Ostrich breeding as a business: where to start? Is it beneficial or not? Breeding ostriches as a business: where to start, how to succeed.

Agriculture has always been a large segment of business activity in the post-Soviet countries. Today, many businessmen are successfully engaged in livestock and poultry farming. Interest in such a business is due to the demand for natural products. There are also exotic areas in the farm, for example, ostrich breeding. Despite the fact that ostriches are heat-loving birds, they get along well in our latitudes. Today we will look at the main aspects of such a business, as well as its strengths and weaknesses.


Previously, you could see ostriches only in zoos. Now, throughout the territory of the former CIS, farms for breeding these exotic birds are being actively opened.

Growing ostriches is beneficial for the following reasons:

  1. Minimum competition. While the ostrich market has not really formed, newcomers have a chance to take a leading position on it.
  2. The business is very profitable, as finished products are sold at a significant margin.
  3. In the ostrich business, several types of products are sold at once, which has a positive effect on the amount of profit.
  4. Since the breeding of ostriches is a type of agricultural activity, drawing up a competent business plan, you can enlist the support of the state.


Any type of entrepreneurial activity has its drawbacks and risks, and breeding ostriches as a business is no exception. This should be taken for granted. If the business was 100% profitable, then the market would have been divided long ago. It is advisable to get acquainted with all the "pitfalls" of the ostrich business in advance, so that at the most inopportune moment they do not become an unpleasant surprise.

So, the disadvantages of the ostrich breeding business:

  1. Serious investment. Ostriches are not chickens or geese, which can be grown on your own plot without any problems. For normal development, they need a large plot of land, the rent of which is expensive. Of course, breeding ostriches at home is possible, but only at first and in the presence of a large area.
  2. In order to consistently sell products, it is necessary to establish contacts with wholesale buyers, who, most likely, have had regular suppliers for a long time. To win them over to your side, you need to make the most profitable offer and certify your products. Certification is quite expensive. As for the retail sale, it will not bring really high profits and will hardly cover (if at all) the costs.

So that the business does not turn into an unbearable burden, you need to carefully think through everything and draw up a business plan. Breeding ostriches is a rather time-consuming business that requires good planning. In addition, a good business plan will help in attracting investors.

Having become acquainted with the strengths and weaknesses of the business, we will consider its main aspects.

Farm Registration

Chickens and geese can be bred on your own plot without any problems. You do not need to register a legal entity for this. With ostriches, things are more serious. The answer to the question: "How to start breeding ostriches as a business?" unequivocal: with registration! Otherwise, you can fall out of favor with the supervisory authorities, who sooner or later will wonder why the farmer takes such a large plot for rent.

At first, while entrepreneurial activity gains momentum and reliable distribution channels are established, it will be enough to register a business in the form of an individual entrepreneur. The registration procedure is quite simple, and it can be carried out without the support of qualified lawyers.

In addition to a standard set of documents, an ostrich farm requires registration with the State Standard. In order to sell the end products without problems, it is also necessary to obtain approval from the local veterinary control authorities. Since wholesale buyers do not accept goods without a certificate, the products will be checked regularly, which means that it is advisable to conclude a long-term contract with the veterinary service.

Having solved all legal issues, you can proceed directly to breeding ostriches. The first step is to decide on the method of growing these exotic birds. There are two options here: intensive and extensive. The choice depends on the climatic conditions of the region and the financial situation of the farmer.

Intensive. By working with this method, you can save on rent, as it involves keeping birds in a small area. In this case, special attention is paid to the cleanliness and sterility of the premises for ostriches. The intensive method assumes that the eggs carried by the birds are “ripened” in an incubator. Additional equipment is expensive. However, thanks to the impressive turnover, the costs quickly pay off. For beginners, breeding ostriches at home using the intensive method is the most suitable option.

Extensive. This method involves keeping birds in a large area. Most of the time, the ostriches will be left to themselves, which means that you can save on hiring assistants. In regions where winters are cold, this method is not used.


The growth of ostriches can reach 2.5 m, and weight - 160 kg. They are long-lived birds, as under favorable conditions they live up to 70 years. Despite the fact that the homeland of these birds is Africa, they are quite successfully grown in temperate climates. The main thing here is to equip a warm room for wintering.

Among the species diversity of ostriches, there are three main ones: African, emu and rhea. Although in fact only the first one belongs to ostriches, the other two are representatives of cassowaries. In our latitudes, black African ostriches are usually grown. The reason is simple: they are the largest. In addition, the African ostrich is characterized by a rapid increase in muscle mass and high egg production. In order for the ostriches of this breed to reach slaughter weight, 10 months are enough. From about 18 months, females begin to lay eggs.

