How to make money raising sheep? Sheep farming as a business: advice to a novice farmer.

Igor Nikolaev

Reading time: 5 minutes


Are you going to open your own business, but don't know in what area and where to start? If you are thinking about a business like sheep breeding, let's try to figure out together how to organize this business so that it makes a profit. This business direction is by no means in vain considered profitable and promising not only for experienced livestock breeders, but also for novice farmers.

Sheep breeding as a business

Any own business begins with the development of a business plan. A sound business plan for sheep breeding is the first step to successful further development. Next, we will consider the main points that such a plan should contain. Before you start drawing up a plan, you should realistically assess your capabilities.

If there are enough of them, then the question arises of choosing the form of state registration.

Usually sheep breeding business is registered in the form of a peasant farm (KFH).

To resolve this issue as soon as possible, it is worth consulting with a specialist who will help to avoid errors in the preparation of the necessary documents. For the legal development of your business, you will need to register with the tax authorities and obtain the necessary permits from the fire and sanitary authorities. To sell the meat obtained, you will need permission from the veterinary service.

Business plan development

Land lease

The second point of the business plan, after state registration and obtaining the necessary permits, should be the land issue.

Rent or buy? A novice farmer should try to minimize the initial costs, so renting is usually chosen as a cheaper option. And it will be easier to issue KFH. For example, issues with fire supervision will be decided by the owner of the land, not the tenant. It is necessary to immediately provide for the initial number of animals, since it directly depends on how much land is needed to feed it.

To ensure normal grazing conditions, one hectare of land is usually planned per sheep.

When building sheep breeding as a business from scratch, it is better to take a closer look at the abandoned livestock farms, since on their territory, in addition to the pastures themselves, there may be livestock buildings that need to be repaired. This is much cheaper than building them from scratch. Sheep are unpretentious animals, and they do not impose special requirements on such structures.

Since these animals adapt well to almost any conditions of detention, at first an open paddock is quite suitable for them, and in winter - the building of a once abandoned livestock farm. With the development of business and an increase in income, a successful entrepreneur can also buy out a leased plot. It is not at all necessary to buy lands for grazing; at first, it is easier and cheaper to rent them.

Selection and purchase of animals

A separate item of the business plan must necessarily be the issue of purchasing the initial herd. Previously, a beginner sheep breeder should learn more about the available breeds and, having decided on this issue, proceed to the search for a supplier. This search should be conducted according to two criteria - how long this supplier has been on the market and what is its reputation.

In order to choose a suitable breed of sheep, you need to decide which of their products are of interest to you as an entrepreneur. Sheep provide wool and meat, and depending on your preferences in this matter, you should choose animals. In addition, it is worth paying attention to the productive indicators and fertility of the breed (or breeds) of the future herd.

In the Russian climate, it is considered more profitable to breed sheep for meat. However, this does not mean that you will throw away the wool. This is a stable source of good income, therefore, when planning to breed animals for meat, it is worth paying attention to the quality of the wool. On this basis, sheep are divided into the following types of breeds:

  • fine-fleeced meat-wool. The most common sheep breeds are Vyatka, skew, fat-tailed, Georgian and Kazakh;
  • semi-fine-fleece meat-wool. They are shorthaired and longhaired. Examples of such breeds are Lithuanian, Gorky, Kuibyshev, Tien Shan, German Blackhead, Suffolk and Romney March;
  • semi-coarse-haired meat-greasy-wool. The main breed of this species is the saraja;
  • coarse-haired meat-greasy, sheepskin-meat and meat-wool. This species includes Kuchugurovskaya, Romanovskaya and.

A novice sheep breeder is best suited to growing sheep of the Romanov breed. Its main advantages are high fecundity and fast growth rates of slaughter weight.

