How to open a business provider. Netsukuku - your own internet

Internet service provider, or simply provider- an organization that provides the public with access to the World Wide Web. Also, in the assortment of this company there may be other services that are inextricably linked with this network.

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If we consider such activities from the legal side, then the provider is a telecom operator that has a license to provide the following services:

  • provision of communication channels;
  • transmission of information over the network;
  • transmission of voice messages;

The Internet today is an integral part of life for every person, therefore, delivering the Internet to homes can make good money, but many mistakenly assume that in order to organize such a company, you need to be an experienced entrepreneur with in-depth knowledge in the technical field of this issue.

In fact, everything is much simpler, and the essence of this business is the wholesale purchase of the Internet and its retail sale to end users.

But, starting to organize your own business to provide services in this area, you should understand:

  1. Competition in this market can be very serious, especially within large cities.
  2. Large capital is needed to acquire a large amount of equipment.
  3. The registration procedure is very costly and can be lengthy (about a year).
  4. In addition to selling the Internet, you should make sure that the company has a customer consulting and technical support service.

Necessary equipment

In order to organize a business in the field of providing, you must have the following minimum set of technical units:

Server computers:

  • mail;
  • identificational;
  • terminal;
  • secondary;
  • control;
  • news;
  • registration;
  • settlement;
  • remote access;
  • master;

Some types of servers may exist on the basis of a single computer.

  • control equipment;
  • router;
  • routers;
  • protection against illegal hacking of the system;
  • network switches;
  • equipment racks and cabinets;
  • connection inventory;
  • various cables;
  • Printer;
  • administrative panel;
  • blocks to ensure uninterrupted power supply to servers and batteries that provide at least 1 hour of system operation;
  • a set of spare parts for repair;

Equipment is the main cost item in starting your own provider business, so you should consult with an experienced specialist before buying, which will avoid unnecessary purchases and contribute to optimal spending.

Organizational and legal issues of creating a business

In order to organize your business and become an Internet provider legally, you must go through the following steps.

Registration of the organization

Like any other business activity, an Internet provider should be headed by a person who is a legal entity. This is what dictates the need to first of all register an enterprise as an LLC and get the whole package of documents in hand to start the activities of an Internet provider.

An entrepreneur can choose a different legal form of the enterprise, but an LLC is considered the most optimal, due to the minimum size requirements.

The registration process itself can take up to a week. After the entrepreneur receives all the necessary registration documents, he will also need to purchase a seal. The amount of time it takes to open an account depends only on the bank in which it will be opened, this period can vary from a couple of days to several weeks.

For this procedure, you will need to provide the bank representative with:

  • copies of constituent documents;
  • copies of registration documents;
  • copies of papers proving the company's registration with the tax service;

Registration costs can be:

  • payment of a duty to the state in the amount of 4 thousand rubles;
  • the minimum amount of the authorized capital of the organization is 10 thousand rubles;
  • service of notarization of the certificate of registration - 100 rubles;
  • service of notarization of the charter of the organization - 500 rubles;
  • service of notarization of the memorandum of association - 1.2 thousand rubles;

In total, approximately 15 thousand 800 rubles are the costs of registering an LLC.

Activity Licensing Process

As soon as the company is registered, the stage of setting up its activities begins. To legalize the provision of network services, it is necessary to go through the licensing procedure and obtain a license for telecommunications services, since enterprises of this kind are recognized as telecom operators.

Here are the licenses that an ISP must have:

  • for the provision of telecommunications services;
  • for data exchange, but not in audio format;

In the course of work, additional licenses may be acquired if the entrepreneur decides to expand his business and provide additional services such as:

  • IP telephony;
  • hosting services;
  • data backup;
  • providing access to watching cable television channels, etc.;

An entrepreneur may well be engaged in the process of obtaining a license on his own, but if there is no experience in such a business, it is still better to trust professionals, so you can save valuable time and eliminate unreasonable expenses.

The time to obtain a license can vary from two to seven weeks:

  • verification - 2-3 days;
  • submission of papers to Roskomnadzor - 1 day;
  • consideration of the submitted application - up to 45 days;

After all licenses are issued, the entrepreneur can start his provider activities if by this time the technical equipment of the enterprise is ready for work.

How much will licensing cost? Obtaining only two basic and necessary licenses costs from 20 to 30 thousand rubles. Well, if an entrepreneur wants to immediately master additional activities, then this amount can increase significantly. In addition, the cost of licensing can increase the services of a consulting firm, in the event that it was decided to entrust the process of obtaining a license to it.

