How a person sees his own happiness. Life success

Many times, many people think about this question: "What is happiness?" There is no definite answer, we can only say that everyone has their own happiness, everyone sees happiness in their own way.

Despite what a person calls happiness, one can say he lives in prosperity or in poverty, does he have earthly blessings. After all, if you ask a poor man: "What do you think is happiness?" - he, without hesitation for a second, will answer, - Happiness is a warm shelter, and people who love you. Ask a rich man what happiness is for him, and he is unlikely to answer the same way, he would rather call it happiness when his shares are successful, that they will discover a new oil field, etc.

But one way or another, all people want happiness, they see happiness in each other, to be alone, as much as possible, old people see happiness in growing grandchildren who delight their old eyes, happiness is one word - so that she does not go anywhere and be close, could protect.

Many people see happiness in little things. For example, for some people, happiness is sitting wrapped up in a warm blanket with a cup of coffee on a rainy day. Others see the happiness that surrounds them: trees, surroundings, in a word, others do not need anything else for happiness than to lick a spoon, helping their mother in cooking, or break puddles covered with ice in winter.

As we see, everyone has their own happiness, and it's good when it is, when this happiness comes, at least from time to time. After all, for example, there are children who live in orphanages, for them happiness is the envy of the family, so that there are mom and dad. Of course, these guys have different families, but it's a shame for those children whose happiness can turn into an unfulfilled dream.

The most elementary "happiness" is interestingly shown in the film "Amelie", where the girl tells about herself that it gives her great pleasure to run her palm into a bag of beans, break a sugar crust with a teaspoon, and let pancakes in the water. The girl also tells about her other acquaintances, and if you watch at least the first 20 minutes of the film, we can see that everyone has their own little joys.

But it seems to me that if it were not for such small joys, it would be quite difficult for us in life, we would not be able to console ourselves or support in difficult times, if we were not pleased by our favorite music, or an occupation.

Happiness is such a loose concept, but we can definitely say that most often it is just a flash, the moment when the Scorpions sang a wonderful song “A Moment in a million years”. In another way, a person cannot feel happiness, if happiness lasted a very long time, then the person already ceases to appreciate it, and until something happens, he will not understand that after all it was his happiness, which he missed. You can quote here: "Not sweet to those who have not tasted bitterness."

How do we define happiness? We know that it makes us feel good, that it brings warm emotions and a lot of positive feelings. Everyone wants to catch, find, have their own happiness. Let's not deny that, after all, the main happiness of every person lies in love. Love of relatives, people close to you. Love of an ardent young man in anticipation of a long-awaited meeting with his beloved. A mother's love for her baby, who was just born, and then pleases her throughout her life, so as not to do something wrong. Love of patriots for the Motherland, love for a sister / brother or friend.

You know, from these reflections it is worth concluding that if a person is rude to you, arranges dirty tricks, finds fault, insults, is simply aggressive, you should not be offended by such. They do this not because they are such harmful people and therefore they are trying to ruin your life, not at all. These people are very unhappy.

So let's make our world kinder. Give people love and goodness, that from which happiness comes, and everything else will follow. Dear readers, be happy, and do not forget to share your happiness with others, maybe it’s you who can help them!

Video What is happiness?

Let's talk about how a person sees his happiness.

Imagine that your life is a chest with happiness inside. You have no idea what color it is, what size it is, or how it behaves if you let it out. Those who have already tried to open the chest said different things. For example, that happiness is illusory or passes quickly. And someone said that happiness is always accompanied by unhappiness and you need to be ready for both. And somewhere else you have heard that happiness is so delightful, so incredible that you definitely need to get it out of the chest.

Now, you finally decided to open the chest and get your happiness out of there.

Question: where, in fact, are the keys?

And again you ask someone for advice where and how to find the keys to the chest. You may have to travel to distant lands to visit Buddhists, or rummage through hundreds of books on the philosophy of life. You can search for keys for many years and note that all this time happiness will always be with you, but here is the paradox: you still cannot get it until there are no keys. So, the question is not WHERE to seek happiness, but HOW to discover it.

If we look for the etymology of the word "happiness" itself, that is, its origin, then surprisingly, there is no definite answer to this question. If you don't believe me, you can try to search for yourself. There are several assumptions about where this word came from, but none of them is 100% reliable. This is how in search of your own human happiness for thousands of years we have even forgotten what we are actually looking for. What should it be? Maybe a house? Family? Love?

