How to open your own shawarma stall. How to open a shawarma stall? My monthly expenses are

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* The calculations use average data for Russia

From 270,000 ₽

Starting investments

400,000 ₽

100,000 ₽

Net profit

6 months

Payback period

To open your own shawarma business, 270 thousand rubles and two employees are enough. If you choose a good location, a small retail outlet can bring in 100 thousand rubles. net profit.

It is difficult to imagine a simpler idea for your own small business than a retail outlet for the preparation and sale of shawarma. Even despite the high level of competition, such a business remains profitable and quickly pays for itself. To organize a street or stationary point of sale does not require large capital. At the same time, shawarma is in high demand along with other fast food products - pancakes, pizza, hot dogs, hamburgers and other street fast food or, as it is now fashionable to say, street food. Shawarma and similar foods can be eaten on the go and without the use of cutlery. All this provides fast food chains and individual retail outlets with greater popularity.

Before reading the article, pay attention to the following points that are common to street food:

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  • The main advantage of street food for buyers has always been and remains maximum proximity to pedestrian traffic: places of recreation, study or work;
  • A street retail outlet must have maximum affordability: the cost of one “snack”, as a rule, does not exceed 200-300 rubles;
  • Whether it’s shawarma or other dishes, they are prepared using technology that’s been streamlined like clockwork and right in front of the customers.
Considering these factors, we can immediately conclude that the key issues at the opening stage will be choosing a location, finding a profitable supplier and hiring skilled workers, and not just purchasing the necessary equipment, as many people think at first.

What is the technology for preparing shawarma?

Shawarma (shawarma) is a Middle Eastern dish of supposedly Turkish origin, which was originally a traditional Arab flatbread stuffed with fried minced poultry, lamb or beef with the addition of fresh vegetables, various spices and sauces. In Russia, to prepare shawarma, as a rule, they use thin Armenian lavash stuffed with chicken or pork, vegetables and sauce.

The technological process of preparing traditional shawarma is extremely simple. The meat for preparing shawarma is cut into thin pieces and then fried in grills specially designed for this purpose. In this case, the tenderloin is threaded onto a vertically located knife (skewer), which rotates around its axis near the heating elements. Roasting occurs using flameless gas burners.

When ready, the meat is cut into thin pieces with a large sharp knife. These pieces fall into a tray and are then collected to fill lavash - unleavened white bread in the form of a thin flatbread made from wheat flour. Chopped meat, a salad of fresh, pickled and canned vegetables (cucumbers, cabbage, carrots, tomatoes, onions, etc.) with herbs are laid out on the unfolded pita bread. All this is topped with mayonnaise sauce and ketchup, wrapped in pita bread and packed in a paper and/or plastic bag. All this takes no more than five minutes.

In addition to the main and most common ingredients, shawarma may also include grated cheese, potatoes fried until crisp, or its substitute - chips. There is also a so-called vegetarian shawarma, which does not contain meat, but it is not particularly popular.

What equipment is needed to sell shawarma?

The total cost of equipping a shawarma outlet will range from 150 thousand rubles to 300 thousand rubles.

To prepare shawarma, you will need special equipment, the desired list of which includes:
  • Grill for cooking meat- 20-30 thousand rubles. (from 11 to 90 thousand rubles, depending on the type and characteristics);
  • Refrigerator for food storage- 15 thousand rubles;
  • Refrigerator for selling drinks - 20 thousand rubles.
  • Tabletop fryer- 3-15 thousand rubles;
  • Microwave 5-10 thousand rubles.
  • Contact grill- 3-5 thousand rubles;
  • Washing - 3 thousand rubles;
  • Cash desk and cashless payment terminal - 30 thousand rubles;
  • Chairs for sellers, workplace - 5 thousand rubles.
  • Other(advertising design, inventory, staff uniform) - 10 thousand rubles.

The main equipment for preparing shawarma is, of course, a grill. Depending on the model, the kit may include the apparatus itself, stands or tables with gastronomic containers for salads, tables for preparing pita bread and thermal display cases. Today, gas and electric grills are available on the Russian market.

Gas grills are equipped with a cylinder of liquefied gas, which is a cheap fuel. This grill can operate without being connected to an electrical network, which is convenient for street trading. Gas grills are more economical (gas is much cheaper than electricity) and operate autonomously. You can buy a new gas grill for shawarma from 11 to 30 thousand rubles. The amount will depend on power, productivity, number of burners and other characteristics.

In electric grills, heating occurs due to built-in tubular electric heaters (TEHs), which generate infrared radiation, directed using special screens. As a result, the temperature rises and the cooking time of the meat is reduced. Although this may also have a downside: some experts believe that electric grill models dry out meat more than gas ones. You can find an electric grill for shawarma for either 18 thousand rubles or 90 thousand rubles. The cost will also depend on the power, performance and number of heating elements. The more of them, the more productive and massive the equipment will be.

The typical layout of most grills is approximately the same. The device is a stainless steel cabinet with heating elements, reflectors, a tray for collecting fat and removable skewers with clamps for fastening products. What to look for when choosing a specific model?

