How to start a coffee business. How to open a coffee shop: my experience

Coffee is the most popular drink in the world today. Of course, he did not bypass Russia. Compared to tea, it is more common and in high demand. There are a huge number of varieties of such a drink, but most of them prefer Arabica. To get black coffee, you need to roast green beans. This is what makes it unique in taste and color. Due to the fact that the drink is so popular, there were different ideas for the development coffee business. In this article, we will look at the process opening a coffee to go point .

About the opening of the point of "coffee to go"

Today, it is rare in any city that there is no coffee shop. Such establishments are very common. They are in the service industry.

If we take only Moscow, then every year there grows coffee consumption. Every day, Muscovites spend approximately thirty thousand dollars to buy this tonic drink. According to experts, this number will only grow every year. It is noticed that coffee displaces all other drinks, such as juice and even tea.

Territory for the project "Coffee to go"

I would like to note that the coffee points there is a great advantage over an ordinary coffee shop where you can enjoy coffee, but only in an establishment. As for the coffee point, there is an opportunity to pick up coffee to go . In fact, there are a lot of people who like coffee, but not everyone is ready to spend their time sitting in a coffee shop.

There are people who prefer to drink coffee elsewhere. For example, at home. Someone likes to enjoy the taste of coffee in the park, and someone drinks it on the way to work. That is why many people take it with them. Be sure to include fundamental points in the business plan. First of all, this is a place for an institution. You still need to register, collect all the necessary permissions. It is important to find suppliers of raw materials and purchase the necessary equipment. Be sure to calculate all major costs.

Organization of business should begin with the choice of territory. Stay in busy parts of the city. If possible, it is better to settle in a shopping center. This is also suitable for a large store.

An example is the cafe "Coffee House". They have placed all their establishments in those places where a lot of people gather. good the place for a coffee shop will be an airport or a bus station. It can also be located next to the educational institution. In fact, the choice of location should be taken seriously, as it means a lot to the business, as it should affect the stability and number of customers, and as a result, profit.

Children's cafe as a business

If you want to create a children's cafe, then the conditions remain the same. But the emphasis here should be on the entertainment program. As for the menu, it should be special. If you want to get regular customers and good recommendations of your establishment, you should come up with a very interesting entertainment for children.

When developing a business plan, you need to correctly calculate the throughput. Be sure to take into account every nuance. Cafes should be planned so that each person has five square meters.

At the time of buying furniture you need to choose a nursery so that it is comfortable, practical and light. Not bad if, in addition to everything, it will be attractive. If you don’t know how to design a cafe and what setting to choose, you can turn to a competent designer for help. He will be able to turn your cafe into a fabulous corner.

To equip children's cafe will have to spend six hundred thousand million rubles. The institution will be able to pay off in six to twelve months. If you did everything right, chose the right place, created competent advertising, you can expect that you will receive good income.

Collection of documents and registration

« Coffee to go' must be registered. To do this, you need to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC. To do this, contact the tax office. It is better to choose the first option, because this way you will save time and money.

Before open a restaurant, you must invite the sanitary and epidemiological service to get an opinion. There are certain standards that a food service establishment must comply with. They put forward certain requirements for placement, for how sewerage and water supply are organized, in what conditions they work indoors. It is important how the room is arranged and maintained, how it is equipped. There are certain requirements for containers and utensils, as well as inventory. Need to talk about requirements to food and raw materials, to their transportation. It is important how measures are taken to combat rodents and insects. Requirements are also put forward for the personal hygiene of personnel, how production control is organized. In fact, you can see all the rules in sanpin.

If you build a building from scratch, then you can not do without a permit issued by the fire inspectorate. But if you are renting a room, then you do not need to worry about this. But it should be understood that every year you will have to deal with inspections from the fire department. You will also be visited by the SES authorities.


Before you start writing a business plan, you need to analyze equipment market. You should also study the rest of the technical material that will be needed for the institution. It is better to buy professional equipment. This applies in particular to . The best are considered Italian made models. Their cost is higher than conventional machines, however, there is no need to save on this. If you choose professional quality equipment, it will serve you faithfully for many years. And it's very easy to buy it.

You can ask for help from firms that supply raw materials for you. This refers to coffee. They will be able to help you with the purchase of equipment that is needed. You will definitely need a coffee maker and containers where you will pour the drink. They must be sealed. You will need a mug in which you can take coffee with you. It is presented in the form of a special glass. It is able to keep warm for a long time even in the cold. It is very convenient to drink from it. When an establishment is famous, it buys containers engraved with its logo.

You will also need to buy refrigeration equipment to store dairy products and confectionery. You can not do without furniture, showcases and cash registers. Since you need to use only purified water to make a drink, you need to get filters.


Be sure to select employees for the institution. You will need one or two people. It is clear that for a large institution, the state will also be large. Still you have to hire administrator with waitresses. If necessary, you can take a security guard and a cleaning lady. But each employee must have a medical book, they must follow the rules of personal hygiene. If you want to have a wide range of products for coffee, you can set up your own confectionery production. To do this, you will have to acquire one or two assistants. All employees must be educated.

It is important that the staff be polite, treat customers correctly. After all, it is directly related to the success of your institution. Therefore, you can even arrange training courses. Be sure the waiters know their job. Moreover, they are required to know the entire range, to understand the difference between coffee varieties.


I want to write, the room must have several rooms. One will be for the manager, the other to store raw materials, and the third will house the staff. There should also be a bathroom with a shower in the room. It is of great importance cafe layout. The floor of the establishment should be used for production needs. The remaining part should be equipped with tables where visitors will be placed.

Since your establishment has a primary focus on preparing a drink as well as serving a ready order, amenities may be minimal. It is better to use simple dishes. You can hang small lamps on the walls. You can also place them on tables. Provide background music if possible. It is better to buy small furniture, then the space will not be cluttered.

The financial component of the business

It is clear that a business plan does not exist without financial calculations. The costs of the coffee shop are directed more towards purchase of equipment. According to experts, such a business should pay off in a year or two. As for profitability, it is very high, it is forty-sixty percent. To open a coffee shop, you have to invest fifty thousand dollars. It is clear that the organization of a small institution will require a smaller amount.


Advertising is very important when you are going to open a coffee shop. The most efficient is signboard outside. You can also order a video rental on TV, radio advertising is also suitable. But this may not give the desired effect, since the bulk of the visitors will be those who live or work nearby.

You can also lure customers by organizing various promotions and small discounts. You can offer cards to regular customers. When you open an institution, the one plus one promotion is effective. For example, when buying one glass of coffee, the second one is free. You can organize the distribution of leaflets, which will contain all the information about the institution. In this way, too, you can get buyers.


