Tips for growing a pistachio tree with your own hands. Pistacia Chinensis or Chinese Pistachio (seeds) Chinese Pistachio lucky nut reviews

Briefly: Seed collection October 2017. Suitable for making bonsai. Description- an elegant slender exotic tree or shrub, originally from Northern China, the Anacardiaceae family, not at all whimsical to care for, it is also called Southern Spartan.

In its natural habitat it grows up to 30 m in height, has a very branched root system. Chinese pistachio is the most frost-resistant and hardy species of all its relatives, it is not afraid of drought, heat, it grows slowly and rather willingly branches.

At home, it grows up to 1.5-2 meters, it is perfectly formed in the bonsai style, although even without special bonsai training it looks very impressive and decorative. The leaves are oval, pointed at the top, have a strong pleasant coniferous-resinous smell, they are of particular beauty and attractiveness in the autumn, acquiring bright crimson tones, depending on the conditions of detention, they can shed foliage for the winter. It blooms in March-April, the inflorescences are collected in small brushes, after the flowers fall, the fruits begin to ripen until October-November. The fruits of the pistachio are small drupes, at first red, ripe fruits have a purple color.

Sowing seeds of Chinese Pistachio:

Before sowing, the seeds are slightly scarified, i.e. thin the upper shell by sawing or, rubbing it against sandpaper, then soak for 18-24 hours in warm water 36-40ºС (this is important) with the addition of stimulants (Ribav-Extra, Epin, Zircon, HB-101, etc.) to the water remained warm throughout the entire time, put it on the battery. The swollen seeds are sown in light loose sterile moistened soil, deepening by 1 cm (coconut substrate 50% + 50% inert baking powder: perlite, vermiculite, fine charcoal etc.). It is better to take a container for sowing such that the seedling can "live" there for up to 3-4 months, until the fragile root system gets stronger. The planting pot is covered with a film and placed in a warm, bright place, the germination temperature is 28-35ºС. Shoots appear from 1 to 6 weeks. Remember, the main components of successful germination of Pistachio are optimal soil moisture (do not overdry or overmoisten) and bottom heating. In summer, you can germinate in the sun, in winter, lower heating and additional illumination with fluorescent lamps are required. If you do not withstand these conditions, the seeds will rot.

Pistachio care at home:

Lighting: Pistachio needs a lot of sun to bear fruit, put it on the lightest window sill, in summer the east or west window will be best, in winter - south. It tolerates partial shade, but the shoots grow elongated and weak.
Watering: Daily on hot days, moderate on cold days.

Humidity: High, needs frequent spraying.

Soil: Pistachio is not demanding on the soil, the main thing is that it should be neutral in acidity, light, aerated and dry out quickly, because. Pistachio does not tolerate stagnant moisture.

Transplantation: Young plants are transplanted every year in early spring, adults once every 2-3 years, while regularly updating the topsoil. Pistachios have a very powerful and deep root system, so keep this in mind when choosing a tub or planter.
Pruning and pinching: At the beginning of the growing season, regular pinching and pruning of ugly, thin shoots is carried out, depending on your wishes for crown formation.

Fruiting: Pistachios grown from seeds begin to bear fruit in the 3rd year of life, cuttings plants bear fruit in the 2nd year of life.

Diseases and pests: Foliage turns yellow from excessive watering. In dry air, it can be affected by spider mites, whiteflies and scale insects, in which case it is necessary to treat with insecticides.

Description Reviews Images

    Pistachio Chinese - an elegant slender exotic tree or shrub, originally from Northern China, the Anacardiaceae family, not at all whimsical to care for, it is also called "Southern Spartan".
    In its natural habitat it grows up to 30 m in height, has a very branched root system. Pistachio Chinese - the most frost-resistant and hardy species of all its relatives, is not afraid of drought, heat, grows slowly and rather willingly branches.

    At home, it grows up to 1.5-2 meters, it is perfectly formed in the bonsai style, although even without special bonsai training it looks very impressive and decorative. The leaves are oval, pointed at the top, have a strong pleasant coniferous-resinous smell, they are of particular beauty and attractiveness in the autumn, acquiring bright crimson tones, depending on the conditions of detention, they can shed foliage for the winter. It blooms in March-April, the inflorescences are collected in small brushes, after the flowers fall, the fruits begin to ripen until October-November. The fruits of the pistachio are small drupes, at first red, ripe fruits have a purple color.

    Lighting: pistachio requires a lot of sun for abundant fruiting, put it on the lightest window sill, in summer the east or west window will be best, in winter - south. It tolerates partial shade, but the shoots grow elongated and weak.

    Watering: moderate.

    Humidity: High, needs frequent spraying.

