Growing greens as a business. How to make money growing greens? Own business: growing white cabbage

In Russian cuisine, greens most often mean dill, cockerel, and green onions. That is, these are those green herbs that are spices.

Despite the seeming ease of cultivation, these plants have their own characteristics, which we will discuss below.

Growing greens. Selection of planting material, seeds

Parsley. Biennial plant. Has two types: root(root cone-shaped, thickened) and sheet(root thin, curved). Each species has its own varieties. Possesses the increased frost resistance (takes out to - 10 °C). The crop can be harvested from early spring to late autumn. The necessary conditions for this are very simple. Landing is recommended to be carried out at a certain frequency, for example, every three weeks. To do this, in the prepared beds we make grooves 1-2 cm deep at a distance of 15 cm from each other. The first sprouts should appear from 9 to 15 days. Parsley is not covered for the winter. The basics of care are quite simple: exercise watering greenery in the evening, thin out when 1-2 leaves of the plant appear (the first time you need to leave a distance of 3 cm, after a couple of weeks we increase the distance to 10 cm), remove weeds and loosen the soil. As for top dressing, if you have fertilized the soil, you do not need to take any additional action. And if something bothered you, then during the growing season, parsley can be fed with nitrogen fertilizers.

Parsley varieties, in fact, are not so many. You can easily choose seeds for growing greens according to your taste and desire. The most popular: Sugar, Leafy, Ordinary, Curly.

Dill. An annual herbaceous plant. The necessary conditions for growing this herb are similar to those for parsley. Seeds can germinate already at -4°C. That is, already in April, you can start planting seeds in open ground. If frosts are expected, then the seedlings must be covered with protective material. The greens of plants planted in autumn can be cut two weeks earlier. Dill loves sunlight and constant watering, i.e. wet soil. So that this plant does not turn into an ordinary weed, select a separate bed for it. Also, the features of care include thinning seedlings that have reached about 6 cm in height. The final distance from each other should be approximately 20 cm.

Dill varieties differ little from each other in taste and aroma. The main difference in terms of maturation:

Early ripe (Gribovsky, Far, Aurora);

Mid-season Lesnogorodsky, Bushy, Abundantly deciduous);

Late ripening (Alligator, Kibray, Dill).

green onion. Biennial and perennial herbaceous plant of the bulbous family. Unpretentious to climatic conditions and is easy to care for. Different varieties of greens are grown in approximately the same way with the same necessary conditions. For planting, take a bulb of medium or small size. A large onion will take up a lot of space and it will take longer for the feather to come out. Onions can be planted in open ground in autumn before frost, or in early spring. The place should be chosen sunny and dry. Watering should be carried out regularly, preventing the soil from drying out. Before planting, it is recommended to soak the bulbs in warm water for a day and cut off the top from them. It is believed that thanks to these simple actions, the forcing of onions to greens will happen faster and the yield will increase. Most often, onions are planted so-called. in a strip method, in which the bulbs are placed at a distance of 2-5 cm from each other between rows located approximately at a distance of 10-20 cm.

Onion scheme for planting

But the bridge method can also be used, in which the bulbs are stacked close to each other (10 kg of onion per 1 m²). If planting takes place in winter, then it is recommended to pour humus or manure on top in a small layer, and in the spring to remove and install a film frame on the bed. From October to April, it is recommended to grow onions for greenery in a greenhouse, and from February to May - in a greenhouse. As a top dressing, conventional mineral, organic or mixed fertilizers are recommended. No chemicals can be used when forcing onions on greens. The feather is harvested when it reaches a height of 24-42 cm.

The most famous types of onions are: batun, schnit, slime, shallots.

There are also general tips and rules that apply to all types and varieties of greens:

1) Beds for planting greenery are best prepared in the fall. Apply organic (eg manure) and mineral fertilizers at the same time. In the spring, complex fertilizers containing potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen, superphosphate are additionally applied, carbamide (urea) or ammonium nitrate can be added. It is recommended to sow in moist soil in grooves 2 cm deep, do not sprinkle heavily with earth.

2) It is believed that the autumn planting of dill yields much better than spring. The plant will be more resistant and less prone to diseases.

3) For seeds, there is one general rule: before sowing, place them in a 1% manganese solution and leave for 12 hours. This is necessary for disinfection and feeding with the necessary trace elements for growth. The percentage of germination will be much higher than that of dry seeds.