Considering all of the above, then opening a coffee shop is a tricky business. It is important to have a serious initial capital, to have organizational skills. It is very important to choose the right place for your establishment. Usually "Coffee to go" is organized in crowded places. These are usually business districts.

It is very reasonable to locate a coffee shop near a shopping center. And in order to make a reputation and withstand competition, you need to make high quality products, have a wide range and affordable prices.

As you know, I worked in Cian. Cyan is the largest website for renting and selling real estate in Russia. When you have a treasury of diamonds at hand, you constantly willy-nilly look at these sparkling pebbles from afar or close.

Over the weekend, I got a hobby - I spent hours leafing through the pages of the site and studying offers for renting and buying real estate from all categories: from grandmother's sheds on Sadovoye to commercial space and ready-made businesses.

Once I was lucky - I saw an advertisement for the sale of small pavilions in a business center under construction on Baumanskaya. The price was suspiciously low for such a chic place and unspeakably high for my wallet, because I just bought myself a new building, which I am currently renovating.

I called a friend: “Denis, buy a room. Let's open a coffee shop there. Office plankton drinks coffee all the time, the cost of a glass of slurry is 12-18 rubles, they sell for 150 and more. Think for yourself, this is a goldmine! And he took and bought.

They decided that I put my mind, strength and activity. Denis is money.

Before that, I had never had offline businesses, but I read the cool book “Business as a Game” from the creators of Mosigra (this book is definitely the fastest and most fun way to learn about the main stones when opening something offline) and thought that nothing there is no complicated.

I came up with the concept: “Coffee from around the world”, . And I thought that in my coffee point there would be all the most beautiful and, yep, craft.

The first thing that bothered me was that a coffee shop needed equipment, and I had no idea what kind. I didn't want to buy the wrong thing and waste my money. Therefore, I decided that I needed a consultant for the purchase of equipment. Barista manager. I posted job ads on several sites, wrote who I needed, with what experience and competencies. People started calling. I weeded out twenty people at the stage of the first calls, negotiations to send me a resume and an interview. I invited eight people to the office of Denis's company, talked and realized that you can't make coffee with such people. One seemed reasonable. He said that he worked in large companies, he opened the network himself. His name was Eugene. In fact, Eugene was given carte blanche to create an ideal workplace for himself.

I won’t go into details, I’ll just say that in two weeks it turned out that Evgeny’s entire work experience was a fiction, and the only thing he was capable of was googling and sending me pages of sections of sites with equipment with the words “choose a coffee machine here” . In short, we broke up. And I decided to go the other way. And I signed up for a three-hour master class with a title like “how to open a coffee shop”, where I learned everything that I needed (now I can conduct such myself).

Here are some useful things from there:
- you can not buy any equipment at all, but rent it from a tea and coffee company (provided that you become their hostage and then buy only their products. Which, in general, is not bad and allows you to save a lot at the start),
— the best coffee machines and coffee grinders are made in Italy. But for a coffee grinder it is unprincipled and you can take any.
- all magazines (for SanPin inspections, etc.) and consumer corners can be bought as a ready-made kit on the Internet, from there invite people to fill in and check this rubbish necessary for the state. For the first three years, no one has the right to check you at all, you are considered a coffee startup, but in Russia everyone wanted to shit on the ban on taking fees from a novice entrepreneur, so they will come to you as soon as they find out about your existence.
- coffee that is roasted in Russia (buying beans in Brazil and other countries suitable for this) is shit, but such beans are fresher than imported ones. Since only a month must pass after roasting for the beans to be considered fresh and of high quality,
- real Arabica, which is so valued in Europe, is not very popular in Russia. Since it is not so tasty and rich smells and gives sourness. Therefore, for us, Arabica is badlyated with Robusta (it is cheaper, but it smells awesome) - in different proportions, starting from 15 percent of Robusta and reaching up to 30.
- almost everyone buys desserts and other buns frozen, at special food factories, in coffee houses they only warm up and add syrups.
A lot of little things, a la: all the strong coffee smells in coffee shops are created by special flavors from spray cans, Starbucks and others sin with this. Or about which coffee shops use high-quality coffee and cool coffee machines (DoubleBee, McDuck) or search for it by country, bring it and roast it (DoubleBee). The fact that the carob coffee machine gives the best settings for the taste of coffee (Craft coffee houses), and the automatic machine (McDuck) reduces the preparation time.

After the master class, I had complete clarity on the equipment in my head. I decided to buy it (I don’t like to depend on anyone and be in any bondage). And in a week I bought everything I needed: a coffee machine, a coffee grinder, a small refrigerator for milk and perishable food (you can take any cheap, unprincipled one), a cash register (now everything must be fiscal, with an Internet connection to transfer data to the tax office. It is MANDATORY necessary register and verify). Agreed on a boiler for hot water (for tea and other drinks). And installed a CCTV camera to monitor the process.

I ordered a furniture rack in Bryansk (cheaper, but the mentality there is peculiar - they moved the deadlines for the readiness of the rack 3 times and postponed the delivery 2 times, and then I had to redo something), and I drew the sketch myself, crawling around the room with a tape measure (it should be taken into account all the nuances of arranging the equipment to make it convenient, and little things like the length of the cords of the machines). It should be noted that here you need to have at least a general idea of ​​​​the work of a barista, because an inconveniently placed coffee machine reduces the speed of the process several times, increases the loss of coffee (was spilled, spilled) and aroma (it took a long time to carry the horn from the coffee grinder to the coffee machine) and affects the mood clients of the coffee point, hurrying about their business.

Then I began to look for a supplier of coffee and tea and found the simply amazing company TeaCo. When they now tell me that in Russia there are no well-performing companies with cool service, approach to clients and clear logistics of all processes, I cite them as an example - THERE IS. They are really very cool and it was an unreal thrill to work with them! Firstly, they hold free master classes on proper coffee brewing. I went to it and in 2 hours I learned how to brew coffee on a carob coffee machine, learned everything about the types and varieties of coffee, won a lot of test bags with grains (learning takes place in the form of a game and competitions), chose the types of tea I needed. And agreed to rent a boiler. And that they will set up my coffee grinder and coffee machine for the optimal coffee preparation modes (the taste of the drink, and the aroma, and its saturation depend on the size of the particles when grinding the beans). The correct energy consumption and service life depend on the settings of the coffee machine. Secondly, they sell really cool raw materials. Thirdly, as a bonus to the purchased coffee, they gave me tea pairs of good design and sold portioned sugar at a significant discount (however, if you ask tea and coffee companies for a discount, they ALWAYS give it either in money or in the necessary small things).

Properly brew coffee on a cone like this:
With quick and clear movements, the horn is substituted for the coffee grinder (it works automatically when the lever is pressed), at the same time water is poured into the coffee machine (it must be placed next to the coffee grinder), then the horn is inserted into the coffee machine and boiling water passes through the grinding for no more than 15-30 seconds. I see now that many do not pour boiling water, pouring not very hot water from the pipes of the coffee machine into your cup - the taste of the drink suffers. If you drink coffee with milk and syrups, then this can be neglected - you will not feel the nuances of taste.

