Hexagram 26 interpretation in love. Explanation of each trait

Big accumulation

When a greedy man is presented with gold, he is dissatisfied with the fact that he was not presented with jasper, and when he is promoted to guna, he is indignant at the fact that he was not granted the title of hou. Although he is powerful and rich, he likes to appear poor. To one who knows how to live in contentment, quinoa stew will seem sweeter than selected rice, a linen dressing gown is warmer than a fox fur coat, the lot of a taxable person is more enviable than the fate of a courtier.
hun zicheng




Big Accumulation. Cluster. Great food. Raising big. Retention is great. Big increment.

Structure Explanation

The sky is in the environment of the Mountain, it accumulates potential. Previous experience contributes to this.

The structure of both guas



Do not succumb to disasters, they are temporary and pass as Thunder passes.


Temporary difficulties are possible, keep your chariot in order, do not let the spokes of the wheels fall off.


Chase after the worthy, work for the good of yourself and others, prepare the rear.



Protect yourself, protect what you have accumulated with your own labor.


Work hard, but know how to celebrate, be generous in this.


Carry the work on your shoulders, as Atlas holds the Earth, compare yourself with the worthy.

Divinatory Aspect

Wealth in all forms.
Hard work, concern for the benefits.
Observance of vows of chastity, poverty and obedience. Will of Heaven.

Correspondence with Tarot

Ace of Pentacles.

Objects are taken care of, and after that, food is possible, so this is accepted through the sign AND, JAWS.

Summary. Divination interpretation

1. Social status, politics.

Wealth, success of a huge scale. Luck is absolutely in everything connected with accumulation.

2. Business (everything connected with the material world, Taurus, Pentacles).

You can use the funds to open new businesses, including abroad. Incomes are guaranteed, difficulties can be overcome.

3. Relationships (love, gender relations, family life)

Passionate love, romance of life. Don't miss the great chance.

4. Interpersonal relationships.

V interpersonal relationships you must be careful that others do not sit on your neck. Difficulties in relations with children are possible due to their excessive spoilage.

5. Health (on the physical and subtle planes).

Take special care of your health. There may be problems with the central nervous system, circulatory organs.

6. Trend.

Work, protection of the accumulated, increase in wealth, the ability to relax, the generosity of feasts, but for the benefit of oneself and others. The vector is positive. Observance of the commandments, as, however, and always, is obligatory.


Wealth in the Tarot represents the suit of Pentacles and the quintessence of the suit - Ace. It symbolizes fertility, views of a good harvest, and not only grain crops...

Delight, euphoria, ecstasy, perfection. Beauty, happiness, gains in all aspects and manifestations of life. This is a high position, reaching the top of the social ladder, for creative people - recognition of their merits.

But to this card, the Ace of Pentacles, it is important at the same time to be especially careful. Pentacles, material goods are objects of temptation, and they should be used only for good.

Do not waste your energy, there has been a "pause" in your destiny. Wait for its end in full readiness, do not exchange energy for trifles, soon it will find a more pleasant and useful use. Desires will come true, but only if you set the bar not too high. Help will come from those who are facing problems similar to yours. Do not try to speed things up by force, the result may be the opposite.

The previous situation of blamelessness is the time when a person develops in himself his best qualities and accumulates its merits. If it is carried out correctly, then a person can acquire enormous moral strength. They, in fact, are the great one who can further educate. But for these great moral forces, a great object of their action is also necessary. This object must be so wide that it is possible to go beyond the personal.

Therefore, the most essential thing in this situation is a way out of one's narrow sphere. In the previous situation, a certain synthesis of what is known and what is known again has already been achieved. But if a person turned this synthesis only for his own benefit, then he would only signify the overcoming of his vices. Here it is necessary to act in such a way that this action extends to other people, only then can it be called great. From this side, we can say that here we have in mind not only great education, but great education. Therefore, in the text we see the following:

Great upbringing. Favorable stamina. Feed not only from your home. Happiness. Favorable ford across the great river.

The main danger that can be faced by a person in this position is, as before, to work further and further on the accumulation of his moral virtues, for his own sake. This is especially noticeable in the first position, because it characterizes the stay of a person in the very depths of his inner life. Here, the greatest danger is to remain in oneself and not go out to the people around. But this must be put to an end, only then it is possible to achieve positive results. In the text we read:

Strong in the beginning. There will be danger. It is favorable to stop [one's activities].

If the first position is only the beginning of the process in its development inside, then the second position is the maximum development of the process. But in this situation, this is just superfluous, because for the inner life everything was done in the previous situation. Therefore, persistent stay in it leads only to helplessness. To remain only in oneself would mean not to go forward. In a brief but expressive way, the Book of Changes expresses this:

Strong trait in second place. The wagon's spokes fell out.

