Opening a fishing store: step-by-step instructions. Fishing business: how to open a fishing store? Business plan for a fishing store: equipment and necessary documents How to advertise and promote a fishing store

When a man goes fishing and spends a lot of mental energy and financial resources, many consider it a waste of time and a waste of time. What if this is the lifestyle of a city person on a day off? What if this is the state of his soul? What if this is your favorite activity and hobby? Fishing is very serious, you need to prepare for it in advance by purchasing all the necessary fishing equipment.

It is important when visiting a fishing store to buy everything from a hook to a motor boat. And if you want to help all fishermen, a logical question arises: how to open a fishing store?

A little about marketing

Each amateur will purchase fishing equipment taking into account his financial wealth; the quality of the purchased product must be guaranteed by the seller. But here we must take into account - a good quality product of a medium-expensive class will last longer, which means that if today this type of product is in excessive demand, then tomorrow the demand for this type of product may fall (hence the significant fluctuation in revenue),

For example, a $200 spinning rod is used for two to three years. The founder of his business needs to know that now the market is maximally saturated with spinning rods of different price ranges (great for the buyer, problematic for the seller), but the opposite is true for spinning reels - albeit a high-quality, but expensive product Daiwa - Shimano not always available to a buyer with an average level of income. When opening your own business, it is important to positively resolve this issue by creating conditions for the consumer to become familiar with the products of other companies (Bapach, Zeus, etc.).

A little about the market, assortment and suppliers

To answer the question of how to open a fishing goods store, you need to know that the retail fishing market is less developed than the wholesale market; there is room here to “roam around” and show your entrepreneurial and organizational skills.

The market volume is sufficient: according to statistics, 17% of the total population is interested in fishing. On average, a fishing representative annually spends $5 - $20 to update and improve his fishing equipment.

There are three groups of fishing products:

  • The main group is fishing rods, spinning rods, reels.
  • Consumable group - fishing line, cords, floats, hooks, tees, spoons, groundbait, bait.
  • Related items - boats, clothing and equipment, videotapes, books and magazines for fishermen.

About markups and sales promotion

The markup level, which allows covering all costs of purchasing and selling goods, as well as making a profit, is 25 - 50% for basic and related products, and up to 100% for consumables. Special publications and videotapes (with recordings of fishing) can be excellent advertising for this type of activity.

The warranty obligations of the selling company could also spur an increase in the level of sales of fishing products, which is rarely provided by the seller - this niche can be closed when opening your own business. To all questions that arise, such as:

Is it profitable to open a fishing store?

You should know the answer at the preparatory stage of organizing your business. Calculation of potential sales volume For the prosperity of your business, you need a certain potential volume of buyers. By multiplying three indicators (the total number of settlements, the share of men in the population structure and the share of fishing enthusiasts), we obtain the number of potential buyers: 300,000 * 0.48 * 17.6 = 25,000 people.

Let’s imagine that on average a person can afford to spend 4,000 rubles a year on fishing equipment. Then the planned annual income will be: 25,000 * 4,000 = 100 million rubles. Next, by correlating the revenue and the cost part, you will understand whether the development of your business is possible.

Registration with the tax service, premises

Mandatory registration with the tax service, having previously correctly selected the organizational and legal form (individual entrepreneur), type of activity (retail trade in sporting goods, fishing equipment, tourist equipment, boats and bicycles 52.48.23), form of taxation (preferential tax regime for UTII, in those in regions where this system is not used, the following is suitable: - simplified taxation system, income minus expenses).

When choosing premises, we take into account the advantageous location of the store: a large flow of visitors, good access, nearby parking places and public transport stops. The store can be located both in shopping centers and in separate buildings - 1st floor, ground floor, basement. For free placement of the planned products, it is planned to have a pavilion retail space of more than 80 square meters.

The store must have a selection of products sold (an assortment of at least 20 groups with a range of at least 300 products): fishing accessories and goods used for outdoor activities. The number of service personnel with a retail area of ​​80-150 sq.m., two-shift operation (from 10.00 to 22.00) and the above range of goods will be 4 people. Competent personnel must have an excellent knowledge of the product range, if necessary, help the buyer in choosing the products to purchase, and work a shift using active sales techniques. In order to strengthen the material incentives of employees, we are developing a salary system linked to sales volume.

Technical and economic calculations

In the cost of products, we pay due attention to the markup on goods. In our case, the markup on expensive things - tents, boats, motors, etc. - will be at least 50%, on small things - sinkers, bait, floats, etc. will reach 300%. We calculate total expenses in terms of salaries, unified social tax, advertising, administrative costs, rent, accounting (outsourcing) and other costs. Let us present the expenses and income of an actual fishing equipment and tackle store located in a small city with a population of 300,000 people. Shop with an area of ​​90 sq.m. The store offers about 550 items of goods, 25 groups in total.

