Retirees are business pioneers. How can a woman make money in retirement? Ideas and ways What kind of business can be done by a pensioner

  • Needlework
  • cooking
  • Agriculture
  • Additional ideas

How to make money as a pensioner? A question that becomes more relevant every year. There can be quite a few reasons for such a desire: a small pension, boredom, or the desire to do business in your favorite business. The best ideas for earning money for a woman in retirement will be discussed in this article.


The first thing that comes to mind when it comes to grandmother's business is needlework. Even if you don’t know anything, now there are many circles, lessons on the Internet and demonstration master classes from professionals. Choose what will be most to your liking. Knitting, sewing clothes, embroidery, weaving from beads, making notebooks and postcards, soap making - the choice is simply huge! Having found her niche, any pensioner will be able not only to do what she loves and spend time usefully, but also earn good money.


Another win-win option for how to make money for a pensioner is to sell your culinary masterpieces. If you cook deliciously and love this business, feel free to turn it into a mini business. There are several options for earning money for a woman in retirement:

  • Sweets to order

You can bake cakes, pastries, pies and other treats for the holidays. The option can bring good earnings to a pensioner and a lot of pleasure from the process. By the way, more about how to make money baking cakes, You can find out in the relevant topic.

Many people are happy to order homemade food to offices for lunch. This way to earn money for a pensioner is notable for the fact that if workers like complex meals, they will buy them every day. Remember that the price should be moderate, and the menu should be quite varied.

May be of interest: Growing mushrooms is a profitable home business!

You can make a real business with pickles! Your clients are likely to be wealthy people who prefer home preservation, but do not have the time and desire to do this business. An important nuance is the seasonality of work.

  • Cooking video blog

A modern way that a retired woman can earn extra money is to maintain her own culinary video blog on the Internet. It is necessary to register on the Youtube website and upload videos you have shot there with the process of preparing various dishes. Over time, if your blog becomes popular, you will earn from views and advertising.


If you are the owner of your own plot in the country or in a private house, try to earn money by growing and selling vegetables, fruits, berries or herbs. Home grown produce will always be a priority for most people. However, keep in mind that the competition here is quite high and earnings will be seasonal if you do not have a greenhouse. You can read more about this method in the article: Growing greenery.

You can also earn thanks to rabbit breeding, chickens, geese, etc. Many pensioners have cows or goats and sell fresh milk every day. We believe that this type of income is more suitable for those women who are familiar with agriculture firsthand and are already engaged in it for the family. Physical work can be difficult for older people, but if it brings you pleasure, be sure to try it and make money.

Do not think that it is too late to open a business for a pensioner after 50 years. Life is just beginning and a lot of opportunities are open before you. If you have the desire and initial capital, you can try to open your own store. It could be a small grocery store or something bigger. A good option, which will require less effort and time, would be to open a franchise.

  • Working as a nanny or creating a kindergarten at home.
  • Cleaner, housekeeper.
  • Wardrobe attendant.
  • to order.

  • That's all we wanted to talk about how to make money for a pensioner. Do something interesting for you. Enjoy the process and the result of the work done. That is when luck will smile upon you. And remember, a good income for a retired woman is quite real!


    After retirement, you can start your own business. For many, this period is the most favorable to realize cherished dreams. Children have grown up, health is still there and there is enough time.

    From Players to Conservatives

    The direction of the future business largely depends on the nature of the person.

    "We have identified 4 types of pensioners, each of them chooses his own way in building a business," says Tatyana Komissarova, Dean of the Higher School of Marketing and Business Development of the Higher School of Economics.

    The most active - "playing" people - are open to everything new. It is they who go to university at 50, learn to work on a computer, knowing only the "start" button, master new technologies, and drive a car for the first time. They have a high chance of building a successful company in a completely new field for themselves.

    The second group - "business", professionals in their field. They build their business on the knowledge and skills already acquired. They create schools according to the profession in which they became aces, take students. Although they can use their skills in completely unexpected ways. For example, to open a floristic salon using the flower supply channels established at the previous job. Such entrepreneurs have one thing in common - they use the acquired knowledge and skills as the foundation for a new career.