Main characteristics when choosing a shawarma grill:

  1. Grill power. Is a key characteristic of the grill. In general, the power of grills is quite high, since cooking a large volume of product should take as little time as possible. Average power is about 5 kW (5000 watts). This device will allow you to cook 10-12 servings of shawarma per hour. A grill with a power of 3 kW is suitable for cooking 50 portions per day. A device with a power of less than 3 kW is not worth taking. If your point has high traffic and you have to work at speed (more than 13 servings per hour), a 7-10 kW grill option is suitable.
  2. Grill capacity. It also depends on your planned sales volume. There are grills for sale with a capacity of 10, 20, 30 and more kilograms of meat. In most cases, at the beginning of work it is quite possible to get by with a 20 kg device. An electric grill for preparing shawarma with a capacity of 20-30 kg of meat per hour, weighing 27 kg and a power of 3.2 kW will cost an average of 20-25 thousand rubles. The cost of the simplest gas grill with one burner with a capacity of 10 kg of meat and gas control is 11 thousand rubles. Grills for 20-25 kg of meat will cost from 18 thousand rubles.
  3. Number of skewers. The more skewers, the deeper the meat will be fried. In addition, a large number of skewers allows you to simultaneously cook various meats - pork, beef or lamb, and, therefore, significantly expand your range. Such equipment may often include special skewers for frying pieces of chicken meat. However, chicken is more tender than other types of meat, and when fried together with beef or pork, it quickly dries out or even burns. Therefore, for heat treatment of poultry, it is best to use a frying surface, which is a kind of large electric frying pan that allows you to fry a large amount of raw material at the same time.
  4. The presence of a drive for rotating the spit. Both gas and electric grills of most models may have a special drive for rotating the skewer. Some entrepreneurs are sure that it is better to choose just such devices, since mechanical rotation, on the one hand, allows you to evenly fry the meat on all sides, which will give it an appetizing appearance and crust, and on the other hand, this option helps relieve the workload of the cook-seller, increasing , thus, the speed of customer service. But there is also an opposite point of view: the presence of an electric motor does not allow the cook to control the frying process.

The cheapest equipment is made in China, but it usually has low productivity. Grills of Russian and European production with approximately the same power differ in price: domestic devices cost 1.5 times less. Finally, whatever device you choose, it must meet the following requirements: comply with SanPiN requirements, have Russian GOST certificates, be easy to use and reliable in operation, and easy to clean.

Ready ideas for your business

In addition to the grill, you may also need an industrial vegetable slicer. Cutting vegetables by hand is quite a long and tedious task. And even with small volumes, a conventional food processor will soon fail. Professional vegetable cutters are usually sold without knives, so you can choose the attachments you need yourself. Shawarma includes tomatoes, onions, cucumbers, cabbage, peppers and French fries. Therefore, you will need a slicer with a thickness of 4 mm for cutting tomatoes, 2 mm for cucumbers, cabbage, peppers and onions, an attachment for French fries 8 x 8 mm. An industrial vegetable cutter with a productivity of about 300 kg per hour will cost 26-33 thousand rubles.

If you are going to add fries to your shawarma (they can also be sold separately), you will need a deep fryer. This equipment differs in the number of sections and their volume. Tabletop fryers can hold from 4 to 10 liters, while floor standing fryers can hold up to 30 liters. In public catering structures, floor models are usually used, but for preparing shawarma, a tabletop model will be quite sufficient. Deep fryers, like grills, come in gas and electric varieties. But unlike a grill, it is better to give preference to electric models, since gas models can heat up less evenly, which affects the taste of the product. A tabletop fryer can be purchased for 3-15 thousand rubles.

Ready ideas for your business

During cooking, all vegetable ingredients should be kept in a cool place so that they do not spoil. However, constantly putting them in the refrigerator and taking them out if necessary turns out to be too inconvenient. To optimize the work process, experts advise using refrigerated tables with built-in gastronorm containers for slicing (the same ones are used when preparing pizza). This equipment is very convenient to work with. Its main disadvantage is the price. Such a table will cost at least 50 thousand rubles. Most entrepreneurs prefer to make do with a regular refrigerator for storing food (from 10 thousand rubles).

You may also need special equipment for mixing sauces. Of course, this is not an essential item, and at first (and in most cases, for everything else) you can safely do without it. Sauces based on ready-made mayonnaise mixed with spices and ketchup can be prepared either manually or using an industrial immersion blender. The latter will be required for a large number of orders, as well as if you are positioning shawarma as a high-quality and complete dish. A blender allows you to achieve smooth sauce in a few seconds. If mixing by hand, this will take about a minute. A 2-liter industrial blender can be purchased at a price of 5 thousand rubles.

For those who especially care about the taste of their shawarma, the list of equipment is not limited to this. For example, after cooking, shawarma can be additionally fried to give the pita bread a ruddy color and a pleasant smell. For this purpose, a contact grill with textured or smooth surfaces is used. The finished shawarma is laid out on a thermal surface, pressed on top of another (like an electric waffle iron) and fried evenly. The simplest model of a contact grill will cost 2 thousand rubles. However, you can get by with a regular microwave oven, which may not give a golden brown crust, but will allow you to heat up the shawarma in the cold season.

How to organize a shawarma point

The location of your outlet is much more important. The more cross-country ability, the better. As a rule, among the optimal places, entrepreneurs name markets, public transport stops, proximity to educational institutions (secondary and higher), train stations, etc.

To place the equipment you will need a stationary pavilion (stall) or a mobile trailer or van with connected electricity and water supply. The trailer can be purchased at a price of 150 thousand rubles, taking into account all the necessary equipment (electricity meter, water heater, autonomous water supply). The location of the mobile trailer must be agreed upon with the administration. Sometimes this can be a problem. Therefore, first find out if anyone is selling such a place or subletting their place. This option may be more profitable.

Ready ideas for your business

To work at a small point, two people will be enough. One of them will be involved in the preparation and sale of shawarma, and the other will be in charge of purchasing products and all other organizational issues. At first, the owner of the outlet can work in the stall himself, which will allow him to save on wages for an additional employee and at the same time control your hired chef-seller.

