Business ideas in the Crimea. What business ideas can be implemented without investments in the Crimea? Supplying the peninsula with water

At present, Crimea is considered by many investors as a very profitable financial project that can bring significant annual income. Due to the increase in the flow of tourists, hotel complexes and camping towns began to be built on the peninsula. In the near future, the construction of a bridge across the Kerch Strait will be completed, due to which the number of tourists will increase significantly. For small businesses, great prospects have also opened up, as there are a huge number of ideas that they can implement. As for the ordinary inhabitants of the peninsula, they can also try their hand at business and implement projects that do not require start-up investments.

Tourism development

For many decades, the inhabitants of Crimea have been engaged in the tourism business, providing their private houses and apartments for vacationers. In the midst of the season, there is an increased demand for rental property, as there are much more people who want to settle in at least some premises than there are available offers. For a person who owns a house by the sea, the onset of summer promises big “profits”. He can equip the maximum number of rooms in it, make a common kitchen and bathroom, and throughout the 2017 season he will have no end to those who want to move in.

If people have finances, they can build a cottage town near the sea. To do this, you will have to purchase a land plot, obtain the necessary permits and begin construction. Camping is a small house that can be built from natural wood or plywood. In order for people to move in, it will need to be fully equipped and furnished. It is worth noting that such a project will require impressive investments, so a private person is unlikely to be able to implement such a business idea from scratch.

Supplying the peninsula with water

Everyone is well aware of the problems of the peninsula associated with the lack of full-fledged sources of water that can satisfy all the needs of the local population. Entrepreneurs can try to develop business in the Crimea in this direction. Today, water well drilling is a very popular service, especially in settlements remote from centralized communications. To implement this business project, people will need a drilling rig capable of creating wells at a sufficiently large depth (up to 50 m). The price of such equipment starts at 100,000 rubles and may increase depending on the modification, manufacturer and other parameters. As for profit, entrepreneurs can receive from 40,000 rubles for drilling one well for water. Given the demand for the service, there will be no end to clients, so you can safely start working in this direction. If an entrepreneur does not have money to buy equipment, he can issue.

Organization of tourist trips and excursions

On the peninsula, there are a huge number of places that tourists dream of visiting. Local residents can organize excursions and hiking trips to places with unique nature for them. To do this, you will need to perform a number of actions:

  1. Register as an individual entrepreneur.
  2. Invite for cooperation several guides who are well versed in the area and thoroughly know the history of the peninsula. They should interest tourists with their stories so that they do not have to be bored throughout the entire route.
  3. Conclude an agreement with the owner of the bus, which will carry tourists along the routes. He must have in order all the documents allowing the transportation of people.
  4. Develop interesting routes, while it is worth considering the possibility of stops so that tourists can have a bite to eat and relieve their natural needs.
  5. Run an advertising campaign. To do this, you can advertise in the media, launch a video on local television, place outdoor advertising in all places with a large crowd of people. You can also try to conclude an agreement with tourist complexes that host tourists in large numbers. If they do not provide such a service, then they will certainly want to entertain their guests in this way.

Advice: if the entrepreneur does everything right, then he will be able to receive from 200,000 rubles for the 2017 season. The cost of one ticket will include the expenses incurred for organizing the excursion, but even if they are taken away, you can receive from 150 rubles of net profit per person.

Trading on the beaches

All tourists are used to the fact that on the beaches of Crimea, various goodies are constantly sold, which are made by local residents. If a person does not have start-up capital for the development of a large business in Crimea, he can engage in street trading. To do this, you should properly think over the assortment, which should be very popular. As an example, consider the following: hot corn, boiled shrimp, ice cream, cold drinks, a variety of pastries, in particular baklava.

If an entrepreneur does not want to deal with food products, the sale of which will require a license and permission from the sanitary and epidemiological station, then he can make souvenirs. As a raw material, he should use everything that nature and the sea give. Vacationers are very fond of bringing from the resorts various handicrafts of local craftsmen, which are made of shells, wood, etc. You can make bracelets, necklaces and earrings, for which mollusk shells and pebbles turned by sea water are ideal.

