How to open a coffee shop. Open a coffee to go business

90% of people are sure that opening coffee to go is easy. On the one hand, they are right. The only clarification is that it is simple and easy to open coffee to go only if you know how to do it correctly. Despite the fact that in appearance the coffee to go format seems simple, like any other business, ignorance of the subtleties and nuances can turn a profitable and promising business idea into a loss-making enterprise that works to zero and sucks out the last pennies.

To avoid such a situation, you need to know where to start and what stages of the business should be given utmost attention.

For example, you need to start by defining the target audience for coffee to go. By asking yourself who will buy your coffee, you can adjust the design, strategy and concept of your small business to the needs and requests, interests and desires of specific people - your future customers.

The target audience of coffee to go is mainly young people from 18 to 24 years old. In 70% of cases, they are girls.

Students, young professionals, lower-level managers - these are your potential customers. They appreciate low prices, friendly service, efficiency and social activity. Of course, older people should not be discounted either, there are coffee-to-go fans among people over 50. But to be honest, answer yourself the question, how many of these fans will walk past your coffee to go every day and how many of them will consider buying?

But it is the number of people passing by, coupled with their “quality” (belonging to the target audience) that is the key to the success of the coffee to go point. Finding a place like this is half the battle for coffee to go.

However, do not forget about another important fact for the coffee to go business. This is the taste and quality of the coffee itself. If you prepare delicious invigorating drinks, then they will come back to you, they will recommend you to friends and acquaintances. So you can ensure that spontaneous purchases will be reduced, and the number of regular customers will increase.

We will talk about all these subtleties and other important little things further.

Investment size

Opening a take-away coffee shop can be considered a business with little investment. According to the experience of entrepreneurs who have opened their own take-away coffee points, you can meet 200 thousand rubles, and the upper limit of the starting capital is unlikely to exceed 400 thousand rubles.

This difference in initial capital is explained by the wide opportunities to save.

Of course, the amount of funds needed to start will largely depend on several large expenses, without which it is simply impossible to open a coffee point with you. The first is rent, which we'll talk about a little later. Secondly, the equipment.

Takeaway coffee machines

If the flow of customers depends on the choice of the rental place, then the ability of the point to quickly and efficiently serve this flow will depend on the equipment on which you will prepare coffee.

Professional coffee machine and grinder - the main means of preparing and selling coffee to go.

It makes no sense to put a home or even a super-automatic coffee machine on the point of coffee to go. Firstly, such equipment will not be able to provide the required quality of the product, and secondly, it is not designed for continuous and uninterrupted operation. And if the coffee machine breaks down, you will no longer sell a single cup of coffee. Remember, the miser pays twice: time spent, money lost.

That is why many entrepreneurs are trying to buy high-quality, foreign equipment, the cost of which can be 150, and 250 thousand rubles, or more. If you don’t have that kind of money, but working on professional equipment is still a priority for you, equipment rental or the purchase of used coffee machines comes to the rescue.

Usually, coffee equipment for rent (even free of charge) is provided by coffee bean suppliers, subject to the purchase of a certain amount of coffee from them. At the same time, they also advise on the selection of the necessary list of equipment depending on the expected scope of work (for example, one- or two-chamber coffee machines) and provide maintenance and repair of equipment. However, even in the case of free rent, many companies require a security deposit - from 20 to 50 thousand rubles.

As for used equipment, it will take no more than 100 thousand rubles to buy it.

What else will you need to spend on?

You will also have to spend money on a sales stand or the design of a rented kiosk. Naturally, when designing the appearance of a coffee to go point, you need to pay attention to the fact that it attracts attention and attracts glances. The appearance should cause a reflex desire to drink coffee or tea. The name on the sign should not subtly hint that an invigorating drink is being poured here, but shout about it so that a person at first glance understands that you are offering coffee, and not selling donuts or SIM cards...

Returning to the investments required to open a coffee-to-go business, it is also worth mentioning all sorts of little things, which are nevertheless important for comfortable work without failures and overlaps.

Purchase of consumables for the preparation of a variety of coffee drinks - milk, toppings and syrups; additional assortment - snacks, sweets and snacks; purchase of disposable cups, lids, spoons; purchase of bar equipment.

By the way, there is an option to save on the purchase of consumables - for example, disposable tableware, if you can cooperate with other coffee-to-go owners who buy non-branded cups.

Step-by-step instruction

Having calculated the required amount of investment in the coffee to go business, it's time to take action.

For starters, legalize the business. It would be best to register yourself as an individual entrepreneur and submit an application to the tax office about choosing a UTII taxation system. This tax will allow you to pay less due to the lack of employees and the small rented area on which activities are carried out. Taking into account the minimum required area of ​​a coffee-to-go outlet of several square meters, you will pay an average tax of about 3,000 rubles. In addition, for individual entrepreneurs on UTII, a cash register is not required, which means that you can issue a check only on demand using a conventional CPM (check printing machine).

The OKVED code for the coffee to go business is 55.30 “Activities of restaurants and cafes”.

Despite this OKVED, you do not need to obtain any permits, since there is no full-fledged kitchen, which means that there is nothing for the supervisory authorities to check. All that is required of you is to notify Rospotrebnadzor of the start of activities. It is worth waiting for checks from the SES only if complaints appear. If you're lucky, you won't have your first audition meeting until three years later.

Attention to the workplace

You should also take care of ordering a sales rack in advance. It will take at least two weeks to design and manufacture. Provided that you already have a selected rental location.

The very process of installing a counter, bar or kiosk equipment can also cause difficulties and problems that will entail the postponement of the date of the planned opening.

