Growing greens as a business in winter in greenhouses. Growing greens as a business

Is it possible to earn a million over the summer? You can, and growing greens in a greenhouse and then selling onions, dill, parsley will help you with this... However, in order for the business to take off, you will have to try.

Great business idea

Particular attention should be paid to the greenhouse. You will need this, and not a greenhouse or open ground.

There are several reasons for this:

  1. It is much more convenient to fertilize the beds.
  2. The crop growing season is extended to 9 months, and accordingly the harvest will be larger.
  3. The weather won't stop you from doing business.

If we talk about greens, the greatest demand is for:

  • feather bow;
  • spinach;
  • dill;
  • basil;
  • salads;
  • sorrel;
  • radish;
  • onion.

All the other greens will not sell well, but if you want to diversify the assortment, you can include them too. The main thing is to know and take proper care. This will allow you to achieve your goal in the shortest possible time.

Project profitability assessment

You can prove that the profitability of an enterprise is high using a simple example. Each summer resident has a plot of land, the area of ​​which ranges from 6 to 20 acres. With a good harvest, you can harvest up to 2 tons of greenery per acre in one season!

The average cost of one kilogram of greens is about 150 rubles. Now do the math for yourself.

Two tons of greenery is about 300 thousand rubles (for one season). And since when growing in a greenhouse you can harvest about 3 crops, it’s quite possible to earn a million.

Greenhouse preparation

The best option for growing greens would be to install a thermos greenhouse. What's good about her?

The double coating of the structure allows you to do without additional heating.

You can begin preparing for planting as early as mid-February. It is first recommended to remove the snow around the greenhouse and lay down black film or roofing felt. Black covering material is also laid inside the room - it attracts the sun well.

As a result, in March it is already possible to sow dill, onions and radishes. The soil will thaw by about 15 cm, this is quite enough.

Growing green onions

There are 3 types of onions:

  • sweet;
  • spicy;
  • semi-sharp.

Which one should you choose? Spicy onions ripen the fastest, but their feather mass is small. Sweet onions have the largest mass of feathers, but they take a very long time to mature. It turns out that semi-sharp varieties will be the best option.

Onions are planted in boxes in February. Then in March they are picked and placed in a greenhouse.

The distance between the bulbs should be 5 cm. After you plant the first batch, you should think about the second. To do this, new seeds are planted in boxes. By the beginning of the first harvest (after 20 days), the seeds will sprout and can be planted.

Before harvesting the onions, the beds should be watered thoroughly. Then wait 6 hours, and the plant is pulled out along with the heads.

Growing dill

The most popular greenery is dill. In view of this, approximately 50% of the harvest should consist of this plant. Varieties must be selected early. Varieties need to be updated every three years.

Before planting, the seeds are soaked but not germinated. Sowing occurs in beds located from north to south. It is necessary to carry out watering and weeding in a timely manner. The distance between dill plantings should be 10 cm.

But before you start growing this or that additional type of greenery, you need to pay attention to demand. Undoubtedly, the variety of assortment will attract customers, but if you grow unclaimed crops, you risk being at a loss.

How to grow greens in a greenhouse (video)

Collection and transportation

  • A few hours before harvesting, the beds are watered abundantly with water.
  • Then the dill is pulled out, the roots are thoroughly cleaned of soil and dried.
  • Next, the greens are placed in special waterproof containers, the leaves should be at the top.
  • Placing the product in water with fertilizers, fertilizing and an aspirin tablet will help to store the product longer. In this case, the dill will be fresh for a week.

How to sell your harvest

Greens are often used in restaurants, cafes, and snack bars. It is sold in markets, supermarkets and grocery stores. Retail sales require the provision of special information. At the market, it will be enough to show a certificate stating that you have a household plot.

Greens must be sorted by size. So, a bow with a long feather is supplied separately, and a bow with a short feather, accordingly, goes in a different batch. The cost of the product depends on who purchases the product from you. Old, dried, unsalable greens are removed from the container, it is better not to be greedy, lower the price a little relative to the prices of competitors. Thus, you will be able to sell more, and accordingly, the profit will be greater.

Investments and profit

When starting a business from scratch, the most money will be spent on the greenhouse. For example, a thermos greenhouse costs about twenty-five thousand rubles. You should also consider the cost of purchasing seeds, but you can grow them yourself, in this case there will be no costs.

The area of ​​the greenhouse is 10 square meters. The total profit from one harvest should be 6800 rubles. Several harvests can be harvested per season. The amount of profit will increase to about 32 thousand rubles. The number of greenhouses is not limited, it all depends on the area of ​​your site.

The profitability of the business “Sale of greenhouse greens” is high. Costs are low, payback is quick, demand is constant. In order for people to buy greens from you, you need to monitor the quality of the products and slightly reduce the price relative to competitors.

In order not to lose the material, be sure to save it to your social network VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook by simply clicking on the button below.

Dill, the cultivation of which is widespread, can bring good income. After all, this is one of the most popular seasonings - it is rare that a housewife does not use fragrant dill in the daily preparation of various dishes, from salads to hot dishes. And there is no need to explain how much brighter and more interesting the taste of pickles and marinades to which dill umbrellas with seeds have been added becomes. Crispy pickled cucumbers with a slight specific aroma of dill are invariably a success as a universal cold appetizer!

