Business plan for cargo transportation: ready-made calculations. How to open a transport company: step-by-step implementation Business development in the field of transport services

Today, there is an active development of all sectors of the national economy. Most commercial organizations need freight transport services, as they do not have the opportunity to form their own fleet of vehicles. Seeing the demand and great prospects for this business area, many entrepreneurs decide to open companies providing transport services. To do this, a business plan for cargo transportation is being developed, which allows you to get an idea of ​​the necessary costs and approximate income.

Each business entity that decides to develop a business in the field of freight transportation must develop its own marketing strategy without fail. He will have to conduct global studies of the local market in order to get an idea of ​​the relevance of the chosen direction. All collected information will be included in the business plan of the cargo dispatch service.

Currently, there is a great demand for cargo transportation. They are ordered:

  • corporate networks;
  • ordinary citizens;
  • commercial companies;
  • individual entrepreneurs;
  • state structures.

Customers have a number of requirements regarding the transportation of goods:

    • The service must be completed within the agreed time frame.
    • The cargo must be delivered to its destination safe and sound.
    • The carrier must issue a complete package of documentation, on the basis of which legal entities and individual entrepreneurs will include the cost of transport services in the expenses of the reporting period.

Due to the high competition in this field of activity, aspiring entrepreneurs need to make themselves known loudly in order to stand out among a large number of successful carriers. To do this, they can use the following ideas:

  • offer specialized services to both individuals and business entities;
  • create a large car park, thanks to which it will be possible to satisfy the requirements of absolutely all customers;
  • provide a wide range of related services;
  • introduce a system of bonuses and discounts that will allow customers to save a little;
  • provide services for the transportation of non-standard cargo;
  • work around the clock;
  • provide cargo storage services;
  • provide personnel and specialized equipment for loading and unloading operations;
  • install modern equipment that will allow you to track the movement of goods at all stages, etc.

Stages of organization

Before drawing up a business plan for cargo transportation, each entrepreneur must conduct market research on the local market. It is extremely important to find out how many competitors are in the area where you plan to open an office. It will be useful to collect information about all their shortcomings, by analyzing which you can offer potential customers better services.

All collected information should be entered into the business plan of cargo transportation. In the process of developing a strategy, an entrepreneur must decide what range of services he will provide, since the size of the planned revenue, the number of full-time employees and the number of vehicles in the fleet directly depend on this.

The business plan of cargo transportation should contain the following information:

Finding Clients

To form their own client base, novice entrepreneurs need to conduct a large-scale advertising campaign. To do this, you will have to incur decent expenses, but you can’t do without informing the potential consumer audience. All costs incurred must include a business plan for the dispatching of cargo, in the appropriate section.

Necessary equipment

The business plan for the dispatching service of cargo transportation should include a section that will describe the equipment necessary for work:

The cargo transportation business plan also includes a section that contains information on the number of full-time employees, their salaries, etc. A novice entrepreneur in the early stages can hire:

  • dispatcher;
  • two drivers who will work in shifts;
  • loader;
  • accountant;
  • cleaning lady.

Costs and payback period

The business plan for cargo transportation should include a financial part, which reflects all the possible costs that the entrepreneur will have to bear when starting:

Monthly income from one truck can be 120,000 rubles. Net monthly income will be approximately 50,000 rubles. As a result of mathematical calculation, it can be assumed that, subject to constant workload, a business entity will be able to recoup its initial investments 2 years after opening.

Possible income level

To determine the possible level of income, the entrepreneur must calculate the primary cost of the service. To do this, he will have to use the following data:

  • transport service costs;
  • employee salaries;
  • depreciation expenses;
  • taxes and fees;
  • operating expenses of the company.

To determine the cost of 1 km of mileage, you should divide the total income for the month by the total mileage of all trucks. The amount received will be used to form the price of the service. To do this, you can use online calculators that are located on specialized web resources.

If an entrepreneur follows his business plan, he will be able to receive up to 50,000 rubles of net profit from 1 car every month. He can increase his income by:

  • increasing the car park;
  • attracting new clients;
  • expansion of the list of services.

Business Profitability

According to statistics that are in open sources, in the territory of the Russian Federation in this business area, the average level of profitability ranges from 16% - 17%. If a business entity acquires transport for cargo transportation, then it will be able to recoup all initial investments no earlier than in 2 years. In the case when he will use rented cars to provide services, but the costs incurred during the opening will pay off in 4-5 months.