Buying birds

In order to save money at first and test the business without resorting to serious expenses, you can start by purchasing a small number of birds. For starters, 1-2 ostrich families will be enough. Such a family usually consists of one male and 3-4 females. As the business develops, the farm should be expanded.

You can buy ostriches on the same farms of competitors in your country. It is impractical to order birds abroad due to high transport costs. Before buying birds, you should make sure that the supplier is reliable. It is advisable to check in what conditions the ostriches grew up, what they ate, and whether they underwent regular medical examinations. A young ostrich that feeds on its own will cost about $100-200. Starting a business by buying hatching eggs, which are about half the price, is not recommended. The fact is that it will be difficult for a novice farmer to grow a chick from an egg. This will require some experience.

The conditions for breeding ostriches are different from the conditions for breeding chickens and geese. Keeping African birds in winter in our latitudes is impossible without specially equipped premises. Building a pen from scratch is quite expensive, so the most economical option would be to refurbish a finished barn, barn or pigsty. The room must be carefully insulated and divided into sections: for adult ostriches, chickens and hens. The room must be ventilated. At first, opening vents will be enough. The temperature in it should not fall to 15 degrees Celsius. Floors need to be cleaned and disinfected periodically.

Among other things, feeders and drinkers must be equipped in the corral. They are installed at a height that depends on the growth of individuals. You also need a fairly wide and high door through which ostriches will go outside in warm weather.

The size of the territory for grazing birds should be calculated from the average formula: 1 hectare for 8 adult ostriches. The area must be fenced with a strong fence at least two meters high. It is desirable that the outer corners of the corral be rounded. Between the pens, it will not be superfluous to make passages for comfortable servicing of birds. Also, on the grazing site, it is necessary to provide canopies under which the birds can hide from the rain. Ideally, if there is a pond or at least a stream in the grazing area. In addition, when organizing an ostrich farm, you will have to spend money on supplying water and sewerage to it, which will greatly simplify the care of birds.


Feeding ostriches is one of the key aspects of keeping them. The weight gain of birds depends on providing a balanced diet. You can buy ready-made feeds, but it is much cheaper to make them yourself, especially since there is nothing complicated in this. An ostrich's diet should include grains (wheat, soybeans, oats, corn, and sunflowers), fruits and vegetables (cucumbers, carrots, potatoes, apples, turnips, and pumpkins), and herbs (quinoa, alfalfa, nettle, and clover). In addition, enrichment of feed with mineral supplements and vitamins will not be superfluous. Before adding them to food, you should consult with your veterinarian. It is important that the farm always has a supply of feed, especially in winter, when the birds do not go outside to get their own food. Drinking water should always be clean.


Breeding and keeping ostriches has a number of features. Only by providing the birds with proper care, you can count on high profits.

The main aspects of ostrich care:

  1. Birds should not go out into the open area hungry.
  2. Walking ostriches in the pasture should be supervised.
  3. You can release ostriches for grazing only from the moment when they are 3 months old.
  4. Ostriches should spend a significant part of their time outdoors. And even in winter, on warm days, they need to be released to pasture. If the bird starts to freeze, she will hide in the corral herself.
  5. Other pets must not enter the ostrich pen. In addition, it is important that rodents do not get into it, which can not only frighten birds, but are also carriers of all kinds of diseases.
  6. It is necessary to clean the room in which ostriches live daily.
  7. If at least one bird is sick, it urgently needs to be isolated from others.
  8. Birds should be vaccinated regularly.


To speed up the process of breeding ostriches, you need to buy an incubator. It costs about 600 dollars. If in the future it is planned to expand the farm, then it makes sense to immediately buy a powerful incubator. Be sure to get enough roomy refrigerators for meat. A small amount will also have to be allocated for the purchase of equipment, utensils and other things.


From an ostrich you can get the following products:

  1. Eggs. The mass of an ostrich egg reaches one and a half kilograms. This is a very useful product, with a high content of vitamins and minerals. The price of an ostrich egg on the market can reach $15. You can also sell eggs to farmers who are starting to breed ostriches.
  2. Meat. Most often, ostriches are bred specifically for the further sale of meat. It is considered very useful and is included in the diet of many diets. The cost of ostrich meat is approximately $10 per kilogram.
  3. Fat. From one ostrich you can get about 10 kg of high-quality and very valuable fat. It is used in the cosmetic and medical industries.
  4. Leather. The skin of one adult ostrich can be sold for 100-150 dollars. These products are in demand in private sewing shops that sew exclusive products.
  5. Feathers. One ostrich can have up to a kilogram of feathers. They can be sold for about 60-70 dollars.

Sales of finished products

  1. Health food stores.
  2. Public catering establishments.
  3. Food companies.
  4. Cosmetic and pharmaceutical companies.
  5. Beauty salons.
  6. Sewing factories.