If you have been thinking about starting your own business for a long time, but do not have an impressive start-up capital for this purpose, growing dill for sale will be the best option for a small profitable business:

The likelihood of losing the entire harvest is minimal, since dill is almost not susceptible to diseases and pests

  • this crop is unpretentious - to learn how to cultivate it, you do not need to be an experienced gardener; it is enough to follow the basic rules of planting and growing and provide the dill with suitable conditions for active growth;
  • dill greens are in constant demand at any time of the year, and even in the summer months, because not everyone has the opportunity and desire to grow dill on their own for personal needs;
  • investments in a dill cultivation business are minimal - the main expenses may be required to build a greenhouse of a suitable size (if you decide to grow dill in large volumes all year round), but the purchase of seeds, soil and fertilizers will cost a relatively small amount, and in the future you can use the seeds, collected from grown dill;
  • the likelihood of losing the entire harvest is minimal, since dill is almost not susceptible to diseases and pests;
  • This business option pays off quite quickly; the sale of dill brings especially good profits in early spring and before the New Year.

Of course, there are pitfalls here too. For example, cut greens have a short shelf life. But if you manage to establish constant sales of the grown dill, problems with selling wilted greens will not arise. Also, the disadvantages of the business include the difficulty of growing dill in winter - the plants require long daylight hours, which entails an increase in the cost of additional lighting.

Video about growing dill

Features of growing dill for sale

Some gardeners may have a question: how to grow dill suitable for sale, if even for your own needs you have to use thin, stubby bushes? How to achieve truly lush and fragrant greens that would have an attractive presentation? To do this, it is enough to follow several basic rules for cultivating dill, and it is advisable to grow dill for sale in a greenhouse - in such conditions the greens will be more beautiful, and it will be possible to harvest the harvest much longer. A thermos greenhouse will be especially effective, which, due to the solar collector and double coating, will save you from heating costs.

The greenhouse for sowing dill will need to be prepared in February, clearing it of snow along the entire perimeter. Cover the space around the greenhouse, as well as the greenhouse beds, with roofing felt or black film to attract heat and quickly warm the soil. So, by the beginning of March, the ground inside the greenhouse will thaw to a depth of fifteen centimeters, which is quite enough for such a cold-resistant crop as dill.

Before sowing, soak dill seeds for three days, but do not germinate, otherwise there will be difficulties with planting them in the soil, and young shoots may be damaged.

Growing dill

The technology is described in detail in the corresponding article on our website. You shouldn't have any particular difficulties:

  • scatter the soaked seeds in rows, sprinkling a little soil on top;
  • spray the plantings with warm water from a spray bottle, not allowing the soil to dry out completely;
  • pull out emerging weeds in a timely manner;
  • carefully loosen the soil to avoid the formation of a crust on the surface, through which it will be difficult for shoots to break through;
  • Thin out excess plants, providing sufficient space for stronger dill shoots
  • Feed the dill with nitrogen fertilizer at least once during the growing season.

The main thing you will need to consider when cultivating dill for sale is that you do not try to sow the entire area of ​​the greenhouse beds with a continuous carpet in order to get maximum profit. When planted in furrows, dill will receive more light and will grow more luxuriantly.

Growing dill in a greenhouse

It is better to choose early-ripening varieties (for example, the most popular Gribovsky). To continuously obtain fresh herbs, do not forget to sow dill, focusing on the ripening time of each variety. So, if you plant dill in early March, the first greens can be obtained in mid-April, and if you sow seeds on April 20, the dill harvest will be ready by the end of May, etc.

You may not even use the soil to sow the seeds, but instead of the traditional cultivation method, prefer growing dill hydroponically. This method involves cultivating vegetable (and any other) plants on a neutral substrate, into which a special solution is supplied with all the chemical elements necessary for the plant. Dill does not waste energy extracting nutrients from the ground and does not develop a large root system. As a result, foliage grows faster and better, while remaining environmentally friendly and healthy. To grow dill hydroponically, it is recommended to use perlite or vermiculite as a substrate and use the periodic flooding method.

Harvesting and selling dill

When the dill greens are ready for sale, water the beds generously about five hours before harvesting. This will make it more convenient to dig up the plants with a shovel and clear the dill roots from the soil. Rinse the plant's root system and place the dill, leaves side up, in a waterproof container, tightly filling all available space. To keep the greens fresh longer, you can pour water with fertilizers dissolved in it into the container and put an aspirin tablet. In such conditions, at a storage temperature no higher than +10 degrees, the dill will remain fresh and will not lose its presentation within a week.

Video about growing dill in a film greenhouse

When growing plants, they do not pull out the roots, but carefully cut off the required amount of greenery, so that a little later they can once again harvest from the remaining bushes.

Dill greens can be sold by the kilogram or knitted into bunches from sprigs. The only disappointment is the low price of such a product; however, any produce from the garden is quite cheap. Therefore, to obtain a decent income, you need to look for wholesale buyers and buy in volume.

Growing greens in a greenhouse for business and personal needs is suitable for those who have minimal knowledge in agriculture. Entrepreneurs should take into account that maximum sales occur in the autumn-winter period, and in spring-summer competition from farms increases. In addition, when starting your business in the southern regions of Russia, the initial costs for greenhouse equipment will be lower than in others.