    "Youth" - the third group. They open sports groups, promote healthy eating, and give lectures on health. Such people are often engaged in the same activities as women on maternity leave. Only those often choose an activity that is connected to work on the Internet and allows them to stay at home. Pensioners, on the contrary, are ready to communicate a lot in person.

    Another group is the "conservatives". These are pensioners who are confident that their careers will end with retirement. If they organize a business, then it is connected with their hobbies and hobbies - needlework, gardening and gardening. Their goal is to have an extra penny for their pension.

    Grandchildren will help

    In any case, pensioners should build on their experience in creating a business, says Sergey Kalendzhyan, Dean of the Higher School of Corporate Management of the RANEPA. Even if these are not professional skills, but the talent of a gardener.

    Today, on the wave of popularity for eco-products, you can create your own business selling pickles, jams, herbs, vegetables and fruits grown without the use of fertilizers. The gifts of the forest are also in demand - nuts, mushrooms, berries. You can even make greens from the garden popular, if you pack it beautifully, offer it correctly and deliver it to the consumer on time.

    In this part, older businessmen often lack knowledge about modern design, promotion and logistics. You can turn to professionals for help, or you can turn to grandchildren. Young people will quickly tell you what will be in demand and under what "sauce" it is better to sell the product to the consumer.

    What to look out for

    Logistics can be the decisive success factor. It is known that there are no buyers for mushrooms and berries in the village, or the price for this product will be a penny. The same with vegetables and fruits from your own garden or dairy products.

    Sergey Kalendzhyan notes that many pensioners produce good goods. But the older generation has fewer ideas on how to profitably sell them. For example, there are companies that sell tiny jars of honey and jam in beautiful packaging for a lot of money, and they have a demand, while others do not know what to do with three-liter jars. And the whole secret is that small jars are bought for gifts, corporate presents, buffet receptions. For such "pleasant little things" big companies are willing to pay well. And large banks are bought by economical housewives who are not ready to overpay for the goods.

    Back to the desk

    Retired businessmen often lose out to young people due to their lack of computer literacy.

    Our century can be called the century of online shopping. For pensioners, this is especially convenient, because online trading allows you not to stand at the counter, not to work physically. All work consists of collecting orders and organizing delivery. If you do not have enough computer skills, there are a lot of paid computer literacy courses for pensioners. You can also find free ones, for example, in some libraries.

    By the way, a step towards pensioners was made by the Ministry of Labor. So, today employment services are ready to accept pensioners for retraining.

    Access to finance

    Traditionally, it is believed that the most difficult thing when creating a business is financing. Especially if it is connected with the organization of business by a pensioner. After all, most credit programs are limited by the age of retirement.

    "This applies only to consumer loans," Tatyana Komissarova assures. When it comes to business lending, age does not matter. For example, if a loan is issued against the security of goods or assets, then no one will ask the age of the organizer. Many develop a business without lending at all or use the accumulated funds for this.

    Where to go first

    If the pensioner had no connection with the business before, the most difficult step for him will be registration. Tatyana Komissarova advises contacting the small and medium-sized business support center, where they will advise and help open a business.

    "They are now in most major cities," - she notes.

    For example, in the capital, the State Budgetary Institution "Small Business of Moscow" is engaged in supporting newcomers, residents of other cities can also use the materials on its website, for example, step-by-step instructions for registering a business.

    True, registration entails the need to report to the tax authorities on income. "I can't imagine a grandmother who will come to the tax office to submit reports," says Komissarova. Even a patent, which eliminates reporting, entails the need to pay insurance premiums, which means it “multiplies” the number of authorities with which a novice businessman will have to interact.

    A clear drawback is the lack of the most simple forms of business registration that would allow you to pay taxes and fees in one payment and eliminate reporting. But such tax regimes are still in development.

    TOP ideas

    What entrepreneurs don’t invent to make it easier for old people to live in the age of modern technology, move safely around the house and find a common language with their children...

    1. Hotel in a nursing home

    An unusual hotel operates in the Dutch city of Deventer. You don't have to pay money to live there. Humanitas Residential Care Center is not a hotel or even a hostel, but a nursing home with free rooms for guests. As the latter, only traveling students who do not have money are accepted. Their task is to spend 30 hours a week with the elderly. Nothing excessive from the guests is not required. All that is needed from the guest here is emotional communication with the elderly and easy help.

