Modern forms of service in restaurants. Modern forms of service

The consumer decision making process. Factors influencing the decision-making process: individual, psychological and social. The process of understanding the needs of the consumer.

The impact of culture on consumer behavior. System of values. The influence of family, religion and education on consumer decision making.

The influence of ethnic culture on consumer behavior.

Topic 2.2 Place and role of communication between participants in service activities.

The concept of "contact zone". Features of the equipment of the contact zone. The relationship between a specialist in service and tourism and a client in the process of providing a service. service scenario.

Topic 2.3 Basic rules for customer service.

Rules for drawing up a contract for the provision of services, cases of its termination. Terms and procedure for compensation for losses to the consumer (executor) in case of violation of the contract. Payment for services.

Topic 2.4. Service standards

Section 3. Classification of types of services and the quality of service activities.

Topic 3.1. Classification of types of services.

Purposes of using service classifiers. Classification of services based on production-technical and functional approaches; for the intended purpose; according to the principle of materiality; by payment method; by complexity. All-Russian classifier of services to the population (OKUN).

Topic 3.2. The quality of service activities.

The concept of service quality, its main characteristics. Service quality indicators: purpose, safety, reliability, professional level of staff, social purpose, aesthetic indicators and information content indicators. Quality of service from the point of view of the consumer. relative quality. Methods for analyzing the quality of service activities. Service life cycle, quality loop.

Section 4. Characteristics of the main types of services.

Topic 4.1. The sphere of consumer services for the population.

Features of the provision of services for the repair of equipment, construction and repair of housing, dry cleaning, hairdressing, landscaping, cleaning. Characteristics of enterprises providing these services to the population.

Topic 4.2. Development of transport and maintenance services.

The main types of forwarding services, consumer criteria for choosing forwarding enterprises. Features of the organization of logistics services.

Topic 4.3. Basic concepts and definitions of tourist and hotel business.

The concepts of "tourist", "tourist", "tour operator", "travel agent". The main types of tourism, classification and characteristics of the main tourist and excursion services. The role of health-improving services in the socio-economic life of the country.

Topic 4.4. Features of service activities in the field of fitness.

Features of the development of fitness centers. Socio-economic prerequisites for the development of fitness centers in Russia. Services provided by fitness centers.

Topic 4.5. Characteristics of leisure services.

Directions for the development of leisure services. Classification of enterprises of various types of entertainment, recreation and culture.

5. Laboratory workshop

There is no laboratory workshop.

The implementation of the essay “Characteristics of service enterprises” is envisaged

(the student must, based on theoretical knowledge, analyze service activities in any area - car service, educational activities, shopping and entertainment, SPA and wellness procedures, medical services, funeral services, communication services, etc.)

Forms and content of the current, intermediate and final control.

6.1. form current control is a survey on the material covered, protection of reports on practical work.

form intermediate control is the rating control of students' progress, protection of attestation work.

form final control is passing the exam in the discipline.

6.2. Exam ticket form:

Federal Agency for Education

State educational institution of higher professional education


Service Form- an organizational technique, which is a variety or combination of methods of customer service.

The forms of service are different:

1. the nature of the services provided;

2. place and conditions for their implementation;

3. the nature of the work of the service personnel;

4. form of payment m consumers.

An example of forms of service can be the sale of culinary products through vending machines or self-settlement tables, like a buffet, the release of packed lunches.

Self service is a method of service in which consumers themselves perform a series of operations, and depending on this, the following forms of self-service are used:

1. complete. The consumer performs all operations independently;

2. partial. Part of the work is performed by service personnel or mechanisms (collection of dishes, delivery of dishes, conveyor for collecting dishes, etc.).

depending from the form of calculation distinguish:

· self-service with pre-calculation:

o the consumer gets acquainted with the menu, purchases a check at the checkout, receives dishes with a check at the distribution. The negative aspects of this form of service: the consumer does not see the selected dishes, deals with money;

o organization of complex meals according to pre-purchased subscriptions and receipts: tables are served in advance, then the set breakfasts, lunches and dinners are dispensed, which allows to speed up the service process. This form is used for catering for tourists, students, participants in seminars, conferences;

· self-service with subsequent settlement:

o with settlement after receiving dishes: the consumer gets acquainted with the menu, selects dishes for distribution, pays for the selected dishes, consumes and, finally, cleans the dishes. The advantage of this form of service is the possibility of a visual choice of dishes by consumers; negative points: the consumer stands in line, deals with money;

o self-service with calculation after meals. The consumer gets acquainted with the menu, chooses dishes, receives a check for dishes, takes food and then pays off when leaving the hall. Positive aspects: the service process is accelerated; negative: the number of service personnel increases;

· self-service with direct payment.
The consumer simultaneously chooses, receives dishes and pays for their cost. With this form of service, the release of products and settlement with the consumer is carried out by one employee. This form of service is used in PBO, buffets, snack bars, through the bar counter in bars.

