Which products are in the highest demand? What to sell in an online store: ideas

What to sell in an online store: TOP-5 categories of goods in the Russian Federation + studying demand and choosing a niche + 5 tips from sales experts + 4 steps to start sales.

The popularity of the internet has skyrocketed in recent years! We spend a lot of time at the computer monitor and other gadgets.

Most people just relax: watch movies, listen to music, chat with friends.

For others, the World Wide Web has become a place of work that brings excellent earnings.

There are many options, but the bulk of people on the Internet are engaged in sales.

What to sell in an online store to earn real income? And how to build a successful business on this?

What to sell in an online store: rating of popular products

The first step is to study the statistics of products that are most often bought in online stores.

Statistics show that the most popular are firms selling real estate, as well as clothing, footwear and children's accessories stores.

Of course, working with real estate is an area for professionals and owners of large investment capital. But selling souvenirs or clothes for women is an activity available to anyone with an Internet connection.

When you are just starting to "know" the field of online stores, it is best to start selling one type of product.

It will be easier and more interesting if you choose an industry that is closer to you in terms of type of activity or lifestyle. For example, young mothers will be interested in selling children's clothes or toys.

What categories of goods are more profitable to sell in an online store?

A novice businessman should direct sales to his hometown and region.

Think about what people are missing. You may not have a good sportswear or outdoors store in your area.

Walk through supermarkets, study the assortment, interview people (yes, at least your neighbors), listen to their opinions.

The products that you want to sell to customers must be in demand, be relevant today, and have a target audience in your region.

Let's say you decide to sell souvenirs, but a similar store already exists in the city. It is unlikely that in this case they will order products from you. Indeed, in an online store it is impossible to touch a thing, to study its shortcomings and advantages.

On the other hand, if the cost is an order of magnitude lower, then buyers can make a choice in your favor.

So what to sell in an online store?

  1. Real estate.
  2. Clothing and footwear.
  3. Childen's goods.
  4. Digital and home appliances.
  5. Recreation and sports.

These are the most demanded product groups today throughout Russia.

In order to decide what exactly you want to do, you need to consider each of the options separately.

No. 1. Property For Sale.

A very profitable undertaking is to create a website about real estate. This category includes the sale of cars, apartments, houses, land, etc.

Of course, for this kind of employment it is good to have experience as a realtor, or at least elementary concepts about this profession.

Since the price for this category of goods is high, the income of the owner of such an Internet project will be considerable.

A real estate office that works online places all ads for the sale or purchase of real estate, most often for free. Income will be accrued to the owner from the placement of the accompanying, and most importantly, from completed transactions.

You can increase profits by hiring 1-2 realtors in your mini-staff who will be able to travel to properties and sell real estate.

In addition to the site, you can also create pages on social networks to increase the reach of potential customers.

No. 2. Online clothing and footwear store.

Increasingly, people began to order clothes and shoes via the Internet. On the network you can find many different models at a lower cost than in regular outlets.

There is a risk of making a mistake with the size or facing poor quality service in the online store. However, people continue to buy their new clothes online.

If you decide to start selling clothes, then decide on your target group. You might want to sell menswear or plus size clothing.

The next step is to conclude a deal with the supplier. In the course of cooperation, he will send you photos from the collection, which you will post on your page on social networks or on the website.

We remind you! Analyze the pricing policy of other online stores, as well as clothing markets. Your price should be slightly lower than your competitors, but you should still make a profit.

No. 3. Childen's goods.

Young mothers simply do not have enough time to go shopping to buy clothes or toys for their baby. For help, they turn to all the same online stores.

If you have children, then you can sell used items for your baby along with new products. Online commissions have become especially popular in recent years due to the crisis in the country.

You can get friends and relatives to sell, who in this way will be able to both themselves and you (for example, on the condition of selling "at a percentage").

No. 4. Digital and home appliances.

On the Internet you can find many offers for the sale of digital and home appliances. The competition is strong, but the profit will also be high.

To get into the leaders in sales of equipment, you need to spend a lot of time and your own resources.

Opening such a project will not be easy. It is imperative to hire a consultant who knows all the nuances of selling equipment and understands technical innovations.

He should always be in touch and be able to answer all the questions of buyers.

Due to the oversaturated market of digital and home appliances, it is unrealistic to quickly become a successful entrepreneur.

No. 5. Recreation and sports.

Goods for outdoor activities and sports are popular. As a rule, products of this category are much cheaper on the Internet than in ordinary stores.

As for provincial cities, they often lack crazy quality sports and leisure products.

In such an area, if potential buyers have the opportunity to purchase such products, it will be very useful to open a specialized online store.

How to start selling online?

Usually the workflow looks like this:

  1. You are looking for a good supplier who will supply products in bulk at the lowest possible price.
  2. Create your online store based on social networks, marketplaces or as a separate website.
  3. Next, you will exhibit the goods on the site already with a “wound” price. This difference in cost will be the income of the store.
  4. After your business starts to develop, you can add some more product categories to your assortment (for example, accessories will become a good “party” for women's clothing).

Note! Before you wind up the price, study the policies of competitors.
To attract buyers, it is important that the price for the same product is slightly lower than that of your “rivals”.
Reducing the cost of even 5-10 rubles can make a difference.

Often people, daydreaming about how much money they will make, open a business without a business plan. This is a gross mistake!

A well-designed business development plan is the key to success, even if you just want to sell jewelry online.

An approximate structure for creating a business plan looks like this:

If, after a few months of operation, the business is not profitable, think about where you made a mistake. It may have been a bad promotional campaign, or your range may simply not be marketable in a particular region.

