How to open a children's clothing department. How to open a children's store

How to independently and quickly open a children's clothing store. What is needed for this, how much it will cost, how quickly it will pay off, what important stages you will have to go through and whether such a business is profitable. A detailed business plan for future entrepreneurs.

Children's clothing is in great demand - always and at any time of the year. The greatest demand is in August, when parents prepare their children for school. Therefore, such a business is able to bring good profits. But for this you need to find reliable suppliers, have a wide range of products and choose the right store location.

This article details the process of opening a children's clothing store and what it takes.

Store Format

Before opening such a retail facility, you need to decide on its format. Here are some areas in which you can work:

  • Children's clothing for children from 0 to 15 years.
  • Goods for newborns and babies.
  • Clothes for preschoolers.
  • Clothes for schoolchildren.
  • Teenagers clothes.
  • Sports children's clothing.
  • Clothes for girls.
  • Clothes for boys.
  • Holiday outfits for children.
  • School uniforms.

That is, you can specialize in a particular age group or in a particular direction. At the initial stage, it will be better to choose one thing. Then you can always develop the store and increase the range.

Market analysis

Before opening your own children's clothing store, you need to research the market and. It is necessary to pay attention to the number of similar shopping facilities in the city and their location. You need to know their range and prices. See how they are equipped.

If there are familiar parents of children under 15, then you definitely need to talk with them, find out their needs, what they don’t like and what they like in local children’s clothing stores. From such conversations, there is an opportunity to get a lot of useful things and immediately come to the market with great deals.

To get to know the “kitchen from the inside” better, for a while you can get a job in a children's clothing store as a seller or administrator. Not every entrepreneur will agree to this. However, this is a good opportunity to gain useful knowledge, learn to understand the range and needs of potential buyers.

Among children's clothing stores is very high. Therefore, one must be prepared that it will take a lot of time to analyze the market. But this is the only way to get all the information you need to open a store that will be attractive to parents.

Start-up costs for opening a store

At the initial stage, before starting a business, you will have to spend a significant amount of money. Let's take a look at an example cost estimate.

Opening an IP - 800 rubles. independently or about 4,000 rubles. when contacting a law firm.

Certificates and permits (if needed) - about 10,000 rubles.

Room rental - an average of 60,000 - 70,000 rubles.

Repair of the rented premises, its design, equipment - up to 200,000 rubles.

Office equipment and consumables - 60,000 rubles.

Other expenses - 40,000 - 50,000 rubles.

As a result, the initial costs amount to more than 700,000 rubles. The amount will depend on the area of ​​the rented premises and the range of goods. That is, it may be less if, for example, it is planned to open a small shop. Suppliers also play an important role here.

Business payback

Basically, children's clothing stores reach payback in 1.5 years. But this period may be less, provided:

  • good advertising;
  • high quality goods;
  • price affordability;
  • good location.

To date, the wrapping on children's clothing is within 120%. This is quite a normal price for a Russian consumer.

To quickly reach payback, you can add toys to the store assortment, which will be a source of additional income. Moreover, the demand for them is stable, and in the case of clothing, one must remember about seasonal recessions.

What is required to open a store?

To open a children's clothing store you need:

  1. Register an individual entrepreneur, LLC or OJSC, submit documents to the tax and pension fund.
  2. Find and rent suitable premises.
  3. Carry out repairs in the room.
  4. Purchase the necessary equipment and accessories.
  5. Find suppliers.
  6. Find sellers.
  7. Launch an advertising campaign

It will take no more than a week to complete the documents. In the process, you can find suppliers and conclude contracts with them. It is best to look for a supplier who is able to provide a certificate for each item.

In the field of children's clothing, it is worth working with domestic manufacturers. Imported goods should be in the minority. Why?

Firstly, domestically produced goods are now in no way inferior to foreign ones. They are certified and do not have to pay customs duties and pay for the services of carriers.

Secondly, it is difficult to cooperate with foreign manufacturers. For example, you will have to pass certification on your own, which will seriously affect the budget.

Thirdly, in the event of a marriage with domestic manufacturers, it is easier and faster to negotiate.

It is necessary to hire staff, focusing on the assortment and area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe store. If this is a small store that works on weekdays, then one seller is enough. When working seven days a week - two. Large outlets may require more than two salespeople and an administrator.