In advance, for example, you need to take care of proper energy supply. If it is not there, you will have to call an electrician and conduct an additional line, which will need to be agreed with the landlord. Therefore, all issues related to electricity, heating or water supply must be resolved at the stage of signing the lease. At the same time, the contract itself should not be concluded for a long time: your expectations about traffic may be erroneous and in practice the pedestrian flow will not be converted into buyers and customers...

From coffee to cookies: how to choose a supplier?

Naturally, in parallel, you need to look for suppliers of consumables and raw materials.

And first of all, it is necessary to decide on the supplier of coffee beans. If your customers don't like your coffee, all is lost. Delicious coffee is one of the main components of the success of the coffee to go business. There are a huge number of varieties of coffee that suppliers can offer. Both your own taste and the advice of the suppliers themselves, and analysis of competitors will help you navigate the choice.

If you buy your own coffee equipment, you will not be dependent on a particular coffee supplier and the range of varieties offered can be much wider.

Find out if your chosen variety is suitable for classic coffee drinks, as it is on the usual espresso, latte, cappuccino, americano and mochachino that you will specialize. The volume of the initial purchase will depend on the conditions under which you sign a contract with the supplier, whether you will rent equipment, etc. No need to be afraid of numbers of 10 kg or more.

A small 200 ml cup of coffee takes 9 g of coffee, and 18 g for a 400 ml cup.

Thus, the purchased 10 kg of coffee will go to just over 1100 small cups of coffee. At the same time, a working point of coffee with you in a passable place sells much more per month.

In addition to the coffee card, it is necessary to draw up a menu and a list of additional assortment. Will you sell various chocolates and sweets, or maybe ready-made sandwiches or even pastries?

If the answer to this question is yes, you should look for profitable suppliers or partners who could provide you with the required amount of products, usually not too much. You can buy chocolates or oatmeal cookies at wholesale markets and bases, as well as at stores such as Metro, Lenta and Auchan.

Of course, coffee as a drink will remain the main component for a coffee to go point, and various sweets and “snacks” are needed more likely only to increase the average check and customer convenience. You can hardly make money on chocolates or pastries. Still, the margin on the resale of someone else's products is small.

In general, the volume of additional assortment does not exceed 5-7% of the turnover.

The assortment of snacks and additions to coffee will change - some positions will disappear, others will be added. It is definitely necessary to experiment with the assortment, but only when the work of the outlet stabilizes and the changes do not entail a sharp decline in revenue.

Barista for coffee to go

An important factor in the success of the take-away coffee shop is the professionalism and competence of the barista. This person should not only prepare delicious coffee, but also properly serve customers, communicate with them, be able to resell, thereby increasing the average bill. With the search and hiring of such a person, certain difficulties may arise both at the launch stage and at the first time of working coffee with you.

When opening their first coffee-to-go outlet, entrepreneurs often personally stand behind the counter and serve their first customers, working 12-hour days without days off and lunch. But such work on two fronts quickly drains. In any case, an entrepreneur will need a shift or a full-time employee. At the same time, hiring a professional barista is not always possible. Basically, young people who do not have the slightest idea of ​​​​how to properly prepare coffee respond to the vacancy of a barista at a coffee point with them. She is attracted by flexible hours, hourly pay, etc.

Careless young coffee baristas bring their friends to work so they don't get bored. And instead of working, they arrange a farce.

A feature of working with the staff of the coffee point to go is a large turnover of staff - which will stop only when you hire the right person - friendly, honest, hardworking and responsible, who, moreover, will quickly master the art of making delicious and high-quality coffee. Agree, such people, especially young ones, are rare today ...

Therefore, for the first time, the future owner of coffee to go will have the task of finding and training a reliable person who can replace you at the counter. Subsequently, if you do not stop at opening one point of coffee with you, the need for employees will increase. Therefore, it is necessary to immediately determine the stages of selection and training of employees, as well as develop a shift schedule, a system of motivation and control.

One of the barista motivation options is bonuses or bonuses for overfulfillment of the sales plan and the absence of comments (a percentage of the total revenue or a percentage of each coffee sold in excess of the plan).

But even the motivation system does not insure against unscrupulous workers who do not go to their shift, arrange a booth at the point, or simply treat work superficially. The owner of coffee to go is faced with the acute issue of control of an employee or shift.

Alternatively, you can install a surveillance camera at the coffee-to-go point and thus monitor the employee online.

Regardless of which option you choose to work with the staff - a stick or a carrot - when opening a coffee point with you, be prepared that at any moment you will be forced to personally stand at the counter and work as a barista.

If you are planning to open a take-away coffee point, be aware that all your profits will depend primarily on the location. At the same time, choosing the right location for a coffee to go point can be one big problem.

A couple of years ago, when no one heard anything about coffee to go, landlords, especially large shopping and business centers, did not understand how coffee could be prepared on three square meters and refused to rent. Today, almost all the tidbits in more or less large shopping centers and business centers have long been occupied.

However, the rental market is quite competitive and involves a change of tenants. It's just a matter of price. If you have found a tasty place, but it is occupied, you should start negotiations with the owner or the rental department, find out the rental rate and offer to pay more, or convince that your coffee shop can generate additional traffic and attract a certain audience.

By the way, you can open a coffee point with you not only in megacities, where the lifestyle pushes people to do everything on the run, including drinking coffee, but also in small towns. Moreover, it is even easier to find a profitable place for coffee to go in a small town - there are fewer points with high pedestrian traffic in small towns, which means that the probability of choosing an unsuccessful place is reduced.