4) When choosing seeds, pay attention to the expiration date and the manufacturer.

Growing greens in a greenhouse

If you want to grow greenery all year round, then you cannot do without a greenhouse. The necessary conditions that must be met are:

1) Earth. The typical composition of soil for greenhouses includes: different types of peat, ordinary garden soil, composts of various compositions, wood waste in the form of bark, sawdust, fallen leaves, river sand and clay, manure (except for pig), bird droppings, straw. The thickness of the soil cover is 25-30 cm. Planting can be carried out at any time in the usual ways intended for this crop.

2) Lighting. Additional lighting will prolong the feeling of daylight and give the plants extra energy.

3) Watering. It is ideal to install a drip irrigation system in a greenhouse.

4) Warm. The optimum temperature in the greenhouse should be + 18ºС.

To grow parsley in a greenhouse, use sprouted seeds. To do this, the planting material is kept for several days on gauze folded in half at room temperature until the first sprouts appear. Plant the prepared seeds in the ground with an interval of 5 cm and then water well. Thin out the resulting seedlings. After the first cut of the crop, you can fertilize the soil with a solution of mullein. Further care will consist in maintaining the optimal temperature (+12ºС - +18ºС), humidity (75%), lighting and weed removal. You can harvest 30-40 days after planting.

Diagram of a greenhouse for growing parsley

For planting dill in a greenhouse, you should choose bush-type varieties. Soak them in water for 2 days first. Dill is not picky about the soil, but it is better to fertilize it with humus, and fertilize it every two months. It is also necessary to take into account that the thickness of the soil layer should be 50 cm, since the roots of the plant are long. Needs constant watering and an additional source of light. Special care requirements are the thinning of plant seedlings. You can harvest dill in 20-30 days.

Planting green onions in a heated greenhouse can be done at any time of the year. To do this, cut off the tops of the bulbs (don't worry if the cut is too wide, as the resulting feathers grow, this cut will be smoothed out). The soil should be well fertilized with organic compounds. A good harvest is obtained when onions are planted in boxes filled with peat, humus or compost. When caring for the cultivation of greenery, the following conditions must be observed: regularly water and feed, ensure the temperature is not higher than + 19 ° C. Additional lighting is also needed, and the lamps should be located vertically, which will avoid wringing the pen. Harvest can be harvested after 30 days.

home growing greens

The simplest and cheapest green vegetable garden is the garden at home. In terms of crop volume and assortment, it is, of course, difficult to compare with the usual one, but it is quite comfortable to have live juicy greens at any time. We are used to the fact that you can grow green onions on the windowsill, but few people know that other greens - parsley, dill, etc. - can also be excellently grown. The greens grown on the windowsill are in no way inferior in quality to those that grow on the garden bed.

This issue also has its own secrets and necessary conditions:

1) The right choice of seeds: it must be early maturing varieties resistant to adverse conditions;

2) Pre-sowing preparation seeds and soil. Believe that selecting and soaking seeds is not a waste of time, but a condition for the success of your garden.

As for the soil, here you have two options:

Buy the finished mixture in the store (which is more convenient and easier);

Cook on your own. Ingredients: humus, garden soddy soil and complex mineral fertilizers (1 tbsp per bucket of mixture). The bottom layer of the pot or boxes should be covered with expanded clay or small pebbles. To get a green feather, plant the bulbs in a container that is one third filled with soil. Also, some lower them into the pan, adding water from time to time so that it covers the roots.

Advice: if you are reusing the soil for planting, remove a little of the top layer and add fresh soil with biohumus.

3) Proper technology and care. There are several factors here:

Drainage. Do not forget to put expanded clay or small pebbles on the bottom of your pots or boxes. This will prevent water from stagnating and avoid root death and mold formation.

Do not bury the seeds in the soil, the sowing depth should be no more than 2 cm.

Temperature regime. Place a thermometer on the windowsill (or anywhere else where your garden is located) and control the required temperature. The room must be - 18-28°C heat.

Avoid too bright sun and drafts.

Top dressing and fertilizers. No matter how hard we try, we will not be able to provide the same climatic conditions as in nature for our plants. Therefore, here they will come to our rescue various kinds of additives. Organic fertilizers such as manure will have to be abandoned. They are not suitable for a balcony or window sill.