Read more about suppliers and staff.

Store location

The popularity and profit of the store depends on how correctly the location of the store is chosen.

The best places are:

  • next to clothing markets;
  • near or in supermarkets;
  • in large entertainment or shopping centers;
  • close to recreation areas, such as squares and parks;
  • next to children's entertainment, developing and educational institutions.

Regardless of the chosen location, the store should be visible. Therefore, it is worth taking care of attractive and bright shop windows.


The interior of the store should also be bright and, in some way, "fabulous". It must be remembered that the main audience of the point is children and parents. Therefore, the environment must be appropriate.

Various toys can be used as accessories. And it is better to add them to the assortment of the store, as mentioned above.

The room should be decorated with bright materials of light colors. On the walls you can draw the heroes of popular cartoons and fairy tales - for this it is advisable to use the services of an artist.

Furniture should also be bright and mostly childish to make young buyers feel comfortable. And adults do not mind at least a little return to childhood.

That is, the interior should set the appropriate mood for store visitors.

Area and features of the room

The optimal area of ​​the outlet - from 30 to 50 square meters. meters. The store must have at least 2 fitting rooms. There should be enough space so that buyers feel comfortable, and not crowded in close quarters.

We must remember that children also need space. Naughty kids can start running around the store. Accordingly, the goods must be placed so that it is difficult to overturn them.

In a conspicuous place, you can install a TV on which cartoons will be constantly broadcast.

Otherwise, you can focus on your own preferences and needs of buyers.

Store assortment

The assortment should be varied, and each type of product should be offered in several sizes.

Deciding on an assortment for newborns and babies is easy, since there is no special influence of fashion here. Parents are more interested in quality than appearance. Therefore, such products must be of high quality and made from natural materials. At the same time, affordable price plays an important role.

Products for preschool children should be made of durable and wear-resistant materials, and clothes for boys should be comfortable, while girls pay more attention to appearance. These factors must be taken into account.

For students, choosing a product is much more difficult. At this age, children themselves make a conscious choice, which is based on fashion. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to fashion trends and the relevance of the proposed clothing. It should be fashionable, but at the same time comfortable.

What suppliers to work with?

As mentioned above, it is better to give preference to domestic manufacturers. But also do not give up clothes from Poland or China.

The best way to find suppliers is through the Internet. So you can get acquainted with the reviews, terms of cooperation and prices, which will allow you to make the right choice. It is also worth considering options for cooperation with online stores, for example, with such a large online platform as Aliexpress.

Today, parents give more preference to domestic producers. This is due to the good quality of clothes and affordable prices. This fact must be taken into account and the focus should be on Russian goods.

How to advertise a store?

  • Distribution of leaflets.
  • Advertisements in public places.
  • Internet shop site.
  • Advertising in local media.
  • Advertising on billboards.


The most effective way to distribute leaflets is to hand them out on the street. And for these purposes, it is better to hire an animator in the costume of a popular cartoon character.

Leaflets can be distributed to mailboxes in residential buildings located near the store.


It can be bright announcements at stops, special billboards or on bulletin boards.

Store official website

A website is the most effective way to promote a store. After all, most mothers do not have the opportunity to walk through several stores and ask the price or choose the right product. Therefore, many are content with the Internet in order to save time.

The site should contain available products, their characteristics, available sizes and prices. You also need to regularly publish store news, for example, about promotions or discounts.

The site can become an additional source of income. Can . Then you need to think about delivery.

To get more customers, the site must be added to advertising networks, such as Yandex.Direct and Google.AdWords, and launched.

The development of the site will take about 20,000 rubles. Do not create it yourself or with the help of constructors. This should be done by experts. The same is true for online advertising campaigns.

To develop a website, you will need the help of a web developer, a copywriter to write texts, and a directologist will be able to set up an advertising campaign.

Local media

Local media are print media, television and radio. The most economical option is newspapers and magazines. More expensive - TV and radio.


In the case of a store, it is better to place a billboard at a distance of no more than 200 meters from the outlet. The advertisement should include a sign or directions to the store so that interested shoppers can quickly get to it.

Is a children's clothing store profitable?

