Household appliance repair shop as a business. Own business: organize a business for repairing appliances Make a business plan for a workshop for household appliances

Promising, albeit costly, will be the repair of household appliances as a business. Let's talk in detail about how to open a workshop in this direction and what should a novice entrepreneur focus on? After all, the presence of certain skills does not always guarantee success in the service market.

This type of business is different in that it can be started both with minimal investment and invest several million rubles in the arrangement of the workshop. But in any case, with a competent approach, a good specialist eventually begins to receive a stable income, because the demand for such services is growing every day.

Features of work

Before implementing this business idea, you need to evaluate all the pros and cons of the chosen direction, as well as objectively analyze your capabilities. There are certain subtleties here:

  1. Only a person who is well versed in the nuances of the operation of most electrical appliances can be engaged in the repair of equipment. Therefore, first you need to learn how to repair at least some devices in order to be able to provide services of a narrow specialization. The versatility of the master is the key to the rapid expansion of the client base.
  2. Modern technology is different in that the fashion for it is rapidly changing. It makes no sense to repair most of the devices, since spare parts for them are not produced by manufacturers or are too expensive.
  3. In order to save initial investment, you can start working on a call to your home. This gives a chance to develop the business gradually, purchasing equipment and renting premises only when the first profit from the activity arrives.
  4. In some cities, it makes sense to open several collection points at once, which will significantly increase the number of orders.
  5. In this area, there is high competition between workshops. In addition, warranty and post-warranty service is offered by the manufacturers themselves, cooperating with stores or having their own service centers. Therefore, in order to break through, you need to correctly think over the entire development strategy.

If we talk about how to start a business, it is better to carefully analyze the market. To do this, evaluate competitors, prices, services offered, consumer demand and their ability to pay.

Sometimes it makes sense to establish cooperation with similar firms, occupying adjacent narrow areas and mutually beneficially exchanging clients. For example, a workshop that specializes in refrigerators can recommend a washing machine service professional without compromising its operations.

Business Format

A household appliance repair shop can look different - from a small room where only small devices are accepted, mainly telephones, TVs, kettles, to a reputable company where they service large refrigerators, washing machines, boilers, etc.

It is also worth deciding on what the concept of your institution is. There are two main options:

  • You act as an independent company, repairing any equipment of all well-known manufacturers.
  • You are an official representative for warranty and post-warranty service of a certain brand and do not undertake products of other brands. Franchises often work according to this principle, where the business owner is forced to obey corporate rules. But it is possible to cooperate in this way and being a more independent unit.

In the first case, you yourself will have to earn a name and reputation in the market, but you yourself decide in which direction to move and what policy to use for development. The second option often turns out to be too expensive and unprofitable for a beginner, although it offers a well-known brand and a certain audience of customers in return.

Each case has its pros and cons. You only need to decide whether it will be beneficial or not to cooperate with any company or it is better to give preference to lesser fame, but significantly expand the circle of potential customers by servicing various equipment.

Registration questions

If you carry out repairs with your own hands and offer services only to private clients, then it is enough to issue an IP (individual entrepreneurship). But in the case of a prospect for expansion and the appearance of clients in the form of organizations, it is still better to open an LLC (legal entity).

The taxation regime is more often chosen by UTII, in which it is enough to pay a fixed rate. Although at high costs for spare parts and various equipment, replenishment of tools, it makes sense to give preference to the simplified tax system, according to which deductions will depend on the difference between the income and expenses of the company.

Be sure to enter the correct OKVED code. In this case, 52.72 is suitable, which refers to the repair of household products. Please note that an individual entrepreneur, especially when doing work at a client's home, is allowed not to have a cash register. True, in this case, you will have to keep strict records on special forms, which are also registered with the tax office.

Activities for the repair of household appliances do not require unnecessary checks of the SES and other bodies. True, when arranging the workshop, you still have to go through the control of the State Inspectorate, which will check the presence of a fire alarm, a fire extinguisher, an emergency exit and the safety of electrical wiring.

You don't need a license to do this either. But some firms decide on voluntary certification, thanks to which they can perform technical expertise. Also, this move helps to significantly increase the trust of customers and raise the reputation of specialists to a new level.