Already at the age of seven months, individuals of the Romanov breed, with proper maintenance and feeding, reach a weight of about 35 kilograms. Adult specimens weigh up to 90 kilograms (sheep), and sheep of this breed can weigh up to 50 kilograms, which provides a novice entrepreneur with a high level of profitability. The Romanovskaya breed belongs to the sheepskin-meat species. Under household or farm conditions, wool from these animals can be obtained three times in one year. From one male of the Romanov breed, about three kilos of wool come out, and from a Romanov female - about two.

If we take into account the income from the sale of wool in the business plan, then the turnover will increase and the payback period will decrease significantly. One of the main advantages of this breed is its precocity. Sheep of this breed are capable of producing from three to five lambs in one offspring. Three lambs in seven months give an increase of about 110 kilos of meat. Accordingly, five lambs - about two hundred kilograms. The time of year for the queens of the Romanov breed does not affect her desire to mate in any way. Within one year, a Romanov ewe can lamb twice. Do not forget about.

Sheep of this breed during the lactation period give up to 110 kilograms of milk. This breed does not require any special conditions of maintenance and care. It is quite enough to provide the herd with a full-fledged feed ration, and in winter to provide him with a minimally insulated covered room with a dry floor. Based on the foregoing, sheep breeders advise starting a sheep breeding business with the Romanov breed of sheep. For the subsequent sale of products obtained in the conditions of a household or farm, it is imperative to document the animals.

Such documents indicate the breed of the animal, its age, a list of past diseases and a list of vaccinations. Strict maintenance of sanitary documentation will subsequently avoid problems in the sale of meat, milk and wool.

Required personnel

In the conditions of household subsidiary farming, the maintenance of animals is provided by the owner and his family.

However, this is clearly not enough for any serious business. As a result, a mandatory item in the business plan should be hired personnel, their number and, accordingly, the cost of wages.

But if you manage to conclude agreements with milk processing or cheese-making enterprises, then this will be a constant source of additional profit. Having put your sheep breeding business on its feet, you should think about other sources of income, for example. a small workshop for the production of sheep cheese or a workshop for sewing natural sheepskin products (belts, blankets, vests, slippers, children's envelopes for winter, etc.).

Financial part of the business plan

In this part, it is necessary to take into account, on the one hand, all the expected costs, such as: purchase of the initial herd, rent for pasture lands and agricultural premises, wage fund, overhead costs (transportation, temporary workers, utility bills, purchase of feed, tax payments, etc.). On the other hand, the column "Income" reflects the estimated proceeds from the sale of meat, milk and wool, as well as animals per tribe.

Based on the debit and credit of your business plan, the payback period and the expected level of business profitability are calculated.

The average payback period in sheep farming is two years.

The main risks in this industry are the loss of livestock as a result of an epidemic or natural disasters. However, such force majeure exists in any agricultural industry.

Sheep are hardy and unpretentious animals, they rarely get sick, so the risk of herd death outside of force majeure is small.

In any case, at the beginning of business development, a beginner sheep breeder should seek help from professionals in this field, since it is quite difficult to independently develop a competent business plan and implement it without sufficient experience.

In conclusion, I would like to say that although the average profitability of sheep breeding as a business is low, with the right approach, it guarantees a stable income.

Sheep breeding as a business is a profitable and relevant business idea for today. It attracts beginner entrepreneurs with a quick payback, high profitability. It is the breeding of sheep that is considered one of the most promising areas of domestic animal husbandry.

Sheep breeding is an occupation that even a businessman who has never been engaged in animal breeding can master. It is no coincidence that this direction is interesting for entrepreneurs, because there are many positive factors that imply a significant profit. These are the following features:

  • unpretentiousness of sheep;
  • minimal feed costs (sheep are grazing animals and feed on their own);
  • the possibility of starting with a small investment and a limited number of individuals;
  • high demand for products - meat, wool, cheese.

In general, when breeding sheep, even a small entrepreneur is able to achieve a profitability of 25-30%. But in case of incorrect alignment of business processes, its value can drop even to 10%. Therefore, it is important to familiarize yourself with all its features before opening a business.