Project Description

The business of growing greens in a greenhouse has a number of advantages: relatively inexpensive seed material and high yield. For personal use, it is enough to sow the seeds in plastic pots and place them on the balcony. The main thing is to provide the sprouts with long daylight hours and regular watering.

What greens can be grown all year round?

The following greens are perfect for year-round cultivation:

AgricultureRecommendations for cultivationRequirements
  • sowing in rows, maintaining a distance of 8-10 cm between the beds;
  • planting depth - 2 cm;
  • sowing density: 20 g per 10 m2.
  • ambient temperature not lower than 15°;
  • strict control over watering.
Green onions
  • the diameter of the planting material should not exceed 30 mm, and the weight should not exceed 30 g;
  • for tape planting, the shutter speed is 20×50;
  • distance between rows for standard sowing is 45 cm;
  • hole depth 3 cm;
  • harvesting with a feather length of 20 cm.
The following varieties are suitable for year-round cultivation:
  • Emerald Island;
  • Karatalsky;
  • Batun;
  • Parade;
  • Krasnodar G-35;
  • Kaba;
  • Spanish - 313.
  • leaf lettuce planted in rows at a distance of 4 cm from each other, maintaining a distance between the beds of 15 cm;
  • cabbage type - no closer than 10 cm between bushes;
  • hole depth 1.5 cm;
  • sowing density 5 g per 10 m2.
You should choose the following varieties:
  • sheet;
  • asparagus;
  • cabbage;
  • romain

It is important to thin out regularly.

  • the distance between the holes is 5 cm, the depth of each is up to 2 cm;
  • the distance between the beds is from 10 cm;
  • sowing density 20 grams per 10 m2.
Seeds or root crops need to be prepared before planting. It is important to provide ventilation without temperature changes and good lighting.
  • hole depth up to 2 cm;
  • distance between rows 15-20 cm;
  • sowing density 40 g per 10 m2.
Regular watering, if this condition is violated, the arrows will release.

Other types of crops can be grown all year round if sales channels for them are established:

  • mint;
  • basil;
  • tarragon;
  • cilantro;
  • rosemary;
  • fennel.

Growing methods

The choice of method for growing greens depends on the goal:

  • for a business project you will need an equipped greenhouse;
  • For personal needs, apartment conditions are sufficient.

You can choose the middle option - allocate a separate room or rent a garage to grow greens for your own use and sell the leftovers. Beginning entrepreneurs can try their hand in this way and find channels for further sales of larger volumes.

At home

Cultivating greenery for yourself is carried out in compliance with the following rules:

  1. Windowsill. It must be chosen on the east or south side (southwest is also suitable).
  2. Light. As additional lighting, you should prepare a fluorescent lamp or purchase a special phytolamp. They are hung at a height of 30 cm and 15 cm, respectively. Green onions and some varieties of lettuce (cress, for example) can survive winter and daylight for 4-7 hours. The rest (especially dill) will need to create 12-14 hours of daylight.
  3. Maintain humidity at 60-70%. For this purpose, you can install an air humidifier or place containers of water near the heating system. If the tubs are located in the kitchen or on the balcony, you may not need to humidify the air additionally.
  4. Temperature regime. It is important to ensure that the thermometer shows 18-22º during the day and 15º at night.
  5. Tara. Any convenient containers are used that are close to the following parameters: height - 12-18 cm, diameter of the upper circle - 30-40 cm, bottom circle - 20-25. Holes are made at the bottom for water drainage and any drainage is laid out at the bottom.
  6. You can purchase universal soil or prepare it yourself. In the second case, it must be calcined in the oven and treated with a special solution (Fitosporin-M). The mixture is made from turf soil and sand. You can dilute it with compost.
  7. Before you start sowing seeds, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules of plant proximity. If you plant incompatible species, the harvest will be weak. For example, you cannot plant mint and dill in the same pot.

On the left in the picture is the correct location of the soil mixture and drainage Drainage Fitosporin-M for disinfection against bugs

In the greenhouse

The greenhouse method of growing greens can be carried out by arranging beds on the main area of ​​the greenhouse or an additional one. In the second case, racks with pots are installed. You can make them from boards yourself or purchase them at a hardware store. The soil and environmental conditions are the same as when planting plants on a windowsill.

The main thing with this method of growing crops is to follow the rules of cultivation and the correct choice of location and neighborhood. For a rich harvest, you need to fertilize the plants with ready-made solutions several times a year (or make them yourself).

Relevance of the business idea

The relevance of this business idea is explained by the following:

  • plants brought from abroad are inferior in quality;
  • the number of people seeking healthy nutrition is constantly increasing, which influences the choice in favor of environmentally friendly greens;
  • It is more profitable for restaurants to purchase local farm dill and parsley than to purchase the necessary crops in supermarkets.

The video presents the relevance of growing greens in a greenhouse with the calculation of net profit. Taken from the channel “Business Ideas and Business Plans”.