However, it is still quite easy to make a mistake with the choice of a rental place for a coffee point with you. It often happens that a location seems to have high traffic, but its quality can only be assessed by starting to work. For example, it may turn out that there is simply no target audience among the traffic passing by. Or the point itself is not located in the flow of people, as it should, but “around the corner”.

When considering locations for coffee to go, you don’t need to limit yourself to rental options in shopping or business centers.

The easiest way to start a takeaway coffee business is to buy one.

But if you still want to do it yourself, we offer you step-by-step instructions from an expert at Coffee In.

The business of selling coffee to go is quite profitable: it requires minimal start-up and ongoing costs, while it has high margins and quickly pays off. It is believed that opening an express coffee shop is not at all difficult, and therefore yesterday's and even current students without entrepreneurial experience often take up the matter. But often in this area there are completely different stories.

Before the opening of the first Coffee point In we already had experience in business, in the b2 segmentbbut wanted to work with a wider audience. Therefore, we had the idea to enter the field of express coffee shops.

To begin with, we analyzed competitors in the Chelyabinsk market, there were about ten of them at that time, and many of them-network. Some players had 8-10 points.

The takeaway coffee business is often highly competitive. Moreover, coffee is not always a popular drink, because in fact few people understand it. There are cities in which it is difficult to succeed in this area. For example, tea is preferred in Kazan, while in Chelyabinsk, shawarma outlets are the most popular. All this can affect the success of a business, and therefore, before investing in opening coffee to go, you need to study the market.

I constantly buy coffee in express coffee shops, so I often went to competitors and knew roughly how they work. I interacted a lot with baristas in coffee shops and it helped a lot. Usually baristas can tell you anything: how much revenue, how many customers, etc.​​​​​​​

You need to see what prices competitors have, what range. As a rule, the vast majority of coffee shops offer the same assortment and are about the same pricing.

In terms of prices, you should not break away from the team, especially in the direction of their increase: at first, an inflated price tag will play against you. As a last resort, prices can be increased in the future.

But as for the assortment, here it is worth being smart and not offering only those drinks that are best sold by your competitors. Having your own special “chip” on the menu will help you gain popularity faster.

Personal experience

When we opened, we introduced items such as coffee withNutella, cookiesoreo, which no one else in our city did. Many came to us from other parts of the city just to try an unusual product, as a result they liked coffee, and they became regular customers.

By the way, over time, the range can also be expanded, based on the needs of the audience. This is exactly what we did at Coffee In - we added coffee and pastries to traditional express coffee shops - cereals, granolas, etc. The coffee house does not earn much on such a low-margin product, but its presence allows it to attract new customers.

It is believed that the main target audience of express coffee shops are students. That is why many are trying to put an end to the sale of takeaway coffee close to educational institutions. In fact, the coffee-to-go public can be diverse. Basically, these are those who work or live in the immediate vicinity of your coffee shop.

Investment size

Investments in opening a take-away coffee outlet are small, although here you can “walk around” by buying, for example, an expensive coffee machine (the price of individual copies exceeds 1 million rubles). And yet, at the very beginning, spending huge sums does not make sense, it is quite possible to meet 100-150 thousand rubles.

The main items of expenditure in opening an express coffee shop:

- Room rental. It is unlikely to get off cheaply here, since the room, although it should not be large, should be located in a passable place. Such areas are quite expensive.

- Repair work. This item is valid only for individual rooms. But many coffee shops open in shopping centers, and here, in fact, all that is needed is a bar counter.

- Equipment(coffee machine, coffee grinder). Its cost can be arbitrarily high, but at first it is better not to buy expensive equipment or even rent it.

Another important point is the promotion of your coffee shop.

Initially, we just opened a coffee shop and did not focus on any brand. But later we realized that it is very difficult to survive in this highly competitive market. Therefore, we came up with our own brand, and began to work on its promotion. At the same time, no funds were provided for promotion - the budget is very small.

In terms of promotion, it is worth using the maximum of relatively inexpensive channels available to you. For example, a coffee shop must have a sign. Also, if you work in a separate room with panoramic windows, you can brand them, place information about promotions on them, which will bring buyers to you.

An important element in the promotion of an express coffee shop is cups. They definitely need to be branded, because a person most often drinks coffee while walking down the street. Thus, passers-by see your logo on the glass, it is imprinted in the subconscious.

Personal experience

At the very beginning of our work, we resorted to the services of promoters, and this also led to good results. But here it is important that the distribution is not thoughtless. Our promoters handed out leaflets with the "second coffee as a gift" promotion to couples. And it attracted people, they came to our coffee shop, did their shopping.

Step-by-step instruction

The main thing in the coffee business is the coffee itself, therefore, as soon as you analyze the market and decide on the assortment, you need to look for coffee suppliers. There are, of course, express coffee houses that prepare raw materials on their own, but these are in the minority. Most often, the finished product is purchased.

Good coffee is the right percentage of several different types of coffee beans and their proper roasting. If you are not too well versed in this matter, it is better to involve a competent partner in the business.

Personal experience

We found a partner who used to work in a large chain of coffee shops. Going from a well-paid job with one of the market leaders to a little-known coffee house at that time was a difficult step, but he took a chance. As a result, I took over all organizational issues: accounting, sales, etc., and the partner managed everything related to coffee.

You need to choose a supplier in the first place in terms of price / quality ratio. Coffee can cost both 500 rubles and 2 thousand rubles per 1 kg. But good coffee doesn't have to be expensive.

