Sea region for life. Bean goose prefers to live in the taiga and tundra of Eurasia. The Canadian goose has settled in the United States of America, but the white-fronted goose prefers the tundra. Sukhonos tastes like the eastern part of Asia, the mountain goose can be found in the Kyrgyz forests, the white-fronted goose can be found in the forest-tundra of Russia, but in Alaska the white-bearded goose settles. Red-breasted and black geese live in the tundra (Siberia and Eurasia, respectively).

Thus, since these birds are represented absolutely different kinds, There are a great many places where you can find this or that variety of these duck.

For wintering (which begins from the beginning or middle of autumn), these birds choose warm southern regions, in which they wait out severe frosts. Some prefer the Pacific or Caspian coasts, and some even fly to Japan and China in search of warmth. With the onset of spring, they fly back again and remain in their usual habitats until autumn.

If you don't already know what a goose looks like, let's turn to history. Is the goose a migratory bird or not? The answer to this question suggests itself, because if we are talking about wild geese, then the answer is yes.

Domestic geese are not migratory. Geese were among the first birds to be domesticated by humans. Information comes from afar, because even in Ancient Rome and Greece there was a mention of them. Since then, many breeds of geese have been bred.

The most profitable types of geese for home keeping

Belongs to large breeds. Weight of a two-month-old gosling at proper care can be four kilograms. Mature individuals have nine kilograms.

The breed is named after the place where it was bred. If you need to get a lot of meat, then this one suitable bird... It differs from other breeds in its rapid maturity.

The goose is an unpretentious bird. And does not require special conditions... Plenty of pasture is needed for good growth, and additional food compound feed.

The grass is destroyed very quickly, so you need to worry about walking in advance so that everyone has enough grass. One of the favorite herbs is the sow thistle.

The breed has good immunity and almost does not get sick if kept exclusively in the fresh air. If the geese are in a dark room, then diseases cannot be avoided.

Emden geese look very stately. As a rule, these are strong guys with a large sheepskin coat and small limbs, the beak and legs of which are bright orange. The neck is not long. A fold under the neck is a must for the breed.

Goose born light gray, and after molting, they begin to darken quickly, becoming dark gray. In mature individuals, the situation is even more interesting - the gray goose makes up about half of the individuals, the second part is white geese with gray blotches. Only a small number of geese manage to become perfectly white, without spots.
It is one of the largest breeds. The weight of an adult reaches eleven kilograms. The main reasons for growing are meat and large liver, from which the pate is subsequently obtained. The breed is distinguished by its slowness, as a result of which it quickly gains fat.

You need to feed the geese at least twice a day. They like to be half-starved, so the feeder should also be full at night. This breed does not value the quantity of feed, but its quality, so do not forget stock up on vitamins and minerals.

Geese of this species have a thick neck and a very massive body, on which a large but short head is located. Feet are small but strong and orange in color, as is the beak. This is a real gray goose.

The gray color of the head and neck flows smoothly onto the back, acquiring a darker shade. Black is often found on the tips of the wings. Some white paint is added on the belly and under the tail. The tail is gray-white.

Toulouse geese love warmth. So do not deny them this. V winter period their home must be carefully insulated. No drafts and constant temperature, as for babies - twenty degrees.

The bedding must be chosen wisely so that it absorbs moisture perfectly. Best for winter - peat or a large layer of straw, in summer you can get by with sand.
The name of the breed is completely unrelated to Africa. There is still no exact information where this species came to us from. Most are inclined to believe that the ancestors were Chinese geese.

This is a heavy type of geese. Weight reaches twelve kilograms. Often males are used to cross with other breeds.

The goose is a proud bird. This expression refers to a given species. The goose has a very presentable appearance and a proud posture.

Distinctive features are a black beak and a large bump on the head that grows with age. The body is broad and the neck is not too long.

A wallet hangs under the lower part of the beak, but there are no abdominal folds. Legs come in several shades, from dark orange to brownish orange.

A bright room is required to accommodate African geese. Necessarily dry and clean. This is due to the fact that there is a lot of evaporation from the bird. Everything should be well ventilated. A bath or pool in a goose pen is not a good idea.