Creating a Site Project

After the licensing procedure has been completed and the provider receives all the licenses, the final stage of organizing the provider business begins. To consolidate the status of the company as a network provider, it is necessary to develop a project for a communication center and make its examination in the advisory bodies.

In order for the created project to successfully pass this procedure, it is necessary to create it in accordance with many criteria that apply to the developer of the documentation, the node itself and the equipment on which it was created. All software from such an enterprise must be exclusively licensed and have certificates from the Svyaz Union.

Only after passing the examination, the node is put into operation. It is this preparatory technical stage of business organization that is considered the longest. Only the process of developing project documentation can take from a couple of weeks to a whole quarter, and project expertise from several months to a year.

In order for a communication node to be put into operation, it must go through the following steps:

  1. Notification of the Supervisory Committee on the start of construction of the communication facility.
  2. Collection of a full package of documents for 113 orders.
  3. Notice to the Oversight Committee of the completion of the construction process.
  4. Submission of a petition for the appointment of a selection committee.
  5. Checking the package of documents by the inspector and inspecting the unit for compliance.
  6. Obtaining permission to start full-scale activities.

The cost of producing this final procedure can be:

  • payment for design work - 35 thousand rubles;
  • payment for an expert check - 30 percent of the cost of design work;
  • putting the unit into operation - 30 thousand rubles;

The total cost of this stage of registration can be 70 thousand rubles.

Business setup costs

Evaluating all the estimated costs, we can conclude that in order to organize a provider business, an entrepreneur needs to have a capital of about 90-120 thousand dollars.

The main expenses in this case will be distributed as follows:

  • 6-7 thousand will be spent on passing all the necessary registration and clearance procedures;
  • 70-90 thousand will be spent on the purchase of a complete list of necessary equipment for the smooth operation of the system;
  • 3-5 thousand will be spent on the design of office space and the purchase of furniture;
  • 2-3 thousand for the renovation of an office building;
  • 5-10 thousand to pay for the services of advertising campaigns;
  • 1 thousand will have to be spent on minor needs.

In addition to such solid financial injections, it is also necessary to take into account monthly expenses:

  • rent for the use of premises 3-4 thousand;
  • salary for company employees - 18-19 thousand;
  • payment for advertising campaigns 5 thousand;
  • other expenses of the enterprise -0.5-1 thousand;

Total monthly expenses of the provider company will be 26-29 thousand dollars.

  1. You should start your business by providing communication services in a small area.
  2. You should choose for your activities those areas where there is practically no competition, and the situation with the Internet is bad.
  3. It is necessary to develop a set of measures aimed at attracting customers in advance; it is possible to purchase an advertising campaign before the enterprise starts its work.

Starting your own business at the moment as an Internet provider is quite a promising solution. The communication services market is only 50% full, and there is still a shortage of such companies in the country.

Despite the large number of provider companies in Russia, the business of providing Internet services is promising. Entrepreneurs can profitably invest money by creating their own company, as the number of Internet users is steadily increasing every day.

The market for the provision of Internet services is expanding and needs new providers. First of all, this is due to the fact that in many regions new settlements are being built, entire neighborhoods of residents are being settled, and many enterprises are opening. Newcomers will have to connect houses, manufacturing, trade and government enterprises. Let's talk about how to become an Internet provider from scratch, and about the features of this niche.

Pros and cons of working as an Internet Service Provider

Before opening your own provider company, a businessman should understand the positive aspects of creating such an organization and be aware of its negative aspects. How relevant is the business in this niche today? Last year alone, the demand for the services of provider companies increased by 25% compared to previous periods. This suggests that the number of potential customers is actively growing. The advantages of maintaining a provider organization include:

  • a large number of populated areas not covered by provider companies;
  • high business profitability;
  • stable operation of the enterprise;
  • the ability to adjust tariffs for services;
  • connection of a large number of customers, subject to the provision of quality service.

Providers also have certain problems, newbies should also be aware of them. First of all, it is necessary to highlight the need for large initial investments to open a business. In addition, you need to be prepared for the fact that the procedure for obtaining certificates and licenses is quite long and complicated.

In addition, the activities of providers are directly dependent on laws that largely restrict their work. Nevertheless, in the telecommunications market, it is among provider companies that the most dynamic development is observed. In just a few years of active work, many enterprises reach a very decent profit, and every year its size only increases. As for the providers themselves, they are local and federal, while in the vast majority of cities and towns their number can vary within a few dozen.

How to become an Internet provider from scratch?

Let's consider the main stages in more detail.