Legal Features

Breeding sheep at home with the subsequent sale of finished products will require the registration of your own enterprise. If you plan to open a small company, then the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcreating an LLC should be abandoned. It is better to stay on one of the following forms:

The opening of a KFH will require the signing of an Agreement on the establishment of a farm. This is necessary to notify the registration authority. As the OKVED code, you need to specify 01.22.1 - "Breeding sheep and goats." This category includes not only the breeding of breeding animals, but also the production of milk, wool, and down. Before opening, you will have to take care of obtaining permission from the SES.

Selection of suitable pasture

An entrepreneur who has never been involved in sheep breeding will surely wonder where to start and how to succeed in this business. He must understand that much will depend on the correct selection of terrain for walking. Therefore, the search for land must be very careful. It can be bought or rented - depending on the financial capabilities of the entrepreneur.

When choosing land, one should be guided by the fact that one sheep and its children need 1 hectare of pasture annually. Therefore, it is necessary to calculate the area based on the number of animals. But there is another very important point - the area where the sheep will graze. In the southern regions, land will cost more. But if you choose the northern region, then you need to be prepared for the following difficulties:

  1. keeping livestock will require more investment than in the southern regions;
  2. sheep will be able to graze only from May to September.

Entrepreneurs keep sheep in cattle pens. You can make them yourself from wood. Some businessmen solve this issue differently - they buy or rent land where a farm or state farm was previously located. Thus, most of the necessary buildings will already be on the site, and the owner himself will be able to significantly reduce the amount of costs.

Sheep tolerate low temperatures well, but it is better to play it safe and get a stove. You will also need a shepherd's house.

The entrepreneur should pay special attention to the selection of livestock. It is better to abandon the idea of ​​​​buying sheep from hand - this can lead to serious problems, the appearance of diseases, which will eventually make the enterprise unprofitable. The ideal option is to contact the agriculture that breeds sheep and has supporting documents and animal certificates in hand.

Subsequently, to increase the livestock, it is better for an entrepreneur to contact different farms. So he can avoid interbreeding, which reduces survival, fertility and worsens health.

The ideal option is to start with 300 individuals. It is suitable for aspiring entrepreneurs who are new to sheep. Such businessmen, in order to achieve maximum profit, must constantly study the features of raising their animals, take advice from more experienced breeders.

Breed varieties

It is very important at the initial stage to decide on the breed of future sheep. The most popular among Russian breeders is the Romanov breed. In total, about 70 varieties of sheep are bred on the territory of the country and the entire CIS. All of them are divided into the following groups:

  1. fine-fleeced;
  2. semi-fine-wool;
  3. semi-coarse;
  4. coarse-haired.

The fine-fleece group is represented most widely. It includes Altai, Stavropol and Caucasian sheep, for example.

Purchase of feed

One of the most important cost items is the purchase of feed. For the most part, sheep feed on pasture plants while walking. But in addition, you need to include feed filled with important vitamins and trace elements in their diet. The composition of the feed will depend on the region in which the pasture is located. In a day, one sheep is able to eat:

  • 2 kilograms of straw;
  • 1.5 kilograms of hay;
  • 100 grams of barley.

You can include branches, silage, root crops in the diet. Be sure to add a special slime salt to the daily diet.

Feed needs to be stored in a larger volume - 35% more than necessary. Then it will be possible to reduce the amount of unforeseen costs for the purchase of feed.


It takes one shepherd to walk 300 sheep. Therefore, if the livestock has 600 heads, then 2 shepherds will be required. In addition to the shepherd, other workers are needed:

  • vet;
  • milkmaids;
  • haircut masters (sheared).

It is not necessary to hire shearers for permanent work. They can shear the sheep as needed. You can go the other way - find a shepherd who can shear individuals and monitor their health. But in this case, the employee's salary will be much higher than that of an ordinary shepherd. As a motivation, you can offer him a salary and a bonus / percentage of the profits.

