Laying hens as a business what profit. Breeding chickens as a business: profitability, conditions, equipment

Starts with an idea. Owning a poultry farm is a great option because agricultural products are in high demand.

Such a business - poultry breeding as a business has several advantages:

  1. Feathers are easier to raise than livestock;
  2. A natural product is a guarantee of human health;
  3. Poultry meat is considered dietary;
  4. Not only meat, liver, but also feathers (down), bones and even droppings can be used in the case.
Before breeding poultry, you should consider each step of the action (). The next item is to find money: to find an investor, to find your own savings.

Choosing a bird according to the purpose of the business

There are two types of poultry farming:
  1. Incubation of chicks;
  2. Raising poultry for meat.
The following can be said about the first: it is necessary to wait for the appearance of the chicks, and then implement them. Age can be different: from one day to almost one month.

There is a profit from such an occupation, but it is less than, for example, from the sale of poultry for meat. Here the matter is much more complicated. In general, when starting to think about choosing one or another type of domestic birds, it is important to consider the following: the climate of the region where the poultry farm will be located; features of the bird - the conditions that will need to be created for it (room, pasture, food). But one question is still not answered: What kind of birds is better?

The practice of breeding geese shows that they are the most unpretentious domestic birds.

Here are their benefits:
  1. Almost no disease "takes" them. Even if an illness happens to them, the geese are still less at risk that the disease will lead to death;
  2. The conditions of detention are important, but here the main principle is as follows - cleanliness and order;
  3. More about the diet. All they need is enough grain and grass. In rare cases, geese need additional vitamins;
  4. The necessary weight for sale is gaining quickly, which cannot but please farmers;
  5. Almost everyone can afford the products of this bird.
If we talk about chickens, turkeys, ducks, then breeding their broiler breeds is also relevant. Here you can even draw up a business plan based on the combination of certain breeds of birds, as a rule, geese with ducks, and chickens with turkeys.

Breeding quails, ostriches and pheasants will make the business more profitable. Caring for them will be more expensive, but worth it, because the reason for this is a very useful product that will be in demand among those who especially monitor their nutrition and health.

The documentary side of the issue and the choice of premises

The business of creating a poultry farm requires a certain package of documents. Of course, due to the difference in the types of birds, there may be some differences in the documents, but, in general, they are about the same.

This is a document about, veterinary certificates and quality certificates, permission to transport. The document on registration of such a farm is important, because it makes it easier to get all the rest.

The countryside is the best place to raise poultry, so a business plan should be drawn up with this requirement in mind.

The economy is not in the best light now: the villages are full of farms that for some reason do not work. They can be a great place to start. Renting such premises will be cheaper, which is important for a novice farmer.

It must also be remembered that approximately one adult female (male) accounts for 1 sq.m., and there must also be room for chicks, equipment, workers, and so on. In addition to all this, you definitely need a paddock and pasture.

Complete set of poultry farm

The business plan for creating a poultry farm contains such an important item as equipment. Breeding poultry is impossible without cages, incubators, heaters, containers for food and water, cleaning equipment, and so on. The Internet is a source of any information, so a video on how a poultry farm works can be easily found on the global web and, so to speak, clearly see what and how.

What initial number of pieces should be included in the business plan in order for poultry farming to become a profitable enterprise in the future? The best option is about 1000 pieces, but even a smaller number, for example, 600, is also quite likely to give good "fruits". Here you need to focus on financial opportunities.

Thus, a competent approach to poultry breeding can bring income even after the first year of operation of the enterprise.

In this case, the business plan should be as detailed as possible, taking into account all the nuances. You should carefully prepare for the creation of a "bird" factory: read specific literature, watch videos on the Internet, consult with experienced poultry farmers.

Download a detailed poultry farm business plan with calculations.

Many people believe that a chicken business is a fairly profitable and uncomplicated business. Chicken meat belongs to dietary types and is inexpensive, so consumer demand does not fall. Another waste product of these birds, eggs are an indispensable part of delicious and hearty breakfasts. Let's see if it is profitable to keep laying hens as a business, and what you need to know in order for entrepreneurship in this industry to bring good profit.

Breeding chickens as a business: profitability and income

Before starting the construction of a chicken coop and acquiring young stock, it is necessary to decide whether chickens are a business: is it profitable? Breeding chickens as a business is a profitable business, but here are the facts confirming this:

  • no large investments are required at the start (you can start with 50-100 heads);
  • for the care and breeding of these birds do not need to have special knowledge;
  • with the right approach, a quick payback;
  • you can make a profit from eggs, meat, litter;
  • the cost of keeping chickens is low.

