We open a shoe repair shop. Opening a shoe repair shop Shoe repair to reach profitability

During the economic crisis, people are not able to often buy new shoes, so they resort to the services of repair shops. The services of shoemakers are now in demand, and the services of good craftsmen are especially in great demand. Therefore, the creation of a shoe repair business is a promising direction, in demand, which will bring payback in about 2-3 years.

  • First steps when opening a shoe shop
  • What documents will be needed?
  • Choosing a place for a shoe repair shop
  • What else to pay attention to?
  • How much money do you need to start a shoe repair business?
  • Setting up the workshop room
  • Choosing equipment and consumables
  • We create and promote the site
  • Shoe workshop running costs
  • Marketing and Advertising
  • How much can you earn from shoe repair?
  • What OKVED must be indicated for a shoe repair shop
  • Which taxation system to choose for a shoe repair shop
  • Do I need permission to open
  • business technology

First steps when opening a shoe shop

So, we open the workshop "Horseshoe". To conquer the market, we will offer our clients: express repair, stretching, dry cleaning, restoration and painting of shoes. To improve customer service, we will offer zoning of the premises: one for the workshop itself, the second for receiving and issuing shoes. The next feature will be the issuance of shoes in branded packages and with a guarantee, for example, for 2 weeks. The employee issuing and accepting shoes will work in a corporate suit and gloves of the appropriate color. This will increase the reputation of the workshop and will attract additional visitors.

What documents will be needed?

First, register as an individual entrepreneur. Next, we register with the tax office, the pension fund and other authorities. It is also necessary to obtain permission from the SES, the fire inspectorate and Rospotrebnadzor.

According to experts, capacitive indicators in the shoe repair market annually amount to hundreds of millions of dollars, which makes it possible to classify shoe repair as a business in the category of demanded and promising. The high profit potential of this industry and stable self-sufficiency for several years have attracted the attention of entrepreneurs who want to open a profitable business with minimal initial investment.

Business Relevance

Shoe workshops, in accordance with the business plan of a shoe repair enterprise, belong to the category of household services that are as stable as possible in terms of security in a crisis.

The deteriorating economic situation makes it possible to obtain additional profit due to the minimization of the population's costs for the purchase of new shoes and the growth in demand for repair work. With the stabilization of the economic situation, a sharp increase in the purchasing power of the population also increases the percentage of demand for shoe repair.

Business registration

The main point that you need to consider if you want to open your own or set up a ready-made shoe repair business is to obtain status. It is individual entrepreneurial activity in this area that is more preferable, and not the education of such a popular one.

Registration of an individual entrepreneur allows you to choose a more favorable taxation system in the patent form or, in accordance with OKVED codes 52.71 or 52.74. After receiving the registration certificate in the tax division, it is necessary to go through the registration in the Pension Fund, and follow the instructions of the fire inspectorate and Rospotrebnadzor.

In addition, this type of business activity requires the purchase of a cash register and the opening of a bank account to pay for equipment and premises by bank transfer.

Selecting premises and hiring staff

The best option for running a shoe business is represented by renting premises without prepayment, on the basis of monthly rent payments. It is advisable to give preference to markets, large super- and hypermarkets and stop pavilions, where the traffic of potential customers is consistently high.

Most often, shoe shops are equipped with kiosks with a total area of ​​​​about 10 square meters. It is allowed to rent a state land plot from the municipality with the subsequent installation of a stall or the option of renting a finished kiosk on already registered land.

If you wish, you can rebuild your own premises for a repair shop, but renting or buying out a land plot in the city is very problematic and costly. And the construction of a building that meets all the requirements for conducting such activities is very expensive and significantly increases the payback period. A standard room suitable for running a shoe business should be delimited into a customer reception area, a work area and a space for relaxation.

Most often, individual entrepreneurs in the field of personal services work independently in a small firm. Establishing a larger repair shop requires the recruitment of professional shoemakers. It should be borne in mind that such specialists belong to the category of rather rare professions, which are produced by a small number of technical schools. The solution of the problem of selecting highly qualified specialists can be entrusted to a recruiting agency, the conclusion of an agreement with which will help to avoid many problems associated with hiring unscrupulous and unskilled personnel.

Equipment selection

Depending on the range of services offered, the set of equipment may be different. The standard equipment for carrying out repairs in a shoe workshop is:

Volumes of production and form of organization

Currently, the most relevant are three types of shoe workshops, which differ in the volume of work performed and profitability.
The traditional repair shop, which belongs to the economy class category, is distinguished by an insignificant list of shoe repair services offered and is characterized by the replacement or repair of heels, insoles, soles, heels, lock elements, as well as preventive maintenance, stitching and painting. The target audience is consumers with a low income.