The ideal option would be to open your own outlet for the sale of finished products. This is a profitable option, but it requires serious investments. And on the ostrich farm you can arrange paid tours. Many people will surely want to look at African birds.


Breeding ostriches as a business is quite an expensive pleasure, but with a competent approach to business, it pays off pretty quickly. On average, the organization of an ostrich farm takes 7-10 thousand dollars. The main items of expenditure are: rent and arrangement of the territory, purchase of young animals, purchase of equipment and preparation of feed. Practice shows that in 2-3 years you can fully pay off an ostrich farm and start making a net profit. To break even faster, you need to focus on wholesale buyers. Breeding ostriches is practically a "non-waste production", since almost all body parts of birds can be sold.


Breeding ostriches today is a promising agricultural business. Its main advantage is the low market density. We have learned how to start breeding ostriches in order to build a strong, competitive farm. Many refuse this business because of the need for serious investments. Profitable or not breeding ostriches as a business? Everyone has their own answer to this question. But practice shows that with a competent approach, an ostrich farm can become a stable source of income.

There are three ways to open an ostrich farm: by hatching eggs, buying adult birds, or acquiring an existing business. It is possible to make money on ostriches, but it will take at least 1-2 years to make a profit.


Exotics are exotic, and ostriches in Russia have been actively grown for agricultural purposes in recent years. This business may well become a profitable direction, if everything is properly organized. The most interesting thing is that when breeding ostriches, money can be received from more than ten directions. How? Read and find out.

In order for an ostrich farm as a business to be effective and profitable, you need to know the biological characteristics of birds, observe the specifics of feeding and keeping, and also be prepared for considerable financial investments in the business.

Where to start: ways to organize a business

Ostriches in Russia are bred in many areas: Bryansk, Moscow, Leningrad, Saratov, Orenburg, Krasnodar Territory, Kazakhstan. However, the main products - meat and eggs are not found in every store, and even more so in a restaurant. What is the reason for this, is it so easy in practice to draw up a business plan for an ostrich farm and organize a full-fledged farm for growing these long-necked exotic birds?

Cost items to be included in the business plan:

  1. Lease or purchase of land (the cost varies depending on the region, location, size of the plot);
  2. Construction of poultry houses, pens, landscaping;
  3. Acquisition of adult birds or chicks, eggs, incubators;
  4. Equipment for dry rooms for storage of feed;
  5. Equipment for water supply, heating, refrigerators for product storage;
  6. Acquisition and production of feed;
  7. Salary of farm workers.

Black African ostriches are most suitable for breeding for agricultural purposes. These are the largest running birds in the world, the height of the male reaches almost 3 meters, and the weight is 150 kg. They live up to 70 years, the period of active egg laying is 40 years. They are unpretentious, tolerate low temperatures well.

There are several ways to organize an ostrich farm:

  • Buying eggs and incubation. This is the most difficult way, since special conditions must be met to breed young animals. You can also buy chicks, their cost varies depending on age, for example, day-old chicks can be bought at a price of 6-7 thousand rubles per head. The expectation of reproduction in this case will be 2-3 years.
  • The second way is high-cost, but simpler - the acquisition of adult breeding birds. Ostrich breeders recommend purchasing families of ostriches: two females and one male. After analyzing the offers of Russian ostrich farms, we see that the cost of such a breeding trio at the age of 3-4 years is on average 200 thousand rubles. At this age, ostriches are ready to reproduce.

For example, 8 families (16 females and 8 males) can produce 500 heads of offspring per year.

  • Buying a working farm is the easiest but most expensive way to set up a business. The cost of a ready-made business depends on the location, the number of birds, and the area.

For example, according to the Kommersant online publication, an ostrich farm for 17.5 million rubles with an area of ​​​​4 hectares is being sold in the Chelyabinsk region, the number of birds is 10 breeding heads, there is an incubation system for 75 eggs, a pond with fish, a playground, a souvenir shop . Price update: February 2017.

Modern approaches

There are three main approaches in agricultural ostrich farming:

  • Intensive- with this approach, the bird is kept in such conditions when all its vital activity is provided by the farm workers, so, by analogy, cattle are kept in stalls.
  • Extensive approach - when the conditions of detention are as close as possible to natural ones, this requires spacious pastures.
  • The best option, according to ostrich breeders, is a combination of these two approaches - semi-intensive system. It combines the positive qualities of the intensive and extensive approaches.

Poultry houses, pastures and farm pens are equipped depending on the chosen approach.