By correlating the income and expense parts (including UTII taxes), we obtain the net profit and profitability of our activities.

This indicator should ensure simple reproduction (over 10%) and provide a certain profit to increase the volume of activity (in our case, another plus 7%), i.e. for every ruble invested in the business they are required to receive up to 17 kopecks of net profit. All investments must pay off within 2 years. Further, profitability of over 20% should ensure expanded reproduction.

The sale of fishing gear is a specific type of business. If you know little about fishing, it will be difficult to count on success. A fishing store as a business often appears as an extension of the fishing hobby. The difficulty of opening a store is rated as average, and the risk is above average. The starting investment is 2,500,000-3,000,000 rubles, and the payback period is 6-8 months. Below is a detailed guide to opening your own store.

Advantages and disadvantages of opening a fishing store

The main target audience for fishing is men; in total, ~25 million people in Russia are interested in fishing (17% of the Russian population!). This creates a large audience of potential buyers. Let's look at the key advantages and disadvantages of starting a business.

On average, a fisherman spends ~5000 rubles annually. for updating and purchasing gear. The small marginal profit from the sale of fishing gear forces us to focus on large sales volumes, creating regular customers and including, in addition to fishing products, more expensive tourist ones: tents, boats, clothing, etc.

How to open a fishing store: business registration

To open a fishing store, you must register with the local tax office; for this, you select one of the forms of doing business: an individual entrepreneur (IP) or an LLC. The table below shows the main stages of registration, the advantages of the form, and the required list of documents. When registering a business, you must select the type of activity according to the OKVED classification codes. This is an important procedure, approach it responsibly, failure to indicate the type of activity and failure to pay taxes will lead to legal proceedings. OKVED codes for a fishing store: 52.48.23 “Retail trade in sporting goods, fishing accessories, camping equipment, boats and bicycles,” you can also specify a more general code: 52.48 “Other retail trade in specialized stores.”

Form of business organization Benefits of use Documents for registration
IP ( individual entrepreneur) Suitable for opening a small fishing store of your own (35-80m²). Number of personnel 1-2 people
  • receipt of payment of state duty (800 rubles);
  • a certified statement from a notary in form No. P21001;
  • application for transition to special taxation regimes: UTII or simplified tax system (otherwise it will be OSNO by default);
  • a copy of all pages of the passport.
OOO ( limited liability company) Used for opening a large fishing and tourist store (>80m²). LLC is more profitable for attracting additional financing/loans, scaling and carrying out capital construction
  • application in form No. Р11001;
  • LLC charter;
  • decision to open an LLC or protocol if there are several founders (partners);
  • receipt of payment of state duty (RUB 4,000);
  • copies of the founders’ passports certified by a notary;
  • application for transition to special taxation regimes: UTII or simplified tax system (OSNO by default).

According to the law, the authorized capital of an LLC cannot be less than 10,000 rubles!

The optimal choice of preferential taxation system for a fishing store would be UTII(single tax on imputed income), in order to switch to this system, a municipal law in a given region must be adopted on the possibility of using UTII (up to 100 personnel and the cost of fixed assets up to 100 million rubles). The interest rate on UTII is 15%. The advantage of this tax is its linkage to the physical data of the store: area, number of employees, etc. This is beneficial when opening a small store.

If in your region it is not possible to switch to UTII, then an entrepreneur or organization it is optimal to choose the simplified taxation system (simplified taxation system) income minus expenses with an interest rate of 15%.

How to open a fishing store: business plan

Store specialization

Fishing goods are not essential items, so there is no need to open a store “like everyone else.” We choose from the following options for store specialization, taking into account the competition in your area/city:

  1. Profile - sale of goods of the most famous brands.
  2. Multi-profile - a wide range with reasonable prices (the most common option).
  3. Branded - sale of luxury brands in the high price segment.

Choosing a location and necessary equipment

The first option is a place within the city where anglers can walk to the fishing spot: city reservoirs, river canals or park ponds. Considering that future consumers are 99% male, the store may be located in industrial areas.

The second option is on the way out of the city. Our assortment includes products that fishermen usually forget to buy or perishable bait. An important point of this location is the availability of a parking space near the store.

Despite the large assortment of goods (3000-5000 items), the premises area will require ~80 m². It is better to divide the shopping area into 2 halls. The first offers goods for fishing: fishing lines, fishing rods, bait, etc. The second offers goods for outdoor activities: tents, boats, backpacks, clothes and shoes, covers for fishing rods, sleeping bags, and other related equipment. We provide space for storage. Floats, hooks, fishing lines, laces, sinkers, bait and other consumables are the most popular goods, accounting for a third of cash turnover. For equipment, we purchase shelves or display cases for displaying fishing goods.

