Eve Russian corporations. Corporation history

EVE online is multiplayer and it's no surprise that some of the players want to play as a team. Corporations or, in other words, alliances of players with common goals and objectives in the game help them to organize a joint game.

Corporation- uniting players, like clans from other games, united to achieve common goal... Joining a corporation allows you to make the gameplay more interesting and lively. Each player can only be a member of one corporation.

Solo or team play

In EVE online, it is possible to play both solo and be part of a team with other players. remember, that joining a corporation is optional, you can choose a profession that does not require entry. However, in this case, the player will have to cope with everything on his own, and therefore for a solo game it is necessary to have the appropriate store of knowledge, practical experience and a sufficient number of claims.

But if you are a beginner and do not have much experience with the game, then I recommend joining a corporation... This will allow you to quickly get used to the game - thanks to the advice of more experienced members of the corporation, earn the first suits and experience, and also learn how to play in a team. To other pluses team play can be attributed:

  • Availability of common resources;
  • Many corporations help new players explore the EVE universe;
  • You can find new friends, space exploration with whom it will become much more interesting than if you do it alone.

Alliance joining

There are several ways to get into an alliance. One way to find a corporation is to view the official game forum - in the recruiting section, many corporations leave messages about recruiting into the corporation. Also, players can find messages with advertisements of various corporations in the general chat of the game.

Others more in a simple way is to use the in-game corporation search tool. The player needs to open the "My corporation" tab and select an alliance from the existing list and apply for membership.

Corporate relations

Corporate relationships can change relative to each other or pilots. Attitude can be either negative or positive. Negative attitude towards someone entails hostile attitude of the corporation members. In turn, a positive attitude of the corporation leads to the formation of a coalition and a positive attitude on the part of the corporation's members regarding a particular object. Defined relationships serve as informative messages for alliance members on how to communicate with other corporations or entities.

Russian corporations

An excellent option for Russian-speaking players, both for beginners and experienced pilots, would be join the Russian corporation... This will allow you to quickly find a common language, and it is easier to absorb information from the above leadership. There are many corporations consisting of Russian-speaking players, these are both very small alliances and more serious ones in the top ten alliances in the world. These major Russian alliances include:

  • Shadow of xXDEATHXx;
  • RED Citizens;
  • White Noise.

Newcomers should also turn their attention to a corporation called Sisters of the Empire. Sisters of the Empire, or as they are called the Sisters of Eve, a corporation that suitable for players who love a peaceful existence than war. This corporation became famous for its humanitarian orientation.

Corporation management

The president- the head of the corporation (usually the founder of the corporation). He appoints and dismisses directors. He can also transfer control rights (presidency) to any pilot. When long absence the president can be removed by a vote. To initiate a vote, a candidate must meet the following requirements.

→ Eve online corporations and pirates

In this article we will talk with you about corporations and pirates Eve online. I will try to answer newbie questions about joining Eve online corporations and their management, about piracy and espionage in the Eve universe.

What is Eve Online Corporation and who runs it?

A corporation is a group of people who pursue the same goals. If you are familiar with the MMORPG genre, then corporations are identical to guilds and clans in other games. In Eve online, any corporation is headed by a Chief Executive Officer. To create a corporation in Eve online, you need to pay a small fee and learn the skill of managing a corporation. Some corporations offer assistance in taking over systems, the so-called mercenaries, whose services can be used on the services that provide services in Eve online.

How do you run a corporation?

A clear and simple management system has been created to manage the corporation. For convenience, you can grant all sorts of positions to members of your corporation.

Positions in corporations Eve online.

Director: A position somewhat similar to that of a Chief Executive Officer. The director can recruit new fighters and assign positions. Large corporations need multiple directors to be able to manage 24 hours a day.

Personnal Manager: Deals with and accepting applications to the corporation.

Station Manager: Responsible for managing corporate facilities. For example: setting docking fees, issuing permits for access to factories, repair shops, processing stations. Also, the station manager has the ability to install a station protection system.

Factory Manager: Responsible for what happens in laboratories and factories. Manufacturing managers have the ability to retrieve the blueprints they want from corporate labs and factories. They have the ability to make things for members of the corporation, use drawings and materials from the corporate hangar.

Accountant: An employee in charge of the financial affairs of a corporation. Paying corporate bills.

Pilot: A member of a corporation who has the ability to control ships from a corporation hangar.

Are there Russian corporations in Eve online?