The middle class workshop is characterized by the presence of a wide range of services from the list of the middle price category. The optimal size of the area of ​​such a workshop cannot be less than thirty square meters, and expensive and high-quality equipment is used for work. The target audience is represented by consumers with higher income indicators.

VIP-class workshops are focused on repairing shoes of the elite category and are located in areas where a significant part of the population has a high level of prosperity. Specialized equipment allows for repair work of any complexity, as well as the restoration of expensive and exclusive shoes.

Starting investment

Entrepreneurial activity in the economy class category involves a minimum initial investment. The cost of the premises, as well as the purchase of a minimum set of equipment and tools, will amount to about 200 thousand rubles.
Almost twice as much money is required to be invested in opening a middle-class shoe shop. However, the payback of such an enterprise will take much less time.

Opening a VIP workshop involves significant costs and is classified as a capital-intensive investment. Such workshops, despite being in demand, are extremely rare.

Income/expenses and profitability

Optimal, in terms of investments, payback periods and profitability indicators, is the opening of a shoe business in the middle production segment.
Standard economic indicators:

  • monthly rent - about 40 thousand rubles;
  • expenses for the purchase of equipment - 350 thousand rubles;
  • the cost of consumables - 150 thousand rubles;
  • monthly salary of the staff in the amount of three people - about 75 thousand rubles;
  • expenses for an advertising campaign and payment of utility bills - about 35 thousand rubles.

Total costs: 650 thousand rubles.

The main income is related to the number of completed orders:

  • income from one order - about 700 rubles;
  • the average payback period is 24-36 months.

The rate of return is about 15%.

An organic addition that helps attract customers is the introduction of discount cards that help stimulate the economic interest of consumers. An effective marketing and advertising move can be an order for souvenirs or stationery with the logo of the workshop.

A one-time investment in the highest quality equipment can significantly reduce the ongoing costs of purchasing consumables and maintenance. In addition, a middle-class workshop is almost twice as productive and efficient as an economy-class workshop of the same size.

If the business plan provides for the repair work of one person who is in the status of an individual entrepreneur, then the daily earnings will not be more than five to seven thousand rubles.

It should not be forgotten that the creation of any point must be preceded by a thorough study of the throughput of the place, the presence of closely spaced competing organizations and the standard of living of the population. The success of a business is always based on the recognition of a newly opened enterprise, competitive prices and a high level of service, combined with competent advertising and marketing.

Perhaps you, as an aspiring entrepreneur, will be interested in a shoe repair shop. We will describe how to open it, in what format you can work and provide feedback from the owners of such a business. After all, in any business it is better to prepare in advance and know what difficulties you will have to overcome on the way to success.

(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push(()); In almost every city there are several shoe shops that perform at least simple repairs. And just like 20 years ago, today they are in high demand among all segments of the population, even without much advertising from their owners. It is not surprising that this type of business is considered quite profitable and at any time brings a stable income to the entrepreneur.

  • Relevance of the issue
  • What do you need from documents?
  • Necessary equipment
  • Personnel search
  • Is advertising necessary?
  • financial calculations
  • Reviews

Relevance of the issue

It is a well-known fact that any footwear, even elite and expensive, wears out over time. And if cheap models are able to force the owner to turn to the master for help already in the first year of operation, then expensive products can withstand up to two years of active use. And anyway, sooner or later, a person will have to think about what is more profitable - to buy a new pair or slightly tweak a worn one?

It is not surprising that even people with high incomes often turn to shoe shops for the purpose of restoration, restoration and simple minor repairs of their shoes. It's much cheaper to pay a specialist for his work than to buy a new pair for $500.

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This confirms the profitability of such an idea, because the demand for professional services is relevant at any time, regardless of the status of clients, their income level, social, political and economic situation in the country.

The only thing worth paying special attention to is the level of competition in a particular city. After all, sometimes in the region there are already a sufficient number of repair shops that have proven themselves among the population at a high level and it is unlikely that anyone will turn to a new entrepreneur, since there will be no need for this.

The obvious benefits of starting your own shoe repair business are:

  • stable income of the owner under any economic conditions;
  • you can start your own business with a relatively small start-up capital;
  • working for oneself presupposes a certain freedom;
  • For this lesson, you do not need a large room or expensive design.

