What sells best in shopping centers. What is profitable to sell in Russia now?

What is the most profitable way to trade? Choosing a profitable direction before starting a business

For a beginning entrepreneur, this is a very important question before investing your money, strength and will into a business - how to find, how to choose exactly that niche in the market where there will be both good demand for the product and many paying customers. This dream of every beginning entrepreneur is not always realized, let’s even say it is very, very rare. And the reason for this rarity is the most prosaic - competition.

Yes, yes, the same competition that we all wanted to see around us for so long during the Soviet Union. If only someone found a profitable niche for their business - and someone else found out about it - tomorrow there will be not one entrepreneur in this niche, but two, and the day after tomorrow not two, but four... And after a very short time in this niche It will no longer be free, but competition, like everywhere else in the market.

There is another option- to have an uncle somewhere who works as the director of a large state-owned enterprise and, out of family feelings, will only transfer orders for the purchase of goods and services to you. And since this uncle will only be your relative, there will be no competition. But this is the topic of another article - about monopolism and corruption in government agencies. And in this article we will consider the ideal situation of a competitive market, which often exists when there are simultaneously a large number of competing firms and entrepreneurs of approximately the same size in one niche and using similar technologies or selling similar goods.

Despite the fact that Today in the market all niches seem to be filled and fully occupied, this is wrong. And this is not true for one simple reason - the market is developing steadily, technologies are changing, products are changing, demand is changing. At the same time, new product niches are constantly emerging in the dynamics of change, but they are quickly filled and are occupied by the most mobile and competitively prepared entrepreneurs. Or those who were simply lucky to be in the right place at the right time.

Here are some examples of successful use of uneven market development and changing the situation in order to gain a local competitive advantage in a highly competitive environment.

Let's take an example from the distant past. Once upon a time, when we still didn’t have cockroach pencils on sale at all, one of the commercial companies found out that such a product was already available in China. And then there were a lot of cockroaches in houses, it was just a general disaster. The company entered into a large supply contract, and the first batches of this product sold out with a bang within 2-4 months, and the product was sold at a price 2-3 times higher than the purchase price.

And then, when these 4 months passed, many companies were already importing these pencils from cockroaches, prices fell along with the level of profit. And a year later it was already an ordinary commercial product with a markup of 20-30% of the purchase price.

Or let's take another example from the recent past. The good communicator Palm Treo650 was released in the USA relatively recently. Well, it was good at that time, then progress moved forward, and more advanced communicators began to be produced. But that same Treo650 turned out to be such a successful model that a lot of it was released.

One year it was even the best-selling communicator in the United States. And when the fashion for it passed in the USA, there were still a lot of these models that were slightly outdated by American standards on the market. And by our standards, he was still very remarkable. And there were smart people, they did the math, and began to import these communicators in containers to our market. At the same time, the wholesale purchase price for this model, outdated by US standards, was 100-120 dollars. And here it was sold at a price of 350-450 dollars. And this went on for a long time by today’s standards, more than a year. And then several large companies saw this situation, did the math, and brought in very large quantities of such communicators.

That's all. There was an excess of goods on the market, the price fell. And in our market, prices for newer models have begun to decline. Everything was back to normal.

Therefore, those who really want to make money are constantly looking for new options for earning money, new products and services for possible earnings.

Now let's look at what goods and services there is currently unsatisfied demand for.

There is always a choice here. Or you need to go to the consumer goods market. For example, people buy bread, milk, potatoes and other products regularly every day. But due to the fact that the competition for their sale is very, very high, the profitability of such trade is not very attractive. With such trading, you need to rely either on the use of some new technologies, which significantly reduce the cost of selling such goods in your stores, or on large sales volumes. It is no longer possible to do without the creation of large supermarkets and retail chains. This path is no longer suitable for small and medium-sized businesses.

Another option is to search for completely new options for goods and services., during the implementation of which you will be able to work for some time practically without competition, because at first you will be the only one. If you try to get creative and quickly find a product that is suitable for any region, I would first of all name new fashionable styles of clothing and shoes.

