Shawarma business plan with calculations: how to open a shawarma stall. How to open a shawarma - business plan Shawarma outlets

  • Project Description
  • Subtleties of production
  • Shawarma in a mobile trailer
  • OKVED code
  • Step-by-step opening plan
  • Which equipment to choose
  • Opening permits
  • Production technology
        • Similar business ideas:

The profitability of a “shawarma” or “shawarma” business is beyond any doubt. This is food, and it’s tasty, fast and relatively cheap. The demand for this product is always high, at any time of the year. The success of such a business, according to practitioners, depends on two main factors: the location of the point and the qualifications of the cook...

Project Description

The most common format in the shawarma trade is the installation of a kiosk or small pavilion in high-traffic areas. The most popular of which are: public transport stops, metro exits, markets, bus and railway stations, airports, universities and technical schools, shopping and entertainment centers, city beaches, cinemas, central streets of the city. Locations on busy roads are also profitable. You can even open a shawarma shop in a small village, if a federal highway passes through it. In this case, every truck driver and tourist is a potential client of the establishment. Most often, all responsibilities are handled on site by one employee who prepares the dish and accepts payment. The second person (administrator or supplier) monitors the availability of ingredients and consumables and supplies them on time.

How much can you earn as the owner of this business?

It is impossible to name the exact income of such a point, since many factors influence the final profit. For example, the location of the point, the range of goods, the presence of competitors, etc. One person can spend 50 thousand on rent, and another - 250 thousand. By the way, we recommend reading the article “ How to conclude a lease agreement correctly" To increase turnover, in addition to classic shawarma, the organizers include related products in the assortment: coffee, tea, chocolate, cold drinks, smoked meats, salads and grill. Depending on the location, there is an emphasis on either shawarma or grilling at certain times. For example, people may come for grilled chicken purposefully in the evening (after work), while shawarma is more often purchased spontaneously by people passing by during their lunch break. The sale of related products allows you to cover the costs of rent, utility bills, taxes, fuel and lubricants, while shawarma and grill bring the main profit to the point. In some cities there are popular “fast food” places where dozens of shawarma points are located on the same line. And everyone, you know, lives well. No one is closing, there are enough clients for everyone, and the place can only be bought for crazy money. One serving sells for an average of 190 rubles, and the average bill is 250 rubles. (due to the purchase of coffee, tea, etc.) Preparing one shawarma takes 1.5 - 2 minutes. The most successful outlets sell 300 servings per day, making revenue between 60 and 100 thousand rubles. Net profit per month reaches 250 thousand rubles. and more. And this is from just one point in a kiosk format. Individual organizers create a network of 5 - 10 similar objects and live very well.

True, as in any business, there is an important economic component. Because even the presence of clients cannot guarantee the profitability of a business. The main expenses of a shawarma point are rent and wages for the shawarma chef. Rent in a more or less advantageous location in Moscow costs at least 50 thousand rubles. And in especially busy places, for example near the metro, you will have to shell out more than 250 thousand rubles for rent. per month. A shawarma player’s visit to the point costs an average of 1,500 rubles. Plus, to motivate employees, it is customary to pay bonuses. For example, for each portion sold, the cook may be paid 10-15 rubles. Some workers manage to sell 250 units per day, thereby earning an additional 2,500 rubles.

Subtleties of production

The cost of shawarma can vary dramatically depending on the season. Thus, in summer prices for vegetables are much lower than in winter. And, as you know, one of the main components of delicious shawarma is cabbage, tomato, cucumber and greens. The approximate weight of the dish is 440 grams. 80 grams is meat, the rest is vegetables, Korean carrots, sauces and mayonnaise. Various meats are used for shawarma, including lamb and turkey. The most popular is chicken, as it is the most affordable in terms of price. The cooking principle for each type of meat is the same: the meat is cut into fillets, slightly beaten and marinated for 12 hours. The marinade contains cinnamon, cloves, coriander, black pepper, red vinegar, olive oil and parsley. In the classic version, the meat is cooked over an open fire, but some also use a regular frying pan. The juiciness of the dish is given by the orange, which is placed over the meat on a spit. The juice flows down and evenly saturates the meat. One of the basic rules is that pita bread must be absolutely fresh. Leftover pita breads tend to crack, which is why all the components of the shawarma can crawl out. The client will definitely not be happy with such a surprise. So you need to pay special attention to finding a stable supply of lavash, since almost every city has similar mini-productions.