We make an assortment

According to statistics, fishermen update their equipment 1-2 times a year. The following assortment can be distinguished: main, consumable and related groups.

Watch a video about the assortment of the President-Fish fishing store in Surgut.

The minimum number of product items to start with is ~3000-5000; for a number of large products, it would be optimal to create a separate catalog from which the buyer can pre-order. The ratio of the number of goods in these groups is 60/30/10, respectively.

Search for store suppliers

Many online fishing stores can become your partners and wholesale goods at a 25-30% discount. This method is excellent for initially filling a store. The next approach, working with foreign suppliers: China, Japan, will increase the markup on goods by ~50-70%. This is important because low profit margins from selling goods will not create cash flow and financial stability for the business. In addition, seasonality of sales and lack of cash liquidity can lead to bankruptcy.

To search for Chinese suppliers, you can use portals with large Chinese suppliers:,

It is better to buy bait from suppliers located locally, as it is a perishable product. If you do not have experience opening a store, then an excellent option would be to work under a fishing store franchise, for example, “Fisherman’s Yard”. This will greatly simplify the process of finding suppliers; in addition, the franchisee is interested in the development of your store and can provide advice and support.

We are hiring sellers

Pretty and flirty young ladies as sellers of fishing products are not the best option. Men, who make up the majority of customers, would not like to see females selling such goods. The ideal staff is a male team of avid fishing experts. Therefore, when hiring employees, it is necessary to have >3 years of fishing experience; also, having sporting achievements in fishing is a plus in the choice (free bulletin boards, or thematic forums are suitable for searching - this will reduce the cost of finding personnel). Initially, the seller may be the entrepreneur himself.

Store advertising

Outdoor advertising (signs, banners with promotions and sales) of the store is most effective in fishing areas. To increase sales, you need to create a network of partners. Base rangers and rangers usually agree to advertise products to fishermen for a small fee. We go around the adjacent bases and place advertising posters there.

Announcements on thematic forums give a good effect. Creating an online store will require its promotion and content. This will increase the staffing level for a content manager. On the website we have a catalog with a list of products with photographs and prices, contact information. A website can increase sales by 25-30%.

Cost calculation

Fishing products are the most expensive item, let’s look at the variable and fixed costs of business:

  • Rent of premises - 100,000 rubles/month.
  • Equipment and renovation of the premises (sign, lighting, cash register, counters) - RUB 300,000.
  • Purchase of goods - 500 thousand rubles.
  • Registration of documents (registration of an LLC or individual entrepreneur, Federal Tax Service) - 50,000 rubles.
  • Other expenses (salaries, advertising) - 50,000 rubles.

Total to open a fishing store you will need: ~1,000,000 rubles.

Costs include the creation of a reserve fund to smooth out seasonal fluctuations in sales in the amount of ~300,000 rubles.


Revenue is influenced by seasonality, the solvency of the city's population, and the location of the store. Monthly income can reach 300,000 rubles. When subtracting monthly fixed and variable costs (staff salaries, advertising and rent), the net profit will be 150,000 rubles. The return on the initial investment is ~8-12 months.

Assessment of the attractiveness of a business by the magazine website

Business profitability

(4.0 out of 5)

Business attractiveness


Project payback

(4.0 out of 5)
Ease of starting a business

(3.0 out of 5)
A fishing store will require a large initial investment of >1 million rubles. and the presence of the entrepreneur’s own expertise in fishing. The payback period for the initial investment is 8-12 months (1-2 seasons), this is achieved due to high demand during the fishing season (April-October); in winter there is a sharp decline in sales. The basis for business success is the creation of a partner network for the sale of goods, close interaction with regular customers, and the upselling of expensive tourist goods (boats, tents, clothing). Opening as a franchise will reduce the costs of finding suppliers and debugging business processes.
  • Market prospects
  • Description of products and services
  • Room selection
  • Personnel selection
  • Marketing plan
  • Step-by-step plan for opening a fishing store
  • What equipment to choose for opening a fishing store
  • What documents are needed to open a fishing store?
  • Which tax system to choose for registering a business selling fishing equipment
  • Do I need a permit to open a fishing store?
        • Similar business ideas:

Sample business plan for a fishing store opened in a premises of 25 square meters. m.

Market prospects

Despite the presence of high competition in the fishing tackle sales market, opening your own fishing store is a profitable business. According to some reports, the size of the Russian fishing gear market is estimated at $1 billion. At the same time, the annual market growth is no less than 15 - 20%. All this is happening against the backdrop of growing well-being of the population and an increase in fishing culture. More and more private ponds are appearing in large cities and megalopolises, and fishing services are actively advertised. There are more and more fishermen, which means the demand for fishing gear is growing. And if demand grows, that means supply will also increase.