Geese will quickly clog the water, as they love to swim and do not care at all about the place where they relieve themselves. The floor should be relatively warm, geese always sleep on the floor, unlike chickens.

Is it profitable to take geese

The goose is a bird that can provide itself with food. In addition to grass, the goose needs additional feed, which will not constitute the main diet. In addition, the goose differs from other birds in that it easily assimilates fiber, which means that they use the energy from the feed better than others.

Because of this, they grow so quickly, and besides, they easily divorce. They do not require any particular care, just equip the premises and find pastures. But how much meat and fluff they will bring!

And their feces can be used as fertilizer. Only one conclusion suggests itself - geese are very profitable investment which is not difficult at all.

Watch a video on how to raise goslings.

Geese are very popular Domestic bird... Several decades ago, proud representatives of this species could be found in almost every courtyard, and Gelgotania was distributed throughout the district near water bodies. But, if you are also going to acquire them, then we suggest learning a little more useful and interesting information... For example, is a goose a migratory bird or not? Find out the answer to this, as well as some other questions with us.

Of course, such a question for many now may seem stupid, because most are sure that geese are birds. Yes, of course, it is, it is a separate genus of waterfowl from the duck family. But if you consider the scientific classification, then you will find the following information: Geese - belong to the animal kingdom, the chordate type and the bird class. So, whether they are animals or not, this is how you look at it.

Geese are common on almost all continents of the Earth (except Antarctica). They live on the shores of seas, rivers, lakes, meadows or marshy areas. There are mountain views. Unlike swans and ducks, they spend much less time in the water than on land. Both wild and domestic species are found today.

Are they nomadic?

Geese are originally migratory birds. But today only wild representatives have such a gift. But pets have long lost this ability. But we think that it’s not so bad for them even on their private plots. As for wild species, for example, the most famous of them, birds winter in southern Europe and Asia, as well as in North Africa.

They get to the wintering place in flocks, less often in a line and in a wedge. The number at the time of the flight ranges from a few pieces to several hundred. During the resting period on water bodies, they usually gather in large groups of up to several thousand birds. In summer, during molting, they live in a sedentary way, since, firstly, they raise offspring, and, secondly, they temporarily lose the ability to fly due to the lack of flight feathers.

What is the cub's name?

If you want to have and, by all means, you will need to raise cubs. What is the correct name for the child of this bird? The official name of the cub is goslings, goslings. But in the usual colloquial speech you can find both a gosling, and a gosling, and a gusol.

What is the flight altitude?

So, as you already understood, wild geese are good flyers. In an ordinary sedentary life, they overcome short distances with a low flight, but during a flight to warm regions, their height is quite impressive. Some of the highest flying representatives are the gray geese. They rise up to 8000 meters to overcome long distances.

But there are also champions - mountain representatives of the species that can settle on the tops of the mountains. Their usual flight altitude is no more than 5000 meters, but they can rise up to 10,000 meters. The last record was recorded - 10175 meters, when the birds were in the Himalayas.

How long do they live?

Domestic representatives belong to a special species of long-lived birds. On average, their duration is 18-20 years. And there were even cases that with special care, geese lived up to 25 years. Life expectancy also depends on the breed. Some rare species live longer, for example, Vladimir's - 25-30 years.

What are the red paws from?

This question worries many people, especially children. What to answer to the child? On this occasion, among the people there are several interesting stories and fairy tales. Some people do not go into details very much, they say: red because they are frozen. But we understand that birds have this color of paws both in summer and in winter.

If we consider the scientific point of view from which the goose's legs are red, then the color is largely determined by the breed. They are found with dark, almost black limbs, yellow, orange and red. Many experts are sure that everything is connected with a special pigment. Some scientists cite the opinion that there are a lot of blood vessels on the paws of birds, which help to warm the limbs in water. The skin is thin, so the blood mesh is clearly visible - a red effect is created.

Which of these versions is correct? Most professionals believe that the main reason is skin pigmentation, as blood vessels are close to the skin and in birds with dark paws.