How much money do you need to start a business?

At first glance, it may seem that large investments are not required here. However, a quick calculation shows that even with modest calculations, the investment to open one shawarma kiosk exceeds half a million. Approximate investment calculation:

  • Trading stall/pavilion - 250,000 rub. with installation
  • Approvals and permits, electricity supply - 80,000 rubles.
  • Commercial and refrigeration equipment, grill, coffee machine, etc. - 100,000 rub.
  • Purchase of products, ingredients and assortment of goods - 25,000 rubles.
  • Business registration and other expenses - 20,000 rubles.
  • Reserve capital for unforeseen expenses - 50,000 rubles.

Total - 525,000 rub. If you add design elements to the point, such as a wooden-style pavilion, a bright sign, good lighting and tables for snacking, the initial investment will approach a million. Those who are not interested in this business can choose another direction. For example, do profitable investments in cars or make money on real estate.

Shawarma in a mobile trailer

You can use a regular stationary pavilion or kiosk as a place for shawarma. But, you can also open a business in a mobile trailer-tonar, in the appropriate design. The mobile option has one big advantage - mobility. It didn’t work in one place, we move to a new one without any major losses. The stationary option may look more thorough, but still the subsequent costs of moving the point in the event of an unsuccessful start will be higher. Moreover, today there are many offers for commercial trailers fully equipped for preparing shawarma. At the same time, they are completely autonomous. The lighting and grill in the trailer are powered by gas, and water is taken from ordinary boilers (15 l.). The point can be installed even on the roadway, where there are no communications! The trailer area is 8 - 10 square meters. m. (and more, depending on modifications). The package includes: a refrigerator (Atlant type), chest freezer, gas compartment, sink with water heater, exhaust ventilation, electric meter, shelves, counters, lighting, compartment for clothes, etc. The asking price is 450,000 rubles. For an additional fee, the manufacturer can install a skirt on the trailer (covers the wheels for an aesthetic appearance) and make a full advertising design. It will cost approximately 100,000 rubles (we recommend reading the article “ Snack bar as a business»).

What documents are needed to open

No licenses are required to carry out such activities. The requirements for such facilities coincide with the requirements for a classic public catering outlet that has a kitchen. An employee, who is also a cook and a seller, must have a medical book, and issued according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. All ingredients must have certificates of conformity provided by their supplier. These documents may be useful during an inspection by law enforcement agencies or an unscheduled inspection by Rospotrebnadzor. Attention to such points is always special, since there are quite a few cases of fast food poisoning due to the negligence of the organizers.

OKVED code

As an organizational form for one or two points, a regular individual entrepreneur is more often registered. OKVED you can choose either 55.30“Activities of restaurants and cafes”, or 52.22.2 “Retail trade in meat and poultry products”. More precise advice on this issue will be provided by the tax service where the business will be registered. The most suitable taxation system: UTII (imputation) or simplified tax system, depending on the region. You can also look at the patent system, which is considered the most profitable and hassle-free in terms of reporting - pay once and “forget”.

Step-by-step opening plan

The field of fast food, the so-called fast food, attracts entrepreneurs with the relative ease of opening and the quick return on investment of the project. To get started, you just need to purchase equipment, find space for placement, hire staff and negotiate with product suppliers. The step-by-step strategy is as follows:

  1. Selecting a location

First of all, you need to decide on the location of the outlet, since earnings depend on the number of potential customers. It is best to place such points in places with large crowds of people - markets, squares, near educational institutions, office buildings, enterprises.