List of documents for opening a shawarma point:

  1. Certificate of state registration of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur;
  2. Enterprise passport with details;
  3. Certificate of tax registration;
  4. Letter from Goskomstat;
  5. Cash register registration card;
  6. Lease agreement or certificate of ownership;
  7. Conclusion of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Center “On the compliance of the facility with sanitary standards”;
  8. Assortment list agreed with the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision;
  9. Conclusions of the fire inspection body “On approval of the placement of an object in a certain territory.”
If you have gas equipment, you will also need to obtain a conclusion on technical examination and registration from the gas technical inspection of the Housing Inspectorate for facilities. In addition, you will need to conclude contracts for utility services: energy supply, water supply, heating, garbage removal, cleaning of the surrounding area, obtain a BTI passport (for a stationary facility) and a passport for placing outdoor advertising (for a stationary facility). Please note that the above list may change due to changes in legislation and the characteristics of different regions.

The minimum investment for opening a shawarma point will be from 270 thousand rubles. This includes the purchase or rental of a kiosk, the purchase of equipment and the cost of its delivery, the purchase of products and consumables (bags, napkins), registration with the INFS, and preparation of all necessary documents. Monthly expenses, including the salaries of two salespeople, rental costs, utilities and other operating expenses, amount to about 60 thousand rubles.

How to set the price for shawarma and calculate revenue

To calculate the cost of one serving, take into account the consumption of meat (50 grams), pita bread (1 sheet), vegetables (40 grams), mayonnaise and tomato sauces (10 grams each), packaging, napkins (2 pieces) and electricity for preparing one serving. Thus, the cost is about 37 rubles per serving. The retail price of one shawarma starts from 120-150 rubles per piece. If you sell at least 100 servings per day (which is quite possible in a good place) at a cost of 140 rubles per piece, your monthly revenue will be more than 400 thousand rubles. After all deductions, the net profit of one point reaches 80-100 thousand rubles. Thus, one point can theoretically recoup the initial investment in just 3 months. In practice, this period will most likely last up to six months.

Calculate in advance when you can start your activity. Shawarma is not a seasonal product, but it is still in greatest demand in the autumn-winter period. In summer, sales drop slightly, which is due to weather conditions (in general, during hot weather, the consumption of meat and flour products decreases noticeably), as well as the holiday season. Therefore, if you do not open your point in a resort town, it is best to plan its opening for the end of August - beginning of September.

What are the risks in trading shawarma?

Any entrepreneurial activity, especially at the very beginning, is associated with certain risks. Some of them can be foreseen at the stage of drawing up a business plan. The most likely risks include the following:

  • failure to achieve a production goal: to prevent it, you need to set the minimum productivity of your point;
  • risk of disruption of basic technological operations: to avoid this, it is necessary to strictly adhere to production technology);
  • the risk of increasing prices for raw materials or purchasing low-quality raw materials. In order to reduce the likelihood of this risk, experienced entrepreneurs recommend carefully selecting product suppliers at the first stage of work, monitoring the quality of the raw materials used and concluding preliminary contracts for their supply.

But since there are also force majeure circumstances that cannot be foreseen, in order to avoid serious financial losses, you need to have a certain “safety cushion” - a cash reserve that will help cope with foreseeable and unforeseen problems and downturns. Such a reserve should help your company survive in the absence of profit for at least two months.

Do you love oriental cuisine and would like to cook your favorite dishes for other people? Then we have a unique and promising offer for you - the production of shawarma. This is a profitable business that can bring its owner a good income. A shawarma cafe can be the initial step on the path to your own restaurant. This is the best option for beginners, since the investment size will be minimal.

In order for a shawarma point of sale to be profitable, it is necessary to think through many issues. After all, the main goal of any business is quick payback and profit. It is important that your establishment is visited by a maximum of customers, and that they are satisfied with the service and quality of the products. Let's figure it out and calculate the effectiveness of the project.

Advantages of a business idea

To start, there is no need to rent a large room with modern renovation. To get started, a standard stall or mobile van will be enough. Remember, this is not a restaurant of high principles, but a fast and inexpensive fast food. Your clients will not be high-ranking guests of the city, but ordinary schoolchildren and students who, during breaks between classes, just want a tasty and inexpensive snack. You will give them the opportunity to eat in the shortest possible time. Therefore, the optimal location would be close to universities and technical schools. So, developing a business plan for selling shawarma is not a difficult task, but it requires competent analysis of information.

How to write a business plan for opening a shawarma shop?

So, many people are concerned about a simple and logical question: in a small town? We can say that this type of business will be relevant and in demand there. However, you should understand that you will have much fewer visitors. You will be competitive in any city if you offer your clients the best range of quality products and decent service.

After all, in small towns there are no huge concentrations of students and young people. And to obtain maximum profit, it is attendance that is important. Ideally, you need to locate your stall in the area of ​​the market or public transport, that is, where the maximum number of people passes. It is also important to choose the right pricing, since people are unlikely to appreciate products that are too expensive.

Example of a business plan for opening a shawarma from scratch

First of all, you should find a stall that you can rent or purchase for work. However, we recommend that you take your time and first try yourself in a new business, and if the business goes well, then you can buy a stall or open a large restaurant. If you cannot find the optimal trading place, then you should not despair. After all, you must find the option that will bring you maximum profit and show positive progress. The profitability of the project is important here.

For this purpose, there are mobile trailers that can be moved to new places and you can choose your best option for where to sell your products. If you want to immediately start working in a supermarket or shopping center, then this option has more significant costs. Renting in such premises costs significantly more, although there are also more people here.

Business plan for opening a shawarma stall

A kiosk that has all the necessary communications will cost you about 150,000 rubles. It will be necessary to connect electricity to it if it is not initially available. In addition, it is necessary to obtain permission from the city authorities to open such a business, which also takes a considerable amount of time and financial investment. Competition in this business is quite high. But it seems so at first glance. There are indeed a lot of outlets with oriental cuisine, but those who offer really tasty food at reasonable prices are very difficult to find. You can occupy this niche and be in first place.

Organizational plan and its nuances

To start a business, you will naturally need to complete a package of documentation and register with the tax office. You can open an individual entrepreneur and choose the optimal form of taxation. Individual entrepreneurs are allowed to sell food products. However, it is worth noting that to sell alcoholic products you will need additional permits and certificates.

