Equipment for growing fish in ponds. Fish farming as a business idea for an entrepreneur

  • How much can you earn
  • Which equipment to choose
        • Similar business ideas:

Today in Russia there are a large number of unclaimed reservoirs, from which you can make a real fish farm. Fish farming is perhaps one of the few areas of agriculture that is least exposed to the risk of adverse weather conditions. Thanks to this, the profitability of carp breeding remains at the level of 20%.

The most difficult thing in organizing such a business are administrative barriers. It is not so easy to get a pond for rent. You need to go through a series of approvals, paperwork and competitive bidding for the right to rent a specific reservoir. It is necessary to contact the local administration on the issue of renting a water body.

It is important to know that not every body of water can be rented. The restriction under the law is imposed, first of all, on reservoirs with the status of a natural monument. It is also difficult to rent ponds that are located near summer cottages and cities, as complaints from the population against the tenant will go immediately.

When choosing a reservoir for breeding fish, you should pay attention to its area, depth and type of bottom. Thus, a pond (lake) with an area of ​​20 to 100 hectares is considered optimal in size. This will allow both carp to breed and provide paid fishing services. If the reservoir is smaller, then it will not be possible to grow large volumes of marketable fish, and even more so to serve fishermen.

If the lease of a pond is used exclusively for paid fishing services, then the distance to the nearest large cities is important. Large settlements and cities should be located within a radius of no more than 50 km. In this case, it is important to take care of the availability of good access roads to the reservoir.

The carp pond must be equipped with a weir system. For this, a special outpost or sluice is built, which serves to lock the water in the leading ditch and control the depth level in the pond. The lock is necessary not only for the outflow of water, but also for catching marketable fish. Many fish farm ponds are built on this principle.

The depth of the reservoir should be from 1.5 m, otherwise the fish will not overwinter. The bottom of the reservoir should be silty and soft. The optimum temperature for the growth and reproduction of carp is from 14 to 24 degrees. Carp feeds only in the warm season, and in winter it hibernates and does not eat anything.

It is impossible not to say about the methods of feeding cyprinids. There are two main ways of growing carp - extensive and intensive. With an extensive rearing method, carp feed only on natural food that is in the reservoir. This method can only be used in large reservoirs. The growth and development of carp directly depends on the natural food supply. The main advantage of this method is the low cost of carp maintenance (more precisely, their complete absence). The main disadvantage is the low growth rate of the fish.

An intensive method of growing cyprinids involves the creation of a system for feeding fish with a rich food supply. Fish with this method are fed at least 2 times a day. As a rule, planting material is acquired in early spring, and in autumn fish are caught. Thanks to multiple feeding and maintaining a high density, it is possible to obtain up to 6 t/ha of marketable carp. The disadvantage of this method is high feed costs. But they are more than paid off by the speed of fish growth and the rapid turnover of invested funds.

Stocking with cyprinids should be done at the rate of 250 kg of fish per 1 ha of pond area. The fish grows very fast. In general, carp is considered one of the most unpretentious, which cannot be said about trout or sturgeon. For example, 10 tons of carp in three years will turn into 100 tons - the mass will increase 10 times! Carp is also distinguished by its fertility. One fish is capable of producing from 200 to 300 thousand eggs, from which tens of thousands of individuals will turn out.

After stocking with carp, a small part of predatory fish - pike or pike perch - should be put into the reservoir. This is done in order to knock out weedy fish from the reservoir, such as bleak, ruff and topfish. You need to be careful not to let a lot of predators in, otherwise they will eat the carp fry. Therefore, it is recommended to stock carp fry from the age of 1 year. The predator eats them much less. In this case, the survival rate of the fry will be at least 80%.

According to experts, the amount of investment in a business depends on the area of ​​the reservoir and the businessman's ambitions. Thus, a fish farm with an area of ​​100 hectares of water will cost about $80,000. The main costs include construction work (creation of the relief of the reservoir, construction of locks, etc.) and the purchase of fry. The cost of carp fry, weighing 100-150 grams, starts from 70 rubles / kg. In order to stock a pond with an area of ​​100 hectares, it will take about 1.5 million rubles to buy fry.

The cost of growing fish in an intensive way is 40 rubles/kg. And the wholesale price is about 60 rubles / kg. The profit of a businessman grows many times if the fish is sold in a living state - in special vehicles that deliver live carp to retail outlets. In this case, the selling price of fish is at least 90-100 rubles/kg. Marginal income per kilogram is 50-60 rubles.

From each hectare you can get up to 1.5-2 tons of marketable fish. Income from a reservoir with an area of ​​100 hectares, minus wages and taxes, can reach 4-5 million rubles a year.