At first, we bought coffee at 2,000 rubles 1 per kg, because we believed that the more expensive the product, the better it was. It turned out that an acceptable price is about 1 thousand rubles. Now we have partners in the Chelyabinsk region who are engaged in coffee roasting. They are our main supplier. They supply from South America, roast coffee and prepare the mixture just for us.

The second most important element of an express coffee shop is the barista. Fortunately, you are unlikely to encounter a shortage of personnel - today this profession is quite popular: when we recruited staff, fifty people responded on the first day, who set different prices for a shift - from 500 to 1.5 thousand rubles. The bad news is that truly competent professionals and disciplined workers are hard to find.

When we first started recruiting baristas, 50 people responded per day. Most of them could have been dismissed in advance, since these are schoolchildren who do not even know which side to approach the coffee machine from. With a dozen of the remaining specialists, we interviewed, as a result, another half were eliminated. About five people were invited to go on a test day, where they worked under the leadership of an experienced barista, he watched how they prepare drinks, how well they are trained. As a result, there was one person with whom we were really ready to work. It should be noted that not all of those who received invitations went to work.

The profession of a barista is more difficult than it seems at first glance. He should be able not only to prepare coffee well.

The barista must also be an excellent "salesman", as well as ... a psychologist. A coffee shop, even when we are talking about an express format, is a place where people come for communication. You need to be able to listen to the client, competently conduct a dialogue with him, while maintaining a balance - conversations should not interfere with work.

Fortunately, for the operation of an express coffee house, not so many employees are needed - only two, working on a schedule of 2 through 2. The salary of a barista is on average 30-40 thousand rubles. This includes an administration fee.

In order for a take-away coffee shop to generate good revenue, you need to set the correct opening hours - it is important to "hook" the time when pedestrian traffic is most active. We are open from 8 to 8 on weekdays and from 12 on Sundays. It’s hard to get up early on Sunday, no one is in a hurry, so it makes no sense to open a coffee shop in the morning. The most active hours on weekdays are in the morning, around 8.00. The next peak is at 12.00, in the evening - at 18.00. The most active days of the week are Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

But in a day, not a single client may come to you if you choose the wrong place for your express coffee shop. Therefore, this issue should be given special attention.

A take-away coffee point can be located both inside a shopping center, office building or university, and on the street. At the same time, it is important that the traffic is brisk, active pedestrian traffic is needed. Therefore, it is advisable to sit down and calculate exactly how many people pass next to your future coffee shop, at what time and what kind of people they are.

Another way is to see what establishments are nearby. The presence of stores of large retail chains is a good sign. As a rule, they thoughtfully approach the choice of a place, consider the traffic, explore the area.

But not always a large number of people around is a guarantee of success. Many decide to locate their express coffee shop at a railway or bus station, guided by the opinion that there is a lot of pedestrian traffic, which means there will be no shortage of buyers. In fact, most transit passengers are not ready to spend 150 rubles on coffee.

But all this is rather an ideal scenario for the development of events. In practice, there are few places where you can really rent a room and open. A good room is difficult to occupy - it will not be empty for months.

The room itself should not be large - 5 sq.m. is enough. area. There are no special repair requirements for an express coffee shop. But it is desirable that the room be branded, decorated in corporate colors.


No special permits or licenses are required to open a takeaway coffee shop. But in order to conduct business according to all the rules, you need to register. How exactly to do this - in the form of an individual entrepreneur or LLC - depends on whether you will work alone or with a partner. In the first case, it is better to register as an individual entrepreneur, in the second - to form an LLC.

As a taxation regime, it is worth choosing a single tax on imputed income. It eliminates the need to report on other types of taxation, such as corporate property tax. The tax rate depends on the number of employees and the area of ​​the establishment, so in the case of an express coffee shop, the amount of payment will be small. As OKVED, you must select code 55.30 - "Activities of restaurants and cafes."

No approvals from the SES, fire supervision or other authorities are needed. Just notify government agencies that you're open. According to the law, the first three years you can work safely without fear of inspections. Of course, in the event that no one filed complaints about your activities.

There are also certain restrictions. For example, you can’t open coffee and shawarma in the same place: different sanitary requirements.

Opening checklist

What could be nicer than drinking a morning cup of aromatic coffee with a delicious croissant in a small cozy coffee shop? Enjoy the smell of coffee and fresh pastries, have a leisurely conversation and enjoy the unique atmosphere... And how nice it must be to be the owner of such a coffee establishment. Do you want to become one? Let's figure out how to open a coffee shop and what this pleasure will cost.

Create a concept

So, first of all, it is necessary to decide on the concept of the future coffee shop. Will it only serve coffee and desserts? Will you offer visitors the opportunity to have a tasty and inexpensive meal, for example, a business lunch? Will you make alcoholic cocktails or add liqueurs and cognac to your coffee? Will it be a place for coffee lovers or a quick coffee to go? Maybe you have some original idea of ​​your own?

Another point to think about. If the idea came to your mind to open a coffee shop under the "wing" of some well-known chain, having bought a franchise from it, then you will need to find a suitable premises and invest a certain amount in the contract. Everything else the franchisor will help you organize. But then it will no longer be your own "brainchild". No changes to the "corporate style", product range and service model at will, most likely, will not be possible.

It is much more pleasant to open your own coffee shop from scratch, think over the interior to the smallest detail and create a unique atmosphere and cozy atmosphere in it. Of course, creating a coffee shop "with your own face" is a costly business, but it's worth it.

Prepare the necessary documents

You should start creating a business by choosing an organizational form of activity. It could be or. Register a company by submitting an application and the necessary documents to the tax office.