What documents should you have on hand when starting a project:

  • Business permit. It is formalized by the city authorities;
  • Permission to open a food outlet. Sanitary permits are issued here. The inspection is carried out by Rospotrebnadzor;
  • Certificate of opening of an individual entrepreneur;
  • Premises lease agreement or ownership documents;
  • Certificates for product sales;
  • Agreements for disinfection and deratization of premises;
  • Communication systems maintenance agreement;
  • Medical record and personal information about each employee.

Selecting the location of the object

So, the room must have all the necessary communications. However, for the profitability of the project, it is also important to choose the right location. Which location would be optimal?

  • City center, if there are public transport stops and a constant flow of people. This could be a central street or square, where there are large crowds of people both on weekdays and on weekends;
  • In close proximity to parks, universities and office space. That is, where there are people who are in the same area all day and have a need to have a snack;
  • Within markets and parks.

If the location is chosen correctly, then with quality products your profits will begin to grow almost on the opening day. One client, having tried your products, will definitely recommend it to another person. This way you will be able to acquire regular customers in the shortest possible time.

However, the premises must meet certain requirements. Its area must be at least 10 square meters. m. City communications must be installed there. That is, the availability of water, electricity and air conditioning. It is important to take care of the insulation of the walls, since if there is no central heating there, then in winter it will be very cold and damp. As a result, the staff will simply refuse to work in such conditions and there will be constant staff turnover and a shortage of hands, which can lead to the loss of regular customers and a decrease in profit levels.

Searching and establishing contacts with suppliers

This is an important aspect of the activity. You will constantly need ingredients to make food, and it is important that they are always fresh and delivered exactly on time. This way you can avoid operational disruptions. In every city there are food depots that supply products to local cafes and restaurants at wholesale prices. Choose for yourself several optimal options for ongoing cooperation. In this case, if problems arise with one person, you can quickly order the necessary products from another.

If the supplier with whom you cooperated constantly increases prices sharply or leaves the market, then you can quickly arrange delivery with another. Otherwise, finding a new person will take time, which may result in the loss of regular customers and downtime in trading, which is unacceptable in this business. It is recommended to purchase products frequently, but in small quantities. This way you can always work in the kitchen with fresh food.

Production plan: employee search

To constantly produce shawarma, you will need a minimum number of employees. The main person in this business is the cook. It is important that he knows how to cook delicious dishes and does not skimp on the composition and ingredients. If you are a good cook and are ready to start a business with a minimum investment, then at first you can act as a chef and prepare your own dishes.

This way you will gain your first regular clients, see approximate income and its growth, and be able to hire a person knowing all the nuances of running this project. You need to look for a competent and experienced chef who has experience in preparing shawarma. He must have a sanitary card, since he will come into contact with food in the kitchen. You can do your accounting yourself. If you don’t know the nuances, then you can find a private accountant who will cooperate with you on an ongoing basis.

Basic requirements for employees:

  • Registration of a medical record;
  • Chef experience;
  • Decency and honesty;
  • Sociability and non-conflict;
  • Friendliness and integrity.

These are the qualities a chef who works directly with people should have. Remember, it is important not only to cook deliciously, but also to competently serve the client. It is necessary to smile and ask for the opinion of each client in order to be able to correct your own mistakes in a timely manner. Remember, the client is always right and this rule is not discussed.

Ready-made business plan for a shawarma tent: important aspects of choosing equipment

This is precisely the case when saving is not advisable, since the taste of the prepared dishes will depend on the quality of the equipment. To open a stall you should definitely purchase:

  • Grill. It can run on both gas and electricity;
  • Burner;
  • Refrigerator for storing products and ingredients;
  • Cash register for conducting settlement transactions with customers.

To get started, you can opt for equipment from domestic manufacturers, and over time replace it with a more modern and multifunctional one. It is important to buy only an original product without counterfeits, since most of the functions in them do not work or work incorrectly, which will negatively affect the prepared dishes. There are risks in this business. First of all, they are associated with competition and the wrong choice of location.

When the business begins to generate income, you will be able to replace old equipment with modern German-made devices. They have proven themselves positively. The cost must be lower than the sale of goods. On the website you can study a sample business plan for opening a shawarma shop with calculations and make sure that you will need a minimum investment to open it.

Shawarma Marketing Plan

Marketing in this case consists of advertising quality products. If you sell delicious dishes and do not neglect the benefits for the body, you will soon have many regular customers. In this case, the financial plan and expenses will quickly pay off and the business will begin to bring real money and pleasure.

Modern people are constantly in a hurry to get somewhere. In this bustle, there is not always time for a full lunch, so most people eat fast food. You can save time and have a quick snack in almost any part of the city; you don’t even have to go to a cafe or restaurant. Mobile fast food stalls are located right on the street and attract customers with the amazing smell of freshly prepared food.

In the previous publication, we talked in detail about how, in today’s article we will discuss all the advantages and disadvantages of a fast food business. We’ll also talk about how to open a shawarma stall.

Shawarma is a popular Turkish dish that consists of a mixture of vegetables and fried meat wrapped in pita bread. The popularity of this type of food is quite high, which makes opening a shawarma stall a profitable and promising business.

Shawarma business plan

To organize a fast food business, you need to draw up a detailed business plan with calculations. This is necessary in order to avoid making critical mistakes during the implementation of the idea and achieve profit in a short time.

In a business plan for opening a shawarma stall, it is necessary to outline such important nuances as the profitability of the idea, financial investments, payback periods and expected profits.

How to open a shawarma stall?

The primary question that every novice entrepreneur has is where to get the money to open their business. Even beginners understand perfectly well that funds are needed to implement a project.

How much does it cost to open a shawarma?