Registration and registration of business

To work in this business area, it is necessary to undergo state registration, after which a person acquires the status of a business entity. A novice businessman must choose a legal form, for example:

  • Individual entrepreneur;
  • Society with Limited Liability.

If a businessman plans to open a small company that will provide services to the local population and small businesses, then it is enough for him to register an individual entrepreneur.

To do this, you must act in a certain sequence:

    • Collect a package of documents, which will include: a civil passport, an application of the established form, TIN, a receipt for payment of the state fee.
    • Contact the tax authority located at the place of residence of the entrepreneur.
    • The application and the package of documents will be considered within 5 working days, after which an extract from the USRIP will be issued, which contains all the information about the newly created individual entrepreneur.
    • Become registered with the local Federal Tax Service, and obtain the status of a taxpayer. To minimize the cost of paying taxes, it is recommended that an entrepreneur immediately switch to the simplified tax system. If he plans to cooperate with large organizations, he should choose a general taxation system.

To open an LLC, a novice businessman is recommended to act according to the plan:

  • To hold a meeting of the founders, at which all decisions regarding the opening of the LLC will be made.
  • The minutes of the meeting are drawn up, an agreement is drawn up between the founders, the head of the company and the chief accountant are appointed.
  • The Charter of the organization is being developed, which will lay down all the nuances related to the process of doing business.
  • The premises are purchased. If it is rented, then an appropriate contract is drawn up. If it is bought, then title documents are drawn up.
  • The application form is filled out.
  • The state fee is paid, and the receipt is enclosed in the package of registration documentation.
  • All collected certificates and documents are transferred to the state registrar, whose functions are performed by the Federal Tax Service.
  • After receiving an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, the company must be registered with the tax service and extra-budgetary funds.

Disadvantages and advantages of this business

Before starting a business in the field of cargo transportation, every aspiring entrepreneur should learn about all its advantages and disadvantages. Some positive points should be highlighted.

Cargo transportation is a rather promising type of activity. People living in villages, cities and towns use the services of transport companies or individuals to transport things and goods to different places.

At the moment, cargo transportation is in great demand in our country, so the number of companies offering their services in this area is growing every day. If you want to go into this business, you need to take your place and try to organize work in such a way that it brings income, create conditions that are fundamentally different from those of competing firms.

Cargo transportation: business from scratch

This is quite troublesome and costly. In order to get started, you will have to acquire a personal vehicle. If you are limited in funds, then a Gazelle-type car or something like that is quite suitable for the first case.

What is the job? At the first stage, a written contract is concluded with the client. The next step is packing goods and things. Timely delivery plays a big role in this business: if you miss the delivery time even once, the company's reputation will suffer, and then you will have to earn a good company name again. Unpacking and setting things in place - this work is carried out by additional agreement with the customer.

How to open a cargo transportation company so that the business brings real benefits? Transportation is often done by everyone who does not know what to do with themselves. They put the dispatcher on the phone, take orders, but they are in no hurry to fulfill them. The cost of work very often does not match the one stated in the agreement, so people are dissatisfied with the work of such "firms". The final amount is sometimes announced only when the things have already been unloaded and the client has to pay the announced amounts. To avoid such punctures, you need to build your work honestly in relation to the customer. Only then will people use the services of your office, and it will bring a good income.

The relevance of this type of business

The relevance of cargo transportation in the modern world can hardly be overestimated. Transportation services are in demand more and more every year.

Until recently, the customer had to wait for his cargo for several weeks, or even months. Now the situation has changed radically. People began to value their time more. Therefore, they try to deliver luggage as soon as possible. Regardless of the purpose of delivery, the relevance of transportation is growing rapidly.

It is even difficult to imagine what will happen if the freight transportation market ceases to function for any reason. Life will rise, especially in big cities. Essential goods and food will not be delivered, medicines will disappear from pharmacies. This list can be continued indefinitely. Therefore, it is impossible to underestimate the importance of cargo transportation in the modern world.

Basic goals

  • Competent organization of transportation on cars of various types.
  • Delivery of commercial cargo.
  • Office, apartment, country, industrial moving.
  • Transportation of oversized cargo.
  • Provision of trained personnel for loading and unloading operations.
  • Provision of services for forced storage of goods.

The most important thing is to have perseverance and strive to go to your goals. Confidence in yourself and your abilities is also far from last.

