How to measure body temperature with an electronic thermometer. How to use electronic thermometers correctly

Everyone is familiar with such measuring equipment as a thermometer. It is used to control the temperature level. For example, during illness or when tracking the day of ovulation in women. Therefore, there should always be at home. Electronic thermometers are replacing mercury. Before buying this equipment, you need to consider all its positive and negative qualities, as well as the peculiarities of measuring the temperature in the armpit, rectally, in the mouth.

Mercury and electronic thermometer

Features of the electronic thermometer

Modern thermometers are distinguished by the presence of a special sensor, which is located on the narrow part of the thermometer. After the temperature measurement has taken place, the result will be shown on the display in the form of numbers. Therefore, the second name of the device is a digital thermometer.

When choosing an electronic device, you should pay attention to its strengths and weaknesses... Positive qualities include:

  1. Safety. It contains no mercury, so it cannot be harmful to health. Suitable for use by both adults and children of any age.
  2. Versatility. An electronic thermometer can measure temperature different methods... For example, orally, rectally, in the armpit, elbow or groin.
  3. Speed. The procedure usually does not take long. On average, it takes about 30-60 seconds to obtain reliable data.
  4. Comfort. The end of the temperature measurement process can be recognized by the sound signal that the device will emit.
  5. Simplicity. The measurement result will be displayed on a special display. It will be enough for a person to just look at the scoreboard.
  6. Profitability. The device will turn itself off after a few minutes after use. This will help conserve battery life.

The market is filled with a variety of medical thermometers that can be equipped with additional features. The most demanded and popular are:

  • the presence of built-in memory. That is, the device automatically stores the latest indicators, which will help a person analyze changes in his own body temperature. Some models can store up to 30 measurements;
  • waterproof case. This function allows young mothers to measure not only the body temperature of a newborn baby, but also to determine the degree of heating of the water that will be used for bathing;
  • switching the scale from the measuring system Celsius to Fahrenheit;
  • display backlight. This will help you see the thermometer readings even at night, without getting out of bed to turn on the light;
  • tip change.

So that little children are not afraid to measure the temperature, manufacturers have developed special thermometers. They look like toys or come in vibrant colors. Nipple thermometers are available for newborns. They greatly simplify the procedure for measuring temperature.

Baby thermometers

In addition to its positive qualities, the equipment also has several negative aspects. Among them:

  1. Some models are afraid of moisture, so they cannot be wetted.
  2. The electronic thermometer should usually be kept for several minutes after the beep. This is inconvenient, as the extra time must be counted.
  3. The cost of a good electronic device is slightly higher than that of a mercury thermometer.

In addition, when buying a device for a newborn, remember that you can use it only until the first teeth appear.

In order for the data to be as accurate and correct as possible, it is imperative to follow all the instructions and advice of the manufacturer, which are indicated on the equipment packaging and in the attached instructions.


How to use an electronic thermometer?

To get the correct data, you need to use the equipment correctly. In this case, you should follow some rules:

  1. The sensor on the thermometer should fit snugly against the body.
  2. The most accurate results are obtained with rectal or oral measurements.
  3. The data can only be evaluated after the instrument emits a certain beep. If measurements take place in the armpit, it is recommended to hold the thermometer after that for about 2-3 minutes.
  4. When taking the temperature orally, you must not eat or drink before.
  5. It is not recommended to take measurements in the armpit after taking a bath or other water procedures.

Batteries also affect the correct temperature measurement. Usually one set lasts from 2 to 5 years. At the time when they begin to sit down, the thermometer may begin to incorrectly show body temperature. Therefore, it is recommended to change the batteries regularly.

Electronic thermometer battery

How to measure temperature by various methods using an electronic thermometer?

There are several ways you can use an electronic thermometer:

  • orally;
  • rectally;
  • in the armpit.

Using an electronic thermometer is not only much more convenient, but also safer. If the temperature is measured in the mouth or armpit, the algorithm of actions is practically the same as using a mercury thermometer. But there are also specific features. First of all, these include the time after which an accurate result can be obtained. It depends on the type of thermometer, as well as on the manufacturer. Usually there is an instruction for this, which indicates how long you can look at the result. For most models, this period is from 30 seconds to 1 minute. But in practice, it happens a little differently. If measurements are taken in the armpit, then after the sound signal, you must still wait about 2-3 minutes without taking out the thermometer. Only after this period you can evaluate the result.

