Coffee to go in small towns. How to open a small coffee shop from scratch

  • Why is it beneficial?
  • What documents need to be issued?
  • Places of trade
  • Funds for business implementation - equipment and consumables
  • Recruitment

Coffeemania is a disease or habit from which you can benefit. Despite doctors warning about the dangers of coffee, its popularity is growing exponentially. This drink has already significantly pressed tea and juices, cocktails. So why turn a habit of people into a profitable business called coffee to go. How open a small coffee shop and how much it costs, we will tell below.

Why is it beneficial?

There are many factors that make takeaway coffee a promising business:

  • Business - occupies a small area up to 10 m 2.
  • To open a mini-coffee shop, you do not need to build anything or do major repairs.
  • The opening will require minimal investment in the purchase of equipment.
  • People without special qualifications can work in a mini-coffee shop.
  • Organizing takeaway coffee from scratch is easy without a franchise.
  • This is one of the few activities that does not require the launch of a powerful advertising campaign. The catchy themed exterior of coffee outlets and the aroma of the drink will attract customers.
  • Statistics - according to rough estimates, Muscovites leave several tens of thousands of dollars every day in establishments offering takeaway coffee.

But in order to organize this profitable business on your own, you will have to solve a number of problems related to the need to draw up documents, recruit conscientious staff, buy equipment, coffee itself and other accessories.

What documents need to be issued?

Takeaway coffee is a business that requires mandatory registration with the fiscal authorities - the tax office. If you plan to open several points, then it is better make your own IP. This will allow the newcomer to get comfortable in business, and most importantly, in the tax system. After a while, when expanding the business and turning it into a network, you can switch to another organizational form of ownership, for example, an LLC.

Step-by-step instructions for the procedure for collecting the necessary documentation and the registration procedure itself are contained on the official resource of the state tax authorities.

It is also necessary to obtain a permit from the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service, since take-out coffee belongs to activities related to public catering, therefore it is periodically subjected to profile checks.

Important! Getting permission does not mean protecting yourself from fines. It is necessary to keep the point of sale of coffee with you in absolute cleanliness. This will attract customers and help avoid penalties. According to the legislation, at least once a year, the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service will conduct inspections. It is also important that the opening of the business coincides with the completion of the permits.

If the area occupied by the business is rented, then permissions from the fire inspectorate and the territorial property management will not be required. But opening a coffee shop in your own building, building will require permits to be issued.

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Only compliance with all bureaucratic procedures will allow you to relatively calmly conduct a takeaway coffee drink business. This is especially true for beginners who plan to start their own business from scratch. It is also necessary to buy and register a cash register if the organizational form of ownership has already grown into an LLC. Individual entrepreneurs have the right to work without it under certain conditions.

Places of trade

It is immediately necessary to understand why the idea of ​​​​selling coffee to go is so popular. This is facilitated by the acceleration of the dynamics of the rhythm of people's lives. Many simply do not have enough time to sit in a cafe for a cup of coffee. Therefore, we have to solve this problem with the help of mini-bars that sell an invigorating drink in special dishes, from which it is convenient to drink on the go or being in a convenient, right place.

Accordingly, it is necessary to choose crowded places for installing outlets:

  • business centers;
  • supermarkets;
  • busy streets;
  • central parks
  • stations.

The design of the coffee to go point also plays a huge role. You can see the creative design options for coffee houses in the photo below:

It should also be noted that it is equally important to choose the right name for the business. About, how to name a company so that it is successful, you can find out from our article!

Funds for business implementation - equipment and consumables

To save on capital construction, it is necessary to use modern technologies. Modular designs are perfect for installing outlets in indoor premises, business centers, supermarkets. They do not take up much space and, if necessary, can be easily moved to a new place. Opening, debugging their activities will not take much time and will not require significant resource costs.

For open-air trade, compact utility vehicles can be equipped. This idea makes the business mobile and allows you to respond as quickly as possible to the situation on the market - to move closer to the crowd of people. Opening a mobile coffee shop will require the purchase of cars, and vendors will need to have a driver's license. This is where the organizational and financial difficulties end.

