Russian folk tales fire bird. Tale of the Firebird and Vasilisa the Princess

AT in a certain kingdom, far away - in a faraway state there lived a strong, mighty king. That king had a well done archer, and the young archer had a heroic horse.

The Firebird and Vasilisa the Princess

Once an archer rode on his heroic horse into the forest to hunt. He rides along the road, rides wide - and ran into the golden feather of the firebird: how the fire of the feather glows!

The heroic horse tells him:

- Do not take the golden pen; take it - you will know grief!

And the good fellow thought about it - raise the pen, al no? If you raise it and bring it to the king, he will generously reward; and royal mercy who is not dear?

The archer did not listen to his horse, picked up the feather of the firebird, brought it and brings it to the king as a gift.

- Thanks! - says the king. - Yes, if you got the feather of the firebird, then get me the bird itself; and if you don’t get it - my sword, your head off your shoulders!

The Firebird and Vasilisa the Princess

Sagittarius burst into bitter tears and went to his heroic horse.

“What are you crying about, master?

- The king ordered the firebird to be obtained.

- I told you: do not take a pen, you will know grief! Well, don’t be afraid, don’t be sad: it’s not a problem yet, the trouble is ahead! Go to the king, ask that by tomorrow a hundred sacks of white-yarn wheat be scattered all over the open field.

The king ordered to scatter a hundred sacks of white wheat across the open field.

The next day, at dawn, a well-groomed archer rode to that field, let his horse walk on the water, and hid himself behind a tree.

Suddenly the forest rustled, the waves rose on the sea - the firebird flies; flew in, descended to the ground and began to peck at the wheat. The heroic horse approached the firebird, stepped on its wing with its hoof and pressed it firmly to the ground, the archer jumped out from behind a tree, ran, tied the firebird with ropes, mounted a horse and galloped to the palace.

Brings the firebird to the king; the king saw, rejoiced, thanked the archer for his service, granted him a rank, and immediately assigned him another task.

The Firebird and Vasilisa the Princess

- If you managed to get the firebird, then get me a bride: far away, at the very end of the world, where the red sun rises, there is Vasilisa the princess - I need her. If you get it, I'll reward you with gold and silver, but if you don't get it, then my sword, your head off your shoulders!

The Firebird and Vasilisa the Princess

The archer burst into bitter tears, went to his heroic horse.

- The king ordered to get him Vasilisa the princess.

- Do not cry, do not grieve; it's not a problem yet, the trouble is ahead! Go to the king, ask for a tent with a golden dome and various supplies and drinks for the road.

The king gave him supplies, drinks, and a tent with a golden dome. Sagittarius-well done sat on his heroic horse and rode to distant lands.

How long, how short - he comes to the end of the world, where the red sun rises from the blue of the sea. He looks, and Vasilisa the Tsarevna is sailing along the blue sea in a silver boat, shoving a golden oar.

The well done Sagittarius let his horse roam in the green meadows, plucking fresh grass; and he himself pitched a tent with a golden dome, arranged various foods and drinks, sat down in the tent - he treated himself, waiting for Vasilisa the princess.

And Vasilisa the princess saw a golden dome, swam to the shore, stepped out of the boat and admires the tent.

“Hello, Vasilisa-tsarevna! the shooter says. - You are welcome to eat bread and salt, try overseas wines.

The Firebird and Vasilisa the Princess

Vasilisa the princess entered the tent; they began to eat, drink, and be merry. The princess drank a glass of overseas wine, got drunk and fell into a deep sleep.

Sagittarius-well done shouted to his heroic horse, the horse came running; the archer immediately takes off his tent with a golden dome, mounts a heroic horse, takes with him the sleepy princess Vasilisa and sets off on the road, like an arrow from a bow.

Came to the king; he saw Vasilisa the princess, greatly rejoiced, thanked the archer for his faithful service, rewarded him with a great treasury and bestowed a great rank.

Vasilisa the princess woke up, found out that she was far, far from the blue sea, began to cry, yearn, her face completely changed; no matter how much the king persuaded - all in vain.