In addition to selling fish, paid fishing services can be additional income. The cost of such pleasure in the Moscow region starts from 500 rubles per person. And in the "elite" ponds stocked with sturgeon, trout, grass carp and silver carp, the cost of a ticket is at least 1,500 rubles per person. In order for the fishermen to know the measure, a limit on the catch of fish is set. For example, over 5 kg of catch, each subsequent kilogram will be paid, depending on the type of fish. If the caught fish is smaller than the set size (25 cm), it is released back into the lake.

Fishing spots should be equipped so that the distance between fishermen is at least 50 m. Interest in fishing in this case will be much higher. If investments allow, then a good solution would be the construction of summer houses for vacationers, a shop, a kitchen, a fishing house, a toilet. The fisherman's shop sells fishing tackle, bait and top dressing. These are all in high demand. The presence of a summer kitchen with a chef allows you to take orders from those who want to taste their own catch.

If you also build a beach, then the fishermen will come with their whole families, which will only increase the income of the entrepreneur. However, you need to make sure that the rest does not interfere with the main process of fishing. Therefore, the beach should be at a respectful distance from fishing spots - at least 100m.

The construction of such infrastructure justifies itself well not only near large cities and metropolitan areas. Residents of the periphery and small towns are also willing to pay for such a service. There are still not enough picturesque and well-groomed places in our country, and the demand for outdoor activities is growing every year.

Step-by-step opening plan, where to start

To open your carp, you need to pay special attention to the place where the fish are bred. For carp, a piece pond or pond is suitable. Preliminarily, it is advisable to monitor and analyze the activities of competitors, to establish relations with points of sale. You can not do without a well-defined business project, taking into account the preliminary costs and expected profit. The profitability of the business in the early stages will depend on this. Having ennobled the reservoir and the surrounding area, you can begin to purchase the necessary equipment, fry and food for them.

How much can you earn

Before moving on to profits, let's look at costs. If you grow carp in a natural reservoir, then the main expenses are associated with the purchase of feed, about 20 rubles per 1 kg. For a small fish farm, it will take up to 5,000 rubles per month. Buying fry: 100 pieces = 400 rubles. To this should be added the cost of equipment, transportation costs, insurance premiums, etc. It takes 2-3 years for a carp to reach its selling weight. Thus, there is no need to expect quick profits. You can sell fish at a price of 80-100 rubles per kg. An additional income channel is paid fishing, along with the rental of fishing rods / boats, paid parking and other equipment. The profitability of the business, taking into account a well-established sales market, is at the level of 10%. The resulting profit can be used not only to expand the business, but also to acquire profitable assets. There are many possibilities for this, for example, investment in tenement houses. This is a time-tested method that works.

How much money do you need to start a business

Start-up costs for such a business depend on the method of breeding. If you create an artificial reservoir with a closed water supply device, you will need up to half a million rubles, and in some cases more. Carp breeding in natural reservoirs will significantly reduce this figure, approximately 10-20 times.

Which equipment to choose

To run a carp farming business effectively, you will need to purchase fishing rods, boats, camping tents and other equipment for paid fishing.

Which OKVED to indicate when registering a business

To register a business, you must specify OKVED Code 03.2 - Fish farming.

What documents are needed to open

A novice businessman will need to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC, which will require a passport, a copy of the IND code and a receipt for payment of the state fee. It is worth paying attention to the grants that exist in Russia from the Ministry of Agriculture. When registering which, there is a chance to receive a significant start-up capital or half of the funds invested in the business.

Which taxation system to choose for business registration

For doing business, the best option would be to tax the peasant, farm, economy with a loss of 6% of profits.

Do I need permission to open

It is obligatory for stocking a reservoir to obtain a special veterinary certificate, which is issued by the epidemiological committee. Also, the lease of the territory from the state will require a few more additional papers related to maintaining cleanliness and environmental safety. Thinking about making a quick income or dreaming of owning your own home? Mortgage seems unaffordable? Find out about the mortgage recipient's mistakes and how how to do it right. Do not lose your nerves and money by giving the bank more than 10 years.

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The sale of food products is the most profitable business.

Breeding sturgeon fish is an excellent alternative to traditional livestock industries.

Sturgeon fish grown in artificial reservoirs is distinguished by its environmental friendliness and excellent taste.

The peculiarity of growing is that the fish does not require special care and is quite capable of surviving in fresh water.

Hence the conclusion that fish farming at home as a business is easy to manage and incredibly profitable, you just have to follow a certain plan.