An excellent option for street trading are cold drinks, which no tourist can refuse. In a strong heat, vacationers on the beach are ready to pay any money to quench their thirst. To organize such trade, a refrigeration unit will be required, which will allow drinks to maintain optimal temperature conditions.

Amusement park

To develop such a business idea from scratch, it is necessary to obtain a huge number of permits from various authorities. You will also have to find an area that will fit numerous attractions. Without fail, close attention must be paid to the level of safety for visitors in order to avoid possible troubles associated with injuries. If the park provides for the presence of water attractions, then comfortable rooms should be built for people in which they can change clothes, leave personal belongings for storage, and take a shower.

People who do not have start-up capital will not be able to open such a park, but they can buy, for example, on credit a catamaran, a water slide or a banana, which vacationers will enjoy riding. During the summer season, you can get a good profit. It is also worth thinking about such a direction as babysitting. Entrepreneurs will have to buy, but they will not end up with those who want to leave their children in the care of an experienced educator.

Winemaking or trade in varietal wines

Many residents of the peninsula have their own vineyards, the harvest of which provides wine not only for their families, but also for numerous tourists. In order to produce a quality drink, you need to know the technology thoroughly and strictly adhere to the approved recipe. If the wine is fragrant and of very high quality, then the entrepreneur will receive regular orders, he will quickly form his client base, which he will provide with dessert and table drinks. In the event that a person does not have such an opportunity, he can distribute products on his behalf.

Car and bike rental

When planning a business in Crimea from scratch, people consider renting bicycles and vehicles as an option. If renting cars requires a large upfront investment, locals can use their own savings or take out a small loan to open a bike rental. First of all, you will have to purchase "inventory", for which you need to spend from 200,000 to 300,000 rubles. Immediately you need to conclude an agreement with a person who is well versed in bicycles and, in case of a breakdown, will be able to repair. After that, you need to find a territory for parking, which should be fenced with a fence that can protect the property of the entrepreneur from theft. Tourists are very willing to rent bicycles, on which they take walks in the mountains and explore all the sights of the region.

catering establishment

If an entrepreneur does not want to develop, he should think about opening a catering establishment. Given the fact that there is an influx of tourists on the peninsula in the summer season, many of whom are not very wealthy people, the future institution can be simple, but with very tasty cuisine. Visitors should enjoy tasting local cuisine. And if they like the place, they will tell all their friends about it.

To open a street cafe or restaurant, you need to rent a room, which should have a kitchen and a bathroom. Instead of a stuffy hall, you can offer tourists awnings under which they will hide from the scorching rays of the sun. To serve visitors, it will be necessary to hire staff, the role of which will be willingly performed by students looking for any part-time job during the holidays. If an entrepreneur knows how to cook deliciously, then he will be able to save money on a chef, and you can also involve household members in this process. When developing a menu, you should not focus on the cuisines of different countries of the world, as vacationers often crave to taste local dishes.

Development of rural tourism

This business direction has recently begun to develop on the territory of the Russian Federation. Despite the novelty, rural tourism immediately fell in love with residents of large cities, who spend a lot of time at work and do not have the opportunity to be alone with nature. Having visited the peninsula, the townspeople will gladly accept the offer to live in the countryside, where only a refrigerator will remind of civilization.

To engage in the development of rural tourism in the Crimea, entrepreneurs first need to find a picturesque place, which is located away from settlements and utilities. By agreeing to stay in such a place for a certain time, people must understand that they will not have the opportunity to watch TV, take a hot bath, or lead their usual lifestyle. They will have to take care of the garden in order to have vegetables for food, fish in natural reservoirs and live like people live who have not been touched by the “hand of civilization”. This is the beauty of rural tourism, thanks to which people take a break from the bustle of the city, merge with nature, begin to look at many things with completely different eyes.

home work

Many women think about it. Taking care of a child, not every mom can find a lot of time to run her own business. That is why women are considering business ideas that can be developed in their free time from household chores. If they know how to needlework, then they should consider an idea related to sewing clothes for children or knitting as an option. Everyone knows that beautiful and high-quality things for kids are in great demand. To make them, you need to have a sewing machine, purchase material and apply maximum imagination.