It is quite difficult to answer this question with precision. It all depends on the region where you are going to start a business, competition in the chosen field of activity, as well as on the organizational issues that you will encounter when opening a shawarma point.

There are several ways to get money to start your own business. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

  • Bank loan. Surely the first thought that came to your mind was getting money for your business from the bank. In this case, everything is simple, you need to contact the appropriate bank and apply for a loan. But be careful and vigilant when signing the contract. There are always risks, and no one guarantees you quick success. Therefore, before taking out a loan, weigh all the pros and cons and only after that make your final decision;
  • Investment. Finding an investor who will agree to finance your project is, of course, a tempting offer, but not in this case. No one will sponsor the opening of a shawarma stall; small projects are not of interest to rich people. Thus, in your case, the only option is to find yourself a partner with whom you can pay all the costs of opening a retail outlet;
  • Financial assistance from the state. There is a financial assistance program for beginning entrepreneurs. To participate, you must be registered with the employment service as unemployed. In addition, you will need to submit salary certificates from your previous place of work, as well as a detailed business plan for consideration by the commission. After going through all the stages, you will be able to receive one-time financial assistance from the state for the development of your business.

Business registration

The first step is to decide on the material and legal form of the activity. In this case, there is no point in registering as a legal entity; it is quite enough to choose individual entrepreneurship as a form of activity with a simplified taxation system (single tax on imputed income).

To locate a retail outlet, you will need to obtain the appropriate permits from Rospotrebnadzor, sanitary and fire services.

The preparation and trade of food products are subject to strict control by the Santrant. Therefore, all standards and requirements for food preparation and food storage must be observed. Be prepared for frequent checks.

Shawarma stall location

A favorable location of a retail outlet can lead to success and quick payback of the business. Therefore, it is worth choosing a place to sell fast food very wisely.

It is very important to place a retail outlet in crowded parts of the city. You can sell shawarma both in the center and near the station, in the park, in the area of ​​educational institutions and hospitals. In general, there, in places with high traffic of people eager to have a snack on the go.

A kiosk selling shawarma can be opened indoors by renting the necessary space. But in my opinion, it is still more profitable to open a mobile stall on wheels and sell fast food on the street. This is much cheaper financially, and the payback for this business will come much faster.

Equipment for a shawarma tent

The bulk of the funds will be spent on purchasing equipment for selling fast food.

Necessary equipment:

  • Grill – approximate cost from 10,000 rubles;
  • Shawarma making machine – from 7,000 rubles;
  • Refrigerator – from 10,000 rubles;
  • Hood – from 5000;
  • Production tables - approximate cost from 10 thousand rubles;
  • Washstand from 2000 rubles.
  • In addition to the basic specialized equipment, you will also need other tools for preparing shawarma: kitchen knives, a board for cutting food, containers for fillings. You will also need disposable tableware and napkins.

Purchase of products

It is very important to buy high-quality and fresh products. Do not purchase goods in large quantities; it is better to agree with sellers on the market about the wholesale purchase of products. Remember that spoiled and stale food significantly affects the reputation of the establishment and can lead to dire consequences in the form of poisoning. Don't risk people's health.

You can purchase fresh meat for shawarma at a favorable wholesale price in a butcher shop. Alternatively, you can open your own meat stall. Read more about this on our business portal.

Costs and profits

Your main expenses are purchasing equipment, renting a kiosk, and purchasing food for preparing shawarma. Constant financial expenses will include: paying taxes and rent, paying salaries to staff, purchasing products.


As noted above, profit depends on the advantageous location. Therefore, study the demand and competition very carefully and choose a suitable location for your shawarma kiosk.

A little advice. Shawarma, as a rule, is prepared with meat, but today, many people have completely abandoned the use of this product. Therefore, I recommend that you offer vegetarian shawarma to your customers. This way, you will attract additional customers and ensure greater profits.

Advertising campaign

Opening a fast food outlet in a crowded place is the best advertising. But despite this, a bright sign will not hurt you. Therefore, I recommend that you definitely use such an effective way to attract clients.

The popularity of fast food is easily explained by its affordable cost and large selection of all kinds of fast food dishes, which anyone can purchase at a time convenient for them. The shawarma business, due to the high consumer demand for this popular dish, can become a profitable activity. It can be opened without large initial investments.

Shawarma is easy to prepare, and purchasing the necessary products does not require large expenses. Most retail outlets offer their customers a variety of accompanying dishes and drinks, which increases income and makes the business attractive and stable.

What do you need to know before opening a shawarma business?

Before opening their own shawarma business, aspiring entrepreneurs should evaluate the advantages of this business, as well as be aware of its negative sides. This type of activity is distinguished by a stable income if properly organized, and you won’t need a lot of money at the start. The advantages of a shawarma business include:

  • the opportunity to work independently or as a franchise;
  • no difficulties in finding personnel;
  • no need to be tied to a specific place, since you can open a mobile shawarma on wheels;
  • quick return on investment;
  • the opportunity to open your own retail network, which will entail a multiple increase in profits.

Despite the obvious advantages of this type of activity, a novice entrepreneur should be aware of the pitfalls of the shawarma business. First of all, it should be noted that there is a high level of competition, especially when opening a retail outlet in places where there are competitors nearby.

To prepare street food, products with a short shelf life are used, so entrepreneurs are not able to save on purchasing goods in bulk. In addition, damaged goods must be disposed of, which entails inevitable losses.

It is important to understand that a business selling fast food is subject to a number of requirements from regulatory authorities (Rospotrebnadzor, SES and others), which must be strictly followed. If violations are detected at a retail outlet, you will have to pay a significant fine.

For these reasons, a new businessman must foresee possible risks and be prepared for low profits in the first months of work. Unfortunately, some sellers are not honest, so you should not exclude cases of theft on their part.