Market description and analysis

The market for growing and selling greens can be characterized as follows:

  1. The first enterprise that was engaged in the cultivation of greenery in Russia was United Technologies, the market leader was Agrokombinat Moskovsky (share - 90%). The company has introduced a “flow hydroponics” system, thanks to which cultivation is carried out on the minimum permissible amount of soil.
  2. United Technologies sells 5,000 glasses of greens daily, ranking second after the Moskovsky Agricultural Plant. In third place is “Belaya Dacha”. Arkady Novikov’s trading house “Gorki-10” closes the list with daily sales of up to 2,500 bunches of greenery.
  3. According to leading experts, the most difficult thing in growing is to correctly calculate the dose of fertilizers.
  4. Dill and parsley are easier to sell than other crops; mint is quite difficult.
  5. The annual volume of the Moscow market is 600,000 tons of greens.
  6. The most profitable is leaf lettuce, the growing season of which lasts 20 days.
  7. According to marketing research, the demand for greens increases by 10% every year. Russians' demand for these crops is 3 million tons.

The target audience

The target audience is city residents who do not have their own plot of land. Common (usual for a particular region) greenery is purchased by people aged 18-65 years. Consumers of more exotic herbs (ramson, rosemary) are adherents of proper nutrition aged 25-50 years.

Sales channels

Potential buyers must be sought before the start of the season.

The main sales channels are represented by the following companies:

  • supermarkets;
  • grocery stores;
  • vegetable stalls;
  • bases;
  • markets;
  • restaurants;
  • hotels with cafes.

You can promote products to preschool institutions and any organizations that have their own kitchen. By expanding the range, the circle of potential consumers will increase due to concept restaurants and supporters of healthy nutrition.

Competitive advantages

The following can be used as competitive advantages:

  1. Development of your own website describing the beneficial properties of each crop and how to use it (for example, tarragon as a seasoning for meat dishes).
  2. Partial or full compensation for delivery when ordering a certain quantity (weight from 500 kg).
  3. Cumulative discount for regular customers in the amount of 3-7%.
  4. Loyalty program for wholesale buyers: payment in installments or a one-time reduction in the price of an order (10-15%).

Advertising campaign

It is advisable to use the following as marketing activities:

  • promotion via the Internet: own resources and contextual advertising;
  • sign or banner at the location of the greenhouses;
  • printed materials (brochures, business cards) distributed to potential buyers;
  • advertising on billboards.

Step-by-step instruction

Step-by-step instructions for organizing your own herb growing business look like this:

  1. Preparation of a business plan. You can draw up a document yourself by downloading a sample on the Internet or paying for the services of specialists (from $200).
  2. Registration of individual entrepreneur or LLC. Law firms can help with business registration; the price of such a service starts from 5,000 rubles.
  3. Search for a site.
  4. Concluding a long-term lease agreement or registering a purchase and sale.
  5. Construction of greenhouses and equipping them with everything necessary.
  6. Purchase of consumables (soil mixture, seeds).
  7. Marketing events.
  8. Search for potential clients.
  9. Personnel training.


To officially register a business, you must leave an online application or personally contact the Registration Center. You must have with you a receipt for payment of the state duty in the amount of 800 rubles for an individual entrepreneur and 4,000 rubles for an LLC. If there are several founders, an OJSC will be formed. In this case, a Protocol is drawn up in advance indicating the amount of capital of each participant. Also, the owner of the future business presents the original and a copy of the passport.

The application is reviewed within 3-7 working days, after which a state registration certificate will be issued.

The entrepreneur then performs the following series of actions:

  1. It is registered with the tax service, where it will be assigned an interest rate of 6% of net profit (Unified Agricultural Tax).
  2. Opens a bank account.
  3. Noted in the pension fund.

The business of growing and selling greens is not subject to licensing and does not require additional permits.

Room and location

  1. The ideal location for greenhouses is outside the city, away from busy highways.
  2. There must be convenient access for large vehicles if a large business is planned.
  3. You should pay attention to the quality of roads - in winter and in the off-season, unpaved areas can create a problem in delivering greenery to the buyer.
  4. For year-round cultivation of crops, 6-10 acres are enough.

Greenhouse construction

The best materials for construction are the following:

  • polycarbonate;
  • glass;
  • polyethylene.

Polycarbonate is durable and relatively low cost: 1 sheet from 1200 rubles. The material is plastic with air cavities inside. A high-quality product can protect plants from UV radiation.

Glass transmits sunlight better than other materials and provides warmth to plants. However, to strengthen such a greenhouse you will need a special frame, and replacing one sheet will require a significant investment of money and effort. It should be taken into account that glass greenhouses need to be heated more intensively in cold weather due to their high thermal conductivity. The cost of a greenhouse measuring 3x4 m varies between 90,000 - 110,000 rubles.

Polyethylene is the cheapest material for construction: a 3-meter greenhouse costs from 900 rubles. A significant disadvantage is low strength, requiring annual replacement of the structure. In addition, plants often get sick due to the accumulation of condensation.

Equipment and inventory

Equipment and inventory necessary to start a business:

Photo gallery

Phytolamps Infrared heating Drip irrigation system Convectors for heating Lighting plants for home growing herbs Greenhouse lighting using energy-saving lamps Greenhouse shelving Shelving and flowerpots

Purchase of soil, seeds and other materials

An entrepreneur will need to purchase:


Personnel required for the operation of the greenhouse complex:

Job titleQuantityRequirements for a candidateJob responsibilitiesSalary in rubles
  • higher agronomic education;
  • Experience from 2 years.
  • compiling crop cultivation maps;
  • control and support of the plant development process;
  • planning and conducting seed production.
25 000
  • 1 year of experience in agriculture;
  • responsibility.
  • planting and further care of greenery;
  • compliance with the plan issued by the agronomist;
  • control over the cleanliness of the workplace.
12 000
Sales manager1
  • 3 years of experience in sales;
  • financial literacy;
  • higher economic education;
  • communication skills.
  • organization of product sales;
  • concluding contracts and monitoring their execution;
  • filling the site.
20 000
  • special education;
  • work experience of at least 3 years.
  • preparation and submission of financial statements;
  • maintaining primary accounting documentation.
30 000

