How to open a draft beer outlet: from permits to in-demand assortment. Draft beer as a business, how to open a store I want to open a beer outlet

Approximate data:

  • Monthly income – 450,000 rubles.
  • Net profit – 80,750 rubles.
  • Initial costs – 380,800 rubles.
  • Payback – from 5 months.
This business plan, like all others in the section, contains calculations of average prices, which may differ in your case. Therefore, we recommend that you make calculations for your business individually.

In this article we will draw up a detailed business plan for a draft (live) beer store with calculations of expenses and income.

Description of service

This article presents a business plan for a draft beer store. Such an enterprise can be opened in both large and small towns. The article will consider such aspects as legal regulation, ways to promote your own business, calculations based on real data and, of course, a detailed analysis of what an entrepreneur needs to do to make his business successful.

Market analysis

Considering the alcohol market around the world, it should be noted that Russians occupy 4th place. Thus, per person in our country there are 15.76 liters of pure ethyl alcohol. This figure is very impressive. Only Moldova, the Czech Republic and Hungary are ahead of Russia.

But there is another side to the coin - the quality of alcohol consumed and its harm. In recent years, the taste preferences of Russians have changed noticeably. The majority of the population prefers elite drinks rather than surrogates. This is due to several factors. Firstly, with an increase in living standards (even taking into account the current crisis). Secondly, with the quality and taste characteristics of the products - Russians for the most part prefer to drink less, but proven products.

So, opening a liquor store is a very interesting idea that can pay for itself in a short time. If we consider the demand in this market segment, it is worth highlighting that the most frequently consumed products are:

  • beer (36%);
  • wine (34%);
  • vodka (26%).

There is much less demand for all other types of alcoholic beverages. From this we can conclude that the future store should be associated with these types of alcohol (all or one of them at once).

We must not forget that there are quite a lot of alcoholic supermarkets today. The competition here is very high. It will be very difficult for a novice businessman. Therefore, it is worth taking as a basis an interesting idea, which in itself will already attract customers.

Today, many Russians are interested in so-called “live” beer. Of course, it has a completely different taste, smell and quality than regular bottled products. And there are not as many similar alcohol “boutiques” as there are liquor stores. That is why we will consider this idea as the most attractive.

SWOT analysis

To really assess your capabilities, you need to evaluate internal and external factors that can not only benefit, but also seriously harm your business.

Thus, the following categories can be classified as external factors (which cannot be changed):

  1. Possibilities:
  • Absence of competition as such in the context of “live” draft beer stores.
  • Opportunity to develop a retail network throughout the city under the same recognizable brand.
  1. Threats:
  • Serious restrictions and requirements from the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as local regulations, which can negate all the activities of the organization or lead to fines.
  • Social movement for a healthy lifestyle (developing a negative attitude towards alcohol stores).
  • High level of competition among alcohol sellers.
  • Availability of retail chains with lower prices for similar products (bottled alcohol).
  • The need to meet strict standards of quality and customer service.

There are also a number of internal factors (which an entrepreneur can independently regulate in the process of work), which include the following:

  1. Strengths:
  • Availability of quality products.
  • Favorable prices for consumers through the development of profitable relationships with suppliers.
  • Availability of powerful advertising opportunities that would attract customers.
  • Attracting customers through the emergence of new varieties of beer.
  • High level of customer service.
  • Fast service.
  • Availability of a system of discounts and other privileges for regular customers.
  • Availability of certificates for products purchased from suppliers.
  1. Weak sides:
  • Lack of experience in this field.
  • Lack of assortment (more precisely, other products in the store).
  • Narrow focus of the store.

Of course, opening a draft beer store will not be so easy; the entrepreneur will have to face a number of difficulties and restrictions, so even at the preparatory stage it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the current legislation in order to avoid fines and not commit an administrative offense.

Opportunity Assessment

When planning working hours in a store, you need to remember that there are a number of standards. Thus, the sale of beer is prohibited from 23:00 to 8:00. This restriction does not apply to public catering establishments. But even here you need to be careful. Restrictions may be introduced additionally in a specific region. Thus, in St. Petersburg it is prohibited to sell alcohol from 22:00 to 11:00, and in Yakutia - from 20:00 to 14:00. In some places, retail trade may be completely prohibited on certain days.

The punishment for violating this rule is quite serious: a fine of 5 to 10 thousand rubles, as well as confiscation of products sold illegally in the store.

So, the work of our draft beer store will be carried out according to the following schedule (we took the average time frame, which, if necessary, can be adjusted to a specific region):

By the way, it is also prohibited to sell alcohol on holidays, and in the Ulyanovsk region you will not be able to buy alcohol on weekends.

Total: 98 working hours per week; 420 working hours per month.

The job will require salespeople who will also serve as cashiers. For uninterrupted supply, you will need 4 sellers who will work in shifts (2 after 2).

If you want the store to be open around the clock, then you need to equip it with separate tables and chairs. In this case, the establishment will already be considered a catering establishment.

To have additional profit, you can diversify the assortment not only with different brands of beer, but also with all kinds of snacks. It can be sandwiches, fish, crackers, chips and much more.