Waiter Service Method it is used in restaurants, bars, eateries, as well as some canteens (at sanatoriums, rest homes, etc.). At the same time, the process of serving consumers, starting with their meeting and ending with the calculation, is carried out by waiters.

At full waiter service all operations are carried out by waiters. This type is characterized by a high culture of service and is used in luxury and higher class enterprises during the entire time the hall is open, during banquets and receptions, in the evening - in enterprises with recreation.

Partial waiter service involves the performance of a number of operations by consumers. Waiters deliver products from the dispenser to the hall, put dishes on the table, at which visitors serve themselves. This form allows you to speed up the process of serving visitors, increase the throughput of the hall and reduce the number of attendants.

When serving by waiters, the following forms of calculation are used:

1. preliminary. The consumer, having familiarized himself with the menu, purchases a check for meals at the cash desk. Also, this form is used when servicing participants of conferences, seminars, etc. In this case, consumers purchase checks or meal subscriptions in advance;

2. subsequent. The calculation is carried out at the end of the service by the waiters.

The considered forms of payment have two varieties: direct and non-cash payment.

waiter service by nature of work divided into two forms:

1. individual. All operations with the visitor are performed by one waiter, who is assigned a certain number of tables in the hall;

2. brigade. A team of several waiters shares all customer service operations (one meets the customer, takes the order; two serve food and drinks, etc.). This form allows you to speed up the process of serving consumers, it is also used when servicing banquets and receptions.

Combined service method consumers is a combination of different service methods (for example, self-service with waiter service).

In addition to traditional methods and forms of service, catering establishments use special (progressive) forms of service, the purpose of which is to speed up the service of a large number of consumers. Such forms are used to serve the participants of congresses, conferences, seminars, etc. These include: halls-express, tables-express, "buffet".

Express hall(usually for 40–50 seats) is organized in restaurants and cafes to speed up service to consumers with a limited supply of time. The menu is a set lunch. By lunch time, all tables in the express hall are served, a menu is placed on each table. As soon as the visitors sit down at the table, the waiters put appetizers and sweet dishes, then they bring soups, followed by hot dishes. The consumer's time spent on such a lunch is 15–20 minutes.

Express table organized in restaurants at hotels, airports, railway stations. It is designed for 20 people, has a round shape with a swivel central part, on which snacks, dishes, culinary and confectionery products, drinks are installed. The fixed surface of the table is served with snack plates, cutlery, napkins. Consumers, sitting at the table, independently choose products from the rotary part of the table. Waiters bring hot dishes and drinks, carry out settlements with consumers.

Catering by type "Buffet" serves to speed up the service of large groups of tourists, organized at catering establishments at hotels. Cold appetizers, sweet dishes and confectionery are put on the tables, and food warmers are installed for the sale of soups and hot dishes. The work of waiters is reduced to helping in portioning.

Essence of service technology.

A specific service technology is a set of interrelated expedient actions of an employee, the implementation of standard labor methods, as well as finding creative solutions implemented with the help of technical means and auxiliary materials for the production of a service or service product. In any technology, one can single out, firstly, narrow production aspects related to the ability of personnel to organize the service process, the skills of a particular employee to handle auxiliary materials, use the tools and equipment involved in servicing, etc. Secondly, service aspects that are aimed at direct relationship with the consumer, taking into account his requests. such a distinction is conditional, since these aspects of technology are closely intertwined. However, in practice, not every novice worker manages to master all these aspects. more often than not, the novice masters the production aspects more easily, while the service prowess comes later, along with experience. The bulk of service technologies is the result of long-term development of optimal service methods. It has long been a tradition to record in writing the purpose and description of technology. At present, such a description is presented in methodological documentation, which is specially compiled for any technology. These methodological documents must be well known by a person who masters a particular profession of sociocultural service. Of course, the development of technology is not limited to the study of its description. It also includes visual teaching by the teacher of the student in the "do as I do" mode, as well as the transfer of theoretical ideas related to this technology. Methods for describing technologies in service products, in the production of which complex equipment and a large number of specialists are involved, are compiled with particular care and detail.