I started looking for a barista.
She did it this way - she invited everyone adequate by telephone to a coffee shop, asked about the experience and told the conditions, and then asked “to treat the security guards of the business center with coffee.” My simple request led some to a stupor. They stood and looked at me with an expression of “What? Are you out of your mind?” or “What? How to do it?". We said goodbye to such people, I needed a sweet, smiling and courageous person who would establish contact with people and sell easily and cheerfully (it is repeat customers that make up the backbone of coffee points revenue). Some of them did not fit the work schedule (I wanted to open early to catch those who just came to work) or the conditions (they wanted to receive more than the average price for a barista in the market (40 tyr per month)).

Then I found the girl Lisa. She said that she was studying, but she was going to “solve this issue”, that she really needed a job, and then approached the guards and kindly asked what kind of coffee they wanted. I cooked it properly and gave it to them with a smile. I rejoiced.

Lisa was delighted that everything was ready for work. She said that she was ready to go out right tomorrow and start working, that she was glad that everything was new (equipment), excellent (conditions) and good (everything else, including me).

Lisa wrote down my second number and said that she would add it to WhatsApp in the evening, on the eve of going to work, she came with me to the subway and said "see you tomorrow, Ekaterina."
And for tomorrow, first I turned off all the phones and did not answer messages in WhatsApp. Then I read the WhatsApp and did not respond to SMS. I was worried that Lisa suddenly fell ill, slipped or twisted her leg. There is such ice on the street (we opened a year ago). Right wow! Something happened to Lisa. But no. Lisa read the messages and was silent. Lisa never called back or answered.
I decided that I needed to change my approach again. Freaked out. And she scammed a smiling and talkative barista from another establishment.

With him, we bought the missing little things (rubber mat for the cone, ice cream spoons, Monin syrups, household chemicals, everything else) and opened. Two months later, we became profitable, and then I took up other business, transferring control of the coffee shop to Denis completely.

What I took away from this experience:
1. Brewing coffee in small coffee pots is profitable, but the margin of the business as a whole is not very high (from 100 to 300 tyr per month).
2. Revenue VERY strongly depends on the location and traffic (read the book “Business as a Game”, there is more about choosing a location).
3. It is better to own the premises. If you buy it at the construction stage of a business center, then at the end you get real estate that costs about 2 times higher than the original one. But there is a risk that the BC will not be fully occupied, then the passability will be very different from the desired one.
4. In any business center there is a management company, and you need to know the degree of its fucked up right away. For example, they won’t let you make repairs normally (only at inconvenient times, they won’t help with disconnecting and connecting communications), they will set high Internet tariffs, prohibit branding your own premises to your taste, give a low overall voltage to the power grid, or they won’t let you down water and divert the drain. Or they will rent out the next room to someone who wants to become your competitor (here it’s good to evaluate the degree of fucked upness of a person who shoves his coffee pot over the wall from you, but this is impossible).
5. People must be searched carefully and their adequacy must be checked immediately, and skills - albeit in an impromptu, but “in the field”.
6. It is worth going to master classes on general issues and on brewing coffee, brewing and choosing tea. This is very useful, and will facilitate the search for staff in the future.
7. It is better to agree on shares with a partner immediately and document it in as much detail as possible (what is not written is not there). Think over Plan B right away - if things don’t work out, then everyone’s efforts will cost so much.
8. Offline business is a pain, but the experience is interesting. Maybe I'll do it again sometime.
9. At work, in any business, . Save your nerves, time and money. It is checked up repeatedly in different situations and employments.
10. Interesting ideas and dreams about the ideal design and concept can actually be broken by the physical dimensions of the room and the surrounding reality. And in general, it's not always bad.
11. The barista is very fond of cheating your money, not breaking the check (this will set you up before the tax audit), or buying cups on their own (accounting is kept on them, other methods are unreliable). Therefore, glasses need to be branded and clearly counted.
12. The margins of tea and other drinks are higher, but they are bought much less often than coffee.

If you have any questions - ask, I will answer, I will supplement the post. It was not possible to write about everything at once.

Pleasant quiet music, a cozy hall, quality service, inexpensive prices, a varied menu - that's what every person who decides to relax a bit sometimes lacks. We are talking about such a nice place as a coffee shop. It is not customary to compare it with a restaurant, as it serves mainly coffee and its different types. But if the owner wishes, some snacks will be provided on the menu. It is the tea atmosphere of the coffee house, and not any other institution, that allows you to spend time pleasantly, enjoying the aroma of a hot drink.

It is good to be a client of such an institution, but it is doubly pleasant to create it. And here the question arises, what is needed to open a coffee shop in Russia? Such a business has its own characteristics, which will be discussed in the framework of this article.

What do you need to get started?

It is necessary to compose competent. Since there are people in Russia who like the aroma of hot coffee, and there are true connoisseurs of this drink among them, such a business can bring very good profit. But this is in the future, but for now there is some work to be done:

  • choose the right location for your future coffee shop;
  • choose the right room;
  • purchase furniture and equipment;
  • select qualified personnel;
  • make a menu.

Business registration

Before you open a coffee shop, you need to register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. To do this, you need to contact the tax office, where you can get a complete list of required documents.

Of the two options, the first is preferable - the design is easier. This activity does not require licensing, but if you plan to sell alcoholic beverages and cigarettes, then you will also have to issue a license for this. An LLC is well suited for multiple owners.

With regard to taxation, you can choose one of two forms:

  • UTII;

It would be nice to choose UTII, but the specifics of the business are associated with high costs, so in order not to go broke, the simplified tax system remains the best option.

Location matters

How to start opening a coffee shop in Russia? By choosing the right place. The main thing is not to rush and not make mistakes, otherwise, instead of income, there will be only losses. It is worth looking closely at those places where there is a large human flow. These will be potential clients. This will determine the profitability of the business.

It is worth paying attention to residential areas, the intersection of busy lanes, market squares. Sleeping areas and courtyards will not work! A good place can be found near shopping centers. Do not bypass educational institutions, railway stations, airports, railway stations.

What room to choose?

When looking for a place for your coffee shop, it is worth looking at real estate in parallel. First of all, you need to pay attention to the free premises, what their rent is and whether there will be any difficulties during the arrangement.

When choosing a room, you should not save on space, it is better to make a small margin for further expansion. The optimal area of ​​​​the room can be from 150 m 2 or more. In this case, the coffee shop can comfortably accommodate from 50 to 60 people. A small part of the area needs to be allocated for the preparation of drinks. If the menu includes food, then it will also be prepared here. For this, 20-25 m 2 is enough.