Features of activity

Sturgeon breeding as a business has a number of its own characteristics:

  • Extensive market. You can realize the fruits of your activity anywhere, for example, in a restaurant, in the market, in shops, in the production of conservation.
  • Absence of competitors. In our country, only a few farmers are engaged in the cultivation of fish, and many residents do not even know about this way of doing business.
  • The main advantage is the low start-up costs.
  • No knowledge of fish breeding is required, everyone can start from scratch, all skills come with time. At the initial stage, it is enough to read some literature on care and feeding; you can find answers to all questions on the Internet.
  • You do not need to hire staff, you can cope with the work yourself, it will take only 3-4 hours a day.
  • There is no need to create special conditions for the sturgeon, it is unpretentious and can live in artificial reservoirs, moreover, it does not require special feed.
  • Unlike livestock, the sturgeon is not exposed to deadly diseases; if the rules of feeding are followed correctly, there will be no problems with its health.
  • The payback period of the business will be approximately 7 months.


You can grow sturgeons at home or in a pond. To do this, you need a reservoir, you can artificial.

Pond cultivation should begin with preparation, or rather, its cleaning.

To do this, a layer of lime is placed on the bottom of the reservoir, which is first filled with water, then washed.

It is worth holding this event two weeks before placing fry in the pond.

It is best to place fry in the summer at night. For breeding, a separate small pond should be equipped.

When the fish grows to medium size, it should be placed separately. New fry can then be returned back.

For a comfortable existence of fish in the pond, there should be algae and any other greenery, preferably the presence of insects and mollusks.

The second option is to grow fish in the pool.

At the initial stage, it will be enough to purchase an ordinary plastic pool with a depth of 1 m and a diameter of 1.5 m. About 1000 kg of sturgeon can be grown in such a container.

In addition to the main pool, a sorting tank is required, where eggs and fry will be placed, weighing up to 5 grams.

To grow sturgeon in a pool, several important conditions must be met.

First, the water must be clean and changed regularly. Secondly, the comfortable water temperature is from +2 to +27⁰C, for breeding - from +17 to +22⁰C.


For any living organism, high-quality nutritious nutrition is required, health depends on it.

For feeding the sturgeon, you can use any fish food. The main thing is that they contain a sufficient amount of nutrients, namely crude protein, crude fat, fiber, micro and macro elements.

But food for adults cannot be fed to fry.

Feeding 4 times a day for an adult, fry - 6 times.

This should be done at the same time, otherwise the fish may refuse to eat due to stress.

The better and more complete the food, the greater the weight of the individual and the better the taste.

Care and breeding

The most pressing question is: where to start the activity after the preparation is completed.

To begin with, buy fry, then grow them correctly, that is, follow the basic rules of care and feeding.

If the fish is kept in the pool, then it is necessary to change the water regularly.

You can use running tap water. But it should be pre-filtered, for this a simple carbon filter is suitable.

Change the water approximately every three days. To do this, drain a small amount of water, only about 15%, and replace it with fresh water.

At the initial stage, it is extremely difficult to breed fry in the pool, especially for an inexperienced entrepreneur.

Sturgeon fish breeds begin to spawn only at the age of 6. If there is no experience in caring for fish, you can get a certain percentage of mortality of individuals. It is better to acquire individuals on farms.

Issue price

A financial plan excites all aspiring entrepreneurs. This question depends on many factors.

In addition to the cost of pools or pond equipment, the purchase of fry is required.

The minimum cost of one individual starts from 12 rubles. To begin with, you will have to purchase 1800 individuals, their total weight after growing up will be 1 ton. Accordingly, the purchase will have to spend at least 21,600 rubles.

It is also worth considering the cost of electricity and water, the total cost of resources will be approximately 28,000 rubles, plus the cost of feed - 70,000 rubles.

The cost of one sturgeon will be 120 rubles. And the market price per kilogram of sturgeon starts from 500 rubles or more.

With this plan, the proceeds from the sale will be 380 rubles per kilogram, and 380,000 rubles per ton. This is the amount of net proceeds minus the cost of selling sturgeon at the lowest price.

Thus, fish farming is a tasty and profitable business. If you invest in this business a maximum of funds and your own strength, you can deploy a large-scale enterprise.

Sturgeon meat and caviar are highly valued, it is quite easy to find buyers for the products.

Breeding fish at home as a business has many advantages; only minor financial costs and some free time are required from its owner.

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A large number of people in our country want to work and make a profit from their activities, do interesting things for themselves and be independent. There are more and more individual entrepreneurs (IP) and various LLCs, more attention is paid by the state, local authorities to businessmen. Banks reduce interest rates when issuing loans to LLCs and individual entrepreneurs. The type of activity - fish farming in artificial reservoirs, as a type of business, is becoming more and more popular.

Fish is a useful food product that can be used in various forms: boil, fry, smoke, salt, dry, preserve. Mostly fresh frozen fish. The one who is engaged in the supply of food to the market is never a loser. Fish is in especially high demand, for this reason alone, the business should be profitable. There are several directions for the development of fish farming: pond, cage and pool - breeding fish in artificial reservoirs. We will consider it in detail in the review.