To start working in the optimal tax regime, you need to notify the tax authorities about the transition to a special tax regime immediately after registering the enterprise. For a coffee shop, a scheme (if possible in your area) or a “simplified” one is suitable. If you think that it will be more profitable for you, keep in mind that only 5 days are given to apply for the transition to this system from the date of registration of the organization. In this case, it is better to choose the “income minus expenses” object as the tax base, since the expenses in your coffee shop will be large.

In the tax office, it is also necessary to conclude an agreement for the maintenance of KKM with a licensed organization.

If you plan to sell alcohol, apply for a retail license to the territorial department of the consumer market. Please note that a license is not issued to individual entrepreneurs. Keep this in mind when choosing the legal form of your organization.

At the next stage, it is necessary to draw up a set of permits and sanitary-epidemiological documents. Their list is established by legislative acts and regulatory documents of Rospotrebnadzor (“Rules for the indication of services in the field of catering”, the Federal Law “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population” and others).

The list of documents required for opening and operating a coffee shop includes:

  • conclusion of SES and OGPS on the premises;
  • contracts with utility providers;
  • PPK (industrial sanitary control program);
  • an agreement with SES for disinsection, disinfection and deratization;
  • contract for the removal of solid waste and organic waste;
  • contract for the destruction of mercury-containing lamps;
  • an agreement for the disinfection of the ventilation system, if a coffee shop is opened in a residential building;
  • an agreement with a laundry (dry cleaning) for washing the uniforms of employees and table textiles;
  • consumer stand;
  • documents regulating the activities of catering facilities;
  • internal sanitary documents (Journals of accounting for disinfectants, waste disposal, etc.);
  • security contract.

Find and refurbish a space

The coffee shop must be located in a very busy place. Best of all in a business or student area, close to major transport stations or railway stations, in a large shopping center. A quiet residential neighborhood should not even be considered as an option: the coffee shop will pay off only with high attendance.

The requirements of the sanitary and fire services for the premises of a coffee shop do not differ from the requirements for other catering establishments.

You can open a mini-coffee house on an area of ​​​​50 sq.m, for a larger scale you need 100-150 sq.m, of which allocate enough space for preparing drinks and trading, separated from the hall by a showcase or bar counter.

Bringing the premises to the current sanitary and hygienic and fire safety standards, the requirements of the licensing authority (in the case of the sale of alcohol) is carried out during the repair. Preliminarily coordinate the redevelopment project with the interested authorities (SES, fire supervision, architectural bureau). Based on these approvals, you can obtain a permit document from the local interdepartmental commission.

Interior renovation is a very important part of the preparation of the premises. The design should match the concept of the coffee shop. For example, minimalism is welcomed for the take-away coffee format and high-tech design is more suitable, for a mini-coffee house - a cozy home environment. The interior should have a corporate identity that distinguishes your coffee shop from any other. A coffee house is a fairly democratic institution, so you can show a fair amount of imagination in its design.

Select furniture and purchase equipment

Of course, the furniture must obey the general concept. For guests, you will need tables and chairs, as an option, comfortable sofas or ottomans, according to the number of seats. Provide a place for outerwear, preferably next to each table if these are wall hangers, or one hanger-rack for several adjacent tables. Interior items, designed in a common style, will give your coffee shop coziness and individual "zest".

Decorate the coffee brewing place with a bar counter or a beautiful showcase for baking. Don't forget to buy the right utensils. Each type of coffee is served in its own special cups.

Equipment for the kitchen and coffee preparation is quite an expensive item in the coffee shop business plan. Since your guests will be coffee connoisseurs, you won’t be able to save on the quality of coffee equipment. Each type of bean needs its own grinder. It is possible to conclude an exclusive agreement with a coffee supplier on the condition of providing you with a coffee machine or a professional coffee grinder for use.

So, you will need:

  • refrigerators and freezers;
  • coffee machine and several coffee grinders, mixer, juicer;
  • microwave and oven for baking;
  • cash register, mobile terminals for waiters;
  • necessary furniture for the kitchen.

Hire and train staff

A lot depends on the staff of the coffee shop. What's the use of your "magical" atmosphere and expensive design if the waiters are slow and the barista brews tasteless coffee.

If you do not have your own production, this will make the task somewhat easier. It will only be necessary to establish relations with suppliers of semi-finished products and finished baking. If a kitchen is planned, cooks and a technologist will be needed.

To work in the hall, look for waiters and organize training for them. It will depend on their fast and high-quality work whether the guests of your coffee shop want to return to you again.

Specialists in brewing coffee - a barista, must be in a coffee shop, otherwise you will not have a coffee shop, but just an ordinary cafe. Unlike bartenders, who may not be in a coffee shop if the amount of work on bottling alcoholic beverages and preparing cocktails is planned to be small.

You can maintain cleanliness in a coffee shop with the help of cleaners, or you can offer one of the employees to perform this function for an additional fee.

If you do not plan to manage the process of your coffee shop yourself, then take a competent manager. An accountant can be invited to come.

Let's calculate how much it costs to open a coffee shop

The cost of opening a coffee shop depends on its format, the range of services provided, and the cost of rent.

For example, opening a mini-coffee shop for 8 tables without own production will cost at least 1.3 - 1.5 million rubles.

This amount includes: rental of premises, repairs, paperwork, obtaining permits - about 1 million rubles. Equipment, furniture, dishes - another 300 - 500 thousand rubles. Monthly costs will amount to at least 250 thousand rubles.

A coffee house for 20 tables and with your own kitchen will cost you at least 5-6 million rubles.