If there is no possibility even for this room, then you should think about how to open a mini coffee shop to take away. Many businessmen in this case organize a coffee shop in the basement of the house.

Since the coffee house is also considered a catering establishment, some requirements of the SES and the fire inspection are imposed on the premises. And before that, during the execution of documents, obtain permission from these authorities. Here are some of those requirements:

  • If the coffee shop is located in a residential building, then the noise should not disturb the residents. To do this, you need to make high-quality insulation.
  • The basement of the room must be treated with special refractory compounds.
  • The room must be equipped with high-quality ventilation.

A more detailed list can be consulted directly with the CEC or the fire authority. For smokers, it is better to take separate rooms with improved ventilation.

The requirements must be taken seriously and strictly followed so that you do not receive penalties during regular checks.


The interior of the coffee shop should be conducive to a pleasant stay. Coffee is considered an elite drink, so the interior must be appropriate and you can’t save on it. To do this, you can attract professional designers, which will entail an increase in the budget. And you can connect your imagination, thereby saving your money.

For your institution at the initial stage, you can choose some thematic style. American design implies a minimum amount of furniture and maintenance, while European style is characterized by beauty in everything. You can create a seaside with a pleasant breeze or immerse visitors in the colonial era.

Lighting should also match the style of the room. Large chandeliers will create too much light, while small and neat fixtures will create soft lighting. Some decor items diversify interior design. You can hang several thematic paintings, install lamps of an unusual shape, vases, plant beautiful plants. Bookshelves can be placed on the walls.


The main task of furniture is to provide maximum comfort to customers. Therefore, buying ordinary chairs is out of the question. Instead, it is better to purchase small sofas, armchairs or ottomans. There must be at least one bar counter, if necessary, you can install several. In addition to it, it is worth attaching a showcase.

Usually coffee houses do not have a wardrobe, and therefore you need to take care of purchasing hangers, which should be placed one for every 2-3 tables. So the clothes will be in close proximity and at the same time not interfere with either the client or everyone else. It is worth taking care of buying stands for wet umbrellas. In rainy weather, this is a significant problem for many such establishments.


Good tableware is also important for a coffee shop. You can purchase cups with a company logo, or use dishes of different colors and shapes to create a good flavor. Each drink requires its own type of dishes, so if a cappuccino, espresso, latte will be prepared in the establishment, then at least three types of cups must be present.


Most of the budget will go to the purchase of equipment. For a new coffee shop you need to purchase:

  • coffee machine;
  • coffee grinder;
  • refrigerator or freezer (2-3 pieces);
  • microwave oven or baking cabinet;
  • cash machine;
  • mixer;
  • water filter;
  • juicer.

Other necessary equipment can be purchased as needed. There is no need to save on the main equipment, since coffee is the main product and the number of visitors will depend on its quality. Italian companies offer high-quality products in this area.

You can provide in your institution such a service as takeaway coffee. To do this, put a machine for dispensing a drink. Takeaway coffee is the best option for those customers who can consume it on their way to work.

Menu is the basis of success

In addition to selling coffee, you can offer different dishes. Just need to find a middle ground between food and drink. Just do not overdo it, after all, this is not a dining room. From drinks it is desirable to have a wide range of coffee and tea. At the beginning of work, it is enough to offer from 3 to 5 types of dessert and 3 or 4 types of salad. In the future, the assortment of the menu can be expanded by adding something new to replace the old one.


How to open a coffee shop from scratch without staff? No answer. It is he who allows you to conduct a full-fledged activity. All employees must be polite to customers. To create a good menu of appetizers and desserts, you need the help of a qualified technologist. Even if the pastries will be purchased in the store. Whether he will then work or not is up to the businessman to decide.

The staff may include:

  • bartenders (2-4);
  • waiters (preferably 4, ideally 5);
  • cleaners (enough 2);
  • accountant.

Waiters should be well versed in coffee varieties and know how to prepare it. If necessary, an accountant can be hired on a part-time basis. If the institution is not small, then the help of the administrator and the security guard will not hurt.

Advertising - the most annoying, but the most necessary

Proper advertising will allow you to properly promote the coffee business. You can start doing this a month or two before opening. And already on the first working day, you can collect a decent number of customers. Good promotion can be given by the clients themselves, if you follow the basic rules. First of all, this is a quality service with polite waiters, a rich assortment and much more will serve as a good advertisement for a business.


At the end, you can roughly calculate how much it costs to open a coffee shop. In such a business, it will not be possible to manage with minimal investment. The size of the starting capital can be from 2 to 3 million rubles. If successful, the profit in just a month will reach up to 800 thousand rubles. This is subject to the service of 100-150 people per day. At this rate, a coffee shop can pay off in 3-4 years no more.

90% of people are sure that opening coffee to go is easy. On the one hand, they are right. The only clarification is that it is simple and easy to open coffee to go only if you know how to do it correctly. Despite the fact that in appearance the coffee to go format seems simple, like any other business, ignorance of the subtleties and nuances can turn a profitable and promising business idea into a loss-making enterprise that works to zero and sucks out the last pennies.

To avoid such a situation, you need to know where to start and what stages of the business should be given utmost attention.

For example, you need to start by defining the target audience for coffee to go. By asking yourself who will buy your coffee, you can adjust the design, strategy and concept of your small business to the needs and requests, interests and desires of specific people - your future customers.

The target audience of coffee to go is mainly young people from 18 to 24 years old. In 70% of cases, they are girls.

Students, young professionals, lower-level managers - these are your potential customers. They appreciate low prices, friendly service, efficiency and social activity. Of course, older people should not be discounted either, there are coffee-to-go fans among people over 50. But to be honest, answer yourself the question, how many of these fans will walk past your coffee to go every day and how many of them will consider buying?

But it is precisely the number of people passing by, coupled with their “quality” (belonging to the target audience) that is the key to the success of the coffee to go point. Finding a place like this is half the battle for coffee to go.

However, do not forget about another important fact for the coffee to go business. This is the taste and quality of the coffee itself. If you prepare delicious invigorating drinks, then they will come back to you, they will recommend you to friends and acquaintances. So you can ensure that spontaneous purchases will be reduced, and the number of regular customers will increase.

We will talk about all these subtleties and other important little things further.

Investment size

Opening a take-away coffee shop can be considered a business with little investment. According to the experience of entrepreneurs who have opened their own take-away coffee points, you can meet 200 thousand rubles, and the upper limit of the starting capital is unlikely to exceed 400 thousand rubles.

This difference in initial capital is explained by the wide opportunities to save.

Of course, the amount of funds needed to start will largely depend on several large expenses, without which it is simply impossible to open a coffee point with you. The first is rent, which we'll talk about a little later. Secondly, the equipment.