Particular attention should be paid to the size of the room. Thus, beer bottling machines can be located in stationary retail facilities and warehouses, the total area of ​​which is at least 50 m2. If a store opens in a rural area, then this value is reduced to 25 m2.

If you want to quickly return your investment, then it is best to open a draft beer store in the spring or summer. It is during this time period that the peak demand for this alcoholic drink occurs.

Organizational and legal aspects

  1. First you need to register. You can choose or. OKVED codes must be indicated. In this case they will be as follows:
  • 52.25.12 – Retail trade in beer;
  • 52.2 – Retail sale of food products, including drinks, and tobacco products in specialized stores.
  1. As for the taxation system, it is worth focusing on UTII (if there is one in the region; in Moscow, for example, UTII can be applied to a small number of activities). It is also possible to use and.
  2. By choosing UTII, an entrepreneur can refuse to use cash registers. In other cases it will be required for use. If UTII is applied, then it is necessary to ensure the issuance of strict reporting forms to your clients.
  3. It is imperative to obtain an opinion from Rospotrebnadzor, SES and the Fire Inspectorate.
  4. If a cash register is used for work, it must first be registered with the tax service.
  5. To accept payment by bank transfer it is necessary.
  6. The lease agreement must be formalized.
  7. All employees working in the store must have health certificates. They must also undergo medical examination on time.
  8. The store must have natural, artificial and emergency lighting.
  9. It is better to decorate the store with tiles or non-toxic paint.
  10. Fire safety measures must be observed (presence of a fire extinguisher, evacuation plan).
  11. You will have to keep an alcohol declaration (new in 2016).

Of course, these are not all the requirements. It is worth studying the relevant GOSTs, SNiPs and SanPins in order to equip your store in accordance with all standards. When working in the format of a public catering outlet, you need to study additional legislative acts.

Marketing plan

One of the most important stages is designing your own draft beer store. You need to start with cosmetic repairs. Next, you need to not only arrange the equipment, counter, tables and chairs, but also create a pleasant atmosphere that will attract customers, make them stay and drink beer. At this point, you need to carefully consider how the sign will look. It should be large, catchy and eye-catching, memorable.

The interior can be supplemented with interesting items that would highlight the mood of the entire establishment.

It’s worth exploring possible options for the name of your draft beer store. It shouldn't be ordinary or boring.

Selling draft beer is a rather specific type of business. You shouldn't try to use all types of advertising, some of them simply won't work, so why spend the extra money? For example, advertising a store on television, radio and other media is not only expensive, but also ineffective.

For work, it is best to use the following types of advertising:

  1. Outdoor advertising. It is the most effective of all possible. Moreover, it should be located in the area where the draft beer store itself is located. This also includes the design of the storefront and façade of the building in the same thematic vein, so that customers can immediately find the store. It’s worth thinking about lighting, so that even in the dark, potential buyers won’t have problems finding the right place.
  2. Distribution of coupons and discounts. This can be done either before opening, or after a visit or purchase for a certain amount. You can also think about a cumulative discount system.
  3. Additionally, you can agree with product suppliers to provide them with special promotional products. And many do it absolutely free. These can be ashtrays for visitors, coasters for mugs, and much more.
  4. You can organize an additional zone– open a summer veranda with umbrellas and benches. You can also smoke there.

Calculation of projected income

This is a very controversial question. Here everything will depend on the brand of which manufacturer the entrepreneur is going to sell. Thus, the markup on domestic drinks is usually 100%, and on imported drinks – 30%. Our store will sell domestic beer, which will allow us to make a big profit.

Subject to daily work, revenue can be: 30 * 15,000 rubles = 450,000 rubles. This size is quite realistic even for a small store. Especially if it also sells beer snacks.

Production plan

Here I would like to dwell on what equipment is required for the work. Naturally, repairs will be carried out first.

  • Cooler. It is he who will maintain the required temperature for beer so that visitors will enjoy drinking it. Hardly anyone is a fan of warm beer.
  • A stand on which the taps will be installed.
  • Counter.
  • Kegs. In it, the drink is transported from the supplier to the seller. Products can also be stored in it until opening.
  • Special beer column. It performs two functions at once - it complements the interior and helps the seller pour beer.
  • Drip catcher.
  • Beer tap (you can do without it if you don’t plan to pour the drink into glasses).
  • Special hose.
  • Gas cylinders. With their help, beer is released from the kegs.
  • Gearbox. It is this that allows you to maintain the required level of pressure inside the cylinder.
  • Fridge. For storing other products and beer itself.

In short, you will need quite a lot of equipment, but it can pay for itself very quickly. Beer suppliers can provide equipment. They often give it away for rent or even for free if you buy beer from them in certain quantities.

Organizational plan

Total: 380,800 rubles. These are the initial costs.

Financial plan

  • The profitability will be: 80,750/450,000 = 0.179 or 17.9%. This figure is quite acceptable for business.
  • Payback: 380,800/ 80,750 = 4.71. Consequently, after 5 months the entrepreneur will be able to return the invested funds and receive a net profit.


As with any other type of business, there are a number of significant risks when opening a draft beer store. The most important ones include the following:

  1. Seasonality

It should be noted that in winter the demand for these products is greatly reduced. To avoid serious fluctuations in revenue or even lack of profit, it is worth adding hot pastries, hot dogs, sandwiches or something else to the assortment in winter.