How much money do you need to open a fishing store?

According to the preliminary plan, it will be necessary to invest at least 1,320,000 rubles to organize a fishing store:

  • Cosmetic renovation of the premises - 100,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of commercial equipment (racks and display cases) - RUB 120,000.
  • Creation of an assortment of goods - 800,000 rubles.
  • Advertising budget - 100,000 rubles.
  • Business registration and other organizational expenses - 50,000 rubles.
  • Reserve fund - 150,000 rubles.

Description of products and services

The assortment of our store will include the following product items:

  • Rods
  • Reels
  • Wobblers
  • Spoons
  • Fishing line
  • Soft baits
  • Hooks and sinkers
  • Swivels, fasteners
  • Bait and bait
  • Floats
  • Leashes
  • Clothing and footwear (boots)
  • Fishing accessories (thermoses, cages, echo sounders, quotes, etc.)
  • Ice screws
  • Boxes and boxes
  • Balancers

Particular attention will be paid to the range of spinning tackle. It should be as diverse as possible and include all price categories: from the most expensive to budget options. It is known that about 70% of the store’s profit comes from the sale of spinning rods and accessories for them. The rest of the “small things”, such as floats and sinkers, although they are sold in large quantities, you will not be able to make good money from this. To understand how much you can earn, let's calculate the approximate capacity of the fishing tackle market in our city. According to some data, every sixth adult man in Russia is an amateur fisherman. If we consider that in a city with 500 thousand inhabitants there live approximately 150 thousand adult men (both workers and pensioners), then there are at least 25 thousand fishermen in such a city. Statistics also show that the average fisherman in Russia spends about 4,500 rubles a year on the purchase of fishing goods. It turns out that in our city the market capacity is: 4,500 rubles. * 25,000 (number of fishermen) = 112 million rubles. The amount is not small. The average trade margin in our store will be 70%, and the average check will be 500 rubles (there will be purchases for both 50 rubles and 5000 rubles). It is difficult to calculate the approximate number of visitors. However, given the lack of competition within a 700m radius, it is safe to say that there will be visitors from the first days of the opening of the outlet. According to our calculations, in the first three months about 30 people per day will visit our point. The planned attendance figures are 60 people per day. Average revenue per day will be 15,000 rubles.

Download fishing store business plan

Room selection

To accommodate the store, it is planned to rent a premises of 25 square meters. m., located in a residential area of ​​the city. The rented retail space is located right next to the entrance to the building, which is a big plus. The building where our store will be located is located on the first line of houses, directly next to the roadway. There is a tram stop nearby and there is always increased traffic of people here. The rent will be 25 thousand rubles per month. Suppliers of goods to our store will be a number of domestic wholesale companies and manufacturers. We will look for them throughout Russia. Some of the goods are planned to be imported directly from China - this is profitable. Chinese fishing products (goods) are several times cheaper than European and Russian ones. Mainly fishing line, reels and rods will be purchased from China. At the local Russian market, bait, bait, groundbait, and sinkers will be purchased. In general, those products that are not profitable to transport over long distances (due to weight or short shelf life). It is planned to spend at least 800 thousand rubles on creating an assortment of goods.

Personnel selection

It is planned to employ two salespeople as personnel to work on a 2/2 shift schedule. Strict requirements will be imposed on sellers: good knowledge of the assortment, the ability to find a common language with fishermen (it is advisable that they themselves be fishing enthusiasts), politeness and responsibility. Accordingly, the salary will be normal for our city: salary 15,000 rubles. +% of daily revenue (5%). The average salary of one salesperson will be in the region of 20 - 25 thousand rubles. The project manager will personally handle the purchase of goods and accounting.

What OKVED code should I indicate when registering a fishing store?

The organizational and legal form of our store will be an ordinary individual entrepreneurship. OKVED code - 52.48.23 “Retail trade in sporting goods, fishing equipment, camping equipment, boats and bicycles.” The taxation system is UTII (single tax on imputed income).

Marketing plan

Due to the presence of great competition among fishing spots in our city, the issue of advertising and promotion of a newly opened store becomes relevant. Among the effective methods are:

  • Placing information in the media;
  • Distribution of leaflets at the entrances of apartment buildings and in the private sector;
  • Outdoor advertising placement;
  • Participation in sponsorship events. For example, in city sport fishing competitions.

We plan to spend at least 30 thousand rubles monthly on advertising purposes. What can set our store apart from many other similar outlets is the presence of its own website. To be more precise - an online store. Our city is large (more than 500 thousand inhabitants), so investments in creating a website should pay off with interest. The site can be advertised in popular communities about fishing, through contextual advertising and by posting unique articles.