Ostrich products: what you can earn on

To understand the ostrich farm as a business profitable or not, consider what ostrich breeders earn on:

  1. Ostrich meat and offal. It is soft and tender, with a low cholesterol content. The cost of meat is on average from 1 thousand rubles per kilogram (fillet), if in carcasses, then 300-600 rubles. for 1 kg. From one bird it turns out on average from 40 kg. pure red meat.
  2. Leather. It is valued much higher than calfskin, products made from it retain their strength for 30 years.
  3. Food egg. One ostrich egg can feed eight people, the average price is 600-1000 rubles. Ostriches rush from March to October (depending on climatic conditions, this period may shift slightly). The shell from ostrich eggs is used in applied arts and can also be sold, the cost of an empty shell varies from 100 to 500 rubles.
  4. Hatching ostrich egg.
  5. Youth for sale.
  6. Adult birds for sale. The price of one adult ostrich is from 30-40 thousand rubles.
  7. Ostrich fat. It is used in pharmacology and cosmetology, ointments, creams are made on its basis, it is useful for joints and is used as an antiseptic.
  8. Feathers. They are used in decorative art, as well as dusters for sweeping dust from optics and furniture, dust does not stick to them.
  9. Organization of excursions. Ecotourism is very popular, a considerable source of income can be the organization of excursions to the farm.
  10. Eyelashes. They are used for cosmetic purposes, they are used to make artificial false eyelashes for fashionistas.
  11. claws. They make jewelry and accessories, accessories: buttons for coats, fur coats, coats.

What and how to feed ostriches

Ostriches do not have teeth, so their food must be ground. To ensure the intake of the necessary proteins, carbohydrates and minerals in food, they give: lupine, alfalfa, oats, barley, various mixed feeds, millet, corn, soybeans, bran, bone meal, eggshells, cowpeas and juicy green fodder, limestone shell rock. For better digestion of food, they swallow small pebbles and sand.

Operating farms

You can see the organization of the ostrich breeding business live if you visit the existing farms. We will tell you how and on what modern ostrich breeders earn.

"Russian ostrich"

In the Serpukhov district of the Moscow region there is an operating farm "Russian ostrich". Excursions, workshops on making crafts from the shell of ostrich eggs and painting them are widely organized here. There is a cafe on the territory, services for holding holidays are provided.

In addition, the main products are sold: meat, feathers, leather and products from it, eggs and live poultry. The company has been operating since 1999 and is the first and largest in Russia to breed black African ostrich with a full cycle.

"Bryansk ostrich"

Agrofarm "Bryansk Straus" is located in the Unechsky district of the Bryansk region. Several dozen birds live on the farm. There is a permanent herd that produces offspring and eggs, which in turn are sold.

The head of the agricultural farm says that the main buyers of products are Moscow restaurants. Bryansk farmers supply them with meat at a price of 600 rubles per kilogram. About the same price for eggs. The leather is bought by an Italian designer, it is used for the production of expensive branded bags, shoes, belts.

For the first two years after the foundation of the agro-farm, it was not possible to make money on ostriches. Profit appeared only in the third year of operation. In addition to meat, leather and eggs, schoolchildren regularly come to the farm for excursions, as well as Bryansk farmers, trying to try their hand at ostrich breeding, buy breeding trios.

Ostrich farm "Fauna"

The founder of the Fauna farm bought 200 ostrich cubs in Israel and brought them to Kazakhstan in 2001, only 70 of them survived. The business did not generate income and was sold to Bekezhan Daurenkulov, who decided to revive the farm and create a family business.

In the first year, only 10 ostrich chicks were bred, in the second - 24. In order for the business to work fully, its owners believe, it is necessary to increase the number of birds to 300 heads. Fauna supplies meat and eggs to restaurants in Alma-Ata, as well as actively organizes excursions for tourists, which bring the main income.

You can also buy adult birds, the price of which reaches 5 thousand dollars and chickens - at a price of 500 dollars. Feathers are sold as souvenirs.

Summing up, we can say that the ostrich breeding business can be profitable, but its organization is not as simple as it might seem at first glance, starting from considerable investments and ending with the observance of optimal conditions for the full-fledged breeding of birds, as well as a slow payback period .

In Russia, pig breeding, sheep breeding, cattle breeding and other livestock industries as a business are becoming more widespread. Breeding ostriches and organizing ostrich farms is a new, but rapidly developing type of business for Russia, which can bring a high stable income to the owner. Consider the main reasons for the rapid development of this type of activity, the basics of an ostrich breeding business plan, the features of organizing an ostrich farm and keeping ostriches, the main breeds of ostriches and options for selling the resulting products, so that you can understand whether this type of activity is suitable for you and whether it really is is profitable and promising.

Is it profitable to breed ostriches?

The ostrich breeding business is gaining more and more popularity in Russia. And if earlier ostriches were considered exotic, and they could only be seen in zoos, now every year the number of ostrich farms in Russia is growing rapidly.