Room selection

If we talk about the place where the workshop will be located, then there are several options:

  1. City center - although the rent will be high, but the convenience of the location will provide a large flow of customers.
  2. Sleeping area - you can significantly save on the monthly fee for the premises, as well as avoid high competition.
  3. Set up equipment collection points in different parts of the city, and carry out repairs somewhere in a more convenient and cheaper building.
  4. Perform work at the client's home without renting a separate office.

If you are going to win the trust of a potential audience, as well as offer maintenance services for a wide variety of equipment, then it makes sense to rent a room of 20-70 sq. m. It should be convenient to place a reception point, an office for the master, utility rooms. Keep in mind that the larger items you repair, the more space you need to store them.

Necessary equipment

A household appliance repair business can be organized with minimal investment. To do this, it is enough to buy a simple set of tools and inexpensive diagnostic devices. But to create a serious workshop where a variety of household appliances are serviced, you will have to worry about the availability of special equipment:

  • oscilloscope;
  • soldering irons;
  • testers;
  • hand tools (screwdrivers, wrenches);
  • ampervoltmeter;
  • spectrum analysis;
  • frequency meter;
  • hot air soldering station;
  • digital multimeter;
  • power unit;
  • consumables - lubricants, sealants, gaskets, rubber bands, etc.

To equip the premises, you will have to purchase some furniture, a comfortable table for the master, shelves and racks for storing spare parts and tools. If you accept oversized equipment for repair, then you will definitely need freight transport for its transportation. It is enough to purchase an inexpensive GAZelle model, which has a good capacity and cheap maintenance.

Please note that the speed of repair depends largely on the ability to obtain the required parts from direct suppliers. Therefore, make sure that the most popular parts are always in your warehouse or arrive shortly after ordering. At the same time, pay attention to their quality and originality, otherwise you will not be able to provide a guarantee to the client.

Sometimes it makes sense to purchase obsolete refrigerators, washing machines and other appliances, as some customers will want to repair similar products, and it will not be possible to find old parts on the market. Build your own range of available parts to get the job done no one else can.

Is staff needed?

If you decide to open a repair shop and deal with all issues yourself, then this will significantly save start-up costs. But over time, as the company grows, you will have to hire assistants:

  1. Masters - the more there are, the faster you can serve customers and take an unlimited number of orders.
  2. A dispatcher is needed when calls are received much more often than the owner has time to receive them personally.
  3. Accountant - can be incoming or perform work in outsourcing mode.
  4. Driver and loader - to deliver equipment from customers to the workshop and back.

When selecting professional masters, pay attention to their skills, abilities, versatility. Sometimes it makes sense to hire a less experienced person and teach him all the subtleties. This will help save on wages, and you will also be confident in the skills of a specialist.

The higher the competition in the city, the more important it is to pay attention to the marketing strategy. Inform the population about the services provided, promotions, the quality of work by all available means:

  • hand out business cards
  • install a prominent sign above the entrance to the workshop;
  • place ads in print media, at entrances in the nearest area, at bus stops, on buses, etc.;
  • create your own website, which contains a list of basic services, an address and telephone number for communication, as well as reviews of satisfied customers;
  • use the Internet to promote and form a good company image;
  • it makes sense to establish cooperation with household appliances stores or various similar workshops that differ in a different specialization;
  • place the company phone on your own transport (personal and cargo from the company).

It also makes sense to get a few large customers in the form of organizations, receiving regular orders from them for the maintenance of equipment. And remember that the most successful advertising is word of mouth. If your customers leave satisfied, they will definitely recommend your workshop to all their friends and acquaintances. Therefore, always try to do the work efficiently and quickly.

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Financial component

The overall profitability of the project is estimated at only 6-10%, which can scare away start-up entrepreneurs. But it should be understood that even with a slow return on investment, the profit promises to be stable.

Much also depends on what capital investments were at the start. After all, sometimes craftsmen start their business with minimal costs and buy more equipment or tools only when the income covers the monthly needs.