The third position, usually indicating the exit from the inner life to the activity outside, is in perfect harmony with the general meaning of this hexagram. Ordinarily, the third position is the position of crisis, and in most cases in the Book of Changes we find very strict warning aphorisms in it. However, here, where the exit outside, which characterizes the third position, is harmoniously combined with the exit outside, which is necessary according to the meaning of this situation as a whole, it is something favorable, in its own way it harmonizes with the entire hexagram. Therefore, in the text we find:

Strong feature in third place. Chase on a good horse. Favorable in difficulty stamina. And so, if you practice in the use of war chariots, then it is favorable to have somewhere to go.

This whole situation is predisposed to activity outside. Therefore, this outward activity is constantly emphasized by soothing images. Even if it represented some kind of danger, the Book of Changes hastens to warn that here, in the situation of great upbringing, the danger of acting outside does not exist, it can only appear.

In order to understand the image in which this thought is encrypted in our monument, we must remember that in ancient China there was a custom: in order to make the bull's horns safe, they put a specially arranged board on the horns. The Book of Changes does not even speak of a bull here. She speaks of a calf, which is not scary even without a protective board, especially since it is something completely safe if a protective board is put on it. Therefore, in a text not devoid of a certain wit, we read:

Weak trait in fourth place. Calf protection board. Primal happiness.

The upper trigram, symbolizing the external, is in turn divided into two types of traits: the first is the fourth and sixth traits, which, being external, characterize only the external side of the activity outside, and the other type is the fifth trait, which characterizes the inner side of the same activity outside. Therefore, in order to emphasize here again the security of action outside, a slightly different image is chosen. If the horns can be understood as something sticking out, then the tusk can be understood more as a weapon hidden inside the animal. That's why we're talking about fangs here. But to emphasize the safety of these fangs, the Book of Changes speaks of a emasculated boar. If a boar can be fearsome, then an emasculated boar is devoid of rage. That is why we find an image in the text:

Weak trait in fifth place. The fangs of an emasculated boar are happiness.

In the previous position, everything that is achievable in this situation can be achieved, and the sixth position is only an overdevelopment. If the entire hexagram is characterized by going out, then an excessive continuation of such going out would, in fact, be going to heaven, but there are no roads there. Therefore, it is assumed only further development those paths that were already outlined in the previous one, and those paths that are outlined in the next hexagram - the 27th. Therefore, in the text we find:

Above is a strong feature. What are the paths in heaven? Development.

The Da Chu hexagram does not promise much, but what it brings with it will be reliable and real. And you must admit, sometimes a small, but real success is better than an illusory large-scale ... soap bubble. This situation teaches a person not to be deceived by size and quantity, but to pay more attention to quality.

The Da Chu hexagram teaches a person to value quality, not quantity. But there is a small nuance that determines the future. The Da Chu hexagram implies that the future will be qualitative or quantitative exactly as much as you yourself want it to be. For example, if quantity is important, then it will be so, really. Its quality leaves much to be desired. If this is money, there will be a lot of them, but they will be small, if friends are unfaithful, and so on. And, on the contrary, if quality is important, then in the future you will meet only one person, but it will cost many, if it is finances, then you can realize something grandiose on them.

In addition, the Da Chu hexagram warns: do not demand too much from yourself and do not expect dimensionless bounties from fate. The more modest the claims are, the more happiness and joy you can get from what awaits you, otherwise you will even lose what you have.

The Da Chu hexagram predicts the fulfillment of the simplest desires and aspirations, so do not expect too much, but appreciate even the little that will come into your life. It is like a grain: something wonderful will grow out of it. And if you cannot accept it with respect, then you will be left with nothing.

Also, in no case do not force events, let everything go on as it should. The more natural the process, the more positive the result it will bring with it.

© Alexey Kupreichik

Select number of hexagram 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 and see its interpretation below

Book of Changes - interpretation of hexagram No. 26

Yes, chu. Great upbringing

The previous situation of blamelessness is the time when a person develops his best qualities in himself and accumulates his merits. If it is carried out correctly, then a person can acquire enormous moral strength. They, in fact, are the great one who can further educate. But for these great moral forces, a great object of their action is also necessary. This object should be so wide that it is possible to go beyond the limits of only the personal. Therefore, the most significant thing in this situation is a way out of its narrow sphere. In the previous situation, a certain synthesis of what is known and what is known again has already been achieved. But if a person turned this synthesis only for his own benefit, then he would only signify the overcoming of his vices. Here it is necessary to act in such a way that this action extends to other people, only then can it be called great. From this point of view, it can be said that here we have in mind not only great education, but great education, although this interpretation differs from the interpretation given by us in the philological translation. Therefore, in the text we see the following:

Great upbringing.
Favorable stamina.
Feed [not only from your] home.
Favorable ford across the great river.