This business can bring good and stable profits all year round. This can be achieved if the entrepreneur has studied the market in detail, organized the store correctly, selected the appropriate assortment and made an effective advertising campaign.

It is difficult to name specific profit figures, since there are many different factors here:

  • Store location.
  • Trading floor area.
  • Range.
  • and etc.

If everything is organized correctly, then you can recoup the investment already after 8 months. Although, on average, a business pays off within 1.5 years.

The main rule that will help make the store profitable is to constantly expand the range, offer affordable prices and regularly hold promotions. Only in this way, in combination with good advertising, you can get a constant flow of customers and high income.

At all times, goods for children were in great demand, because every parent cares about his child and tries to give him the best. In the matter of buying children's goods, the social status of the parents and their wealth does not matter, because, first of all, it is necessary to provide the baby with everything necessary, and only then take care of their own needs.

Having decided to engage in the trade in children's goods, it is necessary to study how to open a children's store, draw up a business plan, all the nuances and subtleties of its work.

Business plan

The presented business plan reveals aspects of opening a children's goods store with a focus on middle-income buyers. To conduct such a business, the most appropriate organizational and legal form is an individual entrepreneur. Since the target audience of the future children's store are private buyers, this simplifies taxation and accounting. Recently, the birth rate has been increasing, but it is worth remembering that the success of the project depends on a competent and clear business organization.

Project Description

A business plan for opening a children's goods store that is engaged in retail trade and is aimed at middle-income consumers.

Basic goods for children

The assortment of the children's store involves the sale of such goods:

  • strollers;
  • Kids toys;
  • child care products;
  • special baby food;
  • car seats;
  • children's clothes and shoes.

The range can be both expanded and reduced, depending on demand.

Organization plan

The primary issue is the selection of premises for the future children's store.

Proximity to potential buyers is a key factor in choosing a point location. You should not stop at the premises that are adjacent to similar children's stores. An exception can only be a clear advantage over competitors - a quality and cheaper product.

When the premises have already been selected or built, it is necessary to carry out repairs in it (if necessary) and purchase commercial equipment. Repairs are best entrusted to specialists who will decorate the premises in accordance with the preferences of the target audience.

For the standard operation of a children's store, the following list of equipment is required:

  1. racks for clothes;
  2. bookcases and racks for toys;
  3. showcases in which the goods will be placed;
  4. cash machine.

You need to select equipment carefully, harmoniously fitting it into the created interior.

The next step is to select the necessary staff. At first, a children's store will need an accountant, administrator or manager, and salespeople. The number of sellers depends on the size of the children's store. It is mandatory to issue sanitary books for all sellers, since without it it is impossible to sell baby food.

The next important issue is the search for suppliers of the necessary goods. Preference should be given to those suppliers who provide all the necessary certificates of quality and conformity. Otherwise, such goods will be confiscated at the first inspection of the store.

The children's store project does not end with its opening. Its success depends on the marketing promotion strategy. There are many specialized companies on the market that are engaged in the promotion and popularization of such projects.

Costs and income

This section looks at the financial side of a business plan for starting a baby store. It is not possible to accurately calculate all costs due to the dynamic situation on the market. Therefore, here we consider the average information.

  • rent and maintenance of premises (300 thousand rubles per year);
  • purchase of goods (300 thousand rubles);
  • working capital (300 thousand rubles);
  • purchase of equipment and furniture (100 thousand rubles);
  • payment for the work of personnel (500 thousand rubles per year).

In total, 1.5 million rubles are needed to start.

Net profit will be approximately 250 thousand rubles per month. Total, 2.8 million rubles per year.

The payback period for a children's store is six months, but this period depends on many factors. We can summarize that the children's store project is quite promising.

Trade is one of the most popular types of business for start-up entrepreneurs, however, retail is just a general category, which in turn has a huge variety of areas and specializations. Not so long ago, on the pages of the blog, we considered the general issues of opening your first store, you can read in more detail,. In the first parts, we not only considered general issues at the first stages of organizing our own store, but also identified real prospects for opening a grocery store, although it’s not so simple with a grocery store, because the level of competition in this retail segment is very high and therefore let’s move on to other ideas for shopping points.