Registration of a company, rental of premises, preparation and implementation of redevelopment, obtaining approvals and licenses may well take up to six months and require about 1.8 - 2 million rubles. Furniture and equipment will cost about 2.6 million rubles, since organizing your own production is quite expensive due to the purchase of all kinds of equipment and special furniture. With a competent approach, your expenses for the kitchen will pay off quickly: the mark-up for pastries can reach up to 600%, for snacks and salads - 250-350%. Your staff costs, rent and utility bills, current expenses will amount to about 1 million rubles per month.

In addition, it is necessary to provide for an advertising budget in the amount of 30-50 thousand rubles. It is better to single out your target audience (employees of the business center, students, shopping center visitors) and direct efforts to promote your establishment to them purposefully, without wasting time and money on a full-scale advertising campaign. It is unlikely that someone will travel from the other end of the city to drink coffee in your coffee shop, but for visitors from the adjacent area, it may well become the most favorite place where you can have a bite to eat, “sit out” a free couple, chat with friends.

In addition to the above figures of total costs, it is worth adding about 30% more reserve funds for contingencies and project financing in the first 1-2 years of operation.

How soon will your coffee shop pay off? Expect that the markup in a coffee shop is much higher than in ordinary cafes, but the average bill is much less - about 150-200 rubles. Everything will depend on the activity of visitors. Keep in mind that some guests will sit for a long time with one cup of coffee, talking with table neighbors, or “hanging out” on their laptop or tablet. Therefore, in a very busy place, ensure that there are enough seats in order to constantly maintain a turnover of customers.

The average payback period for a coffee shop is 1-3 years.

  • Do not try to save on the quality of coffee and equipment for its preparation.
  • Pay special attention to the staff. Employees are the face of your coffee shop.
  • The style of the coffee house should be maintained in everything: music, menus, napkins, staff uniforms. Your own style is your "calling card" and your pride.
  • Focus more on female taste, women go to coffee shops more often.
  • Make a zone of free Wi-Fi, provide sockets for charging devices.
  • Equip a small children's room.
  • Remember that the best advertising is word of mouth. Treat your visitors like your dearest guests and they will keep coming back to you.

Coffee is the most popular drink in the world today. Of course, he did not bypass Russia. Compared to tea, it is more common and in high demand. There are a huge number of varieties of such a drink, but most of them prefer Arabica. To get black coffee, you need to roast green beans. This is what makes it unique in taste and color. Due to the fact that the drink is so popular, there were different ideas for the development coffee business. In this article, we will look at the process opening a coffee to go point .

About the opening of the point of "coffee to go"

Today, it is rare in any city that there is no coffee shop. Such establishments are very common. They are in the service industry.

If we take only Moscow, then every year there grows coffee consumption. Every day, Muscovites spend approximately thirty thousand dollars to buy this tonic drink. According to experts, this number will only grow every year. It is noticed that coffee displaces all other drinks, such as juice and even tea.

Territory for the project "Coffee to go"

I would like to note that the coffee points there is a great advantage over an ordinary coffee shop where you can enjoy coffee, but only in an establishment. As for the coffee point, there is an opportunity to pick up coffee to go . In fact, there are a lot of people who like coffee, but not everyone is ready to spend their time sitting in a coffee shop.

There are people who prefer to drink coffee elsewhere. For example, at home. Someone likes to enjoy the taste of coffee in the park, and someone drinks it on the way to work. That is why many people take it with them. Be sure to include fundamental points in the business plan. First of all, this is a place for an institution. You still need to register, collect all the necessary permissions. It is important to find suppliers of raw materials and purchase the necessary equipment. Be sure to calculate all major costs.

Organization of business should begin with the choice of territory. Stay in busy parts of the city. If possible, it is better to settle in a shopping center. This is also suitable for a large store.

An example is the cafe "Coffee House". They have placed all their establishments in those places where a lot of people gather. good the place for a coffee shop will be an airport or a bus station. It can also be located next to the educational institution. In fact, the choice of location should be taken seriously, as it means a lot to the business, as it should affect the stability and number of customers, and as a result, profit.

Children's cafe as a business

If you want to create a children's cafe, then the conditions remain the same. But the emphasis here should be on the entertainment program. As for the menu, it should be special. If you want to get regular customers and good recommendations of your establishment, you should come up with a very interesting entertainment for children.

When developing a business plan, you need to correctly calculate the throughput. Be sure to take into account every nuance. Cafes should be planned so that each person has five square meters.

At the time of buying furniture you need to choose a nursery so that it is comfortable, practical and light. Not bad if, in addition to everything, it will be attractive. If you don’t know how to design a cafe and what setting to choose, you can turn to a competent designer for help. He will be able to turn your cafe into a fabulous corner.

To equip children's cafe will have to spend six hundred thousand million rubles. The institution will be able to pay off in six to twelve months. If you did everything right, chose the right place, created competent advertising, you can expect that you will receive good income.

Collection of documents and registration

« Coffee to go' must be registered. To do this, you need to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC. To do this, contact the tax office. It is better to choose the first option, because this way you will save time and money.

Before open a restaurant, you must invite the sanitary and epidemiological service to get an opinion. There are certain standards that a food service establishment must comply with. They put forward certain requirements for placement, for how sewerage and water supply are organized, in what conditions they work indoors. It is important how the room is arranged and maintained, how it is equipped. There are certain requirements for containers and utensils, as well as inventory. Need to talk about requirements to food and raw materials, to their transportation. It is important how measures are taken to combat rodents and insects. Requirements are also put forward for the personal hygiene of personnel, how production control is organized. In fact, you can see all the rules in sanpin.