Accordingly, you will need equipment. It is advisable to purchase professional samples. The leader in the production of coffee machines is Italy and Switzerland. The starting price of such equipment is 160,000 rubles. But its high level of quality will ensure the preparation of delicious coffee and long work without breakdowns.

Additionally, you need to buy shelves, bar stools and other trifles. The functional features of mini-coffee houses can be expanded by adding additional features to them when creating: shelves, departments, folding tables.

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Separately, it is worth paying attention to the assortment, in addition to popular varieties and methods of making coffee, it is necessary to have several more rare and exotic recipes in service. Don't skimp on spices. This should be considered before opening pocket coffee shops. Also, do not forget about the cash register, each point should be equipped with it, if required by law.

According to calculations and forecasts, when organizing take-out coffee from scratch, the costs will pay off in 1–2 years. The profitability of the business is 40-50%.

On average, you need from $ 20,000 to organize the work of one takeaway coffee point using a car. If you want to open coffee with you in the shopping center, the costs will not exceed 500 thousand rubles. These figures may vary depending on the region where you plan to open a business, as well as the scale.


Before you open a business, you should take care of the staff. His selection must begin in advance. Staff - 50% of success. Friendly, polite, neat, sociable, he is able to level many shortcomings and attract customers.

All of the above qualities combine purposeful young people who combine study with work. It is easy to interest them with a small cash bonus for good work. Also, any creative idea on their part in terms of improving the service should be rewarded and implemented. Such an investment in business is rational and works for the future.

By the way, what do you think about the opportunity to invest and earn money ? look, examples of business and competent investment of money.

Attention! To attract customers, opening a business should be accompanied by promotions and various interesting bonus campaigns.

You can learn a lot of new, interesting information about how to open a mobile coffee shop on wheels and how much income this business idea has by watching this video:

This step-by-step instruction will allow you to organize your business without a franchise and provide it with a high level of profitability. We hope you now know how to open takeaway coffee from scratch and how much it costs.

If you are looking for a way to make money that works in trading, but you have no experience or little money, try selling on Avito. Learn those how to receive stable income on bulletin boardsand start earning.

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Alexander Kaptsov

Reading time: 6 minutes


Small cozy coffee houses are popular among lovers of an invigorating drink, because in addition to relaxing in a peaceful atmosphere, you can order coffee of various varieties and enjoy delicious desserts here. Entrepreneurs also arouse a certain interest in coffee shops, since their opening is considered a fairly profitable business with a well-established system of work. How and where to open a coffee shop, what is necessary for organizing a business, what you should pay attention to and whether it is profitable to work on a franchise - you will find answers to these and other questions on the website.

What documents are required to open a mini-coffee shop?

Any business activity must be officially registered. To open a coffee shop, it is enough to register an individual entrepreneur. If the institution is supposed to sell alcoholic beverages, then you should register an LLC and obtain a license. The prepared package of documents is submitted for registration to the tax office. Attached to the passport and a photocopy certified by a notary are:

  • A copy of the contract for the lease or purchase of premises for business activities.
  • Conclusion of SES and OGPS on the use of the premises.
  • Contract for the removal of organic waste and the disposal of mercury-containing lamps.
  • Agreement with laundry, security structure and other necessary documentation.

What do you need to open a coffee shop?

Although opening a coffee shop is not such a costly option as organizing a restaurant business, it also requires no less careful study of all details. So where do you start?

Location - where is the best place to open a coffee shop?

According to experts, the success of a catering enterprise by 50% depends on its location. To make the right choice, the premises should be searched for:

  1. In places with high traffic or in crowded places - near cinemas, parks, stadiums, airport. The disadvantage in this case would be that most of the clientele who visit the coffee shop are unlikely to become its regular visitors. Most likely, their return visit will depend on whether they will be in these parts again.
  2. The location of the coffee shop near office buildings, business centers, etc. will ensure the influx of a regular clientele on weekdays . It will be convenient for many employees to make appointments with clients and have a snack at lunchtime in your establishment. The weekend will be quiet.