Next in line is a rather attractive direction - a children's store.

Today, thanks to certain efforts of the government and the emergence of a number of programs, there are trends in the growth of the birth rate, of course, it would not be correct to talk about a baby boom, but there are still positive trends. As a result, the market for children's products and goods has positive growth trends, the second plus, spurring demand on the market, is the desire of the parents themselves to give their child more and better. Interestingly, according to the second plus, we are moving along the Western model, where parents “pay off” their children with the help of such purchases, trying to compensate for the decrease in their attention. The fact is sad enough, but at the same time it pushes the overall demand up, creating a great environment for creating your own business.

It is worth noting that, despite the lower level of competition compared to the retail food market, it is quite high and it will not be possible to open your own children's store without a “fight”. The only thing that can really be considered an advantage is the high segmentation in the market (in practice, this means that most small children's stores have a clear specialization), and there are quite a few large stores with a full range of all goods, plus they, as a rule, sell expensive children's goods (although often the same China only with a branded label).

Children's store specialization

Unlike most other shops, a children's outlet can be opened using a very narrow profile and so the approximate profile of the store:

  • You can open a teen clothing store
  • You can open a children's clothing store
  • You can open a children's toy store
  • You can open a stationery store for schoolchildren
  • You can open a store for newborns (with a range of products from 0 to 1 year old)
  • You can open a children's shoe store

This is the most minimal segmentation of trading ideas, so there is plenty to choose what to trade in the children's goods market.

No one says that you need to definitely stop at a narrow segment, the best option is to combine different directions, but here everything depends on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe outlet.

Premises for opening your children's store

Actually, the main problem of trade in children's goods is the need to use large retail areas, as an example, when trading toys, you must take into account the interests of children, and then the question arises of how to place three series of dolls on 20 squares (a small stall), each of which has 5-6 heroines. And of course, these are just dolls, but there are also banal buckets for the sandbox and baby carriages, and many other representatives of the gaming world. Of course, there are also examples of selling children's goods in such stores, but according to statistics, they lose at least every second potential buyer, only because of problems with the placement and display of goods.

Actually, in the trade in children's goods, as in that old saying, when you can’t spoil porridge with butter, so in this case, the larger the area, the more promising the very idea of ​​\u200b\u200bbusiness looks. Of course, there is a direct relationship between the total area and the amount of initial investment, because it is not enough to have an area, you need to have a product in order to place it in the available space. But it is precisely this trade that has one specific feature, which by and large makes large children's stores leaders in the segment.

Just enough to remember or visit any large children's store and analyze the prices! They are an order of magnitude higher than in the market or small shops, but still there are more buyers! The question is why?

The answer is hidden in the psychological aspects of the buyers of children's goods themselves:

  • - first, in most cases, parents try to purchase exactly what the child is interested in, and here the decisive role in choosing stores for purchase is played not by the cost of the goods, but by its assortment;

As a father of two daughters, I can say with confidence that I want to or not, but I have to buy a specific doll from a specific series. The result of this is a trip to a store with a large assortment, try to find what they want on the market, especially when you don’t fully understand what is at stake.

  • - secondly, most often parents come to the store with their children and the result of such trips is the acquisition of not one, but several goods. Moreover, a large area allows you to reveal the range of goods in all its glory, and here the “want” game comes into play.
  • -Third, children's things, toys - break, get lost, become small and as a result, purchases of such goods occur much more often, therefore, having made a purchase in the store once and seeing a wide list of goods, the client will return in 95% for the following things or goods. Moreover, this will allow him to save time and not run around the whole market or a group of shops in search of the right things, even if he has to overpay a little.

Of course, the above does not make it unprofitable to open a small retail outlet for children's things, it's just that the larger the store, the more profitable the business becomes.

In addition, you should not forget about another aspect of retail space for opening a children's goods store - this is the location.

Place to open a children's store

The location in this business plays a huge role, so opening a children's outlet in a residential area may not meet expectations. The best option for locating such a store is either a large transport interchange, or the presence of a large retail hub, whether it be a market or a large shopping complex.