Takeaway coffee machines

If the flow of customers depends on the choice of the rental place, then the ability of the point to quickly and efficiently serve this flow will depend on the equipment on which you will prepare coffee.

Professional coffee machine and grinder - the main means of preparing and selling coffee to go.

It makes no sense to put a home or even a super-automatic coffee machine on the point of coffee to go. Firstly, such equipment will not be able to provide the required quality of the product, and secondly, it is not designed for continuous and uninterrupted operation. And if the coffee machine breaks down, you will no longer sell a single cup of coffee. Remember, the miser pays twice: time spent, money lost.

That is why many entrepreneurs are trying to buy high-quality, foreign equipment, the cost of which can be 150, and 250 thousand rubles, or more. If you don’t have that kind of money, but working on professional equipment is still a priority for you, equipment rental or the purchase of used coffee machines comes to the rescue.

Usually, coffee equipment for rent (even free of charge) is provided by coffee bean suppliers, subject to the purchase of a certain amount of coffee from them. At the same time, they also advise on the selection of the necessary list of equipment depending on the expected scope of work (for example, one- or two-chamber coffee machines) and provide maintenance and repair of equipment. However, even in the case of free rent, many companies require a security deposit - from 20 to 50 thousand rubles.

As for used equipment, it will take no more than 100 thousand rubles to buy it.

What else will you have to spend on?

You will also have to spend money on a sales stand or the design of a rented kiosk. Naturally, when designing the appearance of a coffee to go point, you need to pay attention to the fact that it attracts attention and attracts glances. The appearance should cause a reflex desire to drink coffee or tea. The name on the sign should not subtly hint that an invigorating drink is being poured here, but shout about it so that a person at first glance understands that you are offering coffee, and not selling donuts or SIM cards...

Returning to the investments required to open a coffee-to-go business, it is also worth mentioning all sorts of little things, which are nevertheless important for comfortable work without failures and overlaps.

Purchase of consumables for the preparation of a variety of coffee drinks - milk, toppings and syrups; additional assortment - snacks, sweets and snacks; purchase of disposable cups, lids, spoons; purchase of bar equipment.

By the way, there is an option to save on the purchase of consumables - for example, disposable tableware, if you can cooperate with other coffee-to-go owners who buy non-branded cups.

Step-by-step instruction

Having calculated the required amount of investment in the coffee to go business, it's time to take action.

For starters, legalize the business. It would be best to register yourself as an individual entrepreneur and submit an application to the tax office about choosing a UTII taxation system. This tax will allow you to pay less due to the lack of employees and the small rented area on which activities are carried out. Taking into account the minimum required area of ​​a coffee-to-go outlet of several square meters, you will pay an average tax of about 3,000 rubles. In addition, for individual entrepreneurs on UTII, a cash register is not required, which means that you can issue a check only on demand using a conventional CPM (check printing machine).

The OKVED code for the coffee to go business is 55.30 “Activities of restaurants and cafes”.

Despite this OKVED, you do not need to obtain any permits, since there is no full-fledged kitchen, which means that there is nothing for the supervisory authorities to check. All that is required of you is to notify Rospotrebnadzor of the start of activities. It is worth waiting for checks from the SES only if complaints appear. If you're lucky, you won't have your first audition meeting until three years later.

Attention to the workplace

You should also take care of ordering a sales rack in advance. It will take at least two weeks to design and manufacture. Provided that you already have a selected rental location.

The very process of installing a counter, bar or kiosk equipment can also cause difficulties and problems that will entail the postponement of the date of the planned opening.

In advance, for example, you need to take care of proper energy supply. If it is not there, you will have to call an electrician and conduct an additional line, which will need to be agreed with the landlord. Therefore, all issues related to electricity, heating or water supply must be resolved at the stage of signing the lease. At the same time, the contract itself should not be concluded for a long time: your expectations about traffic may be erroneous and in practice the pedestrian flow will not be converted into buyers and customers...

From coffee to cookies: how to choose a supplier?

Naturally, in parallel, you need to look for suppliers of consumables and raw materials.

And first of all, it is necessary to decide on the supplier of coffee beans. If your customers don't like your coffee, all is lost. Delicious coffee is one of the main components of the success of the coffee to go business. There are a huge number of varieties of coffee that suppliers can offer. Both your own taste and the advice of the suppliers themselves, and analysis of competitors will help you navigate the choice.

If you buy your own coffee equipment, you will not be dependent on a particular coffee supplier and the range of varieties offered can be much wider.

Find out if your chosen variety is suitable for classic coffee drinks, as it is on the usual espresso, latte, cappuccino, americano and mochachino that you will specialize. The volume of the initial purchase will depend on the conditions under which you sign a contract with the supplier, whether you will rent equipment, etc. No need to be afraid of numbers of 10 kg or more.

A small 200 ml cup of coffee takes 9 g of coffee, and 18 g for a 400 ml cup.

Thus, the purchased 10 kg of coffee will go to just over 1100 small cups of coffee. At the same time, a working point of coffee with you in a passable place sells much more per month.

In addition to the coffee card, it is necessary to draw up a menu and a list of additional assortment. Will you sell various chocolates and sweets, or maybe ready-made sandwiches or even pastries?

If the answer to this question is yes, you should look for profitable suppliers or partners who could provide you with the required amount of products, usually not too much. You can buy chocolates or oatmeal cookies at wholesale markets and bases, as well as at stores such as Metro, Lenta and Auchan.

Of course, coffee as a drink will remain the main component for a coffee to go point, and various sweets and “snacks” are needed more likely only to increase the average check and customer convenience. You can hardly make money on chocolates or pastries. Still, the margin on the resale of someone else's products is small.

In general, the volume of additional assortment does not exceed 5-7% of the turnover.

The assortment of snacks and additions to coffee will change - some positions will disappear, others will be added. It is definitely necessary to experiment with the assortment, but only when the work of the outlet stabilizes and the changes do not entail a sharp decline in revenue.

Barista for coffee to go

An important factor in the success of the take-away coffee shop is the professionalism and competence of the barista. This person should not only prepare delicious coffee, but also properly serve customers, communicate with them, be able to resell, thereby increasing the average bill. With the search and hiring of such a person, certain difficulties may arise both at the launch stage and at the first time of working coffee with you.

When opening their first coffee-to-go outlet, entrepreneurs often personally stand behind the counter and serve their first customers, working 12-hour days without days off and lunch. But such work on two fronts quickly drains. In any case, an entrepreneur will need a shift or a full-time employee. At the same time, hiring a professional barista is not always possible. Basically, young people who do not have the slightest idea of ​​​​how to properly prepare coffee respond to the vacancy of a barista at a coffee point with them. She is attracted by flexible hours, hourly pay, etc.

Careless young coffee baristas bring their friends to work so they don't get bored. And instead of working, they arrange a farce.