Sales channels

It is very important to decide in advance where to sell the finished product. We are talking about meat, milk and wool of sheep. The first components will bring the main income, and the haircut and sale of wool will be only additional profit. When selling meat, you can use one of the following sales methods:

  • sale in the markets;
  • wholesale;
  • production and sale of semi-finished products, meat in retail chains.

When organizing large-scale production, you can open your own outlets in the form of butcher shops. Then it will be possible to sell the goods at a significantly higher cost.

Financial results

A novice entrepreneur who decides to start raising sheep probably wants to know whether such a business is profitable or not. To do this, it is necessary to calculate planned financial indicators. So, if you plan to purchase 300 sheep, then there will be the following cost items:

  • construction of corrals, repair work - 100,000 rubles;
  • purchase of sheep - 1,000,000 rubles;
  • purchase of necessary equipment - 100,000 rubles.

Total will require 1,200,000 rubles of initial investment. Fixed costs include the following:

  • rent of a land plot - 12,000 rubles per month;
  • salary - 45,000 rubles per month;
  • purchase of feed - 8,000 rudders monthly.

It turns out that the monthly expenses will amount to 65,000 rubles. The total profit will be about 600,000 rubles. Net profit will be about 450,000 rubles. But it will be possible to start making a profit no earlier than six months later, receiving at that time an income that covers only the amount of costs. Therefore, the payback will be: 6 months + 1,200,000/450,000 = 9 months.

There are many ways to make money in the countryside and one of the most popular of them has always been and remains sheep farming. If the business plan for sheep breeding is drawn up correctly, costs can be minimized without sacrificing quality, and profitability can be significantly increased.

Sheep breeding: advantages, technology

When formulating a business plan, remember that the most important factor in the calculation of any planned enterprise is customer demand. The three main sheep products are:

  • meat;
  • wool;
  • milk products.

In Russia, the processing of sheep wool is underdeveloped, so meat is considered to be a more popular commodity. And raising sheep is really profitable. The sale of wool and dairy products, as a rule, plays the role of a side income.

It should be understood: sheep breeding is not the kind of activity that will provide tremendous profits. Rather, it is a way to get a stable income without large investments and high risks.

The main advantage of this provincial business is the absence of large initial costs. Even without owning a solid capital, it is quite possible to try yourself in breeding sheep, starting with a small livestock. Most often, farmers do just that, and then, as the herd grows, they expand the boundaries of the farm.

But even with the minimum planned volumes, it is necessary to draw up a sheep breeding business plan, calculating the upcoming costs, income, payback period. In general, this is a very profitable business, since pasture is the main diet of sheep during the grazing period. That is, the cost of food is only for the time when there is no grass. These animals have a relatively short growth period, a good yield of meat, and it costs, by the way, not cheap.

How to start raising sheep

When compiling a business plan, first of all, you need to think about how profitable it will be. Therefore, you should not save on the purchase of sheep, you must carefully choose the breed, focusing on the recommendations of experienced farmers.

Proper selection of the primary flock will ensure rapid growth, maximum meat yield and minimum disease susceptibility. A good breed is, if not a guarantee, then one of the foundations for the success of the event. Very popular . They quickly gain weight, are famous for their very tasty meat and high fertility.

It is recommended to purchase sheep in large specialized farms with a good reputation. If you plan to purchase a large herd, it is better to collect several groups from different farms. So the risk of intergeneric mixing will be minimized.

In addition, the following issues need to be addressed:

  • where animals will graze in warm weather;
  • what they will eat during the grass-free period.
  • in which room the sheep will sleep and stay in cold weather.
  • who will graze, feed and water, shear sheep, clean the pen, etc.

The pasture can be purchased or leased. An excellent option would be the territory of an abandoned farm with a ready-made paddock, of which we have a lot in our country. Renovating a building is much cheaper than building from scratch. By the way, the sheep pen does not require additional insulation, as these animals are very tolerant of cold weather.