If a young mother is a creative person and does not like to sew, knit and embroider, she should try herself as a quality. By creating author's texts, she can earn good money, especially since this can be done in the evening and at night, when insomnia torments her, and all household members are fast asleep. At home, you can try to open an online store through which consumer goods will be sold. For a successful start, you need to create your own website, find a supplier who is ready to give goods at reduced prices, and try yourself as a businesswoman. In order not to run into dishonest customers, it is better to take an advance payment when placing orders, in this case there will be no such situations when the sent package is returned back.

If women live in the private sector, they can raise poultry and other animals for sale. It is also worth trying to breed elite dogs, which are set at very high prices. To do this, it is enough to purchase a breeding pair, which will give birth once a year.

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Thanks to the active development of the region, many people have the opportunity to start their own business. Studying business ideas for 2017, entrepreneurs place great emphasis on the tourism sector. Since Crimea is visited annually by a huge number of Russians and citizens of other states, this direction is the most profitable. Over time, when investors occupy all the niches of the local market, the population will not have a chance to find a profitable occupation for themselves. That is why you should not waste time in vain, but already now think about what business direction you should try your hand at.

In contact with

The financial crisis has affected many. And in Crimea, it is doubly felt Crisis + Sanctions. Entrepreneurs are forced to reduce staff. A jobless man thinks about how to start his own business in Simferopol, Crimea. But the majority stops the time of crisis and the thought that the case will not work out. However, with a good approach, you can make good money even in times of crisis. in the sanctions Crimea. Someone immediately buys a ready-made proven profitable business using the services of a business broker in Simferopol.

Who -something opens own businessfrom scratch , under conditions of crisis and sanctions, starting a business from scratch in Simferopol is not easy, and sometimes unprofitable.
Before you start doing your own business in the Crimea, you need to analyze all the pros and cons Crimean market, to study competitors. You need to understand what kind of business will bring income in this difficult financial time. Everyone will say that the main thing in business is profit. Of course, this is important. But you need to understand that the first time the business will not bring a lot of money. In the beginning, you need to invest a lot of money in order to receive income later. But many people want to open a business without investing a lot of money in it, this is also possible if you buy a ready-made business in Simferopol.
Some will say that his business in the Crimea is not for him. But only those who do not want to change something in their lives for the better say so. You need to understand that buying a ready-made business you save a lot of time and money that is required to start a business from scratch and design a large number documentation. And when you turn to a business broker business specialist, you get information about business in Simferopol, Crimea more quickly and fully.

What is the most relevant businessin Crimea 2017-2018
Before making a business plan, you need to know what kind of business is relevant.
Always popular to open produse store. Shops that have a pricing policy below the market will especially bring profit. Don't be afraid to set low prices. Due to the huge number of buyers in particular Crimean tourists, the entrepreneur will be in the black. It is also necessary to offer discounts for an unprotected group of the population. You can also install a basket for free products. A person who can afford to buy an extra item can put it in the shopping cart. Poor Crimeans can take goods for free.

Also, in times of crisis, not everyone can afford clothes. That is why you can make good money on commission. People will bring clothes for sale, and the owner will put the goods up for resale. Children's clothes and toys are especially well bought. Some cunning businessmen buy second-hand clothes cheaply on the last day and sell them in their shops. You should not overprice products so that people constantly buy goods.

After Crimea joined Russia, many problems arose related to the social sphere, infrastructure and economy. But, despite this, many novice businessmen seek to open their own business on the peninsula. Consider some of the most promising business ideas for the Crimea without investments that will work in 2018.