The form of service is a certain way of providing services, consisting of a set of specific service technologies and benefits for the consumer. Within the same type of service, different technologies and different forms of service can be used, which are developed for the convenience of customers, to bring service processes closer to consumer needs. In different segments and areas of service activities, their traditional forms of service are being formed. The rapid development of the service stimulates the introduction of new technologies and more convenient forms of service for customers. Distinguish between obsolete and modern forms of service. Individual service is an independent type of service in many segments of service practice. There are many varieties of service that allow you to focus on individual requests in more detail, although this service becomes much more expensive than mass services. Personal service is easier to implement in the field of personal and recreational services. Service products are of high quality, they carefully work out service technologies, many of which may be unique. All this is reflected in the price of the service product, affecting a small consumer segment of the market, whose representatives have high incomes. For those service enterprises that are mainly focused on mass service, the individual form of service remains too laborious and unprofitable. However, despite objective limitations, personalized service finds ways to reach a wide range of consumers. Within the framework of mass service, elements of individual service begin to operate. Such options, where individual and mass forms of service are mixed, are widely used in the modern practice of tourist, recreational, and educational services. In the modern socio-cultural service, the growing popularity of individual forms of service is associated with a number of factors. At the current stage of market relations, it is impossible to completely ignore the individual needs of customers on the part of manufacturers. In various areas of the service business, the level of competition currently remains extremely high, which forces manufacturers to look for new ways to expand their clientele. Mass forms of service have a considerable number of insurmountable costs of a socio-psychological nature, which reduces the competitiveness of those firms that are focused exclusively on these forms. Subscription service is associated with the conclusion between the manufacturer and the consumer of an agreement under which the consumer, subject to payment of a fee, is granted the right to prompt service. Contactless service; home service is used in the repair of large equipment; taking orders at the place of work; self-service allows consumers to satisfy some of their needs for household services on their own; field service; the combined form of service consists in offering the maximum number of services at one place while ensuring the minimum consumption of consumers' time. In each type of service activity, in different forms of service, normative ideas about the time of service execution are always variant. However, this does not reduce the value of the time parameter. The time factor in all cases plays an important role and must be taken into account in any direction of service activities, in each type of service.

The ultimate goal of the production process at catering establishments is the sale of finished products and the organization of their consumption. These functions define the maintenance process.

The service process in public catering is a set of operations performed by the contractor in direct contact with the consumer of services in the sale of culinary products and leisure activities. The methods and forms of service at catering establishments depend on certain factors: the contingent of consumers, the place of eating, the method of obtaining and delivering it to consumers, the degree of participation of personnel in the service, the use of mechanization and automation, etc.

Customer service method - the way in which products are sold to consumers. In catering establishments, the following methods of service are available:

  • 1) self-service;
  • 2) service by waiters;
  • 3) combined service.

Form of service - organizational technique, which is a variety or combination of methods of customer service.

Service forms are different:

  • 1) the nature of the services provided;
  • 2) the place and conditions for their implementation;
  • 3) the nature of the work of the service personnel;
  • 4) the form of payment m consumers.

An example of forms of service can be the sale of culinary products through vending machines or self-settlement tables, like a buffet, the release of packed lunches.

Self-service is a method of service in which consumers themselves perform a series of operations, and depending on this, the following forms of self-service are used:

  • 1) complete. The consumer performs all operations independently;
  • 2) partial. Part of the work is performed by service personnel or mechanisms (collection of dishes, delivery of dishes, conveyor for collecting dishes, etc.).