What not to do:

  • - to tear off a children's goods store in the depths of a sleeping area. Most potential buyers are working parents who put time first, so this placement narrows the customer base.
  • – to open a children's store from scratch in the area of ​​​​entertainment complexes. In this case, you risk causing discontent of parents and losing customers, because those who have already come to the entertainment cannot buy (the money goes to the entertainment itself), and those who came to buy will be forced to listen begging for children (they want to have fun)

Choosing an assortment for opening your children's goods store

As I wrote above, the assortment of products (how the assortment for other outlets is chosen) largely depends on the area of ​​​​the outlet, the larger, the wider the assortment, of course, in this context, the assortment should be understood as a different range of children's goods, that is, children's clothing plus toys, or baby products plus toys. Regarding the assortment in the selected group of goods, especially if you have chosen the option of a highly specialized outlet, it is simply necessary to maintain a very large one. As an example, when selling goods for newborns, the assortment of baby nipples and pacifiers must be at least 30 items and varieties, while also from different manufacturers..

Actually, one of the biggest disadvantages of trading in children's things is called the need to maintain a very wide range of one group of goods, which in turn leads to the need to allocate a larger trading area for additional investment of money.

The consequence of this specificity of this type of trade will be the need to search for more suppliers, of course, today this is no longer a big problem, but still.

Profitability of trade in children's goods

We can safely say that having a number of disadvantages, such as:

  • – the need for large retail space;
  • - maintaining a wide range, which costs an extra penny;

There are a number of benefits

  • - buyers more often make purchases of children's goods, as a result, the turnover in such stores is higher;
  • - customers are more loyal and always return with a good assortment;
  • - the demand for children's goods is stable, one can even say that, like food, goods for children fall under the knife in the family's expenditure item last.
  • - in the trade in goods for children and adolescents (read schoolchildren), minimal losses from the so-called "waste" (read about them below).

The average markup on children's goods is quite “adult” and ranges from 70 to 200% depending on the group and the cost itself, while, unlike adult clothing, the level of “waste” is an order of magnitude lower.

By “waste” we do not mean the running sizes of clothes, so all wholesale lots of things are bought in the so-called “sizes”, that is, a pack in which one product is 5-6 sizes in a row. So, in stores for adult clothing and shoes, every season a lot of things of unpopular sizes are accumulated, you can’t place them on the shelves and it’s very difficult to find a buyer for them. They are written off to the general expenses for the maintenance of the point.

This makes the sale of products for children more cost-effective.

Features of trade in a children's clothing store

A huge role in the sale of children's goods is played by product certification, we are not talking about some special procedures, but about the availability of product certificates in the store. Of course, in most stores there are such certificates for at least a part of the goods, but the vast majority of outlets with children's goods keep them “under the cloth”, preferring to show them only in case of verification. At the same time, the experience of individual stores dealing with children's things and goods shows that placing certificates in prominent places is optimal in the area where the products themselves are laid out, increases gross revenue by 20-25% . It seems to be a trifle, but given that the correct layout and the widest possible choice (in a single niche) yut plus another 15-20% , then as a result of such tricky tricks, you can easily increase the gross revenue of the children's store by 50% compared to similar establishments .

The article turned out to be quite voluminous, I will gladly give answers to all your questions, write in the comments and do not forget to mark in your social networks.

And a little video about the production of children's toys

  • Range
  • Registration
  • room
  • Design and advertising
  • Supplies
  • Staff
  • Approximate profit

Selling clothes for children is a sought-after business that will always be popular and in demand. It doesn't matter if you live in a small town, village or metropolis - everywhere there are kids and loving parents who buy the most necessary things for them. So, you want to make money from entrepreneurship in this niche, but do not know how to open a children's clothing store from scratch? In this article, we will provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to start this business, what difficulties, highlights and pitfalls can be.

Before you open a store selling children's clothing, you need to decide on its format. You can sell things for children from 0 to 16 years old or stop at a certain age and direction:

  • things for newborns and children up to 3 years;
  • clothes for preschool and primary school age;
  • school uniform;
  • carnival costumes;
  • sports items for children;
  • things only for girls / only for boys;
  • teenagers clothes.

In addition, some entrepreneurs can open a good children's clothing store from scratch, where they will also sell children's shoes, food, toys, stationery and some other accessories for babies. The assortment for opening a business can be the most diverse, but related to children.