It's worth thinking about winter nutrition in advance. The ideal solution is self-harvesting of hay from cereals and legumes. You can add variety to the diet of animals and improve their growth by purchasing oats, barley, etc. Do not forget that both hay and feed also need to be stored somewhere. To do this, it is better to equip the area indoors closer to the corral.

The main costs of organizing a sheep farm

Beginners should not start with a large population. Firstly, these are huge costs, and secondly, it is much easier to gain experience and deal with primary problems with small volumes.

All the above calculations are made for a large flock of 300 sheep solely as an example. As rates may vary by location and other factors, figures are approximate.

Primary (one-time) investments

So, the first thing sheep breeding requires is a full-fledged pasture. According to statistics, one individual with subsequent offspring consumes about 1 hectare per year. The annual rent of the required area will cost about 100 thousand rubles.

No less amount will be needed to put in order an abandoned farm or paddock. But the main expense item that makes up the business plan is the acquisition of a livestock of sheep. The wholesale price of one individual reaches 3-4 thousand rubles, so at least a million is needed to purchase a herd of 300 heads.

fixed costs

Since we are talking about a large, full-fledged farm, an article on the remuneration of employees must be included in the sheep breeding business plan. You will always have to support a shepherd, a handyman, a milkmaid. From time to time, there will be a need for the services of a veterinarian and a clipper. The total salary of such employees will be about 600-700 thousand rubles a year.

For the purchase of additional feed for the year, given that the hay will be harvested independently, it will take at least 60 thousand rubles. About 50 thousand rubles a year will cost all sorts of overhead costs.

In total, with a rough estimate, the proposed business plan assumes costs in the first year of 2 million rubles. Considering that large scales are taken as a basis, this is not a very significant amount.

Profitable part of the financial plan

Despite the apparent simplicity of the description, sheep breeding is a rather complex and responsible undertaking. Before making a profit, a novice farmer has to solve a number of technical and organizational issues.

Sales of finished products

Along with the troubles of raising animals, the issue of selling products is acute, the main of which is meat. When dealing with a large-scale economy, the problem of marketing should be approached seriously. Potential customers are restaurants, cafes and market vendors.

But the ideal option is to cooperate with wholesale meat buyers on an ongoing basis. Offering slightly lower prices, they nevertheless provide a stable volume of sales.

In addition, it will be possible to sell wool, skins, milk, sheep cheese. But these specific products are not in high demand with us, and the price for them, accordingly, is low. Therefore, it is beneficial to draw up a business plan with an emphasis on the sale of lamb.

Income from sheep breeding

Animals can be sold both for meat and live stock. The cost will not vary significantly. If we take into account the upcoming breeding, it will be possible to sell a maximum of 200 rams per year. Their sale can bring in the end up to 1 million rubles.

From the sale of wool, the annual budget of the farm can be replenished by a maximum of 100 thousand rubles. In total, it comes out to 1,100,000 rubles a year, plus additional proceeds from the sale of milk and skins.

Thus, the proposed business plan assumes that a sheep farm with a population of 300 sheep should fully pay off in less than two years from the date of opening. I must say that for a large enterprise, this is a fairly short payback period.

The average profitability of a sheep farm is low - 15% (can vary from 10 to 20%). But with further development and expansion of the economy, these same 15% can turn into a very solid, constantly growing figure!

One of the best business options in rural areas is livestock breeding. This may be the content of rabbits, pigs, sheep, cows and other animals. In this article, we will consider sheep breeding as a business.

Sheep need more care. If you want to organize your own business on the cultivation of such animals, you need to think carefully about why they are and why to acquire them: for brood, for meat, for sale, for wool, for cheese, milk, etc. Each of these areas allows you to earn decent money. But the approach in any case will always be different.

When you have decided exactly what sheep are for, you need to think about where to get them. It is best to buy cattle from people who have been engaged in sheep breeding for several years, so as not to purchase weak or sick animals from an unscrupulous seller.