4) Lighting. It is better to put plants on the windowsill located in the southeast. If this is not possible, then additional lighting will come to the rescue. Its deficiency can be detrimental to the cultivation of greens.

5) Watering should be carried out as the plant dries. In summer it will be carried out more often and more abundantly, in winter less often. Use water at room temperature so as not to kill the plants.

Greenery on the windowsill

Growing greens for sale

This idea belongs to the category of promising and cost-effective. It does not require large financial investments, the demand for herbs is stable, the yield is high, the growing period is short, and the payback is attractive. But there is still a fly in the ointment here. This is a sales market. This is your main task. Selling to resellers for a penny - it makes no sense. We need to look for serious clients. You can offer your services to cafes, restaurants, shops, but here you will be required to provide documents. The opening of individual entrepreneurship is also associated with certain troubles and costs. Another option is to stand on the market yourself. In any case, you must take into account all costs. If you sell the surplus, then do not count on special cash income. You can earn only on large volumes of production. And if your plans are to grow greens for sale, then be sure to consider the cost of heating and lighting the greenhouse, which you cannot do without. Now this is a very large cost item. It is also necessary to take into account the costs of renting land (when it is implemented), building a greenhouse, transportation costs, hired labor (when used). If the above points do not scare you, and you are ready to establish contacts in the sales market, then the "green" business will pay off your hopes.

For example, consider the leader of this business - green onions. The yield per cut can be 1.5 kg per m². The ripening period is 30 days. The average annual retail price of a kilogram of greens is approximately 300 rubles per kg. The purchase price of bulbs for sowing will be approximately 10-20 rubles per kg. At the same time, we still do not take into account that boxes with onions can be placed on racks, on top of each other, and there are still such varieties of onions that give a higher yield. Based on the above figures, everyone for himself can calculate the cost and estimated profitability of this type of business. Already established businessmen talk about 100% profit, and in some cases even more.

The necessary conditions for growing greens for business practically do not differ from the basic ones. Planting can be carried out all year round in a conveyor way to obtain a continuous crop. Watering should be timely so that the soil does not dry out. And in this you will be greatly assisted by a drip irrigation system, which you can do yourself. It is also necessary to carry out fertilizing plants more carefully, since the plant can get sick, can be infected with pests, the soil is depleted over time. All this requires the use of special complex fertilizers. Care is the same as for these types of plants. Features are only in the collection and transportation of plants. After all, here it is necessary to ensure long-term storage of products, their transportation and, of course, their presentation for sale without loss of quality and appearance.

Growing greens in winter

You can grow greens in winter not only in a greenhouse, it can also be done at home. And these two methods have the same number of pros and cons. In the greenhouse, green onions, parsley and dill are profitable to grow except for sale. Because the costs associated with lighting and heating are pretty high. But at home, a completely small home garden can delight you all winter. And this will significantly affect your finances, since the prices for greenery are not pleasing to the eye. As for taste, it is not easy to get spicy fragrant greens in winter frosts, but it will still differ from frozen ones.

For winter planting fit special varieties resistant to adverse conditions. The soil for growing green onions should contain organic fertilizers, for parsley and dill, ordinary soil is enough. The growth period is 30 days. Parsley is resistant to cold, dill requires enough light. Water and fertilize plants as needed. Care is similar for this type of plant. Avoid cold and frozen windows and window sills, and be sure to heat the greenhouse.

Care, feeding

As with any other crop, when growing greenery, it must be looked after, creating all the necessary conditions. Weeding, thinning seedlings, loosening the soil, applying top dressing should be carried out regularly. Be careful with any kind of top dressing. After all, you do not need meter-long parsley and dill with a finger-thick stem. But top dressing in caring for plants will also perform its role perfectly: it will not only nourish the soil with all the necessary macronutrients, but also protect plants from all kinds of diseases.


  • organic- which include natural ingredients. These include: manure, peat, bird droppings, composts, sawdust, bone meal. They are used dry or diluted, for example, for irrigation. If you have not fertilized the soil in the fall, then you can use the following top dressing: half a bucket of humus per 1 sq. m of sown area. Instead of humus, you can take mullein, diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10. Mineral fertilizers, which are:

Simple, which include one element (nitrogen, phosphorus);

Complex, which consist of two or more components.