Whichever direction you choose to open a business from scratch, take care of a wide selection of children's clothes and the availability of sizes. As the reviews show, the most successful option is to open a store with clothes for newborns and babies. The range of goods for the little ones has not changed much for many years. Natural fabrics, high-quality tailoring, pleasant design and reasonable price are the main requirements. Your establishment should have everything you need for newborns, so a good option would be to sell not only clothes, but also bed linen, food, toys, diapers, etc.

As for children's clothing for preschool and primary school age, here the parent will give preference to durable and high-quality things that will survive more than one fall or swimming in a puddle. This is especially true for boys. It is customary to see girls at this age in elegant dresses, skirts and sundresses. All this must be in abundance if you want to open a store for children that will be in demand. The most difficult thing to open is the selection of an assortment of things for teenagers. At this age, parental opinion loses its authority, children try to be independent and want to imitate adults. You need to follow fashion trends in order to open a successful business and not burn out.

You can also open a thrift store, a second-hand store or a stock for children. Such institutions have always been in demand, especially abroad, and there is nothing strange in this. These are exactly the places where you can find very cheap but high quality used and new clothes for children whose parents cannot afford too much. Such a business idea is also quite interesting, especially in times of crisis.


You will not be able to open your children's clothing store from scratch without legal registration of the activity. Owners of small retail establishments most often choose to register IP (Individual Entrepreneurship). This is a completely justified decision for opening, so there is no extra red tape with the collection of documents. Entrepreneurs choose a simplified taxation system with UTII (the tax does not depend on profit and commodity circulation). The tax authorities will also need to register the cash register. In addition, the opening must be agreed with the city administration, as well as obtain permission to trade from the SES and the State Fire Supervision. If you are going to open a business on the territory of a shopping center, then these legal aspects will be dealt with by landlords.


You can open a small children's clothing store with an area of ​​​​about 20 sq.m., but still, if possible, you should rent a room from 50 sq.m. Don't forget that this room should have enough space for all the merchandise, fitting rooms, display cases, shelving, and a department store for the salesperson. As for the location, it is desirable to open a store in the central area of ​​the city, with good traffic of people. Considered a good option opening a business in a popular shopping mall. If you want to rent a room in a residential building, make sure that it is the basement or first floor.

A good idea for a children's clothing business is to open a store near children's establishments. If you decide to open a business from scratch, find suitable premises near a kindergarten, music, art or regular school, sports section for children, etc. Before you get down to business, be sure to evaluate the competition. There is no point in starting a business if several similar establishments are already developing nearby.

Design and advertising

In order to open the best children's clothing store from scratch, you need to perform high-quality repairs and buy equipment. You have to think over the design to the smallest detail and make it bright, extraordinary and fun. Come up with a beautiful sign with a memorable name, purchase various accessories and equip a small corner for children with coloring books, books and colored pencils. Hang pictures or posters on the walls. Any clothing store should have mirrors, various showcases and racks for goods, fitting rooms. Furniture should also be bright, comfortable and soft. Remember that after all, your institution is designed for children and their parents, so the design of the room plays a very important role. You can see an example of the original design of the room in the photo:

To open a successful children's clothing store and make your first customers permanent, you need to take care of advertising. Most buyers are very attracted to discount cards, various promotions and sales. So it was and always will be! Be sure to develop a system of discounts and holiday offers. In addition, do not forget about standard advertising in the media, on transport, billboards, with the help of leaflets and word of mouth. People need to know about you and you can't do without such events.


In order to open a business from scratch, you need to find suppliers. In the domestic market, China and Türkiye remain the main suppliers of children's clothes. Good quality is justified by a low price and a huge assortment. It is unlikely that anywhere in the world you will find such a large selection of the most diverse products for children of all ages. In addition, there are really exclusive and high-quality things. Nowadays, more and more young entrepreneurs order clothes from China in bulk in online stores and then resell them at a large markup. It is convenient and one of the most popular options for starting and developing a business.

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You can also cooperate with domestic suppliers, especially since all their products are made in accordance with GOST. In addition, the advantages include quite an adequate price and the availability of all documentation for legal sale. Yes, and we honestly admit that parents will have more confidence in a children's dress of domestic production than Chinese. In any case, you need to experiment here and after some time after opening, you will decide for yourself what is more profitable to sell and which suppliers are better to cooperate with.

