Ideas for what to do in the garage. What kind of business can you open in a garage?

A garage business is a great option for earning money with a minimum investment. There are many options for what kind of business to open in the garage, the main thing is to correctly decide on the direction. By the way, billionaires Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak worked on their first Apple in the garage. So nothing is impossible, the main thing is the idea and a positive attitude.


Description of a small business in a garage

Open a mini-business in a garage from scratch is one of the most affordable and convenient ways to start your own business and become one of the novice entrepreneurs.

Earning money has a number of undeniable advantages:

  1. Minimum expenses. The absence of rental bills, warehouse and transportation costs will help you save at the starting stage.
  2. Work at a convenient time. Business in your own garage allows you to work without being tied to a specific schedule.
  3. Without compromising the main work. You can try to promote your business in your free time from work.

At the initial stage, you can avoid it until the demand for services or goods improves and the first profit appears.


If you have a garage at your disposal, this is a great chance to start your own business without investing a lot of money. There are many ideas about what kind of business to open. The main thing is to correctly draw up a business plan, analyze the competitor’s market and determine profitability.

The relevance of the garage business is steadily growing; today many Russians live through such entrepreneurial activity. According to statistics for 2016, from 20 to 40% of residents in certain regions of the country are garage artisans.

How to start a business in a garage

If used rationally, your own garage can become an asset and bring good profits in the future.

When choosing an idea for a business in a garage, you need to start from its location. It’s good if it is located in a residential, densely populated area - this allows you to implement almost any idea: from a car service center to a small store.

The remoteness of the garage from crowded places limits potential options; in this case, you already need to start from the target audience, organize work so that customers are not confused by the location of the point.

The room needs to be prepared:

  • insulate;
  • carry out all necessary communications;
  • make external and internal repairs;
  • install meters for electricity and water.

How much money is needed for repairs and furnishings depends on the functional purpose. For a warehouse, you need a minimum of investments: install shelving, paint, insulate. To organize a retail outlet, you need to take into account additional special equipment.

The only thing that is not practical to do in a garage is food production. The conditions do not meet epidemiological and sanitary standards. Producing food in a garage entails heavy fines and a ban on further business activities.

Market analysis

To choose the right idea for a garage business, you need to think through all the details and analyze the market.

In order to do this, you need to answer three questions:

  • in what type of activity there is minimal competition;
  • what the potential client wants to receive: the service or product must be necessary;
  • which business will pay off quickly.

But first of all, you need to start from your financial capabilities; if you have minimal money, it would be more advisable to start with a small business and not go into debt.

In any entrepreneurial startup, you need to draw up a business plan and make specific calculations, based on the price category of a particular region, to calculate the possible profitability of the business.

Regardless of the chosen idea, the first clients may be friends and acquaintances, neighbors, and then a flow of new clients will begin. It should be remembered that after the establishment of a business, registration of business activities will need to be formalized at the legal level with the relevant administrative authorities.

Idea selection

A garage business for beginners with minimal investment will bring good profits if you correctly decide on the idea and correctly implement it.

You need to highlight the key factors for yourself:

  1. What do you understand better than others? In this case, a formal diploma of higher education does not play a role; you need to understand the chosen field of activity.
  2. What do you do better than others? Practical skills are important here, which is good, you can: design, make, communicate with people, etc.
  3. Available resources. Even a garage business requires financial investment. But if you think more broadly, you can go through everything that is in the attic and in the garage itself, and try to find a use for these, at first glance, unnecessary items.
  4. What already exists in the city. impossible without demand. The service or product must be in demand.


There are a lot of options for what types of businesses you can organize. Below are some interesting ideas that work.

Garage for rent

The essence of the business is to rent out a garage for a predetermined period. This is the best option for those who do not use a garage. Based on the fact that 80% of the adult population has their own car, the service will be relevant. The positive aspect of the idea is that it does not require any investment of your own time.

The garage can be offered for rent for the following purposes:

  • car parking;
  • premises for organizing a business;
  • as a warehouse;
  • a place to store various things.

On average, the monthly profit from one garage will be about 3 thousand rubles. The more garages, the greater the real profit, and in the future, additional boxes can be built with the capital received. Opening a new garage, taking into account the provision of communications and registration of permits, will cost about 80,000 and will pay off in a few years.


Repair of premises and equipment has always been in demand; you can take advantage of this factor and organize rental of tools in your garage.

In parallel, you can offer repair services if you have experience in this field. To create such a business you need a tool and knowledge of its characteristics.

Like any other business, there are difficulties here:

  1. The tool may not be returned. It is better to provide equipment as collateral, the best option is 25-30% of the initial cost of the equipment.
  2. Breakdowns. Incorrect handling of the tool can lead to malfunction, so instruction is required.

Auto repair shop

Car repair services are always relevant, since a car is, first of all, a piece of equipment, and it is prone to periodic breakdowns, so there will always be demand.

To organize such a business you will need:

  • hand tools: screwdrivers, wrenches, pullers, jacks, pliers, etc.
  • equipment: power tools, welding machine, generator;
  • a properly equipped garage with space for equipment and tools;
  • create a safe work area;
  • provide the room with good ventilation.

You need to set the right prices. Too low a cost for services will not bring profit, and a high cost will not bring in customers.

Car wash

If the box has a large adjacent area, you can use it and organize a car wash. You will also need a small start-up capital to purchase materials and special equipment.