Fish farming in artificial reservoirs is a modern, progressive method of intensive development of fish farming. An artificial reservoir is also a dug pond. For its device, a pit is needed. The pond is profitable, but its creation process is very laborious. The main thing is that the bottom should be even. The presence of holes can cause waterlogging of the soil. As an insulating material at the bottom are used: clay, asbestos, concrete, sand. Large farms usually have several ponds with different purposes: spawning, for fry, for wintering, feeding.

Business organization

Breeding fish as a business, practically does not depend on bad weather conditions, seasons. With the skillful organization of your activities, you can quickly begin to receive a stable income.

When organizing a business, you must first consider:

  • high-quality planting material is needed - growing fry;
  • for individual entrepreneurs, it is advisable to purchase, grow young animals, bring them to marketable weight;
  • it is useless to do it alone or with the whole family;
  • great success will not be ensured in the absence of qualified specialists.

Pros and cons of this business

The main advantage is profitability - the possibility of obtaining a stable income (up to 20% on average). Sometimes profitability reaches 40% in large farms.

Profit can be obtained in the following cases:

  • marketing of fish has been established;
  • the issue of transporting fresh fish has been resolved. Sufficiently high market price with the possibility of transporting it over long distances.
  • the possibility of breeding, selling sales on the spot with a small number of competitors is a particularly profitable business.

The advantages include:

  • low cost to start a business;
  • requirements for fish care are much lower than in other branches of agriculture;
  • rapid growth of fish when using advanced rearing methods. Malek carp in a year can reach a marketable weight (one to two kilograms)

Main cons:

  • significant funds are spent in organizing their business;
  • not a quick return on investment (requires 2 - 2.5);
  • possible marketing difficulties. Not even all supermarkets have pools for keeping fish;
  • in summer it is difficult to store and transport fresh fish;
  • in hot weather, the fish grows well and feeds. In cold weather it feeds poorly and does not grow;
  • ecology and related fish diseases are important;
  • seasonality in the sale of fresh fish. A higher price for fish in summer, but at this time it is still scarce. In the autumn, mainly, the fish acquires marketable weight, its bulk is sold, and as a result, the price decreases.

Species of fish for expedient rearing

Among the variety of fish species, it is necessary to choose species that are not whimsical to feed, quickly gaining weight, resistant to diseases, and in stable demand. Many experts advise starting fish farming with carp and trout, which are in high demand.

Please note that it is more profitable to breed carp. Feed costs are somewhat less, care is easier. It is important to remember that carp do not tolerate shallow water.

Growing trout is a more time-consuming and complex process. However, its breeding attracts many businessmen. This is due to excellent taste, relatively lower habitat requirements compared to other salmon species, high prices. Many farmers breed silver carps. They quickly gain weight (up to 30 kilograms of weight and up to a meter in length).

Experts advise to pay attention to the little-mentioned fish - tench. Fish with excellent taste, not whimsical, requires minimal care, resistant to disease. The main thing is that it perfectly tolerates the lack of oxygen, which is often insufficient in water in artificial small reservoirs.

Ways to breed fish for a profitable business

For a business to be profitable when using pools, you must:

  • have a large area of ​​land. At the same time, various approvals, certain conditions are not required;
  • apply new technology of closed water exchange (RAS). It does not require the lease of large areas of land. When using RAS, it is recommended to choose sturgeon or salmon for cultivation - delicacy fish varieties. Since expensive equipment for water purification and exchange increases the cost of cultivation by about 1.5 times.

Large fish farms have several hangars with pools at a very high density of fish (from 40 to 400 kg of fish per 1 m³). The process of automatic feeding with dry granular food is provided, which contributes to the rapid weight gain of fish. The applied purification system allows removing contaminants, saturating water with oxygen.

It is also important that it is possible to choose any volume, shape of the pool, material that does not require careful maintenance, is durable. The pools can be used all year round.

Modern technology has obvious advantages:

  • no wastewater discharge;
  • saving water resources;
  • ease of excretion of waste products of fish;
  • reduced care time;
  • management of the process of breeding fish - the ability to automatically adjust the temperature of the water and its saturation with oxygen, regulate the feed supply. The only, but significant, drawback of RAS is the high cost of the system;
  • the process of growing fish must be continuous.

When planning a business, the land in the country is clearly not enough. You may need to lease land.

Business plan

For profitable business activities, it is imperative to develop a business plan. It will help to avoid unnecessary expenses and many mistakes.

When investing heavily in organizing a business, everything must be well thought out, calculated, and then strictly carried out as planned. A business can only be profitable with proper planning. It is important to take into account the scale of the project, the region where the businessman operates, the fish for breeding, the technology used, and a number of other factors.

To reduce the payback period of your project, reduce costs, you need to contact specialists and pay for their services. When drawing up a business plan for a large company, it is necessary to involve specialized specialists.

Breeding fish in small pools will require practically no costs, usually does not require a business plan.

How to succeed in business?