  1. Product shelf life

Live beer can only be stored for a short period of time. Some varieties even retain their taste qualities only for the first 5 days. If planning is incorrect, you can lose up to 50% of available raw materials.

At the beginning of your work, it is worth making purchases in small quantities in order to assess the level of customer demand, highlight the most popular varieties, and only then form a subsequent order.

  1. Strict control by regulatory authorities

This can also lead to large fines and administrative penalties. It is important to conduct your business honestly and in accordance with the law. Then, for sure, the regulatory authorities will not be able to find fault with the work of the establishment.

Important: Remember that you can independently create a business plan specifically for your business. To do this, read the articles:

One last request: We are all human and can make mistakes, leave something out, etc. Do not judge strictly if this business plan or others in the section seem incomplete to you. If you have experience in this or that activity or you see a flaw and can add to the article, please let me know in the comments! This is the only way we can jointly make business plans more complete, detailed and up-to-date. Thank you for your attention!

According to experts, 11% of the beer output in Russia is sold through draft beer stores. Such figures are confirmed by the impressive growth of this market segment over the past few years.

So, how can you make money selling beer? How to open a draft beer store from scratch in 2017, and what steps need to be taken? Let's try to draw up a rough business plan and take a closer look at what needs to be done for the store to start generating income.

Before starting a business activity related to beer trading, you should familiarize yourself in detail with Federal Law 218-FZ of July 18, 2011. Briefly, its essence is this: only organizations and individual entrepreneurs have the right to trade alcoholic beverages on the territory of Russia. Therefore, it is impossible to do without establishing an individual entrepreneur.

The same law lists strict requirements for the location of such a store. For example, it is prohibited to sell alcohol in educational, sports, cultural and medical institutions, markets, and transport facilities (car parks, service stations, etc.). The distance at which your store should be located from the above institutions must be at least 100 meters.

On January 1, 2013, another law was passed prohibiting the sale of beer in stalls and kiosks. The same law defines the optimal time for selling alcoholic products: beer can only be sold from 8.00 to 23.00.

To open a store, you need to register a company. Which form to choose: ? Both forms have their pros and cons.

Registering an individual entrepreneur is easier, faster and cheaper. But keep in mind that opening an individual entrepreneur will not free you from the need to keep records and declare retail sales volumes.

LLC is more difficult and expensive to open. But the form of an open company will allow you to significantly save on taxes in the future. Thus, preferential rates of income tax, corporate property tax and VAT have been introduced for LLCs.

Step 2. We document the business

Where to start opening a draft beer store? First of all, you need to comply with all formalities. Here is a list of documents that must be completed before opening a store:

  1. Registration of individual entrepreneur or LLC.
  2. Purchasing a cash register, registering it and concluding a contract for its maintenance.
  3. Obtaining a trade permit. It is issued in the trade department of the city administration.
  4. Concluding a lease or purchase/sale agreement for the premises in which the store will be located.
  5. Conclusions of the SES, fire inspection and state consumer supervision.
  6. Concluding an employment contract with store employees and issuing medical records.
  7. An agreement with a security company that will install an alarm system for you.

Step 3. Choosing a location for the store

80% of the success of your enterprise depends on where your beer store will be located. Finding a suitable building is the most difficult thing to do. Firstly, it is necessary to take into account all the rules specified in Federal Law-218. Secondly, you should take into account the specifics of the store.

So, the optimal area for a draft beer store is 40-50 sq.m. Of these, approximately 25 sq.m. will be occupied by a trading area, 12-15 sq.m. enough to organize a warehouse. The remaining area will be needed for a toilet, office, etc.

Organization of retail space: on an area of ​​5 sq.m. 6 taps can be installed. It is considered optimal to have 20-24 beer taps of different brands, so 20-25 sq.m. should be enough.

The requirements for the premises are described in detail in SanPiN and Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor No. 23 of 09/07/2001.

Important! Any retail establishment must have a consumer corner, a security alarm and a safe. And in a beer store it is simply obligatory to have a toilet for visitors.

As for the location, it is important to take into account several nuances:

  • It is most profitable to look for a place for a store in a residential area. Please note that bottled beer is in great demand in business districts and on main streets.
  • You should not place a store in the basement of a residential building. Unfortunately, there is a risk that the courtyard of a residential building will turn into an additional pub, which will be used for drinking beer, and possibly as a toilet.
  • It’s good if the place has a lot of traffic. But at the same time, experts advise not to “swing” at the city center - it is not profitable.
  • A good option: a place in a large store or supermarket. Here you can generally rent 6-7 sq.m. and start small.

Before renting a space, research the area nearby. It is highly undesirable to have competitors nearby or a liquor store.

Step 4. Purchase commercial equipment

For the store you will need:

  • rack;
  • refrigerator display case;
  • defoamers;
  • kegs;
  • micromatics (fittings);
  • coolers;
  • gas pressure adjustment reducer;
  • carbon dioxide cylinder;
  • refrigerators for warehouses.

Additional equipment will require an air conditioner (since the main trade will be in the warm season), possibly a stereo system, a TV and small household appliances for employees.