To create a car wash in a garage you need:

  • connect water supply and sewerage;
  • floors in the garage should be sloping towards the drain, where dirty water and oil will drain;
  • carry out wiring taking into account electrical safety measures (install a transformer with the ability to reduce voltage).

It should be taken into account that the business is largely seasonal and during the frosty season there will be a minimum number of customers.

Tire service

It will be beneficial to organize a tire workshop in a garage if the box is located near the road or gas station.

To perform tire fitting work it is necessary to organize:

  • good room lighting;
  • proper ventilation;
  • hold water.

To provide customers with quality service, you need special equipment and tools: machines, a vulcanizer, a compressor, etc. But the listed things cost quite a lot of money, and you can rent them to get started.


You can make money from a business in a garage if you know how to do something with your own hands, and what type of activity it will be depends on your skills.

Promotional Products

  • plotter for printing large banners;
  • computer with installed software.

The costs and requirements for this business idea are small, and this direction is always relevant, regardless of the time of year.


There is a lot of competition in this industry, but you can find your niche by offering services for the production of custom-made furniture, taking into account individual characteristics and sizes.

To implement the project, special tools are required, which are expensive, but the business is very profitable and will pay for itself quickly enough.

Large parts for cabinet furniture can be ordered from manufacturers, and in the garage you can independently assemble a furniture module and add the necessary fittings and decor.

A separate source of income will be services for assembling furniture at the customer’s home.

Car wash in garage Selling tires in a garage Auto repair shop in garage Furniture production in a garage

Decorative items for home and souvenirs

You can put your hobbies and interests to good use and benefit financially. Exclusive products have always been in demand, and this is a great idea for running your business in the garage.


  • Handmade soap;
  • paintings and icons with beads;
  • basket weaving;
  • production of magnets;
  • handmade paintings, etc.

Any of the options for creating souvenirs and decorative items requires appropriate consumables. The most important thing is that there is minimal competition; not everyone can make original products with their own hands.

Goods for children

The production of children's goods is a win-win niche in business, which, with the right approach and certain skills, will bring a good, stable income.

In this regard, there are the following ideas:

  1. Children's sandbox. Few people are engaged in the deliberate production of such goods, but the improvement of local areas is gaining momentum today. Having created several sandboxes with an original design, you can start looking for clients, and then individual orders will arrive.
  2. Kites. A little imagination and skill will allow you to create an exclusive kite that will bring a lot of joy to your child and a little profit to your enterprise. In the future, you can put the business on stream and sell the goods through private children's stores and retail outlets.

General household goods

Most hardware stores and supermarkets are aimed at the mass consumer and do not work with individual orders. This makes it possible to occupy a profitable niche in household goods and earn decent money at the same time.

Several interesting options:

  1. Pellet production. Cheap raw materials are always valued due to their affordable cost. A recycling workshop will bring a stable income, since there are not many competitors in our country. Pellets are used as a filler for animal trays and for heating premises in a private home.
  2. Decorative processing of mirrors and glass using sandblasting technology. To organize this type of business you need certain skills, but if you don’t have them, you can learn everything. In addition to skills, consumables and equipment are needed, such as: stencils for drawings, mirrors and glass, sand, sandblasting machine.
  3. Production of number plates. Here you need a minimum of financial investments and there are practically no competitors, so income is guaranteed. Signs can be: wooden, metal, plastic. To create a ready-made version, a minimum set of available tools and materials is sufficient.

Several popular ones.


The box can be organized as a retail space. Such a business fits within the framework of the law and can be included in the register of stationary trade. But such a project is available if the garage is located in a crowded residential area.

To get started you need:

  • equip the premises accordingly;
  • decide on the product range;
  • tell your friends and acquaintances about the outlet for the purpose of free advertising.

There are a lot of ideas about what exactly to sell, for example, if the box is located in a garage cooperative, then the optimal product would be in the form of auto parts and components; if on the highway, it would be better to sell soft drinks and coffee.

Repair shop

In this situation, there are many options: repair of household appliances, bicycle repair, but let’s take a clothing and shoe repair shop as an example.

Such a workshop will always have a flow of customers if it is located within the residential sector. In any case, you need to advertise your services and design the box accordingly.

To bring this idea to life you need to have:

  • sewing machine;
  • a set of knives and scissors, hooks;
  • shoemaker's kit;
  • minimal consumables (threads, needles, etc.).

The target audience is wide and covers all segments of the population, which means the profit is stable.

Laundry or dry cleaning

This service is always relevant, since not every person decides to remove dirt from an expensive item on their own. When faced with a similar problem, people usually turn to professionals.

You can start with small private orders, but to increase financial profits over time, it is better to expand by creating a network of laundries.

To implement the project, financial investments are needed for equipment, washing machines, and consumables.

Should I register my business?

In any business activity, you need to understand that it is illegal to engage in business activities without registration; this entails a lot of problems and fines.

If the garage is rented to a neighbor, the tax office is unlikely to have any claims. And when plans include a large-scale business project, production or retail outlet, registration is indispensable.

Depending on the type of activity, what size the business will be, what the client base is and other nuances, it is necessary to decide on the legal form of the business and the tax system.

Most often in such situations, an LLC or individual entrepreneur is registered, and taxation is UTII.

To be completely sure that there will be no claims from government agencies, it is better to consult with an experienced lawyer on this matter.

Advantages and disadvantages

As with any type of entrepreneurship, a garage business has a number of specific advantages and disadvantages.