    2. Kindergarten and nursing home 2 in 1

    In the United States, under one roof, the elderly decided to unite with children. Five times a week, Providence Mount St. Vincent also turns into a kindergarten. Children are brought to the elderly: side by side, the elderly and kids draw, sing, dance, sculpt, walk in the air and even take cooking courses. Spending time together has a positive effect on both. Children are provided with constant attention and care, cut off from computers and tablets, and old people feel a new taste for life, feel their need and usefulness for society and for a while forget about their age and health problems.

    3. Club of young and old knitting lovers

    Another example of the “young+old” business trend that the 1000 Ideas portal talked about is a Dutch project called Granny’s Finest. Granny's Finest is a knitting club for young and old. On the cozy platform of the club, young students-designers meet with knitters-grandmothers. Together they create clothes that the club successfully sells in a specific market of lovers of "things with soul". Photographers, models and make-up artists scurry between theorists and practitioners who arrange photo shoots, reports on YouTube and Instagram and help advertise their products.

    4. Slow service cash registers for the elderly

    Once, in the Finnish city of Espoo, a sociological survey was conducted, according to which it turned out that many people experience stress while standing at supermarket checkouts. It is especially uncomfortable for the elderly. The unaccustomed person needs to do a lot of tasks at a pace, putting products on the tape, counting money and packing products so as not to create a queue behind him and not to anger other buyers. Then one of the large supermarket chains K-citymarket decided to organize slow service checkouts. Neither sellers nor buyers at such cash desks are in a hurry: the process of providing services goes slowly and without unnecessary hassle.

    5. Magic phone for the elderly

    ClarityLife believes that landlines are not yet out of date. For example, they are used to being used by many elderly people who are not friendly with mobile phones at all. In order not to drive such retrogrades into a lot of stress, the company decided to provide simple landline phones with several features that are typical for smart devices. For example, photos of children and grandchildren that they publish on social networks may appear on their screen, the phone has a Help me button to call for help. It also has the ability to remind you to take your medications.

    6. Smart watches for the elderly

    Another version of an accessory familiar to pensioners, from which the creators decided to make a gadget for the elderly, was a wristwatch. Kanega watches are able to remind a person to take medication, show the way to the house and quickly contact relatives and the medical center. In order to make a call, you do not need to press any buttons - the command is given by voice. In addition, the watch is equipped with an accelerometer - a fall sensor, which we will talk about later.

    7. Topless shoes for the elderly

    The ability to dress and put on your own shoes is a privilege of youth that we do not appreciate. In order to insert a foot into a shoe, tie shoelaces or zip up, grandparents have to put in triple the effort. In China, this problem was solved in the following way - they invented special topless shoes. Topless Shoes do not have a full top, which makes the task much easier. The leg entry hole is located along the entire length, so the old men do not need to bend and “grunt”.

    8. Touch floors for lonely seniors

    It often happens that in old age a person is left completely alone, and it is not possible for relatives to follow his every step. The worst thing is that if something happens to the old man, then there is no one to help him. Especially for alerting about "emergency cases", the German company Future Shape has developed sensory floors. Their main function is to warn of something or someone falling to the floor. Such a miracle of textiles fits under a laminate, carpet or linoleum and has a thickness of only 2 mm.

    9. Fall sensor for the elderly

    There are a huge variety of fall sensors, but not all of them are able to catch such an insidious type of fall as “slow subsidence”. Unlike most gadgets, the Tellu AS detector can inform relatives not only about those falls when the body of an elderly person hits the floor loudly, but also about common cases of slow “sliding down the wall”.

    10. Airbag against fractures

    Smart floors and sensors are good, but what about the consequences of a fall in the form of bruises and, God forbid, fractures? Previous gadgets do not give a complete answer to this question. But it gives the invention of the Wolk Company. The Wolk (Dutch for "cloud") airbag, developed by its specialists, is worn over clothing and, by inflating before colliding with the surface, helps prevent hip fracture - one of the most common fractures among older people.