Admittedly, this area has its own challenges. For example, if you wish to hire several employees to fulfill more orders, you will encounter difficulties in finding qualified personnel. And with high competition in some regions, it is quite difficult for a beginner to build his client base.

What do you need from documents?

For official registration, you will need to perform the following actions:

  1. The tax service should be registered as an individual entrepreneur (IP). Some decide to create an LLC (legal entity), but for this format of activity it is unnecessary.
  2. The tax rate is selected according to the UTII scheme. And since 2013, the patent form of taxation has also become available. It is better to calculate in advance which of them will be more profitable in your case.
  3. Be sure to indicate the OKVED codes, which involve the completion of work in a certain direction. For a shoe shop, these are enough - 52.71 and 52.74.
  4. Even if the owner himself does the repairs without hiring staff, you will still need to make contributions to the Pension Fund as for an employee, so you will have to register with this institution as an employer.
  5. Today, according to the law, when paying for services in cash, you must have a cash register, which should be registered with the relevant authorities.
  6. It is advisable to create a bank account for the company to make non-cash transactions with suppliers or to pay taxes.

Before you open a workshop, you will also need permission from Rospotrebnadzor, SES and the fire inspectorate. Having put the premises in order according to their requirements, you can invite representatives of these authorities to check and get the necessary conclusions from them.

Forms of organization of a ready-made business

A shoe shop can look different and perform tasks of varying complexity. Today there are such varieties:

  • Economy class budget repair - involves simple orders for the replacement of insoles, soles, repair of heels, heels, locks, installation of prevention and stitching. For the owner of this business, it is enough to acquire a simple tool and inexpensive equipment. Low prices in such a workshop are preferable for people with low and medium incomes. But services of this kind are less and less attractive to the population, since repairs do not always justify themselves, sometimes it is easier to buy new cheap shoes than to pay for the repair of an old one at almost the same cost.
  • Middle class - provides a wider range of services, shoe restoration. At the same time, the price of the order will become more expensive, the premises are rented more, and the equipment is purchased to perform complex tasks of a professional level. In this case, the income for the owner will be much higher.
  • VIP workshops - expensive shoe repairs are performed for wealthy clients. It is not enough just to know how to properly repair products of any complexity and high quality. The owner will have to purchase special equipment that allows you to perform a variety of tasks. The room needs to be set up accordingly. This is no longer a simple stall, but a workshop in an elite area with a good repair, a separate room for receiving orders and a large enough area to accommodate several jobs.

Depending on what audience you are targeting, the financial ability to purchase specialized equipment and certain skills to perform various tasks, it is worth focusing on specific numbers of starting investments, as well as other nuances of organizing a business.

Selection and arrangement of premises

One of the main criteria for how many clients you will have is the location of the workshop. It is very important to find a building on a crowded street. The following options are most suitable:

  1. Markets.
  2. Stops of city transport.
  3. Supermarkets and shopping centers.
  4. Close to various government offices.
  5. Ground floor of an apartment building in a densely populated area, etc.

It is worth noting that the following choice will also affect the size of the initial investment:

  • you lease land from the state and install a kiosk up to 10 sq. m.;
  • pay for the temporary rent of someone else's pavilion;
  • buy or rent a room on the ground floor in a residential building;
  • build an elite workshop from scratch of a fairly large size.

All this will affect how much you have to pay at the beginning to organize a business and its payback period.

It is important to prepare the premises in accordance with the requirements of the above supervisory authorities, as well as to install the electrical network. Since professional equipment consumes a lot of electricity, its capabilities should also be designed for 300 V.

If the workshop is focused on the middle and premium class, then the size of 10 square meters. m. will not be enough. And it is desirable to divide the entire area into separate rooms - a working area and for receiving orders. The more equipment is installed in the room, the larger its dimensions should be. But for the simplest shoe, 6-8 square meters is enough. m., where the work is performed by one person.

Necessary equipment

Depending on which market segment you decide to focus on, what class of shoes to repair and the range of services offered, the main list of required tools and machines will also differ. To perform the simplest tasks, it is enough:

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  1. Hotplates for heating adhesives.
  2. Special shoe paw.
  3. Sharpened.
  4. Electric drills.
  5. Shoe gun.
  6. Shila.
  7. Pliers.
  8. Nippers.
  9. Hammer.
  10. Various consumables and components - pieces of leather, nails, rubber for heels, blanks for soles, polyurethane, arch supports, etc.

To perform more complex tasks, you will have to purchase:

  • sewing machine;
  • special processing machine;
  • burner;
  • and compressor.