When choosing a room, one should not forget that it must have an emergency exit, which is provided for by security requirements. IN there is no need for a large area object, it is enough to have 30-40 seats.

Purchase of equipment

When opening even a small coffee shop, it is very important to choose the right equipment. This difficult task is best handled by professionals who not only take into account all the features of the business, including the planned load, but also offer equipment from reliable manufacturers.

The main list of equipment for a mini coffee shop:

  • The device for preparation of coffee - semi-automatic or automatic action.
  • Coffee grinder (in case of semi-automatic equipment).
  • Table for cutting products.
  • Microwave.
  • Refrigerated showcase (if necessary).
  • 2-3 spacious refrigerators.
  • Muffin storage cabinet.
  • Bar counter.
  • Furniture for visitors.
  • Water filter.

Besides. it will be necessary to purchase kitchen utensils - all kinds of dishes, cutlery, trays, as well as interior items for decorating the hall - paintings, decorations, lamps.


The main criterion in the selection of staff in a coffee shop should be the ability of applicants to work with people. A kind word, a smile, a friendly attitude, the ability to listen - all this will work to attract customers.

At the initial stage, 2 coffee specialists, an accountant and a cleaner will be enough.

If you plan to offer visitors snacks and snacks in addition to drinks, then you will need a cook and several waiters. All staff should be provided with health books.

Compilation of the main menu

Ideally, the assortment of a coffee shop should contain several drinks traditional for such establishments:

  • Espresso.
  • Americano.
  • Cappuccino.
  • Latte.
  • Mocha.
  • Tea of ​​various varieties.

In addition to them, you can offer all kinds of desserts: buns, donuts, cakes. If pastries will be prepared in a coffee shop, then additional kitchen space and appropriate permits will be required. Or it can be ordered from third-party restaurants and cafes.

Coffee house marketing and advertising

So that potential visitors can find out about the opened coffee shop, needs to be taken care of . However, you should not order the installation of billboards or advertising on television, radio, as these are unjustified expenses. The main customers of the institution will still be passers-by and residents of adjacent houses. Successful advertising options for a coffee shop are:

  • Attractive signage.
  • Distribution of flyers.
  • Discount coupons.
  • Well, the best advertising, as always, will be word of mouth.

To effectively promote a coffee shop, you need to correctly communicate all your advantages to customers. But ads don't have to be oversaturated. and it should display only real information. With high expectations of the client, it can be lost forever!

How much money do you need to open a mini-coffee shop - calculation of approximate costs

The main costs of opening a coffee shop will fall on the purchase of equipment and furniture. In general, you need to focus on one-time expenses in the amount of at least 2-3.5 million rubles.

What exactly is included in the list of costs?

  • What exactly is on this list?
  • IP registration + printing order - 15,000
  • Licenses and permits - 10,000
  • Premises rent - 300 000
  • Renovation of the premises - 300,000
  • Equipment + furniture + kitchen utensils - 1,200,000
  • Interior items - 40 000
  • Advertising events - 50,000-70,000
  • Purchase and installation of cash registers - 50,000
  • Menu + staff uniform - 80,000
  • Fire safety system - 40,000

In addition, there may be additional costs for software, an engineering project, and other unaccounted ideas.

Mini-coffee shop business plan from scratch - minimize risks!

In order for the work of the coffee house to be successful and entrepreneurial activity to be profitable, it is necessary to carefully consider a business plan.

First of all, you should decide on the required amount of initial capital, the planned revenue for the month and the total aggregate income.

So, for example, with a properly organized business, an institution will be visited by 100 people per day. the average check will be 200-250 rubles. Revenue per day will be 2000-2500 rubles, per month - 60,000-75,000 rubles. The project will pay off within a few years.

To minimize risks, it is important to choose the right location for the establishment, provide visitors with quality service, set reasonable prices and design an attractive interior. The cleanliness of the establishment, delicious food and the friendliness of the staff will attract the maximum number of customers.