So the king decided to marry her, and she says:

- Let the one who brought me here go to the blue sea, in the middle of that sea there is a large stone, my wedding dress is hidden under that stone - I won’t get married without that dress!

The king immediately followed the young archer:

- Go quickly to the end of the world, where the red sun rises; there on the blue sea lies a large stone, and under the stone is hidden the wedding dress of Vasilisa the princess; get this dress and bring it here; it's time for the wedding! If you get it, I’ll reward you more than before, but if you don’t get it, then my sword, your head off your shoulders!

The archer burst into bitter tears, went to his heroic horse. "That's when, - he thinks, - death cannot be avoided!"

“What are you crying about, master? - asks the horse.

- The king ordered to get the wedding dress of Vasilisa the princess from the bottom of the sea.

- And what, I told you: do not take a golden pen, you will make grief! Well, don't be afraid: it's not a problem yet, the trouble is ahead! Get on me, let's go to the blue sea.

How long, how short - the archer-well done came to the end of the world and stopped at the very sea; the heroic horse saw that a huge sea crayfish was crawling along the sand, and stepped on his neck with his heavy hoof. Sea crayfish spoke:

“Don’t give me death, but give me life!” Whatever you need, I'll do it.

The horse answered him:

- In the middle of the blue of the sea lies a large stone, under that stone is hidden the wedding dress of Vasilisa the princess; get that dress!

The Firebird and Vasilisa the Princess

Cancer shouted with a loud voice to the blue sea; immediately the sea stirred: large and small crayfish crawled from all sides onto the shore - darkness, darkness! The elder cancer gave them an order, they rushed into the water and after an hour of time they pulled out from the bottom of the sea, from under the great stone, the wedding dress of Vasilisa the Princess.

A well done archer comes to the king, brings the princess's dress; and Vasilisa the princess again became stubborn.

“I won’t go,” he says to the king, “to marry you until you tell the young archer to bathe in hot water.

The king ordered to pour a cast-iron cauldron of water, boil it as hot as possible, and throw an archer into that boiling water. Everything is ready, the water is boiling, the spray is flying; brought the poor archer.

"That's the trouble, that's the trouble! he thinks. - Oh, why did I take the golden feather of the firebird? Why didn't you listen to the horse?

He remembered his heroic horse and said to the king:

- King-sovereign! Let me go to the horse to say goodbye before death.

- Okay, go say goodbye!

The archer came to his heroic horse and wept tearfully.

“What are you crying about, master?

- The king ordered to bathe in boiling water.

Don't be afraid, don't cry, you will live! - the horse told him and hastily spoke the archer so that the boiling water would not damage his white body.

The archer returned from the stable; the working people immediately picked it up - and straight into the boiler; he dipped himself once or twice, jumped out of the cauldron, and became so handsome that he could not speak in a fairy tale or write with a pen.

The Firebird and Vasilisa the Princess

The king saw that he had become such a handsome man, and wanted to bathe himself; foolishly climbed into the water and at that very moment scalded.

The king was buried, and a young archer was chosen in his place; he married Vasilisa the princess and lived with her for many years in love and harmony.

In a certain kingdom, far away, in a faraway state, there lived a strong, mighty king. That king had a well done archer, and the young archer had a heroic horse.

Once an archer rode on his heroic horse into the forest to hunt. He rides along the road, rides wide - and ran into the golden feather of the firebird: the feather glows like fire!

The heroic horse tells him:

Do not take the golden pen; take it - you will know grief!

And the good fellow thought about it - raise the pen or not? If you raise it and bring it to the king, he will generously reward; and royal mercy who is not dear?

The archer did not listen to his horse, picked up the feather of the firebird, brought it and brings it to the king as a gift.

Thank you! the king says. - Yes, if you got the feather of the firebird, then get me the bird itself; and if you don’t get it - my sword, your head off your shoulders!

Sagittarius burst into bitter tears and went to his heroic horse.