When drawing up a business plan, most of the money has to be spent on the purchase of equipment:

Name Price, in rubles
1 ampervoltmeter 800
2 Spectrum analysis 28 000
3 Frequency meter 15 000
4 Standard set of tools 3 000
5 Master's table 3 000
6 Office furniture 16 000
7 Freight car 80 000
8 Hot air soldering station 6 000
9 Digital multimeter 5 000
10 power unit 3 000
Total: 159 800

To these costs, you will have to add another small amount for paperwork, and also keep in mind that you need to pay monthly utility bills, labor of hired craftsmen, taxes, etc.

If we talk about the profitability and payback of the project, then it largely depends on the number of clients served, the complexity of the tasks, the established rates and other factors. For example, for a home visit, you can take an additional 500 rubles, and evaluate the repair itself depending on the size of household appliances:

  1. Overall - 8,000 rubles each.
  2. Medium - 3,000.
  3. Small - no more than 1,500 rubles.

When providing additional services, for example, from the sale of spare parts, you can count on other sources of profit. But in general, with the cost of a minimum set of equipment, it will not be possible to recoup the initial investment earlier than in 1-2 years.

Video: repair of household appliances at home or in the workshop.

Choose a business concept. All subsequent steps depend on this. Modern home appliance repair companies are divided into two types:

  1. Monobrand - these are service centers of a certain manufacturer of household appliances. Here there is an additional division into types - they are completely dependent on the manufacturer, relatively independent and work on an equal partnership basis.
  2. Multi-brand - perform maintenance and repair of household appliances, mobile phones and computers of any brand.

The second type is preferable, because this is how you expand the target audience. But newcomers often start under the wing of a popular brand, which significantly reduces the risks and does not require significant initial investments in artisan advertising. The choice also depends on the qualifications of your craftsmen, the characteristics of the city and consumer demand.

Main risks

High-quality and prompt repair of household appliances is in constant demand. In times of crisis, when consumers are forced to abandon expensive purchases, the need for this service increases. The main risks are associated with subjective factors - low qualification and irresponsibility of employees, lack of a clear and thoughtful business plan.

The competition in this area is very high. Not only officially operating firms and service centers of manufacturers are engaged in the repair of household appliances. A lot of masters work informally at home. You must offer customers quality and affordable services, find a reasonable balance between these factors in order to receive a decent profit.

It is important to correctly calculate your financial capabilities, because adequate diagnostics of breakdowns requires modern equipment. Much depends on the quality of the parts - finding reliable suppliers offering reasonable prices is also an important point.


For work, a room with a total area of ​​​​80 m², divided into a reception point and a room for the work of craftsmen, is quite enough. If you plan to work in a small village, you can rent a room as close as possible to the center - the price per square meter is low here.

In large cities with high competition and rental prices, a beginner will have to look for compromise options. Pay attention to the new sleeping areas. The density of inhabitants in them is quite high, and the infrastructure has not yet been established. A great option is a workshop in an area with low rental costs and several collection points scattered around the city. Payroll costs will increase, but you will gain a significant advantage by offering your services to the widest possible range of potential clients.

Beginners use another option. One large workshop is located in a densely populated residential area with a low cost of rent. The firm offers services at the client's home. The master leaves, carries out diagnostics and, if necessary, takes household appliances for repair to the workshop.


In the absence of a large start-up capital, many workshops start with a minimal set - an oscilloscope, a tester, a soldering iron and hand tools. But for high-quality and prompt customer service, it is necessary to assemble a decent set of professional equipment:

Spectrum analyzer - about 40,000 rubles.
- Ammeter voltmeter - about 6,000 rubles.
- Frequency meter - high-quality models are offered at a price of 300,000 rubles.
- A professional set of tools and accessories - about 200,000 rubles.

For prompt customer service, it is necessary to equip the warehouse with at least a minimum set of the most popular spare parts. Ideally, for this you need to prepare about 1,000,000 rubles. This is a large amount, not all beginners have the opportunity to purchase everything they need at once. Experienced entrepreneurs advise finding a reliable supplier with a wide range of quality parts that ensures fast delivery. But you must invest part of the profits in the purchase of the most sought-after spare parts and form your own warehouse.