Souvenir products

If you have not yet decided what kind of business you can do in the Crimea, consider in more detail such an activity as the production of souvenirs. Each person who came to rest tries to take with him a small trinket, as a memory of his favorite place on the sea. Therefore, the production of souvenirs is one of the most profitable business ideas for the Crimea with minimal investment. In the off-season, you can prepare a large number of pendants, magnets, key chains, painted plates and other popular souvenirs with the whole family. In the summer, when the first vacationers appear on the beach, rent small retail outlets and start selling them.

The most profitable business idea for Crimea is the production of souvenir plates and gypsum fridge magnets. Such a business does not require serious financial investments or the use of complex special equipment. All you need to get started is a small space, silicone molds and your artistic skills. Such a business in the Crimea in 2018 will be the best option for people who have creative abilities.

Another one is holding master classes for vacationers, where they can make a souvenir for friends or relatives with their own hands. Usually such events delight not only children, but also adults of respectable people. By the way, if you cannot implement such an idea on your own, you can contact the local authorities, who provide real support to small businesses in Crimea.

Travel business

Crimea is one of the most popular holiday destinations. Low prices and beautiful nature attract tourists from different countries. This makes many enterprising people think about what kind of business to open in Crimea in 2018 in order to provide a stable income for their family.

Since small and medium-sized businesses in Crimea are currently not in the best position, in order not to lose their money, you need to seriously and responsibly approach the choice of the direction of activity. The most profitable area is tourism and entertainment. This market offers new opportunities for newcomers. In Crimea, various attractions are very popular - water skiing, slides and more. Such equipment can be operated for several seasons. But this type of business does not bring any profit in rainy or windy weather, so it is more profitable to use this line of business as a source of additional income.

In addition, you can organize hiking trips or excursions for vacationers. If you know the local attractions well, try providing tour guide services. Crimea is replete with various sights and other interesting places, so you can always find something to tell visitors about it. Any tourism business in Crimea brings a decent profit, so you can easily achieve great success in this area.

Children's Development Center

A private kindergarten or a child development center is a line of activity that opens up broad business prospects in the Crimea for aspiring entrepreneurs. Parents often complain that in our time it is very difficult to arrange a kid in a decent preschool. Therefore, a huge number of various children's centers and developing clubs have recently begun to appear. If you want to know what kind of business is relevant in the Crimea, experts recommend studying this area of ​​activity in more detail.

Before that, check out the development programs offered by other similar establishments and develop your own version. It is desirable that your methodology is aimed at achieving different goals, for example, the individual development of the child or his adaptation in the team. This will help you attract more customers to your business.

vending machines

Experts believe that any vending machine in the Crimea is able to bring serious income to its owner. Almost all people use these devices, so the demand for such services is constantly growing. In addition, new models of vending machines have appeared in our time.

Using such devices, you can sell:

  • Pizza
  • Patties;
  • French fries;
  • Chips;
  • Cold drinks;
  • Condoms and more.

The main advantage of this line of business is that you do not have to hire staff. All machine maintenance work can be carried out without outside help. If you are still in doubt, pay attention to vending. This idea is great for newbies who have never been entrepreneurial.

Food delivery

If you are thinking about what kind of business to open in the Crimea, why not organize a food point for holidaymakers. Delicious homemade food is a sought-after commodity, so such a small family business can bring in a good income during the season. If your house is located in a passable place, for example, on the way to the beach, you can organize a dining room for vacationers right in the yard. Another option is the delivery of hot meals to the client's address. Mobile outlets selling sliced ​​fruit, hot dogs, donuts or soft drinks also bring good profits to their owners. Before that, carefully study the menu and pricing policies of competitors. This will help you navigate the market faster. According to experts, the profitability of such a business reaches 200%.

Experienced businessmen who have been working in this area for a long time recommend that beginners start their business by selling packaged chopped fruits on the beach. Since this is a perishable product, for work you need to purchase a small showcase-refrigerator in which you can beautifully lay out portions of melons, peaches, watermelons and other juicy fruits. This is the best snack for people relaxing on the beach. Such equipment is not mass-produced, so the shopping cart will have to be made independently. It will cost you about $500. In addition, you need to buy packing trays, skewers for food and special knives for cutting fruit.