Main advantages:

  • savings on rent for premises;
  • a wide choice for the implementation of ideas;
  • does not require large capital investments;
  • own premises will insure against the risk of price fluctuations, since it is this factor that often ruins a young business.

Main disadvantages:

  • a business in a garage does not allow you to open: food production, a clinic, a kindergarten;
  • Boxes within the city are the first in line for demolition. In case of demolition, the cost of the garage will be reimbursed, but no one is obliged to return the funds invested in the business.

But all these shortcomings do not stop those who want to enter the garage.

For many people, the main goal in life is complete financial independence - to work for themselves, have their own business and not obey picky bosses. A garage business is the perfect way to make this dream come true.

Converting a garage into an office space is not as difficult a task as it might seem at first glance. Even with a small start-up capital and minimal effort, you can start a business that can provide good income in the future. The main thing is to bring one of your garage business ideas to fruition.

To begin with, entrepreneurs should decide on the specifics of their business project and its focus.. It is advisable to choose based on your own capabilities, skills and abilities - if you have creative potential and love collecting antiques, then you should not open a turning workshop, even if such a project can bring excellent profits in the future.

There are several main areas of garage business:

  • production of various goods;
  • provision of services;
  • processing of materials or raw materials.

Each of these areas requires certain equipment and capital investments. Moreover, newcomers to the business will have to develop their client base, which means they will have to conduct an advertising campaign.

Top 10 working ideas

1. Opening a retail outlet.

It is quite possible to open a grocery store in the garage

In accordance with current legislation, a garage is classified as a stationary retail facility, which means that a store can be organized in it. Before creating a business plan, it is advisable to analyze the demand for certain groups of goods. For example, in a large garage complex you can sell auto parts or consumables.

To organize a store, the premises need to be insulated and equipped with high-quality equipment, which will require quite a lot of money, time and effort.

2. Auto repair shop.

By opening a car repair shop, you can help your garage neighbors with repairs for a fee

If you are an experienced car enthusiast and are able to quickly fix even the most serious breakdown, then opening a car repair shop will be an ideal option to start earning money for yourself. To do this, you will need hand tools (spanner sets, screwdrivers, jacks, etc.) and a welding machine. Before starting work, it is advisable to also take care of the safety of the workplace and arrange the premises.

Forge - a promising and low-competitive option

Artistic forging is an extremely popular activity. This idea may seem quite expensive at first due to the need to purchase expensive materials, but, in fact, due to insignificant competition in the market, with the right approach it quickly pays off.

4. Car wash.

For a car wash inside a garage, there is no need to thoroughly re-equip the premises

A car wash can be organized in almost any garage; you just need to arrange the room and the area around it. Provide water and prepare a sewerage system, take care of fire safety and decide on equipment. Additionally, you can organize interior cleaning and engine washing services.

5. Production of decorative sculptures.

Making garden sculptures from plaster and concrete will require minimal costs, but will be an excellent way to create a profitable business. A beginner in this business will need to learn how to prepare a solution and buy molds for casting: foam, wood or cardboard.

6. Laundry.

By opening a laundry, you can attract the attention of students from dormitories who have problems with washing

In small towns it is very difficult to find a public laundry, so such a business, provided there is no competition, can pay for itself very quickly. First you need to acquire the necessary equipment and cleaning products, as well as conduct a competent advertising campaign. The best option would be to organize a laundry room in a garage near student dormitories.

7. Tire fitting.

If the garage is located next to a gas station or roadway, then it would be advisable to organize a tire service. The room must be heated, ventilated and well lit. You will also need expensive equipment (compressor, vulcanizer, jack, tire changer), which is better to rent at the initial stage of the business.

8. Car tuning.

Car tuning gives room for creativity, but is only relevant for big cities

Those who love creativity will love the prospect of creating something original and specific out of ordinary cars. But, unfortunately, this type of business will be relevant only for residents of megacities. In small towns, it will not be easy to find consumers for this service, which means, in addition to purchasing expensive materials, you will have to spend a lot on advertising.

9. Glass cutting.

In areas with a large concentration of industrial premises, the garage can be converted into a glass cutting workshop. The operating technology is quite simple, and even a beginner can master it if desired.

10. Fault diagnosis service.

Like its owner, the car also needs regular diagnostics.

This service is very popular among car enthusiasts, so you can make good money by diagnosing car problems. You will need to purchase special software, an adapter and a scanner to determine the machine block code and report errors. Remember that the computer program must be updated regularly, since new car brands appear every season.

Best Options for Beginners

1. Rental of children's goods and toys.

Children's toys are not cheap, so recently their rental services have become in great demand. You can purchase the most popular children's products, decorate your garage colorfully and brightly, and start promoting your services to your target group of consumers.

2. Antique shop.

The business of reselling antiques never loses its relevance. The main thing in this matter is knowing the real market value of an item, because you can earn up to 500% profit on transactions with those who want to get rid of stamps, coins or household items!

3. Pottery.

The pottery workshop may be interesting to visit for both adults and children

Creating clay products will not only increase your income, but also help relieve stress, relax and develop creativity. You should start by making molded ceramics, and after the first customers appear, buy a pottery wheel and molds for blanks. With successful business development, production can be expanded and master classes for children can be held.

4. Atelier for tailoring and repairing clothes.

A tailoring studio is a great business option for women

One of the best business ideas for women. All you need is a sewing machine, materials and the ability to sew efficiently and accurately.