Such products are created by marketers and designers every year. New collections are coming out, and if you already sell clothes or shoes, you can directly contact suppliers of fashion brands in your price niche and please your customers with new products. Which of course will be in demand. But only the first time.

Then your competitors will import similar models, demand and margins will fall... But if you take care in advance to purchase new models that are fashionable for the next season, then you will always have new products for your customers.

And we also need to take into account that progress not only creates new business lines and niches in the market, but also kills old ones. Until recently, trading cassettes for cassette recorders was a very profitable and widespread business. But the time has come, cassette recorders have disappeared, and no one needs such a product as cassettes for them.

Let's take another industry. Every year we sell massive amounts of new electronic gadgets, mobile phones, laptops and netbooks and many other similar equipment.

And for most of these devices, batteries fail much faster than a communicator or laptop deteriorates or becomes obsolete. And many entrepreneurs have found a way to help people - they have established direct delivery of batteries and other small items for electronic equipment on orders directly from China or Taiwan from manufacturers. Or they purchase such spare parts at global electronic auctions such as ebay.com. At such auctions, you can purchase electronic components from existing equipment much cheaper than from a supplier of such equipment.

The technology is very simple– the supplier of communicators buys the same batteries from the battery manufacturer, makes his own markup on them, then the equipment supplier buys electronic devices along with spare parts, takes them here to the warehouse, makes another markup for his work plus for storage in the warehouse. And at an electronic auction you can purchase batteries directly from the manufacturer, and you save a significant amount, which increases many times over when delivering not just one unit of goods, but a whole batch.

With modern means of communication and delivery, this is quite simple and allows you to quickly supply customers with exactly the type of goods that they need right now. There is always effective demand for it, which only increases constantly with the purchase of new equipment.

The question arises: should a new entrepreneur copy existing successful businesses? who already have clients, sales volumes, profits and turnover... But here you must immediately understand that if a successful business already exists and intelligent people work in it, then you can create one either in another place, or in the case when This business is being phased out for some reason. For example, a company worked successfully in the clothing market in one city. You came from another place, got acquainted with the assortment, the system for searching for suppliers and buyers, realized that in your city there is no such type of trade and assortment of goods today, copied and moved such a business to your city. This option may turn out to be successful.

It’s especially nice if you manage to not just copy the business, but to bring something new and unusual into it. Then the probability of success becomes even higher. But you need to immediately understand that any business is not only an opportunity, but also a commercial risk. And the more potentially profitable the business, the greater the risk those who will engage in it take on.

Business in the trade sector in most cases is a win-win option, because selling products is always easier than producing them. And in order to organize a profitable business, it is not at all necessary to start with the wholesale sale of large quantities of goods - a beginner can initially rent a tent at the local central market. And having decided on the place, it is worth deciding what is profitable to trade on the market. Trading on the market is profitable! There are large flows of people here every day, which, if there is a product in demand and a good location of the tent, will have a positive impact on the final profit of the entrepreneur. And before you start trading on the market, it is important to conduct marketing research to understand which products are in high demand in a particular market, how much competition there is and how much consumers are willing to pay for a quality product. The answers to these questions will help you decide what is best to trade on the market.

Selection of goods for sale

It is not difficult to select a product for further sale, based on an analysis of a specific sales market. And a novice entrepreneur should take into account several important criteria:

  • demand,
  • location of the outlet,
  • tent size,
  • start-up capital,
  • seasonality,
  • reliable suppliers.

The main thing is the right choice of product :)

Demand is the most important criterion. An entrepreneur needs to walk around the market and identify those categories of goods that are clearly lacking here given high consumer demand. The principle is simple. Are customers constantly crowding around the only deli meat stand? Then it would be better to sell meat at a specific market. A big mistake entrepreneurs make is to sell what only they like. Here we need a different approach - to focus on the product in which a large circle of consumers is interested.

