How to open a nightclub in your city. Ready business plan for a nightclub How much does it cost to open a club

Every entrepreneur is looking for profitable and promising business projects. There are plenty of ideas that can be brought to life. But the fact is that everywhere there are pitfalls. For example, some projects are too financially expensive, others require specific knowledge, and still others are too competitive. But you can still find a suitable business idea.

In today's article, I bring to your attention another profitable project - the opening of a nightclub. We will discuss such important points as opening a nightclub from scratch, talk about the profitability of the project, as well as the financial side of the issue.

How to open a nightclub from scratch?

Nightclubs are in great demand among people of completely different ages and social status. Despite the rather serious competition in this field of activity, opening a nightclub is quite a profitable business. The main thing is to skillfully choose a concept, determine the status of a nightclub.

Where to get money to open a nightclub?

Opening a nightclub requires considerable financial investments. Therefore, not everyone can afford to do such a thing. Money for the implementation of your business idea can be taken from the bank, borrowed from friends or found an investor. The most profitable, in my opinion, option is the search for an investor. Some rich people invest their money in promising business projects in order to make a profit. You need not only to find such a person, but also to convince him of the profitability of your idea. A well-crafted nightclub business plan will help you with this.

Night club business plan

A business plan is a document that will help you properly allocate available funds. By following a well-planned plan, you will be able to achieve your goals in a short time. In order not to make a mistake when compiling a document, see the example.

The profitability of an idea is the ratio of the costs of implementing a business idea and profit. Analyze the demand and level of competition in the chosen field of activity and determine the relevance and prospects of the business idea for opening a nightclub.

Night club registration

As a rule, organizations in the names of which contain the word "club" are registered as non-profit. First of all, you should decide on the substantive form of activity, as a rule, the majority opts for a limited liability company.

You will need to collect and issue a lot of documents and permits. To begin with, it is necessary to conclude a lease agreement for the premises, as well as obtain permits for activities from the fire and sanitary service. In addition, the sale of alcoholic beverages requires a license.

An experienced lawyer will help you complete the entire package of documents.

Premises for rent

A very important stage is the location of the nightclub. The attendance of the institution, and, accordingly, the profit will depend on this. First of all, consider the main contingent of the institution. For example, if you are planning to open a youth club, then it is desirable to locate it in the central part of the city.

The area of ​​the nightclub should be large enough. After all, it is necessary to accommodate all the equipment, arrange a dance floor, a locker room and a toilet for visitors. Keep in mind that the ceilings in such an institution should be at least 3 meters high, because they have lighting and sound equipment.


To maintain a nightclub, you need to hire experienced employees. Be very attentive to the choice of staff, the profit of your institution will directly depend on their work.

Nightclub Staff:

  • Director;
  • Administrator;
  • Accountant;
  • waiters;
  • DJ;
  • Bartender;
  • Security guard;
  • Wardrobe attendant;
  • Cleaners.

Particular attention should be paid to the selection of guards. A nightclub needs to maintain order and ensure the safety of visitors, so hire reliable people to guard.

Financial expenses

No one can answer the question exactly how much it costs to open a nightclub. It all depends on many factors that significantly affect the cost of opening such an institution. On average, you will need about 10-15 million rubles to open a nightclub in a small town. In the capital, the cost of opening such an institution is much higher, this is due to the relatively high price of renting the premises and the wages of hired personnel.

Necessary costs:

  1. Renting or buying premises for a nightclub. It is rather difficult to name the exact cost, because it depends on the volume of the area, the condition of the premises, as well as its location;
  2. Repair. As a rule, it is difficult to find a room that meets all the requirements, so at least minimal cosmetic repairs will be necessary. Its price will depend on how expensive the interior will be;
  3. Purchase of equipment. Professional equipment for a nightclub is not cheap. Therefore, you will have to pay a substantial amount for its acquisition;
  4. Salary of hired personnel. Consider the average salary in your area for similar work. Do not forget that qualified personnel will not work for a penny;
  5. Advertising campaign. Your establishment needs advertising in order to attract customers. This will require a considerable amount of money, consider this nuance.