Mercury thermometers are gradually becoming a thing of the past. The most important reason is that it is not entirely safe, because a broken mercury thermometer is a serious health hazard. An alternative to old thermometers is electronic temperature meters. There is only one but - they very often show the body temperature incorrectly. In the heading, we decided to figure out why this is happening and how to correctly measure the temperature with electronic thermometers

Principle of operation

The principle of operation of an electronic thermometer is significantly different from the classic mercury thermometer, which is logical. The indication of the temperature in the second occurs due to the increase in the volume of mercury when heated, which by and large makes it unimportant how to hold it. In electronic thermometers, the sensor is located at the end, so only the heating of this part affects the readings. The rest of the thermometer has only wires. It is for this reason that you must carefully monitor the position of the thermometer in order to achieve accuracy. If the contact with the body is loose or the sensor is partially free, the temperature will be lower.

The error of an electronic thermometer can be quite large (1.5 degrees), especially if you measured the temperature incorrectly and quickly.

How long should an electronic thermometer be kept?

Most electronic thermometers are equipped with a sound sensor that notifies that the temperature has been measured. But do not flatter yourself. Most instructions indicate that the beep is not a reason to end the measurement. Your temperature may still slightly rise by 0.3-0.4 degrees. So it's better to hold the thermometer longer. Or remember the difference that the thermometer shows a few minutes after the beep and add it later. Usually the difference is 0.3-0.4 degrees, but it's better to check it yourself.

By the way, in the USA the temperature is measured mainly in the mouth, and not in the armpit. In the armpit, the thermometer does not have time to heat up. Even expensive models of thermometers with an enlarged sensor, specially designed for measurements under the arm, show 0.2-0.3 degrees less. So you can try to measure the temperature according to the American method.

How to check the health of a thermometer?

If you are in doubt about the correctness of the thermometer readings, then you can carry out the following simple test using two thermometers and a glass of water. Take regular warm water and place both thermometers in there. The data will be the same after three minutes. This will give you an opportunity to judge how well the thermometer is working. If the data of the electronic thermometer is very different, then you have a direct road to service center.

By the way, the temperature test can be carried out not only on water, but also on yourself, by measuring the temperature with a mercury and electronic thermometer. Remember the difference in readings and then just add the missing degrees. Typically, the difference is about 2 tenths. On mercury 36.6, on electronic - 36.4. On mercury 37.5 - on electronic 37.3.

Final instructions: how to measure the temperature correctly

  1. Be sure to hold the thermometer correctly (vertically / at an angle downward, press firmly).
  2. Ignore the squeak, keep the same amount of time under the arm as the mercury one, until the temperature finally stops increasing (5-10 minutes).
  3. Add a fixed number at the time of the squeak (the number is individual for a person and a method of measurement).
  4. Measure the temperature not under the arm, but in the mouth.
  5. Buy a mercury thermometer, but with a sheath that keeps mercury out when broken.

In the article, we will consider how to use electronic thermometer.

Anyone is familiar with and has experience in using a measuring device such as a thermometer. It is used to control the temperature level. For example, in case of illness, as well as when tracking the day of ovulation in women. In this regard, there is a thermometer in almost every home. V Lately mercury thermometers are being replaced by electronic ones. However, before purchasing of this equipment it is recommended to study all its negative and positive characteristics, features of the process of measuring temperature orally, rectally and axillary.

How to use an electronic thermometer will be described below.

Features of the device

A distinctive feature of modern electronic thermometers is the presence of a special sensor located on its narrow part. Then the result is shown in numbers on the display. That is why such a thermometer is often called digital.

How to use an electronic thermometer correctly should be described in detail in the annotation.

When choosing a measuring device, you should pay attention to its weak and strengths.

Positive characteristics

Among positive characteristics such thermometers:

  1. Safety. There is no mercury in the electronic thermometer, so there can be no harm to health from it. The device is perfect for use by adults and children.
  2. Versatility. Electronic thermometer can be used to measure temperature different ways... For example, in the groin, rectally, in the elbow, in the armpit, orally.
  3. Speed. The device measures the temperature quickly enough. As a rule, it takes no more than a minute to get a reliable result.
  4. Comfort. The end of the measurement process is accompanied by a sound signal emitted by the device.
  5. Simplicity. The measurement results are shown on a special display. A person just needs to look at the readings.
  6. Profitability. A few minutes after use, the device switches itself off. This saves battery power.