Financial calculation and payback

Let's move on to calculating the main indicators of economic efficiency according to the business plan. Fixed monthly expenses of a fishing store:

  • Rent - 25,000 rub.
  • Salary - 40,000 rubles.
  • Contributions to extra-budgetary funds - 12,000 rubles.
  • Transport costs - 20,000 rubles.
  • Tax (UTII) - 7,000 rubles.
  • Advertising - 30,000 rub.
  • Other expenses - 15,000 rubles.

Total - 149,000 rubles.

The break-even point of sales with a trade margin of 70% will be 361,857 rubles.

With monthly revenue over 500 thousand rubles, the profit will be at least 140 thousand rubles.

How much can you earn by opening a fishing store?

Net profit, as can be seen from the calculations presented in the table, will be 71 thousand rubles per month. The profitability of the store according to the business plan is 19%, which is a good indicator for such a business. The return on the initial investment will occur in 18 - 20 months.

We recommend download fishing store business plan only for (banner_bi-plan), from our partners, with a quality guarantee. This is a full-fledged, ready-made project that you will not find in the public domain. Contents of the business plan: 1. Confidentiality 2. Summary 3. Stages of project implementation 4. Characteristics of the object 5. Marketing plan 6. Technical and economic data of the equipment 7. Financial plan 8. Risk assessment 9. Financial and economic justification of investments 10. Conclusions

Recently, fishing has become not just a hobby, but an entire art, where each fisherman, in addition to his skills, also shows all kinds of devices that simplify the process of fishing and make it more fun. With the development of markets, many different fishing accessories began to appear: hooks, fishing rods, spinning rods, spinners, reels, bait, bait, echo sounders, and technical devices for finding fishing spots. Sometimes, when entering a store, your eyes widen at the number of goods offered. Any fisherman, from amateur to professional, can find what he needs. And believe me, if a fishing store is good, offers a wide selection of goods, if its owner is himself interested in this topic, and is always happy to help the buyer with practical advice, then such a business can bring very good profits.

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Today we will talk about how to open a fishing store, where you need to start, and how to develop your business to become the best in this segment, get regular customers, and attract more and more new customers every day. We will also try to draw up a detailed business plan for a fishing store, based on real numbers and prices. It would seem that what is so difficult about opening a fishing store? But this business has a number of subtleties and features, which we will talk about later.

How to open a fishing store: we start with registering a business

If you are planning to open a fishing store, then you need to start with the official registration of the enterprise, choosing a taxation system, and obtaining all kinds of certificates and permission to engage in this type of activity. In order to avoid problems with the legal component of your business, you need:

  • Register as an individual entrepreneur (IP). Of course, you can consider the option of opening an LLC, or another form of enterprise that will allow you to conduct business, but it is advisable for a fishing store to register as an individual entrepreneur. This will simplify accounting, reduce taxation, and provide a number of other advantages.
  • Open a bank account. To conduct business, you must use a special bank account, which will be used for all reporting to the tax authorities. You cannot use personal accounts for financial transactions within the framework of a business project.
  • Decide on the taxation system. You have two options - a general tax system, when you pay a certain percentage of profit, or a single tax, when you pay a fixed amount every month. We advise you to choose a single tax, because this is the best option at the initial stages.
  • Obtain the necessary codes from the State Committee on Statistics
  • Find premises for a future store and sign a lease agreement. If you have a deed of ownership of the premises, then it will be sufficient.
  • Bring the premises into compliance with all SES and fire safety standards.
  • Conclude an agreement for garbage removal from the territory entrusted to you.
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Format of a fishing store and selection of the necessary premises

The format and design of the future store largely depends on your capabilities and initial investment. Let's look at several possible formats for your fishing store:

  1. Sublease in a large store. If you are limited on a budget and cannot rent and decorate an entire room yourself, then you can take the simple route - rent a dozen square meters from another store. The best option is to negotiate with the owners of sporting goods stores, goods for hiking and picnics, or with those stores that specialize in hunting and tourism. Your target audience is approximately the same, and there is a chance that this format will allow you to quickly recoup your initial investment in the business.
  2. Opening an online store, without offline representation. Online trading is developing more and more every year. Nowadays, many online stores significantly exceed their real-world counterparts in terms of profit and sales. Therefore, if you see ways to develop your fishing store on the Internet, you can open an online store and sell products online. Creating a good online store will cost 1000-1500 dollars. Also add costs for descriptions of all products, photographs, development and promotion of the resource. That's about another $1,500. Monthly administration and maintenance of the store will cost 200-300 dollars. Of course, if you understand the intricacies of running online stores, you can take on this function yourself and use the saved money on advertising. By the way, about advertising. Selling online is always a competition, and to win it, you need to be visible. And how to do it? That's right, through advertising. Add to your expenses the monthly costs of advertising on the Internet, as well as advertising your online store in the real world.
  3. The traditional format of a fishing store involves renting and furnishing a separate premises, or purchasing real estate for specific purposes. The ideal option is to open a network of branded fishing stores throughout the city. But such an idea will require very serious investments, detailed market analysis, and a professional approach to business.
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I would also like to add that we live in the information age, when the Internet and computer technology are available to everyone, when online shopping is not something special, but a completely normal and everyday occurrence. Therefore, if you like opening a real store where customers can touch the product and ask for your advice, this does not mean that you need to abandon the idea of ​​​​parallel development of an online version of your fishing store.