What are you crying about, master?

The king ordered the firebird to be obtained.

I told you: do not take a pen, you will know grief! Well, don’t be afraid, don’t be sad: it’s not a problem yet, the trouble is ahead! Go to the king, ask that by tomorrow a hundred sacks of white-yarn wheat be scattered all over the open field.

The king ordered to scatter a hundred sacks of white wheat across the open field.

The next day, at dawn, a well-groomed archer rode to that field, let his horse walk on the water, and hid himself behind a tree.

Suddenly the forest rustled, the waves rose on the sea - the firebird flies; flew in, descended to the ground and began to peck at the wheat. The heroic horse approached the firebird, stepped on its wing with its hoof and pressed it firmly to the ground, the archer jumped out from behind a tree, ran, tied the firebird with ropes, mounted a horse and galloped to the palace.

Brings the firebird to the king; the king saw, rejoiced, thanked the archer for his service, granted him a rank, and immediately assigned him another task.

If you managed to get the firebird, then get me a bride: far away, at the very end of the world, where the red sun rises, there is Vasilisa the princess - I need her. If you get it, I'll reward you with gold and silver, but if you don't get it, then my sword, your head off your shoulders!

The archer burst into bitter tears, went to his heroic horse.

The king ordered to get him Vasilisa the princess.

Don't cry, don't grieve; it's not a problem yet, the trouble is ahead! Go to the king, ask for a tent with a golden dome and various supplies and drinks for the road.

The king gave him supplies, drinks, and a tent with a golden dome. Sagittarius-well done sat on his heroic horse and rode to distant lands.

How long, how short - he comes to the end of the world, where the red sun rises from the blue of the sea. He looks, and Vasilisa the Tsarevna is sailing along the blue sea in a silver boat, shoving a golden oar.

The well done Sagittarius let his horse roam in the green meadows, plucking fresh grass; and he himself pitched a tent with a golden dome, arranged various foods and drinks, sat down in the tent - he was eating, waiting for Vasilisa the princess.

And Vasilisa the princess saw a golden dome, swam to the shore, stepped out of the boat and admires the tent.

Hello, Vasilisa-tsarevna! the shooter says. - You are welcome to eat bread and salt, try overseas wines.

Vasilisa the princess entered the tent; they began to eat, drink, and be merry. The princess drank a glass of overseas wine, got drunk and fell into a deep sleep.

Sagittarius-well done shouted to his heroic horse, the horse came running; the archer immediately takes off his tent with a golden dome, mounts a heroic horse, takes with him the sleepy princess Vasilisa and sets off on the road, like an arrow from a bow.

Came to the king; he saw Vasilisa the princess, greatly rejoiced, thanked the archer for his faithful service, rewarded him with a great treasury and bestowed a great rank.

Vasilisa the princess woke up, found out that she was far, far from the blue sea, began to cry, yearn, her face completely changed; no matter how much the king tried to persuade, it was all in vain.

So the king decided to marry her, and she says:

Let the one who brought me here go to the blue sea, in the middle of that sea lies a large stone, under that stone my wedding dress is hidden - I won’t get married without that dress!

The king immediately followed the young archer:

Go quickly to the end of the world, where the red sun rises; there on the blue sea lies a large stone, and under the stone is hidden the wedding dress of Vasilisa the princess; get this dress and bring it here; it's time for the wedding! If you get it, I will reward you more than before, but if you don’t get it, then my sword, your head off your shoulders!

The archer burst into bitter tears, went to his heroic horse. "That's when, - he thinks, - death cannot be avoided!"

What are you crying about, master? the horse asks.

The king ordered to get the wedding dress of Vasilisa the princess from the bottom of the sea.

And what, I told you: do not take a golden pen, you will make grief! Well, don't be afraid: it's not a problem yet, the trouble is ahead! Get on me, let's go to the blue sea.