5. Printing services.

A photocopier or a scanner will not surprise anyone these days, but the provision of printing services can bring significant profits in the shortest possible time. Especially if your garage is located next to educational institutions or administrative buildings.

6. Production of wooden pallets.

Due to the widespread use of pallets in various fields, such a business can be very promising

Pallets can be made manually and without special equipment. If you persistently search for reliable distribution channels, your business will quickly reach net profit.

7. Sharpening tools and knives.

In residential areas, the services of a sharpener will be in great demand. In addition to sharpening kitchen knives, you can also make money by processing tools for beauty salons (hairdressing scissors and nail clippers).

8. Mini-shop for furniture manufacturing.

Handmade furniture will always be in demand

Huge competition in the furniture business should not scare a novice businessman - with a well-chosen direction and a creative approach, you can develop a good client base in a short time. You can make custom-made cabinet furniture (cabinets, walls or beds) or frameless furniture (poufs, armchairs). Additional income can be obtained if you master decoupage, decorating or aging furniture.

9. Repair of household appliances.

This service will be relevant in any city and region. In order to start a business, you need to have the appropriate qualifications and have personal transport in which you could deliver large equipment.

10. Production of products on a lathe.

Turners, as a rule, do not sit idle

Turner services are in demand both from private companies that do not have a specialist on staff, and from car repair shops. To get started, you only need a lathe and a set of standard tools.

Ideas with minimal investment

1. Renting out premises.

This is the simplest and most effective way to receive passive income without investments - you can receive from 4,000 to 6,000 rubles per month. The specific rental cost will depend primarily on the location of the garage, the presence of communications in it and its size.

2. Temporary storage service.

A temporary storage service in your garage will help people avoid cluttering their balconies

Many residents of megacities are faced with the issue of storing things that they do not use in the summer - skis, sleds, winter car tires. The garage owner can benefit from this and make money by providing storage services. The profit, of course, will be insignificant, but it can be obtained after the first client.

3. Recycling collection point.

Some types of raw materials can be sold to organizations involved in production and processing. Such materials include paper, cardboard, glass, textiles, rubber and scrap metal.

4. Growing plants.

Growing vegetables or mushrooms in the garage can be put on commercial footing

A heated and well-lit garage makes it easy to grow plants and mushrooms. This line of business will not require significant investments, because it is not difficult for an experienced summer resident to equip a greenhouse indoors, and the harvest can be sold to small grocery stores.

5. Production of decorative products and souvenirs.

You can make festive New Year's goods (for example, Christmas tree balls), magnets, soap and candles, badges and souvenirs. The scale of production in this case does not depend on the amount of start-up capital, but only on your scope of imagination - the possibilities in this field of activity are almost limitless.

6. Sale of clothes.

Garage sales are still not very common in Russia

Garage sales have long gained popularity in the United States, and in recent years in our country, enterprising garage box owners have adopted this experience. Establishing a clothing sale (like a stock store or second-hand store) means providing yourself with year-round income.

7. Computer workshop.

Computer workshop - a win-win direction

If you are good with computers, you can try opening a computer repair shop in your garage. But keep in mind that for this the room must be dry, insulated and well lit.

8. Packaging of goods.

Owners of wholesale warehouses and stores often save on the services of packers, so if you wish, you can easily set up production for packaging bulk products and cooperate with large entrepreneurs, selling them ready-made packaged goods.

Who said that to conduct small-scale agriculture you have to live in a village?

The fashion for healthy eating makes many residents of big cities flock to markets in search of homemade and high-quality products. Caring for a chicken is not difficult, their diet is as simple as possible, and if the size of the garage allows you to accommodate a dozen laying hens, you will ensure a stable profit.

10. Personal trainer services.

Perhaps the most original way to provide yourself with additional income is to organize sports training in your garage. If you are an experienced athlete and can offer original training methods, then you will not have to compete with large gyms - you will be able to quickly develop a client base.

How not to make a mistake when choosing a direction of activity

In order to choose the right direction for your business project and not go into the red, you should follow just a few simple recommendations:

  • Choose the idea that can pay off as much as possible and bring profit in the shortest possible time;
  • Focus on customer needs;
  • Do not enter into competition with large entrepreneurs;
  • At the beginning of your project, try to do without hired labor to save money;
  • Don’t buy expensive equipment to start production;
  • Draw up a business plan, analyzing all upcoming expenses and expected income.

A business in a garage for aspiring entrepreneurs is a great chance to start their own business without significant expenses. In the garage, it is possible to establish the production of goods, organize trade, or equip premises for the provision of services.

Do not forget that the success of your business depends solely on your desire and hard work. And if you still doubt whether it’s worth a try, then remember - the history of the famous Apple company began with the assembly of computers in the garage.

“What business to open in a garage?” - a question that many residents of our country seriously ask. Various garage businesses began to actively open in our country since the mid-90s, when many factories were either closed or on the verge of closure, and their workers were forced to somehow survive. It was then that qualified turners, mechanics and other specialists began to set up workshops in garage cooperatives, where they turned parts, opened furniture production, etc.

Over time, the popularity of owning a garage business has only grown. Today, in some regions of Russia, a huge segment of the population lives in the garage thanks to their business. For example, in the south of Russia, garage artisans make up more than 50% of the population, and in different cities of the Volga region - from 20 to 45%.