To draw up a business plan, as well as determine the vector for the development of your online store, answer yourself the following questions:

How much will you have to invest in the project? Decide how much money you have. It is not possible to open a store without money at all. You need to spend the first months on the purchase of products + the creation and promotion of the site. Only after “things go”, you will be able to make a profit and direct it to the development of the business.
Where do you plan to sell your products? Decide for yourself with which regions of the country or maybe the world you expect to cooperate. It is better to start from your city and regional center, and then expand and sell products throughout the Russian Federation + abroad.
Do you have experience in sales or website promotion? If you are new to this business, don't worry. There are many useful tutorials and seminars on the web that will help you understand the basics of online trading.
Will there be demand for products? Analyze the rating of goods that are sold through the worldwide network. It’s better not to take risks, but to follow the proven path (at least when this is your first business, and there are no unique ideas).
How about delivery? Decide how you will send packages to customers. This is one of the most important moments for any online store.

What to sell in an online store so that the business is profitable?

When choosing a product that is profitable for the sale, let's turn to 5 tips from successful owners of online stores:

    If you have a limited budget, it is better to sell inexpensive products.

    This requires less + they will be cheap to deliver to the buyer.

    It is worth comparing the pricing policy of online stores and markets in your area.

    Every seller understands that a customer on the Internet is looking for something that is cheaper than in a regular store.

    During a crisis, it is worth selling mid-priced goods in an online store.

    After all, those who have money will buy anything in an expensive boutique. Middle-income people (there are many more of them in our country) will look for where to buy cheaper.

    It is best to sell products that you understand.

    If you can easily give advice to your buyer, this will be a significant competitive advantage.

    If your online store sells only in a specific region, then conduct a survey on the topic: “What can not be bought in our city?”.

    Based on the results of a survey of people, add to your product grid the products that many potential customers in your city are looking for.

If you decide to open a store on the Internet, then feel free to start acting. Do not be afraid that there are already a lot of projects on the network.

Statistics confirm that the number of online shoppers in the world is only increasing, so there is and will be demand.

How much can you earn from online sales?

It is difficult to name a specific figure that you will receive from your online store.

Income depends on such factors:

    Project scale.

    The larger the range, the higher the income will be.

    Contribution of own funds to the business.

    Owning a business is always a risk. It happens that an entrepreneur invests a large amount, and the business idea “burns out”.

    It is better not to act so recklessly at the initial stage of opening an online store. Develop the project gradually.

    Website traffic.

    Unfortunately, many people are still afraid to order online, especially in new stores. According to statistics, out of 500 people who visit the site, 1-2 people make a purchase.

It's one thing to answer the question what to sell online and another is to make sure that buyers appear.

What is better to sell in an online store?

Find out what's in demand right now:

At the initial stage, on average, earnings will be equal to 5,000-7,000 rubles. Successful projects that have been working for years can already bring profits in the millions, but for this you need to work hard and invest effort and money.

“How can you predict the assortment in an online store that will be in great demand?” This is a question entrepreneurs often ask. After all, you see, no one wants to buy a bunch of illiquid assets that will be sold for many months, or even years. Many people will answer me too, Captain obvious, everything has been known on the Internet for a long time - the almighty Yandex wordstat in the teeth and go! About how to determine the demand for it, just the lazy one did not tell. Of course, yes, wordstat should not be underestimated, but it does not determine the demand for a product, it keeps statistics of user requests to the search engine, and these things are still different! There are much more requests for "bmw x5" than "lada vesta" and "lada priora" combined - this does not mean that the majority of BMWs are bought from us ... right ?! In today's article, we will try to find the truth in this matter and consider other ways to determine demand, in addition to wordstat.

As already said, there is no direct relationship between the number of requests to the search engine and consumer demand for the product. It is undoubtedly traceable, but I would call it an indirect indicator, rather than trust him entirely. There are a huge number of nuances that need to be taken into account when analyzing queries in wordstat, for each specific niche. Let's analyze them using some example, at the same time and consider again how to use wordstat.

1. Determine the demand using Yandex Wordstat

For example, let's take a headphone store, because. There are some nuances that we will take into account. But first, let's go over the wordstat again. The address of the service itself has long been known to everyone - wordstat.yandex.ru.

Before you start any kind of keyword research, you need to set the region where your target audience is located. The choice of the region is on the right under the search bar. In this case, the tables will show the results of "impressions per month" only for the selected region.

Let's move on to the query itself. It is important to remember here that by default, wordstat does not show specific key user queries. For example, entering the query " headphones” in statistics, opposite this word will be the sum of any requests in which it occurs - “ headphonessony», « headphones cheap», « the headphones are broken», « how to fix headphones», « how to make your own headphones" etc. Simply put, we get a lot of unnecessary statistics.

In order to avoid this, you need to specify the requests to the maximum. Moreover, since we are interested in customer demand, I recommend adding words to the query that indicate the user’s desire to purchase the product now or in the near future. These words include " buy», « price» and the like.

Headphones are completely different, for example - wired and wireless; in turn, wireless can be via radio and bluetooth; Also, headphones can be broken down according to certain features and properties - in-ear headphones, over-ear headphones, monitor headphones, gaming headphones, studio headphones, etc., not to mention the fact that there are quite a large number of different manufacturers of headphones. In short, different variations of the sea. And we will have to go through a huge number of possible variations.

By the way, do not forget to use the Russian spelling of brands - “ sony headphones», « samsung headphones», « headphones bits"and so on.