And here is causes such a rapid development of this type of business:

  • high profitability of breeding ostriches. Subject to a well-written business plan - up to 100, sometimes even up to 150%;
  • great demand for products. Ostrich meat is very nutritious, dietary, does not contain cholesterol, and it is also exotic, so it is in great demand among restaurants, sports clubs, supermarkets and those who carefully monitor their health and figure;
  • food prices are constantly rising, and not at all the initially low prices for meat and ostrich eggs are growing even more rapidly;
  • the absence of barriers and restrictions for the entry into the national markets of products of national producers, in contrast to the products of foreign suppliers, which are experiencing significant restrictions;
  • ostrich breeding, like any other branch of animal husbandry, subject to certain conditions provided for by law, may qualify for state subsidies, benefits and other favorable conditions for doing business;
  • creation of a permanent client base and sales markets. Ostrich products are very specific and exotic, therefore, as regular customers, you can get chains of restaurants and healthy food supermarkets, football clubs, individual customers;
  • ostriches are unpretentious, resistant to various diseases, as they have high immunity, they tolerate the harsh Russian winters well, and among these birds there is a low mortality rate;
  • income can be obtained not only from the sale of meat, eggs and fat of ostriches, but also from the sale of skin and feathers of birds, which are also highly valued and bought up by factories for the production of shoes, clothes, bags.

We draw up a business plan for breeding ostriches

To get a high income in the shortest possible time, you need to draw up a clear business plan and stick to it. The main components of any business plan for keeping and breeding animals are as follows:

  • planned volumes for the production and sale of products (eggs, meat, feathers, leather);
  • the production part (costs for the purchase of feed, water, electricity);
  • marketing part (advertising, product prices);
  • organizational part (information about suppliers, partners, buyers, personnel);
  • assessment of possible risks;
  • financial part (sources of financing, planned income);
  • conclusion (the purpose of drawing up a business plan for an ostrich farm).

Do not forget that breeding ostriches at home, like any other type of farming, be it pig breeding or rabbit breeding, is a very risky business, because there is always a risk of natural disasters, epidemics, resulting in the death of all birds.

All this will lead to the rapid bankruptcy of the farmer and the loss of large sums of money invested in organizing a business. However, if you are confident in your abilities, then it is worth taking a risk, because with certain investments, time and labor, ostrich breeding can become not only a stable, but also a very high source of income.

Ostrich farm as a business

To successfully organize an ostrich farm, the following rules should be followed:

1. Rent a large spacious plot of land. It is desirable that the site be located on the south side, as the birds love the heat and the sun; also the site should be dry, not swampy, protected from the wind.

2. Prepare all necessary documents and obtain permits (for example, pass certification in the veterinary control service).

3. Hire personnel (handymen, animal technicians, security guards, watchmen, veterinarian, etc.).

4. Buy ostriches for breeding. Here are the approximate prices for ostriches:

  • chickens aged 1 month - 6000-7000 rubles;
  • female 1 year old - 30,000-35,000 rubles;
  • male 2 years old - 34,000-37,000 rubles;
  • three birds that have reached reproductive age - 100,000-120,000 rubles.

5. Purchase all necessary equipment and feed. For example, be sure to purchase incubators equipped with devices for measuring temperature, humidity, as well as an automatic system for turning ostrich eggs.

How to breed ostriches?

Can be distinguished 3 main ways to keep birds.

1. Intense. With this method, the eggs are subject to incubation, the birds are kept in a relatively small area, as a result of which close contact is established between the staff and the birds, which are easily tamed. When keeping birds in this way, it is necessary to strictly observe the rules of indoor hygiene, regularly disinfect equipment, rooms, drinkers, feeders and vaccinate birds.

2. Extensive. With this method, the birds are kept in large spacious areas, and they are more left to their own devices than with the intensive method.

3. Semi-intensive. This method is a hybrid of the intensive and extensive methods.

Raising birds can take place in two schemes.

1. Single-level, when all the birds that are raised are of the same age. Birds are raised until slaughter or until they reach 3 months of age.

2. Multi-level, when birds of different ages are grown on the farm, all of them are kept in the same room or on the same territory.

Great attention must be paid to water supply.

Territories and premises where ostriches are kept should be equipped with special drinkers with clean, fresh water, and on the territory of an ostrich farm there may be lakes, reservoirs, streams - this is only a plus, as they provide birds with an additional source of water.

feeding ostriches

As for feeding ostriches, attention should be paid to the balance and variety of food. So, in the diet of birds should be present:

  • minerals (phosphate, limestone, fluorine, calcium, gravel);
  • roughage (hay, straw);
  • vegetables and fruits (carrots, potatoes, pumpkins, radishes, onions, apples, pears, bananas, cucumbers);
  • herbs (alfalfa, clover, silage, nettle, quinoa, rapeseed);
  • animal products (fish meal, bone meal);
  • grains and seeds (oats, rye, corn, wheat, peanuts, soybeans, sunflower seeds, pumpkins, flax);
  • vitamins.