  1. Registration process

In order to start a business, you need register as an individual entrepreneur, or open an LLC if, in addition to the sale of shawarma, the sale of alcoholic beverages is expected.

  1. Obtaining permits from sanitary and epidemiological inspection and the fire department.

The sale of food products requires the availability of these documents.

  1. Search and rent a stall for selling shawarma.
  2. Recruitment

After all stages have been followed, you can launch a business project. Don't forget about the advertising campaign. If you are looking for the most profitable options for promoting your products, you can contact the kwork freelance services store, where you can order the necessary content, promotion of a group or website .

Which equipment to choose

The main equipment for the production of shawarma is a grill machine. Choosing the right model should not be difficult, as there is a wide range of grills on the market from various manufacturers. At the initial stage, it is possible to purchase used equipment or from Chinese manufacturers. The price range varies from 15 to 30 thousand rubles; Chinese manufacturers provide equipment from $300. In addition to the grill, you also need to purchase a refrigerator, various kitchen utensils, a water heater, a washstand, a microwave oven and a double-sided grill to give the finished shawarma a golden brown crust.

Which tax system to choose

The best option for choosing a tax system is the Simplified Taxation System (STS), which implies the payment of 6 percent of revenue, or 15 percent of profit, the interest rate is chosen by the entrepreneur himself.

Modern people constantly have to rush somewhere. In the daily routine, it is difficult to find time for a full meal, and therefore fast food comes to the rescue of many.

Shawarma is a famous dish originally from Turkey, consisting of a mixture of vegetables and fried pieces of meat, which are wrapped in thin pita bread. The demand for this dish is extremely high.

Today's shawarma is considered a universal type of dish that has historical roots, but at the same time instantly adapts to the needs of modern times, changing the design and filling ingredients.

At some points, fitness shawarma is sold, which does not contain meat, and the filling consists exclusively of vegetables. In European countries, the product is often served with pork, which generally contradicts all the origins of the dish, but fully satisfies the buyer’s demand. Large chains of fast food restaurants offer so-called rolls stuffed with meat, which are wrapped in a flatbread made from wheat flour.

As you can see, shawarma easily changes ingredients, satisfying market demand and preserving its main advantages - unique taste, rapid satisfaction of hunger, unnecessary cutlery and budget cost.

Consequently, this is an extremely profitable business niche that does not require large investments for a successful start. All that remains is to figure out how to start selling shawarma.

Initially, you need to decide on the location of the stall. This decision is of great importance, since if you make a mistake with your choice, you can be left without profit. To sell shawarma, it is better to choose places where streets cross, at public transport stops, or near educational institutions. In large cities, it would be logical to install a stall near the metro station. A walk-through space for a kiosk is the first step to ensure that the “shawarma” business idea does not burn out.

You will also need to conclude an agreement to rent a place for trading. For a stationary kiosk, the rental amount can be from 15 to 20 thousand rubles. In addition to renting a place, you will need to take care of obtaining permits from the SES and fire inspection authorities. Registration of such a package of documents will cost approximately at 10,000 rubles.

The next step is to purchase the required equipment:

  1. Gas or electric grill - the cost varies between 35−45 thousand rubles.
  2. Grill burner - price equals 5,000 rub.
  3. Refrigeration equipment - the cost is not less than 20 thousand rubles.
  4. Hood - price fluctuates within 5-8 thousand rubles.
  5. Contact type grill (heating of products) - from 3000 rubles.
  6. Dishes - not less than 2,500 rubles.
  7. Washstand - cost is about 2,000 rub.
  8. Industrial Operations Tables - the price is 12-15 thousand rubles per unit.

Important!The above prices are approximate. The cost of the necessary equipment can be significantly reduced when purchasing Chinese products, or significantly increased when purchasing high-quality branded equipment. The price directly depends on the country of origin.

The last step is to decide whether you will sell yourself or hire a qualified salesperson. If you plan to hire an employee, then your salary must be included in the associated costs - not less than 30 thousand rubles. Also, don’t forget about paying for electricity - about 4000 rubles per month.