Additional functions

Currently, the market offers patients a variety of medical thermometers, some of which are equipped with additional functions. The most demanded of them are:

  1. Tip change.
  2. Display backlight. Allows you to measure the temperature at night without getting out of bed to turn on the light.
  3. Switching the measuring scale from Fahrenheit and Celsius.
  4. Waterproof case. This function allows young parents to use a thermometer to measure not only the body temperature, but also the water used to bathe the child.
  5. Built-in memory. Such a device is capable of automatically saving the last measurement readings. This allows a person to analyze changes in their condition. On some models, the memory capacity allows you to store up to 30 results.

To make it easier to measure temperature in babies, manufacturers offer special baby thermometers. They resemble toys in shape and are brightly colored. For newborns, there are nipple-shaped thermometers. Such devices make temperature measurement much easier.

Negative sides

In addition to positive characteristics, electronic thermometers also have negative sides:

  1. Many models cannot be wetted - they are afraid of moisture.
  2. Usually, electronic thermometer you have to hold it for a few more minutes after it beeps. This forces the person to additionally time the time and brings inconvenience.
  3. An electronic device is much more expensive than a mercury one.

It is also worth noting that baby thermometers for newborns can only be used until the baby's teeth erupt.

To obtain the most correct and accurate data, it is important to follow all the recommendations reflected in the instructions for the device, where it is described how to use an electronic thermometer correctly.

Using the appliance

Correct measurements can only be obtained with the correct use of an electronic device. Therefore, it is important to follow the basic rules:

  1. The sensor located on the thermometer must be in close contact with the body.
  2. The measuring device gives the most accurate results when measured by the oral and rectal methods.
  3. It is possible to evaluate the obtained measurements only after the sound signal. For axillary temperature measurements, it is recommended to hold the device for an additional several minutes after the signal.
  4. Do not eat or drink before taking an oral temperature.
  5. It is not recommended to measure the temperature axially after taking a shower, bath, or other water procedures.

How to use an electronic body thermometer is important to know in advance.

In addition, the correctness of the measurements depends on the batteries. As a rule, one set is enough for 2-5 years of use. When the batteries start to run out, the thermometer starts to falsify the data. Therefore, it is recommended to regularly replace the batteries.

Techniques for measuring temperature using an electronic thermometer

There are several known methods for measuring temperatures with an electronic device:

  1. In the armpit.
  2. Rectally.
  3. Orally.

Using an electronic device is not only more convenient, but also much safer. When in the armpit or orally, the algorithm of use is almost identical to that of a mercury thermometer. However, there are specific features. Among them, first of all, is the time after which accurate data can be obtained. It depends on the type of thermometer, its manufacturer. As a rule, this time is indicated in the instructions for each device. For many models, this interval is 0.2-1 minute. But practice shows that this is not the case. When measuring the temperature in the armpit, it is required to hold the thermometer for several minutes after the beep. You can evaluate the result only after this time.

If the measurement is carried out orally, then the measurements will be reflected on the display immediately after the sound signal appears.

So, let's find out how to use an electronic thermometer for children and adults.

Obtaining objective results

The most objective and correct results can be obtained by measuring the temperature in the rectum. It is there that the temperature is as close as possible to the temperature of the internal organs. This method of measurement is recommended for use with pathologies of the rectum, disorders of the digestive system. In addition, this measurement technique is used by women when planning pregnancy in order to determine the day of ovulation. The most accurate readings can be obtained by following some simple rules:

  1. Before inserting the tip of the thermometer into the rectum, it should be lubricated with oil or petroleum jelly.
  2. An adult should take a position lying on its side, a small child - lying on its stomach.
  3. Turn on the thermometer, wait for the start of measurement.
  4. Insert the thermometer rectally, no more than 3 cm, holding it in this position with your fingers.
  5. Squeeze the gluteal muscles tightly until the result is obtained. This will prevent cold air from entering.
  6. As a rule, the measurement procedure takes 1-2 minutes.

When taking a rectal temperature, a person should maintain an accepted position, avoiding movement. In addition, abrupt insertion of the device into the rectum is prohibited.