It is absolutely not superfluous to look at the history of requests. This is useful for seasonal products, such as swimwear, barbecues, garden tools, etc., request this much more in the summer.

In general, by carrying out such simple actions, you can get a picture of what buyers are most often looking for. However, in many niches, including headphones, the assortment is formed from a large number of specific models, and not generally taken requests.

Wordstat will help us here too, as you can look at each model and form a picture for yourself of what is selling well and what is bad. Let's do this on the Sony MDR-ZX310 model shown in the screenshot above. Even without the words "buy" and "MDR". We get the following picture:

Not much happened, a total of 77 requests. If we remove the word "headphones", we get more - 321 requests. If we sort through all sorts of options, including Russian spelling, then at best we get about 450-500 (per month). That for the region "Moscow and the region" is a very modest indicator.

Let's try to calculate the approximate consumer demand using wordstat. Let's take an average good conversion for all stores on the market in the amount of 2%. We get the following calculation: 500 * 2% = 10 sales. Because There are a lot of stores selling headphones on the market, it can be assumed that the most popular of them sell this model individually. Is this really so, we'll get a little later.

2. Determine the demand using Yandex Market

Another way to determine customer demand is Yandex.Market. This is especially true for product categories where there is a model range. Headphones have a model range, and, in the market, in a large number of cases, the so-called “model cards” are introduced, inside which all the prices of stores for this particular model are presented.

Also, the default Market for model cards is sorted “by popularity”. In other words, you can clearly see the popularity of a particular model, as well as:

  • Prices "from and to";
  • The number of competitors;
  • Reviews on the model and the total rating by users.

Here it is worth understanding that popularity is clickability (card views), but not purchasing power. Of course, this is partly related, but there are exceptions.

To assess consumer demand, it is necessary to pay attention to the number of competitors. In many cases, the classic rule applies - "demand creates supply." The higher the consumer demand, the more stores tend to sell this product, the more competitors accordingly become. In the screenshot above, you can see that the most popular models are from Panasonic and Philips, both models have 300+ offers (prices), each model has more than 200 reviews and a high rating. Which confirms that there is a consumer demand here.

Let's now look at the same Sony ZX310 headphones that we considered in the wordstat. To do this, in the Market, on the right, in the "Manufacturer" filter, check the "sony" box and get the following result:

As you can see, our headphones are in the TOP3 in terms of popularity among Sony. A good rating, 70 reviews and high competition indicate that the headphones are popular. This does not mean that they are sold by the piece. Believe me, as a person who has been selling electronics for a very long time!

As you can see, this is at odds with the wordstat picture. And there are many such examples, actually. And the reverse, when there are a lot of requests, but they are reluctant to buy. This may be when the model is well advertised, but turned out to be unsuccessful, and reviews of the model bury all sales. A potential buyer, after reading reviews, is no longer burning with a special desire to buy this particular model.

By the way, on the Market you can see the dynamics of changes in the average price in the market, which is also sometimes very useful when assessing demand. Because The cost of the goods plays an important role here.

Just like in wordstat, you can see the results for different regions on the market. So according to Sony headphones, in the city of Novosibirsk, the third most popular model will be “MBR-XB450AP”:

In addition to the above, you can indirectly reinforce your guesses about demand by estimating the number of text and video reviews. Today it can also be seen in the model card on the market. On an unpopular product, as a rule, they do not shoot a large number of videos and do not write detailed reviews.

In the same niches where the model card is not on the market, it is more difficult to determine the demand. It is necessary to analyze the number of competitors' applications in a specific price range by searching the market. In addition to Yandex.Market, in some cases, you can use others in your region.

3. We determine the demand for the range of competitors

If there are large competitors in your niche who sell goods from their warehouse, then you are in luck. In large stores, the selection of a liquid assortment is carefully approached and they are struggling with illiquid assets in the warehouse. Therefore, such competitors can be partially guided by the range of products that are in demand among buyers.

Here you can also sort "by popularity" and product reviews. True, sorting in stores can not always be true, so I recommend checking it out at several large stores with a cross assortment in order to understand whether the picture is similar to the truth. Large stores very rarely wind up product reviews on their own, tk. they already have a fairly large audience, properly stimulating which, real customer reviews appear.

If there are no major players in your niche, then it is more difficult to predict. Because small stores very often do not guess with the assortment or work from the warehouse of the supplier, laying out the entire assortment that he has - for you it will only be a snag. Here, rather, you need to analyze a large number of stores and determine the cross assortment.

4. We determine the demand according to information from suppliers

Suppliers are entrepreneurs just like you, only selling in bulk. Today, by the way, it is becoming fashionable to have your own online store for a supplier, where goods can be bought not only by companies, but also by any individual.

Demand can be determined in this way in two ways. The first is when communicating with a supplier (or personal manager), the second is when analyzing the price list. Let's start in order.

Option one. This is the easiest way to find out the demand for a product. You do not have a single supplier, and many of your competitors also stock through it. And accordingly, the supplier sees which goods are popular, and which are not very in demand. Many wholesalers are also not interested in their warehouse becoming illiquid and react to the market by buying hot goods in large quantities. The supplier himself can tell you with pleasure which goods are in demand and which are not. Moreover, it may even draw your attention to a number of nuances that should be considered when selling. Of course, you do not need to blindly trust the words of the supplier and it makes sense to double-check them using the methods described above. And if you can confirm his words, then you can continue communication in this vein. Unscrupulous suppliers will naturally try to deceive you and pass off illiquid assets as a hot commodity, here you need to be careful.