If you have a large start-up capital, you can open your own restaurant business in the Crimea. Since people go to the resort in order to have a good rest and have fun, they do not spare money to have lunch or dinner in a cozy restaurant. Therefore, catering establishments that operate on the peninsula do not lack customers during the season. A small restaurant and cafe located on the embankment can become a highly profitable enterprise for its owner.

There are many different ways . Most importantly, do not sit idly by. Search, try, experiment and you will definitely succeed.


One of the best, which is able to generate income in the Crimea, is consulting and IT services. At first glance, it may seem that everything is very simple - Crimea was part of one state, and then moved to another. Everything remains as before - the mountains, the sea and the same citizens, only now of a different country. But for business, changes in legislation have led to a number of problems, for the solution of which many companies involve professionals. If you know, in such difficult conditions, you can safely open your own consulting company.

Most requested services:

  • Accounting;
  • Tax reporting;
  • Registration and liquidation of enterprises;
  • Insurance and more.

Many enterprises in the Crimea continue their work, so they need to quickly restructure all business processes in a new way. Even those companies that temporarily suspended their activities must submit zero reports. Enterprises that used Ukrainian software are massively switching to the Russian version, so this niche will be open to newcomers for a long time until the end of the adaptation period. This option is perfect for beginners who are looking for an answer to the question of which business is the most promising in the Crimea.

Mini Hotel

Thinking about what kind of business to do in the Crimea, the first thing that comes to mind for local residents is renting out housing to vacationers and tourists. In the summer season, even a small summer gazebo can bring good profit here. Renting an ordinary residential extension above the garage costs like a two-room suite in a provincial town. And if you rent an apartment on the embankment, its cost will be limited only by your imagination. Experts say that renting out housing in the Crimea is one of the most promising.

If you have a decent start-up capital and are thinking about what kind of business you can do in Crimea, try opening your own mini-hotel. In the summer, such an institution will be incredibly profitable, since during the season there is a large influx of tourists on the peninsula. This will make you a wealthy person. Of course, no one guarantees that all initial investments will pay off in the shortest possible time, but thanks to this, you will receive a reliable source of passive income, which some people can only dream of. Before that, carefully analyze the market, as there is a high level of competition in this area.

massage room

Do you want to know what kind of business is in demand in Crimea? Everyone knows that many people go to the sea to relax and improve their health. Therefore, opening a massage parlor will be a great idea for a small business in Crimea. In order to start such an activity, you do not need a large start-up capital or any permits.

Before that, you need to find an experienced specialist who has a certificate for the provision of such services. It is desirable that he mastered various massage techniques. In this case, you will be able to attract more customers to your service. Over time, if things go well, you can create a network of massage parlors along the coast. Such an actual business in Crimea 2018, with a competent and deliberate approach, can be turned into a highly profitable enterprise.

How is business developing in Crimea after joining Russia?

Breeding fish in artificial reservoirs

According to experts, the Crimea has a huge potential for. In addition, oysters, mussels and other seafood can be grown on the peninsula. This is one of the most for beginner businessmen who want to have a profitable business in the Crimea. According to various sources, the government of the Russian Federation allocated about 3 billion rubles for the development of small business in the Crimea in the field of fish farming. Therefore, newcomers who do not have their own start-up capital, before opening a small business in Crimea, may try to apply for a state subsidy.

Experts recommend placing fish farms in coastal bays and or lakes. The most profitable line of business is the cultivation of flounder-glossa and pelengas. At the moment, there is not a single serious farm in the Crimea for breeding valuable marine commercial fish - mullet, sturgeon or kakan. If you have not yet made a final decision on what business to do during the crisis in 2018

After Crimea became part of the Russian Federation, Russian legislation began to operate on the peninsula. In this regard, ample opportunities have opened up for the inhabitants of the peninsula to create their own business. The fact is that almost all profitable activities in this region are seasonal, so novice entrepreneurs should be prepared for the fact that their business will bring good income only in the summer. Let's take a closer look at what kind of business to open in Crimea in 2018 and how to achieve success in this business.