How long, how short - a well-groomed archer arrived at the end of the world and stopped at the very sea; the heroic horse saw that a huge sea crayfish was crawling along the sand, and stepped on his neck with his heavy hoof. Sea crayfish spoke:

Don't give me death, but give me life! Whatever you need, I'll do it.

The horse answered him:

In the middle of the blue of the sea lies a large stone, under that stone is hidden the wedding dress of Vasilisa the Princess; get that dress!

Cancer shouted with a loud voice to the blue sea; immediately the sea stirred: large and small crayfish crawled from all sides onto the shore - darkness, darkness! The elder cancer gave them an order, they rushed into the water and after an hour of time they pulled out from the bottom of the sea, from under the great stone, the wedding dress of Vasilisa the princess.

A well done archer comes to the king, brings the princess's dress; and Vasilisa the princess again became stubborn.

I will not go, - he says to the king, - to marry you, until you order the young archer to bathe in hot water.

The king ordered to pour a cast-iron cauldron of water, boil it as hot as possible, and throw an archer into that boiling water. Everything is ready, the water is boiling, the spray is flying; brought the poor archer.

"That's the trouble, that's the trouble! he thinks. “Ah, why did I take the golden feather of the firebird?” Why didn't you listen to the horse?

He remembered his heroic horse and said to the king:

King-sovereign! Let me go to the horse to say goodbye before death.

Okay, go say goodbye!

The archer came to his heroic horse and wept tearfully.

What are you crying about, master?

The king ordered to bathe in boiling water.

Do not be afraid, do not cry, you will live! - the horse told him and the archer hastily spoke so that the boiling water would not damage his white body.

The archer returned from the stable; the working people immediately picked it up - and straight into the boiler; he dipped himself once or twice, jumped out of the cauldron, and became so handsome that he could not speak in a fairy tale or write with a pen.

The king saw that he had become such a handsome man, and wanted to bathe himself; foolishly climbed into the water and at that very moment scalded.

The king was buried, and a young archer was chosen in his place; he married Vasilisa the princess and lived with her for many years in love and harmony.

Information for parents: The Firebird and Vasilisa the Tsarevna is a short, magical Russian folk tale, which tells about a good fellow, an unjust king, the Firebird and Vasilisa the princess. The tale is instructive and will be of interest to girls and boys aged 3 to 7 years. The text of the fairy tale "The Firebird and Vasilisa the Princess" is written clearly and easily, so it can be read to children at night. Happy reading to you and your kids.

Read the fairy tale The Firebird and Vasilisa Tsarevna

Once an archer rode on his heroic horse into the forest to hunt. He rides along the road, rides wide - and ran into the golden feather of the firebird: how the fire of the feather glows!

The heroic horse tells him:

- Do not take the golden pen; take it - you will know grief!

And the good fellow thought about it - raise the pen, al no? If you raise it and bring it to the king, he will generously reward; and royal mercy who is not dear?

The archer did not listen to his horse, picked up the feather of the firebird, brought it and brings it to the king as a gift.

- Thanks! - says the king. - Yes, if you got the feather of the firebird, then get me the bird itself; and if you don’t get it - my sword, your head off your shoulders!

Sagittarius burst into bitter tears and went to his heroic horse.

“What are you crying about, master?

- The king ordered the firebird to be obtained.

- I told you: do not take a pen, you will know grief! Well, don’t be afraid, don’t be sad: it’s not a problem yet, the trouble is ahead! Go to the king, ask that by tomorrow a hundred sacks of white-yarn wheat be scattered all over the open field.

The king ordered to scatter a hundred sacks of white wheat across the open field.

The next day, at dawn, a well-groomed archer rode to that field, let his horse walk on the water, and hid himself behind a tree.

Suddenly the forest rustled, the waves rose on the sea - the firebird flies; flew in, descended to the ground and began to peck at the wheat. The heroic horse approached the firebird, stepped on its wing with its hoof and pressed it firmly to the ground, the well done archer jumped out from behind a tree, ran, tied the firebird with ropes, mounted a horse and galloped to the palace.