You can increase your profitability in the following ways:

  • organize the cultivation of fish, sale in the area of ​​​​residence;
  • comply with the recommendations of business experts;
  • organize normal conditions for the existence of fish. It is important to monitor the condition of the pools, your own pond (clean it in a timely manner, monitor the water temperature);
  • organize your own processing if it is impossible to sell the fish in full (freeze, smoke, make canned food);

Please note that demand is not always stable, sales need to be debugged. It takes some time to acquire a reputation as a reliable supplier to shops, restaurants, bars.

  • Don't forget to pay special attention to quality advertising. Buyers, customers should inquire about the availability of fresh fish sold at a bargain price. It is necessary to place advertisements on the Internet, at fish shops, supermarkets, on city websites, in local newspapers, in flyers and magazines about fishing. The method is effective, relevant, will allow you to quickly start making big profits;
  • in the presence of a large artificial reservoir, it is also possible to allow fishing for a small fee.

Business registration

To start any activity, business registration is required. At the same time, the estimated volume of fish breeding and its sale (how and where to sell) is important. When creating an artificial reservoir, it is much easier to register your activity than in a natural reservoir. This requires an epidemiological conclusion of the fishery and does not require permits. It is necessary to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC with the OKVED code "Fish farming" in the classifier "Types of economic activity".

When making wholesale deliveries, it is necessary to register as an LLC - a legal entity. Intermediaries, fish shops, supermarkets are interested in wholesale deliveries. They prefer to do business with LLC. This is the most profitable, fastest, easiest way to sell products. It is also possible to organize self-delivery.

Individual entrepreneurs who do not have a legal address have to take care of the marketing of their products on their own, without the possibility of wholesale deliveries. They can open a retail outlet, rent a place in the market. This entails additional costs associated with organizing transportation, paying for a trading place, arranging a place to store fish that were not sold on the same day.

LLC registrations

For registration you need:

  • submit a package of documents to the tax office;
  • choose a name for the company. It should convey to the consumer information about the products;
  • choose a taxation system for calculating taxes and fees;
  • register in the Unified State Register (EGRLE) and obtain a Certificate of LLC registration;
  • the enterprise is registered in the pension, medical, social funds.

IP registration is also carried out by the tax service. For taxation, a simplified tax payment system is usually chosen or a patent is issued.

Initial capital

"Starting" capital can be purchased:

  • in a banking institution. However, despite the constant reduction in interest rates on loans for individual entrepreneurs and LLCs, experience shows that this is not the best option for acquiring capital.
  • A businessman will start receiving income from his activities no earlier than 2-3 years. At the same time, the minimum period for which a loan is required must be at least three years. In the form of interest for the use of bank funds, you will have to pay a significant amount of money;
  • it is much more profitable to organize a business on shares;
  • borrow money from friends or relatives.

Someone can borrow money at a certain percentage, which will be much lower than that of the lender bank. Or they can give money with the prospect of buying fresh fish in the future at a better price.

The most common misconceptions of young farmers

Most often, novice farmers do not consider the following:

  • it is impossible to start activities with a large volume of production. Despite the rather simple technique of rearing fry, experience and knowledge in the industry is required. Growing fry is the most difficult, important and responsible activity in breeding fish. Elementary mistakes can lead to the loss of all fry at once. Even with proper care for fry, sometimes up to 10% of them die.

First, you need to master the basics, get the necessary skills to care for fry, positive results, and then increase production volumes;

  • you can’t buy an unreliable, makeshift tank for growing fry. In case of failures in cleaning, enriching water with oxygen, pumping water, all the fry in the pool can not die - the loss of funds will be huge. Breeding fish is a profitable business, but the main thing is not to chase big profits and rush to get it;
  • in the absence of experience in the manufacture of the pool, its construction should be entrusted to professionals - masters of their craft. The cost will pay off if done right. And having spent significant funds on the independent construction of the pool and having lost the first failures, you can lose interest in your offspring, stop the commercial activity that has almost not begun;
  • the need to conduct financial calculations of the costs incurred and the profits received, consultations with economists and experienced businessmen. With a large volume of production, they can help to make significant profits and avoid losses.


More and more businessmen are engaged in fish breeding, and for many it brings not only tangible benefits, but also pleasure from their activities. To start a business, not large investments are required, and income can be received regularly and significant with the skillful management of your household, using the advice of specialists.

The guarantee of success is the use of modern technology of closed water exchange, automation of processes. It is important for a successful business to create normal conditions for growing fish, optimal conditions for the sale of fresh fish, and try to sell products in bulk in your area. It is advisable to organize your own fish processing, pay more attention to advertising your products.

Fish is one of the most important products in human nutrition and its cultivation cannot, with proper business management, not be profitable and not bring a significant permanent income.