The initial costs depend on the method of rearing the hens (cages or floors), the number of birds, the feed used and other factors. Breeding laying hens for eggs as a business will bring the first profit from the age of 5 months. If you buy young animals at the age of 2-3 months, in a couple of months you will be able to get the first profit and return part of the money invested.

For one chicken per year, about 36 kg of feed will be required. Given that the cost of 1 kg of compound feed costs about 10 rubles. The maintenance of one bird per year will require about 500-600 rubles (feed + vitamin complexes + medicines for young animals). You need to consider building a chicken coop, but you can use an existing barn or build it from boards and logs (cheap option).

This information will encourage you to raise laying hens as a business. "What profit shines?" − you ask. It is easy to calculate: one chicken will lay from 200 to 250 eggs a year, depending on the breed and content. We multiply the number of eggs by the price of 4-5 rubles, and it turns out that one chicken can bring you an income of 500-700 rubles a year only on eggs. But you can still sell meat, raise chickens (minimum costs), sell litter. As a result, this figure will grow several times.

To the question "Is it profitable or not breeding chickens as a business?" I will answer: “Yes, it is profitable!”. But do not forget that you need to look after the bird, create comfortable living conditions for it, make a complete diet, and protect it from diseases.

How to start a chicken business? Step-by-step instruction

If you decide to go into business with laying hens, a natural question is born, “Where to start?”. You need to find a site where your poultry business will be located. If you plan to start breeding chickens with a small number of livestock, a plot of up to 5 acres will be enough.

Building a chicken coop

If you decide to start raising chickens for eggs as a business, prepare the premises in which the birds will live. If you don't have a suitable shed, build a new chicken coop. For the construction, you can use the following materials: gas silicate block, brick, wood.

The budget option for building a barn will be the use of wood. The base will consist of wooden poles. The walls of the boards must be insulated. To do this, you can use a free insulation - dry leaves or grass, wood shavings, needles. But mix natural insulating material with lime, otherwise rodents will start. Be sure to insulate the earthen floor for the winter.

To raise laying hens as a business, create comfortable conditions for them. Take care of ventilation, sufficient lighting (there should be windows and light bulbs), boxes in which the birds will rush.

The outdoor chicken coop floor system is preferred for small farms. If you are planning a chicken business on a large scale, then it is better to give preference to breeding birds in cages. You can save space, set up an automatic feed and water supply system, but be prepared for the start-up capital to grow.

Purchase of young animals

After preparing the premises, purchase chickens for a business project, but first decide what your business will specialize in: selling eggs or meat. For example, for a grilled chicken business, you need to purchase broilers or other meat breeds, but for selling eggs, you need to choose egg breeds. I think egg-meat breeds are beneficial. They bring a lot of eggs (up to 250 per year) and meat (2-3 kg), but it's up to you.

The question will arise, how many laying hens for a business need to be purchased. With floor breeding of birds, 20 hens will fit on 10 square meters. One cage can accommodate up to 50 birds, depending on the size of the cage.

If you want to start a chicken farming business, you can find helpful tips on related forums on the internet. Experienced farmers recommend buying young animals aged 2-3 months. When acquiring small chickens, the risk of mortality increases and it is impossible to determine the sex. 1 rooster is needed for 10 hens, so you can get your own offspring in the future and not spend money on buying young animals. Chickens can be obtained in two ways:

  • The hens will incubate the eggs.
  • The use of an incubator (you can also earn by selling chickens).

Bird care and feeding

Growing laying hens as a business has its own characteristics. This type of poultry is disease resistant and not picky about living conditions, but you should know the following:

Chickens for eggs as a business will bring you a good income if you take care of a balanced diet. The diet of birds must include:

  • compound feed;
  • vegetables and root crops;
  • grass;
  • cereals and corn.

In the business of domestic chickens, you can feed the birds with food waste. In order for chickens to rush well, they need minerals, so do not forget to buy chalk and shell rock. In the warm season, when walking in the fresh air, the birds themselves look for food (grass, worms, insects), but this does not mean that they do not need to be fed.

Business on chickens: how to write a business plan correctly

A business plan for breeding laying hens consists of expense items, income, payback periods, indicates the amount of start-up capital and other important information. When compiling a business plan for raising chickens, consider the specifics of the activity (egg or meat), the sales market and the factors that affect success. If you want to sell your own grilled chicken, the business plan must contain the appropriate item.

When drawing up a business plan for breeding chickens, write down the item of expenses in detail:

  • building a chicken coop;
  • purchase of the necessary equipment (drinkers, feeders, automatic systems, and so on);
  • purchase of young animals;
  • purchase of feed, minerals and vitamin complexes;
  • payment of bills for electricity and other energy resources;
  • payment of taxes;
  • employee's salary.