Brings the firebird to the king; the king saw, rejoiced, thanked the archer for his service, granted him a rank, and immediately assigned him another task.

- If you managed to get the firebird, then get me a bride: far away, at the very end of the world, where the red sun rises, there is Vasilisa the princess - I need her. If you get it, I'll reward you with gold and silver, but if you don't get it, then my sword, your head off your shoulders!

The archer burst into bitter tears, went to his heroic horse.

- The king ordered to get him Vasilisa the princess.

- Do not cry, do not grieve; It's not a problem, the problem is ahead! Go to the king, ask for a tent with a golden dome and various supplies and drinks for the road.

The king gave him supplies, drinks, and a tent with a golden dome. Sagittarius-well done sat on his heroic horse and rode to distant lands.

How long, how short - he comes to the end of the world, where the red sun rises from the blue of the sea. He looks, and Vasilisa the Tsarevna is sailing along the blue sea in a silver boat, shoving a golden oar.

The well done Sagittarius let his horse roam the green meadows, plucking fresh grass; and he himself pitched a tent with a golden dome, arranged various foods and drinks, sat down in the tent - he treated himself, waiting for Vasilisa the princess.

And Vasilisa the princess saw a golden dome, swam to the shore, stepped out of the boat and admires the tent.

“Hello, Vasilisa-tsarevna! the shooter says. - You are welcome to eat bread and salt, try overseas wines.

Vasilisa the princess entered the tent; they began to eat, drink, and be merry. The princess drank a glass of overseas wine, got drunk and fell into a deep sleep.

Sagittarius-well done shouted to his heroic horse, the horse came running; the archer immediately takes off his tent with a golden dome, mounts a heroic horse, takes with him the sleepy princess Vasilisa and sets off on the road, like an arrow from a bow.

Came to the king; he saw Vasilisa the princess, greatly rejoiced, thanked the archer for his faithful service, rewarded him with a great treasury and bestowed a great rank.

Vasilisa the princess woke up, found out that she was far, far from the blue sea, began to cry, yearn, her face completely changed; no matter how much the king persuaded - all in vain.

So the king decided to marry her, and she says:

- Let the one who brought me here go to the blue sea, in the middle of that sea lies a large stone, under that stone my wedding dress is hidden - I won’t get married without that dress!

The king immediately followed the young archer:

- Go quickly to the end of the world, where the red sun rises; there on the blue sea lies a large stone, and under the stone is hidden the wedding dress of Vasilisa the princess; get this dress and bring it here; it's time for the wedding! If you get it, I’ll reward you more than before, but if you don’t get it, then my sword, your head off your shoulders!

The archer burst into bitter tears, went to his heroic horse. "That's when, - he thinks, - death cannot be avoided!"

“What are you crying about, master? - asks the horse.

- The king ordered to get the wedding dress of Vasilisa the princess from the bottom of the sea.

- And what, I told you: do not take a golden pen, you will make grief! Well, don't be afraid: it's not a problem yet, the trouble is ahead! Get on me, let's go to the blue sea.

How long, how short - the archer-well done came to the end of the world and stopped at the very sea; the heroic horse saw that a huge sea crayfish was crawling along the sand, and stepped on his neck with his heavy hoof. Sea crayfish spoke:

“Don’t give me death, but give me life!” Whatever you need, I'll do it.

The horse answered him:

- In the middle of the blue of the sea lies a large stone, under that stone is hidden the wedding dress of Vasilisa the princess; get that dress!

Cancer shouted with a loud voice to the blue sea; immediately the sea stirred: large and small crayfish crawled from all sides onto the shore - darkness, darkness! The elder cancer gave them an order, they rushed into the water and after an hour of time they pulled out from the bottom of the sea, from under the great stone, the wedding dress of Vasilisa the Princess.

A well done archer comes to the king, brings the princess's dress; and Vasilisa the princess again became stubborn.

“I won’t go,” he says to the king, “to marry you until you tell the young archer to bathe in hot water.