Selecting personnel is an important component of opening a fishing store.

A fishing store is not just a place where people come to buy something for fishing and quickly go about their business, it is a kind of club of interests. The buyer does not need new hooks, baits, reels so much as the seller’s advice, his story about what and how best to fish, stories about his catches with this particular spoon, and how last week he pulled in a carp weighing 15 kilograms . Therefore, sellers must be experienced, knowledgeable, they must be fans of fishing, or at least understand the basics of fishing. If you yourself like to leave your spinning rod in the hope of catching a good perch or pike, then you can act as a seller in your store in the initial stages. This way, you will save money on labor costs, and you will also be able to have good and intelligent conversations with customers.

You also need to find a good accountant and store manager. If you can also take on the role of a manager without any problems, then with accounting everything is a little more complicated. Here it is better to entrust the work to a knowledgeable person who understands all the intricacies of reporting and taxation.

Fishing store assortment

Assortment is an important component of any fishing store. You must offer your customers absolutely the entire range of necessary goods. If a person comes to your store, then he should know that he can buy everything he needs for good and successful fishing. Among all products, three groups can be distinguished:

  1. Basic. These include fishing tackle, fishing rods, spinning rods, and reels. Sales of goods from this group account for 60% of the store’s total profit.
  2. We include consumables in the second group: spoons, fishing line, hooks, bait, floats, groundbait, and so on. They account for 30% of the total profit.
  3. And the third group of goods consists of related products: boats, protective suits, containers in which equipment is stored, tents, sleeping bags, books, disks and magazines for fishermen. Sales of these products bring 10% of the store's profit.
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Knowing which products and how much can bring you profit, you can create a rough list of your store’s assortment. You need to understand that goods from the first group are not purchased every month, or even every year. Therefore, it is important not only to have regular customers, but also to expand your customer base. Of course, you can focus on sales volumes, and expect that products from the second group will become the basis of your sales. But you will have to work very hard to achieve such a result.

Depending on the product, the markup also fluctuates. As a rule, the purchase price and sale price differ by 30-100%. For example, a jig head weighing 7 grams costs 20 cents to purchase, but in an online store they sell it for 70 cents. An eleven-gram drop shot wholesale at the base sells for three for 78 cents, and in the store for $3.65.

How to advertise and promote a fishing store

Advertising and development of a fishing store is entirely your imagination. Firstly, you need to start from the realities of your city, analyzing which advertising gives the maximum effect and result. You can follow the standard scheme - advertising in magazines, newspapers, radio and on the Internet. Of course, this can have an effect, but the costs will not be small. You can also show some ingenuity and a little creativity by choosing some non-standard, but effective ways to develop your business. For example, you can create a fishing club based on a store, organize joint trips to reservoirs, supply fishing magazines and videos to club members for free, provide the latest information about fishing spots, and provide discounts on purchases in your store. There are many ways to advertise a fishing store, and you just need to choose the best one.

Initial investment and payback of a fishing store

As always, we provide an estimate of the initial investment in a business. Of course, these figures may vary depending on your region, the economic situation in the country at the time of opening a fishing store, real estate prices and a number of other factors that cannot be predicted with 100% certainty. We can only provide approximate calculations of investments and payback, based on which you will draw conclusions regarding the need to start this business.

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So, you will definitely need funds for:

  • Rent of premises - from 1000 to 2000 dollars per month. If you own suitable real estate, this greatly simplifies the situation.
  • Staff remuneration starts from $2,000. As we wrote earlier, in the initial stages you can work independently as both a seller and a store manager. And you don’t hire an accountant on a salary basis, but pay only for the work done at the end of the month. In this case, wage costs will not exceed $200.
  • Purchase of the initial batch of goods - from 10,000 to 15,000 dollars.
  • Trade equipment and premises renovation – 3-6 thousand dollars
  • Paperwork and obtaining all permits - about $200
  • Monthly utility bills – $200-300
  • Advertising costs – $1,500.

The total investment will fluctuate around 20-25 thousand dollars. In a good situation, a fishing store will pay for itself in less than a year.

And when the article was already written and prepared for publication, we were lucky to talk with a person who has a chain of fishing stores in a large city with a million inhabitants. He gave some advice and asked us to publish them for our readers.