Depending on the form of calculation, there are:

  • 1) self-service with preliminary calculation:
    • a) the consumer gets acquainted with the menu, purchases a check at the cash desk, and receives dishes with a check at the distribution. The negative aspects of this form of service: the consumer does not see the selected dishes, deals with money;
    • b) organization of complex meals according to pre-purchased subscriptions and checks: tables are served in advance, then the set breakfasts, lunches and dinners are dispensed, which allows to speed up the service process. This form is used for catering for tourists, students, participants in seminars, conferences;
  • 2) self-service with subsequent settlement:
    • a) with settlement after receiving the dishes: the consumer gets acquainted with the menu, selects the dishes for distribution, pays for the selected dishes, consumes and, finally, cleans the dishes. The advantage of this form of service is the possibility of a visual choice of dishes by consumers; negative points: the consumer stands in line, deals with money;
    • b) self-service with calculation after meals. The consumer gets acquainted with the menu, chooses dishes, receives a check for dishes, takes food and then pays off when leaving the hall. Positive aspects: the service process is accelerated; negative: the number of service personnel increases;
  • 3) self-service with direct settlement. The consumer simultaneously chooses, receives dishes and pays for their cost. With this form of service, the release of products and settlement with the consumer is carried out by one employee. This form of service is used in PBO, buffets, snack bars, through the bar counter in bars.

The waiter service method is used in restaurants, bars, eateries, as well as some canteens (at sanatoriums, rest homes, etc.). At the same time, the process of serving consumers, starting with their meeting and ending with the calculation, is carried out by waiters.

With full service by waiters, all operations are carried out by waiters. This type is characterized by a high culture of service and is used in luxury and higher class enterprises during the entire time the hall is open, during banquets and receptions, in the evening - in enterprises with recreation.

Partial service by waiters involves the performance of a number of operations by consumers. Waiters deliver products from the dispenser to the hall, put dishes on the table, at which visitors serve themselves. This form allows you to speed up the process of serving visitors, increase the throughput of the hall and reduce the number of attendants.

When serving by waiters, the following forms of calculation are used:

  • 1) preliminary. The consumer, having familiarized himself with the menu, purchases a check for meals at the cash desk. Also, this form is used when servicing participants of conferences, seminars, etc. In this case, consumers purchase checks or meal subscriptions in advance;
  • 2) subsequent. The calculation is carried out at the end of the service by the waiters.

The considered forms of payment have two varieties: direct and non-cash payment.

Service by waiters according to the nature of work is divided into two forms:

  • 1) individual. All operations with the visitor are performed by one waiter, who is assigned a certain number of tables in the hall;
  • 2) brigade. A team of several waiters shares all customer service operations (one meets the customer, takes the order; two serve food and drinks, etc.). This form allows you to speed up the process of serving consumers, it is also used when servicing banquets and receptions.

The combined method of serving consumers consists in a combination of different methods of service (for example, self-service with service by waiters).

In addition to traditional methods and forms of service, catering establishments use special (progressive) forms of service, the purpose of which is to speed up the service of a large number of consumers. Such forms are used to serve the participants of congresses, conferences, seminars, etc. These include: halls-express, tables-express, "buffet".

An express hall (usually for 40-50 seats) is organized in restaurants and cafes to speed up service to consumers with a limited supply of time. The menu is a set lunch. By lunch time, all tables in the express hall are served, a menu is placed on each table. As soon as the visitors sit down at the table, the waiters put snacks and sweet dishes, then they bring soups, and after that - hot dishes. The consumer's time spent on such a lunch is 15-20 minutes.

Express table is organized in restaurants at hotels, airports, railway stations. It is designed for 20 people, has a round shape with a swivel central part, on which snacks, dishes, culinary and confectionery products, drinks are installed. The fixed surface of the table is served with snack plates, cutlery, napkins. Consumers, sitting at the table, independently choose products from the rotary part of the table. Waiters bring hot dishes and drinks, carry out settlements with consumers.

There are many forms and types of restaurant service:

Family service - This form of service involves placing ordered dishes on the dining table. Guests serve themselves. In this case, guests only need to choose dishes and portion sizes. Often this form of service is combined with serving on plates. For example, the main course is served to each guest on a separate plate, and vegetables and salads are placed on the table on large plates. Guests serve their own side dishes

"Buffet" - With this form of service, dishes with hot and cold appetizers are displayed on a large table, and the guests themselves put food on their plates without resorting to the help of waiters. The waiter must monitor the assortment and ensure that the dishes remain attractive in appearance.

Buffet service - With this form of service, as well as at the "buffet", guests themselves choose hot or cold dishes. The difference lies in the fact that when serving through the buffet, the selected dishes are served to the guests by the waiters, while from the "buffet" guests take everything themselves. The waiters are behind the buffet counter and put the snacks chosen by the guests on the plates, using the "carry-out" technique. At the same time, they take a clean plate in their left hand, and a spoon with a fork in their right hand and put the chosen dish. The waiter must follow the general rule: place the food on the plate neatly and beautifully.