The king ordered to pour a cast-iron cauldron of water, boil it as hot as possible, and throw an archer into that boiling water. Everything is ready, the water is boiling, the spray is flying; brought the poor archer.

"That's the trouble, that's the trouble! he thinks. - Oh, why did I take the golden feather of the firebird? Why didn't you listen to the horse?

He remembered his heroic horse and said to the king:

- King-sovereign! Let me go to the horse to say goodbye before death.

- Okay, go say goodbye!

The archer came to his heroic horse and wept tearfully.

“What are you crying about, master?

- The king ordered to bathe in boiling water.

Don't be afraid, don't cry, you will live! - the horse told him and hastily spoke the archer so that the boiling water would not damage his white body.

The archer returned from the stable; the working people immediately picked it up - and straight into the boiler; he dipped himself once or twice, jumped out of the cauldron, and became so handsome that he could not speak in a fairy tale or write with a pen.

The king saw that he had become such a handsome man, and wanted to bathe himself; foolishly climbed into the water and at that very moment scalded.

The king was buried, and a young archer was chosen in his place; he married Vasilisa the princess and lived with her for many years in love and harmony.

So the fairy tale "The Firebird and Vasilisa the Tsarevna" is over, and whoever listened was done!

In a certain kingdom, far away, in a faraway state, there lived a strong, mighty king. That king had a well done archer, and the young archer had a heroic horse.

Once an archer rode on his heroic horse into the forest to hunt. He rides along the road, rides wide - and ran into the golden feather of the firebird: how the fire of the feather glows!

The heroic horse tells him:
- Do not take the golden pen; take it - you will know grief!
And the good fellow thought about it - raise the pen, al no? If you raise it and bring it to the king, he will generously reward; and royal mercy who is not dear?
The archer did not listen to his horse, picked up the feather of the firebird, brought it and brings it to the king as a gift.
- Thanks! - says the king. - Yes, if you got the feather of the firebird, then get me the bird itself; and if you don’t get it - my sword, your head off your shoulders!

Sagittarius burst into bitter tears and went to his heroic horse.
What are you crying about, boss?
- The king ordered the firebird to be obtained.
- I told you: do not take a pen, you will know grief! Well, don’t be afraid, don’t be sad: it’s not a problem yet, the trouble is ahead! Go to the king, ask that by tomorrow a hundred sacks of white-yarn wheat be scattered all over the open field.
The king ordered to scatter a hundred sacks of white wheat across the open field.
The next day, at dawn, a well-groomed archer rode to that field, let his horse walk on the water, and hid himself behind a tree.
Suddenly the forest rustled, the waves rose on the sea - the firebird flies; flew in, descended to the ground and began to peck at the wheat. The heroic horse approached the firebird, stepped on its wing with its hoof and pressed it firmly to the ground, the archer jumped out from behind a tree, ran, tied the firebird with ropes, mounted a horse and galloped to the palace.
Brings the firebird to the king; the king saw, rejoiced, thanked the archer for his service, granted him a rank, and immediately assigned him another task.

If you managed to get the firebird, then get me a bride: far away, at the very end of the world, where the red sun rises, there is Vasilisa the princess - I need her. If you get it, I'll reward you with gold and silver, but if you don't get it, then my sword, your head off your shoulders!

The archer burst into bitter tears, went to his heroic horse.

- The king ordered to get him Vasilisa the princess.
- Do not cry, do not grieve; it's not a problem yet, the trouble is ahead! Go to the king, ask for a tent with a golden dome and various supplies and drinks for the road.
The king gave him supplies, drinks, and a tent with a golden dome. Sagittarius-well done sat on his heroic horse and rode to distant lands.
How long, how short - he comes to the end of the world, where the red sun rises from the blue of the sea. He looks, and Vasilisa the Tsarevna is sailing along the blue sea in a silver boat, shoving a golden oar.
The well done Sagittarius let his horse roam in the green meadows, plucking fresh grass; and he himself pitched a tent with a golden dome, arranged various foods and drinks, sat down in the tent - he treated himself, waiting for Vasilisa the princess.
And Vasilisa the princess saw a golden dome, swam to the shore, stepped out of the boat and admires the tent.
- Hello, Vasilisa-tsarevna! the shooter says. - You are welcome to eat bread and salt, try overseas wines.

