Lytkina Alena Presentation on the theme "Stonehenge". Stonehenge (English)

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Petrified Time Stonehenge

Architecture is also a chronicle of the world. She speaks when both songs and legends are already silent. Nikolay Gogol

About 130 kilometers from London there is a very strange place - a bunch of huge stones, neatly arranged in a circle in the middle of an open field.

An ancient observatory, a cult building of the druids, a landing site for aliens and even a portal to another dimension - all this is Stonehenge.

United Kingdom, Wiltshire, 13 kilometers from the town of Salisbury. Stonehenge has 82 five-ton megaliths, 30 stone blocks of 25 tons each, and 5 giant triliths weighing up to 50 tons.

The word “Stonehenge” itself is very ancient. It could have been formed from the Old English “stan” (stone, that is, stone) and “hencg” (rod) or “henceforth” (gallows).

Being a religious building, Stonehenge No. 1 was built no earlier than 3100 BC and consisted of two round earthen ramparts, between which there was a moat. A few hundred years later, it began to be used as a fenced cemetery for cremated remains.

Around 2600 BC, the wooden buildings were demolished and replaced by majestic stone structures.

At the final stage of construction, 30 triliths were installed in a circle, a horseshoe of five separate triliths was installed inside the circle.

1 - "Altar"; 2, 3 - mounds with stones, 4 - "block"; 5 - "Heel stone"; 6 - two stones that previously stood on mounds similar to 2 and 3; 7, 8, 9 - dumps of earth and a moat; 10 - "Avenue" (entrance); 11, 12 - two rings of holes excavated relatively "recently"; 13 - Aubrey holes; 14 - small entrance.

To the northeast of the entrance to the ring stands a huge, seven-meter Heel Stone.

According to scientists, the creators of this structure knew the exact orbital period of the moon and the duration of the solar year.

The northeastern entrance was moved a little to the side and expanded so that the Altar monolith looked exactly at the sunrise on the day of the summer solstice.

The very first references that have come down to us connect it with the legend of King Arthur - supposedly this monument was built by the wizard Merlin himself.

In 1615, the architect Inigo Jones claimed that the stone monoliths were built by the Romans - allegedly it was the temple of a pagan deity named Knelus.

The construction of this huge "megalith" is also attributed to the ancient tribes of the Druids who lived in Ireland at that time, although Stonehenge had already been built in those days.

There are stone structures similar to Stonehenge all over Europe - including here, in Russia.

North Caucasian dolmens (stone crypts) are distant relatives of Stonehenge.

Our contemporaries create just such "Stonehenge". Carhenge. State of Nebraska, USA

Simplified copy of Stonehenge. Thailand, Nong Nooch Park.

A mysterious building, a monument with a thousand-year history, around which a great many legends have developed - Stonehenge is still a mystery that no one can solve.

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Stonehenge (Eng. Stonehenge, lit. " stone henge”) is a megalithic structure in Wiltshire, England, which is a complex of ring and horseshoe-shaped earthen and stone structures. This is one of the most famous archaeological sites in the world.

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It is located about 130 km southwest of London, about 3.2 km west of Amesbury and 13 km north of Salisbury.

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Stonehenge was built at the turn of the Stone and Bronze Ages. Moreover, the creation of this amazing magical place took place in several stages. The first is around 3100 BC. It was then that a moat and an internal earthen rampart were created in the form of a circle, 115 m in diameter, 2.5 m wide and 50-80 cm high. Almost a thousand years later, the “construction” of what would become the main foundation of Stonehenge began. 80 large stones were brought to Salisbury Plain. They were installed inside the moat in two concentric circles - on the outer and inner sides of the semi-ellipsatrilites. A few more centuries later, a ring of thirty huge sandstone monoliths 31 m in diameter was erected. True, at present, only 17 of them remain standing. Around 1800 BC, Stonehenge was again “reconstructed” and has already acquired its usual form.

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On the plan stand out: 1 - Altar stone, a six-ton ​​monolith of green mica sandstone from Wales 2-3 - Mounds without graves 4 - A fallen stone 4.9 meters long (SlaughterStone - scaffold) 5 - Heel stone (HeelStone) 6 - Two of the original four vertically standing stones 7 - Ditch (ditch) 8 - Inner rampart 9 - Outer rampart 10 - Avenue, that is, a parallel pair of ditches and ramparts leading 3 km to the Avon River; now these ramparts are barely visible 11, 12 - Rings of 30 holes 13 - Circle of 56 holes, known as Aubreyholes 14 - Small southern entrance Plan of Stonehenge

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It is difficult to establish the true purpose of Stonehenge because there are no inscriptions, marks, nothing at all on the ancient stones. One of the most common scientific theories about the purpose of Stonehenge suggests that it was most likely an ancient astronomical observatory, thanks to which the priests could calculate the lunar and solar days, mark the dates of important holidays, and so on.