Business registration

To start commercial activities in the provision of Internet access services, a businessman needs to register his company with the Federal Tax Service. We note right away that in this case it will not work to register an individual entrepreneurship, since work is possible only as a legal entity (LLC).

What gives the opening of a limited liability company? An entrepreneur will be able to quickly draw up documents and work according to the simplified tax system. Moreover, all the owners of the company are responsible for its activities solely within the authorized capital, therefore, in the event of bankruptcy, businessmen lose practically nothing.

When registering a company, you must specify OKVED codes. The following are suitable for the provider:

  • 61.1 - "Activities in the field of communications based on wire technologies";
  • 61.10.3 - "Activities for the provision of data transmission services and services for access to the information and communication network Internet";
  • 61.90 - "Other activities in the field of telecommunications".

It is also necessary to develop the Charter of the organization indicating its full and abbreviated name. This should also include information about the founders of the provider company, the rights and obligations of its participants, as well as the size of the authorized capital.

When the enterprise is formalized, it will be necessary to open a bank account, make a seal and design a communication center. The established company should be registered with the pension and social insurance funds. To arrange the equipment and start work, you need to obtain permission from Rospotrebnadzor, the fire inspectorate, SES and local authorities.

Obtaining a license

Companies operating in the provision of provider services, communications and radio broadcasting must have an appropriate license. To obtain permits, entrepreneurs need to contact Roskomnadzor. This can be done by submitting a request through the State Services portal (here you can also find out other information), by visiting the Roskomnadzor branch on your own, or by sending a package of papers by registered mail. As a rule, consideration of the request and issuance of permission is carried out within 1.5 months.

Important: entrepreneurs who want to organize a provider company or should contact the Federal State Budgetary Institution MIR IT. This is necessary to pass the mandatory examination of the communication center project. To develop it in accordance with regulatory requirements, you should contact the design organizations. The cost of such services ranges from 40 thousand rubles.

Room selection

To locate the facilities of a provider company, it is not at all necessary to rent expensive areas in the central points of the city. To do this, you can find a suitable place in sleeping areas or even in the industrial zone. It is advisable to initially find a room from 100 m².

Please note that providers are allowed to install equipment in the basements of buildings and in attics. If it is planned to lease space, the owner of real estate must submit a permit for the organization and equipment of a communication center there. Also, the entrepreneur needs to contact Rospozhnadzor and SES to obtain the appropriate permits, since such companies are subject to increased requirements. For example, the premises must be provided with properly functioning communications (electrical networks, air conditioning systems). In addition, according to safety rules, electrical equipment will have to be grounded, otherwise the state police will not approve the opening of the company. Renting premises costs from 100 thousand rubles a month.

Purchase of equipment

To become an Internet provider in a village or large settlement, a businessman needs to purchase the appropriate technical equipment. To ensure uninterrupted access to the Network, it is recommended to buy modern high-performance equipment.

This task should be entrusted to people who are well versed in matters of network equipment, otherwise the risk of significant cost overruns increases (this is also worth remembering for those who wish, for example, to become, because in order not to lose money due to lack of experience, it is better to transfer it to trust management to an experienced trader). The purchase of equipment is a significant part of the expenses of a young company.

The number of connected subscribers and the quality of the services provided depend on the correct choice of equipment. Approximate list of equipment:

  • assembly cabinets for equipment installation;
  • servers;
  • racks for equipment;
  • administrative panel;
  • network switches;
  • split systems.

To equip service and office premises of the provider company, it is necessary to purchase furniture, computers and office equipment. In order for the employees of the organization to perform the work, it will be necessary to purchase professional tools with which subscribers are connected, a large number of cables for various purposes and spare parts.

It is rather difficult to predict the exact cost of equipment, since it depends on the prices of the products of manufacturers and the number of expected subscribers. On average, the cost of organizing the work of a provider can be about 1 million rubles. In addition, round-the-clock protection of server equipment and the organization as a whole should be ensured. For this reason, it is better to conclude a cooperation agreement with the relevant agency.

It is worth choosing a security company in such a way that its specialists can connect a video surveillance system and organize an observation post. One-time expenses for these events will amount to about 300 thousand rubles.


To ensure the correct operation of the company, it is necessary to invite experienced specialists to the staff. Future employees must have a higher specialized education and an understanding of the mechanisms of the activities of provider organizations. It is mandatory to find a managing manager who will manage the staff and monitor the implementation of tasks. You will also need an administrator and an accountant. Approximate staff of the provider company:

  • director (managing manager) - 50 thousand rubles;
  • administrator - 35 thousand rubles;
  • assistant administrator (2 people) - 40 thousand rubles;
  • programmer (webmaster) - 40 thousand rubles;
  • support service operator (4 people) - 60 thousand rubles;
  • network equipment fitter (4 people) - 100 thousand rubles.