You will also need comfortable furniture for the work of craftsmen, good lighting, modern ventilation. The workshop is also equipped with shelves for storing parts and household appliances awaiting repair or shipment to the client. This article of start-up costs will pull another 200,000-300,000 rubles.

Availability of transport for the delivery of orders is required. The best choice is a Gazelle pickup truck, a used car in good condition can be bought for 120,000 rubles.


The most important employees for this business are skilled craftsmen. You can't skimp on their wages. The best payment system is a fixed rate + a percentage of revenue, which depends on the volume of completed orders by each employee. Initially, you can hire two masters, as the number of orders increases, you can expand the staff.

At the initial stage, organizational issues, the search for new customers and quality control can be handled by the business owner. But over time, it is desirable to hire a chief master and deal with business expansion issues.

Financial reporting should be entrusted to an experienced accountant. The specifics of the work of the workshop is such that it will not be possible to outsource this site.

Documents and licenses

A household appliance repair shop can work as an individual entrepreneur and choose a UTII taxation system. But if you plan to work with legal entities, it is better to choose the simplified tax system. Registration of a company takes five working days, the state fee costs 800 rubles. There are no special requirements from SES. The control of fire supervision in this area is stricter. Find out these requirements in advance, they include the reliability of wiring, ventilation and many other nuances that must be taken into account even while searching for a room and carrying out repairs.

The specifics of the work of a workshop for the repair of household appliances, associated with frequent visits to customers' homes, involves the use of strict reporting forms. They must be registered with the tax office.


The minimum initial investment for opening a full-fledged workshop is about 6,000,000 rubles. In the first months of work, the profitability of the company will not exceed 10%. Many workshops work only to cover current expenses and purchase the necessary equipment for 1-2 years. But with the right approach to pricing and a high level of service, you can gradually increase the profitability of your business. This direction belongs to low-margin, but stable.


Workshop advertising should be very active. Use whatever methods are available. Your sign should be visible from afar and catch the eye of passers-by. Be sure to place a phone number on outdoor advertising - it should be simple and easy to remember. If a person breaks down a household appliance, he will remember you and call.

Competent pricing policy is one of the most important factors. Offer customers free diagnostics. You can immediately include the cost of the work of a troubleshooting wizard in the cost of repairs. But the presence of a free service always attracts customers.

The company's website and active efforts to promote it in the modern city is a must. Provide an opportunity to call the master and describe the essence of the breakdown online. Many people are looking for a master on the Internet and choose a company whose website they saw among the first positions. Traditional ads, business cards, advertising in local media also give a good result. It is worth thinking about buying up old models of household appliances. This will create a warehouse of rare parts. Household appliances quickly become obsolete. Manufacturers offer new models, and in just a few years it is very difficult to find spare parts for the old one.


Appliance repair is not the most profitable business. But it is in stable demand.

If you are tech-savvy and familiar with electronic devices, and you can’t spend a single day without fixing something, then the refrigerator restoration business is what you need! Or suppose you have friends refrigerator repairman, well, how about you, an entrepreneur with a capital letter, it’s just a sin not to take advantage of creating good capital on this. In this article, we will try to explain how to start your own small business by repairing refrigeration units at home, and as a result, get a good income.

What is the benefit?

In such a business as repairing refrigerators, there is one big plus - this is a minimum of costs and investments. This is especially important when you want to start, but you doubt whether you will trample or not trample. Of course, you still have to spend a certain amount, at least to buy a minimum amount of the most popular spare parts for refrigerators and of course you can't do without freon. But if we compare the costs of opening a cafe, a hairdresser or a store, then buying equipment for repairing refrigerators is nothing. The advantages of working at home at the customer's place is convenience for the customer, since taking the refrigerator to the service center is quite problematic in terms of time and money. For the master, the plus is that you do not need to pay for the rental of the premises. Once things are going up, you can of course rent a space and set up a workshop, allow for the hiring of not one, but several craftsmen, as well as the purchase of a car for delivery. But all this will happen later, and at the beginning of opening a business, you will have to minimize costs.

Where to begin?

First of all, you need a good refrigerator repair specialist. If it is, then 50% of success is in your pocket. Discuss the terms of cooperation with him. If this is a beginner, without a tool, then it will be fair to divide the profit from each order 50/50, since you need to buy everything you need. If the master is experienced and with his own tool, then offer 60-70% of the total income.