Self-service cafes - In such cafes, dishes are placed on the counters, guests with trays line up one after another and, moving towards the checkout, put the chosen dish on the tray. Modern canteens often use this form of service. Staff in all of the above forms of service (buffet, buffet, self-service cafe) should be familiar with the entire range of dishes served in their establishment.

Club service - This form of service is usually only accepted in high-end cocktail bars and recreational areas. It is a form of service of the highest quality, requiring special attention to detail. On the table (or sometimes on the bar) in front of each guest, a napkin is laid, facing him with the logos of the club. These napkins serve as a bedding for glasses. Mixed drinks are served with alcohol already in glasses. Soda, tonic, etc. served in small bottles to the right of the glass so that guests can add them themselves as needed. Beer and wine are poured from bottles by the waiters. During club service, not a single drink is sold on tap. Usually they put a bowl of nuts on the table, this is an indispensable addition to drinks, for which they do not charge.

Catering for ceremonial receptions - Catering for celebrations for a waiter is a relatively simple process that does not require the demonstration of professional subtleties. It is when serving various kinds of celebrations that novice waiters hone their skills. Celebrations and feasts can take a variety of forms - from the simple serving of sandwiches and coffee or tea to ceremonial banquets - and take place anywhere - in a restaurant hall, on the lawn of a private house or in a large ballroom. The specific tasks of the service staff at celebrations that include a feast depend on: - the needs of the customers, - the nature of the celebration, - the types of food and drinks ordered, - the amount of money that the customer is going to spend. This framework will determine the work of the service personnel.

Serving drinks at banquets - usually the sommelier is responsible for serving drinks at a banquet. His specific duties will depend on the choice of drinks and the style of serving them. This can be serving a variety of drinks on a tray, serving aperitifs, table wines, sparkling wines, afternoon drinks and coffee. If the banquet requires coordinating the serving of dishes and drinks, then drinks for each new dish should be served before the meal. Large celebrations usually have separate teams in charge of serving drinks and alternating with teams serving food. But even if there is no special team responsible for drinks, and the same waiters must serve both food and drinks, they are still brought not at the same time, but separately.

Innovative forms of service in the restaurant.

Service by two waiters - Viennese system. In this form of service, both waiters work together in the same room and are responsible. They distribute the work as follows: one serves drinks, meets and accommodates visitors, takes orders and receives money on the account, and the other waiter brings and serves dishes and takes away used dishes. Tables are prepared for the meeting of new visitors by both waiters. With this system, the waiter is constantly present at the site.

System "first waiter" (chef de rank). This is a French service system in which a responsible person is assigned to each hall of the enterprise, called the "maitre d'" or "chef de hall". This responsible person manages the service in the hall, meets and offers seats to visitors, takes the first orders and passes them to the waiters for execution, monitors whether visitors are well served.

The hall is divided into sections of 4-8 tables. Each section is served by two waiters. The first waiter is called “chef de rang”, the second “komi de rank”. The first waiter takes orders from the head waiter and sends his assistant to fulfill them. At this time, depending on the order of the visitors, he places auxiliary tables at the tables of the visitors, and when his assistant brings the dishes, he serves them. If you need to shift dishes or cut them, this is done by the first waiter with the help of the second.

The invoice for the visitor is prepared by the cashier of the enterprise, and the first waiter submits the invoice and receives the money. With this system, drinks are necessarily served by a waiter dressed in special uniform with stripes, who delivers drinks on a cart throughout the hall. He also submits bills for drinks separately. Cleaning and cleaning of used appliances and utensils is done by a specially appointed attendant, called the "third waiter" "komi de barasior".

Russian system. Maintenance is carried out by teams of three people; a foreman, a waiter for serving dishes and a waiter for serving drinks. This system is characterized by the fact that waiters serve all dishes in multi-portion dishes, all soups in tureens.

The task of the waiter for serving dishes is to bring dishes with decorated dishes and put them directly on the table without shifting. Each dish must have a device for laying out dishes. Before each visitor, a heated plate and appropriate appliances are placed in advance. Soups are served the same way. Visitors serve themselves. With this method of serving, an atmosphere reminiscent of home is created. The waiter for serving drinks pours them into glasses only at the beginning of the service, then gives the right to pour drinks to the visitors themselves. This service system is suitable for "extra" category enterprises and for national style enterprises.