Franchise mini-coffee shop - all the pros and cons!

Acquisition of a franchise allows the institution to work on already proven technologies. A package of documents for business ownership, as well as brand awareness, will undoubtedly contribute to the effectiveness of the enterprise development. Even if the manager has no experience, the business can become quite profitable if you follow the franchisor's recommendations and train the staff. In the absence of sufficient funds for business development, the parent company will tell you which bank to get a loan from and act as a guarantor of the return of funds. This is the advantage of a ready-made business development model.

My experience: how to open a coffee shop from scratch and what it takes.

A step-by-step guide on how to open a small coffee shop, where to start, how to proceed, what permits are needed and, most importantly, how much profit a small coffee shop brings.


Opening a coffee shop from scratch.

What does it take to open a coffee shop? First of all, you need to find a good room in a passable place, it is desirable that this room already had a catering point before, then it will be much easier, because the room already has all the required communications - plumbing, sewerage, ventilation, meets the requirements of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision and fire service. Renting a room in the city center will cost you an average of $1,000 per month (depending on the city).

All you need at this stage is to conclude a lease agreement with the landlord.

Of course, before entering into a lease agreement for premises, you need to register your business activity, just contact the tax service and open an individual entrepreneur.

This activity corresponds to the OKVED code 55.30 “Cafe and restaurant activities”. Immediately you need to write an application for the transition to UTII, this is the best option for a taxation system for a small coffee shop.

Note! An entrepreneur who starts his business for the first time, according to the law on state control, will not be subject to inspections by the state sanitary and epidemiological supervision bodies for 3 years. After the opening of the coffee shop, Rospotrebnadzor must be notified in writing within 5 days.

But your coffee shop must comply with the sanitary and epidemiological requirements for public catering facilities, a complete list of requirements can be found in the regulatory documents of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision.

When the IP is already open and there is a room, we buy equipment. You will need only professional equipment:

Espresso machine.

Coffee grinder with dispenser.

Holder with tempera.

Oriental coffee machine.

It is also advisable to purchase a filter-type coffee machine.

French press.

Refrigerated showcase for desserts.

You can bake buns and croissants in a coffee shop, you will need a baking oven.

Before buying, carefully test the coffee equipment personally! Prepare all types of coffee on the equipment several times, the quality of the coffee drink directly depends on the equipment, raw materials and professionalism of the barista.

If you have a limited budget, it is not necessary to buy coffee equipment, it can be rented, there are coffee suppliers who provide coffee equipment for rent, provided that you buy coffee from them every month (usually not less than 10 kg of coffee beans per month).

Speaking of raw materials, the coffee market is very competitive among producers, so there are plenty to choose from. You need to periodically buy coffee beans, you need to find high-quality coffee at an affordable price, and as an option, you can not buy equipment, but rent it from suppliers.

The coffee house needs to be equipped, create your own style, install furniture for equipment, tables and chairs for customers.

Coffee shop interior design.

For you to understand, it is very difficult to find a room already renovated, usually you need to do the repairs yourself, (often cosmetic repairs are enough) the issue price is about $ 2000 if you hire a team of workers. It is more profitable to make repairs on your own, spend only on materials (wallpaper, paint, etc.). — 1000$. We order a sign for the premises in an advertising agency.

From furniture for a coffee shop, you will need several tables and chairs, several paintings and other decorative elements, as well as a bar counter and a couple of tables for coffee equipment.

Dishes (cups, saucers, spoons) and disposable coffee utensils to go.

To work, first of all, you will need an experienced barista, if you have a desire to master this profession on your own, then you can take barista courses that last no more than a month.

Barista - a specialist in the preparation of coffee drinks, a barista knows how to properly prepare coffee, including latte art.

Is it profitable to open a coffee shop? Judge for yourself, the cost of preparing one cup of espresso is no more than $ 0.20, and the price of a prepared drink is on average $ 1, the extra charge for coffee is more than 5 times!