Souvenir production

If you are interested in what kind of business you can do in Crimea, be sure to pay attention to the production of souvenirs. Such a business flourishes in almost all resort towns, since every tourist tries to buy some kind of memorable trinket to give it to his friends or relatives. In the off-season, you can engage in the production of souvenirs with the whole family, and in the summer you can sell them to vacationers or rent them in bulk to specialized shops.

Most wanted products:

  • Keychains;
  • Fridge magnets;
  • Pendants;
  • Painted plates;
  • Frames with photographs of sights.

Souvenir production is the most relevant business in Crimea in 2018. If you take this business seriously, it will bring you excellent income. The most profitable line of business is the manufacture of souvenirs from gypsum. You do not have to buy any special equipment or expensive consumables. All you need to work is silicone molds, plaster and your creativity. If you have never encountered such a thing, you can find many different technologies and training workshops on the Internet that will help you master this skill.

Luggage storage on the beach

Are you looking for business ideas for Crimea without investment? Many people relaxing on the beach have problems with where to hide valuables, such as a mobile phone, camera or wallet with money, to go swimming in the sea. On this, you can build a profitable small business in the Crimea with minimal investment - beach luggage storage. Such a service is in high demand, so you will not suffer from a lack of customers.

To do this, you should first of all contact the beach administration and conclude an agreement with them for the lease of the territory for the installation of lockers. In addition, you need to purchase several cabinets for 50–60 cells and hire service personnel. You will need about 45 thousand rubles to purchase equipment, rent a place and pay employees. The cost of one hour of storage is 25 rubles. If you use only half of the cells for work, you can earn about 5 thousand rubles in one day. Accordingly, in one month, lockers will bring you 150,000 rubles of profit. If you subtract all expenses, you get about 130 thousand net income.

Chopped and packaged fruit

This is a new, but, at the same time, very promising business idea for the Crimea with minimal investment. Install a small refrigerated display case on the beach, on which portions of various juicy fruits - peaches, watermelons, melons or apples - will be laid out strung on skewers and covered with cling film. This is the best snack in the heat, so this product is always in great demand on the beach. Along with fruit, you can sell chilled water, drinks or beer. This is a great idea for aspiring entrepreneurs who do not know how to open a small business in Crimea. For the purchase of a refrigerated display case and the purchase of products, you will need approximately 45–50 thousand rubles. The profitability of this business reaches 30%. All initial investments pay off in one season.

Vending machines

Since novice entrepreneurs often do not have a large start-up capital, they try to find business ideas for the Crimea with small financial investments and a quick payback. These parameters are fully consistent with the vending business. Among the main advantages of this activity, I would like to highlight:

  • Ease of maintenance;
  • Availability of components;
  • Fast payback.

Vending machines are a successful ready-made business that allows you to earn good money. Since this market in Crimea is practically free, any novice entrepreneur has every chance to take his place on it. Most often on the peninsula there are vending machines for coffee, tea and soft drinks. But through such devices you can sell other popular goods, for example:

  • Milk;
  • snack products;
  • Sports nutrition;
  • condoms;
  • Patties;
  • Soft drinks;
  • Children's toys and more.

Such a business in the Crimea in 2018 will bring a decent stable income.

Excursion business

If you are familiar with all the sights of the peninsula, organize excursions for vacationers. Tourism business in Crimea can be developed in different directions:
  • Microexcursions. There are many different sights and monuments in Crimea. Small fascinating stories about memorable places for tourists will bring you a good stable income;
  • Tourist trips. Clients for such events are best attracted via the Internet;
  • Guide services for individuals and large tourist groups;
  • Organization of excursions on different routes.

In order for the business to bring good profit, you need to know all the interesting places and attractions of the peninsula. You can become a guide not only on land, but also in the sea. Rent a yacht or ship and organize cruises along the Crimean coast. A travel agency is the best option for beginners who are interested in what business is the most promising in Crimea.