Personnel search

Shoe repair as a business does not require a large number of employees. In a small workshop, only its owner can work at all. Sometimes a shift worker is hired to be able to go on business or increase the number of completed orders in a short period.

The staff is needed only when it is planned to open a serious institution of medium or premium class, with many machines. But then another question arises - where to find good professionals who are able to fulfill even complex orders and who understand the shoe business at a decent level? These are prepared only in individual educational institutions, which are very few in our country.

Therefore, it is desirable to search for qualified personnel in several directions at once:

  1. Contact vocational schools where such specialists are trained and select the best graduates.
  2. Use the help of the employment center.
  3. Post ads on the Internet resources of recruiting companies.

But you can take inexperienced apprentices and learn them yourself, then you will definitely be sure that their skills and knowledge meet all the standards of your company.

For an economy class workshop and even an average level, special promotional actions are almost not required. Here it is enough to choose the right location for the pavilion, install a large bright signboard and do the job really well. The main method of disseminating information among the population is word of mouth.

If there is a high level of competition in the district, or you open an elite workshop with expensive equipment, then be sure to use modern advertising methods:

  • Create your own website where you can list the range of services offered, indicate the address and phone number of the workshop.
  • Place ads on city forums, social networks, use contextual advertising.
  • Print business cards and distribute them to everyone you know, leave them in crowded places.
  • For a premium-class establishment, you should definitely work on creating a logo, brand, catchy name and use the help of advertising agencies.

Not always such actions lead to the desired result. Sometimes you don't need to do anything at all. Note after each method how effective it was and decide what to use better in the future. Different cities require a different approach.

Here you can download a free business plan for a shoe repair shop as a sample.

financial calculations

Even when creating a small economy class workshop, it is advisable to draw up a business plan that will indicate all the steps for organizing and developing the project, as well as summing up the financial results of the initial investment.

If it is planned to open a more elite institution and perform complex tasks, then the cost of entering the business will increase several times, since professional equipment is very expensive. In addition, when hiring craftsmen, you will also have to pay for their work, which also constitutes a large expense item.

How much can you earn in such a business? The simplest shoe repair, when all services are performed by the owner, brings about 2000-3000 rubles of net profit daily. But in this case, you do not need to purchase complex machines and you can get by with a low rent for a small room, which significantly reduces the payback period, which does not exceed 1-1.5 years.

With an average project format, the initial investment increases, but due to the execution of more expensive and complex orders, a specialist is able to earn about 10,000 rubles for each working day. An elite workshop brings even more profit, but due to high initial investments, this type of business pays off only after 3-5 years.

Video: how to start a shoe repair business.


For many centuries, people have needed shoes and their maintenance. The volumes of the shoe industry remain high, and the demand for the services of shoe repairers does not subside. Moreover, people turn to repair worn-out pairs much more often than they buy new ones in a shoe store.

This applies to representatives of all classes. Elite boots for 1000 euros and modest sandals bought at a sale also need periodic repairs. Therefore, shoe repairmen have never been idle, and well-organized repair shops are still a very profitable type of business with minimal investment (such as the related key making business).

Types of repair shops, their profitability

You can open a shoe repair shop in 3 formats: economy, medium level and VIP

1 Economy workshops the most common. Most often they are located in kiosks or small rented premises - 6-10 m2. Designed to provide a narrow range of services, such as:

  • replacement and repair of heels,
  • supinators,
  • heels,
  • soles,
  • insoles,
  • lightning and locks,
  • prevention installation,
  • line, paint.

To expand this list do not allow small areas on which it is impossible to place the corresponding equipment. The equipment is usually used the simplest and cheapest, which allows you to set low prices for services. The target audience is the population of low or middle income level.

This line of business cannot be classified as highly profitable. An experienced shoemaker can repair 20 pairs of shoes per day. The average cost of services is 150 rubles. In this scenario, the daily income will be about 3 tr. About 1 tr should be subtracted from it. material costs. The total daily revenue will be, at best, 2 tr.

2 Enterprises middle level are distinguished by a wide range of services (up to 150 items) and a high level of prices. They are located on areas from 30 m2. Shoes are repaired using expensive high-quality equipment. They are in demand among the population of average and above average income levels.

Such workshops, with their proper placement and a constant flow of customers, can bring a good income. Judge for yourself: with 30 orders per day, an average cost of 500 rubles. the daily income will be 15 tr., and the profit minus the cost of materials - 10 tr.