Company registration and taxes

In order to open a transport company for cargo transportation, you need. If you plan to deal with low-tonnage transportation, several small Gazelle-type cars will work in your fleet, and there will be a small number of employees in the state, then in this case you can.

You will need to pay a state fee and collect a package of necessary documents. Their list will be given to you in the tax office. Then an application of the appropriate format is submitted here. It should contain your passport details, a phone number by which tax officials can contact you if necessary, and. All these manipulations can be performed by you personally or through a trusted person.

Each registered carrier must pay taxes to the state treasury on time. In order for taxation to be optimal, the following factors must be taken into account:

  • the scale of the future company;
  • types of transportation.

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Types of taxation for carriers

  • . This is the most acceptable option. It means the following: you will be able to pay 6% of the total income of the company or 15% of income minus expenses.
  • General system. This is not the best option for small businesses. In this case, all taxes must be paid. In your case, this will be a direct path to ruin.
  • . It can only be applied if your fleet has no more than 20 cars. If you cannot choose a taxation system for yourself, then the regional authorities will automatically transfer your company to a single tax.

In order to earn decently, make every effort to switch to a single tax. Do not forget to pay the state in full, and most importantly - on time. There is also a Pension Fund, to which you will also have to make deductions. The size of contributions to the PF often changes, so you need to constantly update the numbers that are transferred from the accounts of your company.

Where and how to open a transport company?

Room selection

You cannot do without an office space that will house the dispatch service.

The premises can be rented. The choice of its location must be taken very responsibly. Saving money by working from home will not achieve good results. The "home" level of work will not bring large incomes. If you do not have the funds to rent your own premises, you can rent an office in a call center. This will require less investment. Dispatch service can accommodate 20 sq. meters.

The office needs to be refurbished. Dispatchers must have computers or laptops at their disposal. Having a printer and scanner is a prerequisite. Without a landline phone, work will not be carried out at the proper level. The presence of two telephone lines is a huge advantage in the work of the company. Mobile phones of employees will be involved to no less extent. It is advisable to purchase a walkie-talkie for talking drivers with a dispatcher - it is convenient and inexpensive.


In a company that plans to engage in cargo transportation, dispatchers must be on the staff - at least 2 people. Their main quality should be good diction, excellent memory, communication skills and the ability to think logically.

A good manager will help to properly organize the work of the enterprise. A competent accountant will keep all the documentation of the company, and there will be a lot of it.

A prerequisite for successful work is effective advertising. Therefore, an advertising manager will also not be superfluous.

Buying cars

Business in this area begins with the purchase of a car. When choosing machines, you need to clearly understand for yourself what goals you set for yourself and what means you have. Used foreign cars are more reliable than domestic cars and more convenient to use. But Russian cars are much cheaper to repair. At the same time, imported cars break down less often.

Which car to buy is up to you. For cargo transportation within the city, Gazelles are often bought. Due to their maneuverability, they perfectly cope with the tasks in the city. Gazelles are fuel efficient and inexpensive to maintain.

If you plan to transport products, tilt cars are suitable for this purpose. For large volumes of cargo, cars with additional trailers are suitable - in this case, the carrying capacity will increase to 24 tons. For perishable products, you need to buy special refrigerators or isothermal vans. For the transportation of furniture or office moving, a Russian-made Zil-Bychok car is indispensable. This car will go where a big truck cannot go.

What kind of car to buy to develop a freight transportation business? This question is individual. One point is worth remembering for sure - in order to provide quality services to the population, it is necessary to have an appropriate fleet of vehicles available.

Motor transport services for the transportation of goods

It is very important if you can organize the work of a company that will provide customers with a full range of services. It will be nice if you provide the customer not only with a suitable vehicle, but also with loaders.

Companies that specialize in this area provide the following services:

  • cargo insurance;
  • services for customs clearance of documents;
  • office, country, apartment moving;
  • transportation of oversized and heavy cargo;
  • transportation of dangerous and especially valuable things.

In order for the quality of services to be at a high level, it is necessary to adhere to the following rules:

  • develop a clear itinerary;
  • calculate the cost of the entire procedure;
  • prepare the necessary documentation;
  • carry out continuous monitoring of the movement of cargo throughout the route.

Marketing plan for the development of the company

Before starting the paperwork for starting your own business, you need to have a well-designed marketing plan. What is included?