Now let’s look at the procedure for organizing an enterprise for selling instant food products. Shawarma certificates will be required for the sale of fast food and related products. Documents and necessary licenses can be obtained from local governments. In addition, appropriate permits from regulatory authorities will be required. They make it possible to legally freely sell food products in a specific place.

To open a shawarma stall, you will need a conclusion that the technological processes for preparing food products carried out at the facility comply with sanitary standards. They can be obtained from the SES by performing deratization, disinfection and disinfestation of the retail outlet.

The entrepreneur will need to enter into an agreement with municipal organizations that carry out waste removal. You should also know: in order to legally sell food products, the sales chef must have a medical book at his workplace.

Since the preparation of shawarma, hot drinks and other products will require the use of electricity and gas equipment, the appropriate permits from energy supply organizations should be obtained.

How to open a shawarma stall?

Let's take a closer look at each stage of opening this type of business.

Business registration

First, you need to register your activities with the Federal Tax Service as an individual entrepreneur. This will make it possible to legally engage in business, and also count on receiving UTII or paying taxes under a simplified scheme.

If you plan to sell alcohol, in this case the enterprise should be registered as a limited liability company (LLC). The entrepreneur must also acquire a cash register, which will allow him to legally trade in products.

When the enterprise is registered, it is necessary to rent a retail space or buy a stall. It is recommended to make repairs to the premises and equip them with appropriate equipment. After the preparatory work, the entrepreneur can contact the regulatory services to obtain permits to conduct commercial activities.

You should also contact Rospotrebnadzor to obtain permits for the installation of a retail pavilion in a certain location. If the land plot is municipally owned by city authorities, you should contact them with an application and conclude an appropriate lease agreement.

Important: the amount of organizational expenses for obtaining the necessary permits and certificates can amount to 20-25 thousand rubles, taking into account the registration of the enterprise with the tax service.

Choosing a case format

It is worth deciding on the format of doing business at the enterprise planning stage, since the type of retail premises, the choice of equipment and the methods of conducting a marketing policy directly depend on this:

  • If the production and sale of shawarma will be carried out in a separate room (trade pavilion, store), there is no way to do without permits from regulatory authorities. As practice shows, registering a business for this format is the most difficult in terms of time spent and meeting all the requirements of government services. However, if an entrepreneur manages to locate himself in a market pavilion, a shopping center or other places with a large number of people, success will not be long in coming.
  • When opening a fast food enterprise, the activities of which will be carried out in a stationary kiosk, you will not need to undergo many inspections by supervisory services. For example, inspections by the sanitary and epidemiological station or the Rospotrebnadzor service are carried out only after a year of commercial activity, provided that there are no complaints from customers about this outlet. If an entrepreneur wants to open a shawarma stall, he must remember the need to rent a plot of land from the city authorities. It is also worth knowing that its size in most cases is significantly less than the fee for space in a shopping center, so if you choose a good location on city streets, shawarma can bring in a very good income.
  • If an entrepreneur wants to open a mobile shawarma stall, then in addition to obtaining permits from regulatory authorities, the van will need to be registered with the traffic police. The main advantage of this format is that it is not tied to a specific location and the ability to install a mobile room anywhere in the locality. You won’t need to spend a lot of money on renting a van and equipment to start a business using this format.

Selecting a location

It is easy to guess that the success of an enterprise for the production and sale of shawarma will largely depend on the location of the retail location. The main rule for choosing it is the high traffic flow of people. If you install a premises for shawarma in the market, near train stations, schools and other educational institutions, a high (and most importantly - constant!) income will not take long to arrive. The same applies to the location of retail places near plants and factories, city entertainment centers, metro and other public places.

An entrepreneur must be prepared for the fact that there may already be competitors with similar products nearby. To stand out among them and attract more buyers, you will need:

  • ensure high quality of products sold;
  • offer prices lower than competitors;
  • install a bright informative sign, visible from a considerable distance;
  • expand the product range;
  • offer the buyer the best service conditions (branded packaging, home delivery of shawarma).

Important: the cost of renting a retail outlet (land plot) directly depends on its location. The closer it is to the center of the village, the higher the payment.

Purchase of equipment for shawarma

The technological process of preparing shawarma does not present any difficulties, however, this will require special equipment. An entrepreneur can purchase new equipment or used equipment, but in good condition.

You also need to know that domestically produced equipment is suitable for these purposes, which is 2-3 times cheaper than imported analogues. Here is an approximate list of equipment for a retail outlet:

  • vertical grill (electric or gas shawarma spit) – from 25 thousand rubles;
  • contact grill – 2-5 thousand rubles;
  • kitchen furniture – 15-20 thousand rubles;
  • machine for making tea and coffee – 7-10 thousand rubles.

In addition, you will need dishes and kitchen utensils (3 thousand rubles), uniforms for the cook and seller (3 thousand rubles each), napkins and packaging material (1 thousand rubles). Installing a cash register at a retail outlet costs 3 thousand rubles. Shawarma on coals is very popular, so you should think about purchasing a barbecue and equipping a special area for its installation.

Thus, to equip a stall with the necessary equipment at the initial stage, you will need about 70 thousand rubles (maybe more, depending on the prices of a particular device). With the development of the enterprise, in addition to the shawarma oven, it will be possible to purchase equipment for preparing sauces and equipment for hot baking (related dishes).

Hiring staff

Cooking shawarma and related dishes requires certain training from the staff of the outlet. Therefore, when choosing employees, you should pay attention to their level of professional training and work experience. An experienced specialist can prepare shawarma within a few minutes, which is very important for customer service.

Also, when hiring a person, you should pay attention to how well he knows how to handle equipment and make tasty shawarma that will not be too dry. It is enough to ask the applicant to make a dish using a shawarma making machine - it will not take much time, and this way you can verify his abilities.

Important: As practice shows, having a special education is not a prerequisite for a potential employee. With due diligence, you can learn how to prepare this simple appetizer very quickly.