If you build a building from scratch, then you can not do without a permit issued by the fire inspectorate. But if you are renting a room, then you do not need to worry about this. But it should be understood that every year you will have to deal with inspections from the fire department. You will also be visited by the SES authorities.


Before you start writing a business plan, you need to analyze equipment market. You should also study the rest of the technical material that will be needed for the institution. It is better to buy professional equipment. This applies in particular to . The best are considered Italian made models. Their cost is higher than conventional machines, however, there is no need to save on this. If you choose professional quality equipment, it will serve you faithfully for many years. And it's very easy to buy it.

You can ask for help from firms that supply raw materials for you. This refers to coffee. They will be able to help you with the purchase of equipment that is needed. You will definitely need a coffee maker and containers where you will pour the drink. They must be sealed. You will need a mug in which you can take coffee with you. It is presented in the form of a special glass. It is able to keep warm for a long time even in the cold. It is very convenient to drink from it. When an establishment is famous, it buys containers engraved with its logo.

You will also need to buy refrigeration equipment to store dairy products and confectionery. You can not do without furniture, showcases and cash registers. Since you need to use only purified water to make a drink, you need to get filters.


Be sure to select employees for the institution. You will need one or two people. It is clear that for a large institution, the state will also be large. Still you have to hire administrator with waitresses. If necessary, you can take a security guard and a cleaning lady. But each employee must have a medical book, they must follow the rules of personal hygiene. If you want to have a wide range of products for coffee, you can set up your own confectionery production. To do this, you will have to acquire one or two assistants. All employees must be educated.

It is important that the staff be polite, treat customers correctly. After all, it is directly related to the success of your institution. Therefore, you can even arrange training courses. Be sure the waiters know their job. Moreover, they are required to know the entire range, to understand the difference between coffee varieties.


I want to write, the room must have several rooms. One will be for the manager, the other to store raw materials, and the third will house the staff. There should also be a bathroom with a shower in the room. It is of great importance cafe layout. The floor of the establishment should be used for production needs. The remaining part should be equipped with tables where visitors will be placed.

Since your establishment has a primary focus on preparing a drink as well as serving a ready order, amenities may be minimal. It is better to use simple dishes. You can hang small lamps on the walls. You can also place them on tables. Provide background music if possible. It is better to buy small furniture, then the space will not be cluttered.

The financial component of the business

It is clear that a business plan does not exist without financial calculations. The costs of the coffee shop are directed more towards purchase of equipment. According to experts, such a business should pay off in a year or two. As for profitability, it is very high, it is forty-sixty percent. To open a coffee shop, you have to invest fifty thousand dollars. It is clear that the organization of a small institution will require a smaller amount.


Advertising is very important when you are going to open a coffee shop. The most efficient is signboard outside. You can also order a video rental on TV, radio advertising is also suitable. But this may not give the desired effect, since the bulk of the visitors will be those who live or work nearby.

You can also lure customers by organizing various promotions and small discounts. You can offer cards to regular customers. When you open an institution, the one plus one promotion is effective. For example, when buying one glass of coffee, the second one is free. You can organize the distribution of leaflets, which will contain all the information about the institution. In this way, too, you can get buyers.


Considering all of the above, then opening a coffee shop is a tricky business. It is important to have a serious initial capital, to have organizational skills. It is very important to choose the right place for your establishment. Usually "Coffee to go" is organized in crowded places. These are usually business districts.

It is very reasonable to locate a coffee shop near a shopping center. And in order to make a reputation and withstand competition, you need to make high quality products, have a wide range and affordable prices.

How to open coffee to go: where to rent a place for a coffee shop and how much money do you need? 6 arguments "for and against" points on the street + financial calculations.

The cost of opening a coffee shop: 360,000 rubles.
Business payback period: 8-12 months.

Coffee to go - as a business, which, compared to other projects in the area of ​​"street food", does not require large capital investments.

Statistics show that the average person drinks up to two hundred cups of coffee a year.

True connoisseurs are ready to pay any amount (within reason) to enjoy a glass of aromatic coffee.

Despite the fact that there are more and more such points, the profitability of the business practically does not fall.

Of course, you need to understand that tasteless coffee from cheap beans or brewed by an inept barista will not be popular.

Therefore, before starting to implement a business idea, it is worth gaining a good knowledge of coffee varieties, its types and methods of preparation.

What do you need to open "coffee to go"?

In order for coffee to go as a business to generate income immediately and pay off as early as possible, you should immediately take into account the nuances, all possible sources of income and types of services offered.

Perhaps it will be not only drinks, but also buns or some kind of confectionery.

List of what you need for:

  1. Prepare documents for opening an enterprise (register an individual entrepreneur or LLC, comply with sanitary standards, and the coffee house must also pass the appropriate checks).
  2. Choose the form of taxation for a coffee shop (it is recommended to use UTII, or LLC).
  3. Rent a small room (2-3 sq. m.) or a place on the street for a coffee business.
  4. Buy or rent a coffee machine - 100,000-150,000 rubles).
  5. Buy everything you need to make coffee drinks (coffee grinder, dishes, possibly a blender for making milkshakes, a refrigerator for storing milk) - about 25,000-30,000 rubles.
  6. Hire employees to make coffee (you may have to train them).

What documents are needed to open coffee to go?

Since the coffee house is a public catering establishment, it will be necessary to obtain all permits from the sanitary inspection, and only then draw it up at the tax office.

To simplify the task, a coffee shop can be registered as an individual enterprise with a UTII taxation form (single tax on imputed income).

It is convenient in that there is no need to start a cash register.

Or you can (limited liability company).