1. The main danger that a person in this position may face, as it was in the previous situation, is to work further and further on the accumulation of his moral virtues for his own sake. This is especially noticeable in the first position, because the first position characterizes the stay of a person in the very depths of his inner life. Here, the greatest danger is to remain in oneself and not go out to the people around. But this must be put to an end, only then it is possible to achieve positive results. In the text we read:

Strong in the beginning.
There will be danger.
It is favorable to stop [one's activities].

2. If the first position is only the beginning of the process in its development inside, then the second position is the maximum development of the process in its internal aspect. But in this situation, as we have seen from the general introduction, this is just superfluous, because for the inner life everything has been done in the previous situation. Therefore, persistent stay in it leads only to helplessness. To remain only in oneself would mean not to go forward. In a brief but expressive way, the Book of Changes expresses this:

Strong trait in second [place].
The wagon's spokes fell out.

3. The third position, which usually indicates the exit from the inner life to the activity outside, is in perfect harmony with the general meaning of this hexagram, where we see the exit outside as the most essential. Ordinarily, the third position, precisely because of this quality, is a position of crisis, and in most cases in the "Book of Changes" in the third position we find very strict warning aphorisms. However, here, where the exit outward, which characterizes the third position, is harmoniously combined with the exit outside, which is necessary for the meaning of the given situation as a whole, it is something favorable. It, so to speak, in its own way harmonizes with the whole hexagram. Therefore, in the text we find:

Strong trait in third [place].
Chase on a good horse.
Favorable in difficulty stamina.
And so, [if you] practice in [using] war chariots,
[then] it is favorable to have where to speak.

4. This whole situation is predisposed to activity outside. Therefore, this outward activity is constantly emphasized by soothing images. Even if it did represent some kind of danger, the Book of Changes hastens to warn that here, in the situation of great upbringing, the danger of external action does not exist, it can only appear. In order to understand the image in which this thought is encrypted in our monument, we must remember that in ancient China there was a custom: in order to make the horns of a bull safe, put on a specially arranged board on the horns. This board was put on the very tip of the horns, and after that they were not so terrible. The Book of Changes does not even speak of a bull here. She speaks of a calf, which is not scary even without a protective board, especially since it is something completely safe if a protective board is put on it. Therefore, in a text not devoid of a certain wit, we read:

Weak trait in fourth [place].
Calf protection board.
Primal happiness.

5. The upper trigram, symbolizing the external, in turn is divided into two types of traits: the first is the fourth and sixth traits, which, being external, characterize only the external side of the activity outside, and the other type is the fifth trait, which characterizes the inner side of the same activity outside. Therefore, in order to emphasize here again the security of action outside, a slightly different image is chosen. If the horns can be understood as something sticking out, then the tusk can be understood more as a weapon hidden inside the animal. That's why we're talking about fangs here. But to emphasize the safety of these fangs, the Book of Changes speaks of a emasculated boar. If a boar can be fearsome, then an emasculated boar is devoid of rage. That is why we find an image in the text:

Weak trait in fifth [place].
The fangs of an emasculated boar are happiness.

6. In the previous position, in fact, everything that is achievable in a given situation can be achieved, and the sixth position is only an overdevelopment. If the entire hexagram is characterized by going out, then an excessive continuation of such going out would, in fact, be going to heaven, but there are no roads there. Therefore, only the further development of those paths that have already been outlined in the previous one, and those paths that are outlined in the next hexagram - the 27th, is supposed. Therefore, in the text we find:

Above is a strong feature.
What are the paths in heaven?

Da-chu (Education to the Great): yes - big, noble, important; capable of protecting others; will, aimed at achieving one's own goal; the ability to lead one's life; yang energy; chu - collect, absorb, store, hold; control, limit; take care, support; tame, train or graze animals, educate, domesticate; be educated or tamed. The hieroglyph depicts the fertile, silt-rich black soil of the river delta.

Favorable stamina.
Feed not only from your home. Happiness.
Favorable ford across the great river.

This is the time to bring things together with a great idea. Focus on one thing and determine the main direction of your life. Focus on the main idea. Collect everything valuable from your life experience and use it. Think of yourself as a person who raises animals or grows crops. Show tolerance and kindness. Do not stay at home or in the circle of your closest friends: the path to great achievements opens before you. Enter the stream of life with a meaningful purpose. Be firm and persistent. Experience a sense of connection with the Tao every day. Cultivate moral and intellectual strength. This is a great time that will bring generous fruits.