Financial plan

To calculate the cost of business, the following data was used:

  • rent of a land plot on the outskirts of the city with an area of ​​10 acres;
  • construction of 6 polycarbonate greenhouses;
  • individual entrepreneur registration;
  • marketing activities (printing leaflets and large signs);
  • development of your own website;
  • purchase of domestically produced seeds;
  • Employee work schedule is from 8:00 to 17:00 6 days a week.

How much does it cost to start a business?

Start-up investments in a greens growing business are distributed as follows:

Regular expenses

Monthly expenses look like this:


To calculate monthly income we use the following data:

  • the area for sowing is 8 acres;
  • yield from 1 acre - 1 ton of harvest per month (taking into account the different growth periods of plants);
  • the cost of 1 ton is 150,000 rubles.

Monthly income is 1,200,000 rubles. The entrepreneur's net profit is 1,081,000 rubles.

Calendar plan

The phased organization of a business looks like this:

Stage1 month2 months3 months4 months5 months6 months7 months8 months9 months
Market analysis+
Preparation of a business plan +
Preparation of a package of documents +
Rent a plot +
Construction of greenhouses +
Purchase and installation of equipment +
Purchase and supply of equipment and consumables +
Marketing campaign +
Site development +
Search for sales channels + + +
Recruitment +
Opening +

Risks and payback

The business project fully pays off 2 months after launch. There is no profit in the first month due to the fact that the greens ripen no earlier than 20 days after planting (lettuce).

Risks that a future entrepreneur may face and ways to minimize them:

Breakdown of the irrigation system or other important equipment
  • purchase of new equipment;
  • timely service and appropriate care;
  • compliance with operating rules.
Poor quality seed material
  • purchasing seeds from suppliers with a good reputation;
  • concluding a wholesale purchase agreement (if possible).
Employee negligence
  • creating motivation for employees;
  • introduction of a fine system.
The emergence of a strong competitor
  • crop quality control;
  • study and implementation of new technologies for agriculture;
  • discounts and bonus programs for regular customers.
Garden pests
  • protection from insects.

Photo gallery

Growing lettuce in a greenhouse How to grow greens on a windowsill Parsley in a greenhouse Green onions in the room


The video presents the financial indicators of the business of growing greens in a greenhouse, discusses sales channels and gives recommendations for growing crops. Taken from the channel “Business Ideas for Small and Medium Businesses”.

Growing greens in a greenhouse as a business is an economically viable, profitable and profitable activity. The initial investment in it is low, but the profit from sales of the product is considerable, especially in the cold season. To organize your own enterprise for growing greens, you should draw up a business plan, calculate costs, decide on the sales market and the varieties to be grown.

Growing greens in a greenhouse is a profitable business

Before you start growing greens on an industrial scale, you should decide on options for selling your products. Main sales options:

The second stage is the official registration of entrepreneurship. This procedure takes up to a month, after which you can legally grow greens. You should register with the Tax Office as an individual entrepreneur and choose a simplified tax calculation system - Unified Agricultural Tax (deductions are calculated depending on the profit received and amount to 6% of it).

Then they install greenhouses, equipment, fertilizers, plant seeds and begin growing greens.

Growing greens - income all year round

Options and features of growing greens

If a novice entrepreneur has a plot of land, then growing greens all year round will not be a problem. But, the enterprise will be most profitable if the plot is located in the south of the country, otherwise the costs of lighting, heating and other means necessary for growing greens will exceed what can be earned by selling the crop.

There are several ways to grow greens yourself:

  • sowing seeds is the classic, most inexpensive option;

  • extended cultivation - if greens grow in beds, before the onset of cold weather they are dug out of the ground and transferred indoors;

  • from seedlings - the disadvantage of this method is that you have to grow it yourself or buy it, which will be more expensive than purchasing seeds;

  • forcing is the most convenient method, since the sown material is already ready to grow.

Choosing the variety of greens to grow

Before you start growing greens, you should study the needs of the market and decide on varieties.


  • unpretentious;
  • seeds germinate in a couple of weeks;
  • the harvest can be realized in 45-50 days;
  • the optimal temperature for crop growth is only 17 degrees;
  • not susceptible to pests and diseases;
  • disadvantages of dill - it requires additional lighting in cold weather and has a short shelf life.


  • for growing crops, it is preferable to use black soil and the soil must be regularly moistened;
  • easily tolerates cold weather;
  • Plants need to be fed after each cut;
  • the harvest is harvested within a month after sowing;
  • the optimal temperature for growth is 20 degrees;
  • For good plant growth, they are planted in large containers and provided with constant lighting.


  • in cloudy weather and in winter, it needs illumination with phytolamps, turned on daily for 4 hours;
  • the crop grows in a month;
  • if the crop was planted with seeds, it will take more than a year to produce a harvest;
  • needs abundant and regular watering and fertilizing;
  • grows well at 20 degrees Celsius.