In the business plan for laying hens, make profit and income calculations. Specify how many eggs and meat you plan to sell, whether you will sell chickens. Write down each option for making a profit in a separate paragraph.

After all calculations, indicate the payback period. I know that on average it takes 8 to 14 months to turn a profit. Having drawn up a business plan correctly, laying hens will be able to bring you a good profit.

Chicken business review

You decide whether to sell you grilled chickens (the business is more popular in cities) or to breed chickens at home as a business. I believe that this is a profitable type of agricultural entrepreneurial activity. If you want to start a laying hen business, farmers' reviews will help you avoid mistakes and plan your actions correctly. The main advantage of the chicken business (sale of eggs and meat) is in the demand for these products. You will be able to sell goods and make a profit in any economic conditions in the country.

In conclusion, watch an interesting video review about making money on chickens from the first person.

. Every honest individual entrepreneur must be clearly aware of the benefits to people that his type of activity brings. And also to whom his product or service will be useful and what category of society will be most in demand in them. In this publication, I would like to talk a little about poultry farming from the business point of view. Find out what benefits poultry farming brings to society. We will also find out whether it is profitable to do this business.

Why you should start poultry farming

The two main poultry products are poultry meat and edible eggs. These products are included in the daily diet of almost every person. Therefore, the demand for these products will always be. I would like to analyze each product separately and say how it is beneficial and useful, and what is not.

Let's start talking about eggs. To obtain eggs, it is most profitable to breed either chickens of egg breeds and crosses, or quails. Both those and other birds rush almost every day. Therefore, the poultry farmer, with sufficient livestock, will be able to regularly supply fresh eggs to his customers.
Let's look at the other side of the issue. It is known that eggs are a dietary product. And in terms of protein content, eggs surpass even meat. Accordingly, such a product will be useful to people.

You can also do business in the field of poultry farming by growing poultry for meat. However, this will require more serious costs: for feed, for energy, for space and personnel. But it will certainly pay for itself. For meat, it is best to grow broiler chickens - they are the most popular among consumers. However, you can keep more exotic birds for meat, such as guinea fowl or pheasants. Of course, the demand for the meat of these birds is small, but they can be easily sold to some serious restaurant at a favorable price for you.

Poultry keeping methods (business)

Poultry farming as a business in itself is a very profitable livestock industry. There are two main general ways of keeping poultry: with and without walking. In the first case, the bird walks in some enclosed place in the fresh air. She has access to natural food, the bird eats grass, looks for various worms and bugs in the ground. Accordingly, such birds do not have a metabolic disorder, they are healthy, less susceptible to various diseases. The meat and eggs of such a bird will be filled with a full range of vitamins and nutrients, which will undoubtedly have a positive effect on the health of a person who consumes these products. Also, the poultry farmer can partially save on feed, since the bird itself produces it, which is also important for the entrepreneur.

The non-walking method of keeping poultry will undoubtedly reduce the cost of egg production, as well as the bird will gain weight faster due to the fact that it is kept in a cage, does not move much and, accordingly, spends few calories. Another advantage of such a content system is an increase in the efficiency of the use of production space. Of course, with this type of content, the bird is more susceptible to various diseases and is prone to metabolic disorders. Also, her diet should be very rich in vitamins.

The financial side of the business

The costs of organizing this type of business can vary greatly. It all depends on the bird you decide to breed, the number of livestock, the individual capabilities of each person. For example, let's say you decide to deal with chickens and choose a no-walk way of keeping. You need to buy cages. Ten cells are enough to start. A cage with full equipment costs an average of 2500-2600 rubles. That is, to organize a place of detention, you will need 25,000-26,000 rubles. You should also immediately take into account the cost of feed and livestock of chickens.

Poultry farming is a profitable business. Business can be done from scratch, with minimal financial investment. You can start small. Poultry farming as a business is most suitable for people living in rural areas. .

The term "businessman" at first glance is associated with a city office, a business suit and important negotiations with partners. In principle, everything is correct, but this is a very one-sided interpretation of it. A businessman can be any person whose activities generate income, including those living in rural areas. Yes, an ordinary household owner is able to build his own business, while doing the work that he knows how. For example, a more than relevant option is poultry farming as a home business.

Hen that lays golden eggs

Breeding chickens on an "industrial" scale is already an individual business that belongs to the category of farming . More specifically, in order to obtain serious financial results, it is necessary, for example, to raise 500 chickens of meat breeds and 40-50.