At the same time, not only former factory workers, for whom this is perhaps the only way to survive, but also modern young people from the “creative class” are increasingly thinking about opening a business in a garage. What makes the latter open a business in a garage?

Maria Demyanova

General Director of Decor Rental “pro-oblepixa”

When a person comes to the conclusion that he needs to open his own business, especially if it is based not on an intellectual, but on a very real product, then he needs a room in which these same goods will be produced and located. A garage is the most inexpensive and accessible space for a simple beginning businessman.

Moreover, unlike a home business, the garage is perceived as some kind of office, which creates the feeling of “I go to a job that I created myself.” When you work at home, you invariably come across the opinion of your household members that you are lazy and sitting at home; the garage saves the unfortunate businessman from picky looks.

And you don’t have a monstrous clock ticking in your head, which every month screams about unimaginable rent payments and formidable landlords. The garage can expand up and down - no one will stop you from building an upper floor or buying out your neighbors' garages.

In a word, using a garage to run your own business allows you not only to save on renting premises, but also to provide more or less comfortable (compared to home) conditions for your business.

Underwater rocks

But with all these advantages, business in a garage also has certain pitfalls. The main one is the controversial legality of this enterprise. Still, a garage is primarily a room for a car, and not for organizing trade or production. “Adjusting” it to the requirements of the SES or fire inspection will not be so easy, especially if you are not going to open a business that belongs in the garage (for example, a tire service or a car wash). And without compliance with standards and the availability of permits, there is no need to talk about the legality of a business.

However, this does not stop most garage owners. They operate out of sight of the state, using old connections to find clients and sell products. It is worth recognizing that some garage businessmen still register individual entrepreneurs or LLCs, but their percentage is small.

Another possible problem is disagreement with your business from the management of the garage cooperative or your neighbors. Constant complaints from both sides can ruin a business in the bud.

But even if all the issues with registration and neighbors are resolved, the garage business has another serious disadvantage. Most often, garages are geographically remote from densely populated areas, major highways, and areas of good traffic.

In a word, garages are often located in industrial zones, on the outskirts, where your potential clients will not wander in passing.

Moreover, they will not go to your slums even purposefully. Therefore, for most types of business, a garage “hidden” on the outskirts of a city among dozens or hundreds of its twins is simply not suitable. But a good location close to transport and human flows will only play into your hands.

Another pitfall of running a garage business is the risk of losing everything overnight. The fact is that garages in the city can be demolished at any time due to the likely construction of a road, shopping center or residential complex on the land where the cooperative is located. And if you are compensated for the cost of the garage itself, then the money invested in the business will disappear without a trace. The risk of losing everything is increasing due to the fact that recently the authorities have intensified the fight against garage owners. For example, in Moscow, 10 thousand garages included in the Shanghai complex were demolished.

One way or another, if you are serious about running your business in a garage, you should first prepare it for this. After all, four walls, a roof and a floor are not all that is needed for comfortable work.

Garagerequires preparation

Before opening your own business in a garage, you will have to invest heavily in property. First of all, you need to equip the garage itself: the room should be warm and bright, it should have water supply and sewerage. And of course, basic comfort and a presentable appearance have not been canceled either, so interior and exterior decoration are extremely desirable attributes.

Improving the external gloss is just a matter of money. To repair a garage, you will need building mixtures, insulation, lamps, finishing materials, etc. But with heating, light, water and other communications, additional difficulties may arise.

The fact is that it is not always possible to connect a garage to city communications networks. In this case, you will have to install local networks. This will increase costs - both time, labor, and money - several times.

The amount of investment will depend not only on the condition of your garage now, but also on what kind of business you are going to open in it.

For example, if you want your garage to generate passive income by serving as a warehouse, you will need a minimum investment. You just have to insulate it, finish it, and install shelving or other storage equipment.

A car service will also require special equipment, the purchase and installation of which can significantly increase costs. The costs of purchasing and installing a production line when opening a workshop or production in a garage can be even more serious. Each case will have to be calculated individually, so it is impossible to clearly predict exactly how much you will spend on equipment for your garage.

Myths about garage business

It is worth mentioning that not every business should be opened in a garage. Many options may not work. In addition, some businesses simply cannot be done in a garage.

Most likely, when you are looking for business ideas in the garage, you will more than once come across proposals to open a bakery, smokehouse or dumpling production workshop. The main problem with food production is the fairly high requirements for premises from Rospotrebnadzor.

Where food will be prepared, there must be not only equipment and water supply, but sources of daylight, hoods, as well as special repairs and regular cleaning. Agree that equipping a garage in accordance with established sanitary and epidemiological standards is problematic.

Trading is also not the best solution for a garage business. We all remember that the golden rule of trading is location in a place with good vehicular and pedestrian traffic, and the garage in the vast majority of cases is hidden far from human traffic.

It would seem that a business related to cars and their maintenance is just what a garage needs. However, this is by no means always the case. A lot here again depends on the location.

There may be other downsides to running a garage-based car business. In particular, car washes, tire shops and services are businesses with fairly high competition, so it will be very difficult to start and develop your clientele. As for providing services that are fashionable among young people, such as, for example, unusual types of painting, their popularity may fade over time, and as a result you will be left without clients.

Another fairly popular garage business idea is seasonal storage of tires and bicycles. At first glance, everything is logical: there is simply nowhere to keep 2-3 bicycles or a set of summer tires in the apartment, so many will happily agree to pay a certain amount and send them to someone’s garage until better times. But in practice, things are somewhat different.