Second option. This is an analysis of the exit at the supplier's price list. Usually, suppliers send their price list with some frequency, for example, once a day or every other day. Naturally, the same price goes to numerous competitors who order interesting and popular goods in their store. Here, of course, patience is required, because. you need to collect several price lists in order to track the dynamics of changes at the supplier. Of course, if the supplier has a huge assortment, then manually assessing this is quite difficult, but fortunately, this can be automated by writing a small program that will track this for you and issue a report in a simple and understandable form.


There are other tools, for example, Google Trands or contextual advertising Yandex.Direct and Google Adwords - which are also sometimes mentioned in some articles. I would not recommend analyzing by contextual advertising, because. a lot of money goes down the drain there, especially by newcomers, and this can only mislead you.

As for the advertised Yandex.Wordstat as the main tool for analyzing consumer demand, I hope you understand that it does not give a clear answer. Moreover, it can greatly distort the state of affairs, both up and down. I repeatedly burned myself on this until I began to analyze in all four ways!

Update 07/25/2017. Video on the topic

What is profitable to sell - 5 options for high-demand products + 5 fashion products + 5 products that are suitable for online trading + useful tips.

If you want to open a business related to trade, then you are probably interested in what is profitable to sell.

This is a completely natural question that arises at the beginning of the entrepreneurial path, because no one wants to work at a loss.

Due to the economic crisis, the purchasing power of the population has decreased, but people still continue to buy goods and use services.

It is for this reason that sales will always be in demand and profitable.

But still, you need to find your niche, analyze demand and set adequate prices, otherwise you can be left with nothing waiting for generous buyers.

How to determine the demand for goods that are profitable to sell?

The opening of any business begins with a market analysis, namely, the definition of demand.

Why is it so important?

Imagine that you find suppliers from whom you buy goods and open a stationary or virtual store.

In anticipation of the first buyers, spend days, and then weeks, and the goods are still lying.

But where are the promised benefits and profits?

Therefore, in order to avoid such a situation, it is necessary to conduct a demand analysis.

Demand Analysis Instructions:

    Contact the Internet.

    This will be especially true if you want.

    To do this, you need to study the query statistics using Yandex Wordstat and Google Trends.

    For example, you want to sell educational toys for children.

    To do this, type in keywords and check the number of requests.

    If the figure is modest, then this means that such a product is of no interest to anyone.

    In a scenario with a large number of requests, you have a chance to start selling your toys profitably, but at the same time, this niche can be occupied by many competitors who will interfere.

    Conduct a marketing analysis.

    To do this, check the supply and demand ratio in the selected niche in your area.

    Pay attention to what people are buying and which stores are empty without customers.

    Also check prices.

    It is possible that they are overpriced for some groups of goods, and therefore the population is not ready to buy them for this very reason.

    Decide on your target audience.

    Here, analyze the gender, age, purchasing power and location of your future customers.

    For example, people from a small town are unlikely to appreciate your desire for elite dishes, where one plate will cost 5,000 rubles.

    The same applies to the sale of agricultural machinery in the center of a metropolis.

    But if there are a lot of young families with small children in your city, and there are no shops with goods for them, but you see that there is a demand for them, then this is definitely your option, and you can sell them profitably.

    Conduct a survey of potential buyers.

    Make up a short questionnaire with questions, print out the required number of copies and distribute them to the residents of your city.

    Questions should be short and concise so that a person can answer them in just a few minutes.

    If you don’t want to bother with leaflets, then just conduct a survey on social networks.

    To do this, find the groups in your city and talk to their administrators.

    Try a trial placement of contextual advertising on the Internet.

    Let's go back to the online store.

    Thanks to this method, even before the start of sales, you will be able to understand what is profitable to sell on the Internet.

    To do this, create a landing page on the Internet (the user goes to it when they click on an ad), where you place information about the product.

    Of course, users will not be able to complete a real order, as they will be notified that the product is out of stock or there is a problem on the server.

    But by the number of transitions from the order page, you can analyze how interesting your product is to the public.

What is profitable to sell: 5 categories of goods "increased demand"

Everyone who is at least a little familiar with the laws of economics knows that demand creates supply.

This truly catchy phrase accurately demonstrates trade relations.

When the population has certain needs, then someone has to satisfy them.

And seekers of the answer to the question come to the rescue: “What is profitable to sell?”.

And it will be beneficial what the population wants.

High demand items include:


    But here it is important not to miscalculate, if there is one grocery store for every three residential buildings, then this is definitely not an option.

    To profitably sell food products, you can choose one of the proposed options:

    • opening a store on a busy street or in a new area of ​​​​your city (this is especially true in megacities);
    • opening stores with a certain category of goods, where you can offer customers a wide range of tea / coffee, dairy products, pastries, organic vegetables and fruits.
  1. Cosmetics, personal hygiene products and household chemicals.

    After food, this category of goods is in second place, along with clothing.

    Such goods are quickly consumed, so people must constantly update them.

    If you want to sell them profitably, then look at new brands, as well as those that can only be found on the Internet.

    Clothing and footwear.

    During a crisis, many are looking for an opportunity to save money, so it is profitable to sell inexpensive clothes and shoes.

    As a rule, it is updated more frequently among the population, so you can get regular customers.

    If you are ready for a larger business, and do not want to spend a lot of time and effort on advertising, then pay attention to popular franchises.

    They are profitable to sell, because the kids are growing fast, so parents are forced to constantly buy something new.

    Diapers, hygiene products, baby formulas, bottles and other goods necessary for children are in particular demand.

    Household products.

    This includes everything from small kitchen utensils to furniture and household appliances.

What is profitable to sell now?