Of course they do exist. I can also say that in Eve online they are afraid of Russian corporations. Throughout the existence of the game, Russian corporations Eve online instilled fear in all corners of the universe. In Eve online, once upon a time, Russian corporations in the DRF (Drone Russian Federation) alliance overthrew the famous NC (Northern Coalition) alliance.

Can I Become a Corporate Spy?

In Eve online, intelligence of the state of hostile corporations, their movements and plans for the future plays an important role. Large corporations and alliances died thanks to spies. For data on enemy corporations, spies get the opportunity to earn ISK or other nice little things.

How to leave a corporation?

You can leave the corporation at any time if you are not in the position of Chief Executive Officer. Members of the corporation with the necessary powers can fire a player or bring the issue of dismissal to a vote.

Russian Alliances in EVE Online- this is a unique phenomenon that fully showed what people from the CIS countries are capable of, united by a common idea and will to win. We dedicate this article to those who, from the dawn of EVE's formation, pushed their way to the heights for Russian-speaking pilots.

Russian alliances in the EVE universe Online is a phenomenon that has radically influenced the development of the game project. Register in EVE Online (it won't take long) and ask the old-timers of the global EVE server in the main help chat. They have a lot to tell newcomers and more. The combination of a special mentality, an unusual approach to the game and self-confidence has repeatedly rocked the precarious balance of the game universe and even forced the developers to introduce special edits in the updates.

So, " Test Alliance Please Ignore"(A funny name for one of the largest associations) one day staged a raid on the local" Silk Road "(Jita system) and, destroying great amount industrial ships literally collapsed the market - the demand for mining barges and "trucks" increased many times, and the supply was able to fill the gap only after a few months.

Russian Alliances in the Wars of EVE Online: Losses Count in the Millions

Throughout the history of EVE, the Russian alliances in EVE Online have been involved in the most ambitious battles.

Red alliance became participants and winners of the first large-scale battle in October 2006. During a 70-hour (!!) battle in the system C-J6MT Russian players wisely used the capabilities of the combat infrastructure and, being in the minority, defeated the vastly superior enemy forces. Having deployed a chain of outposts on key routes in the shortest possible time, the Russian capsuleers fought off the attacking waves for 3 days.

What factors contributed to the success of the RA?

  • Experience of alliance leaders and senior officers. Veterans who have been exploring deep space since the opening of the project had remarkable knowledge of game mechanics;
  • Using unusual tactics. The battle was not like an ordinary clash between fleets - the tactics of "cutting out" the enemy due to superior firepower turned out to be useless against fortifications;
  • Remarkable ability for self-organization - teams, consisting of hundreds of caps belonging to different corporations, acted as a whole.

In January 2013, between the military bloc RUS / CFC(a union of Russian-speaking players and a multinational alliance led by Goonswarm) and the Honey Badger Coalition clash in the Asakai system. RUS / CFC tried to withdraw their ship from enemy territory under cover. As a result of a hastily organized, poorly planned operation, the Russian-speaking union was defeated and lost a large amount of game resources.

A year later, RUS / CFC had a chance to regain its status after the infamous fiasco. The target for the attack was a system that is important for logistics in the region - B-R5RB. In fact, it is - a staging post between "zeros" and "low-sec". The alliance that controls this system controls the entire flow of industrial goods in the region.

During the battle between RUS / CFC and N3PL, in-game valuables totaling more than 11 trillion of game currency were destroyed, which is equivalent to approximately 300 thousand dollars.

Red star in deep space

The life of the Russian-speaking community is inextricably linked with Red alliance, which were already discussed in the first part of our story. This gaming union actually became a brand that was passed on to each other by 4 different communities.

The history of RA is a chronicle of ups and downs. The Russian-speaking community has repeatedly shown extraordinary cohesion in the face of pressure from American corporations. As soon as the "zeros" were completely under the control of the "bourgeois", immigrants from the CIS countries united under the red banner and conquered territories.

The leader of the legendary Goonswarm Mittani said in his memoirs that it was difficult to fight against the RA, since the Russian does not give up after defeat, but each time he returns with renewed vigor.

A high takeoff was inevitably accompanied by a painful fall every time. The heads of corporations did not hesitate to sell in-game valuables for real money, which was not only a flagrant violation of the rules, but also the basis for the collapse of alliances - CEOs sold common property acquired by the labor of hundreds of ordinary members and appropriated the profit.

Russian Alliances in EVE Online- this is a unique phenomenon that fully showed what people from the CIS countries are capable of, united by a common idea and will to win. We dedicate this article to those who, from the dawn of EVE's formation, pushed their way to the heights for Russian-speaking pilots.