Methods and rules of application you can easily find on the packages. An approximate ratio would be 1 tbsp. l. for 10 liters of water.

Every time after you cut the parsley leaves, feed it (about 2 times per season). To do this, feed a piece of land with ammonium nitrate in the amount of 20-30 g per m².

  • Other, which include bacterial, bioadditives, etc..

Growing greens. Major pests and how to deal with them

Every summer season, we encounter pests in the garden and try hard to fight them.

Parsley is susceptible to the following diseases and pests: rust, white rot, carrot psyllid, carrot fly, melon aphid, white spot.

Dill can be overcome by omnivorous pests (larvae of the May beetle, caterpillars of nibbling scoops, a bear, etc.) or aerial parts (spider mites, leafhoppers, aphids, bedbugs, etc.).

Green onions constantly fight aphids, onion flies, thrips, and stem worms.

Control measures are generally accepted for these species. These can be pesticides (aktarin, actellik, karbofos, medvetoks, etc.) or folk remedies (onion infusion, aloe solution, etc.). It is better to take preventive measures.

Enjoy the green beds, as they create the atmosphere of their own green world, pleasing to the eye and warming the soul.

Not many women know, but growing greens as a business is a lucrative and fairly easy way to make money. People buy fresh dill, parsley or onions at any time of the year and, as statistics show, the demand for them is only growing. Moreover, almost everyone can cope with growing plants at home, because. it does not require any special talent or knowledge. In this article, we will talk about whether it is possible to make money on such an idea and how to make a good green business from scratch.


So, if you decide to start a business growing greens at home, you should decide on a landing site. There are three main options here: on a plot in the open air, in an apartment or in a greenhouse. Let's dwell on each of the methods in a little more detail.

  • open area

This method is one of the most convenient, especially if the girl has her own garden plot, but it has one very significant drawback. You can grow vegetation in open ground only in the summer, the rest of the time you should switch to another way of earning. In addition, it should be borne in mind that in the warm season, the price of greens will significantly decrease, and competition will increase. For more money, you can also strawberry business.

A good and profitable option for growing greens all year round at home. However, it is more suitable for women who live in the southern cities of the country with a warm temperate climate. Otherwise, if you want to do such a business in the north, you will not only spend a lot of money on the maintenance of a greenhouse, electricity and gas, but also risk being left without a harvest at all in winter.

With double glazing on a stainless steel frame. They create the effect of a thermos, keeping the optimum temperature from 15 to 28ºC.

Glass is too fragile and expensive, and plastic film does not provide stable temperatures in the room. Industrial greenhouses have impressive dimensions (from 0.5 hectares and above). Beginning farmers it is worth building a structure of 100-120 sq. m, in the future, greenhouse facilities can be expanded.

The shape of greenhouses for greenery can be different. In cold regions, pitched structures are most popular, providing good insolation and preventing snow from accumulating on the roof. It is also possible to use traditional ones. For growing in the ground Suitable for low buildings, rack greenhouses have more impressive dimensions.

Green business: advantages and disadvantages

Deciding to grow greens on an industrial scale, it is important to know in advance about the pros and cons such an enterprise.

Benefits of this business include:

  • the ability to shoot several crops a year;
  • greenhouses are suitable for any green crops, from familiar to exotic;
  • high demand for fresh herbs;
  • in winter and early spring, the margin increases significantly and profitability increases;
  • possible to grow hydroponic, aeroponic or soil method;
  • business suits even people not experienced in agriculture;
  • greenhouses minimize the risk of low yields.

Despite the obvious advantages, the business has some disadvantages:

  • high construction costs and;
  • in the summer, high competition from the owners of household plots;
  • perishable product, which increases the percentage of marriage;
  • a large amount of fertilizers is required to increase the nutritional value of the soil;
  • to increase income, it is necessary to operate with large volumes of products and constantly increase them.

What should be grown in greenhouses?

Experienced farmers believe that growing greens is the most promising option greenhouse business. Green crops grow quickly, taste remains unchanged regardless of the method of cultivation.