A feature of working with the staff of the coffee point to go is a large turnover of staff - which will stop only when you hire the right person - friendly, honest, hardworking and responsible, who, moreover, will quickly master the art of making delicious and high-quality coffee. Agree, such people, especially young ones, are rare today ...

Therefore, the future owner of coffee to go at first will have the task of finding and training a reliable person who can replace you at the counter. Subsequently, if you do not stop at opening one point of coffee with you, the need for employees will increase. Therefore, it is necessary to immediately determine the stages of selection and training of employees, as well as develop a shift schedule, a system of motivation and control.

One of the barista motivation options is bonuses or bonuses for overfulfillment of the sales plan and the absence of comments (a percentage of the total revenue or a percentage of each coffee sold in excess of the plan).

But even the motivation system does not insure against unscrupulous workers who do not go to their shift, arrange a booth at the point, or simply treat work superficially. The owner of coffee to go is faced with the acute issue of control of an employee or shift.

Alternatively, you can install a surveillance camera at the coffee-to-go point and thus monitor the employee online.

Regardless of which option you choose to work with the staff - a stick or a carrot - when opening a coffee point with you, be prepared that at any moment you will be forced to personally stand at the counter and work as a barista.

If you are planning to open a take-away coffee point, be aware that all your profits will depend primarily on the location. At the same time, choosing the right location for a coffee to go point can be one big problem.

A couple of years ago, when no one heard anything about coffee to go, landlords, especially large shopping and business centers, did not understand how coffee could be prepared on three square meters and refused to rent. Today, almost all the tidbits in more or less large shopping centers and business centers have long been occupied.

However, the rental market is quite competitive and involves a change of tenants. It's just a matter of price. If you have found a tasty place, but it is occupied, you should start negotiations with the owner or the rental department, find out the rental rate and offer to pay more, or convince that your coffee shop can generate additional traffic and attract a certain audience.

By the way, you can open a coffee point with you not only in megacities, where the lifestyle pushes people to do everything on the run, including drinking coffee, but also in small towns. Moreover, it is even easier to find a profitable place for coffee to go in a small town - there are fewer points with high pedestrian traffic in small towns, which means that the probability of choosing an unsuccessful place is reduced.

However, it is still quite easy to make a mistake with the choice of a rental place for a coffee point with you. It often happens that a location seems to have high traffic, but its quality can only be assessed by starting to work. For example, it may turn out that there is simply no target audience among the traffic passing by. Or the point itself is not located in the flow of people, as it should, but “around the corner”.

When considering locations for coffee to go, you don’t need to limit yourself to rental options in shopping or business centers.

The article below provides an example coffee shop business plan, advice on market analysis and location selection. In addition, the article will be useful to those who want open a coffee shop in a small town.

Have you noticed that big cities live at a frantic pace and have almost forgotten what sleep is? “Well, yes,” you say: “International cooperation and work, constant movement and active life of residents.” Nothing like that, just in big cities there are too many coffee shops. What if you were lured around every corner by dozens of enticing signs offering a fragrant cappuccino or a hot Americano in a casual setting stylized as a French coffee house? You would also sleep less.

If you are interested, then remember that, like any other undertaking, a coffee shop is not an easy business. There are many pitfalls for beginners, but if you are persistent, creative and not afraid of difficulties, then you will succeed.

What do you need to open a coffee shop? How to open a coffee shop from scratch


Some say that the success of a food service establishment is fifty percent location and another fifty percent location. And this pun is not just empty words. It is unlikely that you will want to go to the other end of the city to drink a cup of cappuccino. Chances are you'll give your preference to a small coffee shop in your area, or get your caffeine fix somewhere downtown by putting it on your to-do list between a movie and going out with friends.

Another reason why coffee shops should be located closer to the center is informal business meetings.

You are a writer and have an appointment with a publisher; you want to get to know your future business partner better, or you arrange a meeting with a person from whom you want to order the decoration of the banquet hall and the menu for your daughter's wedding. What do these people have in common? All of them, most likely, will meet in a coffee shop, not far from their homes or somewhere in the center.

What do we have. There are three suitable places to build a coffee shop: a small town, a residential area, or the center of a large city. In the first two options, the main determining factor is the absence of nearby competitors. If you can’t find such a place, then make sure that your institution is different from all competing ones.

To open a coffee shop in a larger city, the presence of competitors must also be taken into account, but on a less global scale. You will not be able to open the most popular establishment, for example, in the capital, from scratch, without experience in this field. The upside is that you don't need it. You just need to open a coffee shop that will be a little different, not the same as the one across the street or on the next street. You can read about how to do this under the heading "Idea".

A positive factor in choosing the location of your future coffee shop will be the presence of a large university or college, an office center, cultural and historical attractions, parks and large shopping centers nearby.


The coffee house is not only the abode of cappuccino, americano, espresso and summer, but also a sea of ​​paperwork. Where to begin? Well, let's go in order.

Lease contract. It can be perpetual, long-term, medium-term and, accordingly, short-term. In addition, you can arrange either a direct lease or a sublease. In the first case, you can save money, and in the second, you can get a more expensive room, but already with repairs or some equipped amenities. You choose.

The first thing you need to get to open a coffee shop is a written permit from the sanitary and epidemiological station and the fire department. In order to get it, the premises must meet a number of requirements that you should take care of.

But this is important not only for obtaining a document, compliance with sanitary and epidemiological standards and fire safety is an important factor in the normal functioning of your institution.

The target audience.

Who is your establishment for? Here is the first question you should answer. It is important to understand here that anyone can be your potential visitor. There are only two groups that might not want to visit a good coffee shop: people who have heart disease and those who hate coffee.

Although, if your menu includes decaffeinated coffee, all kinds of teas, cocktails and lemonades, and you can also take a portion of ice cream or a piece of cake for them ... Well, in this case, literally anyone can become your visitor.

If you take it more seriously, then your typical visitors will still be people between the ages of sixteen and forty-five, of average income, mainly office workers, people of creative professions and students. Having such an orientation, we can already assume what additional services we can provide and what we can change in our institution.

A cozy atmosphere, delicious coffee and other drinks, desserts and simple snacks (paninis, sandwiches, brioches), fast and pleasant service - that's all that visitors expect from a coffee shop. And yes, given the age of your future visitors, do not forget to buy a Wi-Fi router, believe me, you will not regret this purchase.

What else do you need to open a coffee shop. Good concept is the way to success


If you want to make repairs, hire a couple of people, set up tables and start making money, open a canteen.

Running a coffee shop is a delicate matter, almost an art, if you do not have creative thinking and imagination, then you will not last long in this business.

A few examples from world practice.

In Japan, at the aptly named Alcatraz, you can have a Brain Scorcher cocktail with Cow Guts on Death Row. But do not forget to take your fingerprints before entering and choose a prison uniform that fits you. Extreme lovers in this unusual place are full both on weekdays and on weekends.