Breeding rabbits

Interested in what kind of business to do in the Crimea? As you know, in this region there are many sanatoriums and other recreational facilities. Allergy sufferers and people suffering from cardiovascular diseases come here to be treated. In addition, many families come to rest by the sea with small children. All this suggests that dietary rabbit meat is in high demand in local markets and stores. In addition, such products are purchased in large quantities by the owners of the restaurant business in the Crimea. If you have your own house on the peninsula, you can organize a rabbit breeding farm at home. This is a very simple and fairly profitable business that does not require large financial investments or special education.

wind farms

Do you want to know what business is relevant in the Crimea in 2018? Since there was a shortage of electricity on the peninsula due to the difficult political situation, here you can easily implement any idea related to alternative energy sources and earn good money on it.

According to information provided by weather forecasters, the average annual wind speed throughout Crimea is 3-7 meters per second, which means that wind farms can be successfully used here. In summer, in the plains of the peninsula, the weather is calmer, but in the steppes and highlands, the wind strength practically does not change. In this regard, the installation of wind farms is always in great demand. If you are interested in what kind of business is in demand in the Crimea, pay special attention to this line of business.

Drilling of the wells

Another pressing problem of the entire Crimean peninsula is water supply. Everyone knows that people cannot do without drinking water, since this is a paramount necessity. Therefore, if you cannot decide which business to open in Crimea, try drilling wells.

In order to start such a business, you need a mobile drilling rig and a map with real exploration data. If you can get old military maps, they can be a reliable help in this matter. Entrepreneurs who do not have start-up capital to purchase equipment can apply to the state for help. The Russian government provides comprehensive support for small businesses in Crimea, so it will most likely provide you with a gratuitous cash subsidy.

Organization of the crossing

As soon as Crimea became part of Russia, millions of people immediately went to the beaches of the peninsula. The issue of air transportation was gradually resolved, but the Kerch crossing remains a real test for tourists. In the summer, some people had to spend a lot of time in line for the crossing. In many countries of the world, private companies have long carried out the crossing between the island and the mainland. Therefore, if you are thinking about what kind of business to open in Crimea in 2018, try organizing the crossing. Of course, we are talking about the transportation of small groups of people.

In order to open such a business, you need your own ship, on which you will carry out the crossing. If you do not have the money to buy it, try to get help from the state to develop a small business in the Crimea. You also need to obtain a special permit to carry out such activities. From the experience of other countries, for example, Greece, it is clear that such a business brings a good income.

Services for vacationers

Last year, the summer season in Crimea was not oversaturated. Many mini-hotels and respectable hotels were not fully occupied, so the small and medium business of the Crimea experienced serious difficulties. Entrepreneurs had to literally fight for each client, so starting a business in the hotel industry is too risky, because there is too much competition here. If you still decide to invest money in this line of business, you need to offer guests maximum comfort and a high level of service.

Tourists find the sea and beaches themselves. Some come constantly to their favorite places. But if we talk about entertainment, there are wide prospects for start-up entrepreneurs.

The most promising areas of activity:

  1. Rental of catamarans, sailboats, equipment for windsurfing, diving, etc.;
  2. Opening of a small cinema with a cafe;
  3. Holding concerts and exhibitions;
  4. Organization of discos;
  5. Car rental with a guide.

Experts recommend that aspiring entrepreneurs with a pedagogical education open a network of private kindergartens for local residents and vacationers. A good profit is brought in during the season by children's playrooms. This service is often used by parents who want to visit a restaurant or just be alone. If you are thinking about what kind of business you can do in the Crimea, choose the right line of business and get to work. According to experts, 2018 is the best time to open your own promising business.

Probably, almost everyone thought about starting their own business - after all, working for yourself is not only pleasant, but also very profitable.

    • Profitable business ideas for Crimea
    • Earn fast and easy!
    • Open a demanded business
    • Business without investment

Crimea is a great place to open your own business, for this reason we will consider what type of business will be profitable for Crimea.

Profitable business ideas for Crimea

Today, the government of the Russian Federation is doing everything possible to make the life of Crimeans and tourists stable, favorable and simply normal, even in conditions of territorial isolation.