  • more demanding to grow than dill or onions;
  • cold resistant;
  • The downside is that the seeds take a very long time to germinate.

Growing celery in a greenhouse

  • unpretentious;
  • produces up to 4-5 harvests per year;
  • spicy onions ripen quickly, but the feathers have little mass;
  • sweet varieties of crops ripen longer, but their weight is greater;
  • Plants are planted in February, in boxes, and in March they are transplanted into a greenhouse;
  • After planting the first batch, you can immediately begin growing the second.

  • unpretentious;
  • harvesting is possible after 12 days;
  • grows in shaded areas;
  • After cutting, the plants need to be fed.

Leaf salad:

  • more demanding than watercress;
  • Regular, abundant watering is required;
  • does not tolerate heat.

Growing salads is the most profitable activity; the growing season for plants is a maximum of 25 days. In terms of demand among buyers, the undoubted leader is onions, with dill and parsley taking second and third places.

Soil selection

The following types of soil are suitable for growing greens.

Selection of greenhouse and equipment

Greenhouses are:

The best option for growing greens at any time of the year are polycarbonate greenhouses - they retain heat well, let in sunlight, and heating them is not difficult. It should be noted that for uninterrupted cultivation of crops, at least 3 greenhouses will be required:

  • in 1 - seeds are sown;
  • in 2 - shoots rise;
  • at 3 - the harvest is harvested.

Basic equipment

To grow greens, you need to purchase a certain set of equipment that provides comfort, convenience and an appropriate level of temperature and lighting.

  1. Heaters or heating - necessary to maintain the temperature level regardless of weather conditions outside the greenhouse. In a moderately cold winter, a couple of heaters will be enough to maintain a temperature of 20 degrees for one greenhouse.

  2. Lighting devices, lamps - ideally install fluorescent light bulbs or phytolamps, which provide the level of illumination necessary for plants. Each box of greens requires 1 lamp. Additionally, reflectors are installed.

  3. Hydroponics system. Growing greens on an industrial scale without this system is fraught with difficulties and difficulties - from rotting of the root system to damage to the crop by diseases.
  4. Shelving - containers with herbs will be installed on them.

  5. Thermometer - required to control the air temperature in the greenhouse.
  6. Foil - experienced gardeners recommend wrapping pots with plants to avoid overheating of the soil.
  7. Watering system (regular watering cans can be used).

  8. Containers - pallets, for plants, for settling water, boxes, bottles and others.

Harvesting and transportation

The disadvantage of greenhouse greens is that they require careful handling - the slightest wrong movement and the crop will be damaged, lose its presentation and will not be stored. For this reason, harvesting begins with preliminary abundant watering of the plants 5.5-6 hours before they need to be pulled out of the ground.

After this time, each plant is carefully dug up at the roots with a spatula. If the harvest of feather onions is being harvested, then the feathers are collected together with the heads - the plant is held at the base of the growth of the feathers and is slowly pulled out of the ground. After removing the greens from the ground, it is necessary to wash the roots from excess soil, pack and transport them to customers.

Greens grown in winter - photo

It is recommended to store and transport greens in waterproof containers, and the bunches should be with their leaves facing up and tightly adjacent to each other. To keep plants fresh longer, water and special additives are added to the containers. A simple and inexpensive mixture has worked well - dissolve an aspirin tablet in a liter of water.

Profit calculation

The business of growing greens in a greenhouse becomes most profitable in the winter - at this time the price of products reaches its maximum. At a price of 200 rubles per kilogram of greens and a yield of 1.5 kilos per square meter, and the crop ripening within a month, from a greenhouse of 6 acres you can get about a ton of products. Accordingly, the profit will be about 200,000 rubles.

Of the money received, approximately half will go to pay taxes, wages, transportation costs, purchase of materials, seeds and fertilizers. As a result, the net profit for the month will be about 100,000 - 120,000 rubles. And the total costs of organizing and starting a business will be a maximum of half a million rubles, this includes:

  • purchase and installation of greenhouses;
  • heating or installation of heaters;
  • lighting installation;
  • purchase of soil and fertilizers;
  • purchase of seeds and containers for planting and care;
  • business documentation and other costs.

At first, profits should be spent on expanding production in order to be able to grow greens on a larger scale. The demand for high-quality and fresh herbs is only growing, so investing your money in this business is the right decision.

Video - Growing greens in a greenhouse in winter: secrets for beginners

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* The calculations use average data for Russia

50,000 ₽

Minimum investment



20 sq.m.

Required area

From 1 month

Payback period

Most people who choose the idea of ​​starting their own “rural” business consider growing herbs for sale among the first options. Indeed, this idea seems, at first glance, simply ideal for a start. To implement it, according to the authors of numerous articles on the Internet, large start-up capital is not required. Planting material is quite inexpensive, the growing period for greenery is on average a month, and the yield is very high: up to four kilograms of greenery can be harvested from one square meter of area. The demand for such products is stable, and the profitability of such a business is over 65%. However, unfortunately, not all of these statements are confirmed in practice.