The previous situation of blamelessness is the time when a person develops his best qualities in himself and accumulates his merits. If it is carried out correctly, then a person can acquire enormous moral strength. They, in fact, are the great one who can further educate. But for these great moral forces, a great object of their action is also necessary. This object must be so wide that it is possible to go beyond the personal. Therefore, the most significant thing in this situation is a way out of its narrow sphere. In the previous situation, a certain synthesis of what is known and what is known again has already been achieved. But if a person turned this synthesis only for his own benefit, then he would only signify the overcoming of his vices. Here it is necessary to act in such a way that this action extends to other people, only then can it be called great. From this side, we can say that here we have in mind not only great education, but great education.

Outer and Inner worlds: Mountain and Sky

The outer limit restrains and accumulates the great power of Heaven. This is a time of strength and abundance.

The strength that comes from being raised great contains hidden opportunity awareness of one's own potential.


Integrity allows you to accumulate the great. Awareness of this makes it possible to educate the great.


Growing up great means the time has come.


The sky is in the center of the mountain. Great upbringing.
A noble person is guided by the words and deeds of his ancestors.
A noble person accumulates strength and virtue.

Hexagram lines

Line 1

Nine first

There will be danger.
It is favorable to stop (one's activity).

What you are doing now is a threat to you. Stop. You need to figure out what's wrong.

The main danger that can be faced by a person in this position is, as before, to work further and further on the accumulation of his moral virtues, for his own sake. This is especially noticeable in the first position, because it characterizes the stay of a person in the very depths of his inner life. Here, the greatest danger is to remain in oneself and not go out to the people around. But this must be put to an end, only then it is possible to achieve positive results.

Line 2

Nine second

The wagon's spokes fell out.

You experience helplessness due to the discrepancy between the internal state and the development of events in the external world. Stopping leads to the disintegration of ties with other people. You must overcome yourself and move on.

If the first position is only the beginning of the process in its development inside, then the second position is the maximum development of the process. But in this situation, this is just superfluous, because for the inner life everything was done in the previous situation. Therefore, persistent stay in it leads only to helplessness. To remain only in oneself would mean not to go forward.

Line 3

Nine third

Chase on a good horse.
Favorable fortitude in hardship.
If you practice the use of war chariots,
It's good to have somewhere to speak.

This position, usually associated with a crisis, here has a harmonious development. you rush to high purpose worth the hardships you have to overcome. A well-designed action plan will be of great support to you.

The third position, usually indicating the exit from the inner life to the activity outside, is in perfect harmony with the general meaning of this hexagram. Ordinarily, the third position is the position of crisis, and in most cases in the Book of Changes we find very strict warning aphorisms in it. However, here, where the exit outside, which characterizes the third position, is harmoniously combined with the exit outside, which is necessary according to the meaning of this situation as a whole, it is something favorable, in its own way it harmonizes with the entire hexagram.

Line 4

Six fourth

Protective board for a calf.
Primal happiness.

The metaphor in the fourth position indicates especially favorable conditions for action. In ancient China, a special board was put on the points of bull horns to protect against them. A protective board for a calf that does not have horns means the absence of even an imaginary danger. The path is open. You can safely carry out your plan.

This whole situation is predisposed to activity outside. Therefore, this outward activity is constantly emphasized by soothing images. Even if it represented some kind of danger, the Book of Changes hastens to warn that here, in a situation of great upbringing, the danger of external action does not exist, it can only appear. In order to understand the image in which this thought is encrypted in our monument, we must remember that in ancient China there was a custom: in order to make the bull's horns safe, they put a specially arranged board on the horns. The "Book of Changes" does not even speak of a bull here. She speaks of a calf, which is not scary even without a protective board, especially since it is something completely safe if a protective board is put on it.

Line 5

Six fifth

Fangs of a emasculated boar.

The favorable situation continues. Your opponents are deprived of the opportunity to harm you.

The upper trigram, symbolizing the external, in turn is divided into two types of traits: the first is the fourth and sixth traits, which, being external, characterize only the external side of the activity outside, and the other type is the fifth trait, which characterizes the inner side of the same activity outside. Therefore, in order to emphasize here again the security of action outside, a slightly different image is chosen. If the horns can be understood as something sticking out, then the tusk can be understood more as a weapon hidden inside the animal. That's why we're talking about fangs here. But to emphasize the safety of these tusks, The Book of Changes speaks of a emasculated boar. If a boar can be fearsome, then an emasculated boar is devoid of rage.

Line 6

Top nine

What are the roads in Heaven?

In your aspirations you have gone so far that further, figuratively speaking, there can be only Heaven. But since there are no clearly marked roads, it is better to develop the paths already marked in the past. This will bring success and give you enlightenment.

In the previous position, everything that is achievable in this situation can be achieved, and the sixth position is only an overdevelopment. If the entire hexagram is characterized by going out, then an excessive continuation of such going out would, in fact, be going to heaven, but there are no roads there. Therefore, only the further development of those paths that have already been outlined in the previous one, and those paths that are outlined in the next hexagram - the 27th, is supposed.