Russian alliances in the EVE Online universe are a phenomenon that radically influenced the development of the game project. Register in EVE Online (it won't take long) and ask the old-timers of the global EVE server in the main help chat. They have a lot to tell newcomers and more. The combination of a special mentality, an unusual approach to the game and self-confidence has repeatedly rocked the precarious balance of the game universe and even forced the developers to introduce special edits in the updates.

So, " Test Alliance Please Ignore"(A funny name for one of the largest associations) one day staged a raid on the local" Silk Road "(Jita system) and, destroying a huge number of industrial ships, literally collapsed the market - the demand for mining barges and" trucks "increased many times, and the proposal was able to fill the gap only after a few months.

Russian Alliances in the Wars of EVE Online: Losses Count in the Millions

Throughout the history of EVE, the Russian alliances in EVE Online have been involved in the most ambitious battles.

Red alliance became participants and winners of the first large-scale battle in October 2006. During a 70-hour (!!) battle in the system C-J6MT Russian players wisely used the capabilities of the combat infrastructure and, being in the minority, defeated the vastly superior enemy forces. Having deployed a chain of outposts on key routes in the shortest possible time, the Russian capsuleers fought off the attacking waves for 3 days.

What factors contributed to the success of the RA?

  • Experience of alliance leaders and senior officers. Veterans who have been exploring deep space since the opening of the project had remarkable knowledge of game mechanics;
  • Using unusual tactics. The battle was not like an ordinary clash between fleets - the tactics of "cutting out" the enemy due to superior firepower turned out to be useless against fortifications;
  • Remarkable ability for self-organization - teams, consisting of hundreds of caps belonging to different corporations, acted as a whole.

In January 2013, between the military bloc RUS / CFC(a union of Russian-speaking players and a multinational alliance led by Goonswarm) and the Honey Badger Coalition clash in the Asakai system. RUS / CFC tried to withdraw their ship from enemy territory under cover. As a result of a hastily organized, poorly planned operation, the Russian-speaking union was defeated and lost a large amount of game resources.

A year later, RUS / CFC had a chance to regain its status after the infamous fiasco. The target for the attack was a system that is important for logistics in the region - B-R5RB. In fact, it is - a staging post between "zeros" and "low-sec". The alliance that controls this system controls the entire flow of industrial goods in the region.

During the battle between RUS / CFC and N3PL, in-game valuables totaling more than 11 trillion of game currency were destroyed, which is equivalent to approximately 300 thousand dollars.

Red star in deep space

The life of the Russian-speaking community is inextricably linked with Red alliance, which were already discussed in the first part of our story. This gaming union actually became a brand that was passed on to each other by 4 different communities.

The history of RA is a chronicle of ups and downs. The Russian-speaking community has repeatedly shown extraordinary cohesion in the face of pressure from American corporations. As soon as the "zeros" were completely under the control of the "bourgeois", immigrants from the CIS countries united under the red banner and conquered territories.

The leader of the legendary Goonswarm Mittani said in his memoirs that it was difficult to fight against the RA, since the Russian does not give up after defeat, but each time he returns with renewed vigor.

A high takeoff was inevitably accompanied by a painful fall every time. The heads of corporations did not hesitate to sell in-game valuables for real money, which was not only a flagrant violation of the rules, but also the basis for the collapse of alliances - CEOs sold common property acquired by the labor of hundreds of ordinary members and appropriated the profit.

With the beginning of 2017, Providence is becoming "crowded", PvP content from the pilots is becoming more and more in demand. Frost RU starts looking for a new place of residence with a higher PvP component and the choice falls on the Russian-speaking alliance Legion of xXDEATHXx living in Geminate. The first months in the legion were relatively difficult, but thanks to the activity of the pilots, the Soviet Union successfully passed probation, and later began to occupy top places in the Alliance by keels.

One month after joining Legion of xXDEATHXx wonderful FC joined the corporation - xXroniKx Li and mefi100, thanks to which the amount of PvP content has grown significantly and reached a new level. Large-scale battles, roams, crazy plums and big victories - that's what life in Geminate will remember.

2018 was a difficult period for the corporation and Legion of xXDEATHXx generally. The Alliance leaves the Geminate region and moves to Insmother. Soon the coalition begins to lose space in other regions and the upcoming eviction from Insmother becomes a matter of time. Due to the unstable position of the alliance, people begin to leave the corporation. The Soviet Union leadership is looking for a way out of the situation in order to save the team.