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Professor J. Mitchell, after conducting a computer analysis of Stonehenge and trying to restore the original appearance of Stonehenge using modern digital technologies, concluded that it is, no more, no less, an accurate model of the solar system in cross section. At the same time, ancient astronomers proceeded from what's in solar system not nine, but twelve planets, two of which are beyond the orbit of Pluto. And the third planet put the scientist even more in riddles, because it was supposed to be between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, and this place is exactly where the asteroid belt is located.

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It is also often claimed that Stonehenge was used for burials. After the excavations, scientists came to the conclusion that in total about 240 people were buried in Stonehenge, who were cremated before burial. At the same time, archaeologists believe that representatives of the local elite or the ruling dynasty were most likely buried here.

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The English writer and historian Tom Brooks, as a result of his many years of research, concluded that Stonehenge was part of a giant navigation system consisting of isosceles triangles, the top of each of which pointed to the next point.

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Methodical development with a presentation for subject"Conversations about Art"


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Pakhomova Yulia Sergeevna

Apsheronsk, 2016

Methodological note for the presentation "Stonehenge".

This presentation is intended for a more visual and orderly study of the material on the topic "Stonehenge" in the framework of the subject "Conversations about Art" for students in the general developmental program in the field visual arts(term of study 4 years).

Goals and objectives: increase motivation, instill interest in the study of the history and culture of the Ancient World, the formation of an active, independent and initiative position of students, the development of general educational skills and abilities (research, reflective, self-assessment).

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    Presentation CD.


giant structure stonehenge - stone riddle in the very center of Europe, as one of the researchers, Dr. Umlmore Trever, called this amazing monument.

This ancient building is located in England, Archaeologists now agree that this architectural monument was erected in three stages between 3500 and 1100 years. BC. Stonehenge I was a circular moat with two halls and may have served as a cemetery.

Circling along the outer rampart are 56 small Aubrey funerary holes, named after John Aubrey, who first described them in the 17th century. To the northeast of the entrance to the ring stood a huge, seven-meter Heel Stone. During the construction of Stonehenge II, an earthen alley was laid between the Heel Stone and the entrance. Two rings of 80 huge blue stone blocks were erected, which were probably delivered 320 km from South Wales. At the final stage of construction, the megaliths were rearranged. The blue stones were replaced by a ring colonnade of 30 triliths, each of which consisted of two vertical stones and a horizontal slab resting on them. A horseshoe of five separate triliths was installed inside the ring.

In general, Stonehenge is a structure of 82 five-ton megaliths, 30 stone blocks, weighing 25 tons each, and 5 huge so-called triliths, stones weighing up to 50 tons. Stacked stone blocks form arches that once served as a flawless indicator of the cardinal directions. Until recently, scientists assumed that this monument was built in 3100 BC by the tribes living in the British Isles to observe the Sun and Moon. But the latest data modern science forced to reconsider many conclusions of researchers. Back in the 20s of the last century, the famous geologist X. Thomas established. that the stones for the construction of the complex were delivered from the quarries. which were located more than 300 kilometers from the construction site. Needless to say, transporting the giant blocks of stone required incredible effort. In late 1994, University of Wales professor David Bowen, with the help of latest method determined the age of Stonehenge. It turned out that it is 140,000 years old. Why did the ancient people need to make great efforts to cut down, the most difficult transportation, processing the strongest blocks and their incredible accuracy in installing them in a strict order?

There is no answer to this question yet. Renowned astronomer Fred Hoyle. having studied all the geometric features of Stonehenge, he determined that the creators of this structure knew the exact orbital period of the moon and the duration of the solar year. According to the conclusions of other researchers, the holes located inside the circle formed by stone blocks, exactly indicate the trajectory of the Pole of the World 12-30 thousand years ago! In 1998, astronomers recreated the original appearance of Stonehenge using a computer and conducted various studies. Their findings were shocking to many. It turns out that this ancient monolith is not only a solar and lunar calendar, as previously thought, but also an accurate cross-sectional model of the solar system. According to this model, the solar system consists not of nine, but of twelve planets, two of which are beyond the orbit of Pluto (the last of the nine planets known today), and one between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, where the asteroid belt is now located.

In principle, this model confirms the assumptions of modern astronomical science and is fully consistent with the ideas of many ancient peoples, who also believed that the number of planets in our solar system was twelve.

A feature of all ancient megaliths is their unusually high seismic resistance. Studies have shown that during their construction, special platforms were used to soften or completely extinguish tremors. Most of all ancient structures were erected on such platforms. In addition, such foundations practically do not give “soil shrinkage”, which inevitably occurs in modern construction. Scientists do not yet know who and why erected a grandiose astronomical observatory in the center during the Stone Age. Ireland.