It is this factor that makes it possible to open a business and earn money, while developing the life of the peninsula and positively influencing the economic sector of the state.

Many people know and understand that under these conditions it is possible to carry out their plans, but they do not know where to start and what exactly to do. It is for this reason that various tops and lists of business ideas are being developed that can be done on the peninsula.

I would like to start with the fact that today there are a number of problems associated with the insufficient development of certain sectors of activity in the Crimea, and it is precisely on this that one can, so to speak, play.

  1. Installation of wind power plants. The fact that the Crimeans are experiencing a shortage of electricity is no secret to anyone, which means that such a problem makes it possible to make money on it, and thereby provide enough electricity to people on the peninsula.

Installing wind power plants is an excellent and not very expensive project for making big profits.

  1. Drilling of the wells. Water supply is the first problem of Crimea, although there are enough places for extracting water resources.

So this is another gold mine - to help people not suffer from a lack of such a resource and at the same time earn good money.

  1. Do not forget about the crossing. Today, people, in order to get to the peninsula or leave it, wait in line for several days.

Having collected all the necessary documents and permits, investing a large amount of money, you can start your own business.

  1. Capsule hostels. Everything is quite simple: today a lot of tourists come to Crimea who are not averse to renting a hostel just to spend the night there, because during the day there is something to do and see on the peninsula.

There are already ready-made business plans that say that by investing 100-120 thousand rubles in a place, you can recoup the project within one season.

Earn fast and easy!

It will be very easy to open your own business, even a small one, if you have money to invest in the business. If this is a problem, this does not mean that you should not try and try to build your business from scratch.

First of all, do not forget that the Crimea is a recreational and, moreover, a tourist area, where a lot of people have a rest. Especially after the country's foreign economic relations were aggravated. Here, a novice businessman can have a good “walk around”:

  • sports tourism;
  • beach vacation;
  • historical tourism;
  • medical industry

This is what concerns the tourist destination, you can also consider other industries that also need to be developed. These sectors include military, agricultural and industrial.

Open a demanded business

You can open your own business in any direction, from tourism to healthcare. Before taking such a risky step, you need to carefully think through everything, because without certain investments, it is unlikely that you will be able to translate your ideas into reality.

There is such a concept - to open a business without investments, but it is abstract, because any business requires a monetary basis.

There are several areas where it will be profitable and profitable to open your own business, let's look at each of them.

The first is tourism. Business ideas in the Crimea in this direction are quite diverse and very multifaceted. The amount of investments in this case can also be different, from minimal to large investments. This industry has its divisions:

  • Beach business. The direction under consideration includes providing tourists with certain services that they need during the rest period. Here you can also sell souvenirs, a left-luggage office on the beach, distribute drinks and various kinds of food, organize various events, etc.;
  • Housing business. Opening it is not easy, because for this you need to collect all the documents and permissions. It is also worth noting that it will take a lot of investments to implement the plan;
  • Tour business. What tourist does not want to see the sights of Crimea? There probably won't be any. This means that this section of the tourism business provides a wide range of earning opportunities.

Business without investments

Business without investments in Crimea is not as diverse as a novice businessman would like. It must be understood that in order to make a profit, a monetary basis is needed, which, most often, is not as small as according to the stories of advertisers. But still, there are several options where you can do without much money.

Transport business in Crimea- in demand, and besides, in order to profit from it, the driver will need a permit to transport people and rights, so millions in this case will obviously not have to be invested.

What kind of business can be profitable and at the same time not costly? Here is an example - organization of various events. You can take this matter quite seriously and not spend your own money, but in this case promotion is important. It is very easy to organize a party, especially if the tickets are sold out in advance, because with the collected money you can organize a celebration - everything is quite simple and profitable.

How much to invest and what kind of business to open is up to you, the main thing is to think through all the moves and determine the profitability of the business.

Whatever the business, the main thing is that it makes a profit, the ability to develop and always be afloat is the main thing in business. The desire to discover something new will always be justified, the main thing is to go towards the goal confidently.