Among the cultures, the following are in special demand:

  1. . For growing on greens, hybrid varieties that do not form bulbs are suitable. A variety of varieties are planted in greenhouses: batun, slime, chives. Plants are not too demanding on lighting, but need a large amount of complex mineral and organic fertilizers. Green onions can be grown hydroponic or aeroponic.
  2. . Very productive, fast growing and requires frequent cutting. Growing requires good humidity and light.
  3. Parsley. For growing in greenhouses, ordinary leaf and curly parsley is used, which is in great demand in stores. Very demanding on soil nutrition, watering and lighting. At low temperatures, growth stops.
  4. . Any variety is suitable for cultivation, but the fast-growing Iceberg, Oakleaf, Frize are especially popular. Lettuce grows well in hydroponics, needs a lot of fertilizer and water.

A very promising direction is the cultivation of greenery in miniature plastic pots. These containers are placed in cassettes and can significantly extend the life of greens on store shelves.

Dill, lettuce and parsley in pots attract attention and are readily bought up.

Cost price this method of cultivation is almost equal to traditional, and the margins for this type of product are much higher. In pots, you can grow not only the usual greens, but also a variety of herbs: mint, lemon balm, anise, rosemary, thyme.

Greenhouse equipment

Industrial greenhouses are most often using hydroponic technology. They can significantly save space and reduce the cost of finished products. Plants are grown in liquid nutrient solutions, without the use of soil.

Hydroponic technologies significantly accelerate the growth of greenery The plants have a beautiful appearance. Unlike vegetables, herbs grown hydroponically do not develop a watery taste.

Another option - soil cultivation in tiers. Racks with a nutrient substrate are installed along the walls of the greenhouses, into which seeds are sown. Rack growing makes it possible to save on heating, increasing the number of plants per 1 sq. m greenhouse.

Greenhouse equipped with a ventilation system and heating. Industrial greenhouses are heated using pipes laid underground. To reduce the cost of electric heating, innovative methods are actively used: biofuels, solar panels, the use of infrared cables. It is best to heat the building in a combined way, using several methods at once.

An industrial greenhouse designed for soil cultivation should be equipped with a drip irrigation system. Lighting is also very important. Lamps under the ceiling are not enough, local lighting is needed for each tier of the rack.

To organize a continuous process, sowing in batches is recommended. This allows you to harvest, avoiding overstocking. After harvest soil mixed with fertilizer, carefully loosened, watered and sown with a new batch of seeds.

Expenses, income and profitability: calculation rules

When calculating profitability it is important to take into account all costs both one-time and monthly. These include:

  • land lease;
  • registration of a legal entity;
  • construction and equipment of greenhouses;
  • purchase of planting material and fertilizers;
  • spending on electricity and water;
  • payment of taxes;
  • salaries of hired personnel;
  • packaging and labeling;
  • transportation costs for the delivery of finished products.

Some cost items may be excluded from the estimate. For example, land owners will not be spent on rent, but small greenhouses do not need hired helpers which excludes salary costs. Branded packaging is needed by large farms that have registered a trademark and are selling through retail chains.

According to professionals, the cost of one polycarbonate greenhouse in 100,000 square meters. m start from 100,000 rubles. 10 000 rubles will have to spend on seed, at least 15,000 rubles will be required for heating.

Profit depends on the chosen culture and method of implementation. The most profitable option is to sell through retail stores or catering chains. In summer, a kilogram of greenery can cost from 80,000 rubles, in winter the price rises to 150,000 rubles. This growth is associated with a decrease in supply and the lack of competition from private farms.

The profitability of the greenery growing business is not too high. According to various estimates, it ranges from 15 to 25%. An industrial greenhouse will pay off in 2-3 years, payback farm greenhouse medium size - 1.5-2 years. Profitability is much higher in regions with a warm climate.

In the northern regions, the cost of greenhouse greenery increases significantly, reducing profits. Well-established logistics, an increase in the sales network and a thoughtful approach to heating greenhouses will help reduce costs.

Growing greenery in a greenhouse as a business - simple but costly process. A large initial investment is required to achieve success. Even before the construction of greenhouses it is worth considering a clear marketing scheme and calculate all future costs. To begin with, it is worth building one small greenhouse as a training option. If the process goes well, it will be possible to significantly expand your farm.

Useful video:

We grow greenery in summer cottages only for ourselves, but what if we grow it for sale? What kind of income can you get? How much money should be spent initially on the implementation of this venture?