Many experienced sellers, answering the question of what is needed to trade on the market, unanimously answer - the “right” place. And when selecting goods for further sale, you also need to strictly adhere to this rule. As a rule, the territory of markets is divided into certain zones. And if you managed to profitably rent a tent that is located in the area where outerwear is offered for sale, it is completely inappropriate to sell vegetables here, since people will go to other sections of the market for food. It turns out that vegetables will not be in good demand here. The “bread” places in the markets, as a rule, have been occupied for a long time, and therefore, novice entrepreneurs, as a rule, get tents somewhere on the periphery or in dead ends. But with a high-quality product, it is quite possible to develop your own customer base in a short time.

When deciding what can be traded on the market, a businessman should also take into account the size of the rented space. If all that you managed to “get” is a tent of 3-5 m2, then selling large auto parts or fur coats here will be unprofitable - it will not be possible to offer customers a full range. But trading fish, tea or cigarettes will be convenient and profitable.

The size of the available starting capital has a direct impact on what goods are profitable to trade on the market. As practice shows, it can be expensive to sell things, electrical equipment, and fast food. Therefore, an entrepreneur should look at things realistically and evaluate his financial capabilities so as not to burn out in the first months of work.

Is it profitable to sell the same fur coats on the market? In the autumn-winter period - definitely yes. But in the summer you need to be prepared for the fact that there will be practically no demand. Therefore, when choosing a product for sale, it is worth taking into account the seasonality of trade. Not wanting to be “idle,” you need to give up seasonal goods. There is another option - depending on the time of year, change the assortment.

Once you have established contacts with a reliable supplier of a sought-after product, you can start your business by “adjusting” to it. A high-quality product, in most cases, is the key to success, and therefore it is better to sell just such products, and at an affordable price. And in order to avoid future downtime, it is important to establish uninterrupted supplies of goods.

How to make a business profitable?

Having made a firm decision “I want to trade on the market” and having already chosen a product for sale, you can begin to implement your plans.

Even in the case of a small business, it is important not to overestimate your abilities. And the important rule here is the development of a business plan. If borrowed funds are not required in the course of your activity, you can draw up a purely schematic project, just for yourself. In the future, this will help calculate expenses and income and develop the business.

There are not too many organizational issues here, compared to some other areas. It is unlikely that it will be possible to trade on the market without an individual entrepreneur, but completing all the necessary documentation will not take much time from the entrepreneur. Having ordered a certain amount of goods from a supplier and filled the shelves with products, you can begin your business.

How can you learn to trade in the market correctly?

What nuances need to be taken into account when running your own business in the central markets of cities?

  • At first, you should not purchase too large volumes of goods for sale - if it fails, you may incur large expenses.
  • Having rented a place on the market that is not very successful, you need to take care of advertising - a prominent sign, handing out leaflets, offering discounts. Otherwise, profits will be small.
  • To save money, you can stand behind the counter yourself. But if you don’t know how to attract clients, it’s better to entrust this task to an experienced seller - this way the profit will be greater.

And do not forget about the importance of accounting - all expenses and income must be clearly recorded. In the field of trade, everything cannot be left to chance, and therefore, every figure must be reflected in the balance sheets.


The question is asked by Oleg Nikitin:

Hello everyone! Please tell me what is profitable to trade in the market or in stores in your city these days? What can you sell to make it profitable? I've already broken my head.

Hello, Oleg!

You're not the only one scratching your head with this question. It's actually hard to find stuff to sell these days because it seems like there's already so much of everything. It is true! But you can try to organize the sales process a little differently or expand the range of some products and you will differ significantly from your competitors. The main thing is to understand this.

If we return to the question of what to trade, then no one will give you a definite answer. You need to look at demand specifically in your city and in general.

There are products that will always be in demand:

  • Food;
  • Clothes, shoes, accessories;
  • Medicines;
  • Auto parts;
  • Hygiene products, household chemicals;
  • Etc.

The following articles may help you on this topic:

There are also other products that always sell well:

  • Alcohol and tobacco products;
  • Construction Materials;
  • Plumbing;
  • Household appliances and electronics (oversaturated market in general);
  • Pet food;
  • Cosmetics and perfumes;
  • Stationery;
  • Equipment (industrial and commercial);
  • Furniture;
  • Toys;
  • Etc.