Necessary conditions for the economy

This type of activity largely depends on land productivity and climate humidity. Any business plan (sheep breeding is no exception) of this type of income requires a competent attitude to animal husbandry technologies. For example, if you do not provide for consistent replacement of paddocks, grass in pastures may be trampled. Breeding (sheep breeding especially) as a business cannot be organized without clean water for watering. But that's not all. Remember that if you are engaged in such an activity as sheep breeding, your farm can be a risky undertaking without the existence of constant protection - after all, there are quite a few who want to stock up on lamb without much effort. Often, in order to monitor a herd of sheep, trained dogs are used as guards, which are able to protect livestock from the encroachments of both four-legged and two-legged predators.

Drawing up a program for the development of sheep breeding

Sheep breeding at home should begin with a business plan. Here it is necessary to take into account all future expenses by stages. And although it is not necessary to have a special education for this, ignorance of certain standards for keeping sheep and feeding them can lead to considerable costs. Taking care of the animals is not that difficult, especially from spring to late autumn, because they mostly graze on the field all day long. This must be taken into account when drawing up a business plan. Sheep breeding is an industry that, despite the described nuance, will in any case require significant financial costs. Therefore, if there is no cash receipts or savings, you can take a loan from a bank. In general, you should not be afraid to start doing this type of activity. The most important thing is to have a desire, and experience, as they say, comes with time.

You also need to know that you need to have personal pasture fields or rent them. Plots can be natural, artificial and improved. One sheep with its offspring needs about 0.2 hectares of land. The best time to sow grass is in the spring. The development of sheep depends on its quality and yield. One animal needs about ten kilograms of feed per day. It must also be remembered that in the first days of life, lambs need vitamins that can be purchased at veterinary institutions.

Sheep shed in winter

Any farm can do. Sheep tolerate cold well. The litter is not removed, but a new one is laid daily. The heat from the bedding keeps the animals warm in severe frosts. It is necessary to provide a place where the cattle will bathe. It can be special balls. Feeders should be installed around the entire perimeter of the farm. This, by and large, is the organization of sheep breeding.

The average price per individual is 10,000 rubles. It is advisable to purchase young animals in specially verified organizations. The profitability of sheep breeding is good if you breed the Romanov breed. But others are suitable for obtaining wool and meat.

Paddock and pasture

The size of the acquired field for walking livestock must be chosen taking into account the fact that for the existence of one sheep with its offspring, about 1 hectare of green land is needed. The area on which the farmer is going to make a corral should be located next to a fresh water body. Most of the time sheep spend on pasture, so it should be as adapted as possible for animals. The area of ​​the plot must be calculated taking into account the ideal habitat of one lamb (approximately 3 sq.m is needed). Thus, for a herd of three hundred heads, the pen area should be about 900 square meters, and the pasture area should be at least 300 hectares.

What should you know when choosing a sheep?

Of course, it is best to purchase rock, although Askani and Romanov may be suitable for the inhabitants of the plains. There are also merino, fat-tailed and karakul breeds, they are quite valuable. When you choose a sheep, you need to pay attention to its appearance. A healthy normal animal has an elastic and not sagging belly, fairly strong legs and a wide, long torso. If a sheep has a large, heavy, and rough head, then most likely it will not produce good quality wool. It is also worth paying special attention to her back, which should be flat, not sag. If you follow all the rules for selecting young animals, sheep breeding as a business will flourish and expand.

If you want to get wool and milk, you need to pay significant attention to the skin of the animal. He must be thick. One of the most serious shortcomings of sheep is considered to be a rather narrow chest, which indicates a poor condition of the ram and a too weak constitution. The best wool is obtained from three-year-old cattle.

Sheep breeding: breeds

In Russia, the most popular sheep breeds are:
- meat;
- Eldibaevsky;
- fat tail;
- Romanov.

Fat-tailed rams were brought from Central Asia. The main feature of these sheep is the presence of a large deposition of fat near the root of the tail. They perfectly tolerate not only heat, but also Russian frosts, and do not require any special conditions of detention. In this type of sheep, the meat yield varies from 50 to 65% of the total weight.