The sale of desserts and baked goods increases sales by an average of 30%, the margin for desserts is about 100%.

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Starting your own business is the dream of many ambitious people. Working all your life "for your uncle" is not included in the plans of individuals who know the value of their mind and determination. And then a potential entrepreneur over a cup of coffee suddenly evaluates the place of this drink in the life of a modern active person and comes to the conclusion that this particular product should become the basis of his business. And here the most exciting question arises: how to open a coffee shop from scratch? To do this, you will have to read a lot of literature, ask business sharks for advice, and carry out numerous calculations. Well, for starters, just read this article and understand whether this case is right for you. Here, an indicative business plan for a coffee shop is considered, what costs will fall on the shoulders of the entrepreneur, and steps are described to achieve the goal.

Primary immersion in the essence of the problem

A competent approach to the realization of the idea of ​​your own business should begin with certain steps. The first of these is the creation of such an important document as a business plan for a coffee shop. Entrepreneurs guided by it have a number of advantages over others. Firstly, this document contains answers to almost all questions that arise in labor activity. Secondly, a well-written business plan for a coffee shop will help the entrepreneur to move in the market smoothly, but confidently, and not in jerks with sharp ups and no less sharp falls. When resources are pre-arranged by item of expenditure and income, it is much easier to navigate the space of entrepreneurship. You will always know what is essential and what can wait.

Documents, papers, bureaucracy...

Entrepreneurial activity must be registered in accordance with the current legislation of the country. Decide which form of business is most preferable based on the volume of turnover and the profitability of taxation systems. The development of a business plan for a coffee shop implies development scenarios in the form of an individual entrepreneur or a limited liability company. Available forms for tax accounting - UTII or USN. The following OKVED codes for restaurant activities are provided - 56.10, 56.10.1, 56.10.2. For a more precise indication of activity codes, you should look into the classifier. In the future, additional activities can be added to the existing list. To begin with, it is necessary to register an individual or legal entity engaged in entrepreneurial activities and write an application for choosing the form of taxation. All this is done in the tax authority at the place of registration.

Location question

A business plan for opening a coffee shop should include a number of important sections. This includes the issue of location. Geographic location sometimes plays a dominant role. You should carefully consider the choice of building or point. If the place is deserted, then the payback will be minimal. Or even the cafe will go into negative territory only because people do not know about its existence, and it does not catch the eye because the sign is hidden somewhere in the courtyards of sleeping areas behind a branchy tree. All aspects of the location should be considered in the business plan of the coffee shop. An example of a successful choice is as follows:

  • next to the coffee shop there is a large business center, a business district, a well-known educational institution;
  • the cafe is located on one of the main streets or the street along which transport routes pass;
  • metro stations, shopping and entertainment centers are located nearby.

An ideal option is one in which several of the above conditions are met at once. Students and office workers will surely spend their lunch break with a cup of aromatic coffee, people shopping in the shopping center will take a break from this tedious task, and strolling passers-by will look into a pleasant institution to pass the time with a calm conversation. Point passability is one of the main conditions for a successful business.

A few words about the room and comfort

What comes to mind when you hear the word "coffee shop"? This is a room filled with delicious smells of baking and a special, incomparable aroma of a magical warming drink. This is something warm, in chocolate tones, soft and cozy. The coffee house business plan also implies the development of an exceptional organizational style, specific design solutions that will be the highlight of your establishment. People should associate pleasant memories and intentions to spend time somewhere outside the home with a cup of aromatic drink with your coffee shop. That's what atmospheric solutions are for. Work out the colors, textures, textiles, hall furniture, musical accompaniment. All this should be harmoniously combined and deposited in the memory of the visitor. He should be comfortable and cozy, he should return to your coffee shop again and again.