One-time investments and expenses

Before you start earning income, you need to invest your own capital. It is impossible to determine the exact amount that will be needed. It depends on features:

  • where the greens will be grown (greenhouse, at home, on open ground);
  • what area is allocated for planting with greens (the required amount of seed depends on this);
  • what greens are grown for sale (dill, parsley, onion, and so on);
  • what fertilizers will be used (protection against pests, for plant immunity, and so on);
  • regional features (for example, whether constant heating of the greenhouse is needed, shelter from heavy rains, and so on).

Take, for example, approximate calculations for growing onions.

Where will the cultivation be? Estimated costs Growing period and sowing cycle Expected income for 1 month Estimated payback period
Apartment or garage initial costs for the purchase of seed - 4000 rubles;

purchase of the necessary packaging - 5 thousand rubles;

mineral fertilizers and the soil itself - 4.5 thousand rubles;

monthly utility bills - 2.5 thousand rubles;

transportation for sale - 5 thousand monthly.

Cultivation year-round 30 thousand rubles 1 month

Profitability 50 - 180%

Land use purchase of seeds for sowing - 4 thousand rubles;

mineral fertilizers - 1,000 rubles;

payment for the irrigation system -1.4 thousand rubles;

payment for transport - 10 thousand rubles.

About 5 months 30 thousand rubles 1 month

Profitability 100 - 150%

Greenhouse growing option Acquisition of building materials for the construction of greenhouses -140 thousand rubles;

Installation of a hydroponic system - from 5 thousand rubles;

Containers - 7 thousand rubles;

Mineral fertilizers and soil - 3.5 thousand rubles;

Seeds - 4 thousand rubles;

Lighting - 11 thousand rubles;

Transport - 10 thousand rubles;

Utilities -2.5 thousand rubles.

Year-round cultivation 30 thousand rubles 3 months

Profitability 25 - 250%

The income is indicated everywhere the same, since it is not known what area will be used, and what yield is expected.


While the greens will be grown in a summer cottage or in an apartment, no legal documents need to be drawn up. In simple words, there is no need for registration of IP. But at the same time, you need to remember one nuance: you cannot sell products yourself (after all, there are no documents for this), and therefore there is only one way to sell - hand over to resellers. This is not profitable, but in the early stages it is quite normal.

As income increases and will be regular customers, there will be a need to expand the business (for example, growing in a greenhouse will be required) - paperwork will be required.

The best option would be to register an individual entrepreneur according to the OKVED coding - A.01.12.2. According to this encoding, the entrepreneur is marked in the tax authority as working in the agricultural direction.

It will be possible to choose the ESHN taxation system (the most optimal one).

The definition of ESHN means a single agricultural tax, which can replace other forms of taxation. The tax rate on it is very low - only 6% of net income.

Recurring (monthly) expenses

Monthly costs directly depend on the place where the greens are grown.

It is worth noting that today the cultivation of hydroponically- Substantial cost savings. Plants are grown without soil. Thanks to this, you can get a presentable appearance of the finished product for sale.

Returning to the monthly costs, we can say: financially, about 6 thousand rubles will come out with home cultivation, more if you need to regularly travel to the site where the greens grow.

It is impossible to predict the financial costs of regular trips (sales markets, a trip to the place of cultivation).

As for the cost of your time, it all depends on the method of cultivation. If the greenery grows on hydroponics, then you just need to regulate the process (1 time per day when grown in remote areas from home, and if grown in a room or in a garage, then you must agree that the control will certainly be regular).

The greenery is unpretentious, and it’s enough just to follow it: do not overfill (if using a hydroponic method), do not overdry the soil (if without hydroponics), monitor a sufficient level of lighting (just install energy-saving light bulbs and forget).

Stages of business development

Stages of development of the idea for growing greenery:

  1. The choice of the type of greenery and the place of cultivation.
  2. A growing method is chosen (hydroponics or another option).
  3. The sales market (shops, supermarkets) is being worked out. Maybe one of my friends is engaged in growing greenery and talked about places.
  4. You need to start purchasing the necessary goods: equipment, seeds, and so on.
  5. Planting and growing greenery.
  6. Selling greenery, getting the first profit.

It must be remembered: at the first positive negotiations on the issue of sales, you should not stop, you need to constantly look for profitable offers for yourself.