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    Many people who have already turned, say, forty-five years old, are looking forward to the moment when they get rid of the hateful work and finally go on a well-deserved rest. However, as soon as they actually retire, the question becomes relevant: "What to do next?"

    General provisions

    Unable to find themselves, breaking away from the team, people simply lie down on the sofa and slowly fade away in front of the TV. It should be noted that such a fate is not foreseen today for everyone, because there are pensioners who still find entertainment for themselves, which, as a rule, is completely unrelated to their former activities. So they begin to live a fundamentally different life. How can a woman make money in retirement? Do the currently known methods really work? How to make your dream come true and start benefiting from retirement? These and other equally interesting questions can be answered in the process of familiarization with the materials of this article.

    To begin with, it should be noted that the options for earning money in retirement, collected in this article, will help bring not only real income, but also moral satisfaction, which today plays an almost key role, especially for pensioners. Each person now has the opportunity to choose one of the options they like best for themselves. It is after this choice that he can become completely free and is endowed with the right to manage his own time as he pleases.

    How can a woman make money in retirement? For example, many retired women devote themselves to their beloved grandchildren. You will certainly never get bored with the latter, and time flies with them much faster. However, what to do if there are no close people and grandchildren who could visit a pensioner almost daily? This article is devoted to this issue.

    How to earn a pension for a woman in the village?

    It is interesting that the easiest way to deal with the issue of pastime is for women living in rural areas (in villages, villages and urban settlements). There she simply will not be able to get bored in a private house. Especially when a woman intends to engage in one of the following types of activities:

    • How can a woman make money in retirement? In order to get moral satisfaction and increase the comfort of your own living, you can put things in order in the house, organize a modern stylish renovation, replace, for example, old wooden windows with plastic ones. By the way, it is absolutely not necessary to do everything with your own hands, because at present there are a huge number of specialized structures. Are you not satisfied that their services are not free? Yes, but, firstly, it is often pensioners living in rural areas who are given good discounts: and secondly, good housing can be rented out quickly, because today so many city dwellers want to relax in the countryside.
    • How can a woman make money in retirement? Another fairly bright option for earning money is growing greens or seedlings for sale. This method can doubly suit a pensioner if he has a greenhouse or a greenhouse, because it is under such a condition that the finished product can be sold already in the middle of spring (it is at this time that it is valued much higher than in summer). However, even without the facilities presented, this small, but such an interesting business will bring in a very good income, which is of a seasonal nature.

    Additional business methods in the village

    How to earn money in retirement for a woman? The following items can serve as additional business options for women pensioners in the village:

    • Growing flowers. It is important to note that you can do this both in the house and in the flower beds, which are divided in the yard. By the way, indoor flowers today are also in rather big demand.
    • Business on quail or chicken eggs. It is interesting to know that poultry breeding is profitable because it only needs to be invested in once. After that, you can buy a household compact incubator and grow young animals on your own. By the way, in addition to eggs, you can also sell the bird directly, especially when it comes to chickens.
    • Breeding of pigs, rabbits and other animals. It's no secret that their meat is always in demand.
    • Dairy business. You can have several cows (or one animal), which in the morning will delight the whole family with fresh milk. In case of uncertainty that coping with caring for them is not such a difficult task, you need to pay attention to goats, whose milk is not only constantly in demand, but also extremely useful.

    What to do in the city?

    How to earn a pension for a woman living in the city? To begin with, it should be noted that, despite the lack of her own plot of land and a private house, a retired woman, even in the city, has the opportunity to find a sufficient number of activities that will not only bring a stable income, but also moral satisfaction. For example, the following activities are good options for a city dweller:

    • Tutoring is an ideal way to earn money for former teachers. Thus, they can provide services in accordance with individual subjects, help in passing tests and exams, as well as prepare applicants for admission to higher education institutions. It is important to add that this activity is paid very well.
    • Hand Made is nothing more than the formation of certain products for the implementation of their own hands. Thus, a pensioner woman has the opportunity to knit or sew exclusive accessories, clothes, and also make unique souvenirs. By the way, selling your own products on your own is not a prerequisite, because today it will not be difficult to find competent assistants.

    What else can a pensioner earn in the city?