Requirements for the hall and utility rooms

A business plan for creating a coffee shop should affect not only the external shell of the establishment that visitors see, but also the internal systems. Failure to comply with certain standards can not only reduce the profit of the project, but also entail numerous fines from various authorities. We are talking about compliance with fire safety rules, sanitary standards, as well as sound insulation if residential buildings are located in neighboring rooms. It is necessary to equip accessible emergency exits from the premises, a ventilation and fire extinguishing system, hang circuits for visitors and staff, and also make good soundproofing.

Designing a fire alarm system will cost a coffee shop at least 13,000 rubles per square meter. But this action will be done only once. But a one-time fine can reach 500,000 rubles. If a violation is detected, the fire inspectorate will conduct regular inspections. It is terrible to imagine how much non-compliance with the rules of fire safety alone can result in.

Procurement of necessary equipment and furniture

At first, the purchase of furniture, interior details, equipment, as well as control and computer equipment is the most expensive part. Without these components, no coffee shop can function. A business plan with calculations should include the following minimum:

  • Chairs for a coffee shop - the average price for bar furniture stores is 2,000 rubles apiece. About 40 chairs are needed for a dozen tables. A small coffee shop can accommodate about 50 tables.
  • Tables - the average price is 7,500 rubles.
  • Bar stools also cost from 2,000. You need about 5 of them for a small room if you have a bar counter.
  • A coffee machine for professional use will cost 30-50 thousand rubles.
  • A professional coffee grinder costs 15,000.
  • Refrigerators for confectionery - from 35,000 rubles. They will need 2-3 pieces.
  • The showcase, depending on the size, will cost an average of about 55 thousand rubles.
  • Cutting tables in the amount of a couple of pieces at an average cost of 5,000 rubles.
  • A freezer will cost an average of 20,000 rubles.
  • Washing will cost 20,000 rubles.

Coffee shop business plan: menu

How is a coffee shop different from any other catering establishment? That's right, the most important thing in its assortment is coffee. In any coffee shop there is a fairly wide selection of varieties, types and methods of preparing this drink. The client should get exactly the drink that he likes the most: latte, mocha, cappuccino, espresso and so on. There are really many species and varieties.

A natural addition to coffee is confectionery. You can prepare them yourself by hiring qualified workers, or you can buy them from the giants of this industry. Without a sweet addition, you can lose a huge amount of clientele.

Many establishments have a wine list. This is a menu with alcoholic drinks. Drinks with a degree bring good revenue, but they require permission from the owner of the establishment to sell excisable goods.

The menu of first and second courses can be compiled at your discretion. In some coffee shops, it is not provided at all.

Personnel issue

The business plan of a coffee shop is an example of an entrepreneurial activity in which you cannot do without staff. You won’t be preparing coffee yourself, and delivering orders (and taking them, by the way, too), and washing floors? It is simply impossible for one person to do everything, but there is also financial and tax reporting, which also needs to be compiled and submitted to regulatory authorities on time. So, below is a list of workers who should be working in your coffee shop:

  • Waiters - at least 2-3 people per small cafe. The average salary is about 20,000 rubles.
  • Pastry chef. Salary from 35,000.
  • Barista. Salary around 35000.
  • Cleaning woman. Salary around 15000.

An entrepreneur can maintain the accounting department of the organization independently. Hiring an accountant will cost an average of 25 thousand rubles.

At the same time, one should not forget that, in addition to the salary, the employer pays monthly deductions to the funds. It turns out the amount of 31% of the salary for each employee.

Pricing policy development

What determines the price level? How to properly install it? Well, firstly, you need to determine the audience for which your activity will be interesting. If you have a business-class coffee shop, prices can be slightly higher than the market average. Only in this case, it should be taken into account that the environment and service must correspond to the requested payment.

A coffee shop for the masses of visitors should keep prices within the market average. To determine the average check, the following formula is used: average check = dessert + coffee. In this case, the most popular varieties of both components are taken into account. In most coffee shops, the average check is from 300 to 500 rubles. This cost should be taken into account.

Suppliers play an important role in determining pricing policy. Your task is to find wholesale organizations with the most balanced ratio of price and quality of products.