However, even if you go fishing once every five years, you can’t argue against statistics: fish prices are constantly growing, and during the crisis it has almost doubled in price! Even in the saddest times for entrepreneurs, when the price of trout fell from 175 to 140 rubles per kilo, the business remained more than profitable.

For those who are just going to engage in fish farming in Russia, there is another argument for: fish farms have already managed to switch to a single agricultural tax, which allows you to pay only 6% of income reduced by expenses, and also forget about VAT, social tax, income and property tax.

The entrepreneur's profit increases if the fish is sold in a living state, in special cars that deliver it directly to retail outlets.

But we must immediately warn that breeders have a rather complicated relationship with trade: not everyone wants to deal with live fish - wholesalers do not deal with it, and even in Moscow only 10% of stores have special aquariums and equipment.

Before we start

Before you start purchasing equipment and collecting documents, you need to decide what kind of fish you will breed, because the technology of the entire farm depends on this.

The two most interesting options in terms of demand are carp and trout.

It is easier to grow carp: it is unpretentious, tenacious, most reservoirs are suitable for it, and for care it is enough to read a couple of specialized books.

Breeding salmon and trout is many times more expensive - the fish is quite capricious and will require the services of a specialist fish farmer. But if opportunities allow, it is better to do both.

Large fish are traditionally in the greatest demand. The optimal weight for carp is 1.2-1.7 kg, in natural conditions it reaches this size in about 3 years. Trout can be brought up to 1 kg, but it usually takes about 2.5 years to grow.

Therefore, in addition to selling live fish, you can also organize paid fishing trips.

The cost of fishing depends on the location, infrastructure and, of course, the type of fish: for example, on elite salmon ponds, you can charge at least 1500 per person.
In addition, you can offer your guests accompanying services - fishing tackle, bait, feeding, cooking the catch with a chef, alcohol, accommodation, etc.

Main risks: diseases and epidemics of fish, administrative barriers, possible difficulties in implementation.

“Step-by-step instructions on how to open a fish farming business”


There are several basic options for fish breeding: in natural lakes and specialized pools.

In addition, you can often find cage breeding of large fish, as well as rearing fish in artificial mini-reservoirs, which are more like barrels or bathtubs.

In Russia, there are a lot of unclaimed reservoirs, on the basis of which you can stir up your fisheries.

Another thing is that it is not so easy to rent a pond or lake.
To do this, you need to go through seven circles of hell of approvals, paperwork, competitive bidding, etc. In addition, not all ponds can be rented in principle.

First of all, restrictions are imposed on reservoirs that have the status of a monument, as well as those that are located near cities, villages, summer cottages, etc.

One way or another, all questions about the lease - to the local administration.

All fisheries in Russia are divided into conditional zones.
For example, Moscow belongs to zones 1-2, and the Krasnodar Territory and Stavropol belong to 5 and 6. Fish farming is the most profitable there, so it's time to move to warm regions.
And if you are planning paid fishing, pay attention to the distance to major cities - it is desirable that it does not exceed 50 km.

In general, when choosing a pond or, there, a lake for breeding fish, everything matters: area, depth, average water temperature and oxygen content directly determine the health and growth of fish.

The larger the reservoir, the easier it is to breed fish in it, especially since the temperature regime there is more uniform. A reservoir with an area of ​​​​10 to 100 hectares and a depth of 1.5 m can be considered optimal in size, otherwise the fish simply will not overwinter.

As for the temperature, carp can withstand a temperature of 24-25 degrees, and trout - only 16-19, at 24 it already begins to die.
In order to determine the best conditions and stock the reservoir with fish, it is necessary to call specialists from the Fisheries Research Institute who will conduct a fish-biological study.


For a fish breeding business, we will first need planting material. Planting material is usually purchased in early spring so that the first crop can be caught in the fall. Carp planting material will cost about 150 rubles per 1 kg.

It is best to take fry that are already 1 year old - they take root better and their survival rate is higher. In addition, carp grows very quickly: 10 tons of carp turn into 100 tons in 3 years.

The growth and development of fish directly depend on the food supply. Therefore, the main item of expenditure falls on special feed: it must contain at least 25% protein. The fish is fed at least 2 times a day, but it is important to know the measure, otherwise it will stop growing and there will be sadness.

The average price of food for carp is about 10 rubles per kg, and in winter the carp hibernates and does not eat anything. With trout it is more difficult - for it you need to buy German feed, whose cost starts from 1 euro per kg. In addition, do not forget to add medicated feed to the diet to increase immunity.

By the way, useful advice: after stocking with carp, you can put extra pike or pike perch into the pond.
This is done in order to knock out the weedy fish from the reservoir - eru, bleak, verkhmelka and others from their gang.
The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise they will inadvertently gobble up both the fry and all your profits.