Dishes and other goods: disposable tableware, napkins, price tags, calculator, stapler, detergents, bags, plastic bottles 0.5-1-1.5-2-3 liters. The first and last volumes are asked less often.

Method 1. The easiest way is to enter into an agreement with the supplier of one single brand of beer. In this case, you will be provided with equipment and promotional materials. Plus, the distributor will train sellers to use the equipment for free.

Method 2. Rent equipment. Profitable, convenient, less hassle with subsequent use. As a rule, equipment renters also offer equipment maintenance services.

Method 3. Buy equipment. This will be the biggest expense, but it has its benefits if you're looking for long-term use. As a last resort, you can agree on a lease with subsequent purchase - it all depends on your financial capabilities.

Important! Equipment for selling draft beer requires careful handling. Due to its specific nature, it requires monthly maintenance, as the taps often become clogged. The costs of prevention and cleaning will have to be included in the budget immediately.

Step 5. Decide on the assortment

Having less than at least 15 varieties of beer in the assortment is impractical. It is more convenient to immediately divide the varieties into classes: economy, medium, medium+, premium. This will allow you to expand your potential customer base.

In each class, to begin with, it is enough to provide 3-4 brands of beer. After 5-6 months, you can analyze which beer sells better, after which you can adjust the assortment.

Naturally, in addition to beer, the store can offer related products: nuts, dried fish, special snacks, snacks. This is convenient, since no special permit is required to trade these goods. All you need is a quality certificate, which the supplier must provide you with.

Step 6. Hiring staff

For a store with 15 to 20 taps, it is enough to hire two salespeople. It is more convenient to organize work in shifts, for example 2/2. It is more profitable to set wages in the amount of a percentage of sales - this will add motivation. In addition, you may need a cleaner and an accountant.

Step 7. Assess the risks

The beer business has many pitfalls that should be taken into account. Of course, all the nuances can be taken into account only after starting to work. But there are also those that are known to many store owners:

  1. Beer is a seasonal product. Sales are best from April to October. In the winter months it is rarely possible to sell at least 20% of the volume compared to summer sales. Therefore, experienced players recommend opening a beer store in the spring.
  2. Live draft beer is a perishable product. The shelf life of most brands is no more than 5 days! Players in this market admit that almost 50% of their products have to be thrown away. But, under no circumstances take risks and do not sell sour beer - you will lose your reputation instantly. Finding a reliable supplier is another critical task. It is more profitable to enter into contracts for small wholesale.
  3. Advertising should be included as a separate expense item. You can design a beautiful sign, order volumetric letters with backlighting, you can distribute flyers to customers or organize an advertising campaign on the Internet. Other types of advertising, unfortunately, are prohibited for the beer business.

Brief business plan

Approximate costs (prices of large cities are taken as an example)

Thus, in the above diagram, general prices are taken, and the purchase of equipment is also included. It was already noted above that you can save on this if you rent equipment. Distributors often provide free advertising products, which means another 20-30 thousand rubles in savings. Additional income will come from selling soft drinks and bottled beer from refrigerators. In the summer, you can replace one of the kegs with kvass and lemonade - the payback is 100%!

We calculate the trade markup: up to 30% is charged on premium beer and foreign brands, and up to 100% on beer of domestic brands.

On average, for 1 keg the markup is up to 2 thousand rubles. At the same time, your customers receive beer at a price from 60 to 250 rubles per 1 liter.

With the correct placement of a retail outlet during the “hot” summer months, the expected “net” profit can range from 80 to 250 thousand rubles per month. All opening costs can be recouped in the first 2 months. Sustainable profit making is possible 2-3 months after opening.

But analysts disagree on the future prospects of this business. Some believe that the beer business in Russia has already reached its peak of development and there will be no further growth. Others argue that the live draft beer market will continue to develop at an impressive pace. Especially in the regions. Here you can learn from the experience of the capital’s “beer boutiques,” and the coming summer will not leave you without profit.

Draft beer is superior in taste to its bottled counterparts. The absence of pasteurization makes the taste brighter and richer. The first such stores, which began opening several years ago, became popular among the population despite the rather high cost of this product.

The demand for beer is growing steadily. This industry is one of the few that is not affected by the crisis. Its cost remains lower than for strong alcoholic drinks. In addition, hot weather encourages consumers to opt for a foamy drink. Therefore, the idea of ​​opening a pub from scratch attracts many businessmen.

Legal requirements

Legal registration of the seller

Before opening a draft beer store from scratch, you need to familiarize yourself with the legislation governing this area of ​​activity. The seller must register a legal entity (LLC) or individual entrepreneur. If the product range includes wine and spirits, then an individual entrepreneur will not be suitable.

Retail sales of intoxicating drinks are not licensed. What you need to open a draft beer store is to have OKVED codes that allow the sale of this category of product. Since mid-2016, new codes have been introduced. A company or individual entrepreneur that began operating after this date must have the following codes: 47.25.1, 47.25.12, 47.11.2. If you plan to open a beer store and bar, then you will need code 56.30.

If the organization was registered previously, but was engaged in a different business, it is necessary to notify the Federal Tax Service about the addition of new types of activities. To do this, fill out the following forms:

  • for IP R24001;
  • for LLC R13001 or R14001.