  • Conducting an active advertising campaign that will fully reveal the services provided by your company. In this case, it is necessary to involve local media, design and distribute business cards of the company as much as possible.
  • In the near future, try to attract as many customers as possible and interest regular customers with profitable offers and bonus discounts.
  • A clearly developed strategy for the development of the enterprise, which will spell out effective measures to promote and develop the business.

A well-designed marketing strategy and the right tactics will put your company in a leading position among peers in the region.

Marketing research is necessary before drawing up a detailed business plan for the transportation of goods. These data will be the basis for the successful operation and development of the enterprise.

Financial questions: is it profitable to engage in cargo transportation?

You must understand that it is not realistic to create a detailed financial statement for the creation of a freight carrier company. To obtain specific figures, accurate data on the state of the future enterprise are needed. An approximate picture would look like this:

  • "Gazelle" will bring about 10 thousand rubles of net profit;
  • "Zil - Bull" - 20 thousand rubles;
  • a machine with a carrying capacity of 5 tons will give a profit of up to 25 thousand;
  • truck - 100 thousand rubles.

These numbers paint a picture of an enterprise that regularly pays taxes and salaries to employees.

If you plan to start a business with the purchase of 2 cars, you will have the following expenses:

  • expenses for the purchase of cars - 900 thousand - 1 million rubles;
  • car repairs and fuel costs - 40–45 thousand rubles;
  • rent of premises - 10 thousand rubles;
  • boxes - 10 thousand rubles;
  • salary for employees - 40 thousand rubles;
  • advertising - 15 thousand rubles;
  • other expenses - 30 thousand rubles.

Thus, you will need about 1 million 200 thousand rubles. This is provided that you have 1 dispatcher, 1 driver and 1 loader in your state.

If you need to attract a second car, you yourself will have to drive. Accounting reports will be maintained by a specialist from another company. This scheme of work assumes an income from one car of 30 thousand rubles. per month.

All your expenses will pay off not earlier than 1.5–2 years. If you use rented cars, then this period can be halved.

More accurate calculations depend on many factors. So, one of the main components is the location of the company.

Concluding, we can say that the organization of a small-tonnage transportation business is a profitable and promising business, which is worth paying attention to novice businessmen.

Owning a trucking company is a fairly profitable and promising business. The demand for this service is always high, respectively, there is serious competition in this area. Before you open a transport company from scratch, you need to familiarize yourself with all the nuances of this business, as well as objectively evaluate its advantages and disadvantages.

Business features

If you are going to open a freight forwarding company, you should first decide on its type:

  • Companies that provide services to individuals. This may be the delivery of furniture, equipment, apartment moving, and so on. Usually they work within a certain locality;
  • Transportation of goods for large industrial enterprises and corporations;
  • Transportation of goods to legal entities. We are talking about the delivery of goods to wholesale warehouses and stores;
  • Delivery of groupage cargoes;
  • Intermediary firms that do not have their own transport. They find customers for large transport companies and receive remuneration for this;
  • Another fairly profitable business option is a business in transport logistics. The development of routes allows you to optimize costs and significantly reduce delivery times, so transport logistics services are always in great demand.

Legal registration of activity

Before you open a transport company, you need to officially register your business. Typically, such firms are registered as closed joint stock companies (CJSC), LLC or individual entrepreneur. Each organizational and legal form has disadvantages and advantages.

If you are planning to open a branch of a transport company in another city in the future and will continue to expand, it is better to open a CJSC right away. But in this case, you will encounter paperwork, because registration will have to collect a huge amount of information. Therefore, many start-up entrepreneurs prefer LLC. In order not to waste time on paperwork, you can purchase a ready-made business.

Do not forget that cargo transportation requires a license. It is issued by the Ministry of Transport for 5 years.

The scheme of the company

Before developing a business plan for a transport company, you should decide on what scheme you will work with:

  1. Company with its own fleet. In this case, you will have to purchase trucks or rent them. For the operation of a small enterprise, you can hire several drivers with their own transport. Thanks to this, you do not have to invest a large amount of money in the business;
  2. Forwarding services. Such a company is a dispatch service for cargo transportation. For each shipment, the commission is 5-10% of its total order value. An office, a few employees, a telephone and internet access is all it takes to open a freight forwarding company. This is a fairly profitable line of business that does not require large investments.
  3. We draw up a business plan

    So, ? To answer this question, first of all, you need to draw up a competent business plan. If you have never done such a thing, entrust it to specialists. For a fee, they will prepare a step-by-step instruction with all the necessary calculations.