It would be a good idea to check the applicant for the absence of dermatitis, since this is an important condition for working with food products and, of course, with customers. The employee is required to carry a health certificate confirming the ability to work in the catering industry.

The experience of the future employee also plays an important role, since working in a shawarma shop is associated with a certain stress, because a person will have to be in a stuffy stall, quickly prepare dishes, and also count money and give change to customers. As for the remuneration of employees, its value reaches 25 thousand rubles.

Advertising of the establishment

As practice shows, traditional advertising methods do a poor job of attracting customers to shawarma outlets. Usually buyers know that it is prepared deliciously in a particular place, so they buy it there. Many consumers purchase fast food dishes from some stall only because it happens to be nearby, and they are simply too lazy to go to their favorite fast food pavilion.

As a rule, funds invested in business development quickly pay for themselves, which allows entrepreneurs to scale their enterprise and open new retail outlets. A network of shawarma stalls becomes quickly recognizable among the population, which is also an effective element of self-promotion. For a brand to become popular, it is necessary to come up with an interesting slogan, make the dishes tasty and inexpensive, and provide high-level customer service.

The appearance of the outlet must also be appropriate - the exterior of the stall and the presence of advertising banners must tell the person that here he can buy delicious shawarma, other tasty fast food dishes and drink hot or cold drinks. To increase the flow of clients, it also wouldn’t hurt to:

  • take part in fast food festivals and celebrations;
  • carry out various promotions for customers;
  • order sound advertising in the area of ​​the city where the point of sale is located;
  • distribute discount coupons for products offered in public places.

How much does shawarma cost?

At the initial stages of work, entrepreneurs are interested in how much shawarma costs, what products should be purchased and how to calculate the cost of dishes. First of all, the price of the finished product will depend on the type of filling.

Today, fast food enterprises offer customers shawarma with pork, chicken, vegetables and other fillings, on which the selling price depends. Let's give a simple example of calculating the cost of a snack and the profitability of the business as a whole.

You can cook 20 kg of meat on a spit, while the total yield of shawarma servings is 135 pieces. To make one shawarma, you will need pita bread, vegetables and mayonnaise. As a result, the cost of a serving of snacks is about 30-40 rubles (including gas and electricity costs).

The average cost of shawarma is 100 rubles per serving. Let's assume that in 1 hour you can sell 5 pieces (excluding drinks and accompanying dishes). With a twelve-hour working day, the revenue will be 6 thousand rubles. As you can see, the profit from the sale of one portion is more than twice the cost of creating it.

How much does it cost to open a shawarma shop?

Above we have indicated an approximate list of prices for purchasing equipment and starting your own business. As practice shows, you can start with 180 thousand rubles (for obvious reasons, this amount can be much higher).

Most of the costs are directly related to payment for premises, electricity and gas bills, as well as employee salaries. Fixed expenses include the purchase of raw materials (meat, pita bread, mayonnaise, ketchup, vegetables, spices, drinks, etc.). Do not forget that taxes must be paid from the proceeds received.

Open a business on your own or as a franchise?

One of the profitable options for investing your own funds would be opening a shawarma franchise. First, an entrepreneur needs to choose a franchisor - a company that offers franchisees favorable conditions for cooperation under its own brand. Among the well-known brands we should highlight “Shaverma in St. Petersburg”, “Uncle Doner”, “Cheburechnaya USSR”, “Lunch Express”, “Brynza” and others.

Having decided on the choice of a franchisor company, it is very important to conduct an analysis of the competitor market and consumer demand in the area where it is planned to open a retail outlet. Then you should carefully consider the possible location of the pavilion or stall.

Important: when recruiting personnel, you must first of all find employees (without work experience possible) who will take their responsibilities responsibly. Most franchisors train the staff of their franchisees, so people willing to work can quickly learn how to prepare a signature snack and serve customers professionally.

A franchise allows you to quickly achieve a tangible income, provided you have about 250-300 thousand rubles at the start. Conclusions about whether to open a business on your own or work as a franchise can only be made after careful monitoring of the market and taking into account possible risks.

How to open a shawarma - business plan

The success of an enterprise selling shawarma and related food products largely depends on a well-written business plan, which will allow you to calculate the costs of starting a business and find out the estimated income. So, the costs of opening a stall will be:

  • 10 thousand rubles – registration of the enterprise with the Federal Tax Service;
  • 10-15 thousand rubles – obtaining permits;
  • 25-30 thousand rubles – rent of a stall, premises of a trade pavilion;
  • 70-100 thousand rubles – purchase of equipment;
  • 50 thousand rubles – advertising of the enterprise;
  • 40 thousand rubles – salary for two sellers;
  • 10-15 thousand rubles – the first purchase of raw materials.

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Thus, to open a business producing and selling shawarma, you will need about 170-260 thousand rubles. This amount may vary significantly due to the type of equipment purchased, type of business (franchise or independent organization), location of the outlet, region and other factors.

In contact with

Perhaps a stall or a mobile trailer with shawarma can be classified as the most low-cost type of business, but you shouldn’t expect fabulous profits either. This is a fairly stable small business, which, when several similar outlets are opened, moves into the medium category. By setting up several shawarma stalls, you can earn 500,000 rubles or more monthly. At the same time, product suppliers will be common for the entire network, which will have a positive impact on the work of all your points.

You need to start production and sales from one kiosk, especially if this business is new to you.

There are 2 options for premises for selling shawarma: stationary stall and mobile trailer-trailer. First you need to decide which one you will use for the production and trade of shawarma. Both options can generate income, but have their pros and cons.

The trailer is beneficial due to its mobility. It can move during holidays and important events to a place with a large crowd of people, thereby increasing demand. The shawarma stall has a regular customer base. Having “fed” the buyer, he will have regular, stable sales of his products. A stall purchased or leased is used. You can rent a larger room, but then you will need a lot of other goods.