In principle, the fish in the lake are self-sufficient and do not require 24/7 supervision. But you can't do it alone either.
We need to hire a couple of assistants who, at a minimum, will feed the fish, clean the shore, clean the pond and check the health of the fish every week, because the disease and epidemic of our domestic scaly is almost the main risk in business.

Documents and licenses

So that the fish breeding business is legal, and all efforts are not in vain, you will have to run.

As mentioned above, you need at least:
1 . negotiate with the local government and obtain permission to rent a reservoir,
2 . apply to cats that have a statutory research program approved by the fisheries committee and obtain a scientific and biological justification.
3. apply to the State Committee for Water Management and obtain a permit for catching fish.

Licensing and certification is usually not necessary, but orderlies and various kinds of checks can come to you with enviable regularity.


Practice shows that selling fish is often no less a difficult task than growing it.
Somehow it happened that the breeders who breed fish do not have a very good relationship with the trade. On the one hand, selling live fish is much easier and more profitable. On the other hand, wholesalers with live carcasses, for obvious reasons, do not work.

Therefore, your main goal is to establish connections with shops, cafes and restaurants.

There is enough time for this, but for now, think about how to attract customers to paid fishing, build your own fish cutting and smoking plant, or open your own fish shop in the city. But that, sorry, is a completely different story.


The fish farming business in Russia is undoubtedly very interesting, but at the same time quite troublesome and risky.

For the first business, it is not suitable: Much more interesting to consider it as a sub-business for a fish store or a profitable hobby, especially in conjunction with fishing.

Difficulties will haunt you at almost every stage, and the first profit will not come soon.
Despite the fact that many abandoned reservoirs are suitable for breeding, in practice, you will find bureaucratic red tape or heavy investment in equipment.

Salmon fish are quite difficult to breed without the help of a specialist fish breeder, and the population must be carefully protected from diseases throughout the year. In addition, some breeders experience implementation difficulties.

But if you have patience, diligence and, of course, good karma, you can be sure that your efforts will pay off a hundredfold and a decent profit awaits you ... and truly exciting fishing!

This article is intended for people who want to build a quality fish farming business.
The fishing business has for many years been the most successful and most profitable type of business based on growing fish in artificial reservoirs.

On the shelves of shops you can find quite a lot of fish products not only from large companies, but also from farm production of small enterprises. Techniques for breeding fish in small ponds save time. Three hours a day will be enough to have an idea and the necessary information on breeding fish.

Fishing business. What fish to choose?

Before you start promoting your vision of the “fish business”, you should decide how it is more profitable to breed fish. To begin with, I would like to note that the following are suitable for your artificial reservoir: crucian carp, silver carp, grass carp, sturgeon, pike perch, carp, trout and many others. Based on considerations, the most purchased species of fish are carp or trout.

Ask why? These are the only fish that grow quickly and are in demand. The method of working to promote the fishing idea will depend entirely on this choice.

As for cultivation, it is easier with carp. Carp is a tenacious fish, it calmly gets along in almost any body of water. Yes, and you do not need to graduate from any academy for breeding fish, just look through the relevant literature.

With trout breeding, things are worse, since only a specialist fish farmer can carry out its stable and correct breeding. And this, as everyone understands, is another cost. But without experience, breeding trout is a disastrous business.

Equipment and arrangement of the reservoir

The location of the reservoir should be chosen so that in the summer from dawn to 10 am it is lit by the sun, and from 11 am to 3 pm it is not scary if it hides in partial shade. Such a place is very difficult to find. Only natural ponds and lakes have such a location, and then in the wild. It is worth noting that in order to grow fish in a pond, the pool must be in the sun for at least 5 hours a day.


Today, a popular place for breeding fish is the pool. If possible, it is better to buy it. With the independent construction of the pool, you will have to spend a lot of time and money on the installation of a closed water supply (UVZ). The budget option is the construction of a pond. An artificial pond is easier to build in a round or oval shape. The depth of the reservoir should not be less than 150 cm. The banks are made gentle at an angle of 20-25 degrees. The depth of the reservoir should correspond to its size, but be at least 70 cm. The banks are made gentle (20–25 °).

For your information, if the depth of the reservoir is more than 80 cm, then the banks should be made with ledges, otherwise they will creep.


Do not focus on the sophistication of the pond. It should be remembered that its main purpose is to keep fish.

In most cases, the bottom of the pond is simply concreted. The average price for such services is about 20 thousand rubles. Also, for the construction of such ponds, you will need to obtain permission from the administrative authorities.

Here are some tips for building a pond:

  • Small ponds will need to be constantly cleaned, and large ones will require large financial costs. Based on the foregoing, ponds with a size of 40 square meters are considered the optimal size. meters;
  • One part of the pond should be in the shade. Do not forget that in the spring during the rains, so that the pond is not flooded, it should be built on low-lying areas;
  • The bottom relief should alternately alternate from shallow water with deep water areas to rapids and ledges of various sizes.