    Consider an exemplary business plan for a freight forwarding company:

    1. Registration of an enterprise;
    2. Formation of a car park. It is desirable that it has cars of different carrying capacities. You also need to purchase loading and unloading equipment to perform complex work;
    3. Personnel search and payroll calculation;
    4. Calculation of additional costs of the enterprise - taxes, purchase of spare parts and fuel, insurance, rental of a garage for cars, advertising, etc.;
    5. Do not forget to describe all the business processes of the transport company in order to have a clear idea of ​​what you will be doing.


    If you decide to open a branch of a transport company in your city, you need to hire qualified personnel to work:

  • Drivers. They must have the rights of the appropriate category, as well as work experience. For each car you need to hire two drivers. This is necessary for long-distance transportation;
  • Dispatcher. This specialist takes orders and draws up the necessary documentation;
  • The trade manager attracts clients and searches for new orders;
  • The accountant is responsible for financial reporting and pays staff;
  • The mechanic is engaged in the maintenance of cars and their repair.

Costs and profits

Before you open a transport company for the carriage of goods, you must carefully calculate all the costs and expected profit:


  • staff salaries;
  • Fuel and lubricants;
  • tax deductions;
  • Purchase of spare parts for equipment repair;
  • Additional expenses - rent of premises, payment of utility bills, etc.;
  • Purchase of special equipment and vehicles. It will have to spend 6-10 million rubles.

On average, the profitability of such an enterprise reaches 25-40% of the total revenue. It largely depends on what type of transport business you have chosen.


Now let's talk about income. Hourly payment for cargo transportation in the city is 300-1500 rubles. Some firms charge for kilometers - 10-30 rubles per 1 kilometer. On average, one client pays 2–5.5 thousand rubles for services. If a competent approach is provided, with an average workload, transport will pay off in 18–20 months.

Over time, you can ask how to open a representative office of a transport company in another city. Thanks to this, you will be able to expand your business and, accordingly, significantly increase your income.

How to start a business without investment?

Aspiring entrepreneurs who do not have the start-up capital to start their own business are often interested in, ? The best option is to work in the dispatch service. In this case, you will regularly receive orders, but for this you will have to give part of the earnings.

Let's find out, shall we? Cooperation with several dispatch companies allows you to get a good profit. Usually entrepreneurs who are engaged in private cabs, over time, begin to expand and open their own transport companies providing taxi services.

Naturally, we will not tell you the specific amount of earnings, because it depends on many important factors. For example, a metropolitan taxi driver will earn much more than a provincial town taxi driver. The income also depends on the competition in the region, the average cost for services, etc.

The considered business plan of a transport company for cargo transportation with calculations aims to:

  • Justification of a transport company with high profitability.
  • Creation of new jobs.
  • Satisfaction of consumer demand for cargo transportation services in the country and abroad.
  • Extraction of profit.

The project is financed by obtaining a bank loan in the amount of 7,120,000 rubles. In this case, the investor's profit will be equal to 562,355.54 rubles. The payment of borrowed funds and interest on them is carried out from the 1st month of the company's operation.

The total cost of the project is estimated at 7,120,000 rubles with a payback period of no later than two years from the date of opening the enterprise.

The attractiveness of the project for organizing freight transportation is due to the fact that opening a transport company does not require significant investments, allows you to quickly diversify your business and provide a wide range of additional services (forwarding, security, loading and unloading, customs clearance and escort, security, etc. .).

Market analysis

There are many large and small companies involved in freight transportation in the Russian Federation. The domestic market is quite heavily filled, but some potential for its development remains. During the crisis, many organizations left the market. Today, it is gradually recovering from stagnation, and newcomers can fill the vacant gaps.

Russian companies at the initial stages of their existence are financed from various sources, the most common is a bank loan. In addition, they increase their capital by issuing bonds (30%), listing shares on the stock exchange (25%), attracting additional investments (23%) and own funds from the company's income (14%).

Historically, the country's transport market has experienced a lack of funds for development, partly due to the poor development of transport infrastructure. According to experts from the Research Institute for Territorial Development and Transport Infrastructure, the country annually suffers significant losses from this, approximately 3% of GDP. An example of such a situation is clearly demonstrated by the ratio of the size of the Russian car fleet and the length of paved roads. If during the 19th century the car fleet grew by 70%, then the total length of roads increased by only 5%. Today, over 35% of roads and more than 59% of railways require repair and modernization.