System with a specific menu. Under this system, visitors are served a strictly defined lunch or dinner menu, which they receive for a certain amount. The lunch menu usually includes soup, main course, dessert and bread. This system is suitable for serving groups or those visitors who do not have time to choose dishes and pay the bill (payment is made in advance). For such visitors, a special section in the hall or hall, called "express", is allocated. Service under this system can be entrusted to less qualified waiters.

There are several basic types of restaurant service. These include: "Russian table" - this is a partial banquet service, full (classic) service, buffet, cocktail and barbecue.

The so-called "Russian table", in other words, a partial service banquet means the following: some of the prepared dishes will be on the table, and if they are served, then on a large dish for each table. Customers themselves will put on their plate as needed. Alcoholic drinks are also bottled on the table. This is quite a convenient form of service for family celebrations and corporate parties. It enables communication and negates the formality of the meeting.

When choosing a classic service, you should consider a number of factors. With such service, one waiter serves 6 - 10 people. Tables are served for each guest separately, with a separate serving of all prepared dishes. When choosing a restaurant, you should find out the staff of waiters, as establishments often do not attract additional staff. Therefore, in order to avoid unpleasant moments in the form of a delay in serving dishes, a belated change of ashtrays and other shortcomings, it is necessary to immediately clarify these points and clarify how many people will serve the banquet.

When choosing an a la buffet service, several factors should be taken into account. This service involves eating while standing, and all food is placed on special buffet tables. For a small celebration or presentation, this is the best option, as visitors are constantly on the move, which contributes to communication. Food should be served in small portions so that it is convenient to eat. But if the program of such a celebration lasts more than two hours, then it becomes quite uncomfortable to stand, so you should weigh everything when ordering such a service.

The next type of service is a "cocktail". This is the same buffet, only in a simplified version. Its difference is that they do without buffet tables, and waiters take out food and drinks on large trays and carry them around the hall, although at such celebrations there may not be any food at all, or fruits may be served with alcoholic beverages. In the hall itself there is only a bar and a few tables for convenience.

Worth mentioning is the buffet. This is something between a buffet and a banquet. Tables are served separately and each has its own place. Food is placed on separate tables, and guests take it on their own. For corporate parties, such serving is not very appropriate, because people are constantly moving around, and it is difficult to draw everyone's attention to the celebration. Although if it is envisaged that guests will join during the holiday, then this method of service may well be suitable.

Barbecue is the same buffet or buffet, which is located in an open area. The main difference between a barbecue is that it provides for the preparation of meat dishes on an open fire.

Express tables are organized in the halls of restaurants at hotels, at railway stations, at airports. In the period from 8 am to 11 am, passengers are offered two types of European breakfasts of the same cost, from 11 am to 3 pm - express lunches of two types.

Business lunch - a business lunch in a restaurant that provides quick service to consumers at a certain time (from 12 to 16 hours) at lower prices compared to the a la carte menu. Business lunches are held daily except Saturday and Sunday.

Sunday brunch. Restaurants on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays organize dinners for guests, which come with families and friends. Service is carried out as a buffet with a wide range of cold dishes and snacks, soups, second hot dishes cooked in pots, baked in a pan, on a grill, soft drinks. Sweet dishes, hot drinks and flour confectionery are offered to guests separately at the tea and dessert buffets.

Coffee breaks (or coffee breaks) are organized in restaurants for quick service for participants in meetings, conferences, and business negotiations. Rectangular or round tables are covered with colored tablecloths-skirts, as at a buffet table. Guests eat and drink while standing.

The coffee break menu includes cakes, pies, sweet and savory biscuits, muffins, canapés with cheese and fresh fruit, lemon, cream, coffee. From soft drinks - mineral water, juices.

Happy hour (happy hour) is a type of service organized in the restaurant on Fridays from 17 to 19 h on the a la carte menu with a discount on drinks up to 50%.

Lipper (liner) is a service provided to hotel guests who, due to various reasons, are late for a business lunch, but can still use the Dinner dinner. The liner provides for a buffet.

Service culture is an organizational culture aimed at serving customers based on the development of certain rules, procedures, practical skills and abilities. The culture of service is dictated by the policy of the enterprise, supported by a system of rewards for service personnel and a number of other activities.

The culture of service is developed by each enterprise. At one enterprise it can be very low, at another it can be quite high. The manifestation of a high service culture is defined by the behavior of staff who clearly know how to act in any situation and what customers and management expect from them, as well as the fact that a high culture makes all employees purposeful and makes them respect their enterprise.