Store requirements

You can’t open a live beer store everywhere. Similar trade is prohibited in the following areas:

  • kindergartens, schools, clinics and hospitals;
  • sports facilities;
  • public transport and stops;
  • train stations, airports;
  • markets;
  • gas stations;
  • concert halls;
  • military facilities.

Trading in temporary kiosks and tents is prohibited. What you need to open a beer store is to find a full-fledged premises with a foundation, walls, and a roof.

It is legally prohibited to sell any alcoholic beverages at night (the ban is valid from 11 pm to 8 am). In addition, it cannot be sold to persons under 18 years of age.

Equipped premises for a draft beer store


The state system for monitoring the production and circulation of alcohol obliges companies and individual entrepreneurs purchasing and selling intoxicating drinks to connect to it. A log of the turnover of alcoholic beverages is kept daily and a declaration is submitted monthly. All information and instructions are presented on the official website of EGAIS. Before opening a beer outlet from scratch, you will need to connect to the system and issue a digital signature.

Cash machine

An enterprise selling beer on tap must purchase and register a cash register. This legislative norm applies to all companies and does not depend on the applicable tax regime.

Obtaining permits

Setting up a draft beer store requires obtaining certain documents permitting its operation. Working without a complete package of papers is fraught with fines and closure of the point.

The list includes:

  • statutory documents of the company (IP);
  • premises rental contract;
  • fire inspection report;
  • conclusion of the SES;
  • labor contracts with employees;
  • health records.

If beer will be bottled in a shopping center, a sales permit is required. When operating a point on the street, you need to obtain permission from local administrative authorities.

What does the SES pay attention to?

Before opening beer for bottling from scratch, you need to bring the premises into compliance with the requirements of the SES. The walls should be tiled or painted. Lay a moisture-proof coating on the floors. It is necessary to provide daily wet cleaning. It must be remembered that the store must be equipped with good ventilation.

Obtaining permission from the fire department

Setting up a beer store involves a visit from a fire inspector, who checks the presence of a fire safety system, an evacuation plan and an emergency phone number. There must be instructions on fire safety measures and a log of employee training.

To open a beer store from scratch, you need to make sure there is an emergency exit. Without it, the inspector will issue a negative conclusion.

How to start

Step-by-step instructions for opening a draft beer store begins with preparation, which allows you to calculate costs and determine a development strategy.

  1. It is important to write a business plan for a draft beer store.
  2. Receive the required package of documents.
  3. Find a premises and sign a lease contract.
  4. Purchase equipment.
  5. Select a supplier and sign a supply agreement.
  6. Hire employees.
  7. Think through advertising and produce materials.

Until the point begins to operate, it is difficult to determine which assortment will be the most profitable. Therefore, it is necessary to keep statistics in order to make the necessary adjustments after a year of work. The importance of statistical recording and analysis is associated with the very short shelf life of draft beer. It does not exceed 5–7 days. And the presence in the line of varieties that are not in demand will lead to large financial losses. The optimal number of species in the line is considered to be up to 25 pieces.

Another nuance that entrepreneurs should take into account is seasonality. The beer store business brings in minimal income in the winter. Some businessmen prefer to close the outlet for this time. The summer period can bring super profits.


When opening a beer business from scratch, you need to decide on the assortment and pricing policy. The size of the trade margin directly depends on the category of the intoxicating drink. The higher the purchase price, the lower it is. For goods from Russian manufacturers it can be up to 100%, and for imported goods no more than 25-30% per liter. The average retail price is 60–250 rubles. It is also important to consider the purchasing power of consumers.


For a beginner, it is more convenient to conclude a contract with a beer supplier from one manufacturer. In this case, you can count on free equipment for the beer store. The distributor will offer the necessary promotional material, which will allow you to save on its production. Another way to save money is to rent equipment.

The peculiarity of the equipment is the need for regular maintenance. If the contract with the supplier does not include maintenance, these costs must be budgeted for.

Before opening a point selling draft beer, It is necessary to purchase (rent) the following equipment:

  • cooler;
  • counter for installing beer taps;
  • bottling mechanisms;
  • hoses;
  • bar counter;
  • special containers - kegs;
  • gas cylinders;
  • gearbox;
  • refrigerators;
  • showcases for displaying related products.

Purchase of drinks

A bottle store may offer an assortment of different brands. Purchases can be made from distributors or from the factory. Direct purchase from the factory is profitable only if there is a high demand for beer. This option is more suitable for chain store owners. To supply one point, you need to find distributors who sell drinks in small wholesale.


What does it take to open a draft beer store? You need to take care of the appearance of the establishment. It is no less important than the assortment.

The point of sale of draft beer requires not to limit yourself to painting walls and arranging furniture. An appropriate atmosphere must be created. Standard repairs must be supplemented with appropriate paraphernalia. For example, beer mugs, kegs, themed paintings or photographs. Dark wood finishes are possible. To create a relaxing atmosphere, the lighting should be dim.

It has become quite fashionable to decorate stores in the opposite way, creating well-lit rooms with bright colors.

The store must have a bright and memorable sign. If you don’t have your own imagination, you can contact an advertising agency, where they will help you develop a corporate identity. A bright name will help you save on advertising promotion of the point.