Happiness ... inexpensive

But this does not only apply to the origin of the word itself, this also applies to our existence as a whole. We, as in a huge market, run back and forth, asking each other: where to get happiness? What does it look like? Has anyone seen him at all? In this crowd, we periodically meet people, satisfied and smiling, who rush around the market of life, showing everyone around how wonderful it is, this happiness. And we, envious somewhere deep in our souls, continue to search for OUR happiness, believing that if that person found it, then I can.

The only problem is that sometimes we try to repeat the path of those who have already found their happiness. We saw them do it all and just automatically follow their path. This is indeed so. Well, such a lucky man comes up to you and says: you go to that store, buy a clever book there for 1000 euros, read the recipe, buy the necessary ingredients, make yourself a potion, drink and you will be happy!

Do you think we don’t do that? And who enters prestigious universities for expensive specialties just because someone out there said that they are highly paid in the future? And who marries and marries the first comers just because someone said that a family needs to be built while young? And who goes on an ultra-fashionable diet, because some of the stars on it have lost a lot of weight? The list of such questions is endless.

It cannot but be

It is very difficult to realize that everyone has their own happiness. Of course, there is a general formula according to which this very happiness is achieved, but it is achieved for everyone in their own way. Each of us has our own body, our own family, our own life, in the end, and therefore our own happiness. And we always refuse it voluntarily, when we try to repeat someone else's life and go not our own way.

Let's say you realized that you already have happiness and it is exclusive, that is, created exclusively for you since the day you were born. This means that you have a chest, its contents, and even a key. And here a new paradox arises: having EVERYTHING in order to be happy, we ... give up our happiness.

There would be no happiness, but misfortune helped

And these are no longer lengthy philosophical speeches, they are already real, valid, proven as a result psychological research facts. Our subconscious is such a funny thing that every time you study it over and over again, you are amazed at how much we manage to drive ourselves into a corner.

The point is that, subconsciously, happiness as a phenomenon in life is directly associated with unhappiness. The subconscious mind knows that happiness and unhappiness alternate with each other like white and black stripes, which means that after happiness visits us, unhappiness necessarily automatically comes.

Many people experience fear of happiness, not because they are afraid of it, but because they are afraid to experience unhappiness after happiness.

This is how we have fun. Consciously all our life we ​​are looking for our happiness, and subconsciously we do everything in order to avoid it.

There are still questions on the topic, in what way does a person see his happiness? Then we will discuss them in the comments.

Supported by: More and more people are turning to traditional medicine in order to maintain health. Treatment with folk remedies is one of the ways to live a happy old age.

I greet you guys again! I decided today in my blog to touch on the topic of success, work, etc. Perhaps it may seem that at my age it is too early to think about the choice of a profession, about the business of my life, but I believe that we should start building a bridge to our future from an early age. I’ll just share my thoughts with you, and if you are interested, then join the discussion of this topic!

- What does a person see his happiness in?

Each person is individual, so someone, unfortunately, sees happiness only in the satisfaction of their biological needs or in material assets... But someone chooses a different path, striving for a higher one, considering freedom, the ability to act, think and benefit society as their happiness. For me, happiness is the health of my loved ones, friends, self-development, communication and ... life.

- What accompanies success in life?

Certain heights are achieved only by those who are able to work. If a person all his life thinks only of himself, that is, he is an egoist, then there is no need to expect anything worthwhile from him. In many ways, success is driven by commitment, support and will. Developing our abilities, learning something new and working on ourselves, we reach new heights. The main thing is not to give laziness a place in your life. It is she who destroys a person and all his aspirations.

- How to choose your own business?

When a preschooler is asked what he wants to become, the answer is given almost without delay. "Cashier, doctor, educator, teacher ...". Several years will pass, and it will be harder to answer this question, and all because the child begins to think about it more seriously. Of course, you should not worry if the answer does not come immediately, because there is still time, but thinking will not bring anything bad. The main thing to remember is that work should not be uncomfortable. You need to correctly assess your abilities, to understand that any work requires diligence, attentiveness and accuracy in execution. Try to understand what you do best, what interests and hobbies you have, what professions are closest to you, and draw a conclusion based on the results.

- Is it possible to see the meaning of life in work?

Interest Ask. On the one hand, it is not uncommon for people to get a job only because of income, profits and often do not take into account their interests. It turns out some kind of work to the detriment of oneself. It cannot be said that there are completely useless professions. You just need to understand that work should be beneficial to others, satisfaction from self-realization, joy from results, and not only from material reward. Therefore, I will answer the question as follows: it is possible, if you consciously choose your life's work, you understand social values ​​and problems.