Thus, the cost of personnel remuneration will amount to 325 thousand rubles per month. In addition, it does not hurt to invite a cleaning lady to work, but it is better to conclude an agreement with an outsourcing company that will provide employees cheaper.

Service promotion

The maximum number of people in the locality where it is supposed to open should learn about the new provider organization. Without professional advancement, it will be almost impossible to achieve serious results. For this reason, it is better to contact an advertising agency. Specialists will develop an effective marketing plan for the promotion of the provider and will be able to competently implement it.

To begin with, it is recommended to use the possibilities of broadcasting advertising on local television and radio channels. It also does not hurt to place ads in the printed city press. You can also order services for advertising on billboards and other information platforms of the city. The distribution of leaflets, flyers and booklets in places with high traffic of people has a good effect.

To attract the interest of the target audience, the provider needs to have its own website in the Global Network. It should contain information about the activities of the organization, contact details, a list of services and tariffs for various packages for subscribers. You also need to create communities in social networks and link them to the company portal. It is advisable to come up with all kinds of promotions, bonuses, sweepstakes (for example, a month of free use of services will be a win) and other incentive events.

The management of the provider company should independently visit city enterprises in order to offer their services. To do this, it is necessary to study the needs of the target audience, draw up a unique selling proposition and develop a flexible system of discounts. Also, thanks to you, a large number of potential customers will know about you. At the same time, it is important to remember that the implementation of such a marketing move is possible only if the quality of the services provided is high. Capital investment in the advertising campaign will amount to about 300 thousand rubles. In the future, this amount will vary within 50 thousand rubles a month.

How to Become an ISP - Financial Plan

Before starting any business, it is a good idea to draw up a financial plan. Such calculations allow you to find out the amount of capital investments in the project, the mandatory costs of its maintenance and possible profit. We will carry out approximate calculations of the initial investment that is necessary to open a provider company. This:

  • registration of an enterprise - 18 thousand rubles;
  • obtaining a license - 30 thousand rubles;
  • development of project documentation - 40 thousand rubles;
  • examination - 23 thousand rubles;
  • rent of premises (at least for 1 year) - 1.2 million rubles;
  • purchase of equipment - 1.3 million rubles;
  • implementation of a marketing campaign - 300 thousand rubles;
  • other expenses - 50 thousand rubles.

Thus, capital investments will amount to 2.961 million rubles. You should also calculate the amount of mandatory monthly costs. These include:

  • salary of employees - 335 thousand rubles;
  • tax deductions - 50 thousand rubles;
  • utility bills - 30 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of components - 70 thousand rubles;
  • advertising campaign - 50 thousand rubles;
  • other expenses - 20 thousand rubles.

Total - the amount of mandatory monthly payments is 555 thousand rubles. As for the estimated profit of the enterprise, it depends on the number of connected subscribers and the region. Let's give the average data on the work of providers: if there are 1000 active clients, the organization's income will be on average 690 thousand rubles per month. The payback of the project is possible after 1 year of work.

Important: we have given only approximate costs for organizing a provider company. They did not take into account the cost of purchasing licensed software. This issue should be agreed with the webmasters who will deal with computer software.

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Note that with the correct organization of the provider company, you can quickly recruit a large number of regular subscribers. Before starting a business, it is necessary to conduct a detailed analysis of the competitors' market, which will allow you to understand in which direction you need to develop in order to ensure a stable income for the enterprise.

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For many people even involved in business, the work of an Internet provider and the organization of its activities seems too confusing and technically complex. This circumstance largely limits the number of those wishing to enter the telecommunications market. Meanwhile, everything is much simpler than it seems at first glance.

If we consider the process of organizing an Internet provider as a business, and not a complex technical system, then everything can be simplified to three main steps.

Step 1. I am an entrepreneur!

An Internet provider - like any other entrepreneur - is a legal entity. Therefore, the first thing to do at the start in order to become an Internet provider is to register an LLC (JSC, CJSC, IP, etc.) and receive constituent documents. Registration of an LLC (JSC, CJSC, IP, etc.) takes from 5 to 30 calendar days. The immediate term for registration of a legal entity is fixed by law and is 3 working days. After receiving the registration documents, it is necessary to obtain a seal, notifications from the funds (FSS, PFR) and open a bank account. The time for opening an account depends on the bank you choose, and can vary from 2 days to several weeks. Please note that in order to maintain a bank account, you will need copies of constituent documents, certificates of tax registration and state registration.

