Initial configuration settings.

The 1C:Enterprise 8 software system includes a platform and application solutions developed on its basis for automating the activities of organizations and individuals. The platform itself is not a software product for use by end users, who usually work with one of the many application solutions (configurations) developed on this platform. This approach allows you to automate different kinds activities using a single technological platform.

Areas of use

The flexibility of the platform allows you to use 1C:Enterprise 8 in a wide variety of areas:

  • automation of production and trade enterprises, budget and financial institutions, service enterprises, etc.
  • support operational management enterprise;
  • automation of organizational and economic activities;
  • bookkeeping with several charts of accounts and arbitrary accounting measurements, regulated reporting;
  • wide opportunities for management accounting and building analytical reporting, support for multi-currency accounting;
  • solving problems of planning, budgeting and financial analysis;
  • payroll and personnel management;
  • other areas of application.

Applied Solutions

Firm "1C" produces circulation application solutions designed to automate typical tasks of accounting and management in commercial enterprises real sector and budget organizations. Each software product combines the use of standard solutions (common for all or several programs) and the maximum consideration of the specifics of the task of a particular industry or type of enterprise activity.

Industry and regional application solutions are created by development partners and are designed for automation individual directions or business areas. All of them are certified for the requirements of "1C: Compatible".

1C:Library of standard subsystems

The developer tool "1C: Library of Standard Subsystems 8.2" (BSP) provides a set of universal functional subsystems and technology for developing application solutions on the "1C: Enterprise 8.2" platform. Using BSP, you can quickly create new configurations with ready-made basic functionality, as well as include ready-made functional blocks in existing configurations. The use of BSP in the development of applied solutions will also allow achieving greater standardization of configurations, which will reduce the time for studying and implementing applied solutions due to their unification according to the set of standard subsystems used.

Implementation of corporate information systems on the platform 1C:Enterprise 8

The experience of implementing applied solutions on the 1C: Enterprise 8 platform shows that the system allows solving problems of varying degrees of complexity - from automating one workplace to creating enterprise-wide information systems.

At the same time, the implementation of a large information system imposes increased requirements compared to a small or medium-sized implementation. Information system enterprise scale should provide acceptable performance in conditions of simultaneous and intensive work of a large number of users who use the same information and hardware resources in a competitive mode.

Work in the "cloud" - 1cFresh technology

Applied solutions on the 1C: Enterprise 8 platform can be used not only on your computer or in local network enterprises, but also via the Internet (“in the cloud”). At the same time, applied solutions are deployed in the form unified system at the service provider and on its equipment, and users work with these application solutions via the Internet using a web browser or 1C:Enterprise 8 thin client.

The use of application solutions "in the cloud" has many advantages - simplicity and convenience for users, saving hardware resources and reducing maintenance costs, etc.

To create cloud services that provide users with access via the Internet to application solutions based on the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform, 1C developed the 1cFresh technology.

1. What is 1s, the difference between the platform and the configuration.
2. Options for storing information.
3. Three-level architecture.
4. Technology support

What is 1s, the difference between the platform and the configuration.

The program is both a business solution software product and a development environment. It has many standard and author's configurations. To make it clearer the difference between the platform and the configuration, I will make a comparison with the Word program from the Microsoft office suite. The platform is equivalent to the Word program, and the configuration is equivalent to a file with the “*.doc” extension created in the program.

Those. having only a platform, there is nothing to look at and nowhere to enter data, and having a configuration without a platform, there is nothing to open. As a rule, the configuration covers some industry or subject area and solves their tasks, for example: Trade management, Enterprise accounting, Payroll and personnel management, Motor transport company. As for the development environment, a configuration tool is built into the platform and all existing configurations are created using it. Moreover, understanding the code is simplified due to the programming language - it is Russian. The main interface through which users work is Forms .

What does 1s look like?

Per last years 1s has undergone major changes in the interface, let's follow from version 7.7 to version 8.3 "Taxi"

Storage options.

Because the main goals of using programs in business is the accumulation of data for control and management, it is necessary to talk about how 1C does this. There are two types of information storage in databases:

  1. file- this format involves the creation of a file "1Cv8.1CD" on the computer, which is the database.
  2. Client-server- this format involves the use of a third-party program for storing information, and the 1c program refers to it in order to perform some actions on the data. Instead of the phrase client-server, the word server can be used, as well as a three-tier or three-tier architecture.

three-tier architecture.

With an understanding of the file version of building an accounting system, I think there will be no difficulties. I'll tell you more about the client-server. With this embodiment, the software package consists of three levels: Client, 1C Enterprise Server, SQL Server.
Note: The abbreviation SQL stands for Structure Query Language, which translates to Structured Query Language, but is often used to denote a type of server.

The main purpose of this system design option is to increase reliability and performance. The most famous third-party programs are: MS SQL Server, PostgreSQL, and the latter is free and comes on ITS disks.

Reliability is achieved due to the fact that you can work with the database through a specialized program that monitors the integrity of the data, makes archive copies, optimizes the time to receive data, etc.

Performance- due to the possibility of separating different logical parts software package to different computers. In fact, even with the client-server version, all parts of the software package can be located on one computer.
A simplified description of the functions performed by different parts of the software package will look like this:

  1. Client - everything related to the output to the monitor screen
  2. Server 1C - requesting information to the SQL server in the SQL language, imposing restrictions on user rights to the information received
  3. SQL Server - storage and modification of information.

If we compare versions 1c from 7.7 to 8.3 and single out one key difference, then we can specify the following

  • 7.7 is largely a file version, does not work fully with SQL
  • 8.0 single user system, does not have sufficient parallelism of multiple users
  • 8.1 client system, works with SQL, but most of the processes run on the client computer
  • 8.2 client-server, but with weak web client functionality
  • 8.3 web client, avoiding modal windows.