It is important to note that certain actions are being taken by the country's leadership to solve this problem. Starting from 2014, the volume of funds directed to the transport infrastructure is 12-13% of all expenditures in the construction industry. The industry itself is a leading driver of the intensification of freight traffic through active housing construction and the construction of large-scale infrastructure facilities in connection with the 2018 FIFA World Cup.

Among the modes of transport, the leading place is occupied by transportation by water and cars. Rail transport is still lagging behind in these indicators.

According to RBC.research, the domestic transportation market in the coming years may amount to approximately 1,900 billion rubles. As before, road cargo transportation and transportation of goods by inland water transport will continue to be in the lead.

The average expected growth in carriers' income can reach 2%, and taking into account additional services for the processing of goods in ports and terminals - 4-5%.

The most important factors limiting the development of business in the field of road transport are:

  • Lack of financial resources.
  • Low solvency of consumers of services.
  • High level of taxes.
  • Significant cost of fixed assets (cars) and fuel.
  • Poor quality of transport.
  • High level of competition in the market.

In general, assessing the state of the freight transportation market, we can say that the creation of an enterprise in this industry is a promising line of business. Given the trends in the country's economy, the company has every chance to develop and bring significant profits.

Description of the object

Transport companies can work with their customers in different ways. However, the general prevailing rule for all is that payment for the service is made only after it has been rendered in full. Transport workers use prepayment in rare cases.

Sometimes such a solution is also used, when a contract on commission cooperation is signed between the carrier company and the customer. But partners choose this path only when they are completely confident in each other.

It is necessary to open a freight transportation company taking into account the seasonal factor. As the market analysis shows, in the fall, as a rule, there is a complete “hands-on”, and in such a situation, appropriate preparation is necessary. If it is not carried out on time, then the profit will simply be lost. In summer, the transportation market is relatively calm, and this is an excellent period for restoring order in internal affairs, improving the material base of the enterprise and its infrastructure component.

Inclusion in the list of transportation services by rail is one way to increase the profitability of the entire enterprise, since this will not require any costs. By concluding a contract for the lease of railway vehicles, you will be able to transport almost any cargo and over any distance, regardless of their dimensions.

List of rendered services:

  • Rail and road freight.
  • Transportation by water transport.
  • Intermodal and multimodal transportation.
  • Terminal cargo handling.
  • Transportation of oversized and heavy cargo.
  • Logistics and customs consulting, service and support.
  • Transportation of consolidated cargoes.
  • Container Shipping.
  • Transportation of goods outside Russia.
  • Insurance.
  • Logistic audit and consulting.

Organizational and legal form of business

The work of the company is carried out by registering a legal entity in the form of a limited liability company (LLC). Using the status of an individual entrepreneur is not advisable, since it is unprofitable for legal entities due to VAT, and it is easier for customer accounting departments to maintain document management for reporting (invoices, invoices) with other legal entities.

In addition, the registration of an LLC makes it possible to best protect a business from being taken over by competitors, regardless of the size of the enterprise and its place in the service market.


One of the nuances that you may encounter when creating a transport company is a special approach to its staffing. The fact is that the founder at the first stages of the project can combine the functions of a leader, manager, dispatcher and courier. These specialists can be gradually selected over a period of one to two months. Accounting work during this period can be outsourced.

But if you go this way, then the timing of the opening of the company may be delayed. Therefore, first you need to attract an efficient worker who will perform all the operational work. The situation is different with accountants, who should be selected slowly, carefully studying their professional level and knowledge of the specifics of the transport company. It is very good if the state has its own auditor.

Forwarding activities bring quite a lot of revenue to transport companies, so it is necessary to provide for the presence of such employees, although, as practice shows, you will have to spend time on their training.

Already after the opening of the enterprise, you can think about recruiting employees for the positions of secretary, operators and couriers.

Marketing and Advertising

From the very beginning of work and, especially, as the company grows and contacts with partners develop, active marketing and advertising activities should be organized. It is carried out through the following activities:

  • Advertising of the company's services in the media.
  • Distribution of leaflets and booklets.
  • Creation of the company's own website.
  • Advertising in specialized magazines and other industry publications.
  • Participation in exhibitions and seminars.
  • Distribution of information about the company's activities on radio and television.