Approximate cost: from 11 800 rubles

This amount includes:

  • The minimum amount of the authorized capital is 10,000 rubles;
  • State. LLC registration fee - free of charge when submitting an electronic application signed with an electronic signature. Without a signature, the state duty is 4,000 rubles;
  • Notarized copy of the charter and memorandum of association - 500 rubles;
  • Notarized copy of the certificate - 100 rubles;
  • Notarized copy of the constituent agreement (if any) - 1,200 rubles.

Step 2. I am a telecom operator!

After all the "preparatory" work is completed, you can start "fine" setting up your business. The ISP is the telecom operator, so you need to get a telecom license. For the provider, these are the Data Communication License, except for data transmission for the purposes of voice information, and the License for Telematic Services. If you intend to become a multi-service operator and provide not only Internet access services, but also IP telephony, hosting, cable TV or other communication services, you will need additional licenses. To clarify the list of licenses you need, you can contact our specialist.

You can issue communication licenses, as well as register an LLC, on your own, however, if you do not have enough experience, it is better to use the services of consulting companies - this will save you both time and money.

The time spent at this stage will be from 10 to 45 days. Of these, preparation, verification and submission of documents to the RKN takes 2-3 days, and up to 45 days, legally, consideration of the application to the RKN. For more information about the scheme for obtaining a license, you can see

approximate cost from 29,000 rubles.

This amount includes:

  • State. fee for obtaining 2 licenses - 15,000 rubles;
  • Services of a consulting company from 20,000 to 14,000 (Or you can try to issue licenses yourself);

After the license is obtained, the provider is obliged to start providing communication services. To do this, you will need the last decisive step.

Step 3. I am an Internet Service Provider!

With a positive decision on licenses, it's time to proceed to the final stage. In order to finally secure the status of an Internet operator, it is necessary to hand over the communication center itself to Roskomnadzor.

In the case of using ports with a design speed of 10 Gbit / s and higher in the data transmission network, it will be necessary to prepare a project for the communication node to hand over the node. You can learn more about designing. For successful commissioning, a communication node must meet many requirements. These requirements apply not only to the project and designers, but also to the technical equipment of the node. Hardware and software must have CCC compliance certificates - special attention is paid to PD and TM services servers, ACP (Billing), and channel-forming equipment. More details about commissioning can be found in the Rules for Commissioning Communication Facilities. The technical preparation stage is the longest. Designing a communication center takes from 2 weeks to several months, depending on the amount of work. After that, it is necessary to go through the commissioning procedure, which is about 4-8 weeks.


  • First of all check if your street is connected. If your street is on the current list, you can expect to be connected as soon as possible. If your street is not listed yet, in most cases this means that we plan to connect it in the future.

    Features of connecting the Internet to a private house

    To speed up the connection procedure, you can leave your address and contact numbers in any form at the office of our company or directly on the website through the application form, this information will be entered into the database for further work planning. When connecting your area, our managers will contact you by the phone number you specified.

  • You can get acquainted with the tariff plans on the website, or when applying for connection at the TELETEXT office.
  • Arrive at the office of the company and leave a request for connection. You must have with you passport the person to whom the account will be registered. It is important to note that the individual to whom the connection is made must be the owner of the home ownership and, at a minimum, he must have a registration at the address of the home ownership. Under other circumstances, the issue of the right to conclude a contract can be resolved by providing an extract from the house book.
  • Pay the cost of connection and subscription fee, according to the selected tariff, at the TELETEXT box office.
  • Get the Client's memo with the IP address, login and password for access to the Personal Account and the necessary information.


GPON connection cost:
10,000 rubles (until November 28, 2018)

Subscriber device: free of charge, upon connection.

Connection fee includes:

  • Assignment of a permanent IP address and subscriber registration;
  • The cost of materials and works for laying an optical line to the Client's premises;
  • Installation of a subscriber device in the subscriber's premises next to the socket;
  • Setting up a network connection for one Client PC to work with the Internet and local area network;


Residents of the private sector may need up to 60 calendar days to connect.

It must be taken into account that the provider's responsibility is the optical line in front of the subscriber device.

The subscriber device is installed in a heated room next to a 220 V socket.

Laying a network cable around the house and the cable itself is not included in the connection price, it is purchased by the Client independently, either from the provider at a price per meter, according to the price list, or from third parties.

The provider is not engaged in laying a 220 V electric line.