Optional equipment

Now we will analyze the equipment necessary for breeding fish. A gravity biofilter is a water purification device. This is an attachment that installs in minutes. The cost of this device is 5 thousand rubles. In order for the fish not to die from water blooms or simply suffocate, special compressors should be used. The cost of the compressor is 10 thousand rubles. Ultraviolet sterilizers are used to prevent abundant water blooms. Water is supplied to the reservoir using a hydraulic pump (cost 25 thousand rubles). Fish feeders and other small equipment can be found in specialized stores. Forget about draining the water from the pond in advance.

Purchase of fry

For breeding, fry is purchased first. The number of purchased fry depends on the reservoir. Do not forget that the fry grows almost 8 times in one season. In the process of growth, about 10 percent of the acquired fry die. Entrepreneurs who are not the first day in this business are advised to grow fry on their own, that is, grow them from larvae (fertilized caviar). Yes, this method is easy and cheap, but it requires both knowledge and experience.

It is better for novice businessmen to start their business, starting with fry. Fry should be fed every 12 hours. It is wise to use automated feeding systems. They will feed the pond according to the schedule.

Fish food - choice

Now let's talk about the variety of feed. In general, compound feed is sold in several types:

  • Starter (for fry);
  • Production (as a gainer for a person, that is, building up mass);
  • Productive (before spawning);
  • Pigmented (gives the meat of the salmon family an orange tint).

If you build an open reservoir, then for the winter period it freezes. The life process of fish under the ice is slowed down, so you should not feed it. Only in summer, spring and autumn. If the pond is located in a warm environment, even in winter, then you should feed the fish, but significantly reduce the average dose. In order to understand how much feed is needed in order to feed the fry, companies provide special tables. The amount of food required for fry depends on the average weight of the individual and the temperature of the reservoir.

Caring for fry in the pond

A few tips for feeding fish:

  • in summer, at a temperature of 25 degrees, you should reduce the usual dose of food volume;
  • the daily amount of compound feed required for consumption by fry should be divided into two stages;
  • fish should not be overfed. Nothing good will come of it. Only toxic substances from degradable uneaten food;
  • You should also monitor the health of the fry.

Quite common fish diseases: rubella, fungal infections, gill necrosis. Epidemics should not be allowed, as they are capable of destroying the entire livestock. In order to avoid this, you should constantly change the water in the reservoir. FYI, when buying fry, you should ask the seller for a veterinary certificate to make sure they are selling healthy fry and material in general. Fry should be monitored every 2 months for diseases.

Where to sell products?

In order to sell your products, you should acquire your own fleet, that is, a car for transporting fish to supermarkets, hypermarkets, and shops. After all, live fish must be in excellent condition, otherwise it will simply be returned back.

To avoid problems, the tank must be kept at a constant temperature and well ventilated. Also, the goods can be sold to wholesalers, as well as to private entrepreneurs who have fish outlets.

Seasonality and difficulties in doing business

Difficulties an entrepreneur may face:

  • due to the fact that fish in the winter are slowed down both in growth and development, it should be taken into account that the profit will clearly decrease in winter. An open body of water is usually frozen;
  • when selling goods, there are also several nuances. When selling live fish, the maintenance of fish is entirely the responsibility of the staff of the outlet. Not all sellers decide to do this. Also a constant delay in revenue. The fact is that a store or outlet expects to pay off the debt to the entrepreneur after they sell the goods. Sometimes it can last more than a month;
    fish epidemics. Can destroy all livestock.

The profit of such a business

The optimal profitability is considered to be 9 percent, if we talk about the first year in the entrepreneurial field.

In the future, the percentage of profits will only grow with the right approach to business. Even according to experts, it is much more profitable to maintain a fishing industry than a large enterprise. Today we can say that this business is very popular. When growing fish, do not forget about the start of the production of expensive black caviar.

Costs of running your own business

In this chapter, we will give the average cost of installing a pond, pool. The device of the pool will cost 250,000 rubles, and the pond - 200,000 rubles. Additional equipment: RAS separately - 150,000, ventilation device - 60,000 rubles, hydraulic pump - 25,000 rubles, feeders and small accessories - 20,000 rubles. The price for fry is 10,000-20,000 rubles. To buy food for a year and a half - 100,000 rubles, that is, about 6,000 rubles. per month.

Undoubtedly, the first year of arrangement is considered very costly. In the end, the total amount will be 500 thousand rubles. this amount came out without taking into account the hired workers, if any. But do not be upset, such costs will quickly pay off within a couple of years after the start of this type of entrepreneurial activity.

Also, if the amount is large, then you can try your luck and get a subsidy for fishing from the state. For your information. If breeding is planned not in the pool, but in the pond, then you can benefit from this, moreover, financially - paid fishing.

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