Now let's move on to what is profitable to sell today.

    Small sports equipment and sportswear.

    If you take advantage of what is now the fashion for fitness, you can create a profitable business.

    Therefore, feel free to start selling home sports equipment (dumbbells, elastic bands, a stepper, fitballs, weights, etc.), as well as sportswear.

    Coffee scrubs and Black Mask.

    These products gained their popularity thanks to.

    And despite their great number, you can break through if you offer girls new manufacturers or a better price.

    Original accessories.

    With the right pitch, you can profitably sell phone and tablet cases, backpacks, bags, wallets, hand-knitted hats and scarves, trendy chokers, jewelry, pillows, cups, photo frames, candles, and home decorations.

    You will be required to create a certain concept for the chosen direction, and try to offer buyers something that is not yet on the market.

    For example, you should not sell bags and wallets that you can buy in a regular store, offer handmade accessories or in a certain style.

    Antistress coloring pages (coloring pages for adults).

    This is the bestseller of this and last year.

    You can really get hooked on these coloring pages, and having decorated one copy, you want to start a new one.

    Plus, it's a great gift.

    Therefore, look for a variety of options so that the buyer can choose what he likes.

    Beard care products.

    Again, it was fashion that left its mark here.

    Increasingly, on the streets you can see young people and men who are growing a beard.

    Therefore, various means for their care are extremely relevant.

    Open a small conceptual and stylish store with a wide range of beard care products (oil, gel, wax, shampoo), or create a website selling them.

    The second option is even more profitable, since you do not need to pay for the maintenance of a stationary point of sale.

What is profitable to sell online?

We smoothly approached the topic of what is profitable to sell on the Internet.

The volume of online shopping is increasing every year, because buyers derive only advantages from them:

  • no need to go anywhere and look for something,
  • you can buy everything that you can’t get in your city,
  • there is an opportunity to think it over and find a product at a better price.

Of course, it is profitable to sell clothes, cosmetics, children's, sports and household goods on the Internet.

But in this section I want to talk about those categories that we have not yet touched on.

5 Profitable Items to Sell Online:

    Electronic equipment and accessories to it.

    This includes smartphones, tablets, e-readers, smart watches, portable chargers, headphones, cases, screen protectors and films.

    A markup of 200-400% allows you to profitably sell goods and quickly recoup your investment.

    Despite the crisis, people periodically change their electronic equipment, especially since now it can be found for every taste and budget.

    Spare parts, cosmetics and accessories for cars.

    The constant increase in the number of cars leads to an increase in demand for various components and accessories for them.

    And during a crisis, sales on them increase to huge volumes.

    This is due to the fact that the population cannot always afford to buy a new car, so they prefer to upgrade spare parts for it.

    In addition, not everyone lives in large cities, where there is a huge selection of spare parts, special cosmetics and accessories for the car.

    And on the Internet you can find everything you need.

    Drones and quadcopters.

    Right now, there is a “boom” of products of this kind, as people love entertainment.

    By attaching a camera to them, you can view the earth from a bird's eye view, which, of course, attracts people.

    The relevance of drone sales on the Internet is due to the fact that initially they could be ordered in foreign online stores.

    In addition, it is in the network that there is a large selection of aircraft in different price categories.

    Goods for hobbies.

    This includes: embroidery, diamond mosaic, items for drawing, scrapbooking and decoupage, and more.

    Opening a store with this content is extremely unprofitable, since it is impossible to gather a large number of addicted people in one locality.

    LED lightening.

    In an era of colossal energy consumption, many are switching to a more economical consumption of light.

    LED lighting is 5-6 times more economical than incandescent lamps.

    That is why it is so profitable to sell new generation lighting.

    By providing a wide range of lamps of different power and price categories, you can satisfy the demand of customers.

To trade goods from China on the Internet,

pay attention to some of the nuances that are outlined in the video:

Remember, only after a thorough analysis of demand can you find out What is profitable to sell now in modern world.

Take your time and look at a few ideas.

Explore each of them in more detail, and choose what you like.

Only in this case you will be able to establish an interesting and profitable business.

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According to experts, many residents of Russia are increasingly using various online stores to purchase both household goods and essential goods. The statistics used in the analysis showed that since the beginning of this year, more than forty percent of citizens have used the Internet to purchase various products. As a rule, the age of the main consumer mass using the Internet to make purchases varies from twenty to forty years. It is the high popularity of e-commerce among the solvent population that makes many entrepreneurs transfer their business to the virtual space. In this article, we propose to consider the rating of the best-selling goods on the Internet.

Since the Internet is visited by a huge number of people every day, you can sell any product here.

Online trading: business relevance

Before talking about what people buy most often on the Internet, you should make a small digression and consider the relevance of e-commerce. According to statistics, more than seventy percent of the territory of Russia is covered by the World Wide Web. This means that residents of all regions of the Russian Federation have the opportunity to use online stores for shopping. Quite interesting is the fact that in the early stages of the development of e-commerce, the main consumer mass was young people. Today, the picture has changed significantly, as the age of the average online shopper ranges from twenty to forty years. These changes have left their mark both on the total sales volume and on the demand for different product groups.

It should be noted that shopping on the Internet is beneficial for both the buyer and the seller. The main advantage of online stores is relatively low prices compared to "physical" outlets. However, few buyers think about how the cost of goods is formed. Included in the price of each product offered is a markup, which includes all seller's costs associated with acquiring, transporting, and storing the product. Business on the Internet allows you to significantly reduce the level of commodity margins, by reducing associated costs. In this case, the entrepreneur does not need to spend part of the profit on renting a trading floor, paying utility bills or salaries to sellers. It is the rejection of these costs that will significantly reduce the final cost of the goods.