Your primary task will be to find a client, for this you need to launch a good advertising company - this is very important at the beginning of starting a business, and then word of mouth will greatly simplify the task of finding clients, but this is subject to good quality of work performed, service and flexible pricing policy. To get started, try placing ads in local newspapers, radio, and television. Banners around the city with the inscription, for example, " repair of refrigerators in Kharkov at the lowest prices at home' will definitely do their job. It will be great if you advertise in the public transport of your city, in trolleybuses, metro, minibuses, etc. Hire a person to put up ads and hand out a sheet at the subway exit with a repair list. How much you manage to be an advertising agent will affect your income.

Every year more and more complex and expensive household appliances appear on the market. It requires constant diagnostics, preventive maintenance and, of course, repair. Therefore, opening a workshop for the repair of household appliances is always a relevant idea. The only thing to open such a business is to understand this technique yourself, otherwise you simply cannot survive in a competitive environment.

You can start a business with a small investment, going to customers' homes. But if you want to build a serious business, you should think about opening a full-fledged home appliance repair shop.

Workshop concept

What your workshop will deal with is approximately clear. It will offer repair and preventive maintenance services for large and small household appliances:

  • dishwashers;
  • refrigerators;
  • washing machines;
  • boilers;
  • ovens,
  • microwave ovens;
  • TVs and more.

But there is another criterion on the basis of which the specialization of the workshop is determined: the relationship with manufacturing firms.

You can specialize in servicing one particular brand of home appliance. In this case, your workshop becomes a representative of a particular manufacturer, receives from him the appropriate permission to service his goods: warranty and post-warranty service.

You can work with manufacturers in two directions: to become an affiliated workshop or relatively independent. In the first case, you will be completely dependent on the requirements of the manufacturer, in the second, you will have relative freedom of action. In addition, the right to work under the name of a well-known brand is extremely expensive and often does not justify these investments.

It is possible to open a multi-brand workshop. In this case, you can also specialize in a particular type of equipment, or accept any equipment of any brand for service, which significantly expands your potential circle of customers. But you will have to independently promote your business and win a name for yourself in the market.


First of all, the business plan must include a clause on registering a company for the repair of household appliances. For her work, it is enough to register as an individual entrepreneur, choosing UTII as a taxation system. But to work with organizations and other legal entities, it is more convenient to work on the simplified tax system.

Registration will require 800 rubles. for the payment of state duty and five working days for consideration of documents. When registering, you must specify OKVED 52.72: Repair of household electrical products.

The specifics of the work of a workshop for the repair of household appliances allows you not to spend money on a cash register and its registration with the tax authorities. Often the masters go to the client's house, where the calculation is made. It is simply impossible to use a cash register for this. Therefore, you can get by with strict reporting forms, which also need to be registered with the tax office.


As for the premises for the work of a company for the repair of household appliances, at least it should be divided into two zones:

  • reception point;
  • actual workshop.

If you work in a big city and plan to expand a large business, it would be wise to include the opening of several reception points in your business plan.

The room for the workshop depends on the type of household appliances that you plan to deal with - the larger it is, the more spacious the room should be. It should have a place for storing orders that are awaiting repair, repaired and the workplace of the master.


At the start, a business can get by with a minimal set of equipment: an oscilloscope, a soldering iron, a tester and a hand tool. But to operate a full-fledged workshop with a constant flow of orders, you will need an impressive set of equipment. In addition to it, the business plan must include the purchase of a vehicle on which equipment will be delivered from collection points or from the customer to the workshop.

On average, the equipment procurement plan looks like this:

Name Number of units Price per piece (rub.) Total price (rub.)
1. ampervoltmeter1 800 800
2. Spectrum analysis1 28 000 28 000
3. Frequency meter1 15 000 15 000
4. Hand tool set2 3 000 6 000
5. Wizard's desktop3 3 000 9 000
6. Other furniture 16 200
7. Air conditioner1 5 000 5 000
8. Car (pickup)1 80 000 80 000

It is mandatory to conclude contracts for the supply of spare parts with manufacturers. It is advisable to have a certain stock in the warehouse, since the speed of repair, as well as quality, are the only indicators that can favorably distinguish you from your competitors.