Next, you need to think about the assortment, since the preparation of documents directly depends on this, which you need to start preparing early, since this process can take up to 3 months. If you plan to sell alcoholic beverages along the way, you need to register your enterprise as an LLC; if there are none, then the most suitable option is an individual entrepreneur. While the papers are moving through the authorities, you will have time to go through all the other preparatory stages before opening the shawarma.

Investment size

The advantage of a business built on shawarma trading, is that the return of funds with profit will go from the very first day. It is not necessary to leave funds “just in case,” although cautious entrepreneurs try to insure themselves in case of equipment breakdown or food spoilage.

Step-by-step instruction

First of all, documents are drawn up and the issue of rent is resolved. The assortment is defined in detail below. Usually, in addition to shawarma itself, such catering establishments sell hot and cold drinks, ice cream, and sometimes other baked goods: sausages in dough, rolls, pancakes, hot dogs, spiral chips, etc. Shawarma should be offered in an assortment. Make different serving sizes. Offer the buyer small and large shawarma. This way you can provide customers with ease of consumption, which is only a plus for your establishment.

Shawarma is a Middle Eastern dish, which under other names is widespread in Europe and beyond the Urals. It is prepared from meat, pita bread, vegetables and sauces. The filling and seasonings may vary.

The meat is grilled, then chopped and wrapped in pita bread along with vegetables. Chicken, turkey, veal, and lamb are used. In non-Muslim countries, shawarma is also prepared with pork. All this variety will expand the range. As the trade progresses, it will become clear which types to cook more, and which ones are better to exclude altogether.

Meat will be delivered daily; it’s easier to purchase it already skewered. Some people prefer grills equipped with skewers on which individual carcasses or pieces of meat are skewered. The cook will have to chop the meat himself after grilling. Now it's time to get your equipment. You will need:

  • Grill (electric or gas).
  • Grill burners.
  • Fridge.
  • Washing.
  • Desk (metal).
  • Hood.
  • Cook's tool.
  • Cash machine.

In order to save money at first, you can do without a freezer and a microwave oven - they are not required for shawarma, but later it is advisable to purchase such equipment for related products. It all depends on the number of buyers, demand and assortment. In the beginning, you can buy equipment for shawarma of simpler modifications, Chinese or used. Subsequently, it is advisable to replace it with reliable and modern units from well-known brands.

It is also necessary to buy uniforms for sellers, napkins, bags, gloves, disposable and professional tableware.

Recruitment consists of an interview. Experience and medical compliance are important. The kindness and correct behavior of salespeople are no less important, so when choosing a candidate for a position, it is worth assessing his resistance to stress and ability to smile. A shawarma kiosk hires 1-2 employees, depending on the outlet’s operating schedule. Cleaners are not required, as shawarma sellers do the cleaning at the end of the working day. At night, as a rule, shawarma is not sold because it is not profitable.

The shawarma kiosk should be located in a public place. There should be a train station, park, metro, shopping center or public transport stop within close proximity. The biggest fans of fast food are students who prefer to eat quickly, tasty and inexpensively, so you can choose a place for a shawarma stall near an educational institution (technical schools, universities, colleges, training centers) or a hostel. The kiosk or trailer must be visible, otherwise you will have to place a lot of bright signs and pillars.

Since mostly young people eat shawarma, it is advisable to decorate the room in a creative, modern style.

The room itself should have large windows- people will see the process of preparing food, which will inspire confidence in its quality and entertain them while waiting for their order. At night, the illuminated stall will be visible from afar, which will attract additional customers. Such retail outlets have never attracted lawbreakers, because there is no money or valuable equipment left there at night that can be quickly sold. Therefore, you should not be afraid of large windows, although there remains a risk of vandalism, but such cases are extremely rare. It is easier to insure the kiosk and equipment.


Opening a shawarma is not difficult, but you will have to collect a lot of documents and permits. First you need to register an individual entrepreneur and register with the tax authority. A single tax on imputed income is usually applied to such establishments, but in Moscow it is the simplified tax system or the OSN (the simplified tax system is more profitable). An individual entrepreneur is registered at the place of registration, and not at the place of activity. You can set up a kiosk anywhere in the Russian Federation, having agreed with local authorities. Next you will need to collect the following package of documents:

  • Permission for the production and trade of shawarma (municipal authority).
  • Permission to open a retail outlet in a certain territory (Rospotrebnadzor).
  • Certificate of sanitary and epidemiological status (Rospotrebnadzor).
  • List of manufactured products (Rospotrebnadzor).
  • Agreement with laundry and dry cleaning services for washing uniforms.
  • Quality certificates.
  • Agreement on disinfection, deratization, disinfestation.
  • Ventilation cleaning contract.
  • Agreement for the removal and disposal of fluorescent lamps.
  • Agreement for waste removal (household and organic).
  • Staff medical records.

In addition, it is required to draw up a production control program (PPC), which should include items on laboratory tests, visual monitoring of compliance with sanitary and epidemiological standards, organization of measures to eliminate inconsistencies, etc. Permission from the fire service and SES is required. Medical records must have unexpired notes on examinations by specialists.

Opening checklist

Is it profitable to open

Let's calculate whether it is profitable to open a shawarma. To do this, let’s make a list of expenses and income for a month in a rented kiosk without selling alcoholic beverages, subject to an average flow of visitors. Expenses and income for products are very relative, since everything depends on turnover and assortment.


  • Kiosk rental - 20,000 rubles.
  • UND tax - 6,000 rubles.
  • Insurance premiums for employees - 2,000 rubles.
  • Food and drinks - 50,000 rubles.
  • Garbage removal, laundry, utility bills - 5,000 rubles.
  • Disposable tableware, napkins, bags, etc. - 2,000 rubles.
  • Employee salary is 30,000 rubles.

Total: 115,000 rubles.