Advertising campaign

Next, the need for advertising is considered. At the beginning of his activity, an entrepreneur simply needs to declare the existence of his coffee shop. How to open a coffee shop from scratch and at the same time get a stream of visitors right away? Properly conduct an advertising campaign. Place your ad on poster sites, place the banner in a well-visible place. Discount and gift promotions are popular, they attract clientele well. If the coffee shop is located in a crowded place, then in the early stages it is not advisable to spend money on advertising. An attention-grabbing sign is enough.

Business plan: mobile coffee shop

Mobile coffee shops are gaining more and more popularity. Such a point looks like a passenger car with a large luggage compartment, pasted over with identification marks. A coffee shop employee combines the position of a driver, a cashier, and a barista. The advantages of such a coffee shop are obvious:

  • not tied to one place, can move to areas where there are more people;
  • allows you to save on an extensive staff of maintenance personnel;
  • savings on rent of space, payments for utilities;
  • furniture and most of the equipment that is so necessary in an ordinary cafe is not required.

At the same time, it takes much less to open such a car coffee shop: registration with the tax authority, a car, a barista driver, a coffee machine and a coffee grinder, an assortment of syrups and coffee varieties. Starting capital of 1 million rubles (including the purchase of a car) is enough to open such a coffee shop.

Another budget coffee shop option

In this section, we will look at another budget mini coffee shop business plan. Takeaway coffee is now no less popular than car sales outlets. The organization of such a coffee shop does not require large investments in rent, furniture and staff. Usually this is a retail point in the form of a trailer or a small room with a window for sale. The costs of such a coffee shop are as follows:

  • Renting a room - the price range is quite large depending on the location of the point. On average, the amount of rent per month is about 100 thousand rubles.
  • Coffee machine and refrigerator - respectively 30-50 thousand and 35 thousand rubles.
  • The purchase of raw materials at the first stage will cost 40,000 rubles (prices depend on the selected suppliers).
  • The salary of a barista is 35,000 rubles.

In total, at the very beginning of the activity, it is necessary to have at least 500,000 rubles to cover unplanned expenses. It is better if the amount is more. There are many unplanned situations in our country.


So, in order to open a standard coffee shop in a place with a moderate flow of people, you will have to invest approximately the following amount:

  • rent of premises measuring 100-150 square meters - 300,000 rubles;
  • arrangement of the hall and purchase of furniture - 600,000 rubles;
  • arrangement of the kitchen and purchase of dishes - 150,000 rubles;
  • registration with tax authorities, printing, paperwork - 15,000;
  • salary of employees for the first month of work - 145,000.

As a result, we get the amount of 1,210,000 rubles. This is the minimum capital for opening a coffee shop. About 300 thousand should be kept in reserve in case of force majeure.


This type of mini-business, like "coffee to go" is considered a quick payback not troublesome business. Many people use vending machines, and some of them would love to drink natural freshly brewed coffee.

Opening a successful coffee shop is not easy, for this you need to love your job and be well versed in the varieties of the drink. The barista prepares natural coffee, it is served to the customer in a disposable plastic cup. This allows everyone to take it to go, step away from the counter and enjoy the aroma of coffee anywhere. Hence the name of the business.

It doesn’t take much to start a takeaway coffee business. The main costs include renting a room, paying for electricity and labor of employees, purchasing a coffee grinder, a coffee machine, products for making a drink.

Premises for rent

Before you rent a business space, look at how many people pass at a given place per hour, and how many cars are parked. To open a coffee shop with takeaway coffee, you need to carefully consider and plan all the details of the business in detail.

It is better to rent a small plot for a coffee shop in a crowded place, most often these are shopping and entertainment centers, business centers, universities and other crowded establishments. You can rent an area from 2 m2. The outlet can be placed both outdoors and indoors. The price for renting 1 square meter of premises may vary depending on the location.

Registering a business

To register a mini-coffee shop, it is enough to issue an IP. In addition to registering a business, in the tax office, you must obtain permission from the SES.

A coffee shop is a catering establishment, so it must meet all the standards and norms of the SES. The OKVED code for this business is 55.30 “Activities of restaurants and cafes”.