Ostrich chicks are released to pastures sown with clover or alfalfa, starting from 3-4 months. In this case, the following rules must be observed:

  • make sure that the birds go out to pasture not hungry to prevent overeating with stems;
  • constantly monitor the walking of birds;
  • in the first week, release chickens for half an hour 2 times a day;
  • pasture grass should be low;
  • make sure that the grass is not wet, without dew, since moisture is contraindicated for birds, it can lead to the development of infectious diseases and the death of ostrich chickens.

Ostriches have to spend a lot of time outdoors, they tolerate frosty snowy winters well, so even in such weather they need to be released into the fresh air for some time. However, care should be taken to ensure that the area of ​​​​pens is not icy, so that the bird does not accidentally slip and is not injured.

The territories in which birds graze should be fenced off with fences; special paths and passages for attendants should be provided between such pens. Chicken pens must be combined with the premises so that the birds can warm up and take shelter from the weather at any time. Pens for adult birds should have special shelters under which birds can take shelter, for example, in rainy weather.

The fence of the corrals must be at least 2 meters, made of strong durable material, especially the upper part. Corners of paddocks should be rounded. The access of dogs and cats to bird pastures should be limited, as they can frighten the bird and are carriers of many diseases.

Bird health care

To prevent bird diseases, the following rules must be observed on the ostrich farm.

1. Daily clean rooms and areas where birds are kept.

2. Equip special quarantine compartments in which sick birds and recently purchased birds (at least 6 weeks) are kept.

3. Carry out regular disinfection, treat walls, ceilings, floors of rooms where birds are kept, drinkers, feeders, equipment.

4. Disinfect hands and wear special gloves when working in the incubator to prevent the transfer of infections from one egg to another.

7. Carry out regular vaccination of birds according to the schedule.

8. Change the water at least once a day, monitor the quality of the feed and the cleanliness of the drinkers and feeders.

9. Equip special disinfection barriers at the entrance to the farm, to the hatchery department, to the room with chickens, to the quarantine department.

10. Ensure good ventilation of rooms where birds are kept.

11. If a disease is suspected, immediately isolate the sick bird in a quarantine department, call a veterinarian for examination and diagnosis.

Video: breeding ostriches

The main breeds of ostriches

There are 3 main breeds of ostriches:

  • African (South African);
  • emu (Australian);
  • nandu (South American).

The most popular for maintenance and unpretentious care are African ostriches. These ostriches reach 175 kilograms, with females being larger than male ostriches, which can usually weigh no more than 155 kilograms. Birds of this breed are the largest among ostriches and breed very quickly. Ostriches are family animals, with four or five females per male. The eggs are incubated by both males and females. The female can carry up to 12 eggs on average. African ostriches are not only the largest, but also the tallest among ostriches, birds can reach a height of 2.7-2.8 meters.

Why are ostriches bred? Sales of products

Ostriches are valued for their meat, eggs, fat, feathers, skin, and claws.

Ostrich meat has a pleasant taste, contains a lot of protein, is nutritious and low in calories, and is also very healthy, since it contains practically no cholesterol.

Ostrich skin is used for sewing shoes, bags, clothes. Moreover, it has a higher level of quality than crocodile skin, has water resistance and is highly valued in the markets and in stores.

Ostrich fat is very useful for the human body, and ostrich eggs are not inferior in taste to chicken eggs, although they are healthier and more nutritious.

Ostrich feathers are used for sewing theatrical costumes, dresses, hats, and a variety of necklaces, bracelets and pendants are made from the bird's claws.

Breeding birds and obtaining products is only the first stage, the second stage is its implementation. The products of ostrich farms are supplied to markets and shops, they are ordered by restaurants, sports clubs, factories for sewing shoes and clothes, for making jewelry and theatrical costumes.

But if you want to increase profits, create your own sales network, which, although it will require additional financial investments for renting premises, purchasing equipment, hiring staff, will bring additional stable and high income in the future.


The organization of an ostrich farm is a very profitable and cost-effective type of business, which, subject to all the conditions of the business plan, successfully pays off in 2-3 years. Ostriches are unpretentious in keeping and breeding, and their meat, eggs, fat, feathers, skin are highly valued and in demand, and also have a high cost.

To increase profits, it is also worth organizing the processing of the resulting products, for example, the production of meat and sausage products, the processing of leather and ostrich feathers, and the smoking of bacon. Additional income will be brought by our own network of stores for the sale of the products received. Breeding ostriches is a risky type of business, but highly profitable and quickly paid off.