Service culture is a complex concept, the terms of which are:

  • * safety and environmental friendliness during maintenance;
  • * interior aesthetics, creation of comfortable service conditions;
  • * the presence of a sufficient number of tableware, cutlery and table linen;
  • * knowledge and observance by the staff of ethical standards of service;
  • * knowledge and observance of the rules that establish the order and sequence of serving guests;
  • * knowledge of the special rules for the offer and sale of various dishes and drinks, as well as technical skills and methods of serving them;
  • * knowledge of the basic rules of table setting.

Public catering enterprises take a variety of forms of service, differing in forms, methods and methods of service.

First of all, two forms of service are distinguished: with the participation of waiters and without the participation of waiters, i.e. self-service.

Serving visitors to catering establishments with the participation of waiters can be carried out in various ways. The traditional ways of serving meals are service in French, Russian and English.

Service in French. The most complex and expensive type of service. It is not widely used and requires trained personnel. The waiter uses an auxiliary table on which cooking ends and portions are determined. As for sauces and some desserts, dressing is done on a trolley. Before serving, the dish is offered for sampling to the guest or the "leader" of the group of guests (for approval) as well as wines. An abbreviated version of the service in French is used in old prestigious hotels and restaurants, where the chef completes the preparation of dishes in front of customers. This type of service is sometimes incorrectly referred to as English service.

Service in Russian. The waiter serves a dish for several servings on the table and the guests take the food themselves.

Service in English. The food is served on one plate for everyone sitting at the table, and the waiter fills the plates of the guests. Service in English is also called family style.

At present, due to practicality, low cost and convenience, one of the most common service methods in the world has become service American style. This is a type of service that does not require special staff training. The ordered food is laid out in portions on plates in the kitchen, which guarantees the right temperature of the dishes and makes the work of the waiter as easy as possible.

Self service- a form of service in which visitors to a public catering enterprise independently choose dishes from the proposed menu at the dispensing counter, pay for them and receive them.

Self-service can be applied to most catering establishments. Self-service is expedient at industrial enterprises, construction sites, and educational institutions. The introduction of self-service dramatically increases the throughput of canteens, cafes, buffets, etc.

Forms of self-service are classified depending on the method of payment for the products chosen by the consumer.

With prepaid self-service, visitors first get acquainted with the assortment of dishes on the menu, and then purchase checks or coupons for the selected dishes at the checkout, after which they are sent to distribution to receive them. Distribution throughput is limited due to the fact that dispensers must view and sort checks and meal coupons.

A more perfect variant of this form of self-service is the release of complex meals on pre-purchased subscriptions or checks. If, in addition to this service, pre-sorting of dining tables is also used, then the service to consumers is much faster.

Postpaid self-service has two varieties: payment for selected products after receiving them and payment after consumption.

In self-service with payment for selected products after receiving them, visitors choose dishes and culinary products at the dispensing counter, at the end of which they pay their cost to the cashier. In this case, the clients are not limited in the choice of dishes, and the distributors are exempted from checks parsing operations and focus their attention on dispensing dishes. As a result, the capacity of the dispenser increases. However, with this form of self-service, control over the conduct of cash transactions is weakened, which is due to two reasons: firstly, most visitors do not control the correctness of the amounts indicated on the check, and secondly, the existing types of cash registers do not allow reflecting the quantity and range of products sold.

With self-service with payment for the cost of products after consumption, a number of disadvantages of the above form are eliminated: after choosing products, customers receive a check from the cashier-controller at the distribution, which is paid after eating when leaving the trading floor. If the distribution lines are located away from the entrance doors, then the visitor is given a token at the entrance to the trading floor, which he presents to the cashier-controller at the end of the distribution line, receiving a check.

Self-service with direct payment for the cost of dishes is characterized by the simultaneity of the processes of choosing, receiving and paying for the cost of culinary and other products.

In this case, the release of products and the calculation is carried out by one employee. Most often, this form is used in buffets and eateries.

Self-service according to the self-settlement system is characterized by the fact that the payment for the catering products and purchased goods purchased by the consumer is carried out without a cashier.

At industrial enterprises, a possible form of service in the canteen is the release of packed meals for pre-payment by checks or subscription coupons. This type of service provides a high throughput of the distribution line.