The relevance of e-commerce is closely related to the difficult economic conditions. As practice shows, during the economic crisis, the demand for expensive goods increases. As a rule, people who worry about their financial condition in advance invest their money in the purchase of expensive jewelry and antiques. Such purchases allow you to protect funds from a possible increase in inflation, since precious metals and antiques always have a high value. It is this aspect that explains the growth in demand for the above products.

As practice shows, during the economic crisis, there is a drop in demand for goods presented in the middle price segment. Many people who want to save their money begin to give up many familiar things. Many financial analysts do not recommend budding entrepreneurs to sell such products. If you want to get a stable profit and a business with high development prospects, you need to choose goods that belong to the category of cheap products.

Before creating an online store, you should carefully study the sales statistics in recent years

Today, consumers demand inexpensive clothes, furniture and household appliances that have an average level of quality and low cost. . If you want to go into e-commerce, it is very important to determine the consumer audience. Choosing expensive goods that are in demand among high-income citizens will allow you to make big profits. However, it should be understood that the number of orders cannot be compared with the turnover of cheap goods at low prices.

What not to sell

A novice entrepreneur who is interested in the question of what is most bought over the Internet should familiarize himself with the current legislation governing e-commerce. There are regulations that contain a list of products prohibited for sale. Such products include medicines and narcotic drugs, alcoholic beverages, precious stones, military and edged weapons, as well as food.

It is the last product category that should be given special attention. Beginners are not recommended to sell those goods that have a short shelf life. Under current law, the restriction on food products does not apply to soft drinks and ice cream. Also, each entrepreneur has the right to engage in the sale of bakery and confectionery products via the Internet. In this case, the only requirement of the regulatory authorities is the presence of factory packaging.

Before you start creating your own online store, an entrepreneur should study all aspects of the chosen field.

There are product categories that are not recommended for sale due to the high level of competition in this segment. An example is online stores specializing in the sale of small household appliances and electronic gadgets. This market segment has the highest level of competition due to the high popularity of both physical trade brands (M-Video, Eldorado) and foreign virtual platforms (Aliexpress, Amazon).

Top Best Selling Items

Clothing, accessories and footwear

According to statistics, this category of goods is in demand among twelve percent of domestic Internet users. As a rule, most people purchase products from famous and well-known brands. It should be noted that the low demand for this product group in the vastness of the virtual space is explained by the fact that not every person is able to determine the appropriate one for himself. shoe or clothing size.

Thousands of users order products online every year

Books, computer applications and games

This product group occupies the second line of our rating. The high volume of sales of goods from this category is explained by the simple fact that not a single "physical" store can be compared with the Internet site in terms of the number of presented assortment. In addition, users of such resources have the opportunity to order home delivery of goods, which avoids the need to visit several outlets in search of the right book or computer application.

Electronic gadgets and home appliances

The top best-selling goods on the Internet are headed by various devices belonging to this product group e. According to statistics, more than fifty percent of Internet users purchase phones and tablets, computer accessories, kitchen appliances, automotive devices and other devices via the Internet. It should be noted that in this market segment there is the highest level of competition, which becomes a significant obstacle for newcomers to the field of e-commerce.

Popular products bought in Russia

The statistics of the best-selling goods on the Internet allows you to visually familiarize yourself with the rating of the most popular products. According to the analysis of specialists, services for booking air tickets and tickets for various events are very popular among Russian residents. In addition, many residents of our country use the Internet to purchase large household appliances, clothing, shoes and software. The top seller looks like this:

  1. 3rd place– laptops and smartphones.
  2. 2nd place- perfumes and cosmetics.
  3. 1st place- small household appliances.

Below we offer to get acquainted with the most popular products among representatives of various groups.

Statistics data

Goods for women. As practice shows, most women choose online stores specializing in the sale of clothing and accessories. Wallets, handbags, scarves, dresses, jackets and other clothing are the most sought-after items in this category. It is important to pay attention to the fact that many women avoid buying shoes online due to the associated difficulties. In addition to clothing, many women are interested in perfumes, cosmetics, home and garden products, and kitchen utensils.

Goods for men. Men are much less likely to buy clothes online than women. This consumer group prefers to buy various gadgets, computer applications and car accessories. In recent years, experts have noted a high demand for "smart electronics". This product group includes electronic cigarettes, smart watches, quadrocopters and other similar products.

The advantage of selling through an online store in this case is that you can order goods anywhere in the world, so the range of goods on the Internet is practically unlimited.

Goods for children. Products for children are the most requested products, according to statistics. This group can include both various toys and clothes. Quite interesting is the fact that branded products are in high demand in this category.

Other goods. This category includes those types of commercial products that are in demand among representatives of different social groups. Let's get acquainted with the answer to the question of what people buy most often. The stats look like this:

  • various household appliances;
  • garden tools;
  • goods for pets;
  • goods related to various hobbies (hunting, fishing, tourism, etc.).

Features by region

The magnitude of demand for marketable products depends on the characteristics of the region where the entrepreneur plans to operate. In order to better understand the degree of influence of this factor, a practical example should be given. Residents of Siberia prefer to buy warm clothes, jackets, down jackets and cardigans in online stores. Residents of young regions are more in demand for summer clothes and bathing accessories. It is this factor that should be considered before creating an online store.