After the end of the measurement, the thermometer is removed, the result is evaluated, and treated with a disinfectant solution.

How to use an electronic infrared thermometer?

Using an infrared device

One of the varieties of electronic thermometers is an infrared thermometer. To obtain the correct result when using such a device, it is important to adhere to several rules:

  1. It is important to eliminate extraneous air flows - heater, fan, air conditioner.
  2. The patient's forehead should be clean - no creams, cosmetics.
  3. If there is sweat on the forehead, it should be wiped off with a tissue.
  4. Wipe the infrared sensor on the device before use.
  5. The patient should sit upright during the measurement, avoiding conversations and movements.

To measure the temperature with such a device, it is necessary to turn it on, press the measurement button, bring it to the patient's forehead at a distance of up to 6 cm, wait for the sound signal.

Many people are interested in how to use an electronic medical thermometer.

Most popular electronic thermometers

Some of the more popular thermometer models are:

How to use the electronic B-Well thermometer? Press ON / OFF button to turn on. A beep will sound and all segments will be shown on the display for two seconds. Then the thermometer will show a test temperature of 36.5˚C. When ˚C appears on the display, the thermometer is ready for use. Then you need to install the thermometer under your armpit, in your mouth or in the anus and wait for a sound signal. Measurement usually takes 1-3 minutes, but may take longer depending on the method used.

How to use the Omron electronic thermometer is also frequently asked by patients. It is operated in the same way as the previous device.

We've covered how to use an electronic thermometer.

Probably, each of us has come across a situation where measurements of an increased temperature due to illness give rather ambiguous results: either the thermometer readings are too high, while the state of health does not seem so bad, then, on the contrary, we suspect the thermometer of diminishing the seriousness of the situation ...

Things can get even more confusing when you measure temperature with several types of thermometers: mercury, electronic, or infrared (also called electronic non-contact thermometer).

In the instructions attached to thermometers, you can find information that the error of mercury and electronic thermometers is 0.1 ° C, for infrared thermometers a little more - 0.2-0.3 ° C. However, you can also come across reviews of people who write: the error of an electronic thermometer sometimes reaches 0.5 ° C. The science department decided to figure out whether the most accurate is a mercury thermometer, the principle of which is based on the thermal expansion of mercury, and also to understand how to use electronic devices to measure temperature, contacting an expert and setting up your own experiment.


Vladimir Sedykh answered the questions, commercial director of one of the firms producing thermometers .

- Can we say that mercury thermometers are more accurate than electronic ones?

- Not. Electronic thermometers do not differ in accuracy from mercury ones: the measurement error of both thermometers is 0.1 ° C. The problem with electronic thermometers is that for effective temperature measurement, the thermometer must fit very tightly to the surface of the body, so it is advisable to use it in the oral or anal openings.

Almost all electronic thermometers are designed to measure a person's body temperature by oral or anal methods, but in Russia this measurement method is unpopular.

When using electronic thermometers, it is very important to observe the correct measurement times. The instructions are often written: the measurement time is 10 seconds. But it must be kept for at least 5 minutes. Usually the thermometer, when it takes the first value, emits a characteristic squeak. After this squeak, it is better to hold it for a couple of minutes.

- But if an electronic device determines the temperature almost instantly, why keep it for several minutes?

- Mercury and electronic thermometers take different temperatures: mercury shows the maximum temperature for a certain period of time. (That is, if you hold it for five minutes, it will show the maximum temperature that you had during those five minutes.) An electronic thermometer takes the temperature in a matter of seconds, and you need to hold it for a few minutes in order for it to average the value obtained. It is worth remembering that the body temperature of any person can fluctuate enough even for a minute. large values- up to 1 ° C.

- Is there anything else that could interfere with the accuracy of the electronically acquired data?

- The operation of electronic thermometers is influenced by another factor - the voltage drop in the batteries. As a rule, all batteries last about two years on average, if you do not change the battery in time, the thermometer will start to lie. Like almost all measuring instruments (for example, tonometers), thermometers have a calibration interval, usually one to two years. And the glass thermometer is not verified during its entire service life! Therefore, all electronic thermometers must be checked at least once a year, for some products - once every two years. This must be indicated in the technical data sheet of the product. Manufacturers usually write: the warranty for a thermometer is so many years. But if you read the instructions carefully, it will say:

in order for this guarantee to be preserved and for the device to show the exact temperature during the guarantee period, it must be regularly brought either to the service center of the manufacturer, or banally to the metrological service.