In a word, business in a garage is by no means as simple as it might seem at first glance. To organize your business in a garage, you will have to take a serious approach not only to choosing the business idea itself, but also to its arrangement. Carefully choose an idea from the masses that appeal to you, evaluate all the risks, and understand whether it is suitable.

900 Reading time: 7 min.

Not every business can be profitable, so if you want to use your own place intended for permanent storage of a car as a source of income, you must first develop and implement business ideas in the garage.

Our material today will help with this.

Ways to make money in a garage

Our editors have analyzed the main ways to “make your garage work for you.” We present them to your attention.

1. Garage rental

Before you answer the question what kind of business to open in a garage, you should take a closer look at simpler and less expensive ways to earn money. One of these is rent.

The procedure should begin by submitting advertisements on one of the advertisement sites, as well as by determining for what purposes the garage will be rented out:

  • warehouse for storing tools or equipment;
  • car parking;
  • storage of equipment, household appliances;
  • rest, entertainment.

Rent ranges from 2,000 to 4,000 rubles monthly and depends on many factors:

  1. territorial location of the garage;
  2. its external and internal state;
  3. size;
  4. availability of connected communications (light, heating), etc.

2. Trade through a garage

Own mini business in garage can be organized if it is converted into a stationary trade facility.

You can trade anything, but it is better if it is auto parts, car cosmetics or other accessories for vehicles.

Before starting trading, the garage needs to be prepared, namely:

  • make a sign;
  • insulate;
  • establish communications necessary for work.

3. Storing household items for money

Most people are concerned about the lack of free space in their home, so they are willing to pay money for seasonal storage of such things as:

  1. sled;
  2. skis;
  3. bicycles;
  4. car tires, etc.

A garage for such purposes should be:

  • big;
  • free from other objects;
  • equipped with various storage racks;
  • protected.

4. Car service

To organize your own car service, a garage should preferably be capital, have cold water and heating. Of course, you also need electricity.

At the initial stage, a businessman will have to purchase equipment for work:

  1. tools (spanners, ratchets, wrenches, bits, jack, etc.);
  2. lift (prices - from 200 thousand rubles and more);
  3. machines for business in the garage;
  4. additional equipment - electric generator, welding machine, gun for unscrewing wheel bolts, etc.

Of course, you need good knowledge of the structure of the car and initial skills in its repair and maintenance.

5. Tire service

If the garage is located near a car store, then it is quite possible to organize a tire service.

You will need to purchase:

  • wheel balancing machine;
  • machine for beading and disassembling tires;
  • vulcanizer;
  • industrial air blower (compressor);
  • rolling jack;
  • a gun for unscrewing wheel bolts (can also be unscrewed by hand).

All of the above equipment is quite expensive, so first you should save some money by starting another business - for example, renting out a garage.

6. Car tuning

Car tuning is truly a garage business with minimal investment. However, its profitability greatly depends on:

  • motorists' demand for relevant services;
  • size of the city (in large cities there is more demand for tuned cars than in small ones);
  • type of services provided (of all types of tuning, tinting is the most popular).

And of course, a novice businessman must be truly passionate about tuning and understand new trends and trends. It would be good to start by promoting your young business on VKontakte, showing your “portfolio” there and looking for clients.

7. Car wash

Anyone who has at least once asked themselves the question of what business is worth organizing in a garage, has probably come to the conclusion that a car wash is a pretty good option for making money.

However, you will have to spend money on this matter, namely:

  1. pay for garage refurbishment services (water supply, installation of a drainage system and its cleaning);
  2. purchase consumables;
  3. draw up permitting documents from the local government, SES, state fire service and pay state fees;
  4. pay for car wash advertising on radio, television, newspapers and on the Internet.

8. Reception of secondary raw materials from the population and its further transfer to enterprises

A novice businessman can make good money if he organizes a reception point from the public in his own garage:

  • paper;
  • glass;
  • cardboard;
  • textiles;
  • scrap metal;
  • rubber;
  • polymer films, etc.

If we can come to an agreement with the enterprise processing the specified raw materials, then things will go smoothly.

9. Clothing or shoe repair

You can get a good income if you organize your own small shoe or clothing repair business.

Such services are consistently in demand among the population. And all because not everyone will throw away their favorite item because its zipper came apart or the sole came off.

To organize a business of this kind, certain initial investments will be required for purchases:

  1. sewing machine;
  2. machine for turning workpieces;
  3. electric drills;
  4. shoe hammer;
  5. a set of knives and hooks;
  6. pliers, screwdrivers and punches.

10. Rental of children's things

Children grow quickly, which is why they constantly have a need for new things. The garage is great for storing and renting skis, boots, sleds, bicycles, ice cubes, buns, strollers and large plastic children's toys (houses, slides, push chairs, children's kitchens, etc.).

11. Antiques

In the garage you can resell antiques that are in stable demand among various collectors and numismatists.

At the same time, the initial capital is not so important, because you can attract borrowed funds, and then more than cover the loan taken. After all, if you know the true market value of antiques, you can earn up to 500% profit.

12. Glass cutting

A large number of glass elements are now used in furniture production. There is a risk that they may break or break off. In this case, in order not to completely change the furniture, the client seeks the appropriate service.

The basis of this type of business is the conversion of a garage into a workshop, where glass cutting will be carried out according to the customer’s instructions.

The demand for these services is especially high in large populated areas.