Vasilisa the princess entered the tent; they began to eat, drink, and be merry. The princess drank a glass of overseas wine, got drunk and fell into a deep sleep.
Sagittarius-well done shouted to his heroic horse, the horse came running; the archer immediately takes off his tent with a golden dome, mounts a heroic horse, takes with him the sleepy princess Vasilisa and sets off on the road, like an arrow from a bow.

Came to the king; he saw Vasilisa the princess, greatly rejoiced, thanked the archer for his faithful service, rewarded him with a great treasury and bestowed a great rank.
Vasilisa the princess woke up, found out that she was far, far from the blue sea, began to cry, yearn, her face completely changed; no matter how much the king persuaded - all in vain.
So the king decided to marry her, and she says:
- Let the one who brought me here go to the blue sea, in the middle of that sea there is a large stone, my wedding dress is hidden under that stone - I won’t get married without that dress!
The king immediately followed the young archer:
- Go quickly to the end of the world, where the red sun rises; there on the blue sea lies a large stone, and under the stone is hidden the wedding dress of Vasilisa the princess; get this dress and bring it here; it's time for the wedding! If you get it, I’ll reward you more than before, but if you don’t get it, then my sword, your head off your shoulders!
The archer burst into bitter tears, went to his heroic horse. "That's when, - he thinks, - death cannot be avoided!"
What are you crying about, boss? - asks the horse.
- The king ordered to get the wedding dress of Vasilisa the princess from the bottom of the sea.
- And what, I told you: do not take a golden pen, you will make grief! Well, don't be afraid: it's not a problem yet, the trouble is ahead! Get on me, let's go to the blue sea.
How long, how short - the archer-well done came to the end of the world and stopped at the very sea; the heroic horse saw that a huge sea crayfish was crawling along the sand, and stepped on his neck with his heavy hoof. Sea crayfish spoke:
- Don't give me death, but give me life! Whatever you need, I'll do it.
The horse answered him:
- In the middle of the blue of the sea lies a large stone, under that stone is hidden the wedding dress of Vasilisa the princess; get that dress!

Cancer shouted with a loud voice to the blue sea; immediately the sea stirred: large and small crayfish crawled from all sides onto the shore - darkness, darkness! The elder cancer gave them an order, they rushed into the water and after an hour of time they pulled out from the bottom of the sea, from under the great stone, the wedding dress of Vasilisa the Princess.
A well done archer comes to the king, brings the princess's dress; and Vasilisa the princess again became stubborn.
- I will not go, - he says to the king, - to marry you, until you order the young archer to bathe in hot water.
The king ordered to pour a cast-iron cauldron of water, boil it as hot as possible, and throw an archer into that boiling water. Everything is ready, the water is boiling, the spray is flying; brought the poor archer.
"That's the trouble, that's the trouble! he thinks. - Oh, why did I take the golden feather of the firebird? Why didn't you listen to the horse?
He remembered his heroic horse and said to the king:
- King-sovereign! Let me go to the horse to say goodbye before death.
- Okay, go say goodbye!
The archer came to his heroic horse and wept tearfully.
What are you crying about, boss?
- The king ordered to bathe in boiling water.
- Do not be afraid, do not cry, you will live! - the horse told him and hastily spoke the archer so that the boiling water would not damage his white body.
The archer returned from the stable; the working people immediately picked it up - and straight into the boiler; he dipped himself once or twice, jumped out of the cauldron, and became so handsome that he could not speak in a fairy tale or write with a pen.

The king saw that he had become such a handsome man, and wanted to bathe himself; foolishly climbed into the water and at that very moment scalded.
The king was buried, and a young archer was chosen in his place; he married Vasilisa the princess and lived with her for many years in love and harmony.