You can also tickle your nerves in Belgium. At the Heavenly Dinner Cafe, you and twenty-one other strong-nerved people can dine at the height of a sixteen-story building.

But the owners of the cafe "Metro St. James" attract customers in another interesting way. Every visitor here can pay for their coffee with a kiss. It would seem that such an innovation can significantly hit the owner's profits, but in fact, his earnings have increased significantly.

There are already dozens of establishments scattered around the world where you can spend time in the company of several dozen furry neighbors. In France and Japan, you can drink coffee with mustachioed purrs, and in Korea, at the Dog House Cafe, with more than three dozen of a person’s best friends. And this is only a small fraction of the whole variety of ideas for a cafe that has already been invented, created and put into operation.

Yes, it is difficult to compete with such, but do at least something to stand out from the gray mass. Among the popular ways today to turn catering establishments into a place of real relaxation, you can choose unusual design ideas, the presence of computer and board games, the choice of printed literature, all kinds of entertainment methods related directly to YOUR possession.

For example, in Lviv, in one of the coffee shops, they offer to go down into an equipped mine for the extraction of coffee beans. Yes, yes, a large underground room with rails and carts, picks and shovels, where all the walls are covered with coffee. Few people get past this. There it is not only a way to attract visitors, but also an additional source of income.

If you want a simple and banal business, a coffee shop is not for you, but if you want to dedicate your life to an unusual and complex, but no doubt creative pursuit, then go ahead and fight.


An item that should be tied to the previous one. If you have already decided on the marketing idea of ​​your establishment, then you have to fit the interior and exterior of your cafe to it. Again, I do not advise you to immediately take everything into your own hands and start mixing paint, laying tiles and applying plaster to everything you see.

For example, do you know which type of porcelain stoneware is best for the entrance area, which wallpaper will be easier to clean from coffee, and which material will show itself better as a countertop? If not, then look for the interior designer's number.

You may have to pay more at this stage than for developing flyers for advertising, but nothing can be done. In any case, it will be cheaper than doing a second repair in six months due to improperly selected materials.

Basic requirements for materials: strength, aesthetics, environmental friendliness, functionality. There are no exceptions for you. A beautiful repair can attract visitors, while the right one will provide them with convenience, a minimum of problems for you and will allow you to easily fulfill all the requirements of the sanitary and epidemiological station and the fire service, so do not neglect the services of a specialist in this field.

An item that deserves to be taken seriously. Many people neglect advertising, especially when opening a coffee shop in a small town, but today, even at a small cost, you can significantly increase the flow of visitors. So why give it up? The principles of good advertising are simple: it should be focused on your target audience, be informative, beautiful, creative and bring out your best side. Depending on your capabilities, you can choose one of the following advertising options:

  1. Outdoor advertising. Billboards, signs, signs. If you are going to open a small coffee shop with a staff consisting of you, your cat and an accountant, then this is clearly not for you. Large billboards are more likely to advertise large or even chain establishments, which are often already well-known, but you can order several small signs that will be located near your establishment. Place a name, a short description and the exact address on them (it’s also good to have a route from the location of the sign to the coffee shop).
  2. Advertising on the Internet (social networks). A simple and effective way, focused mainly on young people. Your job here is to select the right public, group or community in which your potential visitors can see ads.
  3. Leaflets, flyers. This ad works in only one way - if you have really good, beautiful, unusual and informative flyers. If it's just a piece of paper with your address, hours of operation, name and image of a coffee mug, then such a flyer will end up in the first trash can that a passer-by gets in the way.
  4. Advertising in the media. Of course, a commercial filmed on a well-known channel is effective. Effective and incredibly expensive, so we will choose another option - advertising in local newspapers. This option is more suitable for small towns. You can say that no one reads newspapers today, only the overheads of many thousands and the corresponding profit from these publications will be against it. In a city with a population of about 40,000-50,000 people, the average newspaper comes out with 15,000-30,000 copies. Most sold out in the first three days. An ad with a color picture will cost from ten dollars.

Whatever type of advertising you choose, do not spare the money and order it from a professional. Today on the Internet you can find hundreds of freelance designers who will develop high-quality advertising for you for little money (everything from flyers to a corporate symbol and slogan).

Even if your coffee shop is located in the city center, on a busy street, you need to show potential visitors why they should go to your establishment.

The coffee house is a gathering place for mostly young people (17-35 years old). With this in mind, the best idea would be to advertise on social networks and on popular sites (for watching videos and movies, online shopping, etc.). In a big city, advertising can also be ordered in the form of a video shown before the movie in the cinema, organize the distribution of flyers (it is better to order the design from the designer, because if they are not attractive enough, a passerby will throw them away even despite what is written there).

If you are ready for serious investments and cooperation with designers, then advertising will not be a problem for you, and you can choose from a range of all advertising services available in your city.

In the same case, if you want to organize advertising quickly and inexpensively, order one advertising image (poster) from a freelance designer and arrange advertising with a popular community on a social network that your potential visitors can enter.

A good advertising move would be to organize a festive opening of a coffee shop with all the attributes of a real holiday and, accordingly, guests, and they will definitely be. If you put up an inviting sign announcing the opening of a new coffee shop and simply decorate the entrance, then this already guarantees you several visitors, and then it’s a matter of image. In such establishments, it is important to leave a good impression so that people come back, bring friends and recommend this place to their acquaintances.

How to open a coffee shop in a small town. Business plan for a mini coffee shop

If you do not want to immediately take on the burden of managing a large establishment, but have long dreamed of a mini-coffee shop, a business plan, then where to start.

What are the benefits of a small coffee shop? Lots. The first is a small headquarters; the second is a small initial investment; the third is pleasant figures in the lease agreement.

To write a business plan for a small coffee shop, we must first understand what we mean by the word "small". For example, in Poland today there is a coffee shop, the total area of ​​​​which is 5 square meters (without utility room). Of the workers - the owner and his wife. But if your plans are something more, then you will need more staff.

  1. Dishwasher cleaner.
  2. Cook.
  3. Barista
  4. Waiter.
  5. Accountant.

If the institution is really small, then the functions of a cook, barista and waiter can be performed by one person, and the owner himself can deal with accounting.

From the furniture for the hall, you will need tables, chairs (or armchairs), a rack and a few little things for decoration. From the equipment - a small refrigerator, a coffee maker and a device for cooking or heating ready-made meals (this can be a small stove, sandwich maker, microwave, waffle maker, ice cream maker, etc., here you already choose what you need).

Possible earnings will depend on the cost of drinks, the location of the coffee shop, the opening hours and the number of seats in your establishment.

Thanks to the low start-up costs, a small coffee shop pays off in less than ten months.