At the initial stage you will need to purchase:

  • rulers;
  • roulette;
  • big table;
  • glass cutter;
  • various types of glass in the form of large sheets.

The operating technology is simple and will not cause any difficulties even for a beginner - glass is placed on the table, a cutting line is drawn and cutting is carried out with a glass cutter. The finished material is given to the customer.

The best ideas for organizing your own production in the garage

You can not only provide individual services, such as vehicle tuning, rental or seasonal storage of things, but also organize your own small production business in the garage, which will bring in a good profit.

1. Production of decorative items for the home and souvenirs

As an option, you can start creating Christmas tree decorations for the New Year from scrap materials such as:

  1. old CDs;
  2. used light bulbs;
  3. cups;
  4. buttons;
  5. fir cones;
  6. cardboard, paper;
  7. elements of computer parts, televisions, etc.

Or you can start making refrigerator magnets. The approximate cost of one magnet will be 25 rubles. The final selling price is about 40 rubles. In total, the entrepreneur will earn 15 rubles from each souvenir sold.

The technology for making magnets is very simple:

  • first, the desired image is processed on a computer using a graphics editor;
  • Next, the design is printed on a transparent plastic sheet with hot-melt adhesive;
  • the plastic sheet is released from the backing;
  • then lamination of the workpiece is carried out;
  • the sheet is separated from the lining that protects the hot-melt adhesive;
  • the design is glued to vinyl;
  • The cutter separates the workpiece from the sheet.

2. Furniture business

Furniture business in the garage ideas for men:

  1. production of cabinet furniture according to individual customer orders;
  2. production of frameless furniture;
  3. reupholstery of upholstered furniture;
  4. production of furniture covers;
  5. production of garden interior items;
  6. decorating furniture with original drawings or decorative items.

3. Promotional products

For example, to make banners you will not need a lot of equipment:

  • a computer with a graphics editor installed;
  • a plotter that allows you to print large leaflets.

You can also do business of applying various designs to the external surfaces of cars or inscriptions (airbrushing). To do this you need:

  1. make high-quality lighting in the garage;
  2. maintain perfect cleanliness inside the premises;
  3. make the floor from concrete or tiles;
  4. allocate part of the garage for office space, where details of future work will be discussed, sketches viewed, etc.

To produce foam figures you will need:

  • grinding machine;
  • molding;
  • foam cutting machine;
  • small carpentry tool.

4. Production of general household goods

Alternatively, a novice businessman can start producing pellets. This recycled material is used by citizens to heat private homes and as cat litter.

Equipment that will be needed to organize the work:

  1. dryer for raw materials;
  2. dryer for semi-finished products;
  3. crushed;
  4. mixer equipped with a screw;
  5. granulator.

The pellet production technology is as follows:

  • the original raw materials are crushed;
  • then mixed with water;
  • a little more crushed;
  • steam treatment and granule formation occurs;
  • raw materials are cooled and cleaned of various wastes;
  • the finished product is packaged in consumer packaging.

You can still practice making signs with house numbers or street names. To organize such a business, virtually no initial investment is required.

Tools that will be needed for work:

  1. squeegee;
  2. stationery knife;
  3. clamps;
  4. emery;
  5. perforator;
  6. metal rulers.

The production of plates can be carried out:

  • or on a plastic base;
  • or on metal;
  • or on a tree.

The cheapest cost will be for plastic signs - approximately from 50 to 120 rubles.

To increase profits, a businessman should.

Who doesn't dream of owning their own business? But sometimes all this remains at the stage of fantasies and plans, because becoming an entrepreneur is not so easy. However, if you have a garage, you are lucky because at least you have a room in which to house your production. Now all that’s left to do is decide on the type of activity. In conditions of economic instability, it would be very wise to organize production in a garage. Ideas from China will help you make your choice and understand technical issues.

The simplest solution

If you have a garage, but no car, the space should not sit idle in vain. You've probably noticed how prices for paid parking have increased. At the same time, the number of cars in cities is steadily growing. If you do not intend to open some kind of production in the garage, ideas from China do not inspire you either, just rent out your box.

On average, this type of activity can bring in about 5,000 rubles a month, which will be a good addition to the family budget. But this figure can vary significantly depending on the region, as well as the condition of your premises. In addition, the rent will differ significantly depending on the purpose for which a person rents your garage. Of course, if he plans to store his car or some equipment there, he should not count on big profits. But if a person wants to open, for example, a car service in your box, you have every right to raise prices or demand a percentage of the profit.

Production of toothpicks

If you want to start your own business, garage production is a good place to start. Ideas from China are captivating with their simplicity and accessibility. In this country, entrepreneurs have long mastered the intricacies of organizing small businesses and are successfully taking advantage of the opportunities provided by the compact, inexpensive equipment available on the Chinese market. So, for example, why don't you start making toothpicks? It would seem that this is such a simple object, but a person constantly needs it in the process of life. This way you won't have problems with sales. You can negotiate deliveries to local catering establishments, as well as small retail outlets.

But it requires some initial investment to open such a business in a garage. You will need a special machine. It is quite possible to order it in some Chinese online store, which will ensure maximum savings. You also need to find a source of wood supply (very little of it will be needed). And, of course, take care of the packaging. Boxes can also be ordered from China at a minimal price.

On average, the initial costs for such a business are about 700,000 rubles. With proper organization of production and sales, you can achieve a net profit within a year.