Financial investments

An important component of every business is understanding the amount of investment and future income. How much does it cost to open a beer outlet?

The amount of investment directly depends on the city, the range and purchase price of beer drinks and snacks, and retail space. How much does it cost to open a beer store? Minimum costs include (thousand rubles):

  • legal registration – 10;
  • repairs – 80;
  • monthly rent – ​​40;
  • purchase of equipment – ​​180;
  • advertising – 10;
  • purchase of a batch of beer and snacks – 100;
  • The monthly salary of two salespeople is 40.

What does it take to open a beer store? Have a budget of about half a million rubles. Monthly expenses will amount to about a quarter of a million rubles.

When opening a point in a metropolis, 500 thousand rubles. will not be enough. How much does it cost to open a draft beer store in a large city? It is necessary to expect that the minimum budget will be three times higher.


If investments do not exceed the specified values, then the average revenue per day should be 9 thousand rubles. If the average purchase is 250 rubles, there should be at least 36 buyers per day.

Since the maximum profitability of a beer store occurs during the hot season, the opening of the outlet should take place in the spring. By the summer, it will become quite recognizable among buyers.

If we take into account that a liter of intoxicating drink costs 60 rubles, and during the season the daily sales are approximately 200 liters, then the monthly revenue will be 360 ​​thousand rubles. That is, the store will pay for itself in less than two months. In some cases, the payback period may be even faster. But there are unsuccessful projects in which the profitability of the draft beer business is minimal.

Opinion of experienced entrepreneurs

Those who consider draft beer as a business leave positive reviews. It is important to choose the right location and offer an assortment that differs from competitors. Despite the fact that the number of outlets is increasing every year, there are prospects for growth. This type of business should not be considered as a random one that can bring a lot of money.

How to open a beer store for bottling? You should think about positioning, pricing policy, and analyze the activities of competitors. It’s a good idea to put yourself in the consumer’s shoes and think about expectations from a new store.

A well-thought-out business plan for a bottling beer store will allow you to organize a business using raised funds. Which will be a serious advantage for young entrepreneurs who do not have sufficient finances.

Once the outlet is organized, you can offer customers the service of purchasing their favorite drink via the Internet. The created website will become a good advertising platform. In addition to the informational component, it is worth adding “forum draft beer store.” This will allow you to conduct surveys and monitor customer wishes. The loyalty program for users will be an incentive to keep track of promotions and new products, and leave reviews.

Buying a business

When businessmen do not want to waste time organizing the store and obtaining documents, they consider the idea of ​​acquiring an already functioning business. It's difficult to say for sure how good this idea is. Obviously, a good business that brings in a stable high income cannot be cheap. And there are not many offers on the market.

Some merchants build a business by organizing a point for the purpose of its further resale. Often a store is just starting out, without fame and stable income. Selling a beer store is interesting for its owner, so he will try to talk about all the advantages, hiding the disadvantages.

But we cannot conclude that only unprofitable stores are offered for acquisition. Among all the offers, you can choose a worthy option. There is no need to rush into purchasing; you need to carefully study the options you like. The basis for the analysis are the following points:

  • the period of operation of the store;
  • how many owners it has had throughout its history;
  • how long the offer to sell has been posted;
  • reasons for searching for a buyer.

If you manage to find a suitable one from all the offers, you should ask the seller:

  • premises rental contract,
  • sales reports;
  • all reporting documentation on financial activities;
  • contracts for the supply of drinks and snacks;
  • equipment documents.

All factors must be taken into account together. Since a long sales period for a store does not always indicate its unprofitability. Perhaps the seller greatly inflated its value from the very beginning, and then began to slowly reduce it. Or the offer was placed on a small number of resources with a poor description.

What to look for when buying an existing business

The standard reasons for sale indicated in advertisements are:

  • changing of the living place;
  • change of business profile;
  • lack of time for management;
  • personal problems.

They may be true, but they should not be trusted unconditionally. A newcomer runs a great risk of buying a business that is obviously illiquid. An experienced person who already has a bottled drinks business is well aware of the pitfalls and knows how to analyze papers and information.

The lease contract should be reviewed for duration and monthly payments. You should also contact your suppliers to find out if there are any outstanding payments.

You can find a good deal, you just need to know that:

  • the cost of a profitable store is high;
  • You can’t take the seller’s word for it, you need to study all the papers and contracts in detail;
  • you should check whether there are any debts to the landlord and suppliers.

Trading intoxicating drinks on tap is quite simple. But the profitability of a draft beer store as a business can be zero. This is usually due to errors in choosing a location and customer focus.

It is important to control the quality and freshness of the product. A bad product will lead to loss of consumer trust.

Almost every person dreams of organizing their own business and starting to work for themselves. Many aspiring entrepreneurs are wondering where to find a profitable business idea, how to make money quickly and how to achieve a stable income.

It is no secret that business in the entertainment sector is profitable and does not lose popularity even during a crisis. Therefore, in today’s article I want to propose for consideration the idea of ​​opening a beer bar from scratch. We'll talk about how much it costs to open such an establishment, what is its profitability and payback period?