The single tax depends on such factors as: the basic income from the business, the performance of the enterprise (area, etc.), as well as on the possible seasonality and individual tax rate.

Where and how to rent a room to open a coffee-to-go coffee shop?

Interesting fact:
Previously, Turkish grooms during the betrothal ceremony made a promise that their wives would certainly be provided with coffee, and failure to fulfill the vow could cause a divorce.

In order to open a cafe with takeaway drinks, a working room of 2-3 square meters is enough.

The store can be located both outdoors and indoors.

There are pros and cons to both options.

Should I put a coffee shop on the street?

If you put a point on the street, then, preferably, somewhere near the subway, universities, public transport stops or in any other busy places where the main flow of potential customers passes.

After all, if there are no customers, there is no profit from the business.

Pros and cons of opening on the street:

Should I open a coffee shop in the building?

Renting a site for a coffee shop in a building is also a good option for business development.

But this is only on condition that the flow of people in the chosen place will be large enough.

Possible options for premises where you can open coffee to go as a business:

  • railway station;
  • shopping and entertainment centers;
  • universities;
  • office building;
  • in front of cash desks in supermarkets;
  • in cinemas;
  • in parks.

Pros and cons of opening in the building:

In addition, when the outlet is located in a building, there is no need to worry about heating during the cold season.

You also have access to running water and electricity.

What equipment do you need to open coffee to go?

In order to make really tasty coffee, it is important not only which beans to use, but also how to roast, grind and cook them.

Obviously, the entrepreneur will buy already roasted beans, since roasting requires additional equipment.

But to grind coffee, you will have to purchase a coffee grinder in any case.

It can be bundled with a coffee machine, or it can be purchased as a separate machine.

A professional coffee grinder itself grinds a certain portion, which can be adjusted using special buttons on it.

Choosing the right coffee machine for the job is much more difficult than choosing a coffee grinder. There are a number of factors to consider when choosing one:

  • need an automatic or manual machine;
  • the cost is estimated: initial and during the period of operation (that is, service, since sometimes maintenance is much more expensive than the machine itself);
  • the presence of a built-in coffee grinder;
  • the number of posts (workplaces for cooking, places for a glass).

The cost of a professional coffee machine that would be suitable for a mini coffee shop is about 2500-3000 euros.

It is also possible to rent it.

This is a fairly profitable option, given that when concluding a contract for the purchase of coffee in certain companies, the coffee machine and its maintenance are almost free.

Required personnel

In fact, for, it makes no sense to hire a large number of employees.

For this business, two baristas (coffee makers) will be enough to work on different days or in shifts.

In order not to waste time on training, you can hire already skilled specialists, but they will also have to pay a little more.

If you still do training, the first month, and possibly longer, you will have to be present at the point personally.

In most cases, students respond to such vacancies, as a flexible work schedule makes it possible to combine study with work.

The main requirement for any employee in the field of catering is a medical book.

Take this seriously if you do not want to have problems with the inspection authorities and receive fines.

How to attract customers in "coffee to go": advertising methods

To attract customers to a coffee shop, the same advertising methods are used as for any other type of business.

It can be:

  • bright outdoor advertising (coffee houses often use signs on which something funny or interesting is written daily with chalk);
  • creation and promotion of a business page in social networks;
  • creating a cumulative system of discounts or holding a promotion: “buy five coffees from us, and get the sixth one for free!”.

One of the freshest ideas for a coffee shop that keeps up with the times is recharging your gadgets.

This should be a free service, but it should be well labeled.

It is important that every passer-by sees: if his phone is discharged, then he can easily ask for help.

This is beneficial because out of ten people who come to recharge, at least three will want to drink a cup of coffee until their device gains at least a couple of percent.

Assessing the level of competition in the coffee business

From competitors, you can immediately cross out large cafes, restaurants and other representatives of "big" business.

After all, your potential customers are interested in mobility, the ability to take a drink with them and go on business.

Competitors can “take away” visitors from you by using lower prices, interesting topics, or simply offering tastier coffee.

The last advantage is the most important!

Practice shows that a person is more likely to take a cappuccino for 65 rubles, with thick foam and a delicious aroma, than burnt coffee with overwhipped milk for 40 rubles.

How much does it cost to open a coffee to go business?

Before you open coffee to go, you need to calculate all possible costs.

Capital investment

This is the amount that an entrepreneur needs to open a coffee shop.

ExpendituresAmount (in rubles)
Total:360 000 rub.
Business registration10 000
Equipment170 000
Purchase before opening (inventory)30 000
Unexpected expenses50 000
Room decor100 000

The exact calculation of the investments that will be spent on opening a “coffee to go” depends on where to rent a room, what kind of coffee and what equipment to buy.

Current investments

In order for a business to develop, it also needs to invest a certain amount on a regular basis.

The largest cost items are the rent of a room or place, as well as staff salaries.

Why the coffee-to-go business is so popular today is explained in the video:

Coffee to go - a business with good profitability

The profitability of such an enterprise directly depends on attendance, the pricing policy of the institution and the number of competitors.

But given that the cost of coffee will be 25-30% of its price, the coffee house will pay off quickly enough, and it will bring the first profit in 1-2 months.

In order for the business to flourish, it is worth expanding the scope of activities, and selling some sweets in addition to coffee.

Perhaps enter into a partnership with baking suppliers.

Most importantly, do not forget about the quality of service and constantly take into account the factor of competition.

If there is no experience directly in the coffee business, you can always use the franchise of a well-known brand.

However, given the above information, how to open a coffee shop "coffee to go", you can quite realize the idea yourself.

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