In addition to the general director, whose duties can be performed by the owner of the company, the staffing plan should include the following positions:

  • chief master;
  • masters (2 people);
  • accountant.

It doesn't make much sense to hire an account manager. New customers will be brought by a good advertising campaign. Calls can be received by a call center with which you must first conclude an agreement. Operators will take orders and give contacts to the masters, who will continue to contact the client.


The success of an appliance repair company depends on quality advertising. At the start of a business, experts recommend investing up to 50% of the allocated budget in it. The advertising campaign plan should include the use of such means:

  1. Business cards that must be left for all customers. If they are satisfied with your work, they will definitely call again if necessary.
  2. A sign above the entrance at the workshop or in a conspicuous place. True, for the right to hang it you have to pay an official fee.
  3. Ads. We need to use all possible options. This is pasting stationary advertising boards at the entrances and around the city, as well as placing ads on the Internet on free boards.
  4. Printed publications. Any publication that places such ads must have information about your company.
  5. Site on the Internet. Today, most customers are looking for companies that provide this kind of service over the Internet. Therefore, it is important to allocate enough funds to create a good website and promote it.

Additional services

To increase the profitability of the workshop, you can include a number of related services in the business plan. For example, the sale of spare parts. Sometimes repairs are so simple that customers can do it themselves. But this is not a reason to lose contact with them. Offer them the spare parts they need.

Spare parts can also be offered to craftsmen who work independently. For them, you can provide discounts and special conditions for the purchase.


The cost plan for opening a full-fledged workshop will be about 100 thousand dollars. At the same time, the profitability of a business idea does not exceed 6%. The difficulty lies in the fact that technology quickly becomes obsolete. Sometimes it is almost impossible to find spare parts for a five-year-old product, and if they are, then the work can cost half the real value of the goods. Therefore, people prefer to buy new equipment than to pay for the repair of the old one.

Most often, repair shops specialize in repairing refrigerators. They are rarely changed, and they do not become obsolete so quickly. At the same time, the cost of services is kept on average at the following level:

As for the promotion of business, according to experts, in six months it is possible to form a sufficient customer base.

One of the important conditions for any business is to minimize the initial capital. It is this factor that allows minimizing possible risks. But there are very few such ideas for business, and all of them, as they say, are worth their weight in gold. One of these promising options is the repair of refrigerators. Of course, it will not be possible to completely get rid of costs, but there is no need to invest amounts, as when organizing a large engineering company (for example, Ingersoll Rand).

Initially, you should focus on household refrigerators, as well as refrigeration equipment for small businesses. It is the easiest to maintain and repair, and therefore does not require special knowledge and experience from you (and the specialists you hired). In most cases, refrigerators have a fairly simple design, and therefore the repair consists in identifying a malfunction and replacing failed parts with new ones.

Minor faults can be fixed right on the spot. To do this, you need to have with you not only a set of tools, but also several thermostats and temperature sensors for various (most common) models. They are the ones that fail the most.

More complex breakdowns can only be repaired in a workshop, and therefore you need to take care of the premises, part of which, perhaps, will serve as an office. When the level of orders becomes constant, some of the staff will always be busy in the workshop, and some - on the road. For a repair company in a small town, 4 people are enough - 2 on the road, 2 in the workshop.

In order to organize the delivery of equipment, you will need transport. One cargo Gazelle will be enough. This can be either a personal car or a cargo taxi with which you enter into an oral (or written) agreement. If the city is small and there are not so many orders (especially large ones), then it is not at all necessary to have a driver in a car in the state.

Another thing is if you have a large volume of orders, or you cooperate under a contract with authorized services. Then you will have to send a part of the equipment that cannot be repaired in the conditions of your workshop, and this simply requires transport.

It is quite difficult to make any profit calculations, but it is quite possible to estimate that with an average cost of home repairs of 500-700 rubles and repairs in the workshop of 1500-3000 rubles, with a good number of orders, it is quite possible to receive 200-300 thousand net income in a month, which is a lot of money even for 4 staff members and one driver.
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