After the organization reaches the break-even point, work is organized to create its representative offices in other cities.

Technical and economic data of equipment

The most important stage in the creation of a freight forwarding company is the acquisition of equipment, the selection of premises and its equipment. The purchase of industrial and office equipment is carried out by the founder of the company at the expense of the investor. The premises are leased subject to the registration of its address as a requisite of a legal entity, so the lease agreement is signed directly with the owner. The sublease option is excluded.

Vehicles are purchased taking into account the possibility of transporting oversized and heavy cargo belonging to these categories in accordance with established standards. To do this, the company buys:

  • Standard trailers and semi-trailers.
  • Truck tractors.
  • Lowbed trawls.

Drivers must have a special category for driving these vehicles. Each truck is equipped with tachographs and equipment for GPS navigation.

In addition to vehicles, the following are also purchased:

  • Loading and unloading and weighing equipment.
  • Means of communication with drivers and subscriber GPS-terminals for collecting data about the car (speed, direction of movement, fuel consumption, etc.) and their instant transfer to the dispatch center.
  • Office furniture.
  • Fax, telephone, mobile communications.
  • Computers and server.

The costs of acquiring fixed assets and equipment are compensated by leasing them.

Such equipment of the enterprise will make it possible to lay out routes for the transportation of goods individually for each customer, carry out transportation in strict accordance with established standards and obtained permits, and provide online control of order fulfillment at any time.

Financial plan

To predict the income structure of a transport enterprise, the following are taken into account:

  • The conjuncture of the market of transport services in Russia for 2015-2016.
  • The average level of prices for these services in the specified period.
  • General conditions for financing this project and doing business in the form of an LLC.
  • The lowest level of profitability of the enterprise before the onset of its full payback.
Period Type of service (conditions of carriage) Physical volumes
per month (hours)
Price (in rubles/h) Revenue
(in rubles)
1-12 months (investment period)
4 hours or more 808 500 404 000
6 hours or more 680 750 510 000
8 hours or more 500 1200 600 000
Total 1988 1 514 000
Up to 500 km 105 14 000 – 20 250 1 470 000
from 500 to 1000 km 105 22 300 – 35 800 2 341 500
Over 1000 km 210 36 850 – 119 370 7 738 500
Total 410 11 550 000
12 months investment period) Outside populated areas
Up to 500 km 105 14 000 – 20 250 1 470 000
from 500 to 1000 km 105 22 300 – 35 800 2 341 500
Over 1000 km 210 36 850 –119 370 773 850
Total 410 11 550 000
13-24 m-ts
(production period)
Within settlements
4 hours or more 865 500 432 500
6 hours or more 728 750 546 000
8 hours or more 535 1200 642 000
Total 2 127,16 1 620 500
13-24 months (production period) Outside populated areas
Up to 500 km 123,5 14 000 – 20 250 1 572 900
from 500 to 1000 km 123,5 22 300 – 35 800 2 505 405
Over 1000 km 224,5 36 850 – 119 370 8 280 195
Total 449,5 12 358 500

The project costs will be:

This includes the following tax regime:

Name of the tax Base used for taxation Payment period Bid
For the amount of profit Profit amount M-ts 20%
VAT Value added M-ts 18%
For property The value of the acquired property According to the schedule 2,2%
Approachable FOT M-ts 13%
Social payments FOT M-ts 34%

All expenses of the enterprise are paid off for a period of not more than three years.


  • High level of competition.
  • Complex project administration.
  • Dependence of the operating conditions of the enterprise on the instability of transport networks.
  • High capitalization of investments.


Thus, according to this business plan, investments in the creation of a transport enterprise will amount to 7,120,000 rubles. Not later than the 4th month from the start of work, it will reach the break-even point and receive a profit for this period in the amount of 1,028,481.82 rubles.

After the return of borrowed funds, the amount of profit will be 11,963,125 rubles.

This business is extremely profitable and promising, with a high degree of potential risks, mostly of an objective nature.

The most important condition for the successful operation and development of a freight transportation company is the availability of a modern fleet of vehicles and qualified personnel in all specialties.

This article outlines a ready-made business plan with a step-by-step description of actions for the creation and development of private freight traffic. Here you can download a business plan for cargo transportation for free or see a sample of its preparation.

  • Investment capital: from 1,185,000 rubles.
  • Payback: 1.5-2 years.