You can open a branded children's clothing store through franchising. This option is especially popular among new entrepreneurs. In this case, there are much fewer risks, but there are also many restrictions (special design, a ban on the sale of things from other brands). At the moment, the most popular franchise company for the sale of things for children is Gulliver.


In order to open a good children's clothing store from scratch, you will need to hire 2-4 sales assistants who will work in shifts. These should be not only highly qualified specialists, but also people who love children and know how to communicate with them. This is a very important rule to keep in mind when looking for employees. In addition, the seller must always be polite, tidy, smiling and sociable. Make sure that he communicates with customers correctly and is in no way intrusive. If you wish, you can hire a store manager or perform his duties yourself. You may also need an outsourced accountant.

Approximate profit

Before you open any business, you need to draw up an accurate business plan. We offer at least an approximate calculation of the costs and income of a successful trading establishment. So how much does it cost to open a store? One-time costs include repairs, purchase of equipment, purchase of clothing from suppliers, registration and advertising. You may well invest in 800,000 - 2,000,000 rubles. Every month you will have to spend about 150,000 rubles on renting premises, advertising and staff salaries. At the same time, from time to time it will be necessary to order a new product from suppliers, this will cost 100,000 - 500,000 rubles. As the reviews show, a good children's clothing store will pay off on average in 1-2 years. The average monthly profit is from 100,000 rubles.

Download children's clothing store business plan you can with our partners! Quality guaranteed!

Finally, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the tips for opening a good children's clothing store in the video:

We told you about how to open a children's clothing store from scratch, what you need to create and promote it. This is a profitable business that will appeal to many women. However, everything is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. Only a great desire and constant work will make the earnings significant, and the activity truly successful!

Practical advice on organizing a business in the sale of children's clothing: demand, assortment, search for suppliers, design of the trading floor and marketing.


Demand for children's clothing stores

Even without referring to statistical data, we see how much the situation with the birth of children in our country has improved. But the numbers help to assess the reliability of our subjective assessments. Rosstat data show that in 1999 the birth rate was 1.2 million children, while the number of births in 2011 was already 1.79 million, and no decline is predicted yet.

Therefore, it is clear that the business of selling children's things is one of the most profitable ideas at the present time.

Store location selection

In order to open a children's clothing store from scratch, you do not need a huge area, 50-100 square meters are enough. Of course, more goods can be placed in larger areas, but this will not guarantee high profits. Risks and difficulties increase in proportion to the increase in area, because the species diversity of the assortment increases.

Site selection begins with an assessment of the target buyer of the product. In this case, these are mothers, so the place must be chosen where you can most often meet them. Ideal Solution- a small store in the Shopping Center of the sleeping area, but any large Mall will do. In the Shopping Center it is better to open near similar departments or on the way to a large customer flow.

This practical material correlates with the topic of opening a store for children's shoes and goods for children.

A place for a stand-alone store must be chosen, focusing on " points of attraction"- the most visited places in the area. These can be grocery stores, kindergartens, schools, child development centers. With a well-chosen location, you can be sure that your potential buyer will not pass by.


When opening a children's clothing store, you need to understand that in order to present an assortment for all age groups, you need a rather large area and confidence in your taste. It is better to start with small volumes, that is, with several age groups, and expand gradually based on actual customer demand.

The simplest product clothes for newborns and a nursery group. The main thing here is to focus on natural materials, cute design and keep not very high prices.

Clothing for children attending kindergartens, should be beautiful in design and comfortable in cut. Here you can already look for suppliers with average prices.

Difficulties begin with school group, because the child himself begins to participate in the choice of clothes, whose tastes can be absolutely unpredictable. But the prices for this group of goods can vary from low to expensive.

If the store will sell clothes for different ages, then it should be in adjacent groups: for example, for newborns and toddlers.

How to find suppliers

It is better to consider the following manufacturers as suppliers of children's clothing:

  • Russia
  • China
  • Türkiye
  • Poland

Advantages of a child range of Russian production indisputable before foreign suppliers.