Ostriches are among the centenarians (the average life expectancy of one individual is 70 years). Sexually mature age lasts up to 30 years in females and 40 years in males. Ostriches are distinguished by their large size: length up to 2.5 m, weight - 150-160 kg. The homeland of exotic birds is hot Africa, but they perfectly tolerate the temperate climate of domestic latitudes. Individuals are resistant to drafts and frosts, they roam freely in the snow. The optimum temperature in the (barn) in winter is 15 degrees above zero.

The unpretentiousness of ostriches is also expressed in their daily life. The bird eats insects and small vertebrates, feeds on tree shoots, foliage and grasses. When breeding, they do not require exotic products, the main thing is the presence of a pasture.

Suitable for our climate. Individuals are distinguished by rapid growth (kids reach the required weight for slaughter in 10-11 months), calm disposition and high egg production rates. The eggs of this breed are of the best quality and beautiful appearance. Individuals seamlessly tolerate temperature changes, adapt in different climatic zones.

Conditions for premises and enclosures

The first rule of a good farm is a quiet location. Rumble, noise and loud sounds disturb the tranquility and harmonious life of ostriches (breeding will be more laborious). The next important step is equipping the farm with sewage and.

REFERENCE! When choosing a site for a farm, you need to pay attention to the level of groundwater. The optimal indicator is not higher than 1 m, since high humidity and dampness indoors negatively affect the health of individuals.


If the slaughter and sale of birds is not yet expected, you can start making money on excursions. For the pleasure of looking at an exotic bird, people are willing to pay money. Visits of tourists, schoolchildren, organized groups are an excellent opportunity to start the process of recoupment of invested costs.

So, at the opening, money will be needed to purchase individuals, improve the territory and poultry house, purchase an incubator and feed. The practice of already operating farms shows that the costs are fully paid off in 1-2 years. This process can be accelerated with an active search for wholesale buyers of finished products. Remember that ostrich breeding is a waste-free and profitable business that guarantees a stable income.

Reading time 8 minutes

Breeding ostriches as a business is a very unusual idea for domestic entrepreneurs. This large bird is not found in Russia, so it is rightfully classified as an exotic animal. But if you learn how to care for her, then you can count on a large and stable profit.

Inexperienced entrepreneurs are primarily interested in the question of whether the case under consideration is profitable or not. Much here will depend on individual factors, including the personal qualities of a businessman. But there are a number of significant advantages of such an idea, which is able to provide positive financial performance:

  1. High rates of profitability. It ranges from 50 to 100%, which is very good for a farm. This indicator also provides a high income with the right approach to the sale of finished products.
  2. High demand. Despite the fact that for most Russians the ostrich remains an exotic animal, many of them are not averse to diversifying their diet. For example, meat has dietary and beneficial properties. It contains a lot of protein. In addition, you can sell eggs, feathers and even bird droppings.
  3. Excellent survivability. Ostriches are completely unpretentious to the external conditions of nature. They are able to breed even on farms in the northern regions of the country. And these birds do not require special care, so even an inexperienced entrepreneur can bring the idea to life.

Breeding ostriches at home is most profitable in the event of the subsequent sale of young animals. But organizing such a business from scratch is very difficult. The main difficulty will be in the documentation. To breed ostriches, you will need to obtain a permit. And that's not all - already after registration, employees of supervisory authorities with various checks can visit the enterprise.

If an entrepreneur is not ready to deal with paperwork, then he can start by breeding ostriches for the subsequent sale of meat. But it will take no earlier than 8-12 months to make a profit from this format. Having bought young growth, it will be necessary to wait until it grows up.

Growing ostriches for slaughter is also good because the feed requirements are not as strict as in the case of breeding. You will not need to monitor the feathers and appearance in general every day.

And even if in this case the profit will be less, but it will be constant, because today the demand for ostrich meat and its eggs is growing very rapidly. In this case, there will be fewer problems with the sale of finished products.

The entrepreneur must understand that there is a possibility of losing part of the livestock due to diseases, natural changes. Therefore, it is important to stock up on individuals so that they can make up for losses.

What ostriches to buy?

When starting an ostrich breeding business, a natural question arises - where to start and how to succeed. First of all, you need to choose the most suitable breed. Experienced breeders use one of the following varieties for breeding:

  • South African ostrich;
  • Australian emu;
  • South American nandu.

The first variety is considered the most popular. These are very large ostriches. Adults weigh about 175 kilograms, and their height is about 2.7 meters. An interesting feature is that females are much larger in size than males. South African ostriches are chosen not only because of their impressive size, but also because of their ability to quickly reproduce offspring.

It will not work to breed ostriches in an apartment, so you will have to use land outside the city - your own or rented. These animals normally tolerate cold weather, so it is not necessary to conduct heating in their house. But in this case, you will have to take care of a comfortable and thick bedding. For small cubs of ostriches, it is necessary to equip a separate room where the temperature will be maintained at +15 0 C on average.