It turns out that to open your own shawarma business, at the first stage you will need about 130 thousand rubles (seller's salary not included). This amount will be significantly higher if you purchase shawarma products in batches rather than purchasing them daily.

Also, the amount of initial costs will need to include the cost of legalizing the business, that is, opening an individual entrepreneur or LLC. Here everyone decides for themselves.

It should be noted that the payback of such a business is quite fast - with proper organization of the business all costs will be recouped within 3-5 months.

It’s pretty clear how much it costs to open a shawarma shop! You can roughly calculate the payback period. When the kiosk is operating, for example, 12 hours a day, selling 10 units of shawarma per hour with a price tag of 70 rubles, daily profit will be equal to 8400. Will remain clean 6500−7000 rubles (deduction for products spent). You can earn 195 thousand rubles a month. Of these, you will need to pay taxes, rent a place or premises, a bill for consumed electricity, a salary to the seller, purchase a new batch of products and leave a certain amount at the kiosk cash desk (for unforeseen situations and giving change to customers). The owner will have about 100 thousand rubles left net.

The amount of net income may be reduced if the owner rents a stall or takes it on credit.

At the first stage, it is necessary to legalize the business of selling shawarma. For this case, the most suitable option is opening an individual entrepreneur will cost the owner only 800 rubles for paying the state fee.

You can also open an LLC, it will cost a little less, but it will take at least 2 times more time to open it. It is recommended to open an LLC when you are planning a serious expansion of your business, which means attracting third parties - investors to open a whole network of stalls.

Important! For a business selling shawarma, it is recommended to use the UTII taxation system; it is extremely simple and transparent.

After registering the legal form, you need to enter into an agreement to rent a place for trade or premises. At the next stage, permits are obtained from the SES and fire departments.

A shawarma stall can bring in a good income. The business plan shows this. To open such a business in 2017, the following documents are required:

  1. Business license.
  2. Company details.
  3. Certificate of tax registration.
  4. A contract for the rental of a place or premises.
  5. SES permitting documents.
  6. Permitting documentation from fire authorities.
  7. The seller’s medical record (if you don’t have one).

As mentioned above, at first you can open a stall selling shawarma cheap. Subject to the purchase of Chinese or used equipment, without purchasing a new kiosk (used rental) and without hiring employees. In this case, opening a point will cost approximately 130 thousand rubles.

If you hire a seller, this amount will increase for 30-35 thousand rubles., subject to the purchase of a new or restored stall - for 300-350 thousand rubles., and when purchasing high-quality branded equipment, even more 100−140 thousand rubles.

Plus, this will need to include the opening of a legal form and payment of taxes for the first month of activity. For a place near an educational institution, shawarma would be an excellent product. You won’t be able to open a business from scratch; there are costs.

The modern pace of life is such that many people prefer to snack on the go. That is why one of the good ideas for starting a business would be opening a shawarma stall. People are interested in how to open a shawarma, how much does it cost and what is needed for this?

The shawarma business is often perceived as specific, which does not affect income and profitability. A particularly pleasant nuance is that this direction allows you to first open a small mobile kiosk, and then increase the volume with new investments. So, step by step instructions.

Advantages and disadvantages of business

Shawarma stalls have several advantages over more conventional catering establishments (cafes, canteens and the like):

  1. Relatively low initial investment.
  2. Finding a master cook is much easier than finding a certified chef.
  3. The possibility of setting up a mobile business on wheels, which allows you to work in places with the greatest concentration of people.
  4. Relative ease of registering a business upon opening, lack of frequent checks.
  5. The opportunity to subsequently increase production volumes and open a shawarma stand first, and then an entire chain under its own brand, where they will make shawarma according to a proprietary recipe.

Of course, the matter does not come without a number of disadvantages:

  • high competition;
  • difficulties in finding a free niche;
  • there are no too high incomes;
  • perishable foods as ingredients;
  • small business, which creates difficulties in staying afloat.