  1. These are lower prices, since the path from the manufacturer to the store is shorter and there is no long road or customs duties.
  2. This is a better quality, since Russian factories develop their specifications, focusing on the strict standards of the USSR
  3. This is a simplified system of orders and size additions, as well as the possibility of coordinating the release of individual dimensional grids.
  4. Russian-made goods are certified at factories and delivered to stores with a full set of documents

All you need to get started is to choose a manufacturer, evaluate catalogs and conclude a contract for the supply of goods. Delivery is most often carried out by the buyer himself. or with a shipping company. Shipment is made on an advance payment.

Russian stamps already earned the trust of buyers:

  • "Artel",
  • "Cheerful baby"
  • "Leo",
  • "Dioli".

It is more difficult with foreign manufacturers. To minimize problems with customs clearance and delivery, it is better to cooperate with Internet sites or with representatives of factories.

The minimum order amount in such cases is negotiated in advance and is usually low. The goods, to which the minimum package of documents is attached, are delivered by the seller to the specified address. Certificates authorizing the sale of children's clothing will have to be obtained independently.

Own business trips are rational when the store has already reached good turnover or when selling a luxury assortment, where there is a need to inspect each unit of goods.

When a batch with defective goods arrives, Russian factories meet and change it, but foreign suppliers do not. In this case, you have to resolve the issue of defective clothes on your own, often selling them below cost.

The average markup percentage for children's assortment is 130%.


A store can be opened only after a number of requirements of Rospotrebnadzor, Gospozhnadzor and the Trade Department have been met. All requirements are spelled out in regulations, rules or laws.

The trade department monitors the implementation of the "Rules for the sale of certain types of goods", especially with regard to the equipment of the store.

Rospotrebnadzor requires the implementation of the Sanitary Rules reflected in the PLC - a laboratory control program, which is created on the basis of SanPiN and GOSTs. This Program is a must-have for any retailer.

The Fire Inspectorate is guided by the Federal Law of December 21, 1994 No. 69-FZ "On Fire Safety", issuing a permit to open a store.

Trading floor decoration

The design of the trading floor of a children's clothing store has a number of features. There should be a lot of equipment. It is worth considering that many purchases in stores of this kind are spontaneous: coming for one skirt, mom willingly buys her a blouse, a pair of T-shirts and jeans to boot.

Based on this specificity, goods must be presented in full and best of all, if it is located at the level of the eyes and hands of buyers. The ideal solution is island equipment when you can safely sort through things on neighboring hangings in the middle of the hall.

It is advisable to equip a children's area where the child can spend time while the parents are busy choosing. A installation at the fitting room TV, broadcasting cartoons, will allow even the most capricious children to try on a lot of clothes. Many fittings - more purchase.

Take care of the elegant design of the store, bright shop windows and beautiful mannequins. These details will attract as many buyers with children as possible.

Well, of course, one should not forget about the main attributes of the store: a computer, a cash register, fitting rooms, mirrors, etc.


A medium-sized store will need a manager and salespeople to operate effectively. The ideal work schedule for a salesperson is two through two, so the optimal number of staff is four consultants (two people per shift).


On the opening day of the store, it will be nice to distribute to all customers discount cards. The percentage of discount on the card must be at least 5%. Buyers will be more interested if they can get more substantial discounts on children's items. Therefore, it is worth thinking about 8% or even 10%.

Works well storage system when the discount percentage increases in proportion to the amount spent in the store.

In any case, input discount system allows you to run customer surveys. Based on the questionnaires, a customer base is compiled with phone numbers and email addresses. This makes it possible to carry out SMS notifications about promotions, sales, new arrivals. Each SMS is a way to remind the customer about the store.

It will be polite to the client to set a good percentage discounts on his birthday. In a children's clothing store, by customer we mean a child. Just do not limit yourself to one day, give at least a week before and after the specified date. All the charm of this decision is realized at the moment when parents buy new clothes before the holiday for the future birthday boy.

During periods of significant holidays for children (June 1, September 1, New Year), you can think about discounts and gifts for customers.

Any clothing has a warranty period. It is set by the manufacturer, but the seller can increase it. A guarantee in the understanding of the buyer is the quality of the goods, and if the store takes such obligations for a period of 1 month, then this perfectly characterizes its assortment.