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First of all, you need to decide for what purpose you are going to do this. It’s one thing if you grow greens for your own needs and sell the surplus. If you have land, the costs of purchasing planting material and fertilizers will be minimal. But you shouldn’t count on big profits in this case either. In the best case scenario, you will recoup your investment and provide yourself with fresh and environmentally friendly greens from spring to autumn. Also, if you have a large enough area, you can grow greens exclusively for sale. But this option requires, firstly, large investments, and, secondly, such a business will also be seasonal. There is a third option for making money from greenery - year-round cultivation of green crops in greenhouses. However, in the period from late autumn to mid-spring, greenhouses will have to be heated and lit, which is associated with high costs. One of the biggest disappointments for beginners in this business is the idea that it is possible to collect 4-4.5 kg of greens per square meter. In fact, even under the most favorable conditions (good lighting, drip irrigation, fertilizers and top dressing), the harvest will average no more than three kilograms of greenery per 1 sq. meters. At the same time, its cost will be very high. It is extremely undesirable to increase the sowing density beyond the recommended one, as this will lead to a deterioration in the quality of the greens.

And finally, the key problem is the organization of sales of finished products. As the farmers themselves say, growing greens is not a problem. The main problem is to sell it and make a profit. Firstly, purchase prices can vary greatly even in the same region and in the same season. Small-scale wholesale prices for greens can range from 50 rubles to 150 rubles per kilogram, but on average no more than 70-80 rubles with retail prices of 200 rubles per kg. Competition for local greens producers comes from farmers from nearby regions.

Types and characteristics of green crops

Greens are healthy and tasty, contain a large amount of vitamins, improve the taste of first and second courses, and promote better absorption of food. Green crops are quite resistant to low temperatures, so they can be grown in open ground from early spring to late autumn using early or winter sowings. The most commonly grown plants are dill, green onions, lettuce, spinach, and parsley. These greens are used to prepare various dishes, and the technology for growing them is very simple.

Dill grown in greenhouses both as an independent crop and as a sealant. When grown for greens, it is sown in meter-long beds in rows (8-10 cm between rows) or continuous sowing, planting the seeds to a depth of 2-3 cm. The sowing density is 15-20 g of seeds per 10 square meters. meters. Dill is cut when it reaches a height of 10-12 cm. During the summer, depending on weather and climatic conditions, dill can be sown at least twice. It is noteworthy that of all green crops, dill is the most demanding in terms of lighting and temperature (it must be at least 15°C). In addition, it takes the longest to mature, but at the same time has the highest productivity.

For growing Luke For feathers, experts recommend using small onions with a diameter of up to 30 mm and weighing up to 30 g and large sets. The sowing scheme uses a row with row spacing of 45 cm or a strip of 20 plus 50 cm. When planting in the fall, the bulbs are planted to a depth of 4-5 cm, and in the spring - to a depth of 2-3 cm. The harvest can be harvested when the feathers reach a length of 20 -25 cm. There are technologies that allow you to grow green onions all year round. The best varieties for growing for sale are “Batun”, “Emerald Island”, “Parade”, “Karatalsky”, “Krasnodarsky G-35”, “Ispansky 313”, “Kaba”.

Salad sow in early spring and even before winter in an ordinary way. Different types of lettuce are suitable for greenhouse cultivation - head lettuce, asparagus lettuce, leaf lettuce and romaine. Greenhouse varieties of lettuce are most often grown because of their early maturity. However, cabbage also grows well, although it is more demanding in terms of lighting and seeding density. Leafy lettuce is sown at a distance of 15-20 cm between rows and 2-3 cm in a row, and cabbage lettuce is sown at a distance of 20-25 cm between rows and up to 10 cm in a row. Seeds are planted to a depth of 1-1.5 cm. The sowing density is 5 g of seeds per 10 square meters. meters of area. The harvest can be obtained 35-40 days after sowing. Lettuce requires regular care: it is necessary to regularly loosen the soil, destroy weeds and water the plants abundantly. In addition, it is necessary to thin out the plants in a timely manner, otherwise they will begin to bloom too early. Early deciduous varieties of lettuce include leafy varieties: “Maysky” and “Berlinsky Yellow”, and head varieties include “Large Green”, “Stubborn”, “Khrustalny”, “Stone Head”. For autumn sowing, varieties such as “Winter Yellow-Green” and “Romain” are used.

Spinach grown in the same way as lettuce. The only difference is in the sowing density: the distance between the rows should be 15-20 cm. The consumption is 40 g of seeds per 10 square meters. meters. The first harvest can be obtained in 30-35 days. Thus, in one area over the summer you can harvest two or more harvests. This crop tolerates the first frosts well, so it is often sown in the summer after lettuce, onions and other early crops. Then spinach can be grown until late autumn. The only disadvantage of this green crop (as well as lettuce) is the need for regular watering. When drought occurs, spinach loses its nutritional value and shoots out. The most common varieties of spinach include Summer Giant, Virofle and Victoria.

Ready ideas for your business

Parsley grown both from seeds and by forcing them from root crops. Before sowing, parsley seeds are kept in damp gauze for five days at room temperature and another ten days after germination at a temperature of +1-2°C. This allows you to get the first shoots as soon as possible and increase productivity. The sowing rate for parsley is 20 g per 10 square meters. meter. It is much more difficult to grow parsley from root vegetables. To do this, the root crops are kept in sand at a temperature of +2°C, and then planted in moist soil at an angle of 45 degrees and to a depth of 15 cm (with a root crop weight of 60-70 g). First, furrows are cut in the soil at a distance of approximately 15 cm from each other, then they are filled with water. The distance between plantings should be 5-6 cm, and between rows - 10 cm. The main thing is not to cover the head and neck of the root crops with soil. The soil must be slightly compacted and watered intensively. The harvest can be obtained 30-45 days after planting the root crops, when the parsley leaves reach 20-25 cm in length. Moreover, with proper care (regular watering - preferably drip watering, ventilation, avoidance of sudden temperature changes, good lighting) you can collect up to 6 kg of greenery from 1 square meter. meters.