Where to start opening a beer bar?

To begin with, it is worth defining the concept. The beer bar is a themed entertainment establishment for lovers of a fresh intoxicating drink. In this cafe, visitors can try different types of beer and have fun in the company of like-minded people. As a rule, such establishments broadcast sports competitions (football, basketball, hockey, etc.).

Institution format

Before you start implementing your idea, you should decide on the concept of the establishment.

Stationary beer bar

This establishment is somewhat reminiscent of which we discussed in detail in the previous article. This place, as a rule, has a separate entrance, but can also be located on the territory of a supermarket or shopping center. Typically, such an establishment offers customers a wide range of drinks (various types of beer), comfortable accommodation and good service. Everyone will be able to enjoy their favorite intoxicating drink.

Mobile beer tent

As a rule, such establishments can be seen in the warm season on the busy streets of the city. Summer tents come in different sizes; there are also very large ones that can accommodate about 100 people at a time. The good thing about such establishments is that they are located on the street; this attracts more customers, because people have the opportunity to purchase a drink and drink it on the spot at a table or take it with them.

It’s up to you to decide which type of establishment you choose, taking into account your financial capabilities. Naturally, opening a themed beer bar will cost you more than opening a summer tent.

Business registration

The beer business, just like any other type of activity, is subject to registration with the legal authorities. Therefore, in order to avoid problems with the sanitary and fire services in the future, follow all the norms and requirements for opening a beer bar from scratch.

First, you should decide on the form of activity. Alternatively, you can choose to register as an LLC or individual entrepreneur.

Beer license

Beer is a low-alcohol drink that is not currently subject to licensing. Thus, the process of opening a beer bar is much simpler than where a license to sell alcoholic beverages is required.

Required package of documents:

  • Certificate confirming the state registration of the enterprise (LLC or individual entrepreneur);
  • Lease agreement for premises on the territory of which the beer bar will be located;
  • Permits from Rospotrebnadzor and the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service. It is worth noting that the premises, equipment and food preparation process must meet current standards. Also, all employees of the establishment must have medical books confirming that they have undergone a medical examination;
  • Permission from the fire department confirming that the premises comply with all fire safety standards;
  • Menu approved by Rospotrebnadzor;
  • Production control program for a point selling beer;
  • Agreement for garbage removal, agreement with dry cleaning, etc.;
  • Internal documentation.

Only if you have all the documents can you begin work on opening your own retail outlet. Do not forget that specialized bodies, such as the sanitary-epidemiological and fire services, monitor compliance with these rules.

Choosing the location of the beer bar

As noted above, to begin with, it is worth deciding on the format of the establishment. It is important to understand what you want to open: a themed bar or an outdoor cafe.

The location of the beer bar is of great importance; attendance and, accordingly, profit depend on it. Therefore, you should not neglect such an important point.

Where is the best place to open a summer cafe?

It is most advantageous to place a mobile beer tent in the central part of the city, in the most accessible and crowded places. Therefore, look for a place near the station, in the city center, or even in a densely populated residential area. It is important that there are no competitors nearby, otherwise the establishment’s attendance will be much worse.

Beer pub. It is advisable to open a themed establishment in shopping centers or supermarket areas. You can, of course, rent a separate room, but this is more expensive, and in addition, you will have to invest a lot of money in advertising. And if you locate a beer bar on the territory of a large shopping center, you will receive customers in a short time with virtually no advertising or PR. Just a bright sign and an originally designed interior will be enough.

Interior of the establishment

A beer bar is a universal establishment that is visited by different people, from businessmen to students. They are united by a passion for quality beer, a themed interior and the opportunity to have fun. Therefore, the interior must be appropriate and appropriate, expressing the entire essence of the establishment.

Furniture. Minimalism and simplicity are encouraged. Expensive soft sofas would look out of place in a beer bar; instead, it is better to put strong wooden chairs or benches and equally massive tables.

Dishes. There is no need to serve food in porcelain plates and crystal glasses. In a beer bar, it is appropriate to use massive glasses for beer and strong dishes that do not break.


The time has already passed when beer bars offered their customers exclusively bottled drinks. In order to stand out from the crowd of similar establishments, you should carefully create an assortment. It is very important that the menu includes high-quality varieties of live beer on tap.

Therefore, you will either have to enter into contracts for the supply of drinks, or where quality products will be produced. Decide for yourself which is more profitable. At the initial stage, you can only sell beer, but in the future, if possible, it is still advisable to open your own brewery, thereby reducing the cost of the drink, but at the same time maintaining its quality.

Beer snacks. In a beer bar you can offer your customers both standard snacks: sandwiches, chips, nuts, crackers, dried fish, and hot dishes that go with beer, for example, pizza.

Selecting staff

A beer bar is a place where not everyone can work. In such establishments there is no face control, the contingent is different, so any situation is possible. Hire stress-resistant people with experience.

To work in a beer bar you will need the following employees:

  • Administrator;
  • Accountant;
  • Bartender – 2 people, for work in shifts;
  • Cook;
  • Waiters – minimum 4 people;
  • Cleaning woman;
  • Security guard.

Be sure to hire a good security guard who will ensure order in the establishment, otherwise you may suffer quite serious losses, because clients are different and no one is immune from unusual situations.