Of all of the above, you can sell not only someone else’s production, but also start producing something yourself. For example furniture, food, etc. Now small-scale production is held in high esteem again.

The most important thing is not only to find a product to sell, but also to think about how to sell it. You need to be different from your competitors in at least some way, otherwise it will be difficult to compete.

Also be sure to read articles on this topic:

Before opening a business specializing in selling anything, you need to analyze the market in detail, finding out what is profitable to trade at retail. After all, there is always a possibility that the niche in which you were planning to take your own place has long been occupied. Or you have chosen a not very suitable product that will not be in expected demand among buyers. The situation may vary significantly depending on the region where you live. But we can identify groups of goods that are traditionally popular among the population. We propose to dwell on them.

What is profitable to trade: Food

As a rule, most newcomers to business start their business by selling food products. There is one significant point here: it is imperative to think through the conditions and place of storage of your goods. You may need to rent a warehouse and freezing units. It is also imperative to accurately calculate purchase volumes so that unsold products do not simply rot in the warehouse or their shelf life expires. Such a business will be profitable in cities and large towns, especially if you manage to negotiate direct deliveries with manufacturers.

What is profitable to trade: essential goods and personal care products

This category includes products such as soap, matches, toilet paper, detergents, combs, etc. All these products are widely used in everyday life, therefore they are in stable and steady demand. Places for selling such products should be chosen within walking distance from residential buildings.

What is profitable to trade: seasonal goods

These products include products whose sales peaks occur at certain times during the year. For example, swimming mittens are not in great demand in the winter, but warm mittens are not in great demand in the summer. In order to achieve success in this segment, it is necessary to clearly define the product and the time when people will need it. At the same time, it is advisable to purchase products long before the start of their sale, so that the costs for them are minimal.

What is profitable to trade: clothing, household chemicals, appliances and more

In the 90s, the shuttle business flourished in our country, but today it is practiced only in border areas. However, if you try hard, you can organize the import and resale of some from abroad. Despite the fact that you can make very good money from such a business, it is associated with various difficulties, which include the risk of damage, currency conversion, etc.

What are the benefits of trading on the market?

If you are planning to place a retail outlet in a bazaar or market, then first of all you should take a closer look at the assortment of what is already sold by your neighbors, and, if possible, not repeat yourself. In general, cheap and very necessary items of clothing, such as panties, socks, T-shirts, tights, etc., are in greatest demand. Trade in inexpensive cosmetics and jewelry also brings good profits.

Business in small towns has some distinctive features. They must be taken into account in order to ensure the stability and profitability of an enterprise in any field of activity.

Local market analysis

In order not to lose your invested funds and make a profit, you need to start opening your own business with its planning. At this stage, you should carefully assess the situation on the local market and select the most promising niche.

The following factors require a competent assessment:

  • Population size, its structure;
  • Economic opportunities, solvency of residents;
  • The relationship between supply and demand, the presence of unmet needs of the population;
  • Opportunities for competition.

Having studied the data on the number of residents and their age composition, it is easy to determine the most numerous category of the population and its needs. For example, if there are a lot of young people in the city, it would be advisable to consider the idea of ​​opening a sports or gym, a sporting goods and food store, a children's clothing or toy store.

When starting your own business, it is important not to overestimate the financial capabilities of potential consumers. In cities with low incomes, types of business such as an expensive spa salon, an expensive branded clothing store or animal grooming will not be popular among residents.

Having an idea of ​​the size and structure of the population, its solvency, it is not difficult to analyze the level of its needs and the degree of their satisfaction. Perhaps the city lacks 24-hour pharmacies, a store for car enthusiasts, or young people have nowhere to spend their free time.

It is profitable to start activities in areas where competition is minimal or absent at all. The most promising will be a new idea that is useful for residents, but has not yet been implemented. For example, a private kindergarten, a pet supply store, large-format printing services.

Business in a small town - pros and cons

When starting a business in a small town, it is important to evaluate all its pros and cons, which will significantly affect the efficiency of the business.