    How can a woman earn a pension at home if she lives in an urban area? Good options in such circumstances are the following activities:

    • The organization of a kindergarten for children, where a woman can look after a small group of kids whose parents stay at work for a longer period of time.
    • Implementation of services related to the repair of clothing (individual tailoring is also appropriate here). It should be noted that this lesson is suitable only for those retired women who undoubtedly have the necessary equipment and know a lot about sewing.
    • Production of cakes, pies, any other products to order. By the way, if a woman is not adapted to cook very tasty, she can significantly simplify the overall task, in other words, start cooking dumplings, dumplings and other semi-finished products. It is important to know that this occupation requires only time, which pensioners usually have plenty of.

    Classes for advanced retirees

    How to make money on a pension for a woman on the Internet? This question cannot be embarrassing today, because innovative technologies have probably reached not only the smallest, but also the wisest. If a woman classifies herself as an advanced pensioner and at the same time is well versed in modern technology (especially when it comes to computers), then she can easily find a fairly profitable occupation for herself on the Internet. It would be advisable to consider all currently valid aspects of this topic in the following chapters in more detail.

    What exactly can be done on the Internet?

    How to make money on a pension for a woman at home on the Internet? Today, the following activities can be successfully implemented on the World Wide Web:

    • Writing articles to order (let it be promotional articles, descriptions of commercial products, or just articles on various topics to choose from).
    • Promotion of your own blog. Thus, a retired woman, endowed with rich experience and being very wise in comparison with modern generations, can very profitably share personal knowledge in any of the areas with readers, as well as earn money from advertising.
    • Writing to order essays, tests, term papers and graduation projects. Of course, this option is just perfect for teachers, as well as teachers of higher education institutions who have retired.
    • The use of services that offer the simplest types of income from the World Wide Web. Among them, passing various tests, reading emails, clicking on links, and the like.

    Your shop? Is quite real!

    What can a woman do in retirement to earn money? Just do not need to think that it is too late for a woman after fifty to open her own store. Her life in this case is just beginning. That is why a great many new opportunities are open to the pensioner. Thus, with a great desire and sufficient initial capital, this idea can be easily implemented. It is important to note that we are talking not only about large-scale structures, but also about small ones, for example, fruit stalls. By the way, a good option that requires less time and effort, in this case, is to open a franchise.

    Implementation of the idea

    How can a woman make money in retirement? As it turned out, a good option for earning money and getting moral satisfaction is to open your own store. It's great if close people help a pensioner in this matter, because the matter actually requires a lot of time and effort. In this case, it is necessary to take into account many nuances, ranging from the registration procedure as an individual entrepreneur, and ending with the search for suppliers and determining the range of marketable products. With a positive decision on the issue of opening your own store, you should take the organization very seriously and, of course, form an exemplary business plan (or better, a detailed one) in order not to “burn out” in the chosen business.

    Retirement work deserves respect!

    How to earn money in retirement for a woman? Above, a very interesting and at the same time modern version of earnings for women pensioners was considered, which is work on the Internet. It is important to note that earning income from the World Wide Web can be recommended even to those women who have never used computer equipment for personal purposes before, and today do not know how to turn on and make this terrible machine work. But it's no secret to anyone that at present, studying something fundamentally new for oneself is nothing more than an extremely exciting and interesting activity.


    As it turned out from the materials of the presented article, a person's life does not end with retirement, and perhaps it is just beginning. There is no longer the former work, which often delivers a lot of disappointment and inconvenience, there is time for one's own affairs and the opportunity to see loved ones more often. Today, it is absolutely easy to find an occupation that could make a pensioner look at his own life in a completely different way, as well as get a nice bonus to pension payments and, of course, a sea of ​​​​enchanting experiences. The main thing in this business is to never get hung up on the fact that the only fate in the event of retirement is watching simulated talk shows and all kinds of serials that simply take up precious time, but in return do not bring any benefit.

    Retirement in advanced economies with a high standard of living is the beginning of a new life for older people. Solid retirement savings allow the elderly to live with pleasure, travel, indulge in hobbies for which there was not enough time before.