But after careful research, it became clear that to attribute the construction of this huge "megalith" to the ancient tribes of the Druids who lived on the territory Ireland in those days, just unreasonable. One thing is certain, whoever the ancient builders were, they possessed tremendous knowledge in astronomy, mathematics, geology and architecture. And if we consider that grandiose monuments and structures in prehistoric times were erected almost all over the world, then we can conclude that we, modern people we know almost nothing about our own history

In the meantime, scientists are studying this ancient monument, Stonehenge continues to live its life in folklore. According to local legend, giant blue stones have healing powers, they appeared on this earth thanks to the magician Merlin, a sorcerer in the court of King Arthur, who brought them from Ireland. The origin of the huge Heel Stone is connected with another legend.

They say that once the devil saw a monk hiding among the stones. Before the unfortunate man could escape, the devil launched a huge boulder at him, which crushed his heel. For a long time, the ruins of Stonehenge were associated with the priestly cult of the ancient Celtic Druids, although experts deny this connection.


1. Alpatov M.V. Art: Painting: Sculpture: Architecture: Graphics: kN. for the teacher. In 3 hours, Part 1. Ancient world. Middle Ages. The Renaissance / M. V. Alpatov and others - ed., Corrected. and additional - M.: Enlightenment, 1987. - 218 p., ill.

2. Vardanyan R.V. World art culture: Architecture. / R.V. Vardanyan - M. Humanit. ed. center VLADOS, 2003. - 400 p., ill.

Stonehenge (eng. Stonehenge, lit. "stone henge") is a megalithic structure in Wiltshire, England, which is a complex of ring and horseshoe-shaped earth and stone structures. This is one of the most famous archaeological sites in the world.

Stonehenge was built at the turn of the Stone and Bronze Ages. Moreover, the creation of this amazing magical place took place in several stages. The first is around 3100 BC. It was then that a moat and an internal earthen rampart were created in the form of a circle, with a diameter of 115 m, a width of 2.5 m and a height of 5080 cm. Almost a thousand years later, the “construction” of what would become the main foundation of Stonehenge began. 80 large stones were brought to Salisbury Plain. They were installed inside the moat in two concentric circles on the outer and inner sides of the semi-ellipse of triplets. A few more centuries later, a ring of thirty huge sandstone monoliths 31 m in diameter was erected. True, at present, only 17 of them remain standing. Around 1800 BC, Stonehenge was again “reconstructed” and has already acquired its usual form.

On the plan stand out: 1 Altar Stone, a six-ton ​​monolith of green mica sandstone from Wales 2-3 Mounds without graves 4 A fallen stone 4.9 meters long (Slaughter Stone scaffold) 5 Heel Stone (Heel Stone) 6 Two of the original four vertically standing stones 7 Ditch (ditch) 8 Inner rampart 9 Outer rampart 10 Avenue, that is, a parallel pair of ditches and ramparts leading 3 km to the River Avon; now these ramparts are barely visible 11, 12 Rings of 30 holes 13 Circle of 56 holes, known as Aubrey holes 14 Small southern entrance

It is difficult to establish the true purpose of Stonehenge because there are no inscriptions, marks, nothing at all on the ancient stones. One of the most common scientific theories about the purpose of Stonehenge suggests that it was most likely an ancient astronomical observatory, thanks to which the priests could calculate the lunar and solar days, mark the dates of important holidays, and so on.

Professor J. Mitchell, after conducting a computer analysis of Stonehenge and trying to restore the original appearance of Stonehenge with the help of modern digital technologies, concluded that it is nothing less than an accurate cross-sectional model of the solar system. At the same time, ancient astronomers proceeded from the fact that there are not nine, but twelve planets in the solar system, two of which are beyond the orbit of Pluto. And the third planet put the scientist even more in riddles, because it was supposed to be between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, and this place is exactly where the asteroid belt is located.

It is also often claimed that Stonehenge was used for burials. After the excavations, scientists came to the conclusion that in total about 240 people were buried in Stonehenge, who were cremated before burial. At the same time, archaeologists believe that representatives of the local elite or the ruling dynasty were most likely buried here.

The English writer and historian Tom Brooks, as a result of his many years of research, concluded that Stonehenge was part of a giant navigation system consisting of isosceles triangles, the top of each of which pointed to the next point.

Back in the 20s of the last century, the famous geologist X. Thomas established. that the stones for the construction of the complex were delivered from the quarries. which were located more than 300 kilometers from the construction site! Needless to say, transporting the giant blocks of stone required incredible effort.

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