The cost of checking, or rather verification (metrological term), of one electronic thermometer can reach up to 1,000 rubles.

- What are the advantages of a glass thermometer over an electronic one?

- Unlike an electronic thermometer, the service life of a glass thermometer is not limited - of course, in the absence of mechanical damage. If you use it with care, then it will serve, one might say, forever. The accuracy of the thermometer does not change over the years, it is sealed, waterproof, anti-allergenic, does not require battery replacement. The only drawback of the old mercury thermometer is mercury, or rather mercury vapor. In Europe, these are prohibited, and glass thermometers without mercury have long been used there. More recently, these have appeared in Russia. In glass thermometers of a new type

instead of mercury, a non-toxic metal alloy consisting of gallium, indium and tin is used. This thermometer is environmentally friendly, safe and non-toxic.

- What can you say about electronic non-contact thermometers - infrared?

- With infrared thermometers, you cannot achieve an accuracy of ± 0.1 ° C, because the beam that measures the temperature passes through the air currents: an air conditioner, a heater, your forehead is wet - all this affects the measurement result. Of course, I cannot say for sure, but I have seen a huge number of infrared thermometers, and I have not seen a single one with an error of ± 0.1 ° C. The best reading is ± 0.2 ° C. Infrared thermometers are convenient for use, for example, in the airport sanitary area for quick non-contact measurement temperature.

- What thermometer would you recommend to use at home?

- In general, it is recommended to have at home one electronic or infrared thermometer for quick measurements and one mercury, or better glass mercury-free, to monitor the temperature in dynamics if a person is already sick. Although, of course, it is best not to get sick, which is what I wish you!


In the course of the experiment, the correspondents of the science department attracted colleagues from the technology department and used three thermometers: glass mercury, electronic and infrared. Five people took part in the experiment, each of whom measured the temperature five times: the first time - with a mercury thermometer, the second - with an electronic, but "wrong" method, in our usual way, in the armpit (it is worth noting that this method was indicated in the instructions for the thermometer as having the right to life), the third - with an electronic thermometer, placing it, according to the instructions, under the tongue, the fourth - with an infrared thermometer. The last time we measured the temperature again with the same thermometer, but before that we thoroughly wiped its sensor. Our results can be seen in the table below.

Toddler is a rather difficult occupation. It makes many parents worry - not only newbies who don't know how to do it right, but even experienced dads and moms. In fact, there are no particular difficulties in this. You just need to understand how to handle the baby and the thermometer. In this article we will try to figure out how to measure the temperature of babies.

Normal temperature. What does it depend on?

The body of adults is very different from the body of babies. In adults, everything is already "set up" correctly, and the crumbs are just beginning to master the processes of thermoregulation. At first, they had not yet learned how to track changes in the temperature of their small bodies. A toddler can overheat very quickly if a caring mother puts too many clothes on him. But just as quickly, he is supercooled. All mothers who are too worried about the increase (or seeming increase) of the baby's temperature should remember: when their baby is actively awake, his body temperature can be higher than during his sleep.

Constant control

For a baby that has just been born, an indicator in the range of 36.3-37.7 o C. is considered normal. And how to understand what a high temperature is? A temperature above normal is an indicator that the baby's body is producing special antibodies that are capable of destroying pathogenic bacteria and viruses.

In order for the baby's health to be under the tireless control of the parents, it is necessary to measure his body temperature daily. Only in this case it will be possible to find out in time when at least a minimal deviation from the norm has occurred. If the temperature has risen slightly, and the baby is completely calm, he has a good appetite, the parents do not need to worry.

When should the temperature be measured?

First you need to find out what is the normal and constant temperature of the little baby. To do this, you need to measure it daily for a week, then calculate the average (a regular table with numbers will help).

When and how to measure temperature for babies? This should only be done when mothers suspect that not everything is in order. The baby can become restless, sleep poorly, the skin will turn red, and the baby will have no appetite. At the same time, the mother can feel with her hand that the temperature is higher than usual.

It is also necessary to monitor the state in which the baby will be when the mother approaches him with a thermometer. It is best if the baby is half asleep. Adults should make sure that the baby is not irritated or aroused by anything while the temperature is being taken.