Females grow faster into adults. This takes 1.5 - 2 years. But males become capable of reproduction only after 2 - 2.5 years. The breeding season is in spring - mid-autumn.

When compiling the diet of ostriches, the entrepreneur should not have any particular difficulties, since these birds are able to eat everything. In their normal habitat, they prefer leaves, grass, tree fruits, and insects. When breeding individuals in captivity, it is necessary to ensure a balance between green fodder and mixed fodder. It is enough to feed ostriches twice a day. Small individuals require more frequent feeding - up to 4 times per day. In general, a balanced diet looks like this:

  • greens (cabbage, nettle, clover);
  • vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • corn;
  • roughage (hay, soy, straw);
  • vitamin and mineral supplements.

All together it should weigh about 3 kilograms - this is exactly the rate of food for one ostrich per day.

There are several ways to keep ostriches. They are reflected in the rate of development of individuals. Entrepreneurs most often use the following:

  1. Intensive. Ostrich eggs are sent to the incubator. A small area is used for keeping individuals. They get along well with the staff. Of the mandatory procedures: daily cleaning, disinfection of feeders and drinkers, a check by a veterinarian and vaccination of all individuals.
  2. Extensive. Birds grow up in conditions as close as possible to their usual living conditions. Workers rarely come into contact with ostriches, keep them in a large area.
  3. Hybrid. Combines features of intensive and extensive methods.

What is income made up of?

Raising ostriches offers many opportunities for profit. We are talking about the sale of the following components:

  • Meat. It belongs to the dietary and very useful products. Ostrich meat contains a lot of protein. It tastes like regular veal.
  • Fat. It is actively used by cosmetic and pharmacological companies. Ointments, various creams, preparations important for humans are made from ostrich fat.
  • Feathers. White feathers are actively used in the fashion industry for tailoring exotic and stage costumes. The rest goes to the production of comfortable and soft pillows.
  • Skin. It is also popular with designers. Bags, wallets, belts, shoes are sewn from ostrich leather.
  • Eggs. One ostrich egg is about 40 eggs in weight. It retains its properties and does not deteriorate during the year if stored in the refrigerator. Separately, you can sell the shell - it is very much appreciated by artists. It is used for painting and engraving. Do not disdain to make shell decorations.

If the entrepreneur deals with obtaining permits, then he can receive additional profit from the following opportunities:

  • sale of chicks or adults;
  • excursions for everyone around the ostrich farm (for example, children and adults can ride ostriches, let them feed the animals).

All together will allow you to get the maximum profit.

Sales channels and advertising

Meat and eggs of ostriches are mostly purchased by restaurants, cafes and large supermarkets. At the initial stage, without registration, you can start selling products to ordinary people, other farmers. True, in this case it will turn out to help out less than with permission. Buyers of live ostriches are other breeders, and skins - manufacturers of expensive clothes and shoes.

For a business to be truly successful, care must be taken to use effective advertising methods. For an ostrich farm, they will be:

  • placement of articles in local newspapers and magazines;
  • distribution of leaflets and flyers on the streets;
  • mailing to the client base;
  • farm tours.

Of course, after a successful entry into the market, the brand will become popular in itself, and then it will be easier to find customers. Therefore, the emphasis on an advertising campaign should be done at the beginning of your journey.

Financial results

Any entrepreneur, opening his own business, wants to know what profit he can count on. But first of all, he must estimate the amount of necessary investments. After all, it is very important that he had enough funds for the functioning of the enterprise. The following cost items will have to be included in the number of initial investments:

  • rent;
  • farm building;
  • equipment (incubator)
  • stern;
  • medicines;
  • vaccination and examination by a specialist;
  • registration costs;
  • purchase of young.

The final figure will largely depend on the age at which ostriches are purchased. The rates are as follows:

  • newborn - 7,000 rubles;
  • monthly ostrich - 10,000 rubles;
  • one-year-old female - 40,000 rubles;
  • two-year-old male - 60,000 rubles.

It is better to buy a whole family with adult males and females and cubs. It will take about 200,000 rubles. In total, about 500,000 rubles will be required.

After reaching an ostrich weighing 100 kilograms, it is sent for slaughter. As a result, with one individual you can get:

  • meat;
  • feathers;
  • skin.

All together will bring income of at least 70,000 rubles. If we take into account that the female lays 60 eggs per season, then in addition to their purchase, you can earn about 40,000 more rubles. Even with 5 females, you can recoup your investment in 1 year. When taking into account current costs, the payback is about 1.5 years.

Over time, you can increase the number of the farm. This will allow you to get a very good profit. In this case, the profitability can reach about 75 - 95%.

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