    In our country, retirement means a sharp decline in living standards. Pension payments put old people on the poverty line. Most pensioners are looking for part-time jobs, but high unemployment even for young people cuts off the opportunity to support a family. Old people are offered jobs extremely rarely, as a rule, these are the lowest paid positions. But there is another, more interesting and attractive option. Retirement can be the beginning of an entrepreneurial activity.

    We bring to your attention several popular areas that are suitable for older people and will allow them to provide themselves with a solid supplement to pension payments.

    "Production of keys"

    This is a highly requested service. To organize a business, it is enough to purchase a professional machine, with which key making is easy and fast, special professional skills are not required.

    Start-up capital:

    As you have already noticed, this business can be organized with minimal capital. The profit will depend on the size of the city and population, your efforts in customer service and the location of the key making workshop. On average, the profit is at least 3,000 rubles per day. Payback is achieved in 3-6 months.

    “Help with household chores”

    This is a great option for those who have just retired. You can provide minor services to solve certain household problems. This area is extremely broad, and you can choose a specialization in which you have extensive experience and deep knowledge:

    • Walking animals and looking after them.
    • Minor repair work. An excellent destination for men, very popular.
    • Caring for decorative flowers Experienced women work brilliantly in this area.
    • Cleaning.

    There are many popular areas that can bring a solid additional income to a retiree. Investments in the service sector are the lowest. You only need to provide effective advertising. Perhaps you can get by with ads on the Internet or recommendations from friends. You can print business cards, it will cost 2,000-3,000 rubles.

    “Equipment rental”

    Men probably hear complaints from their acquaintances that any tool or equipment is needed for literally a few hours of work, but buying it for this is too expensive. Situations like this happen every day. If you have a certain amount in reserve, you can purchase some of the most sought-after equipment or tools and rent them out. The most in demand are:

    • Generators.
    • Equipment for welding.
    • Concrete mixers.
    • Perforators, screwdrivers.

    Perhaps you can buy a truck or a snowplow - renting them out will make you a decent profit. Much depends on how much you can invest in this business. Local needs should also be taken into account. It is difficult to predict profit in this direction, calculations are possible only taking into account many components that change in each individual situation. But this is a very attractive and promising business that does not require much effort. It is only important to buy exactly the equipment that will be in greatest demand.

    “Growing ornamental plants”

    This is a business for women. There is absolutely no difficulty, it is only necessary to study the features of caring for each of the plants. The older and more beautiful the flower, the higher the price paid for it. A large area is not needed, this can be done in your apartment. About 50-60 plants can be grown on an area of ​​10 m². No more than two hours are spent daily on care.

    Starting costs are about 4,000 rubles. These are not only seedlings and seeds, but also pots, fertilizers. Try to find out in flower shops which varieties are most in demand and valued the most. Focus on them. You can’t count on quick profits here, the flowers must grow. But in 1-2 years you will be able to reach a decent income. With a competent approach, the profit from this business reaches 30,000-40,000 rubles per month.

    "Breeding worms"

    Perhaps you have already heard about this line of business, but did not believe that you can really make money on it. In fact, worms bring in a solid income. They are bought with pleasure by farmers and summer residents to improve soil fertility. Fishermen will also become your customers. Worms are used to feed birds and fish.

    To organize a business you need:

    The purchase of worms is about 5,000 rubles.
    - If you have a dacha, its area is enough to start a business. If not, you will have to rent or buy.
    - Worms eat differently, depending on the species. But in most cases, crushed plant residues, organic food waste are enough. You can buy ready-made food or cook it yourself, it depends on your desire and the availability of free time.

    The organization costs pay off in just 3 months. Worms multiply very quickly, and your income depends only on the chosen marketing strategy.

    “Sewing workshop”

    This is a great option for a woman who used to work in a sewing studio and has a lot of experience. Most seamstresses begin to acquire clients they serve at home, literally from the first days of work. By retirement, a good seamstress has a solid circle of regular customers, a complete set of necessary equipment.

    If you do not have solid skills in sewing, pay attention to knitting and making various crafts. Handmade things are now of great value, their popularity is growing very quickly.

    Don't feel like your life is coming to an end when you retire. If you do not allow such thoughts and decide to create your own business, a new, very interesting and, perhaps, happier period will begin.

    You can find even more ideas for starting a business in our section.