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So, where to start researching how to open a shawarma and what is needed for this? Regarding the issue of documentation. Every entrepreneur who has ever started a business knows how much time and effort it takes to complete it, especially if you don’t initially know what documents may be required.

In order to simplify the process, you should draw up an organizational action plan in advance. At this stage, it will no longer be possible to do without a business plan - it will help to estimate possible expenses and income, including tax deductions.

Initially, you should choose taxation and register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. The latter format involves organizing a large enterprise, so it makes no sense for beginners to dwell on it.

You also need to purchase a cash register, and then obtain a contract for its maintenance. The cash register must be registered. If you plan to sell related alcoholic beverages, you will also have to take care of obtaining the appropriate license. In addition, the law prohibits the sale of alcohol to individual entrepreneurs.

If you plan to open a business on the premises, you will need to ensure that it meets all the requirements of the SES, Rospotrebnadzor and GPN. Subsequently, all purchased equipment will also need to be brought into compliance with the requirements of these authorities.

If you start using mobile trading, there will be much fewer problems with regulations. In addition, the first inspection of the sanitary station will usually take place no less than a year after the opening, but the authority will still have to notify about the start of the enterprise. A separate case is when someone files a complaint against an enterprise. In this case, you should expect an unscheduled inspection, for which you should always be prepared.

Selecting a location

Where the stall will be located is one of the keys to business success. The main difficulty is that the best places today have already been occupied by competitors who entered this market earlier. Also, you should not go to the periphery of the city, since the flow of clients there will not be large enough to bring a decent profit. It doesn’t matter whether we are talking about the capital or a province in the Saratov region.

The best option would be the city center. Despite the high rent in those places, the number of customers will be maximum both on weekdays and on weekends. Another excellent option would be proximity to universities and similar educational institutions, office buildings, and hospitals. If no one managed to take a place, you can set up a kiosk in close proximity to the market or even right on it.

Finally, zoos and cultural parks are good options. However, in their cases, problems with seasonality very often arise. And the bulk of my earnings come on weekends when the weather is good.


Opening a shawarma stall will require a number of fairly specific production equipment. The main device in this case is a vertical grill for frying meat. It can be gas or electric. The main requirement is the presence of a tray for cutting meat and a vertical spit.

The cost of a gas appliance ranges from 10 to 20 thousand rubles, an electric one will cost more - 20-25 thousand rubles. Those who are just starting their own business can resort to buying used equipment or equipment originally from China.

From what you need to open, you will also need a refrigeration unit for storing ingredients, as well as various kitchen utensils. All together this will cost about 12-13 thousand rubles.

If it is not possible to provide a water supply, you will need to consider purchasing a cold water tank and a water heater. You also need a microwave and a sink, for a total of another 10-15 thousand rubles. Finally, a double-sided grill will cost an additional 5 thousand rubles.

Vegetable cutting can be done either manually or with a specialized food processor. The second option is preferable, but a vegetable cutter will cost about 30 thousand rubles. To speed up the mixing of sauce components, a blender is useful.

However, these expenses fall into the category of recommended ones; it’s not worth buying this if you have a limited amount on hand. Now you roughly understand how much it costs to open your own shawarma stall.

Purchase of products

The purchase of basic products for business in Moscow, Saratov and other cities should be made at special wholesale centers. The best option is to choose one main and several additional suppliers. This will avoid problems if one of them suddenly decides to sharply increase prices or disrupt the delivery schedule.

Over time, it makes sense to ask for a discount to a regular customer. It is necessary to buy goods in small quantities and often. Delivery in this case will cost more, but there is an opportunity to save on storage, and the ingredients will always be the freshest, which will benefit the quality of your products.


There are practically no tricks, features and pitfalls in the shawarma production business, but a few should still be mentioned:

  1. The main components of success are not only tasty products and reasonable pricing, but also a wide range of products, as well as a good location.
  2. With the optimal choice of sales location, seasonality is not particularly noticeable.
  3. Sales are especially high in the summer; you should prepare for it in advance: increase the volume of food purchases, add soft drinks to the assortment (in winter it is advisable to sell coffee and tea).