Wooden blanks

All over the world there is a desire of people to engage in creativity. This trend can be used to organize production in the garage. Ideas from China inspire you to start making wooden blanks for later decoration. If you have the skills to work with such material, use your imagination. All kinds of figures, boxes, plates, pots, boards and other items will be sold out with a bang.

Regarding initial costs: you will have to purchase a set of tools (about 15,000-20,000 rubles). At a wood processing plant, it is worth agreeing on a regular supply of raw materials. If your products are in demand, you may need to purchase a milling machine. It will cost you about 200,000 rubles.

Wooden Toys

If you are planning to start a business in your garage, making wooden toys is a viable option. Now that even products for children are made from unsafe toxic materials, it is important to provide the market with environmentally friendly toys. In principle, this type of production is very similar to the previous one. You will need about 150,000 rubles of starting capital for tools and materials, as well as unlimited imagination. Safe toys will certainly be in demand.

Production of cabinet furniture

If you want to open a small business, making cabinet furniture in your garage can be a fairly profitable option. The first thing you will need is to purchase chipboard sheets. You can buy them for future use, and then give them the desired shape yourself. You can also contact production with a request to cut sheets according to the drawings and established dimensions. In this case, the most necessary purchase will be a drilling machine, with which you will assemble furniture. Also, do not forget to acquire fasteners, fittings and other parts in sufficient quantities.

Packaging of goods

What kind of production to open in a garage? Think, maybe you don’t need to make anything. It makes much more sense to package what others have produced. Marketers unanimously claim that attractive packaging is half the success.

If someone in your community is in the bulk food business, you can work on a mutually beneficial basis. Start making packaging. To do this, you need to purchase packaging equipment and materials for packaging. Again, Chinese sites will come to your aid.

Production of wooden garden paths

If you are interested in production with minimal investment in the garage, pay attention to wooden garden paths. Considering the rapidly growing fashion for everything natural, residents of private houses will be happy to decorate their yard with such an environmentally friendly path. And your initial investment will be no more than 55,000 rubles. This amount includes the following purchases:

  • equipment for cutting trunks (chainsaws, sawmills);
  • grinding machines;
  • blowtorches;
  • forest (about 2000 rubles per cubic meter);
  • drying oil, antiseptics;
  • bitumen;
  • gravel.

Production of furniture covers

Few people think of producing furniture covers. Nevertheless, such items are in great demand. For example, to protect a piece of furniture during repair or transportation. And if you are a true master of your craft, then you can sew covers that perform a decorative function and return new life to old furniture.

Mini-equipment for the production of covers in the garage includes very little. This is a cutting table and sewing machine that can work with thick fabrics. Of course, you shouldn’t forget about consumables, accessories, scissors, needles and the material itself. The clients of such a small enterprise can be private individuals, as well as owners of furniture stores. Covers can be useful in the hotel and restaurant industry.

Mirror production

If you are full of enthusiasm and determined to succeed, you can open a small production in your garage. For example, you can start making mirrors. The main thing is to master the technology. Thus, an aluminum or silver coating is applied to the glass as a reflective layer. The second method is more economical and less labor-intensive. To get started, you will need an investment of 200,000 rubles. This amount includes the purchase of such things as:

  • reagents for the production and application of a reflective layer;
  • table and industrial glass cutter;
  • Dryer; bath for silvering;
  • grinding machine;
  • electronic scales so that you can measure the exact amount of reagents.

Having mastered the technology of producing mirror cloth, you will be able to provide a wide range of services. So, the greatest demand will be:

  • production of decorative mirrors of various shapes and modifications;
  • production of mirror tiles;
  • production of inserts for cabinet furniture or trade displays;
  • production of colored mirror mosaics;
  • production of walls for aquariums.

Production of decorative sculptures

If you are full of creative ideas, you can organize a small production in your garage to produce decorative sculptures from plaster or concrete. Such decorations are actively used in landscape design, office decoration and even apartment decoration. To get started, you will need:

  • required amount of raw materials;
  • special molds for casting products;
  • tools and containers for mixing the solution;
  • paints and brushes for decorative design of products.

Of course, you can start your own business by producing primitive garden gnomes. But only exclusive author’s sculptures or those made according to individual orders will bring big income.

Foam processing

Profitable garage production is the processing of foam plastic to create decorative elements. This material has many advantages. Being cheap, it is easy to manipulate, and therefore you can give it the most intricate shapes. Such products are in great demand among decorators, because properly processed foam can imitate luxurious plaster stucco.

The initial investment is about 160,000 rubles. The main cost item is the purchase of a machine (it is also recommended that you first pay attention to inexpensive products from Chinese manufacturers). It is also necessary to purchase a sufficient amount of polystyrene foam. And then everything will depend on your imagination and skill. On average, the profit from one product is 300-500 rubles. With proper advertising, you can quickly build up a client base and make a net profit.

Production of decorative signs

Having a starting capital of about 10,000 rubles, you can organize a business in your garage - producing signs indicating house numbers and street names. This is an excellent option for a small family business, because such products are in constant demand. Depending on the materials used, the cost of one sign can be 60-100 rubles (plastic, plywood, self-adhesive film). At the same time, such products can be sold for 200-300 rubles.


If you have an empty garage, this is a great reason to start your own business. Many large entrepreneurs started with small handicraft industries. It is quite possible that the simple ideas of the Chinese will lead you to dizzying success, and in a few years you will own your own factory or factory.