Video "Breeds of geese and their features"

In this story you will learn more information about birds, about their way of life, about home keeping and briefly about breeds.

belong to the duck family, their features: long neck, good physique, webbed feet and a large beak. They are able to fly at an altitude of 10,000 meters. Males and females differ little from each other, only bone growth and different body sizes help to distinguish them. Mostly geese feed on grass. They usually go out in search of food in the morning and search until late at night. Nests are built either on the ground or in the grass, and fly to the nests. formed pairs... This species reproduces only at 3-4 years of age, the nest is guarded by a female.

They are considered rare water birds and fly away to winter in the Azov, Black and Mediterranean seas, as well as in Asia, India, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan. During seasonal flights they gain tremendous altitude, usually flying in a flock, wedge or line. They love to hunt this bird, because it is quite large.

The types of their plumage: black, white, gray and brown, this distinguishes them from other birds.

There are 14 species of wild geese in total, some live in the northern hemisphere, while others live only in South America, these are red-headed and gray-headed. Orinoco lives in North America. There are certain species of geese that live only near the sea, sea geese. There are also rare species: goose, mountain, Asian, Hawaiian goose, chicken and Egyptian, Nile goose.

Geese are one of the groups of waterfowl. From the photo you can see that there are many varieties of these birds. Geese have been known to us since childhood from many fairy tales. But we only know domestic geese, but are there any varieties of these birds?

From the point of view of science, geese belong to the duck family; they are a kind of intermediate link between ducks and swans. Today on our planet, scientists have about 15 species of these birds.

All geese are characterized by a dense constitution. Geese are birds with a long neck, powerful, but not long, beak and paws. average size having membranes. The feather cover of these birds always has a smooth structure, it is very dense and has water-repellent properties. Geese carefully monitor the cleanliness of their feathers, every now and then lubricating them with the fat in the coccygeal gland.

Geese living in a temperate climatic zone, in addition to the main feathers, also have a thick and dense layer of down, which is designed to protect from cold weather. As for the color of these birds, it does not stand out with bright colors. All geese have a feather cover of rather modest, inconspicuous shades: gray, white, brown. And only some parts of the body, such as paws and beak, in these birds are painted in more or less bright colors: red-orange or black.

Geese sizes vary depending on the species. Small geese (such as Ross's Goose or Lesser White-fronted Goose) weigh between 1.5 and 2.5 kilograms. Ordinary geese are almost twice as large, their weight ranges from 2.5 to 4.5 kilograms.

The habitat of geese is quite wide, but most of them live in the Northern Hemisphere. These birds inhabit North America, Europe, Asia, Africa. Separate types live in the Southern Hemisphere: the chicken goose lives in Australia, American tree geese and Magellanic geese inhabit South America.

The habitats of geese are: open areas in the tundra zone (typical of white geese and bean geese), treeless banks of rivers flowing in the savannah and steppe (half-footed, clawed and Egyptian geese, as well as dry beetles live there), reed thickets growing along the banks of rivers and lakes (habitats of gray geese), as well as the shores of lakes, stretching high in the mountains.

Geese, like other representatives of the duck family, are schooling birds. Migratory species, before flying away for the winter, form flocks numbering several thousand individuals.

Listen to the voice of the goose

The food of geese consists of green parts of plants that grow on land; the aquatic green of these birds is of little interest. In addition, the geese eat grass seeds.

As already mentioned, geese are water birds, they keep well on the water, they only dive reluctantly, but take off they are given with difficulty. They need a little takeoff run to get up the wing, although, compared to large swan species, geese take off relatively quickly and easily. Having risen into the sky, these birds feel at ease, they can fly for several hours without rest.

The breeding season for these birds occurs once a year, the nesting time depends on the habitat. Tropical species lay their eggs during the rainy season, while the nesting period of geese in the Northern Hemisphere begins with the arrival of spring. The mating rituals of geese are very spectacular: the males fight each other, beat the rival with their beak and grab the neck.

When it comes to choosing partners, geese are monogamous. Once paired, they spend the rest of their lives with their partner.

Clutch of female goose consists of 3 - 12 eggs light shade... The father of the family all the time tirelessly protects the nest and the female from external encroachments. Incubation lasts 25 days. The chicks that have been born are already quite formed, they are covered with a yellow fluff. A month after hatching, the babies are already on the wing.