Nightclub income

Money for visiting the institution. Your main income is the amount earned for entering a nightclub. You can set any cost for visiting your establishment, but remember that the competition in this area is very high, so it is important to correctly determine the price. Everything will depend on the concept of the institution and the category for which the nightclub is designed (businessmen, golden youth, students, sexual minorities).

Profit from the sale of alcohol and snacks. As a rule, in a nightclub it is forbidden to drink drinks brought with you, so visitors purchase alcohol and snacks in your establishment, and the proceeds from this.

Event income. If your establishment is popular, then you can make a profit from holding closed events, for example, parties, birthdays.

Advertising campaign

Opening a nightclub is not the most important thing, the most important thing is to attract customers to this institution. The competition in this field of activity is quite large, so you will have to try hard to succeed and surpass your experienced competitors.

Advertising option

  • Word of mouth radio. A very effective way to attract customers. A well-chosen concept, interior, service, music, in a short time will turn your nightclub into a popular place in the city.
  • Internet advertising. Young people mainly learn about events and new institutions that have opened in the city from social networks. Therefore, advertising on the Internet is an inexpensive and very effective way to interest and attract many people.
  • Celebrity invitation. Be sure to use this proven method of PR. If popular artists perform in your nightclub, famous DJs play music, then the attendance of the institution will be very high.

It can be concluded that opening a nightclub as a business is a rather costly idea of ​​earning money. But despite this, this project can become very successful and profitable. Therefore, if you dream of opening a nightclub and you have the necessary start-up capital for this, then forward to the goal.

Those who have already thought about how to open a nightclub from scratch, initially understand that this will have to be spent very well. Therefore, this type of business is only suitable for those entrepreneurs who have a large start-up capital.

At the same time, a nightclub is a very profitable and very interesting business that can bring decent dividends to its creator. Therefore, if you decide to open a nightclub, the business plan of which has already been thought out to the smallest detail, then you have made an excellent choice.

Underwater rocks

Before you open a nightclub, you should understand that such a business is quite competitive, in connection with this, some nightclubs are closed before they have even worked for a year, or they are sold to other owners. The reason for this is the unwillingness or inability to establish the concept of the club and get in touch with a potential audience.

That is why, before opening a nightclub from scratch, it is recommended to conduct a good analysis of the nightlife market, including focus group surveys and marketing research. These activities will help you decide what your target audience wants.

According to statistics, about 70% of the profit of the institution is brought by regular customers. Therefore, initially you need to decide who the club is designed for: teenagers from the outskirts, “golden” youth, businessmen or representatives of sexual minorities. The music, the interior, the price of drinks and even the level of service will depend on this. However, you should not open something alien to yourself (for example, a convinced straight man establishes a club for gays), since such an idea is unlikely to bring success.


The first stage in the process of establishing a club will be the construction or search for a ready-made suitable premises. Ideally, the building can be erected independently under the developed project. But before you build a nightclub, take a good look, it is quite possible that the best and cheaper option would be to buy out or rent abandoned palaces of pioneers or culture (other buildings), there are quite a few of them left in provincial cities (however, in the capital to find such empty buildings already unreal).

In most cases, the right choice of location affects the success of the institution. It should be borne in mind that a trendy club, which is designed for the upper class, should be located in the city center, and the city outskirts are also suitable for more democratic establishments. For youth clubs, one of the most important conditions is that it is convenient to get to it both by land transport and by metro.

You should not open a nightclub on the first floors of apartment buildings. Even if the local authorities give you permission for this, and the club has excellent soundproofing, outraged local residents will still not allow you to work normally. In any high-rise building, there are several pensioners who will constantly call the police squad, as a result of which your parties will constantly fail.

What does it take to open a nightclub? You only need a separate room that meets a number of requirements: it has sufficient area (it is recommended to make the main hall with a dance floor of at least 250 sq.m.) and high ceilings (about 4 m) where you will need to hang sound or lighting equipment.