When growing greens for sale, experts advise giving preference to early-ripening and hardy varieties. If you plan to grow several types of green crops at once, then you must follow the sowing sequence. First of all, onion sets are sown, which are used for cutting. Before planting, the material must be prepared. It is recommended to soak the sets three days in advance, cutting off the upper part of the head. Then it is planted in soil that is well moistened with water (warm if the ground is not yet warmed up enough). Onions require the usual care: loosening the soil, fertilizing and regular watering. After the onions, dill and parsley are sown, the seeds of which are also pre-soaked. Two weeks after planting onions and dill, lettuce and spinach can be planted.

Growing greens in greenhouses

As experience shows, it is most profitable to engage in a greenhouse business in the southern regions of our country - in the Stavropol and Krasnodar territories, where the frosts are not so severe and the daylight hours are longer. Otherwise, high costs for gas and electricity in the northern regions will “eat up” all the profits from the sale of finished products. For a greenhouse with an area of ​​20 square meters. meters, heating costs in winter are about 75,000-80,000 rubles. In the middle zone, heating costs for such an area will average 250,000 rubles per year (if you meet the electricity quota). It often turns out to be more profitable to deliver finished goods from other regions than to grow greens yourself. The minimum profitability of a greenhouse business should be 20%. Ideally, you should strive for 30-35%, but they are difficult to achieve.

Ready ideas for your business

It is more profitable to grow greens in a greenhouse at least four times than vegetables. However, keep in mind that ideally you need to organize stable sales of your products in the nearest locality in order to minimize transport costs.

The cheapest technology for greenhouse cultivation of green crops is hydroponics. In essence, it allows you to minimize physical labor, shorten the vegetative cycle of plants several times and, accordingly, increase productivity several times. When using hydroponic technology, plants are grown in artificial media without soil - not in boxes with soil, but in ordinary plastic cups or PVC pipes with holes made in them. They receive nutrients from a humid-air environment, which requires frequent or constant drip irrigation with a working solution of mineral salts. Thanks to the small volume of containers for growing plants, they can be placed not only in the lower part of the greenhouse, but also vertically, on the walls, and even under the ceiling, which allows you to increase productivity even in a small area. Everything would be fine if not for one “but”: crops grown hydroponically do not have a characteristic taste and smell. They are practically tasteless, although they have an attractive appearance. Even the low price does not compensate for the shortcomings in taste. But, nevertheless, although this technology is not suitable for the summer season (when there is an abundance of fresh greens straight from the garden on the market), it is widely used for growing greens in the winter months. In the absence of an alternative, consumers are willing to buy fresh greens, even if their taste leaves much to be desired.

There are also “intermediate” technologies for greenhouse cultivation of greens, which involve the simultaneous use of peat and ordinary soil and liquid fertilizers used in hydroponics. These technologies are three times more expensive than hydroponics, but the products grown with their help are not much different from those grown in open ground.

What material should greenhouses for growing greens be made of? Currently, glass and polyethylene are most widely used for this. A glazed greenhouse is more expensive both at the construction stage and during further operation, since glass does not retain heat well. In addition, on hot and sunny days, glass does not retain or diffuse light, which can cause burns to plants. As a last resort, tempered technical glass with a thickness of 6 mm or more can be used to build a greenhouse. This material can be purchased at a price of 1000 rubles per linear meter. However, polyethylene is not the best option, since, on the contrary, it transmits light very poorly. On cloudy days, there will be insufficient lighting in such a greenhouse, which adversely affects the plants. And the cost of heating a film greenhouse will be considerable. There are better options, which have recently become increasingly popular - metal structures with acrylic or polycarbonate coating. A greenhouse made from these materials is more expensive than a polyethylene one. But it will last much longer, and its efficiency will be higher.

Ready ideas for your business

Construction of a greenhouse costs from 1,500 rubles per 1 sq. meter excluding additional equipment. At the same time, a greenhouse of 100 sq. meters (a relatively small greenhouse measuring, for example, 5 by 20 meters) gives about 80 square meters. meters of usable area. However, the area can be increased to 200 square meters. meters using a two-tier shelving system.

It is recommended to divide a large greenhouse into spans of 25 square meters. meters, which will make it easier to care for the plantings. Manufacturers, in an attempt to reduce the cost of greens as much as possible, do not pay much attention to either the quality of the soil or its fertilization. In extreme cases, if the greenery “fades”, then it is sprayed with urea, and if mold appears, it is treated with potassium permanganate.

Prospects and risks of green business

Although, in general, growing greens for sale is a promising and profitable direction, but only if several conditions are met. Production volumes come first - the larger they are, the better. And on the second (although this condition is no less important) is the availability of sales channels. You won’t earn much by selling greens on your own at the market or selling them to resellers for pennies. You can negotiate supplies with cafes and restaurants, but, firstly, their purchase volumes are not so large. Secondly, you need to provide all documents for your products. And thirdly, achieving such agreements will be very difficult.

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