Obvious disadvantages hindering business development in small towns:

  • A small number of potential clients;
  • Low level of income of the population;
  • Limited demand.

Small number of inhabitants in small towns and their low level of income significantly limit the choice of field of activity. In small settlements, trading in goods of a narrow special purpose such as art supplies or musical instruments will not bring profit.

Low income of the population determine the demand mainly only for everyday goods. The lower the income, the less the buyer is willing to spend on non-essential items.

Business in small towns has its advantages:

  • Low initial capital investment and operating costs;
  • A small number of competitors or even their absence;
  • Unpretentious clients;
  • State support for regional small businesses.

An important advantage of small cities The fact is that you can start your own business and run it at much lower costs than in a large metropolis. Renting premises will cost several times less, and staff salaries are also low.

In small towns Large companies that are difficult to compete with do not work. And there are few local competitors, so it will not be difficult to thoroughly study the advantages and weaknesses of each of them and find the most open niche.

Unlike the population In large cities, residents of the regions are less demanding of goods; they prefer high-quality domestic products rather than expensive delicacies. They don't follow fashion trends so fanatically.

A stock store selling high-quality clothing from outdated collections can become very popular among local residents. Good suppliers will provide the store with excellent products at low prices.

Thanks to government programs for the development of small businesses in the regions, you can receive certain benefits and subsidies.

Business in a small town - where to start

Having assessed the situation in the local market and studied potential clients, you can choose a suitable niche that is in demand and will bring profit.

There are several ways to start your own business:

  • Offer a popular product, the demand for which is not fully satisfied;
  • Introduce a new product to the market, an idea that was not available in the city before;
  • Organize a business in the area where you have experience, qualifications, and special education.

If a business opens in a niche where there is already competition, it is necessary to provide benefits that attract customers. In small towns, it is important to focus on the quality of service.

An individual approach, additional services included in the price, various promotions and discounts will increase the number of sales.

Reputation in a small town where many people know each other is of great importance. Customers satisfied with the quality of the product and service will become regular visitors.

Many business ideas that work in megacities have not yet been implemented in small towns. We need to implement a successful idea that will be in demand among local residents. For example, the first fast food in the city.

Lack of competitors– an important advantage of promoting new products, which will ensure a quick return on investment for the business.

An indisputable advantage over competitors is the owner’s personal experience and special knowledge in the area where he is opening a business. Knowing all the ins and outs of your business will help you attract and retain clients.

The location of the business is also important. It must be relevant to the target population. It is more efficient to locate catering establishments closer to the city center, and residents of the outskirts who have to walk far to buy groceries will be happy to have a grocery store.

Having decided on the field of activity, it is necessary develop a detailed business plan, calculate the required amount of start-up capital, the efficiency and payback of the enterprise. Having an economic justification for your project and its profitability, you can contact the bank and get a loan.

Qualified legal advice will help you competently take advantage of the state small business support program. As part of the program, you can take advantage of benefits when obtaining a loan, subsidies and tax breaks.


Franchise business involves opening your own business under the name of a famous brand and work according to his standards. The advantage of this approach is that the company is already promoted and popular, this inspires the trust of potential customers and ensures stable sales.

Franchise agreement are offered by various companies working with food, clothing, shoes, furniture, household appliances, as well as cafes and restaurants, delivery services, and entertainment complexes. It is important to make the right choice, to determine what will be most in demand in the city.

You also need to pay attention to terms of cooperation, reliability of the partner, availability and amount of franchise payments. At the beginning of the activity, the terms of delivery of goods, mutual settlements, and advertising campaigns are of great importance. A lot of unofficial useful information can be learned from other network participants.

Working in partnership presupposes the fulfillment of certain conditions. Must be carefully study the terms of the contract. In some cases, failure to fulfill the sales plan leads to termination of cooperation. Information about all such points must be collected before signing the contract.

At first the franchisor provides financial support, but you won’t be able to do it without your own investments. Companies do not bear the costs of renting premises, paying staff, tax and other obligations.

Consultations with company specialists will help aspiring entrepreneurs understand all the intricacies of running a business.