Nightclub: business plan for a profitable institution

First you need to register your business. You can open an individual entrepreneur or a limited liability company. Next, you need to decide on the range of services provided. It could be:

Dance hall with music;

Restaurant hall;

Hall for conversations and rest;

Bar counter;

Karaoke room;

The list of services, of course, can be expanded at your discretion, taking into account customer requests.

The club will also need to buy equipment:

A set of lighting equipment (filling spotlights, LED heads);

DJ console;

Powerful speakers.

Interior design

If we talk about the interior decoration, then it’s hard to say something unequivocally. You can spend 2,000 dollars on a super-modern design, but there will be no visitors, or you can limit yourself to a couple of hundred dollars, and the club will always be sold out. The thing is that nightclubs "sell" the atmosphere, and only then comes the design, drinks and dishes. For example, in recent years there has been a trend to use rough wood (this solution will also be inexpensive).

Before proceeding with the finishing work, it is necessary to draw up an appropriate project. Here it will be quite difficult to do without specialists (about 2-5 thousand dollars will have to be spent on their services). Let's start with a general concept.

This approach will avoid unnecessary costs and reduce the amount in the estimate several times. Professionals can also assist in obtaining the permits required to operate a nightclub. The business plan must necessarily include such expenses.

Staff for the institution

After receiving the documentation, purchasing equipment and decorating the hall, it is still necessary to recruit staff. The staff of a nightclub should approximately consist of:

  • director;
  • manager;
  • creative director;
  • 1 or 2 administrators;
  • 6-8 waiters;
  • cooks - 4-5 people;
  • bartenders - 2-4 people;
  • DJ - 1-2 people;
  • 2 cleaners;
  • cloakroom attendant - 1-2 people.

As for protection, there is no unequivocal opinion. Some businessmen create their own security structure, others invite employees of security firms. The functional duties of security should include not only ensuring the safety of visitors from external threats, but also maintaining order in the hall (in particular, to prevent the spread of drugs), because visitors can be very different.

Naturally, all staff must correspond to the level of the club and have at least minimal experience in this field.

Chief worker

According to many experts, the success of any entertainment establishment depends on the promoter. Even the most promoted and ultra-modern nightclub will suffer from the unprofessionalism of the administrator. The business plan of an establishment can be thought out to the smallest detail, but if you hire a mediocre administrator, the business will fail in less than a year.

Alexander Kaptsov

Reading time: 7 minutes


A stable high income is the desire of every budding entrepreneur. To achieve this, you need to spend a lot of effort, investment and time. Opening a nightclub is a rather promising idea, given all the subtleties and nuances. But, paying attention to today's competition, you can see that not all establishments of this type are popular. To achieve a positive result, new ideas and investments will be required.

We collect all the necessary documentation for opening a nightclub

Before opening a nightclub, it is imperative to research the market segment in which further work is planned.

  • Nightlife concept . A well-thought-out concept is guaranteed to lead to success. The opening of a thematic club, with a specific idea initially accentuated, will contribute to the activity of visiting the target audience. For example, it could be a club with a certain style of music or a themed design.
  • Target Audience Selection . Initially, the plan for creating a club should be created based on the public that will visit the institution. From the statistical data, it can be emphasized that those nightclubs whose guests are aged 18 to 35 have the greatest demand. An important role is played by the status of the target audience.
  • Provision of certain services . A nightclub involves a basic list of services: the presence of a bar, a dance floor, show programs. The audience can be attracted by additional features, such as striptease, a hookah room, and more.

Having decided on the initial goal, it is worth thinking about the necessary documentation. Such institutions are registered as non-profit organizations of legal entities.

You will need to obtain permissions for the following requests:

  1. Club lease agreement.
  2. Permits from the fire, sanitary service.
  3. Order and certify the design of the club.
  4. The document on putting the establishment into operation.
  5. Tax accounting.
  6. Contracts for the employment of personnel.
  7. Liquor license.

Where is the best place to open a nightclub? Choosing the right location and premises

The location of the nightclub is chosen according to the following criteria: the largest concentration of the target audience, the convenient location of the institution, best of all in the central part of the city.

Important . The most successful nightclubs are located where at least 10 thousand people of the target audience live.