Coffee house business plan. How much does it cost to open a coffee shop. How profitable is a coffee shop as a business

If you decide to turn a coffee shop into a profitable business, then this will require a considerable initial investment. In addition, a fairly decent amount directed to pay salaries, pay taxes, rent and purchase products will become your constant waste.

Opening a coffee shop from scratch is not cheap. Make sure you have enough money to keep your establishment afloat in the event that the cafeteria does not turn a profit in the first couple and will work for a while. Many restaurateurs note that this happens very often. At first, when the cafe just opened and it does not have a permanent audience, it is very important to maintain a positive reputation among customers so that they tell their friends about you and come back themselves.

Another option is also possible. Immediately after opening, your establishment can be visited by a large number of people. Do not rush to finish building three floors and recruit staff. Over time, the influx will decrease slightly. The excitement around new establishments is a common thing.

Running a catering business is highly dependent on the factors of the overall economy of the country and the financial condition of citizens, but if you have a well-thought-out business plan, a coffee shop is an ideal establishment that will remain in demand. Even if you don't have the money for an expensive restaurant, a coffee shop where the check can be around two dollars is a good substitute.

Opening a coffee shop will require considerable initial investments, which will include the purchase of furniture, equipment and materials, lease and repair.

If you are already firmly convinced, then the business of your life is a coffee shop, a business plan with well-thought-out stages of all organizational moments - this is where you should start.

Well, let's start with the staff. All the items that you may need are listed here, although some of them are optional, or they can be combined.

  1. barista;
  2. Cook;
  3. Dishwasher;
  4. Cleaning woman;
  5. Waiter;
  6. manager (manager);
  7. Accountant;
  8. Security guard;

It is most often offered to organize a work in two shifts, but you are not limited in your choice: if the institution does not open very early and closes not too late, then workers can be recruited with the expectation of one shift. But, nevertheless, the best option is two.

Coffee houses are rarely round-the-clock establishments, but if you decide to arrange work from dawn to dusk, then, accordingly, you will need more staff.

The next cost item is rent. Any advice here is completely useless. The cost of rent depends on many factors, ranging from the presence of a working wiring and ending with the state of the real estate market. The only thing I can talk about is the types of rent, and they have already been mentioned above.


For the floor, you can use porcelain tiles (satin tiles are perfect) and self-leveling floors made of polymer concrete. If the entrance area is separated, then in the hall itself you can use carpet, laminate flooring, homogeneous linoleum or the same polymer concrete and porcelain stoneware.

For walls, paint and decorative paper-plastic panels are preferably chosen. In addition, decorative stone is often used with imitation of different coatings, plaster (stone, pebble, bark beetle, Venetian, decorative concrete, etc.), less often, but still there are wallpapers (polyvinyl chloride, bamboo and "liquid").

For the entrance area, you can pick up a clinker facing brick, or simply paint a brick on a load-bearing wall without additional coating.

A two-chamber double-glazed window is advised, if you choose the option with imitation wood, it will greatly decorate your establishment, but, accordingly, it will cost more.

The prices are given from online stores of building materials, as this is one of the most profitable options for you. For a wider choice, here is the difference between the most expensive and the cheapest option on the site:

  1. Wallpaper: $2 - $73 per roll.
  2. Decorative plaster: 7 - 105 dollars per bucket.
  3. Porcelain tiles (for floors): 4 - 82 dollars per square meter.
  4. Decorative panels: 8 - 16 dollars per square meter.
  5. Double-glazed window: 18 - 46 dollars per square meter.
  6. Ceiling and wall paint: 1.5 - 100 dollars per liter.
  7. Plinth (wood/plastic): $0.5 - $11 per meter.
  8. Clinker facing brick: 0.1 - $ 4 per piece.
  9. Portland cement: 0.04 - 0.09 dollars per kilogram when purchased in bulk.
  10. Stretch ceiling: 3 - 25 dollars per square meter.
  11. Armstrong (suspended ceiling): 2.5 - 10 dollars per square meter.
  12. Bulk floor (polymer concrete): 0.15 - 10 dollars per kilogram.

I won’t give prices for furniture, because even on the site they have a huge spread and it’s easy to choose something for your wallet. In addition, you can save even more if you buy used furniture (second-hand).

From what you may need: a chair, a table for four, a table for two, a counter, an armchair, a sofa, a lamp on the ceiling, a wall lamp, curtains (Roman, roller, Japanese, fabric), blinds, a tablecloth.


The required amount of equipment will depend on your menu and organization of work. You can cook only coffee in the coffee shop itself, and order ready-made sandwiches and desserts, or add homemade dishes and fresh pastries to the menu.

From the necessary things you can buy for the kitchen: stove, oven, waffle iron, blender, microwave, refrigerator, yogurt maker, ice cream maker, sandwich maker; for the hall: a coffee machine, a showcase-refrigerator, an audio system, a TV and a Wi-Fi router.


Well, now let's talk about a little more pleasant things - about your future earnings. Let's try to calculate the minimum profit that you can get from a small coffee shop.

Suppose our coffee shop has five tables of four seats, two of two, and six more seats at the counter by the window. Total: thirty people - the maximum that we can accept at the same time. But you should not be limited to this, you can add the “coffee to go” service and then you will have a constant flow of customers. But we will take the idea without changes for now.

Profitability is calculated from fifty percent fullness of the hall. But for you - this is the minimum. We will still come out of a more positive indicator of eighty percent fullness. This is more typical for a small establishment in the city center. On certain days, this figure can reach all one hundred percent, but it is difficult to calculate this. In restaurants and bars, these days are weekends and holidays, but in coffee houses the influx is high even on weekdays. Thus, we will allocate ten days a month for one hundred percent fullness.

Next, let's talk about prices. They will be different for different types and portion sizes. However, most still choose medium portions. Let the average mug of coffee cost 0.7 dollars (small - 0.5, and large - 1). More than half of all visitors will order something for coffee. Let the cost of one dessert be in the range of 0.5 - 1.5 dollars and let half of all visitors order dessert for themselves (although in reality there may usually be more of them).

What do we get?

30x0.8x20=480 - visitors per month on ordinary days.

30х1х10=300 – visitors per month on peak days.

780 visitors per month (minimum).

390 - only coffee will be ordered.

390 - Will order coffee and dessert.

390x0.7 + 390x(0.7+1)= $936 – minimum total monthly income.

Of course, if the location is chosen well, then your profit will be many times higher.

The payback of the coffee house will, first of all, depend on the initial investments, but if they were low, then the institution will fully pay off in less than a year.

Summing up everything written above: in order to open a coffee shop, you need to analyze the target audience and the market for such establishments, draw up a business plan, determine the location, complete all the necessary documents, make repairs and equip the premises, hire attendants and stock up on great patience.