    The soil: Pistachio is not demanding on the soil, the main thing is that it should be neutral in acidity, light, aerated and dry quickly, because. Pistachio does not tolerate stagnant moisture.

    Transfer: Young plants are transplanted every year in early spring, adults once every 2-3 years, while regularly updating the topsoil. Pistachios have a very powerful and deep root system, so keep this in mind when choosing a tub or planter.

    Trimming and pinching: at the beginning of the growing season, regular pinching and pruning of ugly, thin shoots is carried out, depending on your wishes for crown formation.

    Fruiting: Pistachios grown from seeds begin to bear fruit in the 3rd year of life, cuttings plants bear fruit in the 2nd year of life.

    Diseases and pests: Foliage turns yellow from overwatering. In dry air, it can be affected by spider mites, whiteflies and scale insects, in which case it is necessary to treat with insecticides.


    Before sowing, the seeds are slightly scarified, i.e. thin the upper shell by rubbing it on sandpaper, then keep it for 18-24 hours in warm water 36-40ºС (this is important) with the addition of stimulants (Ribav-Extra, Epin, Zircon, HB-101, etc.) so that the water remained warm all the time, put it on the battery. Next, the seeds are sown in light loose sterile moistened soil, deepening by 1 cm (coconut substrate 50% + 50% inert baking powder: perlite, vermiculite, fine charcoal, etc.). It is better to take a container for sowing such that the seedling can "live" there for up to 3-4 months, until the fragile root system gets stronger. The planting pot is covered with a film and placed in a warm, bright place, the germination temperature is 28-35ºС. Shoots appear from 1 to 6 weeks.

Pistachio nuts ripen on small trees up to ten meters high. Their homeland is central and southwestern Asia, southwestern Turkmenistan, Iran, Afghanistan. This is a deciduous, dioecious plant, so there are female and male specimens of pistachio trees. The pistachio tree blooms with panicles, ripe nuts are collected in dense clusters. sun rays. Pistachios are harvested at night, as the fumes released can cause headaches and dizziness.

When the nuts ripen, the shell bursts, exposing the nucleolus. Walnut kernels are eaten fresh, salted and fried. Nuts are added to desserts, pistachio oil is prepared from them.

Pistachio cultivation is also possible in our country, but only in regions with a subtropical climate and close to it. For normal growth, pistachios require a hot, long summer and a short, mild summer. winter period. Plants begin to bear fruit when they are seven to ten years old. It is necessary to have one male tree and several female trees on the site. Pollen from one "male" is enough for 10-12 "females".

How to grow a pistachio tree? To begin, select appropriate place, it should be with sandy drained soil, light, remote from places of constant congestion of people - this is all due to the same ethers that are released into the air on a sunny day. best type soils - dry, stony, salty.

Germination of a pistachio nut occurs as follows: if you managed to find a fresh drupe, then it should be soaked in a growth stimulator, then planted in a sandy soil mixture, watered and covered with lutrasil, a non-woven material designed to create greenhouses. Plants that hatch are usually very fragile, so it takes a lot of effort to grow pistachios from seed. In addition, it is difficult to say which of the plants that have appeared are “boys” and which are “girls”. A more convenient option is to purchase strengthened trees in the nursery - one male and several female.

For adult seedlings, you need to prepare large pits, between which the distance should be at least three meters.

Before planting, inspect the roots of the seedlings, cut off the damaged ones and sprinkle the cuts with wood ash.

Plant a tree, tamp the soil down and water generously.
Young plants do not require special care, watering once every two weeks is enough, which is reduced in the fall.

In the second year after planting, you need to feed the pistachios with potash, phosphorus and nitrogen fertilizers, water and make sure that the soil around is not overgrown with weeds.


Dioecious slender deciduous tree 10-15 m tall for growing in open ground(southern regions) and winter gardens. Beautiful paired leaves turn red in autumn.

In April, small flowers appear on the plant in small apical racemes. After flowering, fruits are formed, at the beginning of red, then purple color, ripening in October - November.

Chinese pistachio prefers sunny places and is undemanding to the composition of the soil. Cold-resistant, needs shelter for the winter, does not tolerate low negative temperatures for a long time.

Landing and Care:

Seeds are scarified before sowing (the shell is slightly superficially filed or soaked in hot water for a day in a thermos).

Sow in a neutral, well-drained soil mixture of leafy soil, compost and river sand (3:1:1) to a depth of 1 cm. At a temperature of 20-23 ° C, seedlings appear in 3-6 weeks. Seedlings dive into pots and grow. Fortified plants are planted in open ground.

Handles pruning well. Used to create landscape gardens, rocky hills, hedges. Often grown indoors as a bonsai.

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