The premises for the club should be spacious and roomy. There should be parking in front of the establishment. Also, it is recommended to think over the soundproofing system and study the objects in the nearest kilometer. This is necessary to exclude a competitive club nearby and social facilities that are disturbed by noise (eg hospitals).

Repair of a nightclub and selection of necessary equipment

The design of the nightclub premises should be not only thematic, but also exclusive. The more interesting the design, the more visitors will give their preference . You need to start from the comfortable atmosphere of a nightclub, the modernity of the chosen style and the acoustic capabilities of the chosen room. Help in this can be obtained from modern designers who can create a unique and functional interior.

You also need to take care of the equipment:

  • Sound.
  • Light.
  • Ventilation.
  • Heating (cooling).

In this matter, you will need the advice of specialists in the technical field.

Pay special attention to the choice of furniture, dishes, staff uniforms and computer equipment.


Before hiring employees, it is necessary to conduct interviews, as well as calculate the number of people for each position. The most important and responsible persons for the club are the administrator, promoter, art director.

Service staff:

  • Bartender, waiter, security guard, DJ, creative team - workers of the main hall of the club.
  • Cook, cleaner, cloakroom attendant, electrician, watchman, technician - support staff.
  • Accountant, cashier, HR department, storekeeper - Responsible for finance.

Creative staff must match the theme of the nightclub. It can be a dance group, strippers, vocalists. On average, the working staff should be about 50 people.

The best menu option in a nightclub

You can correctly compose the menu, taking into account the style of the club itself, as well as, starting from the availability of products. A non-alcoholic establishment will not bring much success, so you must first obtain a license for alcoholic beverages. The menu journal should contain unique names: a list of cocktails, appetizers, dishes.

The visitor, first of all, "eats and drinks with his eyes" - this means that the colorful and "delicious" design of the menu will attract the audience to the order.

The so-called discounts on drinks "exactly on this day" will bring a lot of income to the institution.

The menu should contain the following items:

  1. Cold and hot appetizers.
  2. Salads.
  3. Dishes from fish and seafood.
  4. Meat dishes.
  5. Dessert.
  6. Juices, soft drinks (tea, coffee).
  7. Bar menu.

If the club provides a hookah, then the menu must indicate the types of tobacco and dressings.

Nightclub security

Security is understood as a security system, which includes the work of security guards, the presence of video surveillance cameras, fire-fighting equipment, and the availability of smoking areas. Face control must be present. This will not allow visitors with weapons, drug dealers, minors to pass through.

Nightclub promotion. How to make it popular?

The popularity of the club depends on the feedback from visitors, on the popularity among people and on widespread advertising.

There are several ways to promote your newborn nightclub:

  • Advertising . You can distribute advertising about the club on the Internet, create leaflets, posters, flyers. If the financial situation allows, you can advertise a nightclub on radio and television.
  • Celebrity Invitation . Famous people prefer to visit high-class establishments. A guest star will ensure the attention of journalists and more affluent audiences.
  • Marketing ploy . The opening of a nightclub can be done with noise, for example, organize a discount on liquor, reduce the cost of entry, and the like.

Approximate financial calculation for opening a nightclub

The cost of creating a club must pay off within 12 months. After a full refund of funds for this period, the club can be considered on the path to success. If the deadlines do not return the invested funds, the fate of the nightclub becomes questionable.

According to Russian rates, on average, it takes from 3 million rubles to open a nightclub. for a small town.

Initial investment:

What is invested in Amount of investments (approximate data) rub.
Repair, interior design 15,000 per 1 sq. m
Documentation, liquor license 300 000
Sound. and light. equipment 600 000
Furniture 450 000
Renting a room for half a year (including repairs) 250 000
Advertising, marketing 100 000
Kitchen equipment 250 000
Procurement of goods (food, alcohol, 400 000
Cash registers Up to 50,000
Staff training costs 50 000
Additional expenses 200 000
Total amount 4 150 000

The main goal of opening a club is to achieve a return on investment and a stable profit. A properly calculated business plan will lead directly to success. But do not forget about the possible competition. Every year, dozens of new entertainment nightlife venues open in cities. Maintaining the image and popularity in this case is very important.