School canteens located in the same district can be supplied with breakfasts and lunches by school-basic combines. A specially designed assortment with a certain portion output involves non-cash forms of payment. Completed breakfasts and lunches are sold by pre-purchased subscriptions. Self-settlement tables and buffets without a salesperson are used. It is advisable to involve schoolchildren to participate in the preliminary table setting a few minutes before the break.

In self-service catering establishments, two main types of distributions are used:

Specialized distribution - carry out the implementation of certain types of ration dishes from specialized sections for the sale of cold appetizers, sweet, hot dishes and drinks. On such distributions, as a rule, two or more distributors are occupied;

Universal distributions - served by one distributor, who dispenses all dishes and products to the visitor.

Each form of self-service corresponds to a certain type of distribution: pre-payment - universal, post-payment - universal, with a heavy flow - specialized and for payment after a meal - specialized.

When organizing breakfasts, lunches and dinners, the following service methods are used: "a la carte", "a part", "table d'hôte", "buffet", budget service.

A la carte- a type of service that provides for the guest, with the active assistance of the waiter, to choose dishes and drinks from the proposed menu, followed by the transfer of orders to the kitchen, the preparation and serving of ordered dishes and drinks.

A desk- a type of service in which guests place an order in advance, and the service is carried out by waiters in a strictly established period of time.

table d'hôte- a type of waiter service for a group of guests on a lunch or dinner menu with a limited assortment of dishes at pre-set tables for 4, 6, 8 people. Table d'hôte differs from the previous method in that all guests are served at the same time and on the same menu.

Buffet- a type of self-service that allows guests to freely choose from a wide range of dishes any they like, in unlimited quantities for a prepaid fixed amount.

buffet service- based on the use of the principle of self-service. The range of dishes and snacks is replenished by a waiter or barman, who also performs a number of other functions: opens bottles of drinks, prepares tea or coffee, and cleans up used dishes and cutlery.

Service on the principle of "buffet" or buffet is the basis of receptions, brunches, business lunches, and sometimes the main concept of the restaurant.

Guests with this form of service are not limited either in the assortment or in the amount of food consumed, and therefore leave the restaurant in a good mood. Due to the large selection of dishes, the client is given the impression of abundance and there is a feeling that there are much more offers than the cost of lunch or dinner.

"Swedish table" can serve as an attribute of both a democratic restaurant and a high-class establishment. Buffets and brunches help to attract the public, for example, on Saturday and Sunday mornings, which naturally requires additional advertising.

The snack buffet saves time for the guests and the restaurant, which is especially important for hotel restaurants. Fast service is especially necessary for business people staying in hotels, which is achieved with the help of the "buffet". That is why in many restaurants a salad bar of ready-made cold appetizers is included in the business lunch menu.

For a restaurant, an important factor can be a regularity: the profit of the institution from the "buffet" directly depends on the number of customers. The more guests will gather at the buffet. The higher the profit of the restaurant. An insufficient number of visitors leads to a situation where the buffet becomes unprofitable. An upscale restaurant needs 45 customers for a buffet to be profitable, while a luxury restaurant needs about 100 guests. Therefore, it is not advisable to arrange a "buffet" without a preliminary advertising company.

The organization of food according to the "buffet" type consists, first of all, in accelerating the service of visitors: the time for receiving and eating food on average during breakfast is 15-20 minutes, lunch and dinner - 25-30 minutes.

When serving as a "buffet", visitors do not have to wait for the waiters to bring them the ordered dishes or issue an invoice. They choose their own food.

To serve the buffet, a team is created under the leadership of a foreman. Each employee in the team performs a specific type of work.

The team of cooks, as well as the team of waiters, must be permanent and freed from work in the production hall. The foreman of waiters or the foreman of cooks receives products for breakfast or lunch according to the intake sheets or the invoice and check of the cash register, together with the members of the brigade arranges the products on the buffet, monitors the assortment during the day, replenishes it with the missing products for on the basis of additional entries in the intake sheet, invoice.

A team of waiters serves dinner tables, removes used dishes. At the request of visitors, waiters can serve them at the table, taking into account age, physical and other reasons.

Modern forms of service in restaurants include:

Realization of complete lunches for persons living in hotels, upon preliminary orders;

Organization of express lounges and express tables;

Organization of the tea table;

Organization of family meals;

Tasting of dishes of national cuisines.

Such forms of service help to improve the culture of service, increase the volume of services provided, and increase the sales of products of our own production.