Choice of coffee machine

Models with a built-in refrigerator for milk are considered more convenient. When choosing a coffee machine, it is better to seek help from an experienced person or ask a practicing barista for an opinion. This will help you avoid unnecessary expenses.

It is necessary to consider professional-level coffee machines that are designed for heavy loads. Many prefer professional Italian technology. Dealers provide customers with a complete set of equipment, including all necessary accessories and tools. They can also deliver you cups, lids, and other branded accessories necessary for the outlet.

In order to open a mini coffee business, there is absolutely no need to purchase complex machines with a large set of automatic functions. Your task is to make the cost of brewed coffee lower, this can be achieved by saving electricity. All products used, except milk, are stored for a long time and do not cause trouble.

A good coffee machine allows you to quickly and efficiently serve customers. It should work without interruption and not fail with frequent breakdowns. Most often, entrepreneurs prefer foreign equipment with a cost of 150-250 thousand rubles. If there are no such funds, equipment can be rented from coffee suppliers, having previously concluded an agreement with them for the permanent purchase of a drink.

To prepare coffee to go, bottled water and disposable utensils are used. From communications, an electrical network is required.


The coffee-to-go bar counter occupies a small area, one person can work there, but two people need to be involved to organize shift and daily work. Employees must undergo a medical examination and have a medical book.

Using a coffee machine is not possible without a professional barista. Simply put, as a business owner, you need to be a master and knowledgeable drink maker. A good coffee shop is not only a good location, quality coffee and equipment. In addition, one must have the talent to prepare a drink. The barista must help the customer choose the coffee.

The target audience

Demand for specialty coffees is growing every day and there are great opportunities for new coffee establishments. To find a good place for a coffee shop, you need to make a lot of effort, show patience and perseverance. Renting a place may depend on the concept of the business, one of the factors is the right target audience. The service is more often used by students and passengers at railway stations and bus stations.

Potential clients may be lower-level managers, young professionals. Due to high employment, these people need fast and high-quality service.

If the drink is made from freshly ground and aromatic coffee beans and has an unforgettable taste, you can achieve great success and you will have regular customers.

Investment size

About 120 cups of drink can be prepared from one kilogram of coffee. At the same time, 50 ml of water is consumed per cup. In addition, you need to buy sugar, milk, cups, spoons and napkins.

In places with high traffic of people, to prepare a drink, a lot of money must be invested in the purchase of products. If you brew 4,500 cups a day, then you need to spend 75,000 rubles just to buy 37.5 kg of coffee.

Do not think that investments in such a mini-business will quickly pay off. The average monthly profit from one point will be approximately 80 thousand rubles, and with a fairly attractive range of related offers (buns, croissants, waffles), the profit can reach up to 140 thousand per month.

Despite the fact that the price of the finished drink is 30-40% higher than the cost, the profitability is only 20%. Most of the funds are spent on renting the place of sale.

Coffee shop franchise "Coffee to go"

A franchise provides an opportunity to purchase a ready-made mini-business with a well-advertised and universally recognized product. Despite the large investment (1800 euros) for the purchase of the package, you get the opportunity to trade with a recognizable brand, get the best equipment and the opportunity to recoup your business in about two months. This is a great option for beginner businessmen who have little idea of ​​the nuances of work. Thanks to the ready-made business organization structure, consultations from the franchisor, you can easily get up to speed and recoup the investment in the first months of work.


In order for the business not to burn out, it is necessary to carefully calculate the prices for the finished drink. How many cappuccinos, lattes, or espressos do you need to sell to break even and pay your rent? There is a holy business axiom that allows you to adjust the prices of your products.

If everyone complains about the high prices - they are not too high, if no one complains - they are too low, if only a few people complain - the prices are optimal. If your costs go up, prices must go up. And, if your products are exceptional, customers won't complain about price increases.

For the success of the coffee-to-go mini-business, study the experience of your competitors, make sure that you are always ahead.