The debiting of the subscription fee from the Client's personal account begins only after it is connected and the account is activated by an employee of the company.

The boundary of responsibility, property of the operator, and the incoming free technical support service of the telecom operator is the communication line from the local network to the subscriber device installed in the subscriber's premises.

The boundary of responsibility, ownership of the subscriber is the subscriber device and the line from the side of the house.

The development of this or that business has always been dictated by the development of scientific and technological progress, new trends in society, and fashion trends. Today, young and developed people cannot imagine their lives without using the Internet. This creates huge business opportunities that will be associated with the creation of an Internet service provider.

Today, the Internet is the most popular source of information. He was able to replace books, reference books, newspapers. Therefore, the demand for the Internet is limitless.

A feature of the business associated with the creation of an Internet provider is its development exclusively in places where there is a great demand for these types of services. And that means big cities. This is due to the fact that there are mainly small private companies in the market that develop without state support. Therefore, in the outback there is a huge demand for high-quality Internet.

The advantage of business is also the interest of foreign investors in projects of this kind. Indeed, in regions that suffer from the lack of the Internet, there is a good chance of taking a strong position with several thousand dollars. And if the investor has significant capital, then they are leading positions.

The cost of this business, provided that you initially plan a business of moderate scale, will be small. If in the future you expand, increase the number of input lines, increase productivity and upgrade equipment, then profitability will not be long in coming, it will please you with fairly high rates. At the same time, you can be sure that the demand for the services provided is constantly growing and there is no seasonality.

To successfully plan and develop a business, you need to write a business plan. You can see such examples below.

Download internet provider business plan

Description of the business - contains a description of the work of the company in the field of Internet-providing services.

5 Steps to Become an ISP

A clear formulation of the business, its goals and objectives, a description of the services provided is presented. An analysis of the market and existing competition was made. A financial plan has been developed, in which sales forecasts and profit plans are presented in tables. The production plan contains a description of the technological process, a scheme for building an Internet provider node, a table showing the necessary equipment and its suppliers. The production plan calculates the required number of workers and their wages.

Business organization describes the creation of a service provider organization. Contains analysis of market segmentation, competition policy. Based on the key success factors, a comparative description of competing organizations existing in the market of this type of service was made. Much attention is paid to the pricing policy of the enterprise. The calculation of the cost of services per client was made. An analysis of distribution channels and prospects for its development are presented. The difference between this business plan and the previous ones is the presence of a legal plan, which describes the characteristic features of the enterprise, its features.

Technical and economic indicators - contains a business plan for a high-tech enterprise that uses only the most modern switching equipment. Calculations of technical and economic indicators were made: revenue, profitability, payback period of the project, cost of services provided. The technology of the process itself is described. Contains organizational and production plans, marketing plan. Particular attention is paid to the subsequent development of the business, entering new sales markets, and developing new territories.

Economic justification - contains an analysis of the economic efficiency of the project. A brief description of the analyzed enterprise is given, the organizational structure of the enterprise is presented. The indicators characterizing the solvency of the business are calculated: the coefficients of liquidity, agility, self-sufficiency, restoration of solvency. The analysis of indicators of financial stability of the enterprise is made. The position of the enterprise in the market, customer satisfaction with the quality of services provided are considered.

Residents of high-rise buildings in large cities and regional centers have no problems connecting to high-speed Internet. In megacities there is always a wide choice of providers of different quality and at reasonable prices. There are at least 5 providers per inhabitant of a 9-storey building in the city center. But what about the residents of the private sector or a small provincial town?

For such users, there are several options that are not able to provide users with a complete satisfaction of their needs. Local networks are becoming widespread. One smart guy “distributes” the Internet to the whole area - everyone is dissatisfied with the quality and price, but everyone connects and pays, because they know that not a single provider company will spend its resources on providing high-quality Internet to a small number of users. And providers can also be understood, they are not interested in laying kilometers of cable for the sake of one or two users.

Another solution to the problem is wireless modems. Yes, it is convenient, especially for laptop owners. But such modems have one, but a very significant disadvantage - there is not a single unlimited tariff. Even if it is located in the area of ​​​​excellent coverage, there is no way to fully use all the resources of the Internet.

Residents of remote corners are trying to solve the problem with the help of satellite equipment. Companies involved in the installation of satellite Internet assure that by installing their equipment for a "space" price, the user will receive Internet at any time of the day or night and equally well. People believe these promises and order installation for themselves. At the same time, very often the company forgets to indicate that satellite Internet works only for downloading and for feedback, an auxiliary connection to the mobile operator is also required. Moreover, users will find out about this after they have made the installation and used all the money on their mobile account. Satellite Internet itself leaves much to be desired in terms of its speed, and you have to pay twice as much.