“Don’t create any illusions that a fishing store is a simple business. In your article you talk about 10-15 thousand dollars to purchase goods. To be honest, this product can fit in a store measuring 20 square meters. If you want to open a fishing store and create a competitive assortment in it, then expect to spend at least 1 million rubles on purchasing the initial batch of goods. Of course, if your goal is to open another “eatery” with cheap Chinese junk, then you can invest 100,000 rubles. For example, I now have 350 thousand goods in purchase. It seems like a decent amount, but there aren’t many goods. The whole problem is that we bought, say, hooks for 5,000 rubles, 10 types, the amount of money was spent, and only 10 packs of hooks will be added to the display case, consider that you will take up space equal to three packs of cigarettes. When it comes to the math, it's amazing how such small things can cost so much.

The main problem in the fishing trade is suppliers. There are not so many of them, but they all have their own retail stores, while violating the basic rule of healthy competition. What's the problem, you ask? Yes, the fact is that suppliers have huge discounts on goods, since they take them in large wholesale from the manufacturer, and sell them to us at a good markup. It is clear that in their retail stores the prices for goods are slightly higher than those at which they offer them to us. In such conditions it is impossible to create real competition. If we sell at their prices, we will work at a loss, but if we set prices that are acceptable to us, then the client will simply go to our competitors. Dilemma. Regarding markups - there is the possibility of markups of up to 100% on slow-moving goods; on very popular goods markups are approximately 40%.

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It would seem that a good increase of 40%, why complain. But let's look at things realistically. Let's say you purchased goods for 50 thousand rubles. At the same time, they paid 1000 for delivery, paid for gasoline to bring all the goods from the warehouse to the store, paid to transfer money to the supplier, because he is not in your city, and if he is in yours, then the prices will be much higher. On average, it turns out that just after receiving the goods, we have already spent at least 3,000 rubles. If you watch crime reports, you should know that only drugs are sold without residue. Forget about the ideal option when everything you purchased quickly and completely sells out. Something will definitely remain, and this is already a minus. But let’s imagine an ideal scenario: you increased 50%, and everything was sold. The net profit was 25 thousand rubles, from which you need to subtract 3,000 spent on delivery, also take away the rent of the premises, utility bills, taxes, and wages. And what happens? As in that joke, if you measure your salary in piles, then I have a hole.

Yes, a fishing store can be profitable, but this requires good turnover. Such a business idea is simply unpromising for a small town. Of course, you can take a risk, but I can say with 99% confidence that your risk will not live up to your expectations.”

This is an interesting and promising idea. If you correctly use the passion of a certain group of people for fishing, the business will bring considerable profit. The advantage of the fishing business is its high profitability - from 20%. But in order to competently organize the activities of a store, you need to take into account all the important points and draw up a rough financial plan.

Every year the average fisherman’s spending is approximately five thousand rubles. Funds are spent on replacing or updating gear. The small margin from the sale of fishing equipment alone forces us to expand our activities at the expense of more expensive tourist goods - boats, tents, clothing, and so on. In this article we will look in detail at how to open a fishing store from scratch in Russia.

The importance of location

Before registering a fishing business, you should consider the location of the store and its concept. Fishing accessories are not considered essential items, so the outlet must stand out from the crowd of competitors.

Since the target audience of fishing stores is predominantly men, it is better to choose areas near markets, construction or automobile sales outlets for the location of the store. An excellent option would be a fishing tackle store on the outskirts of the city.

Product range

What does it take to open a fishing store? You can ask professional fishermen. Their consultation will help in compiling an assortment and selecting in-demand products. A business plan is developed in one of several directions, taking into account the chosen concept. Trade in fishing goods can be:

  1. profile specialization - only well-known brands are offered;
  2. branded - luxury goods of a high price category;
  3. multidisciplinary direction - a wide range at reasonable prices.

The last option is the most promising, since a large assortment and low prices significantly expand the circle of potential consumers.

A product range is an important component of any business, including a fishing store. Your outlet should offer the full range of products required for fishing and outdoor activities.

If the store is multi-profile, then there will be quite a lot of goods, which means that the premises will require a large area, at least 80 sq.m. It would be good if the premises were divided into several sales areas so that it would not be difficult for customers to find the goods they need for fishing. For example, the first room will house accessories specifically for fishing: fishing lines, fishing rods, bait, etc.

And the second hall will be intended for goods used for outdoor activities: boats, tents, sleeping bags, clothing, and so on. It will also be necessary to allocate space for a warehouse where the stock of the most popular product - floats - will be stored. Hooks, bait and much more.