On the Internet, you can find many different services that compile regional statistics based on user requests. This information can help to compile a list of popular and interesting products that will be in high demand. Also, novice entrepreneurs should take into account the demand for regional brands. Many citizens of our country often purchase products with city names or district logos. Such souvenir products are most often used as gifts.

Analysis of the regional demand for goods is one of the important factors in the field of e-commerce. It is this aspect that can reflect the approximate level of profitability of the enterprise. As practice shows, in order to receive a regular income, an entrepreneur should offer his customers the products that are purchased almost daily. Before creating an online store, you should conduct a small analysis and identify all the components of the shopping basket.

Most often, consumers purchase clothes, shoes, accessories, appliances and electronics, home and garden products, cosmetics and perfumes.

Conclusions (+ video)

In this article, we examined the most popular products on the territory of the domestic market. From the foregoing, we can conclude that for each offer of the seller there is a client. According to experts, every novice businessman should correctly define his niche. The choice of market segments with a high level of competition can negatively affect the line of income and the rate of return on business.

In contact with

The Russian Federation is one of the most favorable markets for the sale of a wide variety of products. Many novice businessmen who are just deciding on the choice of direction are interested in the best-selling goods in Russia. After all, not always only popularity plays a role. The success and profitability of the project is affected by competition and other factors. In the age of high technology, you can buy anything without leaving your computer screen. The following describes the top best-selling goods in Russia, which are not only popular with consumers, but are also an excellent object for making good profits.

Responsible Choice

It was thanks to demand and fashion trends that the best-selling goods in Russia appeared (2016). Statistics show that, as a rule, start-up entrepreneurs prefer to work only with a certain category of products, most often it is no more than a couple of categories. On the one hand, this is correct, since the sphere of influence and the necessary knowledge should relate to a small area. With a huge assortment, it is quite difficult to track the popularity of a particular product. Each organization should have a top best-selling product, and the rest should only give a person a choice and show diversity. That is, if one direction was initially chosen, then gradually the business can be supplemented with related elements.

In the event that electronic space is chosen as the field for implementation, you can experiment. On the Internet, you can implement almost anything at the moment. However, no matter what method for doing business and distribution channel is chosen, it is still necessary not to miscalculate with the object. Properly chosen direction and scope will reduce risks and ensure fifty percent success. The top 10 best-selling goods in Russia in this case will certainly come in handy.

It is also important to understand how this or that will be bought in a period of economic instability. After all, during the crisis, the rating of the best-selling goods in Russia has changed somewhat. For example, it has become more elite products. This is due to the fact that the wealthy segments of the population, worrying about their condition and managing their money wisely, preferred to save or invest their finances in things. These include precious metal items, antiques and art. In this way, the rich protect their wealth from inflationary processes.

The top best-selling goods in Russia left the objects designed for the middle price segment. The people who prefer them have found themselves in a rather distressed situation and therefore began to switch to something that is of lower quality. These products also come at a reduced cost. For this reason, you need to be careful enough about the goods in this category, because in the event of a crisis, they will immediately lose their demand.

It can be concluded that, since social inequality in our country excludes the middle class, and the bulk of the population either skims the cream or is below the poverty line, then it is necessary to focus on such a market. Each direction has its own advantages and disadvantages. For example, elite goods can simply not be financially overpowered, and entry into this market is quite difficult. The sale of cheap products, of course, will quickly capture its audience and gain popularity. But at the same time, the minus of doing such a business is high and fierce competition. In this case, more well-known organizations and Chinese Internet sites will pull the blanket over themselves. And although the best-selling product in Russia (2016) is any gadget, it is almost impossible to snatch your market share in this area.

Clothes, shoes and accessories

The top of the best-selling goods in Russia in 2016 is headed by this group. This is not surprising, since the protection of the skin and the desire to express oneself are in the list of human needs almost in the first place. It doesn’t matter how clothes are sold, in a store or via the Internet, there will always be a buyer for them. You can create an assortment for different price categories. Thanks to this maneuvering, you can always adapt to the circumstances and find your target audience.

Selling goods in this category via the Internet, you may encounter a number of difficulties, but they are overlapped by a number of advantages. Twelve percent of customers become buyers of clothes, shoes and accessories through the World Wide Web. This business is a very good idea for women. The main thing when selling through an electronic resource is a decent design and content of the site. The photos should represent the item as accurately as possible. This will help prevent unsatisfied reviews and return problems. For a client, buying things on the Internet is always a pig in a poke. It is never possible to predict what kind of product in real life. For consumers, the Internet is a very convenient platform in terms of search. For example, in order to purchase your favorite thing, it is not necessary to go around a bunch of stores. All you need to do is type in the required phrase into the search engine. But this works mostly only for well-known brands.

In any case, clothes and shoes are the best-selling goods in Russia. Statistics show that twelve percent of customers are buyers of these products on the Internet. Other sources say that the most popular purchase among the fair sex is a dress. All this confirms the success of the business in this industry.

Event Tickets

The 10 best-selling goods in Russia continue tickets. After all, if earlier resellers were engaged in such a business, now it is more and more legal and simple. A person, as in the previous case, does not need to go anywhere in order to purchase the coveted ticket. All it takes is a couple of mouse clicks. In times of the development of Internet technologies, even such a service as selling tickets is not a problem.

Entering this market is very difficult. The reason for this is the high degree of competition. The problem also lies in finding potential partners. They must be directly the organizers of the events. But a serious attitude and determination will help overcome difficulties, because efforts will pay off over time. Not without reason, the best-selling goods in Russia include Internet tickets.

