Let the revelations of the drunk boy's expert speak. Let Them Talk - Under the Microscope: Confessions of an Expert on the Drunk Boy Case (10/17/2017)

The resonant case about "" was again continued. Per last years the death of the little one in Balashikha was the loudest among numerous incidents. The whole country is still following the scandalous details of this tragic story. So far, the same forensic expert Mikhail Kleymenov has come to the program again in the case of a drunken boy, and he will express his version of this terrible incident. Watch the issue Let them talk - Confessions of an expert in the case of a drunken boy 10/17/2017

At first, the Shimko family was brushed aside, put pressure on them and even called them dysfunctional, but recently Roman Shimko filed a claim for moral damages for 10 million rubles. His son Alyosha Shimko was hit to death by a car in which a girl named Olga Alisova was sitting. The shock was caused by the results of the examination, which showed that the boy was ... drunk. They allegedly found 2.7 ppm of alcohol in his blood. The entire study has been questioned, but so far there are no suspects. In this issue you will see the medical examiner who conducted the examination: Mikhail Kleymenov found the strength to come back to the talk show “Let them talk” and try to clarify this confusing matter.

Let them talk - Confessions of an expert on the case of a drunken boy

What will Mikhail Kleymenov say to the present experts at the program today?

Erken Imanbaev, narcologist:

- There is an instruction from the Ministry of Health, which contains a description that if an adult had 2-3 ppm in the blood, then this could be fatal. In the case of the boy, 2.7 ppm means that he should probably already be in an alcoholic coma.

Mikhail Kleymenov categorically opposes the words of his fellow expert:

"You don't have to say that now!" 2.7 ppm is not an exorbitant dose! In 2012, a three-year-old boy fell out of a window on the 8th floor and the concentration of ethyl alcohol in his blood was 2.1 ppm. And you say that children in this state cannot perform active actions?!

“I took blood from this boy with my own hands, packed it with my own hands and then sent the vial sealed to the laboratory. The vial arrived at the laboratory unpacked, and this already indicates that there simply could not be any falsification in this case.

- I fought in various instances. But from a scientific point of view, the fact was proven. The rest is all emotion. The court and the investigation will be guided only by the facts. As for whether the boy could walk drunk on the street, I will answer you this way: during the war, a case was described when a man with an open wound of the heart walked 5 kilometers. It is a fact. And this case can also be a fact.

In the studio "Let them talk" guests and viewers discuss various scandalous situations, everyday problems, secrets of pop stars and show business, as well as national problems. The heroes of the program are real people, usually without acting education.

Let Them Speak - Confessions of an Expert on the Drunk Boy Case (10/17/2017)

The so-called “drunken boy case” of Alyosha Shimko, who died under the wheels of a car in Balashikha, has become one of the most high-profile in Russia in recent years. The conclusion of medical experts who found a horse dose of alcohol in the blood of a six-year-old child was called into question, a case of negligence was initiated, but there are still no suspects in it. Forensic expert Mikhail Kleymenov will appear in the studio, signing the examination. According to him, there can be no talk of forgery of blood or an error in the conduct of the study.

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October 17 in the program Let them talk Under the microscope: revelations of an expert on the “drunk boy case” 17 10 2017 watch online The so-called “drunk boy case” of Alyosha Shimko, who died under the wheels of a car in Balashikha, has become one of the most high-profile in Russia in recent years. The conclusion of medical experts who found a horse dose of alcohol in the blood of a six-year-old child was called into question, a case of negligence was initiated, but there are still no suspects in it. Forensic expert Mikhail Kleymenov will appear in the studio, signing the examination. According to him, there can be no talk of forgery of blood or an error in the conduct of the study.

“Let them talk about the last issue of today” - a talk show by Andrei Malakhov - the leading figure of the bright and enchanting evening air. The guests of the “Let them talk” program are interesting and famous, the topics discussed are relevant and original. The show participants leave boring phrases outside the set and engage in heated debates. The program claims to be information-analytical, therefore the discussions are no less meaningful than emotional. “Let them talk” is a place where real metamorphoses take place - politicians turn into ordinary people, and ordinary people into politicians. No matter what the conversation is, everyone has the right to vote.

Released: Russia, Channel One
Leading: Dmitry Borisov

In April last year, all federal channels started talking about the "drunk boy" case. The incident took place in Balashikha, where Olga Alisova knocked down a 6-year-old child to death in the courtyard of the house. The blood of the deceased was handed over for examination, which was conducted by Mikhail Kleimenov. The results shocked the entire country. The child's blood contained 2.7 ppm of alcohol. How the story ended, we will find out in the article.

Terrible accident

In mid-April 2017, a terrible accident occurred in Balashikha involving Olga Alisova (31 years old) and Alexei Shimko (6 years old). The woman hit a child who at that time was walking in the courtyard of the house. The boy was returning from the playground, next to him was his grandfather.

Unfortunately, the child died at the scene from his injuries. Heartbroken parents, not having time to recover from the funeral of their son, received new shocking information.

According to the results of the forensic medical examination, Alyosha's blood was found to contain great amount alcohol (2.7 ppm). The analysis was carried out by Mikhail Kleymenov.

Perhaps the tragedy would not have received wide publicity, but Alexei's parents turned to the federal channel in the program "Let them talk." The resonant case of the “drunk boy” has become the topic of more than one broadcast.

Fake expertise

Forensic expert Mikhail Kleimenov did not hide from journalists and the press, he actively participated in the case.

He decided to come to the program "Let them talk" and gave an extensive interview. According to him, the examination was carried out absolutely correctly, the blood sampling was carried out without the slightest violation.

Mikhail Kleimenov explained the presence of alcohol in the child's body by the fact that Alyosha could drink vodka unnoticed at home or on a walk.

The situation seemed absurd, because such ppm indicates that the boy's body contained about 0.5 liters of strong alcoholic drink. According to other experienced experts, after drinking so much, the child would fall into a coma, and not move freely on a bicycle around the yard.

Proper Expertise

To put an end to the matter, Alyosha's parents had to apply to the Investigative Committee of Russia and send their son's tests to Germany for examination. It was there that experts confirmed that Mikhail Kleimenov made a gross mistake.

In turn, the expert institutions of the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Health of Russia conducted their own study. The commission consisted of 18 experienced specialists. All of them confirmed that the results made by Kleimenov were incorrect.

Alyosha Shimko was absolutely sober during the accident.

preventive measure

How did the high-profile case end? Olga Alisova, the culprit of the accident, was sentenced to 3 years in prison. The punishment, according to society, is very mild. In addition, the court ordered her to pay monetary compensation to the family of the deceased.

But the expert Mikhail Kleimenov escaped with a “slight fright”. He was charged with negligence. Although the boy's parents insisted on falsification and criminal conspiracy with the culprit of the accident.

Kleimenov faces a fine and correctional labor. Is the judgment fair? Probably not. But there is hope that now the examinations in Russia will be carried out properly.