Approximate calculations

To find out Is it profitable to open a fishing store? you need to draw up a rough spending plan. First of all, you should register a retail outlet, as well as obtain all the required permits and certificates for conducting activities of this kind. Then you can begin financial calculations. How much it costs to open a fishing store from scratch can be calculated based on the following expenses:

  1. rental (purchase) of premises, its renovation;
  2. purchase of commercial equipment (racks, shelves, etc.);
  3. purchase of the first batch of goods;
  4. advertising expenses.

On average, opening a retail outlet requires expenses of about 850 thousand rubles. Since trading fishing equipment is considered a profitable activity, the investment will pay off quite quickly - in about 3-4 months.

At the time of opening the store, the assortment should consist of several thousand items. As the business develops, the quantity of goods needs to be increased and expanded. For cooperation, you need to choose reliable suppliers, foreign and domestic brands. It is better to order goods with a short shelf life from local suppliers, so that it is convenient to update the assortment on time.

The profitability of a store is largely determined by the correct selection of goods for fishing. Products should be as diverse as possible; the buyer should be given a wide choice.

Standard fishing store items:

  • fishing rods;
  • reels and accessories;
  • different sizes of fishing line;
  • assorted baits;
  • hooks, weights, spoons, floats;
  • other fishing accessories.

The group of spinning gear should also have maximum variety. There should be products of various price categories - from the most inexpensive to high-end spinning rods. Products are divided into small and large goods. The initial assortment must include at least 7 thousand items.


In every store, the main component of successful activity is the product range. But we should not underestimate the importance of the correct arrangement of the assortment. It is very important to choose convenient racks and boxes for storing equipment and fishing accessories. You will have to purchase special display cases and counters with a large number of drawers in which you can place all your fishing gear.

Personnel requirements

A fishing supply store is not a place where people come to quickly buy what they need. This is a kind of club for fishing and outdoor enthusiasts, so sellers must understand the assortment in order to give experienced advice to the buyer. For this kind of work, you need to hire real lovers and connoisseurs of fishing, with extensive experience and the necessary skills in this matter.

Only in this case will sales be excellent and the business profitable. It is better to organize the work of staff in two shifts, that is, you need to hire two salespeople. The requirements for potential employees are clear: they must be able to help the client make a choice, navigate the product range, be sociable and pleasant to talk to. In order for sales growth to be of interest to the sellers themselves, they should be given bonuses based on product sales.

In addition, an experienced manager and a qualified accountant are required to conduct business. It is better to trust your business to good professionals who understand all the intricacies of working with clients, suppliers and proper reporting.


Online stores that sell multi-purpose fishing products in bulk at a 25-30% discount can become partners and suppliers. This option will be ideal when filling the store for the first time. Further, you can expand the range through cooperation with foreign suppliers from China or Japan. Thanks to this partnership, the markup on goods can be increased to 50-70%. This is a useful advantage that allows you to increase cash flow and balance the instability of profits due to the seasonality of the business.

There is little competition in the fishing business, but nevertheless it is present. And in order to make your store successful and profitable, you need to take into account the advice of those who have been engaged in similar activities for a long time:

  1. You should carefully consider the concept and competitive advantages of your store. There are a lot of regular retail outlets where you can buy what you need for tourism or fishing, so you need to come up with something to interest the consumer. Alternatively, you can introduce a new supplier in your city.
  2. The assortment needs to be updated regularly. The fishing market is rapidly expanding and developing, so an entrepreneur who wants to make money in this area must be aware of new products and promptly offer them to their customers.
  3. Do not keep a product in your store that is not selling well, even if you have favorable terms of cooperation with its supplier.
  4. It is unlikely that you will succeed in a business that is not interesting to you. Step-by-step instructions will help you open a fishing store from scratch, but it will become profitable only if you understand and are passionate about fishing or tourism.
  5. There is no need to spend large amounts of money on an advertising campaign. You can limit yourself to a bright, noticeable sign, outdoor advertising and online advertisements on fishing forums.
  6. The best advertising tool will be the recommendations of fishermen who purchased goods in your store and who were satisfied with the assortment presented in it and the pricing policy. In this case, it is guaranteed that their friends and acquaintances will hear about your outlet and will buy fishing gear from you.

Business Disadvantages

The main disadvantage of the fishing business is seasonality. Otherwise, with the right approach to organizing the business, if you think through everything carefully and study the local market, then it is quite possible to achieve success.


It is truly difficult to calculate how much investment is required to open a fishing store from scratch. Everything is determined by the chosen format, direction and concept of the outlet. Drawing up an individual business plan, taking into account the characteristics of fishing activities, will help you get your bearings. The market for fishing gear and tourist goods is considered profitable, the demand for products is consistently high, and if you attract the attention of the target audience, interest them in the competent formation of the assortment, and adopt a reasonable pricing policy, then profitability is guaranteed.