It is equally important, before opening a shawarma stall from scratch, to take into account that it will be necessary to provide high-quality service; in no case should you give up on this, even if there are no elite dishes on your menu.

Gaining a Competitive Advantage

Today, shawarma stalls of various formats can be seen in literally every city in huge quantities. Thus, in order to not only invest money in your business, but also make a profit from it, you will need to organize a number of competitive advantages:

  • You should prepare not only tasty, but also healthy food, as well as dishes for vegetarians. Also, in all signature shawarma recipes, you should not skimp on vegetables. The oil should be changed as often as possible.
  • The assortment of the stall should be varied. Many traditional recipes, special options for children, with chicken, toasts, pies with fillings, as well as many other dishes, for the preparation of which similar equipment is used, will be a good help.
  • The stall should always be perfectly clean (even through “I don’t want to”). The point here is not only that sometimes inspections from the SES can appear suddenly, but also that clients will definitely appreciate it. That is why the cook and seller must be dressed in a clean uniform, the dishes must always be shiny, and the ingredients must be packaged in clean containers and containers.
  • You can't deceive the client. Many, in an attempt not to lose profit, are pushed to sell food that is not the freshest. The result of such a policy can be a complaint, an inspection and a serious fine. For cooking, you must use only the freshest ingredients.
  • Discounts for wholesale buyers encourage them to buy more at once. As an example, we can note at least the offer “6 for the price of 5” and similar ones. This will be an incentive for office workers from nearby buildings.
  • It is useful to add various bonuses to each purchase. For example, a portion of tea or coffee, chewing gum. They cost pennies, but at the same time they help attract clients.
  • Prices at the stall should not be high. At least at first. Do you want to lift? Wait until you have at least a small base of regular customers.

Investments and payback

One of the most important steps in opening a shawarma shop is drawing up a business plan. In addition to the expenses that were described earlier, there is also a considerable list of monthly expenses. You will have to spend the following additional money per year:

Profitability six months after starting work is about 5-6 thousand rubles per day. Thus, shawarma as a business is quite a profitable business and the initial investment is recouped in approximately 12-14 months of work, although there are points of view that with the right location this period can be significantly reduced. Of course, subject to the rules and nuances described above.

Video: how much does shawarma bring?

Shawarma is a business that does not particularly require large advertising costs. Among the basic means, we should note signs and pointers, but in fact, the best advertising will be a satisfied customer who advertises a kiosk selling such a tasty treat to his friends, and they will spread the news even further.

However, for additional security, you can also distribute advertising flyers in busy places by creating groups on social networks and on city forums. An interesting solution would be to publish reviews on behalf of satisfied customers who have no complaints and only positive emotions. You don’t have to submit any advertisements in the media for advertising - they won’t add much profitability.

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Modern people are constantly in a hurry to get somewhere. In this bustle, there is not always time for a full lunch, so most people eat fast food. You can save time and have a quick snack in almost any part of the city; you don’t even have to go to a cafe or restaurant. Mobile fast food stalls are located right on the street and attract customers with the amazing smell of freshly prepared food.

In the previous publication, we talked in detail about how, in today’s article we will discuss all the advantages and disadvantages of a fast food business. We’ll also talk about how to open a shawarma stall.

Shawarma is a popular Turkish dish that consists of a mixture of vegetables and fried meat wrapped in pita bread. The popularity of this type of food is quite high, which makes opening a shawarma stall a profitable and promising business.

Shawarma business plan

To organize a fast food business, you need to draw up a detailed business plan with calculations. This is necessary in order to avoid making critical mistakes during the implementation of the idea and achieve profit in a short time.

In a business plan for opening a shawarma stall, it is necessary to outline such important nuances as the profitability of the idea, financial investments, payback periods and expected profits.

How to open a shawarma stall?

The primary question that every novice entrepreneur has is where to get the money to open their business. Even beginners understand perfectly well that funds are needed to implement a project.

How much does it cost to open a shawarma?