If the baby is crying, screaming, or is awake very actively, it is better not even to try to measure his temperature. It will only harm the baby. It is more correct when this process is carried out by people close to the baby, because he may be frightened of other people's uncles and aunts and nothing will work out.

We measure the temperature of the baby correctly

Not all mothers know how to measure the temperature of a baby correctly. For young parents, this is an especially difficult process, because they have not yet figured out what to do and why. Consider possible ways this, in general, a simple process.

The first way. You can measure the temperature in the ear, in the mouth, under the arm and rectally. The classic way of measuring temperature is a thermometer in the armpit of the little one. To begin with, you should comfortably sit the baby on your lap. After that, place a thermometer under your arm. While the necessary time lasts, you can sing a song to the baby, tell a fairy tale, talk to him. After a beep or seven minutes later, the procedure is considered complete. If the baby is very small and does not know how to sit yet, before starting the temperature measurement, he must be laid on the back.

What does the little one dislike?

And here is another way to measure the temperature of babies. This method is quite effective, but it is not very pleasant for the baby. Temperature is measured in the rectum. It is believed that this is the most truthful option to find out the exact temperature. The toddler should be put on the back and gently bend his legs at the knees. At the end of the thermometer, any baby or emollient cream is applied in advance. This thermometer must be very carefully inserted into the baby's rectum by about two centimeters. After the end of such a procedure, it is imperative to disinfect the thermometer.

Agde to measure the temperature of the baby yet? As an option - the ear canal of the toddler. The main reminder for parents: the measurement can only be taken when the baby is calm. By the way, during feeding, the baby's temperature may be increased.

And now about the normal temperature of the baby. Under the arm, it is 36.3-37.3 degrees Celsius; in the rectum - 37.6-38 degrees, and in the mouth - 37.1.

Mercury thermometer helps

Using an ordinary classic thermometer, you can find out the temperature of the baby in several ways. Let's try to understand how to measure the temperature of a baby with a mercury thermometer.

As a rule, mothers are used to the standard method, so they place the thermometer in the baby's armpit. In order to get information about the baby's temperature in this way, the baby must be laid on a flat surface - on a table, bed or changing table. After the thermometer has firmly settled in the armpit of the child, the handle must be gently held so that the thermometer does not move to another place or fall out from under the handle.

Another option is to place the thermometer in the groin so that the thigh can press it down. True, in this case, the baby will have to be put in a position that is not very convenient for him.

Not all moms and dads are sympathetic to rectal temperature measurements. But this method of obtaining the necessary information is the most accurate than all the others.

We use an electronic thermometer

With the help of an electronic thermometer, you can measure the baby's temperature in the same places in which they measure with a mercury thermometer. How to correctly measure the temperature with an electronic thermometer for a baby? It really won't be difficult.

By the way, some types of electronic thermometers can be attached to the baby's forehead (if he doesn't like it when the thermometer is under his arm) or carefully inserted into the ear. This type of measuring device will determine for itself how long it takes. After the end of the procedure, he will emit a sound signal.

Measuring the temperature of the little one will almost always be hassle-free and uncomplicated if the mother correctly selects both the thermometer and the method for carrying out the necessary procedure. Plus, everything must be done correctly, paying close attention to the child's condition.

One of the most convenient to use is a thermometer made in the form of a nipple. It is very simple to work with it: gently insert it into the baby's mouth, he will suck him for five minutes, and the temperature will be displayed on the display. But what if the baby is not familiar with nipples? Then you shouldn't even start using such a modern thermometer.

Accurate or not?

How to measure the temperature of a baby with an electronic thermometer? It couldn't be easier. You just need to attach such a magic device to the child's ear, put it in the armpit, or measure the temperature rectally (this was already mentioned above). Nowhere can you find data on the indication of the exact time of measurement: such a thermometer will emit a signal when all readings become known to it. As a rule, this lasts about three minutes.

But when using this modern device, you can notice only one significant drawback: an error occurs within one degree. And in the case of a serious illness of the baby, such an error can be critical for him. This is why many doctors do not recommend the use of such a thermometer.

Each parent has to choose how to measure the temperature of babies. Which thermometer he chooses - a classic mercury thermometer or a more modern, electronic one, it is up to him to decide. The main thing is that the baby is sick as rarely as possible.