Cosmetics and perfumery

Continuing the topic of sales in the Internet space, we can say about the popularity of cosmetics and perfumes. The boom on them especially grows on the eve of the holidays. Many prefer to purchase this product, thus, only because of its cheapness. This is basically a conservative psychotype of buyers who, having chosen one brand, remain faithful to it for many years. And of course, do not forget about the huge savings in time and effort. The success of a business in this area depends very much on the quality of products and the way they are promoted. In this market, companies of well-known and trusted brands mainly have their stable target audience. Cosmetics and perfumery is what immediately comes to mind when choosing a gift. In the electronic space, about ten percent of users order these products.


People will always get sick, which is why the best-selling non-food items in Russia are medicines. This is evidenced only by a huge number of pharmacies, which are located literally at every step. When purchasing this product of the pharmaceutical industry, a person relies on trust. And even despite all the harm that pills, herbs and dietary supplements can cause to the health and vital functions of the body, they are in demand and occupy their niche.

If a person is engaged in a business related to pharmaceuticals, then he must be confident in the reliability of suppliers, as well as the quality of the drugs sold.


The best-selling product in Russia (2017) is lighting devices powered by diodes. This year, it was this product that became a breakthrough. This is largely due to the fact that it is more economical. Such devices consume many times less electricity, while its consumption is such that the service life is much longer than that of conventional lamps. And again, the unstable economic situation played its role, as people are trying to save their money, trying to save even on small things. The LED business is very lucrative. However, the attractiveness of this area is also its disadvantage, because competition grows instantly.

Printed publications

Although now electronic technologies are being introduced into all spheres of human activity, electronic books have not been able to replace printed publications. A person's desire for knowledge and self-education is an integral part of his life. This business is very successful due to its payback. After all, cheating on books can be almost fifty percent. Even under this condition, people will buy printed publications. They are one of the best-selling products in the electronic space. The popularity of books is confirmed by the fact that people read everywhere, even in public transport. But the search for the necessary literature is a very laborious task, so the Internet is very useful in this sense.


The rating of the best-selling goods in Russia could not do without this category. She takes her leadership positions quite justifiably. Indeed, without many goods, a person cannot imagine his modern life. Some prefer simplicity and cheapness and choose online stores. But most often people are afraid to miscalculate and choose well-known resources, so it is quite difficult to break into this market in the electronic space.

Most Russian residents still prefer to purchase equipment personally. Indeed, at the same time, a person can evaluate the quality of the purchased goods at least visually, that is, determine the model and make sure that there are no defects. But from this, the attractiveness of products in this area does not become lower. The most popular are small household appliances, such as irons, blenders, juicers, meat grinders. Beauty products occupy their niche in this sector. These include razors, hair dryers, epilators, electric shavers. Equipment for cars has its own segment - radios and navigators. The competition in this business is very strong, so it is difficult to break through with your home appliances project.


The best-selling goods in Russia are largely related to home improvement and the human environment. Therefore, furniture is popular among the population. If people do not buy it during the repair process, then they periodically update their homes with such elements. If we talk about the Internet space, then the popularity of this product is somewhat lower. Few people have the imagination developed enough to imagine and visualize objects in their head. Sometimes it is quite difficult to estimate the dimensions of various objects, especially in order for them to fit perfectly into the room space. Moreover, a person often relies on his tactile sensations, and since in the course of his life he will constantly have to collide and touch pieces of furniture, touches should evoke pleasant feelings.

The situation is different when people choose a model personally, but order it via the Internet. But the success of such a project depends on the promotion of an online store. After all, sometimes analogues of models of well-known companies are made by underground organizations. In this case, a fake may not be of very high quality. In any case, both those who want to save money and those who prefer proven brands make up a huge segment of the furniture market.


This product is distinguished by the fact that it is popular with people at different stages of the life cycle. They are relevant for both children and older people (although their acquisition is declining during this period). In the Internet space, only five percent of Internet users prefer to buy these products. This segment is due to only one reason - it is a wide assortment choice. The Internet is the place to buy something out of the ordinary.

A separate niche is occupied by handmade toys, which most often become not children's fun, but the subject of expensive collections. The advantage of this sector is that these products can be designed for different sectors of society and social groups. Therefore, the business associated with toys will pay for itself. After all, it may involve the sale of goods, both cheap and more rare and elite.

power tools

This list, which characterizes the best-selling goods in Russia, is completed by power tools. They again continue the line of goods for the home. The range of consumers for these products is somewhat narrowed, because the main segment of consumers is the male part of the population. However, among it there are those who prefer to save money, and those who want to have a quality tool in their arsenal. But since it is not possible for everyone to purchase original equipment of well-known brands, many online stores successfully use this by selling goods of a low price category. This does not mean that they are of poor quality. Even a Chinese fake can last a long time. Among the Russian audience, the popularity of this product is due to the mentality and craving of men for the work process. This explains the popularity of power tools in the country.

Chinese fakes

Although the top of the most purchased goods in Russia has been completed, I would like to tell you about another group. But these are not goods made using high-tech Chinese brands, but counterfeits produced by underground firms. Their popularity is due to the ridiculous price. An equally important point is that the Chinese have successfully noticed the psychotype of their client. They successfully manipulate the essence of people through the replica of famous brands. A person, seeing a familiar name, immediately draws attention to it.

But although everyone knows the low quality of these products, this is not always the case. There are things that are done very well. This is due to the fact that some organizations locate their enterprises in China because of cheap labor. Local craftsmen adopt the technology and distribute it to others. Of course, their target audience is very wide, since only a small percentage of Russian residents live luxuriously. Most of the population wants to buy more profitable, while adhering to a harmonious ratio of "price - quality".