A beer bar business plan includes the following expenses:

  1. Preparation of documents. At this stage, you can save money and collect and issue all activity permits yourself, or leave this matter to an experienced lawyer, who, of course, will have to pay;
  2. Rental and renovation of premises. The rental price will depend on the condition and size of the premises, as well as its location;
  3. Purchase of equipment (furniture, refrigerators, bar counter, display cases, kitchen utensils, cash register, etc.);
  4. Purchase of products. A beer bar is a themed establishment, so it should have a wide range of different types of beer and snacks to go with it. You can set up your own production or enter into contracts for the supply of drinks with local breweries.
  5. Staff salaries. It depends on the region and prices for the provision of similar services;
  6. Monthly payment of utility bills and taxes;

Beer stores and points selling draft beer are a relevant business option in any city: they are popular, profitable, and easy to manage. However, opening a store is not that easy. One of the main problems that entrepreneurs face is paperwork for a beer store.

In 2016, amendments were made to the law “On state regulation of the production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products and on limiting the consumption of alcoholic products.” Read the article about what documents and permits are needed to open a draft and bottled beer store in 2017.

Documents for opening a beer store: business registration and OKVED

For retail sale of beer, it is enough to register an individual entrepreneur. Open an LLC if you plan to do wholesale.

For individual entrepreneurs there are several convenient taxation systems - patent, simplified system or UTII (Unified Tax on Imputed Income).

Suitable OKVED codes:

  • 52.25.12 - “Beer retail”
  • 47.25.1 - “Retail sale of alcoholic beverages, including beer, in specialized stores”
  • 47.11 - “Retail trade primarily in food products, including drinks, and tobacco products in non-specialized stores”
You don't need an alcohol license to sell beer!

According to the latest requirements for premises, the store must have a sales area and a warehouse. The total area is at least 50 m2. You must have a lease agreement or proof that the premises are your property.

SanPin: list of documents for a beer store

Sanitary standards are set out in SanPin “Sanitary rules for food trade enterprises.” We are preparing a long list of documents without which it is impossible to open a draft beer store:

  • Permission to locate a store. Carefully study the requirements for business location!
  • List of products sold agreed with Rospotrebnadzor.
  • Agreements on preventive measures of disinfestation, disinfection and deratization.
  • Agreement on waste removal and disposal.
  • Contract for disinfection of ventilation and air conditioning systems.
  • Sanitary and epidemiological conclusion of Rospotrebnadzor.
  • Production control program.

Consumer Corner

.According to the law, it is necessary to organize a Consumer Corner in the store. It should contain:
  • Text of the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”
  • Book of reviews and suggestions
  • State registration certificate
  • Book of complaints
  • Conclusions of regulatory authorities and their telephone numbers
  • Evacuation plan
  • Warning that the sale of alcohol to minors is prohibited

Permission to open: fire safety

In order for the State Fire Marshal to issue a permit for a draft beer store, the following documents must be provided:

  • Fire alarm installation confirmation
  • Evacuation plan
  • Fire Safety Magazine

For fire safety requirements, see SNiP 21-21-97 “Fire safety of buildings and structures”, in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 25, 2012. No. 390 “On the fire safety regime” and the Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations dated March 25, 2009 “On approval of the set of rules...”.

Requirements for opening a beer store: EGAIS and online cash register

EGAIS is an automated system for state control of production volumes and turnover of ethyl alcohol and alcoholic products. Connection to the system is required.

To register in the program, obtain a crypto key and make an electronic signature. This can be done at any certification center in the city. The second key will be issued after registration on the EGAIS website.

How to use the program? The entrepreneur registers the purchase in an electronic invoice, or rejects it if the quantity or quality of the product does not correspond to it. After this, the purchase data is automatically sent to the online cash register. There is no need to register the retail sale of beer.

Cash machine must be compatible with EGAIS. Experts advise installing online cash registers. According to the regulations, checks must have a QR code and a WEB link to the FS RAR website. Documents for cash register equipment:

  • KKM card and passport
  • Cash register service agreement
  • Cashier-operator's journal

Alcohol declaration and alcohol logbook

Alcohol declaration submitted once a quarter to RosAlkogolRegulation. It is designed to regulate the circulation of alcoholic products and keep records of them. Read more in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 08/09/2012 No. 815 “On the submission of declarations on the volume of production, turnover and (or) use of ethyl alcohol and alcohol-containing products and on the use of capacities.” Individual entrepreneurs selling beer fill out declaration No. 12.

Data driven alcohol log book entrepreneurs draw up a declaration. Read about the journal in the order of RosAlcoholRegulation dated June 19, 2015 No. 164 “On the form of the journal for recording the volume of retail sales of alcohol and alcohol-containing products and the procedure for filling it out.” The log is filled out every day or no later than the next business day.

Documents for opening a draft beer store: let's go to success!

The documents for opening the store have been collected, permits have been received and the draft beer store is ready for work. Now business revenue depends only on you. We wish you long lines for beer and high profits!

Does the list of documents dazzle your eyes? We have a solution - a ready-made business. In this catalog we have collected offers from ready-made beer stores in St. Petersburg. Business for Moscow, see.