Returns and future returns

It is necessary to approach the cultivation of greenery for the purpose of further sale with all responsibility. No need to think: the business option is simple. How the owner will treat him, such will be profits in the future.

Payback period

The payback period directly depends on the initial investment. For example, the initial cost is 30 thousand rubles.

With this amount, a novice entrepreneur was able to purchase the necessary material, seeds, and so on. In the end, he planted about 10 square meters of his site with green onions.

On average, from one square meter per month you can get up to 10 kg of greenery.

Accordingly, we get: 10 kg x 20 square meters. m. = 200 kg of finished products per month.

At a wholesale price of 70-80 rubles. for 1 kg it turns out to get in a month: 70 rubles x 200 = 14 thousand rubles.

But at the same time, we take away about 50% for utility bills and transport, it turns out 7 thousand.

According to these indicators, you can see that the payback period will be about 5 months.

But let's be honest, because of 10 square meters, growing greens is not even worth thinking about. The minimum area I should be about 40 square meters. m., and this is the minimum. Only in this case, you can achieve good profits and form your customer base.

Monthly income

As mentioned above, income depends on the sales market itself, which the novice entrepreneur has given his preference to.

For example, it will be possible to hand over products to supermarkets only if:

  • there will be an IP;
  • there is a sanitary conclusion about the absence of chemical additives and other things. In simple words, the product is allowed to be sold.

As a rule, they buy products at a price of 20% or more than resellers offer.

About resellers

Here, too, not everything is so simple. Most of them use greens as an additional product, so they will offer the lowest prices. The best option would be to place an ad in a regional / city newspaper, on regional Internet sites, and so on, where the entrepreneur offers to purchase goods at their own set price. In this case, you can achieve the maximum level of income from your products. You need to be prepared: this is a rather laborious process, and the ability to conduct a business conversation will be very useful.

Profitability calculation

After studying the information in various forums where entrepreneurs in this area share the secrets of growing greens, in particular onions, we can note: profitability can reach about 500% with minimal investment.

At the same time, regional peculiarities should also be taken into account. From the words of the entrepreneurs themselves (from the forums), we can conclude that the most profitable will be the cultivation only green onions. Speaking of dill, parsley and other vegetation, they all assure that you can “burn out” there. This is due to the fact that the bow is not capricious at all and is resistant to possible temperature fluctuations (of course, here we are not talking about a temperature jump from 20 degrees Celsius to 10 or less). Fluctuations of 3-5 degrees are not terrible for him.

Moreover, green onions are considered the most popular, so the demand for it will be at any time of the year.

Entrepreneurs themselves note: in order to increase profitability, it is necessary to try to plant greenery at the initial stage at least 30 sq. m., otherwise, the income will be minimal, which can lead to apathy, and as a result, loss of interest in this business.

Profitability examples

Today, the idea of ​​growing greenery in greenhouses is popular, because in this case the yield will be guaranteed, and, frankly, it is better to set up the system all at once than to do it all over again with an increase in capacity.

After analyzing the statements of users on agricultural forums, we can say that their profitability is very different.

For example, a user under the nickname Igor86 says that he grows greens all year round (moreover, onions). Engaged in a summer cottage of 20 acres. He initially spent 100 thousand starting capital. With this money, I bought several used refrigerators for storing goods, seeds, greenhouses, and so on.

The first profit amounted to 25 thousand rubles - there was no sales. After 1 year, earnings are 300 thousand rubles per month, issued an IP, and officially hands over its products (under contracts) to shops and small supermarkets. Its big plus is that it is already able to take back expired goods.

As you can see, with desire and perseverance, you can achieve good results.

How much can a business be sold for?

The price of a ready-made business directly depends on such factors:

  • the presence of regular customers;
  • yield (it is not recommended to purchase cheap varieties due to the low percentage of germination);
  • number of greenhouses;
  • green growing methods.

The minimum price for a ready-made business is 300-400 thousand rubles.

Video consultation

Video number 1 points out the main mistakes when growing green onions. By Denis Ulyanov.

Video #2 talks about the possibility of using hydroponics.

I would like to note that there are no videos that reveal this issue. Agree, few people will tell the secrets of their success.

Feel free to create a business plan based on your capabilities, and proceed to action.