Not all novice entrepreneurs can correctly compose, transport and thoroughly understand the marketing and financial strategies of the enterprise. Most often, they are guided by the potential and future profits.

A big mistake is made by those who recently worked as a worker and decided to make capital without any business plan for trucking.

The project is essential. Without a business plan for freight transportation, not one bank will open or investors will be denied money.

If you invest only your own funds in the development of an enterprise, only ready-made calculations on paper will help to outline clear trends and a further way to implement the business.


The most important thing is to have exceptional ambition and be confident in your abilities. The purpose of the business plan for cargo transportation should include information about what the company will do in general.

Essential business services must include:

  • Office, apartment, private, legal moving.
  • Assistance in organizing oversized cargo.
  • Delivery to destination of valuable equipment.
  • Provision of services of loaders.
  • Proper equipment and placement of cargo in the car.
  • If necessary, forced storage of cargo.

The list of services provided plays a key role in potential profit. It will depend on the staff and the class of cars.

Of course, the client will be interested if the list of cargo transportation services turns out to be large.

Marketing section

  • Extensive fleet of trucks. This will increase the number of clients that can be served.
  • Create independent status and manage your own operations.
  • Create a complete trucking business, including Gazelle, truck and long haul trucks.
  • Consider the following benefits for customers:
  • Providing a polite invitation and reliable service.
  • The company has a reputation for on-time delivery and the best riders in the industry.
  • Providing competitive prices for customers.
  • Delivery integrity through reliable and safe equipment.
  • Ability to track cargo.
  • Service time 24/7.
  • Additional bonuses - free packaging.


  • This area mainly involves an audience of middle and high class aged 23 to 55 years.
  • To effectively attract these customers, it is necessary to include advertising methods for the use of your services in the business plan of cargo transportation.
  • You can choose from the following methods:
  • Come up with a “flying name” for your company.
  • Print colorful flyers and business cards. Distribute them to the mailboxes of your city, pass them on to your friends and those who use your services.
  • "Word of mouth radio".
  • You can also advertise cargo transportation for free using a business card website, ads in the catalog.
  • Posters and stickers. Here it should be borne in mind that they should be glued only in specially designated places. You can agree and pay a small amount with the management of the metro, stations to allocate you an advertising zone.
  • Advertising in newspapers. Effective for an older audience.
  • Creative advertising on the cars of your fleet.
  • Advertising on the facade of your office will also be a good success.

To move on to practical actions, you need to dedicate part of the business plan for freight transportation to a theoretical analysis of the organization of a freight transportation company.

Below is a sample of how to open your own trucking company.


Opening your own business is possible only after. This procedure is not particularly difficult:

  • It is enough to fill out the P21001 form at the tax service.
  • The required set of documents is a passport, a receipt for payment of state duty (800 rubles).
  • If the applicant will be a trustee, you need to make a power of attorney for registration actions.
  • Making an IP for cargo transportation is simple. However, it is best to consult a tax advisor beforehand. Maybe in your case it will be more profitable to work on UTII or USN.

Taxation options for small businesses that you need to choose for individual entrepreneurs (one from the list):

  • Simplified system. Suitable for many activities. Income tax rate from 1 to 6%.
  • Single tax (UTDV). Simplifies life, but cannot be used in Moscow. It is noteworthy that the amount is fixed and does not depend on the actual profit.
  • General system. It is not always beneficial for individual entrepreneurs, especially at the start of a business. You will have to keep a difficult book of income and expenses and pay 13% with personal income tax. Suitable for LLC and those who need VAT.

Room selection

To achieve good results in your work, you can rent or rent a room for a cargo transportation office. meters in the call center. Working from home will not give the desired results. This option is used for private taxis. It will cost little to rent a small space in a call center.

Dispatch office can be equipped with 15 sq.m. In addition to mobile phones, landline numbers should also be involved in the work. Well, if there are 2 telephone lines and walkie-talkies for communication between dispatchers and drivers.


The organization of a cargo transportation company, in addition to a car park, requires the necessary equipment.

Depending on the type of services provided, most often they use vehicles such as Gazelle, ZIL, a car with a trailer. For perishable goods, a refrigerator with a cold store is needed.


For a small organization, the trucking business plan should include the composition of employees, staff salaries, bonus expenses and future rate increases.

IP staff may consist of:

  • 3-4 drivers;
  • 3 dispatchers;
  • loader.

In the future, with the scaling of the enterprise, the workforce may increase.