How to become an internet provider?

In addition, the maintenance of satellite equipment in the event of a malfunction can cost a significant amount. Therefore, it is worth thinking carefully before installing satellite Internet.

Summing up, we can say that at this stage of the development of our country, high-speed Internet is a luxury, and not a means of information enrichment of the population. Therefore, before becoming an active Internet user, it is necessary to study all the offers on the market of providers that can provide a connection to the network. Be sure to find out all the connection conditions and choose the most profitable for yourself.

And, most importantly, do not be afraid to change providers. If you see a really more profitable offer, you should not be shy, justify yourself by saying that you are used to such an Internet, but you need to take it and reconnect. Because time and technology do not stand still. Let's hope that in the near future high-speed Internet will be available in all, even the most remote, corners of our country.

Network technologies, Wireless modems, Local networks, Satellite Internet

Every year the Internet provider market grows by 47-65%. This fact emphasizes its relevance and perspective. Of course, it is unlikely that entrepreneurs with a small authorized capital will be able to become the largest representatives in this area. But it is quite possible to take a leading position in the field of communications in the outback, on the periphery.

Types of ISPs

Providers are federal or local level. The former sell access to the network at the level of the region, district or city. The second - in separate small settlements. Sometimes, in some areas, there are from several dozen to hundreds of Internet providers.

There are types of Internet providers and the types of services they provide to subscribers:

  • hosting providers;
  • access providers: backbone provider - the owner of large backbones of communication channels, who sells traffic in bulk and provides services to other providers; urban provider - a small agent that rents traffic from a larger one;
  • backbone Internet providers;
  • channel providers;
  • last mile providers;
  • mobile commerce service providers.

Activities and services

Depending on their specialization, Internet providers can provide several types of services:

  • access to the Internet (broadband, dial-up, wired);
  • colocation works (installation of the client's equipment in the provider's node);
  • lease of virtual servers;
  • storage of subscriber information (reservation).

Technical equipment

When opening a business such as an Internet provider, the initial financial investments will be directed specifically to the purchase, installation and connection of equipment. On average, starting an average provider costs about 2.5-3 million rubles.

Therefore, it is very good if at the initial stage a friend who is well versed in communication equipment comes to the rescue. This will save on the purchase of unnecessary or analog equipment. If there is no such friend, it makes sense to hire a specialist.

The list of equipment is extensive and may vary:

  • web server;
  • mail servers (can be combined with web servers on small systems);
  • FTP servers (usually combined with web servers);
  • identification and terminal servers;
  • master server;
  • secondary servers;
  • news servers (option);
  • servers for development and control;
  • registration server;
  • settlement server (option);
  • typical server (on large systems);
  • router;
  • protection against unauthorized hacking of the system;
  • network switches;
  • racks for equipment;
  • cables, tools and control equipment;
  • remote access server;
  • administrative panel and office equipment;
  • uninterruptible power supplies (the battery life of which should be at least 60 minutes);
  • furniture, etc.;
  • replacement tools and spare parts.

Business registration - step by step instructions

In order to properly organize the activities of a communication service provider on the Web, it is necessary to register with the tax office, issue a license and obtain permission from Roskomnadzor. Each item must be taken very seriously. In addition, the legal registration of a business will be one of the first items of expenses that should be remembered and taken into account when starting a business.


Only a legal entity has the right to engage in Internet-providing. Based on this, the future seller of Internet services will need to register their company as an LLC. Consideration of documents for an LLC is carried out at the tax office at the place of residence of the applicant. On average, this procedure can take from 5 days to 2 weeks.

Registration of the legal entity itself takes about 5 days. It is also necessary to order and register a seal and open a bank account. It can take from 2 days to a month to open an account, it depends only on the internal rules of the financial institution you have chosen.

Prepare copies of the founding and all other documents received in advance. They will be needed for cash transactions.

Approximate cost estimate:

  • 4000 rubles - state fee for registration of an LLC;
  • 10000 r. - the minimum allowable amount of initial capital;
  • 100 r. - a copy of the certificate, certified by a notary;
  • 500 r. - a copy of the charter, certified by a notary;
  • 1200 - a copy of the memorandum of association certified by a notary.


The Law "On Communications" in the Russian Federation provides that an Internet provider can work only on the basis of an agreement concluded with a telecommunications operator and a license to carry out activities in the field of communication services.