Attention! The key task of a beginner poultry breeder is the choice of young animals. For the development of chicken breeding, with an emphasis on the sale of eggs, crosses are usually purchased. However, it is important to understand that it is practically impossible to breed a breeding herd from their testicles. Therefore, it will have to be updated by periodically buying young stock in special poultry houses.

Ideally, poultry farming as a business should be built on breeding breeds that give good meat carcasses and are distinguished by high egg production. Among the huge market offer, we recommend paying attention to the following breeds:

  • Leghorn;
  • Loman Brown;
  • Kuchinsky Anniversary;
  • Brama;
  • Hisex Brown.

Example! An adult hen of the Hisex Brown breed is gaining weight up to 2.5 kg, the egg production rate is 320 eggs / year, the egg weight is 70 g. Livestock safety is 97-98%. These chickens rush perfectly in the warm season, while they consume relatively little food, and egg production remains at the proper level. The bird is quite phlegmatic and hardy.


Poultry farming as a home business can also be based on breeding ducks. The key financial income will bring the meat of this bird. And additional income will be provided from the sale of duck down. For starters, you should not “reinvent the wheel”: at the start, the most popular breed, the Peking duck, will do. This bird grows quickly, does not require special care, and is also characterized by high egg production. The Beijing carcass has tender meat of medium fat content, which is recognized as a dietary product.

Example! In one year, the Peking duck is able to breed about 100 ducklings. Young growth grows quickly - no more than 2-3 months. In total, you get somewhere around 250 kg of pure meat. And, if you start a couple of hundred individuals at the beginning of the season, then by the end of the year you can get an excellent result.

We would like to note that during the growth period, about 2500 kg of combined feed will be consumed for the indicated number of ducklings. Carcass weight on average 2.5 kg. Experts say that it makes no sense to keep a duck for more than 2 months - the meat loses its main taste qualities.

Why a poultry house is profitable anyway

A poultry farm as a business is already a large field of activity, where employees are employed, including professional livestock specialists, and even marketers. And you can grow to such a scale by starting small - an ordinary poultry house in your individual courtyard. The main advantage of such an activity is that the bird can be grown in a barn, under a canopy, in a chain-link fence. It is poultry farming as a home business that is often the launching pad on which a highly profitable production appears, recognizable in the consumer environment thanks to its own brand.

Having organized poultry farming as a business, it is almost impossible to lose - the demand for poultry meat in any economic situation is huge. If we evaluate this industry as a whole, then the most profitable business is - profitability at the level of 70%. No less profitable and - the demand for products is year-round.

Your own garden is a great help for poultry farming as a business. Any experienced farmer will say that nettles, carrots, cottage cheese, including goat's, go with a bang as bird food. All this is introduced into the diet of young animals already in the first month of life, and from the second - you can add beets, pumpkin, etc.

Breeding ducklings/chickens

An example from practice! Once, a novice individual entrepreneur, who decided to grow egg-laying chickens, went with his friend to a poultry house for young animals. It was the beginning of March. He was extremely surprised when he saw a huge queue for day old chicks/ducklings. Each buyer purchased from 1000 units of poultry. It was at that moment that he realized that for him the poultry farm as a business exists only in the form of an incubator. Today he has his own incubator outside the city limits, designed as a farm and bringing a good profit.

Demand for inexpensive food is always high. And therefore, your own small chicken farm can become a very profitable business. After all, two products popular on the market are obtained from this bird at once: eggs and tasty dietary meat.

Where to begin?

In addition to concentrates, chickens must receive green and juicy feed without fail. It can be cabbage and beet leaves, carrot tops, quinoa, nettles. You also need to give grated carrots, beets, apples, zucchini, etc.

In addition, care should be taken to ensure that chickens receive a sufficient amount of useful trace elements. For laying hens, for example, calcium is very important. Its lack of feed can be made up for with chalk or grated shell rock. Mix in chicken feed and a little salt. Various vitamin supplements are also used. The latter are bought ready-made, usually in packages. On sale today there are additives designed specifically for laying hens, broilers and young animals.

Where to sell products

Breeding chickens for beginner farmers is a good business. Its advantages, among other things, include the ease of implementation of the finished product. Eggs and meat can be taken to shops, cafes, canteens or even restaurants. Some farmers also open their own outlets. But in this case, of course, you will have to pay extra rent. If the livestock is not too large, meat and eggs can also be sold simply on the market.


As you can see, a mini chicken farm can become a truly profitable business. Such a business does not require large initial investments. Actually, the care of the bird itself is not particularly difficult. However, of course, the technology of growing chickens should not be violated in any case. The absence of the necessary equipment in the barn or the use of low-quality feed will most likely cause a lunge, a decrease in productivity, and, consequently, a lack of profit.