It is quite difficult to answer this question with precision. It all depends on the region where you are going to start a business, competition in the chosen field of activity, as well as on the organizational issues that you will encounter when opening a shawarma point.

There are several ways to get money to start your own business. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

  • Bank loan. Surely the first thought that came to your mind was getting money for your business from the bank. In this case, everything is simple, you need to contact the appropriate bank and apply for a loan. But be careful and vigilant when signing the contract. There are always risks, and no one guarantees you quick success. Therefore, before taking out a loan, weigh all the pros and cons and only after that make your final decision;
  • Investment. Finding an investor who will agree to finance your project is, of course, a tempting offer, but not in this case. No one will sponsor the opening of a shawarma stall; small projects are not of interest to rich people. Thus, in your case, the only option is to find yourself a partner with whom you can pay all the costs of opening a retail outlet;
  • Financial assistance from the state. There is a financial assistance program for beginning entrepreneurs. To participate, you must be registered with the employment service as unemployed. In addition, you will need to submit salary certificates from your previous place of work, as well as a detailed business plan for consideration by the commission. After going through all the stages, you will be able to receive one-time financial assistance from the state for the development of your business.

Business registration

The first step is to decide on the material and legal form of the activity. In this case, there is no point in registering as a legal entity; it is quite enough to choose individual entrepreneurship as a form of activity with a simplified taxation system (single tax on imputed income).

To locate a retail outlet, you will need to obtain the appropriate permits from Rospotrebnadzor, sanitary and fire services.

The preparation and trade of food products are subject to strict control by the Santrant. Therefore, all standards and requirements for food preparation and food storage must be observed. Be prepared for frequent checks.

Shawarma stall location

A favorable location of a retail outlet can lead to success and quick payback of the business. Therefore, it is worth choosing a place to sell fast food very wisely.

It is very important to place a retail outlet in crowded parts of the city. You can sell shawarma both in the center and near the station, in the park, in the area of ​​educational institutions and hospitals. In general, there, in places with high traffic of people eager to have a snack on the go.

A kiosk selling shawarma can be opened indoors by renting the necessary space. But in my opinion, it is still more profitable to open a mobile stall on wheels and sell fast food on the street. This is much cheaper financially, and the payback for this business will come much faster.

Equipment for a shawarma tent

The bulk of the funds will be spent on purchasing equipment for selling fast food.

Necessary equipment:

  • Grill – approximate cost from 10,000 rubles;
  • Shawarma making machine – from 7,000 rubles;
  • Refrigerator – from 10,000 rubles;
  • Hood – from 5000;
  • Production tables - approximate cost from 10 thousand rubles;
  • Washstand from 2000 rubles.
  • In addition to the basic specialized equipment, you will also need other tools for preparing shawarma: kitchen knives, a board for cutting food, containers for fillings. You will also need disposable tableware and napkins.

Purchase of products

It is very important to buy high-quality and fresh products. Do not purchase goods in large quantities; it is better to agree with sellers on the market about the wholesale purchase of products. Remember that spoiled and stale food significantly affects the reputation of the establishment and can lead to dire consequences in the form of poisoning. Don't risk people's health.

You can purchase fresh meat for shawarma at a favorable wholesale price in a butcher shop. Alternatively, you can open your own meat stall. Read more about this on our business portal.

Costs and profits

Your main expenses are purchasing equipment, renting a kiosk, and purchasing food for preparing shawarma. Constant financial expenses will include: paying taxes and rent, paying salaries to staff, purchasing products.


As noted above, profit depends on the advantageous location. Therefore, study the demand and competition very carefully and choose a suitable location for your shawarma kiosk.

A little advice. Shawarma, as a rule, is prepared with meat, but today, many people have completely abandoned the use of this product. Therefore, I recommend that you offer vegetarian shawarma to your customers. This way, you will attract additional customers and ensure greater profits.

Advertising campaign

Opening a fast food outlet in a crowded place is the best advertising. But despite this, a bright sign will not hurt you. Therefore, I recommend that you definitely use such an effective way to attract clients.