Technology support

The 1c platform supports many modern technologies:

  • com - allows you to access other objects regardless of the boundaries of the process or machine, i.e. read data from other applications. For example from Excel
  • ole - allows you to embed parts of other applications into forms 1c.
  • xml is a generally accepted format for data exchange
  • and many others.

Installing 1s is no more difficult than installing any application, the nuance is only in the protection key.

In custody interesting fact, under the decoding "1C" at first meant - no more than one second and was the name of a search engine, and not a company developing business applications.

For more than twenty years, 1C has been working on software, which allows you to automate accounting in various organizations.

The 1C program often means a combination of a platform and some kind of configuration. They cannot be used separately from each other.

Platform 1C

The 1C platform is the program that is installed on your computer. Only 1C developers can make changes to it. At the moment, the latest version of the platform is 8.3.

You can run the platform on your computer in two modes:

  • In configurator mode, a developer, which can be you, creates or modifies existing configurations. This is where the programmer will go when the user asks him to make some modification, for example, add a button to the form.
  • The end user is in enterprise mode. Accounting is directly maintained there: directories, documents are created, reports are generated, and so on.

Configuration 1C

The configuration is exactly what the 1C programmer creates in the configurator. There can be an infinite number of them. Most often, organizations use such typical configurations as Accounting, Payroll and Human Resources, Trade Management, ERP, Retail, and many others.

1C programmer can make his own changes to standard configurations or create new ones.

The 1C platform, as well as configurations, work only in combination. Just note that in order to use the platform, you need to purchase a security key. Configurations are bought separately, or written independently.


1С:ERP Short review configuration settings

Brief introduction

1С:ERP Enterprise Management 2 is a software product based on the 1C:Enterprise platform, which replaced such a solution as 1C:Manufacturing Enterprise Management.

1C:ERP provides the ability to maintain the following types of accounting:

  • managerial
  • Accounting and tax, financial accounting (IFRS)
  • Operational
1C company specialists had fun working from the bottom of their hearts, so after the first edition of 1C: ERP 2.0, edition 2.1 came out relatively soon, followed by version 2.2 (current at the time of writing). It is important to understand that these are not just release version changes! The production management subsystem significantly changes its functionality in each version of the program.
It is also worth noting the questions on preparing for the "1C: Professional" certificate separately ... There were probably so many shoals of inconsistencies in the wording and answer options in none of the sets of questions.
Now to the point :)

Initial configuration settings

It is necessary to start working with the program from the settings that relate to the subsystem "NSI and administration". And let's start by listing the main sections that need to be configured (this is the minimum list, we won't go without it) first of all

  • Section "Enterprise"
    Define an organization (To be able to keep records for several organizations, you must enable the "Several organizations" option)
    Specify an accounting policy for each organization
    If records are kept for several organizations, specify a prefix for each of them.
    Specify the work schedule of the enterprise
    Set the "Several currencies" flag if there are other currencies besides the Russian ruble
  • Section "Nomenclature"
    Specify the need to use several types of nomenclature
    Specify the need to use series and characteristics
    Specify the units of measurement used
  • Section "Sales"
  • Section "Purchases"
  • Section "Warehouse and delivery"
    Specify the need to use multiple warehouses
    Specify the need to use the delivery management subsystem
    Indicate the need to use movements and internal consumption of goods
It is important to understand that this MINIMUM necessary settings! And of course! This list does not represent even 10% of what needs to be done before you stop being a bad developer and become a good one in the eyes of your Customer / Management / RP, etc. But first things first.
I can recommend that you familiarize yourself (for a quick start) with the course from the resource "Courses-on-1C.rf":

1C: ERP is the most functional configuration from 1C. In this article, we will look at setting up the interaction of this software product and shop on the platform InSales. Before we start, we note that 1C: ERP is quite complex, requiring a separate, well-known specialist, software solution, so in this article (unlike, for example,) we will assume that your 1C administrator is familiar with product and knows where certain options are enabled and how to get to the section with the necessary settings.

So let's get started. Setting up synchronization will be carried out in several steps, at the end we will have a working synchronization that uploads goods to the online store and loads orders from it. Consider the integration setup algorithm itself:

  1. Go to the enterprises setting and enable the setting Several organizations:
  2. Create your organization:

  3. Go to item settings and enable the option Item characteristics :

  4. Enable Support Multiple warehouses on the menu Warehouse and delivery:

  5. Create a new Item type . Don't forget to make sure that you have enabled item characterization support for it.

  6. Go to sales settings and turn on Customer orders :

  7. Start creating Item position :

  8. Go to General settings and turn it on there Additional details and information :

  9. Create additional item details:

    You can create multiple features. For example, in addition to the list of colors for your Smartphone, you can create a string characteristic "The amount of built-in memory".
  10. Return to the creation of the item and create several variants of the product:

  11. Write down the product and put down prices for it:

  12. Start creating a standard sales agreement:

    Specify payment terms:

    Write down the changes but don't close the tab, we'll need it later.
  13. Go to the data synchronization settings and create a synchronization with the site:

    Open the app Synchronization with 1C and get your store parameters:

    Continue setting up the connection using the received data:

  14. Without closing the synchronization settings, go back to creating a standard agreement and mark that it is available for exchange with the site:

  15. Through the menu for creating an order, change the composition of the additional details of the order by creating two additional fields in it: the date of the order in the online store and its number in the same place.

  16. Also create a warehouse. We recommend removing the setting. Control collateral .

  17. Continue setting up the exchange node with the site:

  18. Carry out the unloading. After that, a new product should appear in your warehouse in the online store:

  19. Place it on the storefront of the online store and create an order with it:

  20. Perform the upload again. Go to Customer orders and make sure the order was successfully imported: