What is the growth zone. Determination of the growth zone in plant organs

Choosing a Leader Somehow a friend took me on a duck hunt. I was entrusted with a gun, instructed. It was very interesting! The process so engrossed me that I did not notice how time passed. But the result of my hunt was only three ducks. I was disappointed. How much time wasted? How many ducks were flying around? And I only have three. Friends playfully reassured:

Rejoice in what you have and hope for the best!

This story reminds me of a situation when a person, inspired by some idea, begins to promote it. In other words, look for like-minded people and build a team. There are so many people around, but after a while the aspiring leader notices that not everyone shares his enthusiasm. Not everyone is supportive, and many generally twist at their temples and advise to quit this activity. It is overwhelming. But experienced leaders say in such cases:

Welcome to leadership. Hope for the best!

A beginner, a leader who creates a team to implement a new idea, is exposed to the first danger - he wants to be loved by everyone. This means adjusting to everyone who wants to provide support. There will always be people who are close in spirit and committed to the idea who will support and go alongside. Each team member is good at something, but there are people in the team who are more active, passionate about achieving results. It is worth paying attention to them. Support them and invest time and energy in them.

A leader cannot be a puppet. He must be clearly aware of his vision and lead. People follow those who know where they are going, not those who drag them there. The leader will continue to search, realizing that among many people there is a person capable of accepting conditions and changing the state of affairs. The result is determined by the number of shots, and in order for a duck hunt to be successful, it is not necessary to shoot all the ducks in the area, it is enough to shoot a few. Likewise, leaders do not succeed because they connect everyone to them, but because they invest in those people from whom there is a return.

Personal strengths and growth area.

Samuel Johnson, a Master of Arts from the University of Oxford and the compiler of the first explanatory dictionary in English literature, said: “Virtually everyone wastes part of their life to demonstrate qualities that they do not have.” Isn't it the same with us? We all want to be better, we understand that for this we need to change ourselves.

But do we always place emphasis correctly? When determining our growth zone, do we always take into account strengths personality? Ever since school, we have been instilled in the habits of "pulling up the laggards." In most cases, we have focused our energies on the growth of our weaknesses, and the strengths of the personality were developed according to the method "everything is fine here and so." Perhaps this model is good for the school, with its norms lowered from above, but life requires a different attitude. It requires working on our strengths, as this is the best and shortest path to our effectiveness.

Let's mentally superimpose each of our personality traits on a scale from 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest. I think each of us understands that the growth of any of these qualities is possible in our life, but not more than by 1-2 points. To become an expert in any field, we need certain qualities at level 10. What qualities should be developed to achieve success - level 3-5, or level 7-8? If a person's strengths are leadership, creativity, communication, he can effectively use them, for example, in building a business network and he should develop exactly them in order to achieve success.

And, the knowledge and qualities necessary for accounting can be left at the same level. Although this knowledge and qualities are also important for building a business.

When strengths and growth areas are determined, it is based on the overall performance of the person. He himself can determine where to put the effort and focus on the result. Only he himself can decide what to choose: to become in something a little better than "bad", or to achieve the highest results.
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Hello my dear!
Finally, I'm ready to sit down and write about the growth zone that I promised to reveal to you a week ago.

I remember how many comments were put on that post.

In general, let's analyze the # growth_zone.

This is the topic that I touched upon at my last workshop on defining a specialty.

As it turned out, when choosing a specialization, it turns out that you need to take into account several important factors, among which there was a growth zone.

This is when you determine in which direction to grow. How do you do it? How can this be achieved quickly?

To do this, you can ask yourself the question: what am I missing to achieve what I want?

Roughly speaking, you need to make a plan for your future development.

Let's look at an example:
EXAMPLE 1⃣ You decided to lose 5 kg by the new year.

It is clear that if you sit back, you won’t get anything, except that you just drive these thoughts back and forth.

1. Naturally, the first question you can ask yourself is "What am I missing to solve this problem?"

Perhaps it:
- Information and competent specialist. That is, there is a lot of information on the Internet. But it can be contradictory. And I would like someone to clearly and in simple language explain to you what and how to do.

The answer is to find a trainer who will write me a training plan and draw up a healthy nutrition program.

3. Where can I find it?
Or ask friends, acquaintances, relatives. Or find a person on the Internet who is such a specialist. Look at his clients, their reviews, write off everything to find out the result and only then write to the coach himself.

4. Well, after consulting with him, the following question comes up: What do I need in order to put all this into practice?
That's right, go to the gym and start exercising. According to the written program, or with the coach himself.

And of course, regular training will not keep you waiting for the result.

That is, you just throw in an action plan to achieve a specific goal and understand where you need to grow, while simultaneously closing questions about specific actions.

EXAMPLE 2⃣ You decide to learn English language... Let's write down the growth zone in this matter.

Perhaps it:
- structured information
- proven and effective resources
- a teacher who would give me a pendel and check the correctness of my actions and work on mistakes

2. What should I do now to resolve the previous question?
To consult with their environment, who already have classroom knowledge of English, so that they can advise me on effective resources, give contacts of a teacher who gives results to their students.

Or you can browse the Internet to find online schools, study their program, see reviews, take a trial lesson or consultation with a teacher of interest.

4. What do I need in order to put all this into practice?
Study with a teacher online, through video lessons, scap or go to a language school in your city and start taking lessons.

Again, regularity of actions is required.

EXAMPLE 3⃣ You decided to start making money on the Internet

1. What am I missing to solve this problem?
Perhaps it:
- Information. Yes! There is a lot of it on the Internet, but to be specific and simple language- few.
I would like it to be explained to you simply, easily, and most importantly.
- Proven resources. It seems that there are many different offers on the network, but which of them are really good, and which of them are with the presence of scammers.
- Find a person who is trained in this matter and can help solve your problem.

2. Next question: What should I do now to solve the previous question?

Again, this can be done through word of mouth - by connecting acquaintances, friends, relatives.

Or surf information on the Internet.

3. What do I need in order to apply the acquired knowledge and get the result?

- Explore information
- Consult a coach or mentor and put it into practice.

You can again do it yourself. Or you can be trained by a trusted coach who has students, results and who is close to you in your values.

Again, this is verified through personal correspondence or a meeting on Skype.

‼ And you know, you can determine the growth zone in any direction and in any activity. The main thing here is to build the right questions... Reveal the orderliness of actions. And the main thing is to start putting it all into practice.

With love 💕, Olga Budaeva!

P.S. Well, for those who are interested in remote work, I have 2 good news

FIRST - On December 1, I will have a remote job. Here, the newbies and I will discuss the issues of starting on the Internet.

SECOND - on December 5th I start, which closes 3 main questions:
- mastering specialization
- packing yourself as a specialist - remote employee
- employment for permanent work
Join us!

  1. Identification of development zones for specialists conducting recruiting.
  2. Development of competencies in the following areas: personal and business qualities of a recruiter, professional knowledge, knowledge of the subject area.
  3. Competence development methods.

Our company is based in Rostov. In order to identify growth areas for employees of the Center for Business Development [A] 5 (including consultants leading the selection of personnel) as a method was used. Along with the above, the objectives of the conduct were: formation personnel reserve Companies, and, as a consequence, the determination of the need for training (on the basis of which the training plan was developed).

Previously, before conducting, a profile was developed key competencies required for employee [A] 5. The required degree of expression of each of the competencies for each position was developed separately. Thus, the so-called ideal profile for each position was obtained. Based on the results of the assessment center methodology, an individual profile was formed for each of the employees. After that, the individual profile was compared with the ideal one, which made it possible to determine the zones of proximal development and growth for the employee, including consultants leading the selection of personnel.

Consultant core competency profile. recruiting is a list of personal and business qualities, the presence of which makes his work as efficient as possible, provided, of course, that these qualities are at a certain level of severity.

2. Areas of competence development: personal and business competencies of a recruiter, professional knowledge on the topic "search and selection of personnel", knowledge of the subject area.

Personal and business competencies.

Personal and business qualities that determine the success of a specialist leading recruiting are presented here on the example of a list of key competencies of employees of the Business Development Center [A] 5

  1. Contact - willingness and ability to establish, maintain and complete contact. Includes benevolence, tact, correctness, literate speech, positive optimistic attitude for communication.
  1. Communication flexibility - the ability to adequately use a variety of communication tools in different situations.
  1. Self confidence - self-confidence, in their own competence.
  1. Ideological- as commitment and conscious acceptance of the corporate value system. Coincidence personal system values ​​and corporate.
  1. Analyticity- the ability to collect complete information using various sources, to highlight the main meaning of information on the basis of specific and verified facts.
  1. Learnability - ability to learn, openness to new information. Ability to apply, use existing knowledge and experience in other conditions. General erudition.
  1. The dynamics of thinking - the ability to quickly switch from one activity to another, analyze, draw conclusions and establish / build logical relationships.
  1. Planning and organization - organizes and coordinates events, use of resources. Develops plans and schedules, controls their implementation.
  1. Quality orientation - demonstrates knowledge of the goals and standards of the enterprise, focused on the highest quality standards. Strive to achieve high standards of quality and efficiency.
  1. A responsibility- the ability to accept responsibility ("internal locus of control"). Ability to independently make decisions and take responsibility for their implementation. The ability to realize and accept one's own guilt in case of a wrong decision.
  1. Discipline and organization- the ability and desire to act in accordance with the rules within the framework of a certain competence and authority, to fulfill the specified conditions and requirements.
  1. Focus on results - the ability to make efforts and remain active to achieve the set goals and objectives.
  1. Commanding- the ability to work in a team, to accept and share the goals and values ​​of the company as their own.

Professional knowledge

Along with the aforementioned personal and business competencies, the success of a recruiter is determined by the presence of certain professional skills and knowledge in the subject area. Professional knowledge and skills, in turn, can be divided into 2 components:

  1. knowledge of the business process, the ability to choose the optimal strategy and tactics for the search and selection of personnel;
  2. knowledge of technologies for personnel selection and assessment.

Knowledge in the subject area.

The success of a recruiter is directly influenced by his awareness of the areas of activity in which he selects specialists. For example, in the Business Development Center [A] 5 subject areas are production, construction, Information Technology, telecommunications and B2B. For successful work selection consultants in our company need certain basic knowledge about these industries, it is also important to keep track of all last news in these areas.

3. Methods for the development of competencies.

Based on the data obtained during the assessment, a program for the development of the competencies of the company's specialists, including recruiters, is formed. In our company this plan usually combines in different methods development of competencies and training and is implemented in a coaching format.

The following methods are used:

  1. Internal training - allows you to take into account the internal specifics: work standards, features of the business process.
  2. External training - allows the recruiter to broaden his horizons, use external experience.
  3. Self-study on a given topic with a report on the studied information - allows you to systematize the knowledge gained;
  4. Writing Articles for the Company's website, for publication in the media of both the articles themselves and expert opinions... This method affects, among other things, the self-esteem of a specialist.
  5. Material preparation for internal learning ;
  6. Preparation and implementation of public speaking (the method "works", including for the development of communicative competence);
  7. Participation in non-core projects. For example, projects for personnel assessment, training, organization of events.
  8. Here - performing not familiar, previously not performed functions. For example, the resecher acted as the project manager (see. Social project "My profession"), which made it possible to work out the skills of organizing the process, organizing and planning their actions and the actions of the rest of the employees involved in the process. In addition, the experience of negotiating on different levels- I had to learn to "negotiate"

Report to the round table at the meeting of the Department of Recruiters of the South Russian Club of HR Managers.

lamina epiphysialis

Epiphyseal plate (cartilage growth plate) or growth zone - plate hyaline cartilage between pineal gland and metaphysis tubular bones... The epiphyseal plate is observed in children and adolescents; adults do not have it; after the end of growth, it is replaced by the epiphyseal line. Growth zone - a section of growing tissue at both ends of the long bones in children and adolescents. The future length and shape of mature bone tissue depends on its growth. After completion of growth at the end of puberty (each bone has its own age of closure of these zones), their growth is completed, and the growth zone is replaced by solid bone tissue.

Damage to growth zones


Doctor's consultation must be accompanied X-ray examination... There are features of X-ray examination of the bones of children. Since the growth zones do not have the same density as the bones, X-ray does not visualize them. So X-ray examination performed symmetrically on both limbs for image comparison. MRI allows you to clearly visualize changes in tissues.

Bone growth in length

The epiphyseal plate is involved in the longitudinal growth of bones. Chondrocytes the plates are in constant mitotic division... Daughter cells are collected from the side pineal gland, maternal ones are pushed aside to metaphysis... Against the background of degeneration of old chondrocytes osteoblasts form new bone tissue. At the end of puberty, the epiphyseal cartilage cells stop dividing, and all cartilaginous tissue is gradually replaced by bone, with the exception of the thin epiphyseal line