3 VIP workshops specialize in luxury shoe repair. They are usually located in high-income neighborhoods and provide services to single clients. People who have bought shoes for several thousand dollars will never trust them to medium-sized and, especially, economy-sized enterprises. They prefer to repair it in such specialized workshops, equipped with the appropriate equipment, allowing restoration of any level of complexity.

Such a business is highly profitable, but rare and risky. You will have to purchase equipment for at least 200 thousand dollars, and without a stable flow of customers, it will hardly pay off in less than 4-5 years.

Registration procedures


  1. Registration of the company in the tax. When choosing a legal form, we recommend giving preference to IP. This will make it possible to apply UTII, and from 2013 - a patent form of taxation.
  2. Choice of OKVED codes:

    52.71 Repair of shoes and other leather goods
    52.74 Repair of household and personal items, n.e.c.

  3. Registration in the Pension Fund and other off-budget funds
  4. Purchase of a cash register or strict reporting forms
  5. Before opening a business, it is necessary to bring the premises in line with the requirements of the State and Rospotrebnadzor


The workshop is usually equipped with:

1. Kiosk (6-10 m2).

You can get this design in two ways:

  • rent a piece of land from the state (from 2 thousand rubles per month) and install an acquired stall on it (from 100 thousand rubles);
  • rent both land and a kiosk (from 30 tr. per month).

2. Separate room.

For a small workshop, it is enough to rent about 6 m2 (from 6 tr. per month). For a medium-sized enterprise, you will need at least 30 m2 (from 30 tr per month). It is advisable to place the workshop in a passable place - in the market, in a shopping center, the basement of a house in a densely populated residential area.

The room must have a reliable power source. Professional equipment used for shoe repair consumes a lot of electricity. Medium-sized establishments should be equipped in such a way that the pick-up and drop-off area is separated from the working area. In some cases, it is advisable to place reception points in large shopping centers, and carry out repairs in a hotel room.

Shoe repair equipment

Minimum set of equipment:

  • electric stove (for heating the glue) - 1000 r.
  • shoe paw - 1 tr.
  • grindstone - 3 tr.
  • electric drill - 1.5 tr.
  • shoe rasp - 250 r.
  • shoe gun - 250 r.
  • awl - 250 r.
  • pliers and wire cutters - 500 r.
  • a set of shoe needles - 500 rubles.
  • hammer and nails - 500 r.
  • abrasive skins - 10 r.

You will also need components in the amount of 5 tr. (pieces of leather, heel rubber, different soles, soles, polyurethane, special threads, arch supports, etc.)

To provide a wider range of services, you will need:

  • processing machine - from 40 tr.
  • sewing machine - from 6 tr.
  • burner - from 2.5 tr.
  • compressor - from 20 tr.


Most often, shoemakers work for themselves, organizing small firms. But if you want to create an enterprise of a larger format, you will have to recruit specialists. This is a rather problematic issue. Shoemaker is a rare profession. Shoemakers are trained only in some technical schools, where there is a specialty "Technology / Design of leather products." It is advisable to contact a recruiting agency if you cannot find staff through personal acquaintances.

During the economic crisis, people are not able to often buy new shoes, so they resort to the services of repair shops. The services of shoemakers are now in demand, and the services of good craftsmen are especially in great demand. Therefore, the creation of a shoe repair business is a promising direction, in demand, which will bring payback in about 2-3 years.

  • First steps when opening a shoe shop
  • What documents will be needed?
  • Choosing a place for a shoe repair shop
  • What else to pay attention to?
  • How much money do you need to start a shoe repair business?
  • Setting up the workshop room
  • Choosing equipment and consumables
  • We create and promote the site
  • Shoe workshop running costs
  • Marketing and Advertising
  • How much can you earn from shoe repair?
  • What OKVED must be indicated for a shoe repair shop
  • Which taxation system to choose for a shoe repair shop
  • Do I need permission to open
  • business technology

First steps when opening a shoe shop

So, we open the workshop "Horseshoe". To conquer the market, we will offer our clients: express repair, stretching, dry cleaning, restoration and painting of shoes. To improve customer service, we will offer zoning of the premises: one for the workshop itself, the second for receiving and issuing shoes. The next feature will be the issuance of shoes in branded packages and with a guarantee, for example, for 2 weeks. The employee issuing and accepting shoes will work in a corporate suit and gloves of the appropriate color. This will increase the reputation of the workshop and will attract additional visitors.

What documents will be needed?

First, register as an individual entrepreneur. Next, we register with the tax office, the pension fund and other authorities. It is also necessary to obtain permission from the SES, the fire inspectorate and Rospotrebnadzor.