In small towns, real income comes from business in the trade sector. It is most profitable to sell everyday goods here.

Produse store

Grocery store opening
- this is the most a win-win in any locality.

There is always a demand for products, regardless of the economic situation. It is important to choose the right location, and the store will be profitable.

Most likely, there is already a large shopping center in the city center. There is no point in competing with him in prices or assortment.

It is more profitable to sell products in close proximity to residential buildings, for example, to open a store on the ground floor of a high-rise building.

According to marketers' observations, in hypermarkets, buyers prefer to shop once a week, buying goods for future use, because prices there are lower. It is more convenient to purchase food products that need to be purchased daily close to home. These products - bread and pastries, milk, tea and sweets for tea, fruit - form the basis of the assortment of convenience stores.

To attract and retain customers, the store must have advantages over competitors and have its own “zest.” Fresh baked goods every day can be such an advantageous difference. If you install an oven in a store or open a mini-bakery next to it, the appetizing smell of fresh bread will provide regular customers.

Goods for children

Trade in goods for children– stable business, regardless of the season or size of the locality. The fact that parents usually do not save on purchases for children causes more high markups on children's products. This ensures good business profitability and makes it possible to pursue a more flexible pricing policy, creating an advantage over competitors.

The areas of trade are quite diverse: children's clothing and shoes, toys, baby food, cribs, strollers and other similar products.

Marketing research will help you successfully determine the direction for your store.

After analyzing the assortment and prices of competitors, and talking with the population, we can draw a conclusion about what children's products are needed in the city.

Highest attendance observed in stores located near childcare facilities(kindergartens, schools, clinics), in shopping arcades or large shopping centers. The store can be highly specialized, for example, a children's sports clothing store, or universal.

Children's store should attract with an original thematic design. Competitive advantages will help ensure a constant flow of customers. These could be lower prices, exclusive assortments, holiday promotions, discounts, discount cards.

Buyers will also like additional amenities: a room where you can feed a baby or spacious fitting rooms that can accommodate both a child and a parent, a children's corner and a TV with cartoons.

The staff is also important. Friendly sales assistants must be able to communicate patiently with children.

Goods for pets

Pet products are in demand among all segments of the population, from schoolchildren to retirees. Products for cats and dogs are in greatest demand; aquariums are also becoming fashionable. Aquariums are now found not only in houses and apartments, but also in supermarkets and official institutions.

A small simple store can sell the most popular goods for everyday needs, mainly goods for cats and dogs: food, litter, combs, shampoos, leashes, muzzles, collars. You can attract customers with a catalog of goods delivered to order.

Such a store should be located in a public place: on a busy street, near a bus stop, next to other stores.

Car accessories

In our time, when Almost every family has a car, business in this area is very relevant. Trade in car accessories in our country is only gaining momentum.

Now there is a good opportunity to become the first owner of a car accessories store in your city.

These accessories are additional devices and means to improve the operation of the mechanisms and appearance of the car, and increase the convenience of its use.

Such products include windshield wipers, deflectors, foot mats, as well as various equipment: GPS navigators, radar detectors, video recorders and much more.

A good option might be suitable franchise. The partner company will provide regular supplies of certified goods at competitive prices. The store will feature the latest new car accessories.

Trading quality products from official representatives and distributors will provide an undeniable competitive advantage.

Household goods

The range of household goods is very wide. There is an opportunity to find your niche in this area, a category of goods for which demand exceeds supply. Main groups of household goods: household goods, gardening goods, household chemicals. The specific choice will be determined by the current market situation.

The profitability of trade in household goods ensures a large turnover. The optimal assortment of a small store should be a large number of inexpensive items for everyday use. Accordingly, a hardware store needs a large retail space.

A good place to locate a store would be a densely populated residential area where there are no competitors nearby. It is not advisable to locate a store near shopping centers and chain retail outlets.


In any business, it is important not to stop there.

And in accordance with this, it is necessary to promptly introduce new methods of work into business, constantly update and expand the list of products. Sometimes it is more profitable to completely change the assortment than to sit and wait for customers.