Among fat-tailed breeds, Eldibaev sheep can be distinguished. Animals of this breed grow rapidly - in a little more than 3 months a ram can gain about two hundred kilograms of weight. The disadvantage of these sheep is their small offspring.
Meat breeds include various breeds, including the Suffolk Vendée and the Black Belly. Most of them were bred in European countries, and these animals can tolerate cold quite well.

Novice entrepreneurs need to pay attention to the rams of the Romanov breed. A special difference of these sheep is considered to be thick wool, thanks to which they can live in a paddock at a temperature of -40°C.

Sheep farming for beginners is one of the profitable rural business ideas. As for the content, you need to know that sheep get along well in the same room with other domestic animals: goats, horses, cows. However, it should be borne in mind that they must be fenced off from other livestock. Animals should not be allowed to stay indoors for long periods of time. They need to graze and walk a lot.

Not all grass is suitable for lambs. It is better to drive them out into the mountains, where they can pluck small grass. At an average age, one sheep can eat about 8 kg of grass every day. If the farmer is unable to graze for long periods of time, turn the sheep out for two to three hours a day.

offspring of sheep

At seven to nine months, the lambs approach sexual maturity, but you do not need to release them for fertilization at this early age, you should wait a bit. Spring sheep of all breeds occur at the age of 1.5 years. When females are ready to become pregnant, they lose their appetite and become restless.

The yield of lambs per hundred queens is approximately 80 heads. With lambing in winter and free mating, the percentage decreases (approximately 65-70 lambs). By the end of the first year of your sheep farm for a couple of hundred heads, on average, you will raise about 170 marketable lambs. You can sell them or leave them to replace queens. There are different options: to sell the rams and leave the ewes in order to increase the number of sheep later; sell livestock, and with the money received to purchase pasture. There will be no profit in the latter case, but next year the increase in animals will be greater, which, of course, will increase income.


Sheep milk is considered a dietary food product. It is used to make such types of cheeses as, for example, cheese or Roquefort. It should be noted that this drink for sale often comes from Karakul sheep, because the lambs of this breed are slaughtered in the first days of their existence to obtain skins.

Sheep breeding as a business is also good because you can get wool. It is superior in its qualities to camel and goat, and this despite the fact that these two species are very widely used in industry. Products and fabrics made from lamb wool are characterized by a long service life and the highest levels of hygiene. Currently, you can find a huge variety of sheepskin products on the market: vests, mittens, felt boots, carpets, blankets and much more. Masters make original souvenirs from ram's horn, which are perfect for a gift.

Meat in the sheep business is divided into several types - lamb and mutton. They differ only in the age of the slaughtered sheep. Its cost is always higher than pork and beef, as it contains a lot of useful substances.

Financial aspects of business

Consider the associated costs of opening a farm for 300 heads. The price of renting land depends on the area of ​​residence (about 150,000 rubles per year). The construction of a barn and other premises can cost the same amount. The salary of workers will be from 550,000 rubles a year. Every 12 months, overhead financial costs amount to approximately 90,000 rubles. To these figures, you can add the cost of purchasing feed and the sheep themselves. The price of one animal depends on the breed. For example, fat-tailed lambs in the weight category from 35 to 45 kg can be purchased for 120-220 rubles. per kg of live weight. If we talk about breeding animals, you will have to pay 6000-8500 rubles. for a small lamb or 9000-11 000 rubles. for one sheep.

We will calculate the profit from the sale of meat

If you sell fifty cattle at the lowest price, equal to 100 rubles. for one kilogram, you can earn 500,000 rubles. Add the same amount from the sale of a hundred live sheep. On the sale of wool, you can earn about 150,000 rubles. With such income and expenses, the farm will reach the level of payback in a couple of years. In the future, only net profit will go. As you can see, sheep breeding as a business is a rather profitable enterprise.