Most likely, you will need to complete the following documents:

  • license for telematic services;
  • data license.

If you plan to additionally provide other types of services (cable TV, hosting, IP telephony), you may need a different package of licensing documents. In order to obtain a license, it is necessary to submit an application to the Russian Supervisory Committee. This is not an easy procedure and it is better to entrust it to a consulting agency.

Approximate cost calculation:

  • 12000 r. – state duty for obtaining 2 licenses;
  • 16000-20000 rubles - consulting agency services.

It will take from 1 to 3 days to receive and check the documents, after which the consideration of the application will begin, which can last up to 45 days. After the application is approved, having received a license in your hands, you can proceed to the final stage - creating a communication center project and obtaining permission from Roskomnadzor.

Obtaining permission from Roskomnadzor

This is one of the most important stages, which will not do without financial investments. It consists in creating a project of a communication center and submitting it for examination to Roskomnadzor.

The positive answer of the experts depends on the content of the project itself, the work of the designers, as well as the quality of the technical equipment of the site. All equipment and machinery must be licensed, as well as be tested in the Sviaz Certification System.

Approximate calculation of examination costs:

  • 35000 r. - design work;
  • 30% of the costs for the design of the node - expert assessment at the Federal State Budgetary Institution Center MIR IT;
  • 30000 r. - commissioning.

Besides the fact that this stage is the most financially costly, it is also quite lengthy. So, designing a node can take from 2 weeks to 3 months, and obtaining an expert assessment from 1 month to 1 year.

Step-by-step activation of operation:

  • notification of Roskomnadzor that the arrangement of the communication center has begun;
  • a package of documents regulated by order No. 113
  • notification of Rossvyaznadzor about the completion of construction work, with a request to appoint a representative of the RSN to the selection committee;
  • consideration of documents by the RSN inspector, examination of PD and TM units;
  • obtaining a document confirming the possibility of commissioning.

Selection of premises and staff

If you're serious about becoming an ISP, you'll need to think about office furnishing and staffing.

To equip a modern office, almost any room (attic, basement, basement) is suitable, the main thing is that it meets the requirements of fire protection, in particular, grounding and a fire alarm are carried out. And for the safety of property will have to resort to the services of a security agency.

If the premises are rented by an ISP, written permission from the landlord will be required for the site to be located.

A serious Internet provider company must responsibly approach the selection of personnel. Depending on the scale of development and the amount of work, the company may have: a manager, a system administrator, operators (technical support service), a webmaster, an accountant, a repair shop. It is very good if a professional full-time marketer will be engaged in the analysis of business development.

Costs and payback periods

Both the costs and the payback period of an Internet provider depend on the scale of work organized at the communication center. This business can generate income even at a relatively small cost, but the increase in productivity and business development will be minimal.

There are 3 options that a novice ISP can go for:

  • Option 1. Selling traffic to a limited number of clients (30-50 people). In fact, this is a dead-end option that does not provide for development and growth. Its essence is to unite several dozen clients in one local network. A project becomes profitable when there are 12-15 clients, if their payment for services costs at least $30-40. If the provider has 30 users, the full payback of the project occurs in 15-20 months. The disadvantage of such an ISP is the low speed of the Internet.
  • Option 2. Connecting users to the PBX via analog channels. Such a provider is able to provide an acceptable quality of network access and have more users - 160 people per 16-modem project. With an initial one-time cost of $ 15,000-20,000, the monthly profitability of a business can vary from 10-30%.
  • Option 3. Digital communication with PBX. The installation of digital access equipment will significantly improve the level of services provided. Access to the network occurs through the passage of a digital stream through the E1 line, which serves up to 30 telephone channels. This is a serious approach to Internet service provider and involves an impressive investment. Costs can range from $20,000-25,000 one-time and $6,000-9,000 for monthly maintenance. Despite the cost, the profitability of the project is also high - 30-35%.

  • The specifics of this business requires a professional approach. The Internet provider must improve the quality of services, expand the number of lines, and purchase new, more efficient equipment. Since the Internet provider is not a seasonal business, if you manage it correctly, you can achieve excellent results and high profitability;
  • Trying to gain a stable position in the market segment, add and develop new, additional services and services, keep track of what services competitors provide;
  • Fight for every client. Poor quality of services, low speed or "hanging" Internet - the way to the client's refusal from your services, and as a result, inevitable bankruptcy. Remember, there will always be a competitor in your segment that can offer a better connection;
  • When opening a business and drawing up a business plan, think through every little thing. Only painstaking and serious work will lead to success!